// Copyright (c) 2000,2001 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Kernel_d/include/CGAL/Kernel_d/HyperplaneCd.h $ // $Id: HyperplaneCd.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_HYPERPLANECD_H #define CGAL_HYPERPLANECD_H #include namespace CGAL { #define PointCd PointCd2 template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, HyperplaneCd&); template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const HyperplaneCd&); template class HyperplaneCd : public Handle_for< Tuple_d<_FT,_LA> > { typedef Tuple_d<_FT,_LA> Tuple; typedef Handle_for Base; typedef HyperplaneCd<_FT,_LA> Self; using Base::ptr; const typename _LA::Vector& vector_rep() const { return ptr()->v; } _FT& entry(int i) { return ptr()->v[i]; } const _FT& entry(int i) const { return ptr()->v[i]; } void invert_rep() { ptr()->invert(); } public: typedef _FT RT; typedef _FT FT; typedef _LA LA; typedef typename Tuple::const_iterator Coefficient_const_iterator; HyperplaneCd(int d = 0) : Base( Tuple(d+1) ) {} template HyperplaneCd(int d, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const FT& D) : Base( Tuple(d+1,first,last,D) ) {} template HyperplaneCd(int d, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) : Base( Tuple(d+1,first,last) ) {} template void construct_from_points(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const PointCd& o, Oriented_side side) { // inline due to template parameter TUPLE_DIM_CHECK(first,last,hyperplane::construction); CGAL_assertion_msg((first->dimension()==o.dimension()), "hyperplane::construction: dimensions disagree."); int d = first->dimension(); // we are in $d$ - dimensional space int m = static_cast(std::distance(first,last)); // |P| has $m$ points typename LA::Matrix A(m,d + 1); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { /* define $i$-th equation */ for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) A(i,j) = first->cartesian(j); // $j$ - th coord of $i$-th point A(i,d) = 1; ++first; } typename LA::Matrix spanning_vecs; // columns span solution int dim = LA::homogeneous_linear_solver(A,spanning_vecs); CGAL_assertion_msg(dim != 0, "HyperplaneCd::constructor: set P is full dimensional."); if (side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) { ptr()->v = spanning_vecs.column(0); return; } FT sum = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) sum += spanning_vecs(i,j)*o.cartesian(i); sum += spanning_vecs(d,j); if (sum != FT(0)) break; } CGAL_assertion_msg(j != dim, "HyperplaneCd::constructor: cannot use o to determine side."); ptr()->v = spanning_vecs.column(j); if ( ( CGAL_NTS sign(sum) > 0 && side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE ) || ( CGAL_NTS sign(sum) < 0 && side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE ) ) invert_rep(); } template HyperplaneCd(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const PointCd& o, Oriented_side side = ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) : Base( Tuple(o.dimension()+1) ) { construct_from_points(first,last,o,side); } HyperplaneCd(const PointCd& p, const DirectionCd& dir) : Base( Tuple(p.dimension()+1) ) { int d = p.dimension(); CGAL_assertion_msg((dir.dimension() == d), "HyperplaneCd::constructor: parameter dimensions disagree."); FT sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { sum += dir.delta(i)*p.cartesian(i); entry(i) = dir.delta(i); } entry(d) = -sum; } HyperplaneCd(const FT& a, const FT& b, const FT& c) : Base( Tuple(a,b,c,MatchHelper()) ) {} HyperplaneCd(int a, int b, int c) : Base( Tuple(FT(a),FT(b),FT(c),MatchHelper()) ) {} HyperplaneCd(const FT& a, const FT& b, const FT& c, const FT& d) : Base( Tuple(a,b,c,d) ) {} HyperplaneCd(int a, int b, int c, int d) : Base( Tuple(FT(a),FT(b),FT(c),FT(d)) ) {} ~HyperplaneCd() {} int dimension() const { return ptr()->size()-1; } FT operator[](int i) const { CGAL_assertion_msg((0<=i && i<=(dimension())), "HyperplaneCd::op[]: index out of range."); return entry(i); } FT coefficient(int i) const { return entry(i); } const typename LA::Vector& coefficient_vector() const { return vector_rep(); } Coefficient_const_iterator coefficients_begin() const { return ptr()->begin(); } Coefficient_const_iterator coefficients_end() const { return ptr()->end(); } inline VectorCd orthogonal_vector() const; DirectionCd orthogonal_direction() const { return orthogonal_vector().direction(); } FT value_at(const PointCd& p) const { CGAL_assertion_msg((dimension()==p.dimension()), "HyperplaneCd::value_at: dimensions disagree."); FT res(0); for (int i=0; i& p) const { CGAL_assertion_msg(dimension()==p.dimension(), "HyperplaneCd::oriented_side: dimensions do not agree."); return CGAL_NTS sign(value_at(p)); } bool has_on(const PointCd& p) const { return (oriented_side(p) == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); } bool has_on_boundary(const PointCd& p) const { return (oriented_side(p) == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); } bool has_on_positive_side(const PointCd& p) const { return (oriented_side(p) == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE); } bool has_on_negative_side(const PointCd& p) const { return (oriented_side(p) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE); } HyperplaneCd transform(const Aff_transformationCd& t) const { Aff_transformationCd t_inv = t.inverse(); typename LA::Vector res = LA::transpose(t_inv.matrix())*vector_rep(); if ( t_inv.is_odd() ) res = -res; return HyperplaneCd(dimension(),res.begin(),res.end()); } static Comparison_result weak_cmp( const HyperplaneCd&, const HyperplaneCd&); static Comparison_result strong_cmp( const HyperplaneCd&, const HyperplaneCd&); bool operator==(const HyperplaneCd& h2) const { if (this->identical(h2)) return true; if (dimension()!=h2.dimension()) return false; return HyperplaneCd::strong_cmp(*this,h2) == EQUAL; } bool operator!=(const HyperplaneCd& h2) const { return !operator==(h2); } friend std::istream& operator>> <> (std::istream&, HyperplaneCd&); friend std::ostream& operator<< <> (std::ostream&, const HyperplaneCd&); }; // end of class HyperplaneCd template bool weak_equality(const HyperplaneCd& h1, const HyperplaneCd& h2) /*{\Mfunc test for weak equality. }*/ { if (h1.identical(h2)) return true; if (h1.dimension()!=h2.dimension()) return false; return HyperplaneCd::weak_cmp(h1,h2) == EQUAL; } #undef PointCd } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_HYPERPLANECD_H //----------------------- end of file ----------------------------------