// Copyright (c) 1997 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/HalfedgeDS/include/CGAL/HalfedgeDS_vector.h $ // $Id: HalfedgeDS_vector.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Lutz Kettner #ifndef CGAL_HALFEDGEDS_VECTOR_H #define CGAL_HALFEDGEDS_VECTOR_H 1 // Define this if HalfedgeDS_vector is based on CGAL internal vector. #define CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR #include #else #include #endif namespace CGAL { template < class Traits_, class HalfedgeDSItems, class Alloc> class HalfedgeDS_vector_types { public: typedef HalfedgeDS_vector_types Self; typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef HalfedgeDSItems Items; typedef Alloc Allocator; typedef Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename Items::template Vertex_wrapper Vertex_wrapper; typedef typename Items::template Halfedge_wrapper Halfedge_wrapper; typedef typename Items::template Face_wrapper Face_wrapper; typedef typename Vertex_wrapper::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Halfedge_wrapper::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename Face_wrapper::Face Face; typedef std::allocator_traits Allocator_traits; typedef typename Allocator_traits::template rebind_alloc Vertex_allocator; typedef typename Allocator_traits::template rebind_alloc Halfedge_allocator; typedef typename Allocator_traits::template rebind_alloc Face_allocator; #ifdef CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR typedef internal::vector Vertex_vector; typedef typename Vertex_vector::iterator Vertex_I; typedef typename Vertex_vector::const_iterator Vertex_CI; typedef typename Vertex_vector::iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Vertex_vector::const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef internal::vector Halfedge_vector; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::iterator Halfedge_I; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::const_iterator Halfedge_CI; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef N_step_adaptor_derived Edge_iterator; typedef N_step_adaptor_derived Edge_const_iterator; typedef internal::vector Face_vector; typedef typename Face_vector::iterator Face_I; typedef typename Face_vector::const_iterator Face_CI; typedef typename Face_vector::iterator Face_iterator; typedef typename Face_vector::const_iterator Face_const_iterator; #else // CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR // typedef std::vector Vertex_vector; typedef typename Vertex_vector::iterator Vertex_I; typedef typename Vertex_vector::const_iterator Vertex_CI; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Vertex_iterator; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Vertex_const_iterator; typedef std::vector Halfedge_vector; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::iterator Halfedge_I; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::const_iterator Halfedge_CI; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Halfedge_iterator; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef std::vector Face_vector; typedef typename Face_vector::iterator Face_I; typedef typename Face_vector::const_iterator Face_CI; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Face_iterator; typedef HalfedgeDS_iterator_adaptor Face_const_iterator; #endif // CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR // typedef Vertex_iterator Vertex_handle; typedef Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_handle; typedef Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_handle; typedef Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_handle; typedef Face_iterator Face_handle; typedef Face_const_iterator Face_const_handle; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::size_type size_type; typedef typename Halfedge_vector::difference_type difference_type; typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; static inline Vertex_handle vertex_handle( Vertex* v) { return Vertex_handle( Vertex_I(v)); } static inline Vertex_const_handle vertex_handle( const Vertex* v) { return Vertex_const_handle( Vertex_CI(v)); } static inline Halfedge_handle halfedge_handle( Halfedge* h) { return Halfedge_handle( Halfedge_I(h)); } static inline Halfedge_const_handle halfedge_handle( const Halfedge* h) { return Halfedge_const_handle( Halfedge_CI(h)); } static inline Face_handle face_handle( Face* f) { return Face_handle( Face_I(f)); } static inline Face_const_handle face_handle( const Face* f) { return Face_const_handle( Face_CI(f)); } }; template < class Traits_, class HalfedgeDSItems, class Alloc = CGAL_ALLOCATOR(int)> class HalfedgeDS_vector : public HalfedgeDS_vector_types { public: typedef HalfedgeDS_vector Self; typedef HalfedgeDS_vector_types Types; typedef typename Types::Traits Traits; typedef typename Types::Items Items; typedef typename Types::Allocator Allocator; typedef typename Types::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef typename Types::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Types::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename Types::Face Face; typedef typename Types::Vertex_vector Vertex_vector; typedef typename Types::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Types::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Types::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Types::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Types::Vertex_I Vertex_I; typedef typename Types::Vertex_CI Vertex_CI; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_vector Halfedge_vector; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_I Halfedge_I; typedef typename Types::Halfedge_CI Halfedge_CI; typedef typename Types::Face_vector Face_vector; typedef typename Types::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Types::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Types::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef typename Types::Face_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef typename Types::Face_I Face_I; typedef typename Types::Face_CI Face_CI; typedef typename Types::size_type size_type; typedef typename Types::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename Types::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef Tag_false Supports_removal; typedef typename Vertex::Supports_vertex_halfedge Supports_vertex_halfedge; typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_halfedge_prev; typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_vertex Supports_halfedge_vertex; typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_face Supports_halfedge_face; typedef typename Face::Supports_face_halfedge Supports_face_halfedge; protected: typedef typename Vertex::Base VBase; typedef typename Halfedge::Base HBase; typedef typename Halfedge::Base_base HBase_base; typedef typename Face::Base FBase; Vertex_vector vertices; Halfedge_vector halfedges; Face_vector faces; size_type nb_border_halfedges; size_type nb_border_edges; Halfedge_iterator border_halfedges; #ifdef CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR Vertex_I get_v_iter( const Vertex_I& i) const { return i; } Vertex_CI get_v_iter( const Vertex_CI& i) const { return i; } Halfedge_I get_h_iter( const Halfedge_I& i) const { return i; } Halfedge_CI get_h_iter( const Halfedge_CI& i) const { return i; } Face_I get_f_iter( const Face_I& i) const { return i; } Face_CI get_f_iter( const Face_CI& i) const { return i; } #else // CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR // Vertex_I get_v_iter( const Vertex_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } Vertex_CI get_v_iter( const Vertex_const_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } Halfedge_I get_h_iter( const Halfedge_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } Halfedge_CI get_h_iter( const Halfedge_const_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } Face_I get_f_iter( const Face_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } Face_CI get_f_iter( const Face_const_iterator& i) const { return i.iterator(); } #endif // CGAL__HALFEDGEDS_USE_INTERNAL_VECTOR // // CREATION private: #define CGAL__V_UPDATE(v) (((v) == Vertex_handle()) ? (v) : \ (v_new + ( Vertex_CI (get_v_iter(v)) - v_old))) #define CGAL__H_UPDATE(h) (((h) == Halfedge_handle()) ? (h) : \ (h_new + ( Halfedge_CI (get_h_iter(h)) - h_old))) #define CGAL__F_UPDATE(f) (((f) == Face_handle()) ? (f) : \ (f_new + ( Face_CI (get_f_iter(f)) - f_old))) void pointer_update( Vertex_CI v_old, Halfedge_CI h_old, Face_CI f_old) { // Update own pointers assuming that they lived previously // in a halfedge data structure with vector starting addresses // as given as parameters v_old, h_old, f_old. HalfedgeDS_items_decorator D; Vertex_iterator v_new = vertices.begin(); Halfedge_iterator h_new = halfedges.begin(); Face_iterator f_new = faces.begin(); for (Halfedge_iterator h = halfedges_begin();h != halfedges_end();++h){ h->HBase::set_next( CGAL__H_UPDATE( h->next())); h->HBase_base::set_opposite( CGAL__H_UPDATE( h->opposite())); D.set_prev( h, CGAL__H_UPDATE( D.get_prev(h))); D.set_vertex( h, CGAL__V_UPDATE( D.get_vertex(h))); D.set_face( h, CGAL__F_UPDATE( D.get_face(h))); } border_halfedges = CGAL__H_UPDATE( border_halfedges); if (check_tag( Supports_vertex_halfedge())) { for (Vertex_iterator v = vertices_begin();v != vertices_end();++v){ D.set_vertex_halfedge(v, CGAL__H_UPDATE( D.get_vertex_halfedge(v))); } } if (check_tag( Supports_face_halfedge())) { for ( Face_iterator f = faces_begin(); f != faces_end(); ++f) { D.set_face_halfedge(f,CGAL__H_UPDATE( D.get_face_halfedge(f))); } } } #undef CGAL__V_UPDATE #undef CGAL__H_UPDATE #undef CGAL__F_UPDATE public: HalfedgeDS_vector() : nb_border_halfedges(0), nb_border_edges(0) {} // empty halfedge data structure. HalfedgeDS_vector( size_type v, size_type h, size_type f) : nb_border_halfedges(0), nb_border_edges(0) { // halfedge data structure with storage reserved for v vertices, h // halfedges, and f faces. The reservation sizes are a hint for // optimizing storage allocation. They are not used here. vertices.reserve(v); halfedges.reserve(h); faces.reserve(f); } HalfedgeDS_vector( const Self& hds) : vertices( hds.vertices), halfedges( hds.halfedges), faces( hds.faces), nb_border_halfedges( hds.nb_border_halfedges), nb_border_edges( hds.nb_border_edges), border_halfedges( hds.border_halfedges) { pointer_update( hds.vertices.begin(), hds.halfedges.begin(), hds.faces.begin()); } Self& operator=( const Self& hds) { if ( this != &hds) { clear(); vertices = hds.vertices; halfedges = hds.halfedges; faces = hds.faces; nb_border_halfedges = hds.nb_border_halfedges; nb_border_edges = hds.nb_border_edges; border_halfedges = hds.border_halfedges; pointer_update( hds.vertices.begin(), hds.halfedges.begin(), hds.faces.begin()); } return *this; } void reserve( size_type v, size_type h, size_type f) { // reserve storage for v vertices, h halfedges, and f faces. The // reservation sizes are a hint for optimizing storage allocation. // If the `capacity' is already greater than the requested size // nothing happens. If the `capacity' changes all iterators and // circulators invalidates. Function is void here. if ( (check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) && v > capacity_of_vertices()) || h > capacity_of_halfedges() || (check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) && f > capacity_of_faces())) { Vertex_CI v_old = vertices.begin(); Halfedge_CI h_old = halfedges.begin(); Face_CI f_old = faces.begin(); if ( check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex())) vertices.reserve(v); halfedges.reserve(h); if ( check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face())) faces.reserve(f); pointer_update( v_old, h_old, f_old); } } // Access Member Functions allocator_type get_allocator() const { return allocator_type(); } size_type size_of_vertices() const { return vertices.size();} size_type size_of_halfedges() const { return halfedges.size();} // number of all halfedges (including border halfedges). size_type size_of_faces() const { return faces.size();} size_type capacity_of_vertices() const { return vertices.capacity();} size_type capacity_of_halfedges() const { return halfedges.capacity();} size_type capacity_of_faces() const { return faces.capacity();} std::size_t bytes() const { return sizeof(Self) + vertices.size() * sizeof( Vertex) + halfedges.size() * sizeof( Halfedge) + faces.size() * sizeof( Face); } std::size_t bytes_reserved() const { return sizeof(Self) + vertices.capacity() * sizeof( Vertex) + halfedges.capacity() * sizeof( Halfedge) + faces.capacity() * sizeof( Face); } Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() { return vertices.begin();} Vertex_iterator vertices_end() { return vertices.end();} Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin() { return halfedges.begin();} Halfedge_iterator halfedges_end() { return halfedges.end();} Face_iterator faces_begin() { return faces.begin();} Face_iterator faces_end() { return faces.end();} // The constant iterators and circulators. Vertex_const_iterator vertices_begin() const{ return vertices.begin();} Vertex_const_iterator vertices_end() const{ return vertices.end();} Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_begin() const{ return halfedges.begin();} Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_end() const{ return halfedges.end();} Face_const_iterator faces_begin() const{ return faces.begin();} Face_const_iterator faces_end() const{ return faces.end();} // Insertion // // The following operations simply allocate a new element of that type. // Halfedges are always allocated in pairs of opposite halfedges. The // opposite pointers are automatically set. Vertex_handle vertices_push_back( const Vertex& v) { CGAL_precondition( 1+size_of_vertices() <= capacity_of_vertices()); vertices.push_back(v); Vertex_handle vv = vertices.end(); return --vv; } Halfedge_handle edges_push_back( const Halfedge& h, const Halfedge& g) { // creates a new pair of opposite border halfedges. CGAL_precondition( 1 + size_of_halfedges() < capacity_of_halfedges()); halfedges.push_back(h); Halfedge_handle hh = halfedges.end(); --hh; halfedges.push_back(g); Halfedge_handle gg = halfedges.end(); --gg; CGAL_assertion( hh + 1 == gg); CGAL_assertion( (char*)(&*gg) - (char*)(&*hh) == sizeof( Halfedge)); hh->HBase_base::set_opposite(gg); gg->HBase_base::set_opposite(hh); return hh; } Halfedge_handle edges_push_back( const Halfedge& h) { CGAL_precondition( h.opposite() != Halfedge_const_handle()); return edges_push_back( h, *(h.opposite())); } Face_handle faces_push_back( const Face& f) { CGAL_precondition( 1+size_of_faces() <= capacity_of_faces()); faces.push_back(f); Face_handle ff = faces.end(); return --ff; } // Removal // // The following operations erase an element referenced by a handle. // Halfedges are always deallocated in pairs of opposite halfedges. Erase // of single elements is optional. The deletion of all is mandatory. void vertices_pop_back() { vertices.pop_back(); } void edges_pop_back() { CGAL_precondition(( halfedges_end()-1)->opposite() == ( halfedges_end()-2)); halfedges.pop_back(); halfedges.pop_back(); } void faces_pop_back() { faces.pop_back(); } void vertices_clear() { vertices.erase( vertices.begin(), vertices.end());} void edges_clear() { halfedges.erase( halfedges.begin(), halfedges.end()); nb_border_halfedges = 0; nb_border_edges = 0; border_halfedges = Halfedge_handle(); } void faces_clear() { faces.erase( faces.begin(), faces.end()); } void clear() { vertices_clear(); edges_clear(); faces_clear(); } // Special Operations on Polyhedral Surfaces protected: // Update operation used in pointer_update(...). void update_opposite( Halfedge_I h) { Halfedge_I g = h + 1; h->HBase_base::set_opposite(g); g->HBase_base::set_opposite(h); } // Operations with Border Halfedges public: size_type size_of_border_halfedges() const { return nb_border_halfedges;} // number of border halfedges. An edge with no incident face // counts as two border halfedges. Precondition: `normalize_border()' // has been called and no halfedge insertion or removal and no // change in border status of the halfedges have occurred since // then. size_type size_of_border_edges() const { return nb_border_edges;} // number of border edges. If `size_of_border_edges() == // size_of_border_halfedges()' all border edges are incident to a // face on one side and to a hole on the other side. // Precondition: `normalize_border()' has been called and no // halfedge insertion or removal and no change in border status of // the halfedges have occurred since then. Halfedge_iterator border_halfedges_begin() { // halfedge iterator starting with the border edges. The range [ // `halfedges_begin(), border_halfedges_begin()') denotes all // non-border edges. The range [`border_halfedges_begin(), // halfedges_end()') denotes all border edges. Precondition: // `normalize_border()' has been called and no halfedge insertion // or removal and no change in border status of the halfedges have // occurred since then. return border_halfedges; } Halfedge_const_iterator border_halfedges_begin() const { return border_halfedges; } void normalize_border() { // sorts halfedges such that the non-border edges precedes the // border edges. For each border edge that is incident to a face // the halfedge iterator will reference the halfedge incident to // the face right before the halfedge incident to the hole. nb_border_halfedges = 0; nb_border_edges = 0; border_halfedges = halfedges_end(); // Lets run one partition step over the array of halfedges. // First find a pivot -- that means a border edge. Halfedge_I ll = halfedges.begin(); while ( ll != halfedges.end() && (! ll->is_border()) && (! ll->opposite()->is_border() )) ++ ++ll; if ( ll == halfedges.end()) // Done. No border edges found. return; // An array of pointers to update the changed halfedge pointers. typedef std::allocator_traits Allocator_traits; typedef typename Allocator_traits::template rebind_alloc HI_allocator; typedef std::vector HVector; typedef typename HVector::iterator Hiterator; HVector hvector; // Initialize it. hvector.reserve( halfedges.size()); for ( Halfedge_I i = halfedges.begin(); i != halfedges.end(); ++i) { hvector.push_back(i); } Hiterator llhv = hvector.begin() + (ll-halfedges.begin()); // Start with the partitioning. Halfedge_I rr = halfedges.end(); -- --rr; Hiterator rrhv = hvector.end(); -- --rrhv; // The comments proove the invariant of the partitioning step. // Note that + 1 or - 1 denotes plus one edge or minus one edge, // so they mean actually + 2 and - 2. // Pivot is in *ll // Elements in [rr+1..end) >= pivot (border) // Elements in [begin..ll) < pivot (non border) while (ll < rr) { // Pivot is in *ll, ll <= rr. while ( rr > ll && (rr->is_border() || rr->opposite()->is_border())) { if ( ! rr->opposite()->is_border()) { CGAL_assertion( rr + 1 == get_h_iter(rr->opposite())); std::swap( *rr, *(rr+1)); update_opposite( rr); std::swap( *rrhv, *(rrhv+1)); } -- --rr; -- --rrhv; } // Elements in [rr+1..end) >= pivot (border) // *rr <= pivot, ll <= rr. CGAL_assertion( rr + 1 == get_h_iter( rr->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( ll + 1 == get_h_iter( ll->opposite())); std::swap( *(ll+1), *(rr+1)); std::swap( *ll, *rr); update_opposite( ll); update_opposite( rr); std::swap( *(llhv+1), *(rrhv+1)); std::swap( *llhv, *rrhv); // Elements in [begin..ll) < pivot // Pivot is in *rr, ll <= rr. while ( !ll->is_border() && ! ll->opposite()->is_border()) { ++ ++ll; ++ ++llhv; } // Elements in [begin..ll) < pivot // *ll >= pivot // ll <= rr (since *rr is pivot.) CGAL_assertion( ll <= rr); CGAL_assertion( llhv <= rrhv); CGAL_assertion( rr + 1 == get_h_iter( rr->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( ll + 1 == get_h_iter( ll->opposite())); std::swap( *(ll+1), *(rr+1)); std::swap( *ll, *rr); update_opposite( ll); update_opposite( rr); std::swap( *(llhv+1), *(rrhv+1)); std::swap( *llhv, *rrhv); if ( ! rr->opposite()->is_border()) { CGAL_assertion( rr + 1 == get_h_iter( rr->opposite())); std::swap( *rr, *(rr+1)); update_opposite( rr); std::swap( *rrhv, *(rrhv+1)); } // This guard is needed here because, rr==ll==begin, might be true // at this point, causing the decrement to result in undefined // behaviour. // [Fernando Cacciola] if ( ll < rr ) { -- --rr; -- --rrhv; } // Elements in [rr+1..end) >= pivot // Pivot is in *ll } CGAL_assertion( llhv >= rrhv); // rr + 1 >= ll >= rr // Elements in [rr+1..end) >= pivot // Elemente in [begin..ll) < pivot // Pivot is in a[ll] if ( ll == rr) { // Check for the possibly missed swap. if ( rr->is_border() && ! rr->opposite()->is_border()) { CGAL_assertion( rr + 1 == get_h_iter (rr->opposite())); std::swap( *rr, *(rr+1)); update_opposite( rr); std::swap( *rrhv, *(rrhv+1)); } } CGAL_assertion( ll->opposite()->is_border()); CGAL_assertion( ll == halfedges.begin() || ! (ll-2)->is_border()); CGAL_assertion( ll == halfedges.begin() || ! (ll-1)->is_border()); border_halfedges = ll; nb_border_edges = (halfedges.end() - ll) / 2; nb_border_halfedges = 0; HVector inv_vector( halfedges.size()); // Initialize inverse index. for ( Hiterator k = hvector.begin(); k != hvector.end(); ++k){ inv_vector[*k - halfedges.begin()] = halfedges.begin() + (k - hvector.begin()); } // Update halfedge pointers. HalfedgeDS_items_decorator D; for (Halfedge_iterator h = halfedges_begin();h != halfedges_end();++h){ h->HBase::set_next( inv_vector[ h->next() - halfedges_begin()]); D.set_vertex_halfedge(h); if ( D.get_prev( h) == Halfedge_iterator()) D.set_prev( h, Halfedge_iterator()); else D.set_prev( h, inv_vector[ D.get_prev(h) - halfedges_begin()]); if ( h->is_border()) nb_border_halfedges++; else D.set_face_halfedge(h); } } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_HALFEDGEDS_VECTOR_H // // EOF //