// Copyright (c) 1997, 2012 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Alpha_shapes_3/include/CGAL/Alpha_shape_3.h $ // $Id: Alpha_shape_3.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Tran Kai Frank DA // Andreas Fabri // Mariette Yvinec #ifndef CGAL_ALPHA_SHAPE_3_H #define CGAL_ALPHA_SHAPE_3_H #include #include #include // for Alpha_status #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_USE_GEOMVIEW #include // TBC #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace CGAL { //------------------------------------------------------------------- template < class Dt, class ExactAlphaComparisonTag = Tag_false > class Alpha_shape_3 : public Dt { // DEFINITION The class Alpha_shape_3
represents the family // of alpha-shapes for a set of points (or a set of weighted points) // for all possible values of alpha. The alphashape is defined through // the Delaunay tetrahedralization of the points // (or the Regular tetrahedralization in case of weighted points) // and depends on the value of a parameter called alpha. // The alpha_shape is the domain of a subcomplex of this triangulation // called the Alpha_complex. The alpha_complex includes any simplex // having a circumscribing sphere (an orthogonal sphere // in case of weighted points) empty of other points // (or suborthogonal to other sites in case of weighted points) // with squared radius equal or less than alpha // The alpha_shapes comes in two versions : GENERAL or REGULARIZED // where the REGULARIZED version is onbtaining by restricting the // alpha complex ti is pure 3D component. // The cells of the triangulation are classified as INTERIOR // or EXTERIOR according to the value alpha_cell of their circumsphere // squared radius compared to alpha. // In GENERAL mode each k-dimensional simplex of the triangulation // for (k=0,1,2) // can be classified as EXTERIOR, SINGULAR, REGULAR // or INTERIOR with respect to the alpha shape. // In GENERAL mode a $k$ simplex is REGULAR if it is on the boundary // of the alpha_complex and belongs to a $k+1$ simplex in the complex // and it is SINGULAR simplex if it is a boundary simplex tht is not // included in a $k+1$ simplex of the complex. // In REGULARIZED mode each k-dimensional simplex of the triangulation // for (k=0,1,2) // can be classified as EXTERIOR, REGULAR // or INTERIOR with respect to the alpha shape. // A $k$ simplex is REGULAR if it is on the boundary of alpha complex // and belong to a tetrahedral cell of the complex. // Roughly, the Alpha_shapes data structure computes and stores, // for each simplex // the at most three critical value (alpha_min, alpha_mid and alpha_max) // which compared to the actual alpha value // determine the classification of the simplex. //------------------------- TYPES ------------------------------------ public: typedef Dt Triangulation; typedef typename Dt::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Dt::Triangulation_data_structure Tds; // The Exact Comparison Tag cannot be used in conjonction with periodic triangulations // because the periodic triangulations' point() function returns a temporary // value while the lazy predicate evaluations that are used when the Exact tag // is set to true rely on a permanent and safe access to the points. CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same::value) || (boost::is_same::value)); //extra the type used for representing alpha according to ExactAlphaComparisonTag typedef typename internal::Alpha_nt_selector_3::Type_of_alpha NT; typedef typename internal::Alpha_nt_selector_3::Compute_squared_radius_3 Compute_squared_radius_3; typedef NT FT; typedef typename Gt::FT Coord_type; //checks whether tags are correctly set in Vertex and Cell classes CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same::value) ); CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same::value) ); typedef typename Dt::Point Point; typedef typename Dt::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Dt::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Dt::Facet Facet; typedef typename Dt::Edge Edge; typedef typename Dt::Cell_circulator Cell_circulator; typedef typename Dt::Facet_circulator Facet_circulator; typedef typename Dt::Cell_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Facet_iterator Facet_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Finite_cells_iterator Finite_cells_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Finite_facets_iterator Finite_facets_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Finite_edges_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef typename Dt::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Dt::size_type size_type; typedef typename Dt::Locate_type Locate_type; typedef typename Dt::Weighted_tag Weighted_tag; using Dt::dimension; using Dt::finite_facets_begin; using Dt::finite_facets_end; using Dt::finite_edges_begin; using Dt::finite_edges_end; using Dt::finite_vertices_begin; using Dt::finite_vertices_end; using Dt::finite_cells_begin; using Dt::finite_cells_end; using Dt::vertex_triple_index; using Dt::is_infinite; using Dt::is_Gabriel; using Dt::incident_cells; using Dt::incident_vertices; using Dt::incident_facets; using Dt::locate; using Dt::point; using Dt::VERTEX; using Dt::EDGE; using Dt::FACET; using Dt::CELL; using Dt::OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL; using Dt::OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL; enum Classification_type {EXTERIOR, SINGULAR, REGULAR, INTERIOR}; enum Mode {GENERAL, REGULARIZED}; typedef CGAL::Alpha_status< NT > Alpha_status; typedef Compact_container Alpha_status_container; typedef typename Alpha_status_container::const_iterator Alpha_status_const_iterator; typedef typename Alpha_status_container::iterator Alpha_status_iterator; typedef std::vector< NT > Alpha_spectrum; typedef std::multimap< NT, Cell_handle > Alpha_cell_map; typedef std::multimap< NT, Facet> Alpha_facet_map; typedef std::multimap< NT, Edge > Alpha_edge_map; typedef std::multimap< NT, Vertex_handle> Alpha_vertex_map; typedef std::pair Vertex_handle_pair; typedef std::map Edge_alpha_map; typedef typename std::list< Vertex_handle >::iterator Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator; typedef typename std::list< Facet >::iterator Alpha_shape_facets_iterator; //test if a cell is exterior to the alphashape class Exterior_cell_test{ const Alpha_shape_3 * _as; public: Exterior_cell_test() {} Exterior_cell_test(const Alpha_shape_3 * as) {_as = as;} bool operator() ( const Finite_cells_iterator& fci) const { return _as->classify(fci) == EXTERIOR ; } }; typedef Filter_iterator< Finite_cells_iterator, Exterior_cell_test> Alpha_shape_cells_iterator; typedef typename Alpha_spectrum::const_iterator Alpha_iterator; // An iterator that allow to traverse the sorted sequence of // different alpha-values. The iterator is bidirectional and // non-mutable. Its value-type is NT private: typedef Unique_hash_map Marked_cell_set; private: NT _alpha; NT _alpha_solid; Mode _mode; mutable bool use_vertex_cache; mutable bool use_facet_cache; // only finite facets and simplices are inserted into the maps Alpha_cell_map alpha_cell_map; Alpha_facet_map alpha_min_facet_map; Alpha_edge_map alpha_min_edge_map; Alpha_vertex_map alpha_min_vertex_map; Alpha_spectrum alpha_spectrum; Alpha_status_container alpha_status_container; Edge_alpha_map edge_alpha_map; //deprecated - for backward compatibility mutable std::list< Vertex_handle > alpha_shape_vertices_list; mutable std::list< Facet > alpha_shape_facets_list; //------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS ------------------------------ public: // Introduces an empty alpha-shape `A' for a // alpha-value `alpha'. Alpha_shape_3(NT alpha = 0, Mode m = REGULARIZED) : _alpha(alpha), _mode(m), use_vertex_cache(false), use_facet_cache(false) {} Alpha_shape_3(Dt& dt, NT alpha = 0, Mode m = REGULARIZED) :_alpha(alpha), _mode(m), use_vertex_cache(false), use_facet_cache(false) { Dt::swap(dt); if (dimension() == 3) initialize_alpha(); } // Introduces an alpha-shape `A' for the alpha-value // `alpha' that is initialized with the points in the range // from first to last template < class InputIterator > Alpha_shape_3(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last, const NT& alpha = 0, Mode m = REGULARIZED) : _alpha(alpha), _mode(m), use_vertex_cache(false), use_facet_cache(false) { Dt::insert(first, last); if (dimension() == 3) initialize_alpha(); } public: //----------------------- OPERATIONS --------------------------------- template < class InputIterator > std::ptrdiff_t make_alpha_shape(const InputIterator& first, const InputIterator& last) { clear(); size_type n = Dt::insert(first, last); if (dimension() == 3){ initialize_alpha(); } return n; } // Introduces an alpha-shape `A' // that is initialized with the points in the range // from first to last private : //--------------------- INITIALIZATION OF PRIVATE MEMBERS ----------- // called with reinitialize=false on first initialization // reinitialize=true when switching the mode. void initialize_alpha_cell_map(); void initialize_alpha_facet_maps(bool reinitialize = false); void initialize_alpha_edge_maps(bool reinitialize = false); void initialize_alpha_vertex_maps(bool reinitialize = false); void initialize_alpha_spectrum(); void initialize_alpha(bool reinitialize = false) { if (reinitialize == false) initialize_alpha_cell_map(); initialize_alpha_facet_maps(reinitialize); initialize_alpha_edge_maps(reinitialize); initialize_alpha_vertex_maps(reinitialize); initialize_alpha_spectrum(); } private : Vertex_handle_pair make_vertex_handle_pair( Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2) const { return v1 < v2 ? std::make_pair(v1,v2) : std::make_pair(v2,v1); } Vertex_handle_pair make_vertex_handle_pair(const Edge& e) const { return make_vertex_handle_pair(e.first->vertex(e.second), e.first->vertex(e.third)); } // the version to be used with Tag_true is templated to avoid // instanciation through explicit instantiation of the whole class void set_alpha_min_of_vertices(Tag_false) { for( Finite_vertices_iterator vit = finite_vertices_begin(); vit != finite_vertices_end(); ++vit){ Alpha_status* as = vit->get_alpha_status(); as->set_is_Gabriel(true); as->set_alpha_min(NT(0)); } // insert a single vertex into the map because they all have the // same alpha_min value alpha_min_vertex_map.insert(typename Alpha_vertex_map::value_type ( NT(0), finite_vertices_begin())); } template void set_alpha_min_of_vertices(Tag) { for( Finite_vertices_iterator vit = finite_vertices_begin(); vit != finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { if (is_Gabriel(vit)) { Alpha_status* as = vit->get_alpha_status(); as->set_is_Gabriel(true); as->set_alpha_min(squared_radius(vit)); alpha_min_vertex_map.insert(typename Alpha_vertex_map::value_type (as->alpha_min(),vit)); } } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public: void clear() { // clears the structure alpha_status_container.clear(); Dt::clear(); alpha_cell_map.clear(); alpha_min_facet_map.clear(); alpha_min_edge_map.clear(); alpha_min_vertex_map.clear(); alpha_spectrum.clear(); alpha_shape_vertices_list.clear(); alpha_shape_facets_list.clear(); use_vertex_cache = false; use_facet_cache = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public: NT set_alpha(const NT& alpha) // Sets the alpha-value to `alpha'. Precondition: `alpha' >= 0. // Returns the previous alpha { NT previous_alpha = _alpha; _alpha = alpha; use_vertex_cache = false; use_facet_cache = false; return previous_alpha; } const NT& get_alpha() const // Returns the current alpha-value. { return _alpha; } const NT& get_nth_alpha(int n) const // Returns the n-th alpha-value. // n < size() { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( n > 0 && n <= static_cast(alpha_spectrum.size()) ); return alpha_spectrum[n-1]; } size_type number_of_alphas() const // Returns the number of different alpha-values { return alpha_spectrum.size(); } const Edge_alpha_map* get_edge_alpha_map() const { return &edge_alpha_map; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- private: // the dynamic version is not yet implemented // desactivate the tetrahedralization member functions void insert(const Point& /*p*/) {} // Inserts point `p' in the alpha shape and returns the // corresponding vertex of the underlying Delaunay tetrahedralization. // If point `p' coincides with an already existing vertex, this // vertex is returned and the alpha shape remains unchanged. // Otherwise, the vertex is inserted in the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization and the associated intervals are updated. void remove(Vertex_handle /*v*/) {} // Removes the vertex from the underlying Delaunay tetrahedralization. // The created hole is retriangulated and the associated intervals // are updated. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public: Mode set_mode(Mode mode = REGULARIZED ) // Sets `A' to its general or regularized version. Returns the // previous mode. { Mode previous_mode = _mode; _mode = mode; if (previous_mode != _mode) { initialize_alpha(true); use_vertex_cache = false; use_facet_cache = false; } return previous_mode; } Mode get_mode() const // Returns whether `A' is general or regularized. { return _mode; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- private: void update_alpha_shape_vertex_list() const; void update_alpha_shape_facet_list() const; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public: Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator alpha_shape_vertices_begin() const { if(!use_vertex_cache) update_alpha_shape_vertex_list(); return alpha_shape_vertices_list.begin(); } Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator Alpha_shape_vertices_begin() const { return alpha_shape_vertices_begin(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator alpha_shape_vertices_end() const { return alpha_shape_vertices_list.end(); } Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator Alpha_shape_vertices_end() const { return alpha_shape_vertices_end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha_shape_facets_iterator alpha_shape_facets_begin() const { if(! use_facet_cache) update_alpha_shape_facet_list(); return alpha_shape_facets_list.begin(); } Alpha_shape_facets_iterator Alpha_shape_facets_begin() const { return alpha_shape_facets_begin(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha_shape_facets_iterator alpha_shape_facets_end() const { return alpha_shape_facets_list.end(); } Alpha_shape_facets_iterator Alpha_shape_facets_end() const { return alpha_shape_facets_end(); } Alpha_shape_cells_iterator alpha_shape_cells_begin() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(finite_cells_end(), Exterior_cell_test(this), finite_cells_begin()); } Alpha_shape_cells_iterator alpha_shape_cells_end() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(finite_cells_end(), Exterior_cell_test(this)); } public: // Traversal of the alpha-Values // // The alpha shape class defines an iterator that allows to // visit the sorted sequence of alpha-values. This iterator is // non-mutable and bidirectional. Its value type is NT. Alpha_iterator alpha_begin() const { return alpha_spectrum.begin(); } Alpha_iterator alpha_end() const {return alpha_spectrum.end();} Alpha_iterator alpha_find(const NT& alpha) const // Returns an iterator pointing to an element with alpha-value // `alpha', or the corresponding past-the-end iterator if such an // element is not found. { return std::find(alpha_spectrum.begin(), alpha_spectrum.end(), alpha); } Alpha_iterator alpha_lower_bound(const NT& alpha) const // Returns an iterator pointing to the first element with // alpha-value not less than `alpha'. { return std::lower_bound(alpha_spectrum.begin(), alpha_spectrum.end(), alpha); } Alpha_iterator alpha_upper_bound(const NT& alpha) const // Returns an iterator pointing to the first element with // alpha-value greater than `alpha'. { return std::upper_bound(alpha_spectrum.begin(), alpha_spectrum.end(), alpha); } //--------------------- PREDICATES ----------------------------------- public: void compute_edge_status( const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j, Alpha_status& as) const; Classification_type classify(const Alpha_status& as, const NT& alpha) const; Classification_type classify(const Alpha_status* as, const NT& alpha) const; Classification_type classify(const Alpha_status_const_iterator as, const NT& alpha) const; public: Classification_type classify(const Point& p) const { return classify(p, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Point& p, const NT& alpha) const // Classifies a point `p' with respect to `A'. { Locate_type type; int i, j; Cell_handle pCell = locate(p, type, i, j); switch (type) { case VERTEX : return classify(pCell->vertex(i), alpha); case EDGE : return classify(pCell, i, j, alpha); case FACET : return classify(pCell, i, alpha); case CELL : return classify(pCell, alpha); case OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL : return EXTERIOR; case OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL : return EXTERIOR; default : return EXTERIOR; }; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s) const // Classifies the cell `f' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. { return classify(s, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s, const NT& alpha) const // Classifies the cell `f' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. // s->radius == alpha => f interior { if (is_infinite(s)) return EXTERIOR; return (s->get_alpha() <= alpha) ? INTERIOR : EXTERIOR; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification_type classify(const Facet& f) const { return classify(f.first, f.second, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s, int i) const { return classify(s, i, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Facet& f, const NT& alpha) const { return classify(f.first, f.second, alpha); } Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s, int i, const NT& alpha) const; // Classifies the face `f' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification_type classify(const Edge& e) const { return classify(e.first, e.second, e.third, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s, int i, int j) const { return classify(s, i, j, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Edge& e, const NT& alpha ) const { return classify(e.first, e.second, e.third, alpha); } Classification_type classify(const Cell_handle& s, int i, int j, const NT& alpha) const; // Classifies the edge `e' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification_type classify(const Vertex_handle& v) const { return classify(v, get_alpha()); } Classification_type classify(const Vertex_handle& v, const NT& alpha) const; // Classifies the vertex `v' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. //--------------------- NB COMPONENTS --------------------------------- size_type number_solid_components() const { return number_of_solid_components(get_alpha()); } size_type number_of_solid_components() const { return number_of_solid_components(get_alpha()); } size_type number_solid_components(const NT& alpha) const { return number_of_solid_components(alpha); } size_type number_of_solid_components(const NT& alpha) const; // Determine the number of connected solid components // takes time O(#alpha_shape) amortized if STL_HASH_TABLES // O(#alpha_shape log n) otherwise private: void traverse(Cell_handle pCell, Marked_cell_set& marked_cell_set, const NT alpha) const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: Alpha_iterator find_optimal_alpha(size_type nb_components) const; // find the minimum alpha that satisfies the properties // (1) all data points are on the boundary of some 3d component // or in its interior // (2) the nb of solid components is equal or less than nb_component NT find_alpha_solid() const; // compute the minumum alpha such that all data points // are either on the boundary or in the interior // not necessarily connected // starting point for searching // takes O(#alpha_shape) time //------------------- GEOMETRIC PRIMITIVES ---------------------------- private: NT squared_radius(const Cell_handle& s) const { return Compute_squared_radius_3()(*this)(point(s,0), point(s,1), point(s,2), point(s,3)); } NT squared_radius(const Cell_handle& s, const int& i) const { return Compute_squared_radius_3()(*this)(point(s,vertex_triple_index(i,0)), point(s,vertex_triple_index(i,1)), point(s,vertex_triple_index(i,2))); } NT squared_radius(const Facet& f) const { return squared_radius(f.first, f.second); } NT squared_radius(const Cell_handle& s, const int& i, const int& j) const { return Compute_squared_radius_3()(*this)(point(s,i), point(s,j)); } NT squared_radius(const Edge& e) const { return squared_radius(e.first,e.second,e.third); } NT squared_radius(const Vertex_handle& v) const { return Compute_squared_radius_3()(*this)(v->point()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- private: // prevent default copy constructor and default assigment Alpha_shape_3(const Alpha_shape_3&); void operator=(const Alpha_shape_3&); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public: #ifdef CGAL_USE_GEOMVIEW void show_triangulation_edges(Geomview_stream &gv) const; void show_alpha_shape_faces(Geomview_stream &gv) const; #endif // to Debug void print_maps() const; void print_alphas() const; void print_alpha_status( const Alpha_status& as) const; // To extract the alpha_shape faces for a given alpha value template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_cells(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type, const NT& alpha) const { Finite_cells_iterator cit = finite_cells_begin(); for( ; cit != finite_cells_end() ; ++cit){ if (classify(cit, alpha) == type) *it++ = Cell_handle(cit); } return it; } template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_facets(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type, const NT& alpha) const { Finite_facets_iterator fit = finite_facets_begin(); for( ; fit != finite_facets_end() ; ++fit){ if (classify(*fit, alpha) == type) *it++ = *fit; } return it; } template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_edges(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type, const NT& alpha) const { Finite_edges_iterator eit = finite_edges_begin(); for( ; eit != finite_edges_end() ; ++eit){ if (classify(*eit, alpha) == type) *it++ = *eit; } return it; } template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_vertices(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type, const NT& alpha) const { Finite_vertices_iterator vit = finite_vertices_begin(); for( ; vit != finite_vertices_end() ; ++vit){ if (classify(vit, alpha) == type) *it++ = Vertex_handle(vit); } return it; } Alpha_status get_alpha_status(const Edge& e) const { return *edge_alpha_map.find(make_vertex_handle_pair(e))->second; } Alpha_status get_alpha_status(const Facet& f) const { return *(f.first->get_facet_status(f.second)); } template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_cells(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type) const { return get_alpha_shape_cells(it, type, get_alpha());} template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_facets(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type) const { return get_alpha_shape_facets(it, type, get_alpha());} template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_edges(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type) const { return get_alpha_shape_edges(it, type, get_alpha());} template OutputIterator get_alpha_shape_vertices(OutputIterator it, Classification_type type) const { return get_alpha_shape_vertices(it, type, get_alpha());} template OutputIterator filtration_with_alpha_values(OutputIterator it) const // scan the alpha_cell_map, alpha_min_facet_map, alpha_min_edge_map // and alpha_min_vertex in GENERAL mode // only alpha_cell_map in REGULARIZED mode // and output all the faces in order of alpha value of their appearing // in the alpha complexe { typename Alpha_cell_map::const_iterator cit ; typename Alpha_facet_map::const_iterator fit ; typename Alpha_edge_map::const_iterator eit ; typename Alpha_vertex_map::const_iterator vit; if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { cit = alpha_cell_map.begin(); fit = alpha_min_facet_map.begin(); eit = alpha_min_edge_map.begin(); vit = alpha_min_vertex_map.begin(); } else { //mode==REGULARIZED do not scan maps of Gabriel elements cit = alpha_cell_map.begin(); fit = alpha_min_facet_map.end(); eit = alpha_min_edge_map.end(); vit = alpha_min_vertex_map.end(); } // sets to avoid multiple output of the same face // as a regular subfaces of different faces std::set facet_set; std::set edge_set; std::set vertex_set; NT alpha_current = 0; while (cit != alpha_cell_map.end()) { if ( vit != alpha_min_vertex_map.end() && (eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || (vit->first <= eit->first)) && (fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end()|| (vit->first <= fit->first)) && (cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || (vit->first <= cit->first))) { //advance on vit filtration_set_management(vit, alpha_current, facet_set, edge_set, vertex_set); filtration_output(vit->first, vit->second, it); vit++; } if ( eit != alpha_min_edge_map.end() && ( fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end() || (eit->first <= fit->first) ) && ( cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || (eit->first <= cit->first) ) && ( vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end()|| (vit->first > eit->first) ) ) { //advance on eit filtration_set_management(eit, alpha_current, facet_set, edge_set, vertex_set); filtration_output(eit->first, eit->second, it, vertex_set); eit++; } if ( fit != alpha_min_facet_map.end() && (cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || (fit->first <= cit->first)) && (eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || (eit->first > fit->first)) && (vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end()|| (vit->first > fit->first)) ) { //advance on fit filtration_set_management(fit, alpha_current, facet_set, edge_set, vertex_set); filtration_output(fit->first, fit->second, it, edge_set, vertex_set); fit++; } if ( cit != alpha_cell_map.end() && (fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end() || (fit->first > cit->first) ) && (eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || (eit->first > cit->first) ) && (vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end()|| (vit->first > cit->first) ) ) { //advance on cit filtration_set_management(cit, alpha_current, facet_set, edge_set, vertex_set); filtration_output(cit->first, cit->second, it, facet_set, edge_set, vertex_set); cit++; } } return it; } template OutputIterator filtration(OutputIterator it) const { Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator, std::tuple > out(it); return std::template get<0>( filtration_with_alpha_values(out) ); } private: template void filtration_set_management ( Alpha_face_iterator afit, NT& alpha_current, std::set& facet_set, std::set& edge_set, std::set& vertex_set) const { if (afit->first != alpha_current) { //new alpha_value alpha_current = afit->first; facet_set.clear(); edge_set.clear(); vertex_set.clear(); } return; } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT & alpha, Vertex_handle vh, OutputIterator it, Tag_true) const { *it++ = make_object(vh); *it++ = alpha; //std::cerr << "filtration " << alpha << " \t VERTEX " << std::endl; return it; } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT& alpha, Vertex_handle vh, OutputIterator it, Tag_false) const { // when Delaunay, the alpha_min_vertex_map contains a single vertex // because all vertices are Gabriel with the same alpha_min=0 // this affects only the GENERAL mode if (get_mode() == GENERAL){ Finite_vertices_iterator vit=finite_vertices_begin(); for( ; vit != finite_vertices_end(); vit++) { *it++ = make_object( Vertex_handle(vit)); *it++ = alpha; } } else { *it++ = make_object(vh); *it++ = alpha; } //std::cerr << "filtration " << alpha << " \t VERTEX " << std::endl; return it; } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT& alpha, Vertex_handle vh, OutputIterator it) const { return filtration_output(alpha, vh, it, Weighted_tag()); } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT& alpha, Edge e, OutputIterator it, std::set& vertex_set) const { Vertex_handle vh[] = {e.first->vertex(e.second), e.first->vertex(e.third)}; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { Alpha_status* as = vh[i]->get_alpha_status(); if ( (get_mode()== REGULARIZED || !as->is_Gabriel()) && as->alpha_mid() == alpha && vertex_set.find(vh[i]) == vertex_set.end() ) { filtration_output( alpha, vh[i], it); vertex_set.insert(vh[i]); } } *it++ = make_object(e); *it++ = alpha; //std::cerr << "filtration " << alpha << " \t EDGE " << std::endl; return it; } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT& alpha, Facet f, OutputIterator it, std::set& edge_set, std::set& vertex_set ) const { Cell_handle c = f.first; int facet_index = f.second; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) { int i = vertex_triple_index(facet_index, k ); int j = vertex_triple_index(facet_index, this->ccw(k)); Alpha_status as; Vertex_handle_pair vhp = make_vertex_handle_pair(c->vertex(i),c->vertex(j)); if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { as = *(edge_alpha_map.find(vhp)->second); } else{ //no edge map in REGULARIZED mode - classify on the fly compute_edge_status( c, i, j, as); } if ( (get_mode()== REGULARIZED || !as.is_Gabriel()) && as.alpha_mid() == alpha && edge_set.find(vhp)== edge_set.end() ) { filtration_output( alpha, make_triple(c,i,j), it, vertex_set); edge_set.insert(vhp); } } *it++ = make_object(f); *it++ = alpha; //std::cerr << "filtration " << alpha << " \t FACET " << std::endl; return it; } template OutputIterator filtration_output( const NT& alpha, Cell_handle c, OutputIterator it, std::set& facet_set, std::set& edge_set, std::set& vertex_set) const { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Alpha_status_iterator as = c->get_facet_status(i); Facet f = std::make_pair(c,i); if ((get_mode()== REGULARIZED || !as->is_Gabriel()) && as->alpha_mid() == alpha && facet_set.find(f) == facet_set.end() && facet_set.find(std::make_pair(c->neighbor(i), this->mirror_index(c, i))) == facet_set.end()) { filtration_output( alpha, f, it, edge_set, vertex_set); facet_set.insert(f); } } *it++ = make_object(c); *it++ = alpha; //std::cerr << "filtration " << alpha << " \t CELL " << std::endl; return it; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------- MEMBER FUNCTIONS------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------- INITIALIZATION OF PRIVATE MEMBERS ------------- template void Alpha_shape_3::initialize_alpha_cell_map() { Finite_cells_iterator cell_it, done = finite_cells_end(); NT alpha ; for( cell_it = finite_cells_begin(); cell_it != done; ++cell_it) { alpha = squared_radius(cell_it); alpha_cell_map.insert(typename Alpha_cell_map::value_type(alpha, cell_it)); // cross references cell_it->set_alpha(alpha); } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Alpha_shape_3::initialize_alpha_facet_maps(bool reinitialize) { Finite_facets_iterator fit; Cell_handle pCell, pNeighbor ; int i, iNeigh; Alpha_status_iterator as; if (!reinitialize) { NT alpha_max, alpha_mid; for( fit = finite_facets_begin(); fit != finite_facets_end(); ++fit) { as = alpha_status_container.insert(Alpha_status()); pCell = fit->first; i = fit->second; pNeighbor = pCell->neighbor(i); iNeigh = pNeighbor->index(pCell); // not on the convex hull if(!is_infinite(pCell) && !is_infinite(pNeighbor)) { NT alpha_Cell = pCell->get_alpha(); NT alpha_Neighbor = pNeighbor->get_alpha(); if ( alpha_Cell < alpha_Neighbor) { alpha_mid = alpha_Cell; alpha_max = alpha_Neighbor; } else { alpha_mid = alpha_Neighbor; alpha_max = alpha_Cell; } as->set_is_on_chull(false); as->set_alpha_mid(alpha_mid); as->set_alpha_max(alpha_max); // alpha_mid_facet_map.insert(typename // Alpha_facet_map::value_type(alpha_mid, *fit)); } else { // on the convex hull alpha_mid = !is_infinite(pCell) ? pCell->get_alpha() : pNeighbor->get_alpha(); as->set_alpha_mid(alpha_mid); as->set_is_on_chull(true); } //cross links pCell->set_facet_status(i, as); pNeighbor->set_facet_status(iNeigh,as); } } // initialize alpha_min if mode GENERAL if(get_mode() == GENERAL && alpha_min_facet_map.empty()) { //already done if !alpha_min_facet_map.empty() NT alpha_min; for( fit = finite_facets_begin(); fit != finite_facets_end(); ++fit) { as = fit->first->get_facet_status(fit->second); if (is_Gabriel(*fit)) { as->set_is_Gabriel(true); alpha_min = squared_radius(*fit); as->set_alpha_min(alpha_min); alpha_min_facet_map.insert(typename Alpha_facet_map::value_type(alpha_min, *fit)); } else{ as->set_is_Gabriel(false); as->set_alpha_min(as->alpha_mid()); } } } return; } template void Alpha_shape_3::initialize_alpha_edge_maps(bool ) { // alpha_status for edges, edge_alpha_map // and alpha_mid_edge and alpha_min_edge // are initialized only in GENERAL mode if(get_mode() == REGULARIZED) {return;} //no_edge_map in REGULARIZED mode if ( !edge_alpha_map.empty()) return; // already done Finite_edges_iterator eit; Alpha_status_iterator as; for (eit = finite_edges_begin(); eit != finite_edges_end(); ++eit) { as = alpha_status_container.insert(Alpha_status()); compute_edge_status(eit->first, eit->second, eit->third, *as); if ( as->is_Gabriel()) { alpha_min_edge_map.insert(typename Alpha_edge_map::value_type(as->alpha_min(), *eit)); } //cross links Vertex_handle_pair vhp = make_vertex_handle_pair( eit->first->vertex(eit->second), eit->first->vertex(eit->third)); edge_alpha_map.insert(std::make_pair(vhp, as)); } return; } template void Alpha_shape_3::initialize_alpha_vertex_maps(bool reinitialize) { //for a vertex // alpha_max = max of alpha values of incident cells // alpha_mid = min of alpha values of incident cells in REGULAR mode // = min of alpha values of incidents faces in GENERAL mode // alpha_min = -squared_radius of weighted point, // if the vertex is Gabriel set only in GENERAL mode NT alpha, alpha_mid; Finite_vertices_iterator vit; if (reinitialize == false) _alpha_solid = alpha_cell_map.begin()->first; for( vit = finite_vertices_begin(); vit != finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { Alpha_status* as = vit->get_alpha_status(); if (reinitialize == false) { // set is_on_chull, compute alpha_max // and alpha_mid (version REGULAR) // compute _alpha_solid (max of alpha_mid of vertices in REGULAR mode) as->set_is_on_chull(false); std::list incidents; incident_cells(static_cast(vit), back_inserter(incidents)); typename std::list::iterator chit=incidents.begin(); if (is_infinite(*chit)) as->set_is_on_chull(true); while (is_infinite(*chit)) ++chit; //skip infinte cells alpha = (*chit)->get_alpha(); as->set_alpha_mid(alpha); as->set_alpha_max(alpha); ++chit; for( ; chit != incidents.end(); ++chit) { if (is_infinite(*chit)) as->set_is_on_chull(true); else { alpha = (*chit)->get_alpha(); if (alpha < as->alpha_mid()) as->set_alpha_mid(alpha); if (alpha > as->alpha_max()) as->set_alpha_max(alpha); } } if (as->alpha_mid() > _alpha_solid) _alpha_solid = as->alpha_mid(); } if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { //reset alpha_mid, set alph_min std::list incidentv; incident_vertices(static_cast(vit), back_inserter(incidentv)); typename std::list::iterator vvit=incidentv.begin(); for( ; vvit != incidentv.end(); ++vvit) { if (!is_infinite(*vvit)) { Vertex_handle_pair vhp = make_vertex_handle_pair( *vvit, vit); Alpha_status_iterator asedge = edge_alpha_map[vhp]; alpha_mid = asedge->is_Gabriel() ? asedge->alpha_min() : asedge->alpha_mid(); if ( alpha_mid < as->alpha_mid()) as->set_alpha_mid(alpha_mid); } } } if (get_mode()== REGULARIZED && reinitialize == true) { // reset alpha_mid std::list incidents; incident_cells(static_cast(vit), back_inserter(incidents)); typename std::list::iterator chit=incidents.begin(); while (is_infinite(*chit)) ++chit; //skip infinte cells alpha = (*chit)->get_alpha(); as->set_alpha_mid(alpha); for( ; chit != incidents.end(); ++chit) { if (is_infinite(*chit)) as->set_is_on_chull(true); else { alpha = (*chit)->get_alpha(); if (alpha < as->alpha_mid()) as->set_alpha_mid(alpha); } } } } // set alpha_min in case GENERAL if (get_mode() == GENERAL && alpha_min_vertex_map.empty()) { set_alpha_min_of_vertices(Weighted_tag()); } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Alpha_shape_3::initialize_alpha_spectrum() // merges the alpha values of alpha_cell_map // and alpha_min_facet_map alpha_min_edge_map alpha_min_vertex in GENERAL mode // only alpha_cell_map in REGULARIZED mode { typename Alpha_cell_map::iterator cit ; typename Alpha_facet_map::iterator fit ; typename Alpha_edge_map::iterator eit ; typename Alpha_vertex_map::iterator vit; alpha_spectrum.clear(); if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { cit = alpha_cell_map.begin(); fit = alpha_min_facet_map.begin(); eit = alpha_min_edge_map.begin(); vit = alpha_min_vertex_map.begin(); alpha_spectrum.reserve(alpha_cell_map.size() + alpha_min_facet_map.size() + alpha_min_edge_map.size() + alpha_min_vertex_map.size()); } else { alpha_spectrum.reserve(alpha_cell_map.size()); cit = alpha_cell_map.begin(); fit = alpha_min_facet_map.end(); eit = alpha_min_edge_map.end(); vit = alpha_min_vertex_map.end(); } while (cit != alpha_cell_map.end() || fit != alpha_min_facet_map.end() || eit != alpha_min_edge_map.end() ) { if ( cit != alpha_cell_map.end() && ( fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end() || !(fit->first < cit->first) ) && ( eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || !(eit->first < cit->first) ) && ( vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end() || !(vit->first < cit->first) ) ) { //advance on cit if (alpha_spectrum.empty() || alpha_spectrum.back() < cit->first){ alpha_spectrum.push_back(cit->first); } cit++; } if ( fit != alpha_min_facet_map.end() && ( cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || !(cit->first < fit->first) ) && ( eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || !(eit->first < fit->first) ) && ( vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end() || !(vit->first < fit->first) ) ) { //advance on fit if (alpha_spectrum.empty() || alpha_spectrum.back() < fit->first){ alpha_spectrum.push_back(fit->first); } fit++; } if ( eit != alpha_min_edge_map.end() && ( fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end() || !(fit->first < eit->first) ) && ( cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || !(cit->first < eit->first) ) && ( vit == alpha_min_vertex_map.end() || !(vit->first < eit->first) ) ) { //advance on eit if (alpha_spectrum.empty() || alpha_spectrum.back() < eit->first) { alpha_spectrum.push_back(eit->first); } eit++; } if ( vit != alpha_min_vertex_map.end() && ( fit == alpha_min_facet_map.end() || !(fit->first < vit->first) ) && ( cit == alpha_cell_map.end() || !(cit->first < vit->first) ) && ( eit == alpha_min_edge_map.end() || !(eit->first < vit->first) ) ) { //advance on vit if (alpha_spectrum.empty() || alpha_spectrum.back() < vit->first) { alpha_spectrum.push_back(vit->first); } vit++; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 // Obviously not ready yet template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const Alpha_shape_3& A) // Reads a alpha shape from stream `is' and assigns it to // Unknown creationvariable. Precondition: The extract operator must // be defined for `Point'. {} #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Alpha_shape_3& A) // Inserts the alpha shape into the stream `os' as an indexed face set. // Precondition: The insert operator must be defined for `Point' { typedef Alpha_shape_3 AS; typedef typename AS::size_type size_type; typedef typename AS::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename AS::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename AS::Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator; typedef typename AS::Alpha_shape_facets_iterator Alpha_shape_facets_iterator; Unique_hash_map< Vertex_handle, size_type > V; size_type number_of_vertices = 0; Alpha_shape_vertices_iterator vit; for( vit = A.alpha_shape_vertices_begin(); vit != A.alpha_shape_vertices_end(); ++vit) { V[*vit] = number_of_vertices++; os << (*vit)->point() << std::endl; } Cell_handle c; int i; Alpha_shape_facets_iterator fit; for( fit = A.alpha_shape_facets_begin(); fit != A.alpha_shape_facets_end(); ++fit) { c = fit->first; i = fit->second; // the following ensures that regular facets are output // in ccw order if (A.classify(*fit) == AS::REGULAR && (A.classify(c) == AS::INTERIOR)){ c = c->neighbor(i); i = c->index(fit->first); } int i0 = Triangulation_utils_3::vertex_triple_index(i,0); int i1 = Triangulation_utils_3::vertex_triple_index(i,1); int i2 = Triangulation_utils_3::vertex_triple_index(i,2); os << V[c->vertex(i0)] << ' ' << V[c->vertex(i1)] << ' ' << V[c->vertex(i2)] << std::endl; } return os; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Alpha_shape_3::update_alpha_shape_vertex_list() const { alpha_shape_vertices_list.clear(); use_vertex_cache = true; std::back_insert_iterator > it = back_inserter(alpha_shape_vertices_list); get_alpha_shape_vertices(it, REGULAR); if (get_mode()==GENERAL) get_alpha_shape_vertices(it, SINGULAR); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Alpha_shape_3::update_alpha_shape_facet_list() const { alpha_shape_facets_list.clear(); use_facet_cache = true; // Writes the faces of the alpha shape `A' for the current 'alpha'-value // to the container where 'out' refers to. std::back_insert_iterator > it = back_inserter(alpha_shape_facets_list); get_alpha_shape_facets(it, REGULAR); if (get_mode()==GENERAL) get_alpha_shape_facets(it, SINGULAR); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(const Alpha_status& as, const NT& alpha) const { //tetrahedra with circumradius=alpha are considered inside if ( !as.is_on_chull() && alpha >= as.alpha_max()) return INTERIOR; else if ( alpha >= as.alpha_mid()) return REGULAR; else if ( get_mode() == GENERAL && as.is_Gabriel() && alpha >= as.alpha_min()) return SINGULAR; else return EXTERIOR; } template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(const Alpha_status* as, const NT& alpha) const { //tetrahedra with circumradius=alpha are considered inside if ( !as->is_on_chull() && alpha >= as->alpha_max()) return INTERIOR; else if ( alpha >= as->alpha_mid()) return REGULAR; else if ( get_mode() == GENERAL && as->is_Gabriel() && alpha >= as->alpha_min()) return SINGULAR; else return EXTERIOR; } template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(Alpha_status_const_iterator as, const NT& alpha) const { return classify(&(*as), alpha); } template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(const Cell_handle& s, int i, const NT& alpha) const // Classifies the face `f' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. { if (is_infinite(s,i)) return EXTERIOR; Alpha_status_iterator as = s->get_facet_status(i); return classify(as, alpha); } template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j, const NT& alpha) const // Classifies the edge `e' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. { if (is_infinite(c, i, j)) return EXTERIOR; if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { Alpha_status_iterator asit; Vertex_handle_pair vhp=make_vertex_handle_pair(c->vertex(i),c->vertex(j)); asit = edge_alpha_map.find(vhp)->second; return classify(asit,alpha); } //no edge map in REGULARIZED mode - classify on the fly Alpha_status as; compute_edge_status( c, i, j, as); return classify(as, alpha); } template void Alpha_shape_3:: compute_edge_status( const Cell_handle& c, int i, int j, Alpha_status& as) const { Facet_circulator fcirc, done; Alpha_status_iterator asf; NT alpha; as.set_is_on_chull(false); Cell_circulator ccirc, last; ccirc = incident_cells(c,i,j); last=ccirc; while (is_infinite(ccirc) ) ++ccirc; //skip infinite incident cells alpha = (*ccirc).get_alpha(); as.set_alpha_mid(alpha); // initialise as.alpha_mid to alpha value of an incident cell as.set_alpha_max(alpha); // same for as.alpha_max while (++ccirc != last) { if (!is_infinite(ccirc)) { alpha = (*ccirc).get_alpha(); if (alpha < as.alpha_mid()) as.set_alpha_mid(alpha); if ( ! as.is_on_chull()) { if( as.alpha_max() < alpha) as.set_alpha_max( alpha ); } } } fcirc = incident_facets(c,i,j); done = fcirc; do { if (!is_infinite(*fcirc)) { asf = (*fcirc).first->get_facet_status((*fcirc).second); if (get_mode() == GENERAL && asf->is_Gabriel()){ alpha = asf->alpha_min(); if (alpha < as.alpha_mid()) as.set_alpha_mid(alpha); } if (asf->is_on_chull()) as.set_is_on_chull(true); } } while (++fcirc != done); // initialize alphamin if ( get_mode() == GENERAL){ if (is_Gabriel(c,i,j)) { alpha = squared_radius(c,i,j); as.set_is_Gabriel(true); as.set_alpha_min(alpha); } else{ as.set_is_Gabriel(false); as.set_alpha_min(as.alpha_mid()); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename Alpha_shape_3::Classification_type Alpha_shape_3::classify(const Vertex_handle& v, const NT& alpha) const // Classifies the vertex `v' of the underlying Delaunay // tetrahedralization with respect to `A'. { if (is_infinite(v)) return EXTERIOR; Alpha_status* as = v->get_alpha_status(); return classify(as, alpha); } //--------------------- NB COMPONENTS --------------------------------- template typename Alpha_shape_3::size_type Alpha_shape_3::number_of_solid_components(const NT& alpha) const // Determine the number of connected solid components // takes time O(#alpha_shape) amortized if STL_HASH_TABLES // O(#alpha_shape log n) otherwise { typedef typename Marked_cell_set::Data Data; Marked_cell_set marked_cell_set(false); Finite_cells_iterator cell_it, done = finite_cells_end(); size_type nb_solid_components = 0; // only finite simplices for( cell_it = finite_cells_begin(); cell_it != done; ++cell_it) { Cell_handle pCell = cell_it; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(pCell != nullptr); if (classify(pCell, alpha) == INTERIOR){ Data& data = marked_cell_set[pCell]; if(data == false) { // we traverse only interior simplices data = true; traverse(pCell, marked_cell_set, alpha); nb_solid_components++; } } } return nb_solid_components; } template void Alpha_shape_3::traverse(Cell_handle pCell, Marked_cell_set& marked_cell_set, const NT alpha) const { typedef typename Marked_cell_set::Data Data; std::list cells; cells.push_back(pCell); Cell_handle pNeighbor; while(! cells.empty()){ pCell = cells.back(); cells.pop_back(); for (int i=0; i<=3; i++) { pNeighbor = pCell->neighbor(i); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(pNeighbor != nullptr); if (classify(pNeighbor, alpha) == INTERIOR){ Data& data = marked_cell_set[pNeighbor]; if(data == false){ data = true; cells.push_back(pNeighbor); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename Alpha_shape_3::Alpha_iterator Alpha_shape_3::find_optimal_alpha(size_type nb_components) const // find the minimum alpha that satisfies the properties // (1) nb_components solid components <= nb_components // (2) all data points on the boundary or in its interior { NT alpha = find_alpha_solid(); // from this alpha on the alpha_solid satisfies property (2) Alpha_iterator first = alpha_lower_bound(alpha); if (number_of_solid_components(alpha) == nb_components) { // if ((first+1) < alpha_end()) // return (first+1); // else return first; } // do binary search on the alpha values // number_of_solid_components() is a monotone function // if we start with find_alpha_solid Alpha_iterator last = alpha_end(); Alpha_iterator middle; std::ptrdiff_t len = last - first - 1; std::ptrdiff_t half; while (len > 0) { half = len / 2; middle = first + half; #ifdef CGAL_DEBUG_ALPHA_SHAPE_3 std::cerr << "first : " << *first << " last : " << ((first+len != last) ? *(first+len) : *(last-1)) << " mid : " << *middle << " nb comps : " << number_of_solid_components(*middle) << std::endl; #endif if (number_of_solid_components(*middle) > nb_components) { first = middle + 1; len = len - half -1; } else // number_of_solid_components(*middle) <= nb_components { len = half; } } #ifdef CGAL_DEBUG_ALPHA_SHAPE_3 std::cerr << "In the end: " << std::endl << "first : " << *first << " nb comps : " << number_of_solid_components(*first) << std::endl; if ((first+1) < alpha_end()) std::cerr << "first+1 " << *(first+1) << " nb comps : " << number_of_solid_components(*(first+1)) << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (number_of_solid_components(*first) <= nb_components ) return first; else return first+1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename Alpha_shape_3::NT Alpha_shape_3::find_alpha_solid() const // compute the minumum alpha such that all data points // are either on the boundary or in the interior // not necessarily connected { return _alpha_solid; } // TO DEBUG template void Alpha_shape_3::print_maps() const { typename Alpha_cell_map::const_iterator cit ; typename Alpha_facet_map::const_iterator fit ; typename Alpha_edge_map::const_iterator eit ; typename Alpha_vertex_map::const_iterator vit; std::cerr << "size of cell map " << alpha_cell_map.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "size of facet map " << alpha_min_facet_map.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "size of edge map " << alpha_min_edge_map.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "size of vertex map " << alpha_min_vertex_map.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "alpha_cell_map " << std::endl; for(cit = alpha_cell_map.begin(); cit != alpha_cell_map.end(); ++cit) { std::cerr << cit->first << std::endl; } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "alpha_min_facet_map " << std::endl; for(fit = alpha_min_facet_map.begin(); fit != alpha_min_facet_map.end(); ++fit) { std::cerr << fit->first << std::endl; } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "alpha_min_edge_map " << std::endl; for(eit = alpha_min_edge_map.begin(); eit != alpha_min_edge_map.end(); ++eit) { std::cerr << eit->first << std::endl; } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "alpha_min_vertex_map " << std::endl; for(vit = alpha_min_vertex_map.begin(); vit != alpha_min_vertex_map.end(); ++vit) { std::cerr << vit->first << std::endl; } std::cerr << std::endl; } template void Alpha_shape_3::print_alphas() const { std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " alpha values of facets" << std::endl; for(Finite_facets_iterator fit = finite_facets_begin(); fit != finite_facets_end(); ++fit) { Alpha_status_iterator as = fit->first->get_facet_status(fit->second); print_alpha_status(*as); } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " alpha values of edges " << std::endl; if (get_mode() == GENERAL) { for(Finite_edges_iterator eit = finite_edges_begin(); eit != finite_edges_end(); ++eit) { Vertex_handle_pair vhp = make_vertex_handle_pair(eit->first->vertex(eit->second), eit->first->vertex(eit->third)); Alpha_status_iterator as = edge_alpha_map.find(vhp)->second; print_alpha_status(*as); } } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " alpha values of vertices " << std::endl; for(Finite_vertices_iterator vit = finite_vertices_begin(); vit != finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { Alpha_status* as = vit->get_alpha_status(); print_alpha_status(*as); } } template void Alpha_shape_3::print_alpha_status(const Alpha_status& as) const { if ( get_mode() == GENERAL && as.is_Gabriel()) std::cerr << as.alpha_min() ; else std::cerr << "--- " ; std::cerr << "\t"; std::cerr << as.alpha_mid() << "\t"; if(as.is_on_chull()) std::cerr << "--- "; else std::cerr << as.alpha_max(); std::cerr << std::endl; } } //namespace CGAL #ifdef CGAL_USE_GEOMVIEW #include #endif #endif //CGAL_ALPHA_SHAPE_3_H