// Copyright (c) 2012 INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest (France), All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Solver_interface/include/CGAL/Eigen_solver_traits.h $ // $Id: Eigen_solver_traits.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Gael Guennebaud #ifndef CGAL_EIGEN_SOLVER_TRAITS_H #define CGAL_EIGEN_SOLVER_TRAITS_H #include // include basic.h before testing #defines #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable:4244) #endif #include #if EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 1, 91) #include #endif #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { template struct Get_eigen_matrix { typedef Eigen_sparse_matrix type; }; template struct Get_eigen_matrix< ::Eigen::ConjugateGradient, FT> { typedef Eigen_sparse_symmetric_matrix type; }; template struct Get_eigen_matrix< ::Eigen::SimplicialCholesky, FT> { typedef Eigen_sparse_symmetric_matrix type; }; #if EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 1, 91) template struct Get_eigen_matrix< ::Eigen::SparseLU, FT> { typedef Eigen_sparse_matrix type; }; #endif } //internal /*! \ingroup PkgSolverInterfaceRef The class `Eigen_solver_traits` provides an interface to the sparse solvers of \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen". \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen" version 3.1 (or later) must be available on the system. \cgalModels `SparseLinearAlgebraWithFactorTraits_d` and `NormalEquationSparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d` \tparam EigenSolverT A sparse solver of \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen". The default solver is the iterative bi-congugate gradient stabilized solver `Eigen::BiCGSTAB` for `double`. \sa `CGAL::Eigen_sparse_matrix` \sa `CGAL::Eigen_sparse_symmetric_matrix` \sa `CGAL::Eigen_vector` \sa http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page \cgalHeading{Instantiation Example} The instantiation of this class assumes an \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen" sparse solver is provided. Here are few examples: \code{.cpp} typedef CGAL::Eigen_sparse_matrix::EigenType EigenMatrix; //iterative general solver typedef CGAL::Eigen_solver_traits< Eigen::BiCGSTAB > Iterative_general_solver; //iterative symmetric solver typedef CGAL::Eigen_solver_traits< Eigen::ConjugateGradient > Iterative_symmetric_solver; //direct symmetric solver typedef CGAL::Eigen_solver_traits< Eigen::SimplicialCholesky > Direct_symmetric_solver; \endcode */ template::EigenType> > class Eigen_solver_traits { typedef typename EigenSolverT::Scalar Scalar; // Public types public: /// \name Types /// @{ typedef EigenSolverT Solver; typedef Scalar NT; typedef CGAL::Eigen_vector Vector; #if EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 3, 0) typedef Eigen::Index Index; #else typedef Eigen::DenseIndex Index; #endif /// If `T` is `Eigen::ConjugateGradient` or `Eigen::SimplicialCholesky`, /// `Matrix` is `CGAL::Eigen_sparse_symmetric_matrix`, and `CGAL::Eigen_sparse_matrix` otherwise. #ifdef DOXYGEN_RUNNING typedef unspecified_type Matrix; #else typedef typename internal::Get_eigen_matrix::type Matrix; #endif /// @} // Public operations public: /// Constructor Eigen_solver_traits() : m_mat(nullptr), m_solver_sptr(new EigenSolverT) { } /// \name Operations /// @{ /// Returns a reference to the internal \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen" solver. /// This function can be used for example to set specific parameters of the solver. EigenSolverT& solver() { return *m_solver_sptr; } /// @} /// Solve the sparse linear system \f$ A \times X = B \f$. /// Return `true` on success. The solution is then \f$ (1/D) \times X \f$. /// /// \pre A.row_dimension() == B.dimension(). /// \pre A.column_dimension() == X.dimension(). bool linear_solver(const Matrix& A, const Vector& B, Vector& X, NT& D) { D = 1; // Eigen does not support homogeneous coordinates m_solver_sptr->compute(A.eigen_object()); if(m_solver_sptr->info() != Eigen::Success) return false; X = m_solver_sptr->solve(B); return m_solver_sptr->info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Factorize the sparse matrix \f$ A \f$. /// This factorization is used in `linear_solver()` /// to solve the system for different right-hand side vectors. /// See `linear_solver()` for the description of \f$ D \f$. /// \return `true` if the factorization is successful and `false` otherwise. bool factor(const Matrix& A, NT& D) { D = 1; m_mat = &A.eigen_object(); solver().compute(*m_mat); return solver().info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Solve the sparse linear system \f$ A \times X = B\f$, with \f$ A \f$ being the matrix /// provided in `factor()`. /// \return `true` if the solver is successful and `false` otherwise. bool linear_solver(const Vector& B, Vector& X) { CGAL_precondition(m_mat != nullptr); // factor should have been called first X = solver().solve(B); return solver().info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Solve the sparse linear system \f$ A \times X = B\f$, with \f$ A \f$ being the matrix /// provided in `factor()`. /// \return `true` if the solver is successful and `false` otherwise. bool linear_solver(const Matrix& B, Vector& X) { CGAL_precondition(m_mat != nullptr); // factor should have been called first X = solver().solve(B.eigen_object()); return solver().info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Factorize the sparse matrix \f$ A^t \times A\f$, where \f$ A^t \f$ is the /// transpose matrix of \f$ A \f$. /// This factorization is used in `normal_equation_solver()` to solve the system /// for different right-hand side vectors. /// \return `true` if the factorization is successful and `false` otherwise. bool normal_equation_factor(const Matrix& A) { typename Matrix::EigenType At = A.eigen_object().transpose(); m_mat = &A.eigen_object(); solver().compute(At * A.eigen_object()); return solver().info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Solve the sparse linear system \f$ A^t \times A \times X = A^t \times B \f$, /// with \f$ A \f$ being the matrix provided in `#normal_equation_factor()`, /// and \f$ A^t \f$ its transpose matrix. /// \return `true` if the solver is successful and `false` otherwise. bool normal_equation_solver(const Vector& B, Vector& X) { CGAL_precondition(m_mat != nullptr); // non_symmetric_factor should have been called first typename Vector::EigenType AtB = m_mat->transpose() * B.eigen_object(); X = solver().solve(AtB); return solver().info() == Eigen::Success; } /// Equivalent to a call to \link normal_equation_factor() `normal_equation_factor(A)` \endlink /// followed by a call to \link normal_equation_solver `normal_equation_solver(B, X)` \endlink . bool normal_equation_solver(const Matrix& A, const Vector& B, Vector& X) { if (!normal_equation_factor(A)) return false; return normal_equation_solver(B, X); } protected: const typename Matrix::EigenType* m_mat; boost::shared_ptr m_solver_sptr; }; // Specialization of the solver for BiCGSTAB as for surface parameterization, // the intializer should be a vector of one's (this was the case in 3.1-alpha // but not in the official 3.1). template<> class Eigen_solver_traits::EigenType> > { typedef Eigen::BiCGSTAB::EigenType> EigenSolverT; typedef EigenSolverT::Scalar Scalar; // Public types public: typedef EigenSolverT Solver; typedef Scalar NT; typedef internal::Get_eigen_matrix::type Matrix; typedef Eigen_vector Vector; // Public operations public: /// Constructor Eigen_solver_traits(): m_solver_sptr(new EigenSolverT) { } /// Returns a reference to the internal \ref thirdpartyEigen "Eigen" solver. /// This function can be used for example to set specific parameters of the solver. EigenSolverT& solver() { return *m_solver_sptr; } /// Solve the sparse linear system \f$ A \times X = B \f$. /// Return `true` on success. The solution is then \f$ (1/D) \times X \f$. /// /// \pre A.row_dimension() == B.dimension(). /// \pre A.column_dimension() == X.dimension(). bool linear_solver(const Matrix& A, const Vector& B, Vector& X, NT& D) { D = 1; // Eigen does not support homogeneous coordinates m_solver_sptr->compute(A.eigen_object()); if(m_solver_sptr->info() != Eigen::Success) return false; X.setOnes(B.rows()); X = m_solver_sptr->solveWithGuess(B,X); return m_solver_sptr->info() == Eigen::Success; } protected: boost::shared_ptr m_solver_sptr; }; } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_EIGEN_SOLVER_TRAITS_H