// Copyright (c) 2000,2001 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Kernel_d/include/CGAL/Kernel_d/Sphere_d.h $ // $Id: Sphere_d.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_SPHERE_D_H #define CGAL_SPHERE_D_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Sphere_d; template bool equal_as_sets(const Sphere_d&, const Sphere_d&); template class Sphere_d_rep { typedef typename R::Point_d Point_d; friend class Sphere_d; friend bool equal_as_sets <> (const Sphere_d&, const Sphere_d&); std::vector< Point_d > P; // d+1 defining points, index range 0-d Orientation orient; // orientation(P) Point_d* cp; // pointer to center (lazy calculated) public: Sphere_d_rep() : cp(0) {} Sphere_d_rep(int d) : P(d), cp(0) {} template Sphere_d_rep(int d, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) : P(first,last), cp(0) { TUPLE_DIM_CHECK(P.begin(),P.end(),Sphere_d); CGAL_assertion(d+1==int(P.size())); CGAL_USE(d); typename R::Orientation_d orientation_; orient = orientation_(P.begin(),P.end()); } ~Sphere_d_rep() { if (cp) delete cp; } }; // Sphere_d_rep /*{\Manpage {Sphere_d}{R}{Simple Spheres}{S}}*/ template class Sphere_d : public Handle_for< Sphere_d_rep > { /*{\Mdefinition An instance $S$ of the data type |Sphere_d| is an oriented sphere in some $d$-dimensional space. A sphere is defined by $d+1$ points with rational coordinates (class |Point_d|). We use $A$ to denote the array of the defining points. A set $A$ of defining points is \emph{legal} if either the points are affinely independent or if the points are all equal. Only a legal set of points defines a sphere in the geometric sense and hence many operations on spheres require the set of defining points to be legal. The orientation of $S$ is equal to the orientation of the defining points, i.e., |orientation(A)|. }*/ public: typedef CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag Ambient_dimension; typedef CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag Feature_dimension; /*{\Mtypes 4}*/ typedef Sphere_d_rep Rep; typedef Handle_for Base; typedef Sphere_d Self; typedef typename R_::Point_d Point_d; using Base::ptr; Sphere_d(const Base& b) : Base(b) {} typedef R_ R; /*{\Mtypemember the representation type.}*/ typedef typename R::RT RT; /*{\Mtypemember the ring type.}*/ typedef typename R::FT FT; /*{\Mtypemember the field type.}*/ typedef typename R::LA LA; /*{\Mtypemember the linear algebra layer.}*/ typedef typename std::vector< Point_d >::const_iterator point_iterator; /*{\Mtypemember a read-only iterator for points defining the sphere.}*/ /*{\Mcreation 4}*/ Sphere_d(int d = 0) : Base( Rep(d+1) ) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname|. |\Mvar| is initialized to the empty sphere centered at the origin of $d$-dimensional space. }*/ { Point_d p(d); for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) ptr()->P[i] = p; ptr()->orient = ZERO; ptr()->cp = new Point_d(p); } template Sphere_d(int d, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) : /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname|. |\Mvar| is initialized to the sphere through the points in |A = set [first,last)|. \precond $A$ consists of $d+1$ $d$-dimensional points.}*/ Base( Rep(d,first,last) ) {} /*{\Moperations 4 3}*/ int dimension() const /*{\Mop returns the dimension of |\Mvar|.}*/ { return static_cast(ptr()->P.size()) - 1; } Point_d point(int i) const /*{\Mop returns the $i$-th defining point. \precond $0 \le i \le |dim|$.}*/ { CGAL_assertion_msg((0<=i && i<=dimension()), "Sphere_d::point(): index out of range."); return ptr()->P[i]; } point_iterator points_begin() const { return ptr()->P.begin(); } /*{\Mop returns an iterator pointing to the first defining point.}*/ point_iterator points_end() const { return ptr()->P.end(); } /*{\Mop returns an iterator pointing beyond the last defining point.}*/ bool is_degenerate() const { return (ptr()->orient == CGAL::ZERO); } /*{\Mop returns true iff the defining points are not full dimenional.}*/ bool is_legal() const /*{\Mop returns true iff the set of defining points is legal. A set of defining points is legal iff their orientation is non-zero or if they are all equal.}*/ { if (ptr()->orient != ZERO ) return true; const std::vector< Point_d >& A = ptr()->P; Point_d po = A[0]; for (int i = 1; i < int(A.size()); ++i) if (A[i] != po) return false; return true; } Point_d center() const /*{\Mop returns the center of |\Mvar|. \precond The orientation of |\Mvar| is non-zero. }*/ { if (ptr()->cp == 0) { if (ptr()->orient == 0) { const std::vector< Point_d >& A = ptr()->P; Point_d po = A[0]; for (int i = 1; i < int(A.size()); ++i) if (A[i] != po) CGAL_error_msg("Sphere_d::center(): points are illegal."); const_cast(*this).ptr()->cp = new Point_d(A[0]); return *(ptr()->cp); } typename R::Center_of_sphere_d center_of_sphere_; const_cast(*this).ptr()->cp = new Point_d(center_of_sphere_(points_begin(),points_end())); } return *(ptr()->cp); } FT squared_radius() const /*{\Mop returns the squared radius of the sphere.}*/ { if (is_degenerate()) return 0; return (point(0)-center()).squared_length(); } Orientation orientation() const { return ptr()->orient; } /*{\Mop returns the orientation of |\Mvar|.}*/ Oriented_side oriented_side(const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns either the constant |ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY|, |ON_POSITIVE_SIDE|, or |ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE|, iff p lies on the boundary, properly on the positive side, or properly on the negative side of circle, resp.}*/ { typename R::Side_of_oriented_sphere_d side; return side(points_begin(),points_end(),p); } Bounded_side bounded_side(const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |ON_BOUNDED_SIDE|, |ON_BOUNDARY|, or |ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE| iff p lies properly inside, on the boundary, or properly outside of circle, resp.}*/ { typename R::Side_of_bounded_sphere_d side; return side(points_begin(),points_end(),p); } bool has_on_positive_side (const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar.oriented_side(p)==ON_POSITIVE_SIDE|.}*/ { return oriented_side(p) == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE; } bool has_on_negative_side (const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar.oriented_side(p)==ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE|.}*/ { return oriented_side(p) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; } bool has_on_boundary (const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar.oriented_side(p)==ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY|, which is the same as |\Mvar.bounded_side(p)==ON_BOUNDARY|.}*/ { return oriented_side(p) == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY; } bool has_on_bounded_side (const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar.bounded_side(p)==ON_BOUNDED_SIDE|.}*/ { return (int(ptr()->orient) * int(oriented_side(p))) > 0 ; } bool has_on_unbounded_side (const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar.bounded_side(p)==ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE|.}*/ { return (int(ptr()->orient) * int(oriented_side(p))) < 0; } Sphere_d opposite() const /*{\Mop returns the sphere with the same center and squared radius as |\Mvar| but with opposite orientation.}*/ { CGAL_assertion(dimension()>1); if (is_degenerate()) return *this; std::vector< Point_d > V(points_begin(),points_end()); std::swap(V[0],V[1]); return Sphere_d(dimension(),V.begin(),V.end()); } Sphere_d transform(const Aff_transformation_d& t) const /*{\Mopl returns $t(s)$. }*/ { std::vector< Point_d > B(points_begin(),points_end()); typename std::vector< Point_d >::iterator it; for (it = B.begin(); it != B.end(); ++it) *it = it->transform(t); return Sphere_d(dimension(),B.begin(),B.end()); } Sphere_d operator+(const Vector_d& v) const /*{\Mbinop returns the sphere translated by |v|. }*/ { std::vector< Point_d > B(points_begin(),points_end()); typename std::vector< Point_d >::iterator it; for (it = B.begin(); it != B.end(); ++it) it->operator+=(v); return Sphere_d(dimension(),B.begin(),B.end()); } bool operator==(const Sphere_d& D) const { if (this->identical(D)) return true; if (dimension() != D.dimension()) return false; return (center()==D.center() && squared_radius() == D.squared_radius() && orientation() == D.orientation()); } bool operator!=(const Sphere_d& D) const { return !operator==(D); } }; // end of class Sphere_d /*{\Mtext \headerline{Non-Member Functions} }*/ template bool weak_equality(const Sphere_d& s1, const Sphere_d& s2) /*{\Mfunc Test for equality as unoriented spheres.}*/ { if (s1.identical(s2)) return true; if (s1.dimension() != s2.dimension()) return false; return (s1.center()==s2.center() && s1.squared_radius() == s2.squared_radius()); } /*{\Mimplementation Spheres are implemented by a vector of points as an item type. All operations like creation, initialization, tests, input and output of a sphere $s$ take time $O(|s.dimension()|)$. |dimension()|, point access take constant time. The space requirement for spheres is $O(|s.dimension()|)$ neglecting the storage room of the points.}*/ template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CGAL::Sphere_d& s) { typedef typename Sphere_d::point_iterator iterator; os << s.dimension()+1 << " "; for (iterator it=s.points_begin(); it!=s.points_end(); ++it) os << *it << " "; return os; } template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, CGAL::Sphere_d& s) { int d; is >> d; std::vector< Point_d > V(d); Point_d p; while ( d-- ) { if (!(is >> p)) return is; V[d] = p; } s = Sphere_d(static_cast(V.size())-1, V.begin(), V.end() ); return is; } /* The center is only defined if the set of defining points are legal. If the defining points are all equal the sphere is trivial. So assume otherwise. Then the center $c$ is the unique point with equal distance to all the defining points. A point $c$ has equal distance to point $p_0$ and $p_i$ if it lies on the perpendicual bisector of $p_d$ and $p_i$, i.e., if it satiesfies the plane equation $(p_i - p_d)^T c = (p_i - p_d) (p_i + p_d)/2$. Note that $p_i - p_d$ is the normal vector of the bisector hyperplane and $(p_i + p_d)/2$ is the midpoint of $p_d$ and $p_i$. The equation above translates into the equation \[ \sum_{0 \le j < d} 2*p_{dd}p_{id}(p_{ij}p_{dd} - p_{dj}p_{id})c_j/c_d = \sum_{0 \le j < d} (p_{ij}p_{dd} - p_{dj}p_{id})(p_{ij}p_{dd} + p_{dj}p_{id}) \] for the homogeneous coordinates of the points and the center. We may tentatively assume that $c_d = 1$, solve the corresponding linear system, and then define the center. */ } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SPHERE_D_H //----------------------- end of file ----------------------------------