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QHD$`YH^@L9uP$\$P@ HT$ =?|HT$PfWIPX\$ f\$AHcD$@A*X^\$P$$ $u,$$L$x f$'I*L$D|$ Y$^\^E~HHY@I9uDŽ$aD$EP$D$^E_ HHY@I9uD$t$HcT$@PfDI~DD$0~1L$HHթ dd$(|$ HcPf/YD$h $\PL$t$O f /D$*D$0^L$ E?$$\$f(d$YD$`t$(Y\f.D Q\$DD$0Et$f$$H$fI~L$f(fW QGYYt$8D$(l$fd$H\$@f(f(YY]\$@|$d$HT$8f(\$YYYYf(d$@L$Hd$@L$HT$(f(AfInX\$ fI~D9|$0f(LH$$|$p'$\$Xd$@I|$d$@f\$Xf(f(d$HY\$@Yf(^l$d$H\$@$YYd$H\$@|$d$HL$@T$8YYf(d$@L$H$L$Hd$@ ~DŽ$\PI~1.H x,$f/l$`JI~D$`/H =H$\$f\$H$*YD$h $$$^\YPPf $*^fMXL$0CD$0L$ D,pL$pCD$ T$ Dd$ 1~f2A9uD$fWDI>$1H@Ht$L|$ lH$ L$ D$@?,\Ht$HH$ 9H$ $?,Ht$HH$  D$87Ht$L1H$ D$|H<,uUHt$HyH$ H$ $H<,u&Ht$HyH$ H$ D$HHIUDB  I~H1zI~H|1T }\PI~14H1H$L8l$0f$Ef(*XĉD$ ^D$(f(sD$8%L$H$r\$YY\$f(T$@f(Et#L$fW AYL$T$@f(h$\t$(A$D9|$0$HLl$`E$\D$8ADT$p$D9|$ YA!YD$E.$T$@!l$T$@YYl$f(T$@f(E7$HT$fHT$@*YD$h $^\YPPw$ {l$I~HX61RT$Jf $?*YD$hT$^\Y1L$0T$tD DD$0$$$HcT$@Pf($T$fT$f($$D$Ep$$$[ D$0D$TEEL$X]UL$8\$0W\$0L$8f(f(l$8\$0-l$8\$0f(f(H$\$H$\$f(=eyf-!>D$ \$(E11|$8E1=0;\$P|$@=y\$$\$`$\$hD$D$xD$XDŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$DŽ$D$tD$p$l$$DŽ$=D$0L5k:DŽ$DŽ$D$|D$H$fD$8f(YL$8\$0=L$8\$0f(lf(f({D$tD$8D$0D$0D$xhf(HT$HT$f( fT$t$HcT$@Pff.ATH HT$dH%(HD$Hd9H%9HD$H8Hx HplAąt9H|$HtH9HD$dH+%(uHH DA\H|$Ht$H|$HuDH5,1AXAUIATAUHHHL$8LD$@LL$Ht7)D$P)L$`)T$p)$)$)$)$)$dH%(HD$1HA$=v]HLHH$$HD$HD$ D$0HD$HD$dH+%(uTH]A\A]DH\H1DH5WWmT#HHqhull internal error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags must start and end with a space: "%s" qhull internal error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags contains commas, newlines, or tabs: "%s" qhull option error: option %s is not used with this program. It may be used with qhull. qhull internal error (qh_clock): use qh_CLOCKtype 2 in user.h qh_freebuffers: freeing up global memory buffers qh_freebuild: free global sets qh_freebuild: free temporary sets (qh_settempfree_all) qh_freebuild: free memory from qh_inithull and qh_buildhull qh_freebuild: delete the previously-seen ridges of f%d qh_freeqhull: free global memory qhull input error: more than %d characters in command line. qhull option warning: no dimension given for Print option 'P%c' at: %s. Ignored qhull option warning: dimension %d for Print option 'P%c' is >= %d. Ignored qhull option warning: value %2.4g for Print option 'P%c' is > +1 or < -1. Ignored qhull option warning: no dimension given for Qhull option 'Q%c' qhull option warning: dimension %d for Qhull option 'Q%c' is >= %d. Ignored qhull option error: see previous warnings, use 'Qw' to override: '%s' (last offset %d) qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses a dynamic qhT via qh_QHpointer while qhull library uses a static qhT. Both caller and qhull library are non-reentrant. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses reentrant Qhull while qhull library is non-reentrant qh_lib_check: Expecting qhullLibraryType QHULL_NON_REENTRANT(0), QHULL_QH_POINTER(1), or QHULL_REENTRANT(2). Got %d qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of vertexT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of ridgeT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of facetT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of setT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhmemT for caller is %d, but for qhull library is %d. qhull internal error (qh_lib_check): Cannot continue due to QH%d.. Library '%s' should use a static qhT (e.g., libqhull.so). It may be out-of-date. Exit with %d qhull internal error (qh_option): option (%d chars) has more than %d chars. May overflow temporary buffer. Option '%s' qh_option: option would overflow qh.qhull_options. Truncated '%s' qhull internal error (qh_initflags): qh.NOerrexit was not cleared before calling qh_initflags(). It should be cleared after setjmp(). Exit qhull. qhull input warning: no maximum cosine angle given for option 'An'. A1.0 is coplanar qhull input warning: no centrum radius given for option 'Cn' qhull option error: expecting a positive number for maximum roundoff 'En'. Got '%s' qhull option warning: no maximum roundoff given for option 'En' qhull option error: expecting 'Hn,n,n,...' for feasible point of halfspace intersection. Got '%s' qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n' qhull option warning: missing random perturbation for option 'Rn' qhull option warning: missing visible distance for option 'Vn' qhull option warning: missing coplanar distance for option 'Un' qhull option error: expecting a positive number for outside width 'Wn'. Got '%s' qhull option warning: missing outside width for option 'Wn' qhull option warning: unknown 'F' output option 'F%c', skip to next space qhull option warning: missing dimension for option 'GDn' qhull option warning: can only drop one dimension. Previous 'GD%d' ignored qhull option warning: unknown 'G' geomview option 'G%c', skip to next space qhull option warning: missing facet count for keep area option 'PAn' qhull option warning: missing facet area for option 'PFn' qhull option warning: missing merge count for option 'PMn' qhull option warning: unknown 'P' print option 'P%c', skip to next space qh_initflags: project dimension %d qhull option warning: missing number of test points for option 'QTn' qhull option warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option 'Q1%c', skip to next space qhull option warning: can not follow '1', '2', or '3' with a digit. 'Q%c%c' skipped qhull option warning: good point already defined for option 'QGn'. Ignored qhull option warning: missing good point id for option 'QGn'. Ignored qhull option warning: missing random seed for option 'QRn' qhull option warning: good vertex already defined for option 'QVn'. Ignored qhull option warning: no good point id given for option 'QVn'. Ignored qhull option warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option 'Q%c', skip to next space qhull option warning: output file undefined(stdout). Option 'Tz' ignored. qhull option warning: missing point id for cone for trace option 'TCn' qhull option warning: missing frequency count for trace option 'TFn' qhull option error: cannot open 'TI' file "%s" qhull option warning: qh.fout was not set by caller of qh_initflags. Cannot use option 'TO' to redirect output. Ignoring option 'TO' qhull option error: cannot open file "%s" for writing as option 'TO'. It is already in use or read-only qhull option warning: missing count of added points for trace option 'TAn' qhull option warning: negative point id for trace option 'TPn'. Expecting 'TP-1' for tracing after qh_buildhull and qh_postmerge qhull option warning: missing point id or -1 for trace option 'TPn' qhull option warning: missing merge id for trace option 'TMn' qhull option warning: missing rerun count for trace option 'TRn' qhull option warning: missing furthest point id for trace option 'TVn' qhull option warning: missing max width for trace option 'TWn' qhull option warning: unknown 'T' trace option 'T%c', skip to next space qhull option warning: unknown option '%c'(%x) qhull option warning: missing space after option '%c'(%x), reserved for sub-options, ignoring '%c' options to next space qhull option warning: 'TCn' (stopCone) ignored when used with 'QJn' (joggle) qhull option warning: additional output formats ('Fc',etc.) are not compatible with Geomview ('G'). Use option 'Po' to override qh_initflags: option flags initialized qhull option error: transparent Delaunay('Gt') needs 3-d Delaunay('d') w/o 'GDn' qhull option error: option 'Fp' is only used for halfspace intersection('Hn,n,n'). qhull option error: option 'Ft' is not available for Voronoi vertices ('v') or halfspace intersection ('H') qhull option error: option 'FC' is not available for Voronoi vertices('v') qhull option warning: 'QJ' (joggle) will usually prevent coincident input sites for options 'Fc' and 'FP' qhull option error: Mathematica and Maple output is only available for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls and 2-d Delaunay triangulations qhull option error: Geomview output is only available for 2-d, 3-d and 4-d qhull option error: no output specified for Geomview qhull option error: Geomview output for Voronoi diagrams only for 2-d qhull option warning: coplanars, vertices, and centrums output not available for 4-d output(ignored). Could use 'GDn' instead. qhull output warning: ignoring coplanar points, option 'Qc' was not set for the first run of qhull. qhull option warning: drop dimension 'GD%d' is only available for 3-d/4-d Geomview qh_initqhull_globals: for %s | %s qhull input error (qh_initqhull_globals): expecting between 1 and %d points. Got %d %d-d points qhull option warning: 'Q0-no-premerge' ignored due to exact merge ('Qx') or pre-merge ('C-n' or 'A-n') qhull option warning: joggle ('QJ') produces simplicial output (i.e., triangles in 2-D). Unless merging is requested, option 'Qt' has no effect qhull internal error (qh_initqhull_globals): if qh.VORONOI is set, qh.DELAUNAY must be set. Qhull constructs the Delaunay triangulation in order to compute the Voronoi diagram qhull option error: can not use Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v') with halfspace intersection('H') qhull option error: use upper-Delaunay('Qu') or infinity-point('Qz') with Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v') qhull option error: can not use infinity-point('Qz') with upper-Delaunay('Qu') qhull option error: can not use merge-pinched-vertices ('Q14') with good-facets-only ('Qg') qh_initqhull_globals: disable qh.MERGEpinched for 2-d. It has no effectqhull option warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v' qhull option error: test vertex neighbors('Qv') needs a merge option qhull error: dimension %d must be > 1 qh_initqhull_globals: initialize globals. input_dim %d, numpoints %d, malloc? %d, projected %d to hull_dim %d qh_initqhull_globals: trace last of TR%d runs at level %d qhull configuration error (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h): random integer %d > qh_RANDOMmax (%.8g) qhull configuration warning (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h): average of 1000 random integers (%.2g) is much different than expected (%.2g). Is qh_RANDOMmax (%.2g) wrong? qhull input error: not enough points(%d) to construct initial simplex (need %d) , qh_freebuffers: finished %s %2.2gdelaunayincidencemathematicanormalsoffFileAngle-premerge-Angle-postmergeCentrum-premerge-Centrum-postmergeDistance-roundoffHalfspace-aboutHalfspaceRandom-perturbVisibleU-coplanarW-outsideFareaFArea-totalFcoplanarsFCentrumsFd-cdd-inFD-cdd-outFFacets-xridgeFinnerFIDsFmergesFMapleFneighborsFNeighbors-vertexFouterFOptionsFpoint-intersectFPoint-nearestFQhullFsummaryFSizeFtrianglesFVertex-averageFxtremesGall-pointsGcentrumsGintersectionsGinnerGno-planesGouterGpointsGridgesGtransparentGverticesGDrop-dimPdrop-facets-dim-lessPDrop-facets-dim-morePgood-facetsPGood-facet-neighborsPoutput-forcedPprecision-ignorePArea-keepPFacet-area-keepPMerge-keepQallow-shortQbBound-unit-boxQbbound-lastQb-project-dimQbound-dim-lowQBound-dim-highQcoplanar-keepQfurthest-outsideQgood-facets-onlyQinterior-keepQmax-outside-onlyQrandom-outsideQsearch-initial-simplexQTestPointsQupperDelaunayQvertex-neighbors-convexQxact-mergeQz-infinity-pointQ0-no-premergeQ1-angle-mergeQ10-no-narrowQ11-trinormals QtriangulateQ12-allow-wideQ14-merge-pinched-verticesQ15-check-duplicatesQ2-no-merge-independentQ3-no-merge-verticesQ4-avoid-old-into-newQ5-no-check-outerQ6-no-concave-mergeQ7-no-breadth-firstQ8-no-near-insideQ9-pick-furthestQGood-if-dont-see-pointQGood-if-see-pointQJoggleQRotate-idQRandom-seedQV-good-facets-not-pointQV-good-facets-pointQwarn-allowTannotate-outputTcheck-frequentlyTflushTstatisticsTverifyTz-stdoutTCone-stopTFacet-logTInput-fileTOutput-fileTA-stop-addTrace-pointTrace-mergeTRerunTV-stop-before-pointTV-stop-after-pointTWide-traceqh_initqhull_outputflags: %s PgoodFvoronoiFverticesQcoplanar_pre-mergeQbbound-last-qj_zero-centrumQ3-no-merge-vertices-dim-highQRotate-randomrun-idqhullͻPPaPPPPPPPԺPrݹePPPPPPPPPPPPPP6PPPPPڸPPsPP9Q3"5lrHkAvLlCwNi( wtfBttttttf<ttttttttttttt\t4 tttttttmEttttҽDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDW-DDDDټDDaD'2HHHP)HHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHߺHHHHHHH!v!!Oqhull 8.0.2 (2020.2 2020/08/31)2020.2 2020/08/31??A@@433AYAAprecision statisticsconcave half ridges in outputflipped facetssummary informationnumber of vertices in outputnumber of facets in outputmaximum number of ridgesmaximum number of neighborsmaximum number of verticesvertices created altogetherfacets created altogetherridges created altogetherfacets before post mergetotal area of facets maximum facet area minimum facet areabuild hull statisticspoints processed max. random jogglemax. vertices at any one time maximumaverage new facet balance standard deviationaverage partition balance countdeterminants for facet areapoints ignored (pinched apex)good facets foundresets of visit_id resets of vertex_visit max visit_id/2 max vertex_visit/2total vertices deletedcalls to findbest ave. facets tested max. facets tested ave. coplanar searchcalls to findbestnew ave. clearly bettercalls to findhorizoninside pointscalls to findbestlowerpartitions of a pointdistance tests for outputdistance tests for statisticsdistance tests for best mergeconcave ridges in getmergesettwisted ridges in getmergesetstatistics for mergingmerge iterationsmerged a simplex ave. facets per cycle max. facetsnew facets mergedvertices deleted by mergingnon-convex vertex neighbors average merge distance maximum merge distancemerges due to coplanar facetsmerges due to concave facetsmerges due to dupridgesmerges due to twisted facetsstatistics for vertex merges found new vertex in ridge deleted max. found for a vertexVoronoi ridge statistics ave. distance to ridge max. distance to ridgebounded ridgesbounded ridges with ok normal ave. angle to ridge max. angle to ridge max. new facets created *0 cnt*%7.2g%7d%7.3g%6.2e ave. distance of a new vertex to a facetmax. distance of a new vertex to a facetmax. distance of an output vertex to a facetmin. distance of an output vertex to a facetmin. denominator in hyperplane computationprecision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)coplanar half ridges in outputcoplanar horizon facets for new verticescoplanar points during partitioningdegenerate hyperplanes recomputed with gaussian eliminationnearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplaneszero divisors during back substitutezero divisors during gaussian eliminationdupridges with multiple neighborsdupridges with flip facet into good neighbordupridges with flip facet into good flip neighbornumber of non-simplicial facets in outputsimplicial facets that were non-simplicialaverage number of ridges per facetaverage number of neighbors per facetaverage number of vertices per facetaverage number of neighbors per vertexcpu seconds for qhull after inputaverage merges per facet (at most 511) maximum merges for a facet (at most 511)average cosine (angle) of facet normals for all ridges maximum cosine of facet normals (flatest) across a ridge minimum cosine of facet normals (sharpest) across a ridgeretries due to precision problemsave. visible facets per iteration ave. visible facets without an horizon neighbor ave. facets deleted per iterationave. visible vertices per iterationave. horizon facets per iterationave. new or merged facets per iteration maximum (includes initial simplex)searches of all points for initial simplex determinants not computed because vertex too lowdeterminants for initial hull or voronoi verticespoints ignored (!above max_outside)points ignored (!above a good facet)points ignored (didn't create a good new facet)distance tests for facet visibilitydistance tests to report minimum vertexpoints checked for facets' outer planes ave. distance tests per checkpartitioning statistics (see previous for outer planes) maximum vertices deleted per iteration calls due to qh_sharpnewfacets new bestfacets during qh_findbesthorizonangle tests for repartitioned coplanar points repartitioned coplanar points above a corner facet repartitioned coplanar points above a hidden facet repartitioned coplanar points above a twisted facet near inside points kept with a facet inside points that were coplanar with a facet with search of vertex neighbors with rare search of all facets facets per search of all facetsdifference in max_outside at final checkdistance tests for initial partitiondistance tests for partitioningdistance tests for checking flipped facetsdistance tests for checking convexitydistance tests for checking good pointtotal number of distance testspartitions of coplanar points or deleted vertices distance tests for these partitionsdistance tests for computing furtheststatistics for matching ridgestotal lookups for matching ridges of new facetsaverage number of tests to match a ridgetotal lookups of subridges (duplicates and boundary)average number of tests per subridgeduplicated ridges in same merge cycleduplicated ridges with flipped facetsstatistics for determining mergesangles computed for ridge convexitybest merges used centrum instead of verticesdistance tests for centrum convexitydistance tests for vertex convexitydistance tests for checking simplicial convexitycoplanar angles in getmergesetcoplanar centrums or vertices in getmergesetconcave-coplanar ridges in getmergesetave. initial non-convex ridges per iteration ave. additional non-convex ridges per iteration maximum additional in one passinitial non-convex ridges for post merging additional non-convex ridgesmax distance of vertex or coplanar point above facet (w/roundoff)max distance of vertex below facet (or roundoff)centrums frozen due to a wide mergecentrums frozen due to extra verticestotal number of facets or cycles of facets mergedsimplices merged into coplanar horizoncycles of facets merged into coplanar horizonnew facets merged into coplanar horizonnew facets merged into horizonhorizon facets merged into new facetsvertices deleted by merging into coplanar horizonvertices deleted by degenerate facetmerges due to flipped facets in duplicated ridgemerges due to redundant neighbors detected by qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge instead of qh_test_redundant_neighborsmerges due to angle coplanar facetsmerges due to concave-coplanar facetscoplanar/concave merges due to avoiding old mergemerges due to degenerate facetsmerges due to removing flipped facetsmerge pinched vertices for a duplicate ridgemerge pinched vertices for a dupridgerenamed vertices shared by two facetsrenamed vertices in a pinched facetrenamed vertices shared by multiple facetsrename failures due to duplicated ridgesdeleted ridges due to renamed verticesdropped neighbors due to renamed verticesmerge degenerate facets due to dropped neighbors facets deleted because of no neighborsvertices removed from facets due to no ridgesretry qh_addpoint after merge pinched vertex tot. merge pinched vertex due to dupridge max. merge pinched vertex for a qh_addpointvertex intersections for locating redundant verticesintersections failed to find a redundant vertexintersections found redundant vertices ave. number found per vertex ave. number of ridges per tested vertex max. number of ridges per tested vertexmemory usage statistics (in bytes)for facets and their normals, neighbor and vertex setsfor vertices and their neighbor setsfor input points, outside and coplanar sets, and qhTfor ridges and their vertex setsnon-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges ave. distance of midpoint to ridge max. distance of midpoint to ridgebounded ridges with near-zero normalTriangulation statistics ('Qt')non-simplicial facets triangulated ave. new facets created (may be deleted)null new facets deleted (duplicated vertex)mirrored pairs of new facets deleted (same vertices)degenerate new facets in output (same ridge)qhull internal error: qh_checklists failed on qh_collectstatistics qhull internal error (qh_initstatistics): increase size of qhstat.id[]. qhstat.next %d should be <= sizeof(qhstat id) %d qhull warning (qh_stddev): expecting num > 0. Got num %d, tot %4.4g, tot2 %4.4g. Returning 0.0 %s qhull invoked by: %s | %s %s with options: %s precision constants: %6.2g max. abs. coordinate in the (transformed) input ('Qbd:n') %6.2g max. roundoff error for distance computation ('En') %6.2g max. roundoff error for angle computations %6.2g min. distance for outside points ('Wn') %6.2g min. distance for visible facets ('Vn') %6.2g max. distance for coplanar facets ('Un') %6.2g max. facet width for recomputing centrum and area %6.2g max. distance for near-inside points %6.2g max. cosine for pre-merge angle %6.2g radius of pre-merge centrum %6.2g max. cosine for post-merge angle %6.2g radius of post-merge centrum %6.2g max. distance for merging two simplicial facets %6.2g max. roundoff error for arithmetic operations %6.2g min. denominator for division zero diagonal for Gauss: = 2 qh_detmaxoutside: MAXoutside %2.2g from qh.max_outside %2.2g, ONEmerge %2.2g, MINoutside %2.2g, DISTround %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_detsimplex): #points %d < dimension %d qh_detsimplex: det=%2.2g for point p%d, dim %d, nearzero? %d qh_distround: increase roundoff by random delta %2.2g for option 'R%2.2g' qh_distround: %2.2g, maxabs %2.2g, maxsumabs %2.2g, maxdistsum %2.2g qh_detjoggle: joggle=%2.2g maxwidth=%2.2g qh_detroundoff: increase qh.ANGLEround by option 'R%2.2g' qhull option error: the joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is below roundoff for distance computations, %.2g qhull input warning: minimum visibility V%.2g is greater than minimum outside W%.2g. Flipped facets are likely. qhull internal error (qh_facetarea_simplex): #points %d != dim %d -1 qh_facetarea_simplex: area=%2.2g for point p%d, toporient %d, nearzero? %d qh_findgooddist: p%d is %2.2g above good facet f%d qh_findgooddist: no good facet for p%d above f%d qh_furthestnewvertex: v%d dist %2.2g is furthest new vertex for f%d qh_furthestvertex: all vertices of f%d are in f%d. Returning 0.0 for max and mindist qh_furthestvertex: v%d dist %2.2g is furthest (mindist %2.2g) of f%d above f%d computing area of each facet and volume of the convex hull qh_getarea: computing area for each facet and its volume to qh.interior_point (dist*area/dim) qh_maxouter: max distance from facet to outer plane is %4.4g, qh.max_outside is %4.4g qhull internal error (qh_maxsimplex): qh.MAXwidth required for qh_maxsimplex. Used to estimate determinate qhull precision error (qh_maxsimplex for voronoi_center): %d points with the same x coordinate %4.4g qhull input error: input is less than %d-dimensional since all points have the same x coordinate %4.4g qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex, better than mindet %4.4g, targetdet %4.4g qh_maxsimplex: searching all points ('Qs') for %d-th initial vertex, better than p%d det %4.4g, targetdet %4.4g, ratio %4.4g qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex, better than p%d det %4.4g and mindet %4.4g, ratio %4.4g qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex, better than p%d det %2.2g and mindet %4.4g, targetdet %4.4g qhull internal error (qh_maxsimplex): not enough points available qh_maxsimplex: selected point p%d for %d`th initial vertex, det=%4.4g, targetdet=%4.4g, mindet=%4.4g qh_maxmin: dim min max width nearzero min-point max-point %3d % 14.8e % 14.8e % 14.8e %4.4e p%-9d p%-d last coordinate scaled to (%4.4g, %4.4g), width %4.4e for option 'Qbb' qh_maxmin: found the max and min points (by dim):qh_projectpoints: projected %d points from dim %d to dim %d qhull internal error (qh_projectpoints): newdim %d should be %d after projection qh_rotatepoints: rotate points byqh_scalelast: scale last coordinate from [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [%2.2g, %2.2g] qhull input error (qh_scalelast): can not scale last coordinate to [%4.4g, %4.4g]. Input is cocircular or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' to add a point at infinity. qhull input error (qh_scalelast): can not scale last coordinate to [%4.4g, %4.4g]. New bounds are too wide for compared to existing bounds [%4.4g, %4.4g] (width %4.4g) qhull input error: 'Qb%d' or 'QB%d' inverts paraboloid since high bound %.2g < low bound %.2g qhull input error: %d'th dimension's new bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] too wide for existing bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] qh_scalepoints: scaled %d'th coordinate [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [%.2g, %.2g] for %d points by %2.2g and shifted %2.2g qh_setdelaunay: project %d points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation qhull error: insufficient memory to joggle %d points qhull input error (qh_joggleinput): the current joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is too large for the width of the input. If possible, recompile Qhull with higher-precision reals. qh_joggleinput: joggle input by %4.4g with seed %d qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): dimension after projection %d != hull_dim %d qhull error: insufficient memory to project %d points qh_projectinput: updating lower and upper_bound qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): HALFspace defined without qh.feasible_point qh_projectinput: projected points to paraboloid for Delaunay qh_sethalfspace: halfspace at offset %6.2g to point: qhull input error: feasible point is not clearly inside halfspace feasible point: qh_sethalfspace_all: compute dual for halfspace intersection qhull error: insufficient memory to compute dual of %d halfspaces The halfspace was at index %d qhull internal error (qh_voronoi_center): need at least %d points to construct a Voronoi center qh_voronoi_center: at infinity for qh_voronoi_center: det %2.2g factor %2.2g _max-widthError-roundoffAngle-premerge-with-randomAngle-postmerge-with-randomCentrum-premerge-with-randomCentrum-postmerge-with-random_one-merge_near-insideVisible-distanceU-max-coplanarWidth-outside_wide-facetqh_facetarea: f%d area %2.2g input has same x coordinate%6.3g p%d_joggle-seed %6.2g%6.16g at offset: and distance: halfspace: qh_sharpnewfacets: %d center:p%d dist %.2g, $@)\(?L=L@@@@<{Gz?MbP?T@???ʡE3$qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g nearest vertices %2.2g qh_checkconvex: check that facets are not-flipped and for qh.ZEROcentrum that simplicial vertices are below their neighbor (dist<0.0) qh_checkconvex: check that facets are not-flipped and that simplicial vertices are convex by qh.DISTround ('En', 'Rn') qh_checkconvex: check that facets are not-flipped and that their centrums are convex by qh.DISTround ('En', 'Rn') qhull precision error: f%d is flipped (interior point is outside) qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above opposite f%d qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex, since p%d(v%d) is within roundoff of opposite facet f%d (dist %6.4g) qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above f%d qhull precision error: f%d is clearly not convex to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above or coplanar with f%d with qh.ZEROcentrum qhull precision error: f%d is coplanar to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is within %6.4g of f%d, during p%d qh_checkconvex: starting with f%d, also check that centrums of non-simplicial ridges are below their neighbors (dist<0.0) qhull warning: recomputing centrums for convexity test. This may lead to false, precision errors. qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d qhull precision error: f%d is coplanar or concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d qhull precision error: facet f%d is flipped, distance= %6.12g A flipped facet occurs when its distance to the interior point is greater than or equal to %2.2g, the maximum roundoff error. qh_checklists: check qh.%s_list f%d and qh.vertex_list v%d qh_checklists: check %slist f%d and qh.vertex_list v%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): either qh.facet_tail f%d is NULL, or its id is not 0, or its next is not NULL qhull internal error (qh_checklists): f%d already in facetlist causing an infinite loop ... f%d > f%d ... > f%d > f%d. Truncate facetlist at f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): unknown or overwritten facet f%d, either id >= qh.facet_id (%d) or f.visitid %u > qh.visit_id %u. Facetlist terminated at previous facet f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): expecting f%d.previous == f%d. Got f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): qh.visible_list f%d is after qh.newfacet_list f%d. It should be at, before, or NULL qhull internal error (qh_checklists): qh.facet_next f%d for qh_addpoint is not on qh.facet_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): qh.newfacet_list f%d is not on qh.facet_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): qh.visible_list f%d is not on qh.facet_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): either qh.vertex_tail v%d is NULL, or its id is not 0, or its next is not NULL qhull internal error (qh_checklists): v%d already in vertexlist causing an infinite loop ... v%d > v%d ... > v%d > v%d. Truncate vertexlist at v%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): unknown or overwritten vertex v%d, either id >= qh.vertex_id (%d) or v.visitid %u > qh.visit_id %u. vertexlist terminated at previous vertex v%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): expecting v%d.previous == v%d. Got v%d qhull internal error (qh_checklists): new vertex list v%d is not on vertex list qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown point id %p qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown vertex id v%d >= qh.vertex_id (%d) qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): expecting v%d.visitid <= qh.vertex_visit (%d). Got visitid %d qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): neighbor f%d does not contain v%d qh_clearcenters: switched to center type %d qh_createsimplex: created simplex qhull internal error (qh_delvertex): vertex v%d was deleted but it was not partitioned as a coplanar point qh_findfacet_all: p%d, noupper? %d, f%d, dist %2.2g, isoutside %d, totpart %d qh_findbestfacet: f%d dist %2.2g isoutside %d totpart %d qh_furthestout: p%d is furthest outside point of f%d qhull internal error (qh_infiniteloop): potential infinite loop detected. If visible, f.replace. If newfacet, f.samecycle qh_findgood: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to thresholds qh_findgood: found %d good facets with %d good horizon and qh.GOODclosest f%d qhull warning: good vertex p%d does not match last good facet f%d. Ignored. qhull warning: point p%d is not a vertex('QV%d'). qhull warning: point p%d is a vertex for every facet('QV-%d'). qh_findgood_all: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to split thresholds qh_findgood_all: undo selection of qh.GOODclosest f%d since it would fail qh_inthresholds in qh_skipfacet qh_findgood_all: %d good facets remain out of %d facets qh_matchdupridge: find dupridge matches for f%d skip %d hash %d hashcount %d qh_matchdupridge: duplicate ridge due to duplicate facets (f%d skip %d and f%d skip %d) previously reported as QH7084. Maximize dupdist to force vertex merge qhull topology error (qh_matchdupridge): missing qh_DUPLICATEridge at f%d skip %d for new f%d skip %d hash %d ismatch %d. Set by qh_matchneighbor qh_matchdupridge: allow tricoplanar dupridge for new f%d skip %d and f%d skip %d qh_matchdupridge: make good forced merge of dupridge f%d skip %d into f%d skip %d, keep new f%d skip %d and f%d skip %d, dist %4.4g qh_matchdupridge: make forced merge of dupridge for new f%d skip %d and f%d skip %d, maxdist %4.4g in qh_forcedmerges qh_matchdupridge: try good dupridge flipped f%d skip %d into new f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g otherdist %2.2g qh_matchdupridge: try good dupridge flipped new f%d skip %d into f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g otherdist %2.2g qh_matchdupridge: try good dupridge f%d skip %d into new f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g otherdist %2.2g qh_matchdupridge: try good dupridge new f%d skip %d into f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g otherdist %2.2g qh_matchdupridge: try furthest dupridge f%d skip %d new f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_matchdupridge): no MERGEridge match for dupridge new f%d skip %d at hash %d..%d qhull internal error (qh_matchdupridge): no maximum or good match for dupridge new f%d skip %d at hash %d..%d qh_matchdupridge: keep dupridge f%d skip %d and f%d skip %d, dist %4.4g qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): qh.VERTEXneighbors and facet->center required for tricoplanar facets qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): did not find bestvertex for f%d p%d qh_nearvertex: v%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d qhull error (qh_newhashtable): negative request (%d) or size (%d). Did int overflow due to high-D? qhull error: 2^32 or more vertices. vertexT.id field overflows. Vertices would not be sorted correctly. qh_newvertex: vertex p%d(v%d) created qh_makenewfacets: created %d new facets f%d..f%d from point p%d to horizon qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): only %d vertices for simplicial facet f%d qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): ridges for facet %d don't match up. got at least %d qhull internal error (qh_opposite_vertex): opposite vertex in facet f%d to neighbor f%d is not defined. Either is facet is not simplicial or neighbor not found qh_outcoplanar: move outsideset to coplanarset for qh NARROWhull qhull internal warning (point_add): unknown point %p id %d qhull internal error (point_add): point p%d is out of bounds(%d) qh_check_bestdist: check points below nearest facet. Facet_list f%d qh_check_bestdist: check that all points are within %2.2g of best facet qhull output completed. Verifying that %d points are below %2.2g of the nearest %sfacet. qhull precision error (qh_check_bestdist): point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g %d points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use options 'Qci Tv' to verify all points. qhull precision error (qh_check_bestdist): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value is qh.outside_err (%6.2g) qh_check_bestdist: max distance outside %2.2g qh_check_points: check all points below %2.2g of all facet planes qhull input warning: merging without checking outer planes('Q5' or 'Po'). Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet. qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet. Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations. Output completed. Verifying that all points are below %2.2g of all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations. qhull warning (qh_check_points): missing normal for facet f%d qhull precision error (qh_check_points): %d additional points outside facet f%d, maxdist= %6.8g qhull precision error (qh_check_points): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value(qh.outside_err) is %6.2g qh_check_points: max distance outside %2.2g qh_check_maxout: check and update qh.min_vertex %2.2g and qh.max_outside %2.2g qh_check_maxout: determine actual minvertex Qhull precision warning: in post-processing (qh_check_maxout) p%d(v%d) is %2.2g below f%d nearest vertices %2.2g qh_check_maxout: p%d(v%d) is %.2g from f%d nearest vertices %2.2g qh_check_maxout: determine actual maxoutside Qhull precision warning: in post-processing (qh_check_maxout) p%d for f%d is %2.2g above twisted facet f%d nearest vertices %2.2g Qhull precision warning: in post-processing (qh_check_maxout) p%d for f%d is %2.2g above hidden facet f%d nearest vertices %2.2g qh_check_maxout: p%d is %.2g above f%d Qhull precision warning (qh_check_maxout): f%d.maxoutside (%4.4g) is greater than computed qh.max_outside (%2.2g) + qh.DISTround (%2.2g). It should be less than or equal qh_check_maxout: p%d(v%d) is qh.min_vertex %2.2g below facet f%d. Point p%d for f%d is qh.max_outside %2.2g above f%d. %d points are outside of not-good facets Qhull precision error (qh_check_maxout): large increase in qh.max_outside during post-processing dist %2.2g (%.1fx). See warning QH0032/QH0033. Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) and 'Pp' Qhull precision error (qh_check_maxout): a facet merge, vertex merge, vertex, or coplanar point produced a wide facet %2.2g (%.1fx). Trace with option 'TWn' to identify the merge. Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) Qhull precision error (qh_check_maxout): large increase in qh.min_vertex during post-processing dist %2.2g (%.1fx). See warning QH7083. Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) and 'Pp' Qhull precision error (qh_check_maxout): a facet or vertex merge produced a wide facet: v%d below f%d distance %2.2g (%.1fx). Trace with option 'TWn' to identify the merge. Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) qh_prependfacet: prepend f%d before f%d qh_furthestnext: made f%d next facet(dist %.2g) qh_printlists: max_outside %2.2g all facets: qh.visible_list f%d, newfacet_list f%d, facet_next f%d for qh_addpoint qh.newvertex_list v%d all vertices:qh_replacefacetvertex: replace v%d with v%d in f%d qhull internal error (qh_replacefacetvertex): f%d is not simplicial qhull internal error (qh_replacefacetvertex): f%d already contains new v%d qhull internal error (qh_replacefacetvertex): f%d does not contain old v%d qh_resetlists: reset newvertex_list v%d, newfacet_list f%d, visible_list f%d, facet_list f%d next f%d vertex_list v%d -- NEWfacets? %d, NEWtentative? %d, stats? %d qh_triangulate_facet: triangulate facet f%d qh_triangulate_link: relink neighbors f%d and f%d of null facet f%d qh_triangulate_link: relink neighbors f%d and f%d of mirrored facets f%d and f%d qhull internal error (qh_triangulate_link): neighbors f%d and f%d do not match for null facet or mirrored facets f%d and f%d qh_triangulate_mirror: delete mirrored facets f%d and f%d and link their neighbors qh_triangulate_null: delete null facet f%d qh_checkfacet: check f%d newmerge? %d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): unknown facet id f%d >= qh.facet_id (%d) qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): expecting f%d.visitid <= qh.visit_id (%d). Got visitid %d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d is on qh.visible_list qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): redundant facet f%d not on qh.visible_list qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): degenerate facet f%d is not on qh.visible_list and qh.degen_mergeset is empty qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a normal qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): f%d is 'dupridge' but it is not a newfacet on qh.newfacet_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): f%d is 'newmerge' but it is not a newfacet on qh.newfacet_list f%d. Missing call to qh_reducevertices qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): deleted vertex v%d in f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertices of f%d are not in descending id order at v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for simplicial facet f%d, #vertices %d + #neighbors %d != 2*qh hull_dim qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #vertices %d or #neighbors %d < qh hull_dim qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #ridges %d < #neighbors %d or(3-d) > #vertices %d or(2-d) not all 2 qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d still has a MERGEridge or DUPLICATEridge neighbor qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has deleted neighbor f%d (qh.visible_list) qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has neighbor f%d, but f%d does not have neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate ridge r%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridge between f%d and f%d has %d vertices qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, neighbor f%d of ridge r%d not in facet qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridge r%d is nonconvex (%d), mergevertex (%d) or not tested (%d) for facet f%d, neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a ridge for neighbor f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in r%d not in f%d intersect f%d qhull topology error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in f%d intersect f%d but not in a ridge. Last point was p%d qh_checkfacet: vertex v%d in f%d intersect f%d but not in a ridge. Repaired by qh_remove_extravertices in qh_reducevertices qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d skip %d and neighbor f%d skip %d do not match qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridges r%d and r%d (f%d) have the same vertices qh_checkpolygon: check all facets from f%d, qh.NEWtentative? %d qhull internal error: qh_checklists failed in qh_checkpolygon qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d is 'newfacet' but it is not on qh.newfacet_list f%d or visible_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d is on qh.newfacet_list f%d but it is not 'newfacet' qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d is 'visible' but it is not on qh.visible_list f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d is on qh.visible_list f%d but it is not 'visible' qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d has outside points before qh.facet_next f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): expecting empty f.neighbors and f.ridges for visible facet f%d. Got %d neighbors and %d ridges qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): v%d is 'newfacet' but it is not on new vertex list v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): unknown point %p for vertex v%d first_point %p qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of facets is %d, cumulative facet count is %d - %d visible facets qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): missing vertex neighbors for v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): vertex neighbors inconsistent (tot_vneighbors %d != tot_facetvertices %d). Maybe duplicate or missing vertex qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): facet f%d occurs twice in neighbors of vertex v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): facet f%d is a neighbor of vertex v%d but v%d is not a vertex of f%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): v%d is a vertex of facet f%d but f%d is not a neighbor of v%d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of vertices is %d, cumulative vertex count is %d qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): #vertices %d != #facets %d qhull warning: #vertices %d + #facets %d - #edges %d != 2. A vertex appears twice in a edge list. May occur during merging. qh_initialhull: ignore f%d flipped. Test qh.interior_point (p-2) for clearly flipped qh_initialhull: initial orientation incorrect, qh.interior_point is %2.2g from f%d. Reversing orientation of all facets qh_initialhull: initial orientation incorrect, qh.interior_point is %2.2g from f%d. Either axis-parallel facet or coplanar firstfacet f%d. Force outside orientation of all facets initial Delaunay cocircular or cosphericalQhull precision error: initial Delaunay input sites are cocircular or cospherical. Option 'Qs' searches all points. Use option 'QJ' to joggle the input, otherwise cannot compute the upper Delaunay triangulation or upper Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points. Qhull precision error: initial Delaunay input sites are cocircular or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' for the Delaunay triangulation or Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points; it adds a point "at infinity". Alternatively use option 'QJ' to joggle the input. Use option 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex. input sites with last coordinate projected to a paraboloid Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is flat (facet %d is coplanar with the interior point) qh_initialhull: simplex constructed qhull input error: either QGn or QVn point is > p%d qh_initbuild: create sentinels for qh.facet_tail and qh.vertex_tail Trace level T%d, IStracing %d, point TP%d, merge TM%d, dist TW%2.2g, qh.tracefacet_id %d, traceridge_id %d, tracevertex_id %d, last qh.RERUN %d, %s | %s Options selected for Qhull %s: %s qhull input error: 'Qg QVn' (only good vertex) does not work with merging. Use 'QJ' to joggle the input or 'Q0' to turn off merging. qhull input error: 'Qg' (ONLYgood) needs a good threshold('Pd0D0'), a good point(QGn or QG-n), or a good vertex with 'QJ' or 'Q0' (QVn). qhull input error: point for QV%d is inside initial simplex. It can not be made a vertex. qh_initbuild: initial hull created and points partitioned qh_vertexneighbors: determining neighboring facets for each vertex qh_findbestlower: all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay. Search all facets qh_findbestlower: f%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d qh_triangulate: triangulate non-simplicial facets qh_triangulate: delete null facets from facetlist f%d. A null facet has the same first (apex) and second vertices qhull internal error (qh_triangulate): ridges still defined for f%d qh_triangulate: delete %d or more mirrored facets. Mirrored facets have the same vertices due to a null facet qh_triangulate: update neighbor lists for vertices from v%d qh_triangulate: identify degenerate tricoplanar facets from f%d qh_triangulate: and replace facet->f.triowner with tricoplanar facets that own center, normal, etc. qh_triangulate: delete visible facets -- non-simplicial, null, and mirrored facets qh_triangulate: delete f%d. All tricoplanar facets degenerate for non-simplicial facet qhull internal error (qh_triangulate): tricoplanar facet f%d not owned by its visible, non-simplicial facet f%d qh_triangulate: all tricoplanar facets degenerate for last non-simplicial facet f%d flipped facetnon-convex initial simplexconcave ridgecoplanar ridgeERRONEOUSqh.facet_good hash %d f%d v%d neighbors: vertices for fridges for foutsideset for fcoplanarset for fneighbors for fvertices for rneighbors for vqh_initialhull: qh.interior_pointinitial simplex is flat_narrow-hullqhull %s Statistics: %s | %s I@_A0C.AY@>@Gqh_appendmergeset: f%d is already redundant (%d) or f%d is already redundant (%d). Ignore merge f%d and f%d type %d qh_appendmergeset: f%d is already degenerate. Ignore merge f%d type %d (MRGdegen) qhull internal error (qh_appendmergeset): expecting temp set defined for qh.facet_mergeset (0x%x) and qh.degen_mergeset (0x%x). Got NULL qhull internal error (qh_appendmergeset): except for MRGdupridge, cannot merge a non-flipped facet f%d into flipped f%d, mergetype %d, dist %4.4g qh_appendmergeset: dupridge will merge a non-flipped facet f%d into flipped f%d, dist %4.4g qhull internal error (qh_appendmergeset): facet f%d or f%d is already a mirrored facet (i.e., 'redundant') qhull internal error (qh_appendmergeset): mirrored facets f%d and f%d do not have the same vertices qh_appendmergeset: append merge f%d and f%d type %d (%s) to qh.degen_mergeset (size %d) qh_appendmergeset: append merge f%d and f%d type %d (%s) dist %2.2g angle %4.4g to qh.facet_mergeset (size %d) qhull internal error (qh_appendvertexmerge): expecting temp set defined for qh.vertex_mergeset (0x%x). Got NULL qhull internal error (qh_appendvertexmerge): expecting two distinct ridges for MRGvertices. Got r%d r%d qh_appendvertexmerge: append merge v%d into v%d r%d r%d dist %2.2g type %d (%s) qh_basevertices: found %d vertices qh_check_dupridge: dupridge between f%d and f%d (vertex dist %2.2g), dist %2.2g, reverse dist %2.2g, ratio %2.2g while processing p%d qhull topology error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (%.1fx wider) due to dupridge between f%d and f%d (vertex dist %2.2g), merge dist %2.2g, while processing p%d - Allow error with option 'Q12' - Experimental option merge-pinched-vertices ('Q14') may avoid this error. It merges nearly adjacent vertices. - A bounding box for the input sites may alleviate this error. qhull internal error (qh_checkconnect): f%d is not attached to the new facets qhull internal error (qh_checkdelfacet): cannot delete f%d. It is referenced by merge f%d f%d mergetype %d qhull internal error (qh_checkdelridge): expecting empty qh.vertex_mergeset in order to avoid calling qh_delridge_merge. Got %d merges qhull internal error (qh_checkdelridge): unexpected 'nonconvex' flag for ridge r%d in newfacet f%d. Otherwise need to call qh_delridge_merge qhull internal error (qh_checkdelridge): unexpected 'nonconvex' flag for ridge r%d in visible facet f%d. Otherwise need to call qh_delridge_merge not concave, flipped, or dupridgeqh_checkzero: skip convexity check until first pre-merge qh_checkzero: testall %d, facets are %s qh_checkzero: qh_premerge is needed. New facet f%d or its horizon f%d is non-simplicial, flipped, dupridge, or mergehorizon qh_checkzero: facet f%d and f%d are not clearly convex. v%d dist %.2g qh_checkzero: facet f%d and horizon f%d are not clearly convex. v%d dist %.2g qh_copynonconvex: moved nonconvex flag from r%d to r%d between f%d and f%d qh_degen_redundant_facet: test facet f%d for degen/redundant qh_degen_redundant_facet: f%d is flipped, will merge later qhull internal error (qh_degen_redundant_facet): facet f%d has deleted neighbor f%d (qh.visible_list) qh_degen_redundant_facet: f%d is contained in f%d. merge qh_degen_redundant_facet: f%d is degenerate. qh_delridge_merge: delete ridge r%d between f%d and f%d qh_delridge_merge: drop merge of v%d into v%d (dist %2.2g r%d r%d) due to deleted, duplicated ridge r%d qh_drop_mergevertex: unset mergevertex for r%d and r%d due to dropped vertex merge v%d to v%d. Sets mergevertex2 qh_findbest_ridgevertex: best pinched p%d(v%d) and vertex p%d(v%d) are closest (%2.2g) for duplicated ridge r%d (same vertices) between f%d and f%d qhull internal error: cannot call qh_findbestneighor for f%d while qh.CENTERtype is qh_ASvoronoi qhull internal error (qh_findbestneighbor): no neighbors for f%d qh_findbestneighbor: f%d is best neighbor for f%d testcentrum? %d nonconvex? %d dist %2.2g min %2.2g max %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_freemergesets): expecting mergesets. Got a NULL mergeset, qh.facet_mergeset (0x%x), qh.degen_mergeset (0x%x), qh.vertex_mergeset (0x%x) qhull internal error (qh_freemergesets): expecting empty mergesets. Got qh.facet_mergeset (%d merges), qh.degen_mergeset (%d merges), qh.vertex_mergeset (%d merges) qhull internal error (qh_initmergesets): expecting NULL mergesets. Got qh.facet_mergeset (0x%x), qh.degen_mergeset (0x%x), qh.vertex_mergeset (0x%x) qh_makeridges: make ridges for f%d makeridges: appended r%d to ridges for f%d. Next is ridges for neighbor f%d qh_mark_dupridges: identify dupridges in facetlist f%d, allmerges? %d qh_mark_dupridges): dupridge due to duplicate vertices for subridges f%d and f%d qh_mark_dupridges: found %d duplicated ridges (MRGdupridge) for qh_getpinchedmerges qh_mark_dupridges: found %d duplicated ridges (MRGdupridge) for qh_premerge. Prepare facets for merging qh_mark_dupridges: restore missing neighbors and ridges due to qh_MERGEridge qhull topological error (qh_mark_dupridges): multiple dupridges for f%d and f%d, including reverse qh_maybe_duplicateridge: will merge v%d into v%d (dist %2.2g) due to duplicate ridges r%d/r%d with the same vertices. mergevertex set qh_maybe_duplicateridges: will merge v%d into v%d (dist %2.2g) due to opposite oriented ridges r%d/r%d for f%d and f%d qh_maybe_duplicateridges: will merge v%d into v%d (dist %2.2g) due to duplicate ridges with the same vertices r%d/r%d in merged facet f%d qh_maydropneighbor: test f%d for no ridges to a neighbor qhull internal error (qh_maydropneighbor): not valid for simplicial f%d while adding furthest p%d qhull internal error (qh_maydropneighbor): facet f%d has deleted neighbor f%d (qh.visible_list) qh_maydropneighbor: facets f%d and f%d are no longer neighbors while adding furthest p%d qhull internal error (qh_maydropneighbor): not valid for simplicial neighbor f%d of f%d while adding furthest p%d qh_maydropneighbors: f%d is degenerate. qh_mergecycle_neighbors: delete shared neighbors from newfacet qh_mergecycle_neighbors: update neighbors qh_mergecycle_neighbors: deleted %d neighbors and added %d qh_mergecycle_ridges: delete shared ridges from newfacet qh_mergecycle_ridges: add ridges to newfacet qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_ridges): bad ridge r%d qh_mergecycle_ridges: found %d old ridges and %d new ones qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: update vertex neighbors for newfacet qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: deleted v%d when merging cycle f%d into f%d qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: merged vertices from cycle f%d into f%d qh_mergefacet2d: merged v%d and neighbor f%d of f%d into f%d qh_mergeneighbors: merge neighbors of f%d and f%d qh_mergeridges: merge ridges of f%d into f%d qh_mergevertex_del: deleted v%d when merging f%d into f%d qh_mergevertex_neighbors: merge vertex neighborset for f%d into f%d qh_mergevertex_neighbors: of f%d into f%d at furthest p%d f0= %p qhull internal error (qh_mergevertices): facets did not share a ridge qh_neighbor_intersections: %d vertices in neighbor intersection of v%d qh_neighbor_vertices_facet: found %d vertex neighbors for v%d in f%d (simplicial? %d) qh_neighbor_vertices: %d non-subridge, vertex neighbors for v%d qhull internal error (qh_findbest_pinchedvertex): expecting merge of adjacent, simplicial new facets. f%d or f%d is not simplicial qhull internal error (qh_findbest_pinchedvertex): expecting subridge of qh.hull_dim-2 vertices for the intersection of new facets f%d and f%d minus their apex. Got %d vertices qhull internal error (qh_findbest_pinchedvertex): did not find best vertex for subridge of dupridge between f%d and f%d, while processing p%d qh_findbest_pinchedvertex: best pinched p%d(v%d) and vertex p%d(v%d) are closest (%2.2g) for duplicate subridge between f%d and f%d qh_getpinchedmerges: try to merge pinched vertices for dupridges in new facets with apex p%d(v%d) max dupdist %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_getpinchedmerges): expecting MRGdupridge from qh_mark_dupridges. Got merge f%d f%d type %d qh_getpinchedmerges: dupridge (MRGdupridge) of coplanar horizon would produce a wide merge (%.0fx) due to pinched vertices v%d and v%d (dist %2.2g) for f%d and f%d. qh_mergecycle_all will merge one or both facets qhull precision warning (qh_getpinchedmerges): pinched vertices v%d and v%d (dist %2.2g, %.0fx) would produce a wide merge for f%d and f%d. Will merge dupridge instead qh_getpinchedmerges: will make the apex a coplanar point. apex p%d(v%d) is the nearest vertex to v%d on dupridge. Dist %2.2g qh_getpinchedmerges: will merge new facets to resolve dupridge between f%d and f%d with pinched v%d and v%d qh_getpinchedmerges: will merge pinched v%d into v%d to resolve dupridge between f%d and f%d qh_mergesimplex: merge apex v%d of f%d into facet f%d qh_mergesimplex: merge opposite v%d of f%d into facet f%d qh_mergesimplex: update vertex neighbors of f%d qh_mergesimplex: merge ridges and neighbors of f%d into f%d qhull topology error (qh_mergesimplex): f%d is a dupridge of f%d, cannot merge f%d into f%d qh_mergesimplex: move r%d with f%d to f%d, new neighbor? %d, maybe horizon? %d qh_mergesimplex: merged simplex f%d v%d into facet f%d qhull internal error (qh_next_vertexmerge): expecting two vertices for vertex merge. Got v%d v%d and optional f%d qh_next_vertexmerge: drop merge of v%d (del? %d) into v%d (del? %d) due to deleted vertex of r%d and r%d qhull topology error (qh_next_vertexmerge): no nearly adjacent vertices to resolve opposite oriented ridges r%d and r%d in f%d and f%d. Nearest v%d and v%d dist %2.2g (%.1fx) qhull topology error (qh_next_vertexmerge): no nearly adjacent vertices to resolve duplicate ridges r%d and r%d. Nearest v%d and v%d dist %2.2g (%.1fx) qhull topology error (qh_next_vertexmerge): no nearly adjacent vertices to resolve dupridge. Nearest v%d and v%d dist %2.2g (%.1fx) qhull internal error (qh_opposite_horizonfacet): expecting merge of simplicial facets, at least one of which is mergehorizon. Either simplicial or mergehorizon is wrong qhull internal error (qh_opposite_horizonfacet): merge facet f%d not connected to mergehorizon f%d qh_remove_extravertices: test non-simplicial f%d for extra vertices qh_remove_extravertices: v%d deleted because it's lost all ridges qh_remove_extravertices: v%d removed from f%d because it's lost all ridges qh_remove_mergetype: remove merge f%d f%d v%d v%d r%d r%d dist %2.2g type %dqhull internal error (qh_renameridgevertex): oldvertex v%d not found in r%d. Cannot rename to v%d qh_renameridgevertex: ridge r%d deleted. It contained both v%d and v%d qh_renameridgevertex: swapped the top and bottom of ridge r%d qh_test_centrum_merge: concave f%d to coplanar f%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_centrum_merge: concave f%d to f%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_centrum_merge: coplanar f%d to f%d dist %4.4g, reverse dist %4.4g angle %4.4g qh_test_degen_neighbors: test for degenerate neighbors of f%d qhull internal error (qh_test_degen_neighbors): facet f%d has deleted neighbor f%d (qh.visible_list) qh_test_degen_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors. Neighbor of f%d. qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: concave centrum for f%d or f%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: twisted concave f%d v%d to f%d v%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: concave coplanar f%d v%d to f%d v%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: concave f%d v%d to f%d v%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: coplanar f%d v%d to f%d v%d, dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g during p%d qh_test_appendmerge: coplanar angle %4.4g between f%d and f%d qh_getmergeset: %d merges found qh_getmergeset_initial: %d merges found qh_test_redundant_neighbors: test neighbors of f%d vertex_visit %d qh_test_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors. qhull internal error (qh_test_redundant_neighbors): facet f%d has deleted neighbor f%d (qh.visible_list) qh_test_redundant_neighbors: f%d is contained in f%d. merge qh_renamevertex: rename v%d to v%d in %d ridges with old f%d and neighbor f%d qh_renamevertex: ignore duplicate check for r%d. top f%d (size %d) will be degenerate after rename v%d to v%d qh_renamevertex: ignore duplicate check for r%d. bottom f%d (size %d) will be degenerate after rename v%d to v%d qh_renamevertex: renaming v%d to v%d in several facets for qh_redundant_vertex or MRGsubridge qh_renamevertex: rename vertices in non-simplicial neighbor f%d of v%d qh_renamevertex: renaming v%d to v%d in oldfacet f%d for qh_rename_sharedvertex qh_renamevertex: renaming pinched v%d to v%d between f%d and f%d qh_test_vneighbors: testing vertex neighbors for convexity qh_test_vneighbors: found %d non-convex, vertex neighbors qh_tracemerge: trace facet and vertex after merge of f%d into f%d type %d (%s), furthest p%d qh_tracemerge: trace vertex deleted at furthest p%d At %d:%d:%d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has merged %d facets with max_outside %2.2g, min_vertex %2.2g. The hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. qh_vertexridges: found %d ridges for v%d qh_find_newvertex: find new vertex for v%d from qh_find_newvertex: vertices not in ridges for v%d qh_find_newvertex: found v%d for old v%d from %d vertices and %d ridges. qh_find_newvertex: no vertex for renaming v%d (all duplicated ridges) during p%d qh_redundant_vertex: check if v%d from a deleted ridge can be renamed qh_rename_adjacentvertex: merge #%d rename v%d (%d neighbors) to v%d (%d neighbors) dist %2.2g qh_rename_adjacentvertex: ignore rename. Either v%d (%d) or v%d (%d) is deleted qhull internal error (qh_rename_adjacentvertex): expecting neighbor facets for v%d and v%d. Got %d and %d neighbors resp. qh_rename_adjacentvertex: simplicial f%d contains old v%d and new v%d. Will be marked degenerate by qh_renamevertex qh_rename_adjacentvertex: partition old p%d(v%d) as a coplanar point for furthest f%d dist %2.2g. Maybe repartition later (QH0031) qhull internal error (qh_rename_sharedvertex): v%d's neighbors not in f%d qh_rename_sharedvertex: p%d(v%d) is shared by f%d(%d ridges) and f%d qh_willdelete: move f%d to visible list, set its replacement as f%d, and clear f.neighbors and f.ridges qhull internal error (qh_willdelete): expecting qh.visible_list at before qh.newfacet_list f%d. Got NULL qh_mergecycle_facets: make newfacet new and samecycle deleted qh_mergecycle_facets: merged facets from cycle f%d into f%d qh_mergecycle: merge #%d for facets from cycle f%d into coplanar horizon f%d qh_mergecycle: ========= trace merge %d of samecycle %d into trace f%d, furthest is p%d qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qh_mergecycle: end of trace facet qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): merge f%d into f%d for mergetype %d (%s) does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qh_mergefacet: ========= trace wide merge #%d(%2.2g) for f%d into f%d for mergetype %d (%s), last point was p%d qh_mergefacet: ========= trace merge #%d for f%d into f%d for mergetype %d (%s), furthest is p%d qh_mergefacet: #%d merge f%d into f%d for merge for mergetype %d (%s), mindist= %2.2g, maxdist= %2.2g, max_outside %2.2g qhull precision error (qh_mergefacet): wide merge for facet f%d into f%d for mergetype %d (%s). maxdist %2.2g (%.1fx) mindist %2.2g (%.1fx) vertexdist %2.2g Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) qhull precision error (qh_mergefacet): wide merge for pinched facet f%d into f%d for mergetype %d (%s). maxdist %2.2g (%.fx) mindist %2.2g (%.1fx) vertexdist %2.2g Allow with 'Q12' (allow-wide) qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): either f%d and f%d are the same or one is a visible facet, mergetype %d (%s) qhull topology error: Only %d facets remain. The input is too degenerate or the convexity constraints are too strong. Option 'Qx' may avoid this problem. qh_mergefacet: end of wide tracing qh_mergefacet: check f%d and f%d for redundant and degenerate neighbors qhull internal error (qh_merge_nonconvex): expecting mergetype MRGcoplanar..MRGconcavecoplanar. Got merge f%d and f%d type %d qh_merge_nonconvex: merge #%d for f%d and f%d type %d qh_merge_nonconvex: avoid merging old facet f%d dist %2.2g. Use f%d dist %2.2g instead qh_merge_twisted: merge #%d for twisted f%d and f%d qhull precision error (qh_merge_twisted): twisted facet f%d does not contain pinched vertices. Too wide to merge into neighbor. mindist %2.2g maxdist %2.2g vertexdist %2.2g maxpinched %2.2g neighbor f%d mindist %2.2g maxdist %2.2g qhull precision error (qh_merge_twisted): twisted facet f%d with pinched vertices. Could merge vertices, but too wide to merge into neighbor. mindist %2.2g maxdist %2.2g vertexdist %2.2g neighbor f%d mindist %2.2g maxdist %2.2g qh_merge_degenredundant: merge %d degenerate, redundant, and mirror facets qhull internal error (qh_merge_degenredunant): f%d is redundant but visible f%d has no replacement qh_merge_degenredundant: merge redundant f%d into f%d (arg f%d) qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has no neighbors. Deleted qh_merge_degenredundant: deleted v%d because f%d has no neighbors qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has %d neighbors, merge into f%d dist %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_flippedmerges): facet_mergeset (%d merges) not at top of tempstack (%d merges) qh_flippedmerges: merge flipped f%d into f%d dist %2.2g during p%d qh_flippedmerges: merged %d flipped and %d degenredundant facets into a good neighbor qh_forcedmerges: merge dupridges qhull internal error (qh_forcedmerges): qh_settemppop (size %d) is not qh facet_mergeset (size %d) qhull internal error (qh_forcedmerges): f%d and f%d had a dupridge but as f%d and f%d they are no longer neighbors qh_forcedmerges: dupridge f%d is degenerate with fewer than %d neighbors qh_forcedmerges: merged %d facets, %d flipped facets, and %d degenredundant facets across dupridges qhull internal error (qh_merge_pinchedvertices): qh.visible_list (f%d), newfacet_list (f%d), or newvertex_list (v%d) not empty qh_merge_pinchedvertices: merge one of %d pinched vertices before adding apex p%d. Try to resolve duplicate ridges in newfacets qh_merge_pinchedvertices: merge %d pinched vertices from dupridges in merged facets, apex p%d qh_merge_pinchedvertices: merge degenerate f%d into an adjacent facet qh_merge_pinchedvertices: merge f%d into f%d mergeType %d qh_reducevertices: reduce extra vertices, shared vertices, and redundant vertices qh_reducevertices: renamed %d shared vertices and %d redundant vertices. Degen? %d qh_all_merges: starting to merge %d facet and %d degenerate merges for new facets f%d, othermerge? %d qh_all_merges: drop merge of f%d (del? %d) into f%d (del? %d) mergetype %d, dist %4.4g, angle %4.4g. One or both facets is deleted qh_all_merges: drop merge of f%d (tested? %d) into f%d (tested? %d) mergetype %d, dist %2.2g, angle %4.4g. Merge independent sets of coplanar merges qh_all_merges: merge f%d and f%d type %d dist %2.2g angle %4.4g qhull internal error (qh_all_merges): expecting concave, coplanar, or twisted merge. Got merge f%d f%d v%d mergetype %d qh_all_merges: skip qh_reducevertices due to post-merging, no qh.VERTEXneighbors (%d), or hull_dim %d ==2 or >%d qh_all_merges: merged %d coplanar %d concave %d concavecoplanar %d twisted facets and %d degen or redundant facets. qh_postmerge: postmerge. test vneighbors? %d qh_all_vertexmerges: starting to merge %d vertex merges for apex p%d facet f%d qh_mergecycle_all: merge new facets into coplanar horizon facets. Bulk merge a cycle of facets with the same horizon facet qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_all): f%d without normal qh_mergecycle_all: merged %d same cycles or facets into coplanar horizons and %d degenredundant facets qh_premerge: premerge centrum %2.2g angle %4.4g for apex p%d newfacet_list f%d clearly convexTRACEqh_getmergeset: started. MERGEDr%d same cycle: f%dMERGING CYCLEMERGINGqh_flippedmerges: begin reason %s with 'C%.2g' and 'A%.2g' noneanglecoplanarconcaveconcavecoplanartwistedflipsubridgedegenmirror@4@? At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d. The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. Last point was p%d qh_buildtracing: start trace T%d for point TP%d above facet f%d At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d. The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. There are %d outside points. Next is point p%d(v%d), %2.2g above f%d. qh_addpoint: add p%d(v%d) %2.2g above f%d to hull of %d facets, %d merges, %d outside at %4.4g CPU secs. Previous p%d(v%d) delta %4.4g CPU, %d facets, %d merges, %d hyperplanes, %d distplanes, %d retries qhull internal error: qh_checklists failed on reset of qh.visit_id %u qhull internal error: qh_checklists failed on reset of qh.vertex_visit %u qh_joggle_restart: qhull restart because of %s qh_findhorizon: find horizon for point p%d facet f%d qhull internal error (qh_findhorizon): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11' qhull internal error (qh_findhorizon): visible facet f%d does not have neighbors qh_findhorizon: point p%d is coplanar to horizon f%d, dist=%2.7g < qh MINvisible(%2.7g) qhull topology error (qh_findhorizon): empty horizon for p%d. It was above all facets. qh_findhorizon: %d horizon facets(good %d), %d visible(good %d), %d coplanar qhull internal error (qh_nextfurthest): null facet or infinite loop detected for qh.facet_next f%d facet_tail f%d qhull internal error (qh_nextfurthest): num_outside %d is too low by at least %d, or a random real %g >= 1.0 qhull internal error (qh_partitionpoint): cannot partition p%d of f%d into visible facet f%d nearly incident point (narrow hull)qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is outside facet f%d newfacet? %d, newoutside? %d (or narrowhull) qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is coplanar to facet f%d (dropped) qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is inside all facets, closest to f%d dist %2.2g qh_partitionall: partition all points into outside sets qh_partitioncoplanar: partition coplanar point p%d starting with f%d dist? %2.2g, allnew? %d, gh.repart_facetid f%d qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is more than near-inside facet f%d dist %2.2g allnew? %d qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is inside facet f%d dist %2.2g allnew? %d qhull internal error (qh_partitioncoplanar): cannot partition coplanar p%d of f%d into visible facet f%d qh_partitioncoplanar: repartition coplanar point p%d from f%d as an outside point above corner facet f%d dist %2.2g with angle %2.2g Qhull internal error (qh_partitioncoplanar): infinite loop due to recursive call to qh_partitionpoint. Repartition point p%d from f%d as a outside point dist %2.2g nearest vertices %2.2g Qhull topology error (qh_partitioncoplanar): can not repartition coplanar point p%d from f%d as outside point above f%d. It previously failed to form a cone of facets, dist %2.2g, nearest vertices %2.2g Qhull precision warning: repartition coplanar point p%d from f%d as an outside point above twisted facet f%d dist %2.2g nearest vertices %2.2g Qhull precision warning: repartition coplanar point p%d from f%d as an outside point above hidden facet f%d dist %2.2g nearest vertices %2.2g qh_partitioncoplanar: == p%d from f%d increases qh.max_outside to %2.2g of f%d last p%d qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is coplanar with facet f%d (or inside) dist %2.2g qh_buildcone: created %d newfacets for p%d(v%d) new facet balance %2.2g qh_partitionvisible: partition outside and coplanar points of visible and merged facets f%d into new facets f%d qhull topology error (qh_partitionvisible): all new facets deleted as degenerate facets. Can not continue. qh_partitionvisible: partition %d deleted vertices as coplanar? %d points into new facets f%d qhull internal error (qh_partitionvisible): all new facets deleted or none defined. Can not partition deleted v%d. qh_partitionvisible: partitioned %d points from outsidesets, %d points from coplanarsets, and %d deleted vertices qhull internal error (qh_addpoint): NULL facet. Need to call qh_findbestfacet first qhull internal error (qh_addpoint): infinite loop (%d retries) of merging pinched vertices due to dupridge for point p%d, facet f%d, and %d vertices qh_addpoint: added p%d to convex hull with point balance %2.2g qh_buildhull: start build hull qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): visible or new facet f%d in facet list qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): new vertex f%d in vertex list qh_buildhull: stop point or cone P%d in initial hull qh_buildhull: stop after adding %d vertices qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): %d outside points were never processed. qh_buildhull: completed the hull construction qhull input error: %d attempts to construct a convex hull with joggled input. Increase joggle above 'QJ%2.2g' or modify qh_JOGGLE... parameters in user.h qh_qhull: all facets are clearly convex and no coplanar points. Post-merging and check of maxout not needed. qh_qhull: finished qh_buildhull and qh_postmerge, start tracing (TP-1) Testing all coplanar points. qhull internal error (qh_qhull): temporary sets not empty(%d) at end of Qhull qhull internal error: qh_checklists failed at qh_printsummary Early exit due to 'TAn', 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'. Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Number of Voronoi regions%s: %d Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d Number of nearly incident points: %d Total number of nearly incident points: %d Number of%s Voronoi vertices: %d Number of%s non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: %d Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Number of input sites%s: %d Number of%s Delaunay regions: %d Number of%s non-simplicial Delaunay regions: %d Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Number of non-redundant halfspaces: %d Number of %s halfspaces: %d Number of intersection points: %d Number of 'good' intersection points: %d Number of%s non-simplicial intersection points: %d Convex hull of %d points in %d-d: Number of 'good' facets: %d Number of%s non-simplicial facets: %d Number of triangulated facets: %d Number of points processed: %d Number of hyperplanes created: %d Number of facets in hull: %d Number of distance tests for qhull: %d Number of distance tests for merging: %d Number of distance tests for checking: %d Number of merged facets: %d Number of merged pinched vertices: %d CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): %2.4g Percentage of runs with precision errors: %4.1f After %d retries, input joggled by: %2.2g Maximum distance of point above facet: %2.2g Maximum distance of vertex below facet: %2.2gcoplanar horizonempty horizonnearly incident pointDISTANT_runFirst post-mergeFor testing vertex neighborsFor post-mergingQhull: algorithm completed and at-infinity 'good'similar and redundantsimilarcoplanar and interiorApproximateTotal Number of halfspaces: %d Number of vertices: %d Number of %s points: %d Number of facets: %d Statistics for: %s | %s QR%d Input joggled by: %2.2g %s facet area: %2.8g %s volume: %2.8g (%.1fx) @?qh_distplane: from p%d to f%d Last merge #%d Last qh_addpoint p%d,Matrix:qh_gausselem: resultqh_getangle: %4.4g Last merge was #%d. Current summary is: %2.2g OBOB8@`@@@(AA?qh_findbesthorizon: test neighbors of f%d bestdist %2.2g f%d ischeckmax? %d noupper? %d minsearch %2.2g is_5x? %d searchdist %2.2g qh_findbesthorizon: p%d, newbest? %d, bestfacet f%d, bestdist %2.2g, numfacet %d, coplanarfacets %d, numdist %d qhull topology error (qh_findbestnew): merging has formed and deleted a cone of new facets. Can not continue. qhull internal error (qh_findbestnew): no new facets for point p%d qh_findbestnew: point p%d facet f%d. Stop? %d if dist > %2.2g, Last qh_addpoint p%d, qh.visit_id %d, vertex_visit %d,qh_findbestnew: bestfacet f%d bestdist %2.2g for p%d f%d bestoutside? %d qh_findbest: point p%d starting at f%d isnewfacets? %d, unless %d exit if > %2.2g, testhorizon? %d, noupper? %d, Last merge #%d, max_outside %2.2g qh_findbest: neighbors of f%d, bestdist %2.2g f%d qh_backnormal: zero diagonal at column %d. zero diagonal on back substitutionqh_gausselim: 0 pivot at column %d. (%2.2g < %2.2g) zero pivot for Gaussian eliminationqhull internal error (qh_getcenter): not defined for %d points qh_normalize: norm=%2.2g too small during p%d qh_getcentrum: for f%d, %d vertices dist= %2.2g qh_sethyperplane_det: degenerate norm during p%d, use qh_sethyperplane_gauss instead. qh_sethyperplane_gauss: nearly singular or axis parallel hyperplane during p%d. qh_sethyperplane_gauss: singular or axis parallel hyperplane at normalization during p%d. qh_setfacetplane: facet f%d created. Last point added to hull was p%d.qh_setfacetplane: flipped orientation due to nearzero gauss and interior_point test. During p%d qh_setfacetplane: ====== vertex p%d(v%d) increases max_outside to %2.2g for new facet f%d last p%d qh_setfacetplane: f%d offset %2.2g normal: qh_appendfacet: append f%d to facet_list qh_appendvertex: append v%d to qh.newvertex_list and set v.newfacet qh_attachnewfacets: delete interior ridges qh_attachnewfacets: attach horizon facets to new facets qhull internal error (qh_attachnewfacets): could not find visible facet for horizon f%d of newfacet f%d qh_attachnewfacets: clear f.ridges and f.neighbors for visible facets, may become invalid before qh_deletevisible qh_checkflipped: facet f%d flipped, allerror? %d, distance= %6.12g during p%d qhull internal error (qh_facetintersect): f%d or f%d not in other's neighbors qh_facetintersect: f%d skip %d matches f%d skip %d qhull internal error: negative hashsize %d passed to qh_gethash [poly.c] qh_makenewplanes: make new hyperplanes for facets on qh.newfacet_list f%d qh_matchvertices: matched by skip %d(v%d) and skip %d(v%d) same? %d qh_matchneighbor: newfacet f%d skip %d hash %d hashcount %d two new facets with the same verticesqhull topology warning (qh_matchneighbor): will merge vertices to undo new facets -- f%d and f%d have the same vertices (skip %d, skip %d) and same horizon ridges to f%d and f%d qh_matchneighbor: f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d a ridge with more than two neighborsqhull topology error: facets f%d, f%d and f%d meet at a ridge with more than 2 neighbors. Can not continue due to no qh.PREmerge and no 'Qx' (MERGEexact) qhull topology error (qh_matchneighbor): matchfacet f%d is in f%d neighbors but not vice versa. Can not continue. qh_matchneighbor: new f%d skip %d duplicates ridge for f%d skip %d matching f%d ismatch %d at hash %d qh_matchneighbor: no match for f%d skip %d at hash %d qh_matchnewfacets: match neighbors for new facets. qhull internal error (qh_matchnewfacets): expecting simplicial facets on qh.newfacet_list f%d for qh_matchneighbors, qh_matchneighbor, and qh_matchdupridge. Got non-simplicial f%d qhull internal error (qh_matchnewfacets): %d neighbors did not match up qh_matchnewfacets: maxdupdist %2.2g, new facets %d, unused hash entries %d, hashsize %d qh_newfacet: created facet f%d qhull warning: more than 2^32 ridges. Qhull results are OK. Since the ridge ID wraps around to 0, two ridges may have the same identifier. qh_newridge: created ridge r%d qh_removefacet: removed f%d from facet_list, newfacet_list, and visible_list qh_deletevisible: delete %d visible facets and %d vertices qhull internal error (qh_deletevisible): qh num_visible %d is not number of visible facets %d qh_removevertex: remove v%d from qh.vertex_list qhull internal error (qh_makenew_nonsimplicial): simplicial f%d sharing two ridges with f%d qh_makenew_nonsimplicial: created facet f%d from v%d and r%d of horizon f%d qh_makenew_simplicial: create facet f%d top %d from v%d and horizon f%d skip %d top %d and visible f%d skip %d, flip? %d qh_update_vertexneighbors: update v.neighbors for qh.newvertex_list (v%d) and qh.newfacet_list (f%d) qh_update_vertexneighbors: delete %d of %d vertex neighbors for v%d. Removes to-be-deleted, visible facets qh_update_vertexneighbors: delete interior vertices for qh.visible_list (f%d) qh_update_vertexneighbors: delete interior vertex p%d(v%d) of visible f%d qh_update_vertexneighbors: delete old vertices for qh.visible_list (f%d) qh_update_vertexneighbors: will delete interior vertex p%d(v%d) of visible f%d qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: update v.neighbors for qh.newvertex_list (v%d) and qh.newfacet_list (f%d) qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: deleted %d visible vertexneighbors of v%d qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: delete interior vertices, if any, for qh.visible_list (f%d) qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: will delete interior vertex p%d(v%d) of visible f%d qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: delete interior vertices for qh.visible_list (f%d) ridge with multiple neighborsqh_delfacet: delete f%d f,f|ffffe%s set is null %p%s set=%p maxsize=%d size=%d elems=qhull internal error (qh_setaddnth): nth %d is out-of-bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setcheck): actual size %d of %s%d is greater than max size %d qhull internal error (qh_setcheck): %s%d(size %d max %d) is not null terminated. qhull internal error (qh_setdelnth): nth %d is out-of-bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setdelnthsorted): nth %d is out-of-bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setnew_delnthsorted): nth %d is out-of-bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setreplace): elem %p not found in set qhull internal error (qh_setsize): current set size %d is greater than maximum size %d qh_settemp: temp set %p of %d elements, depth %d qhull internal error (qh_settemppop): pop from empty temporary stack qh_settemppop: depth %d temp set %p of %d elements qhull error (qh_settemppush): can not push a NULL temp qh_settemppush: depth %d temp set %p of %d elements qhull internal error (qh_settempfree): set %p(size %d) was not last temporary allocated(depth %d, set %p, size %d) qhull internal error (qh_settruncate): size %d out of bounds for set: qhull internal error (qh_setzero): index %d or size %d out of bounds for set: xp@qhull error (qh_memalloc): negative request size (%d). Did int overflow due to high-D? qh_mem %p n %8d alloc quick: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d) qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory to allocate short memory buffer (%d bytes) qhull internal error (qh_memalloc): short totbuffer %d != totshort+totfree... %d qh_mem %p n %8d alloc short: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d) qhull internal error (qh_memalloc): qhmem has not been initialized. qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory to allocate %d bytes qh_mem %p n %8d alloc long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d) qhull internal error (qh_memcheck): either qhmem is overwritten or qhmem is not initialized. Call qh_meminit or qh_new_qhull before calling qh_mem routines. ferr 0x%x, IsTracing %d, ALIGNmask 0x%x qh_memcheck: check size of freelists on qhmem qh_memcheck: A segmentation fault indicates an overwrite of qhmem qhull internal error (qh_memcheck): totfree %d not equal to freelist total %d qh_memcheck: total size of freelists totfree is the same as qhmem.totfree qh_mem %p n %8d free short: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d) qh_mem %p n %8d free long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d) qhull error (qh_meminit): insufficient memory qh_meminitbuffers: memory initialized with alignment %d qhull error (qh_memsetup): largest mem size %d is >= buffer size %d or initial buffer size %d qhull error (qh_memsetup): insufficient memory qhull internal error (qh_memsize): qh_memsize called after qh_memsetup qh_memsize: quick memory of %d bytes qhull warning (qh_memsize): free list table has room for only %d sizes memory statistics: %7d quick allocations %7d short allocations %7d long allocations %7d short frees %7d long frees %7d bytes of short memory in use %7d bytes of short memory in freelists %7d bytes of dropped short memory %7d bytes of unused short memory (estimated) %7d bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input) %7d bytes of long memory in use (in %d pieces) %7d bytes of short memory buffers (minus links) %7d bytes per short memory buffer (initially %d bytes) %7d calls to qh_setlarger %7.2g average copy size freelists(bytes->count): %d->%d.EXE.exeQH%.4d qhull internal error (userprintf.c): fp is 0. Perhaps the wrong qh_fprintf was called. [QH%.4d]%d %d %d%d %d %d VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # f%d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 { OFF %d 1 1 # f%d 0 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 } [%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f]}]{%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f}, [Polygon[{ p%d: %8.4g NULLvertex - p%d(v%d): %5.2g delridge newfacet seen seen2 neighbors: p%d(v%d) MERGEridge DUPLICATEridge NULLfacet - f%d - flags: top bottom simplicial tricoplanar upperDelaunay visible notG isarea coplanarhorizon mergehorizon cycledone keepcentrum dupridge mergeridge1 mergeridge2 newmerge flipped notfurthest degenerate - area: %2.2g - replacement: f%d - was horizon to f%d - merges: %dmax - merges: %d - normal: - offset: %10.7g - center: - maxoutside: %10.7g - outside set: Furthest - coplanar set: - vertices: - neighboring facets: MERGEridge DUPLICATEridge - r%d nonconvex mergevertex mergevertex2 simplicialtop simplicialbot vertices: - ridges (tentative ids): - ridges: - all ridges:VECT 1 %d 1 %d 1 OFF 3 1 1 # intersect f%d f%d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # p%d(coplanar facets) projected p%d OFF 3 1 1 # f%d # r%d between f%d f%d 3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ridge between f%d f%d VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # p%d VECT 1 1 1 1 1 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0 1 }}} beginBEGINendENDThe halfspace was on line %d ./rbox D41 %d 0 # infinity not used %d %d %d 1 # %d f%d # p%d(v%d) no normal for facet f%d %d %d %d %6.16g )); %d %d Vertices and facets: LIST # %s | %s 4VECT %d %d 1 # 1 point per line 1 # 1 color for all 0 1 1 1 # color of points 4OFF %d %d 1 %s | %s begin %d %d real PLOT(CURVES( PLOT3D(POLYGONS( { %d %d %d %d %s | %s begin %d %d real 0 2 qhull error: filename is more than %d characters, %s qhull internal error (qh_detvnorm): too few points(%d) to compute separating plane qh_detvnorm: Voronoi vertex or midpointqh_detvnorm: points %d %d midpoint dist %2.2g qh_detvnorm: points %d %d angle %2.2g nearzero %d qh_detvnorm: points %d %d Voronoi vertex %d dist %2.2g qhull internal error (qh_detvridge3): neighbors of vertex p%d are not connected at facet %d qh_eachvoronoi: Voronoi ridge of %d vertices between sites %d and %d qh_markkeep: only keep %d largest and/or %d most merged facets and/or min area %.2g qh_order_vertexneighbors: order facet neighbors of v%d by 2-d (orientation), 3-d (adjacency), or n-d (f.visitid,id) qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): call qh_vertexneighbors before calling qh_order_vertexneighbors qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): no neighbor of v%d for f%d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g [[%16.8f, %16.8f], [%16.8f, %16.8f]] Line[{{%16.8f, %16.8f}, {%16.8f, %16.8f}}] - shares same visible/horizon as f%d - owner of normal & centrum is facet f%d - outside set(furthest p%d): - outside set: %d points. - furthest distance= %2.2g - coplanar set(furthest p%d): - coplanar set: %d points. furthest distance= %2.2g between f%d and f%d - horizon ridge to visible facet 3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 OFF 3 1 1 # ridge between f%d f%d {appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} { INST geom {define vsphere OFF 18 32 48 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0.707107 0 0.707107 0 -0.707107 0.707107 0.707107 -0.707107 0 -0.707107 0 0.707107 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 0 0.707107 0.707107 -0.707107 0.707107 0 0.707107 0.707107 0 0.707107 0 -0.707107 0 0.707107 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 -0.707107 0 -0.707107 -0.707107 3 0 6 11 3 0 7 6 3 0 9 7 3 0 11 9 3 1 6 8 3 1 8 14 3 1 13 6 3 1 14 13 3 2 11 13 3 2 12 11 3 2 13 15 3 2 15 12 3 3 9 12 3 3 10 9 3 3 12 16 3 3 16 10 3 4 7 10 3 4 8 7 3 4 10 17 3 4 17 8 3 5 14 17 3 5 15 14 3 5 16 15 3 5 17 16 3 6 13 11 3 7 8 6 3 9 10 7 3 11 12 9 3 14 8 17 3 15 13 14 3 16 12 15 3 17 10 16 } transforms { TLIST %8.4g 0 0 0 # v%d 0 %8.4g 0 0 0 0 %8.4g 0 {appearance {-normal -edge normscale 0} {INST geom { define centrum CQUAD # f%d -0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 -0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 } transform { {INST geom { : centrum } transform { # f%d qhull input error: feasible point(dim 1 coords) is only valid for halfspace intersection qhull input warning: feasible point(dim 1 coords) overrides 'Hn,n,n' feasible point for halfspace intersection qhull error: insufficient memory for feasible point qhull input error: coordinates for feasible point do not finish out the line: %s qhull input error: only %d coordinates. Could not read %d-d feasible point. qhull input error: halfspace intersection needs a feasible point. Either prepend the input with 1 point or use 'Hn,n,n'. See manual. qhull input warning: more coordinates for 'H%s' than dimension %d qhull input error: short input file. Did not find dimension and number of points qhull input error: dimension %d (first or smaller number) should be at least 2 qhull input error: expecting between 1 and %d points. Got %d %d-d points qhull option error (qh_readpoints): can not use Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v') with halfspace intersection('H') qhull input error: dimension %d (first number, includes offset) should be at least 3 for halfspaces qhull input error: dimension %d of feasible point is not one less than dimension %d for halfspaces qhull error: insufficient memory to read %d points qhull input warning: the input appears to be in cdd format. If so, use 'Fd' qhull input error: for cdd format, point at line %d does not start with '1' The input appears to be in cdd format. If so, you should use option 'Fd' qhull input error: line %d contained more than %d characters qhull warning: instead of %d points in %d-d, input contains %d points and %d extra coordinates. qhull error: instead of %d points in %d-d, input contains %d points and %d extra coordinates. Line %d is the first comment. Line %d is the first point. Line %d is the first short line. Line %d is the first long line. Continuing with %d points. Override with option 'Qa' (allow-short) This is the qhull test case. If any errors or core dumps occur, file a bug report against the libqhull Debian package. Type 'qhull' for a short list of options. qh_readpoints: read in %d %d-dimensional points qhull input error: missing "begin" for cdd-formated input qhull internal error (qh_printextremes_2d): loop in facet list. facet %d nextfacet %d qh_markvoronoi: isLower %d numcenters %d qhull internal error (qh_printvdiagram): unknown print format %d. {appearance {+edge -face} OFF %d %d 1 # Voronoi centers and cells # p%d is coplanar or isolated qhull input error (qh_printafacet): option 'Fp' needs qh feasible_point 3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 # f%d f%d 3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 #r%d f%d f%d qhull warning: no facets printed qhull internal error (qh_printend): number of ridges %d != number printed %d and at end %d qhull warning: output for ridges and intersections not implemented in 2-d qhull warning: output for outer/inner planes and centrums not implemented in 4-d qhull warning: output for vertices not implemented in 4-d qhull warning: 'Gnh' generates no output in 4-d {appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # %s | %s {appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # %s | %s qhull warning: input sites of Delaunay regions (option 'i'). Use option 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers. Disable warning with option 'Pp' qhull warning: output is the Delaunay triangulation qhull internal error (qh_printbegin): can not use this format for dimension %d qhull warning: CDD format is not available for centrums, halfspace intersections, and OFF file format. 10 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d 2 size in bytes: merge %d ridge %d vertex %d facet %d normal %d ridge vertices %d facet vertices or neighbors %d qhull internal error (qh_produce_output2): temporary sets not empty(%d) qhull internal error (qh_produce_output): temporary sets not empty(%d) qhull input error: missing quote after filename -- %s qhull input error: filename expected, none found.  | $\L 4 l4 l 4 0Xt4D#$#D Ttt""tD DDDtMb`?{Gz?qhull %s VERTEX: %s RIDGE: %s FACET: %s OTHER FACET: printfacetlist: vertices printfacetlist: facetlist printfacetlist: %d facets printfacetlist: end center point distance= %4.2g _maxoutside While executing: %s | %s At error exit: at error exitqhull error (qh_new_qhull): start qhull_cmd argument with "qhull " or set to "qhull" qh_new_qhull: initialize Qhull qh_new_qhull: build new Qhull for %d %d-d points with %s ERRONEOUS and NEIGHBORING FACETS to output A Qhull error has occurred. Qhull should have corrected the above precision error. Please send the input and all of the output to qhull_bug@qhull.org Precision problems were detected during construction of the convex hull. This occurs because convex hull algorithms assume that calculations are exact, but floating-point arithmetic has roundoff errors. To correct for precision problems, do not use 'Q0'. By default, Qhull selects 'C-0' or 'Qx' and merges non-convex facets. With option 'QJ', Qhull joggles the input to prevent precision problems. See "Imprecision in Qhull" (qh-impre.htm). If you use 'Q0', the output may include coplanar ridges, concave ridges, and flipped facets. In 4-d and higher, Qhull may produce a ridge with four neighbors or two facets with the same vertices. Qhull reports these events when they occur. It stops when a concave ridge, flipped facet, or duplicate facet occurs. When computing the Delaunay triangulation of coordinates > 1.0, - use 'Qbb' to scale the last coordinate to [0,m] (max previous coordinate) When computing the Delaunay triangulation: - use 'Qz' to add a point at-infinity. This reduces precision problems. If you need triangular output: - use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output - use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors - use option 'Ft'. It triangulates non-simplicial facets with added points. If you must use 'Q0', try one or more of the following options. They can not guarantee an output. - use 'QbB' to scale the input to a cube. - use 'Po' to produce output and prevent partitioning for flipped facets - use 'V0' to set min. distance to visible facet as 0 instead of roundoff - use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than %2.2g. - options 'Qf', 'Qbb', and 'QR0' may also help To guarantee simplicial output: - use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output - use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors - use option 'Ft' to triangulate the output by adding points - use exact arithmetic (see "Imprecision in Qhull", qh-impre.htm) A Qhull internal error has occurred. Please send the input and output to qhull_bug@qhull.org. If you can duplicate the error with logging ('T4z'), please include the log file. qhull precision warning: The initial hull is narrow. Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., a square in 3-d instead of a cube)? Cosine of the minimum angle is %.16f. If so, Qhull may produce a wide facet. Options 'Qs' (search all points), 'Qbb' (scale last coordinate), or 'QbB' (scale to unit box) may remove this warning. See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm. Use 'Pp' to skip this warning. The input to qhull appears to be less than %d dimensional, or a computation has overflowed. Qhull could not construct a clearly convex simplex from points: The center point is coplanar with a facet, or a vertex is coplanar with a neighboring facet. The maximum round off error for computing distances is %2.2g. The center point, facets and distances to the center point are as follows: These points are the dual of the given halfspaces. They indicate that the intersection is degenerate. These points either have a maximum or minimum x-coordinate, or they maximize the determinant for k coordinates. Trial points are first selected from points that maximize a coordinate. Because of the high dimension, the min x-coordinate and max-coordinate points are used if the determinant is non-zero. Option 'Qs' will do a better, though much slower, job. Instead of 'Qs', you can change the points by randomly rotating the input with 'QR0'. The min and max coordinates for each dimension are: If the input should be full dimensional, you have several options that may determine an initial simplex: - use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional - use 'QbB' to scale the points to the unit cube - use 'QR0' to randomly rotate the input for different maximum points - use 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex - use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than %2.2g. - trace execution with 'T3' to see the determinant for each point. If the input is lower dimensional: - use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional - use 'Qbk:0Bk:0' to delete coordinate k from the input. You should pick the coordinate with the least range. The hull will have the correct topology. - determine the flat containing the points, rotate the points into a coordinate plane, and delete the other coordinates. - add one or more points to make the input full dimensional. %d: %8.4g %8.4g difference= %4.4g A Qhull topology error has occurred. Qhull did not recover from facet merges and vertex merges. This usually occurs when the input is nearly degenerate and substantial merging has occurred. See http://www.qhull.org/html/qh-impre.htm#limit A wide merge error has occurred. Qhull has produced a wide facet due to facet merges and vertex merges. This usually occurs when the input is nearly degenerate and substantial merging has occurred. See http://www.qhull.org/html/qh-impre.htm#limit qhull error while handling previous error in qh_errexit. Exit program Last point added to hull was p%d. Qhull has finished constructing the hull. Qhull has started post-merging.qhull exit due to qh_ERRdebug qhull internal error (qh_errexit): exit code %d is greater than 255. Invalid argument for exit(). Replaced with 255 qhull internal error (qh_errexit): either error while reporting error QH%d, or qh.NOerrexit not cleared after setjmp(). Exit program with error status %d @rbox input error: negative coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn' rbox input error: coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn' rbox error: arguments for 'Cn,r,m' are not 'int', 'float', and 'int'. Remaining string is '%s' rbox error: missing arguments for 'Cn,r,m' where n is the number of coincident points, r is the radius (default 0.0), and m is the number of points rbox error: negative arguments for 'Cn,m,r' where n (%d) is the number of coincident points, m (%d) is the number of points, and r (%.2g) is the radius (default 0.0) rbox error: dimension, D%d, out of bounds (>=%d or <=0) rbox warning: assuming 'M3,4,5' since mesh args are not integers or reals rbox error: unknown flag at '%s'. Execute 'rbox' without arguments for documentation. rbox error: missing space between flags at %s. rbox error: can not combine 'Ln' with 'Zn' rbox error: lens radius %.2g should be greater than 1.0 rbox error: can only specify one of 'l', 's', 'x', 'Ln', or 'Mn,m,r' ('Ln s' is ok). rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' requested n coincident points for each of m points. Either there is no points or m (%d) is greater than the number of points (%d). rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' is not implemented for regular points ('r') rbox error: missing comma after coordinate in %s rbox error: %d coordinates instead of %d coordinates in %s rbox error: insufficient memory for simplex rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d rbox error: spiral distribution is available only in 3d rbox error: rbox in use by another process. Please lock calls to rbox or use libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c %6.16g %6.16g %6.16g integerrealrbox error: missing count t%d t %s begin %d %d %s %d %s %d end hull O=>LETLGlItX|z\8\L|̈L,<@T h,|̤ܨܰ|,@̷`<t>l>l? ?<@|`@l @$@%C<@,DB|DCDDDLF8EG|E,MENFRFUF|V GW\GZGLdH^>_Hu %oE C o I 88'FBD A(D@r (A ABBG $tX,pECD aAA, ,PE] F c,L A (L.EPJ ` AAO L.oFBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBD `l4FEE E(D0C8D@ 8A0A(B BBBF s 8D0A(B BBBH L6FBE E(A0A8JH 8A0A(B BBBH L \8+FBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA |p,cFBB B(A0A8D@ 8A0A(B BBBK  8J0F(B BBBE  8A0A(B BBBH \h FBE E(D0A8FYPB 8A0A(B BBBA Ps5EY B f J 8t8tFED D(D@m (M HBBE (u*FED RBB<uDFEH E(D0[(B BBBuu0,ypD}sXl40FHFBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBG DHXD7E  A xdcHFEE B(A0A8G@ 8D0A(B BBBA T4RAD  HIH AABDH L HIK 80FBD D(I@ (A ABBB l~LlPx{FEB D(A0DPuXV``XBP- 0A(A BBBH (5FDG YDB8IEB D(N0b (A BBBE @ k(ThAEAG0 AAF u@XFEE A(D0D@ 0A(A BBBA ,,0[IT0n EH  AE 0 `FAA D0  AABF P ,KEM  AM t XH XFBH F(D0A8G` 8A0A(B BBBI X FBB A(A0G@mHPPWHA@Z 0E(A BBBB xHhPFHA@L0 \pFBB E(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBA H |0FIB B(D0C8D` 8D0A(B BBBA 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