// Copyright (c) 1997 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Polyhedron/include/CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h $ // $Id: Polyhedron_3.h b89bbbf 2020-07-14T18:01:35+02:00 Dmitry Anisimov // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Lutz Kettner ) #ifndef CGAL_POLYHEDRON_3_H #define CGAL_POLYHEDRON_3_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class I_Polyhedron_vertex : public VertexBase { public: typedef VertexBase Base; //typedef typename Base::HalfedgeDS HDS; typedef typename Base::Point Point; typedef Point Point_3; // Handles have to explicitly repeated, although they are derived typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Facet_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Facet_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename Base::Face Face; typedef typename Base::Face Facet; // Supported options by HDS. typedef typename Base::Supports_vertex_halfedge Supports_vertex_halfedge; typedef typename Base::Supports_vertex_point Supports_vertex_point; // Circulator category. typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_prev; public: // Circulator category. typedef HalfedgeDS_circulator_traits Ctr; typedef typename Ctr::iterator_category circulator_category; // Circulators around a vertex and around a facet. typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::size_type size_type; typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::difference_type difference_type; public: // We need to repeat the constructors here. I_Polyhedron_vertex() {} I_Polyhedron_vertex( const VertexBase& b) : VertexBase(b) {} I_Polyhedron_vertex( const Point_3& p) : VertexBase(p) {} // New Access Functions (not provided in VertexBase). Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator vertex_begin() { // a circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise). return Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator( this->halfedge()); } Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator vertex_begin() const { // a circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise). return Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator( this->halfedge()); } // the degree of the vertex, i.e., edges emanating from this vertex std::size_t vertex_degree() const { return this->halfedge()->vertex_degree(); } size_type degree() const { return vertex_degree(); } //backwards compatible // returns true if the vertex has exactly two incident edges bool is_bivalent() const { return this->halfedge()->is_bivalent(); } // returns true if the vertex has exactly three incident edges bool is_trivalent() const { return this->halfedge()->is_trivalent(); } // No longer hidden. Now the restricted version with precondition. // sets incident halfedge to h. Precondition: h is incident, i.e., // h->vertex() == v. void set_halfedge( Halfedge_handle hh) { CGAL_assertion( &*(hh->vertex()) == this); Base::set_halfedge(hh); } }; // A halfedge is an oriented edge. Both orientations exist, i.e. // an edge is represented by two opposite halfedges. The geometric // relations are as follows: // // _ _ _ . // / |\. // | \. // / \ next half // \ edge // / \. // // | O incident vertex // facet , // | /| | // / | | opposite // \ | | half edge // half | | // \ edge | | / // | |/ // \_ _ _ _ _ _ ' // template class I_Polyhedron_halfedge : public HalfedgeBase { public: typedef HalfedgeBase Base; typedef typename Base::HalfedgeDS HDS; // Handles have to explicitly repeated, although they are derived typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Facet_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Facet_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Base::Face Face; typedef typename Base::Face Facet; // Supported options by HDS. typedef typename Base::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_halfedge_prev; typedef typename Base::Supports_halfedge_vertex Supports_halfedge_vertex; typedef typename Base::Supports_halfedge_face Supports_halfedge_face; // Circulator category. typedef typename Base::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_prev; public: // Circulator category. typedef HalfedgeDS_circulator_traits Ctr; typedef typename Ctr::iterator_category circulator_category; // Circulators around a vertex and around a facet. typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; public: I_Polyhedron_halfedge() {} I_Polyhedron_halfedge( const HalfedgeBase& b) : HalfedgeBase(b) {} // New Access Functions (not provided in HalfedgeBase). // Change semantic of prev: it is always available at this level. // If the HDS does not provide a prev-function, the previous // halfedge will be searched around the incident facet. private: Halfedge_handle find_prev( Halfedge_handle, Tag_true) { return Base::prev(); } Halfedge_const_handle find_prev( Halfedge_const_handle, Tag_true) const { return Base::prev(); } Halfedge_handle find_prev( Halfedge_handle h, Tag_false) const { CGAL_precondition( &*h != this); // we have at least 2-gons while ( &*(h->next()) != this) h = h->next(); return h; } Halfedge_const_handle find_prev( Halfedge_const_handle h, Tag_false) const{ CGAL_precondition( &*h != this); // we have at least 2-gons while ( &*(h->next()) != this) h = h->next(); return h; } public: Halfedge_handle prev() { return find_prev( this->next(), Supports_halfedge_prev()); } Halfedge_const_handle prev() const { return find_prev( this->next(), Supports_halfedge_prev()); } // Make face-functions also available as facet-functions. Face_handle facet() { return this->face();} Face_const_handle facet() const { return this->face();} // the next halfedge around the vertex (clockwise). This is equal to // `h.next()->opposite()'. Halfedge_handle next_on_vertex() { return this->next()->opposite(); } Halfedge_const_handle next_on_vertex() const { return this->next()->opposite(); } // the previous halfedge around the vertex (counterclockwise). Is // equal to `h.opposite()->prev()'. Halfedge_handle prev_on_vertex() { return this->opposite()->prev(); } Halfedge_const_handle prev_on_vertex() const { return this->opposite()->prev(); } bool is_border_edge() const { // is true if `h' or `h.opposite()' is a border halfedge. return (this->opposite()->is_border() || this->is_border()); } // a circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise). Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator vertex_begin() { return Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator( HDS::halfedge_handle(this)); } Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator vertex_begin() const { return Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator( HDS::halfedge_handle(this)); } // a circulator of halfedges around the facet (counterclockwise). Halfedge_around_facet_circulator facet_begin() { return Halfedge_around_facet_circulator( HDS::halfedge_handle(this)); } Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator facet_begin() const { return Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator( HDS::halfedge_handle(this)); } // the degree of the incident vertex, i.e., edges emanating from this // vertex std::size_t vertex_degree() const { return circulator_size( vertex_begin()); } // the degree of the incident facet, i.e., edges on the boundary of this // facet std::size_t facet_degree() const { return circulator_size( facet_begin()); } // returns true if the incident vertex has exactly two incident edges bool is_bivalent() const { CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next()->opposite())); return (this == &* (this->next()->opposite()->next()->opposite())); } // returns true if the incident vertex has exactly three incident edges bool is_trivalent() const { CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next()->opposite())); return ( this != &* (this->next()->opposite()->next()->opposite()) && this == &* (this->next()->opposite()->next()->opposite() ->next()->opposite())); } // returns true if the incident facet is a triangle. bool is_triangle() const { CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next())); CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next()->next())); return (this == &* (this->next()->next()->next())); } // returns true if the incident facet is a quadrilateral. bool is_quad() const { CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next())); CGAL_precondition( this != &* (this->next()->next())); return (this == &* (this->next()->next()->next()->next())); } private: // Hide some other functions of H. void set_next( Halfedge_handle hh) { Base::set_next(hh);} void set_prev( Halfedge_handle hh) { Base::set_prev(hh);} void set_vertex( Vertex_handle vv) { Base::set_vertex(vv);} void set_face( Face_handle ff) { Base::set_face(ff);} void set_facet( Face_handle ff) { set_face(ff);} }; template class I_Polyhedron_facet : public FacetBase { public: typedef FacetBase Base; //typedef typename Base::HalfedgeDS HDS; typedef typename Base::Plane Plane; typedef Plane Plane_3; // Handles have to explicitly repeated, although they are derived typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Facet_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle Facet_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Base::Halfedge Halfedge; // Supported options by HDS. typedef typename Base::Supports_face_halfedge Supports_face_halfedge; typedef typename Base::Supports_face_plane Supports_face_plane; // No longer required. typedef Tag_false Supports_face_normal; // Circulator category. typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_prev; public: // Circulator category. typedef HalfedgeDS_circulator_traits Ctr; typedef typename Ctr::iterator_category circulator_category; // Circulators around a vertex and around a facet. typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::size_type size_type; typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::difference_type difference_type; public: // We need to repeat the constructors here. I_Polyhedron_facet() {} I_Polyhedron_facet( const FacetBase& b) : FacetBase(b) {} // New Access Functions (not provided in FacetBase). Halfedge_around_facet_circulator facet_begin() { // a circulator of halfedges around the facet (counterclockwise). return Halfedge_around_facet_circulator( this->halfedge()); } Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator facet_begin() const { // a circulator of halfedges around the facet (counterclockwise). return Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator( this->halfedge()); } // the degree of the incident facet, i.e., edges on the boundary of this // facet std::size_t facet_degree() const {return this->halfedge()->facet_degree();} size_type size() const { return facet_degree(); } // backwards compatible // returns true if the facet is a triangle. bool is_triangle() const { return this->halfedge()->is_triangle(); } // returns true if the facet is a quadrilateral. bool is_quad() const { return this->halfedge()->is_quad(); } // No longer hidden. Now the restricted version with precondition. // sets incident halfedge to h. Precondition: h is incident, i.e., // h->face() == v. void set_halfedge( Halfedge_handle hh) { CGAL_assertion( &*(hh->facet()) == this); Base::set_halfedge(hh); } }; template < class Items> class I_Polyhedron_derived_items_3 { public: template < class Refs, class Traits> class Vertex_wrapper { public: typedef typename Items::template Vertex_wrapper VWrap; typedef typename VWrap::Vertex Vertex_base; typedef I_Polyhedron_vertex< Vertex_base> Vertex; }; template < class Refs, class Traits> class Halfedge_wrapper { public: typedef typename Items::template Halfedge_wrapper HWrap; typedef typename HWrap::Halfedge Halfedge_base; typedef I_Polyhedron_halfedge< Halfedge_base> Halfedge; }; template < class Refs, class Traits> class Face_wrapper { public: typedef typename Items::template Face_wrapper FWrap; typedef typename FWrap::Face Face_base; typedef I_Polyhedron_facet< Face_base> Face; }; }; template < class PolyhedronTraits_3, class PolyhedronItems_3, template < class T, class I, class A> class T_HDS, class Alloc> class Polyhedron_3 { // // DEFINITION // // The boundary representation of a 3d-polyhedron P of the type // Polyhedron consists of vertices, edges and facets. The // vertices are points in space. The edges are straight line // segments. The facets are planar polygons. We restrict here // the facets to be simple planar polygons without holes and the // boundary of the polyhedron to be an oriented 2-manifold. Thus // facets are consistently oriented and an edge is incident to // exactly two facets. We restrict the representation further // that an edge has two distinct incident endpoints and // following duality that an edge has two distinct incident // facets. The class Polyhedron is able to guarantee // the combinatorial properties, but not all geometric // properties. Support functions are provided for testing // geometric properties, e.g. test for self intersections which // is too expensive to be guaranteed as a class invariant. public: typedef Polyhedron_3< PolyhedronTraits_3, PolyhedronItems_3, T_HDS, Alloc> Self; typedef PolyhedronTraits_3 Traits; typedef PolyhedronItems_3 Items; typedef I_Polyhedron_derived_items_3 Derived_items; typedef T_HDS< Traits, Derived_items, Alloc> HDS; typedef HDS HalfedgeDS; // portability with older CGAL release typedef HDS Halfedge_data_structure; typedef Alloc Allocator; typedef Alloc allocator_type; // STL name // Container stuff. typedef typename HDS::size_type size_type; typedef typename HDS::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename HDS::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename HDS::Supports_removal Supports_removal; // Geometry typedef typename Traits::Point_3 Point_3; typedef Point_3 Point; typedef typename Traits::Plane_3 Plane_3; // No longer required. //typedef typename Traits::Normal Normal; // Items typedef typename HDS::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename HDS::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename HDS::Face Face; typedef typename Vertex::Base VBase; typedef typename Halfedge::Base HBase; typedef typename Face::Base FBase; // Handles and Iterators typedef typename HDS::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename HDS::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename HDS::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename HDS::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename HDS::Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename HDS::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Vertex_handles; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Halfedge_handles; typedef typename HDS::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename HDS::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename HDS::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename HDS::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename HDS::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename HDS::Face_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Vertex_const_handles; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Halfedge_const_handles; // Auxiliary iterators for convenience typedef Project_point Proj_point; typedef Iterator_project Point_iterator; typedef Iterator_project Point_const_iterator; typedef Iterator_range< Point_iterator > Points; typedef Iterator_range< Point_const_iterator > Const_points; typedef Project_plane Proj_plane; typedef Iterator_project Plane_iterator; typedef Iterator_project Plane_const_iterator; typedef Iterator_range< Plane_iterator > Planes; typedef Iterator_range< Plane_const_iterator > Const_planes; typedef typename HDS::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef typename HDS::Edge_const_iterator Edge_const_iterator; /* typedef N_step_adaptor_derived Edge_iterator; typedef N_step_adaptor_derived Edge_const_iterator; */ typedef Iterator_range< Edge_iterator > Edges; typedef Iterator_range< Edge_const_iterator > Const_edges; // All face related types get a related facet type name. typedef Face Facet; typedef Face_handle Facet_handle; typedef Face_iterator Facet_iterator; typedef Face_const_handle Facet_const_handle; typedef Face_const_iterator Facet_const_iterator; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Facet_handles; typedef Iterator_range< Prevent_deref > Facet_const_handles; // Supported options by HDS. typedef typename VBase::Supports_vertex_halfedge Supports_vertex_halfedge; typedef typename HBase::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_halfedge_prev; typedef typename HBase::Supports_halfedge_prev Supports_prev; typedef typename HBase::Supports_halfedge_vertex Supports_halfedge_vertex; typedef typename HBase::Supports_halfedge_face Supports_halfedge_face; typedef typename FBase::Supports_face_halfedge Supports_face_halfedge; // Supported options especially for Polyhedron_3. typedef typename VBase::Supports_vertex_point Supports_vertex_point; typedef typename FBase::Supports_face_plane Supports_face_plane; // No longer required. typedef Tag_false Supports_face_normal; // Renamed versions for facet typedef Supports_halfedge_face Supports_halfedge_facet; typedef Supports_face_halfedge Supports_facet_halfedge; typedef Supports_face_plane Supports_facet_plane; // No longer required. typedef Supports_face_normal Supports_facet_normal; public: // Circulator category. typedef HalfedgeDS_circulator_traits Ctr; typedef typename Ctr::iterator_category circulator_category; // Circulators around a vertex and around a facet. typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_const_handle, circulator_category> Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; protected: HDS hds_; // the boundary representation. Traits m_traits; public: HDS& hds() { return hds_; } const HDS& hds() const { return hds_; } // CREATION public: Polyhedron_3( const Traits& trts = Traits()) : m_traits(trts) {} // the empty polyhedron `P'. Polyhedron_3( size_type v, size_type h, size_type f, const Traits& traits = Traits()) : hds_(v,h,f), m_traits(traits) {} // a polyhedron `P' with storage reserved for v vertices, h // halfedges, and f facets. The reservation sizes are a hint for // optimizing storage allocation. void reserve( size_type v, size_type h, size_type f) { // reserve storage for v vertices, h halfedges, and f facets. The // reservation sizes are a hint for optimizing storage allocation. // If the `capacity' is already greater than the requested size // nothing happens. If the `capacity' changes all iterators and // circulators invalidates. hds_.reserve(v,h,f); } protected: Halfedge_handle make_triangle( Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Vertex_handle v3) { HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); Halfedge_handle h = hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge()); h->HBase::set_next( hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge())); h->next()->HBase::set_next( hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge())); h->next()->next()->HBase::set_next( h); decorator.set_prev( h, h->next()->next()); decorator.set_prev( h->next(), h); decorator.set_prev( h->next()->next(), h->next()); h->opposite()->HBase::set_next( h->next()->next()->opposite()); h->next()->opposite()->HBase::set_next( h->opposite()); h->next()->next()->opposite()->HBase::set_next( h->next()->opposite()); decorator.set_prev( h->opposite(), h->next()->opposite()); decorator.set_prev( h->next()->opposite(), h->next()->next()->opposite()); decorator.set_prev( h->next()->next()->opposite(), h->opposite()); // the vertices decorator.set_vertex( h, v1); decorator.set_vertex( h->next(), v2); decorator.set_vertex( h->next()->next(), v3); decorator.set_vertex( h->opposite(), v3); decorator.set_vertex( h->next()->opposite(), v1); decorator.set_vertex( h->next()->next()->opposite(), v2); decorator.set_vertex_halfedge( h); decorator.set_vertex_halfedge( h->next()); decorator.set_vertex_halfedge( h->next()->next()); // the facet Facet_handle f = decorator.faces_push_back( Facet()); decorator.set_face( h, f); decorator.set_face( h->next(), f); decorator.set_face( h->next()->next(), f); decorator.set_face_halfedge( h); return h; } Halfedge_handle make_tetrahedron( Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Vertex_handle v3, Vertex_handle v4) { HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); Halfedge_handle h = make_triangle(v1,v2,v3); // The remaining tip. Halfedge_handle g = hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge()); decorator.insert_tip( g->opposite(), h->opposite()); decorator.close_tip( g); decorator.set_vertex( g, v4); Halfedge_handle e = hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge()); Halfedge_handle d = hds_.edges_push_back( Halfedge(), Halfedge()); decorator.insert_tip( e->opposite(), h->next()->opposite()); decorator.insert_tip( e, g); decorator.insert_tip( d->opposite(),h->next()->next()->opposite()); decorator.insert_tip( d, e); decorator.set_vertex_halfedge( g); // facets Facet_handle f = decorator.faces_push_back( Facet()); decorator.set_face( h->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face( g, f); decorator.set_face( e->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face_halfedge( g); f = decorator.faces_push_back( Facet()); decorator.set_face( h->next()->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face( e, f); decorator.set_face( d->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face_halfedge( e); f = decorator.faces_push_back( Facet()); decorator.set_face( h->next()->next()->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face( d, f); decorator.set_face( g->opposite(), f); decorator.set_face_halfedge( d); return h; } public: Halfedge_handle make_tetrahedron() { // the combinatorial structure of a tetrahedron is added to the // actual polyhedral surface. Returns an arbitrary halfedge of // this structure. reserve( 4 + size_of_vertices(), 12 + size_of_halfedges(), 4 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); return make_tetrahedron( decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex()), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex()), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex()), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex())); } Halfedge_handle make_tetrahedron( const Point_3& p1, const Point_3& p2, const Point_3& p3, const Point_3& p4) { reserve( 4 + size_of_vertices(), 12 + size_of_halfedges(), 4 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); return make_tetrahedron( decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p1)), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p2)), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p3)), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p4))); } Halfedge_handle make_triangle() { // the combinatorial structure of a single triangle with border // edges is added to the actual polyhedral surface. Returns an // arbitrary halfedge of this structure. reserve( 3 + size_of_vertices(), 6 + size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); return make_triangle( decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex()), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex()), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex())); } Halfedge_handle make_triangle( const Point_3& p1, const Point_3& p2, const Point_3& p3) { // the single triangle p_1, p_2, p_3 with border edges is added to // the actual polyhedral surface. Returns an arbitrary halfedge of // this structure. reserve( 3 + size_of_vertices(), 6 + size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); return make_triangle( decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p1)), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p2)), decorator.vertices_push_back( Vertex(p3))); } // Access Member Functions allocator_type get_allocator() const { return hds_.get_allocator(); } size_type size_of_vertices() const { return hds_.size_of_vertices();} // number of vertices. size_type size_of_halfedges() const { return hds_.size_of_halfedges();} // number of all halfedges (including border halfedges). size_type size_of_facets() const { return hds_.size_of_faces();} // number of facets. bool empty() const { return size_of_halfedges() == 0; } bool is_empty() const { return size_of_halfedges() == 0; } size_type capacity_of_vertices() const { // space reserved for vertices. return hds_.capacity_of_vertices(); } size_type capacity_of_halfedges() const { // space reserved for halfedges. return hds_.capacity_of_halfedges(); } size_type capacity_of_facets() const { // space reserved for facets. return hds_.capacity_of_faces(); } std::size_t bytes() const { // bytes used for the polyhedron. return sizeof(Self) - sizeof(HDS) + hds_.bytes(); } std::size_t bytes_reserved() const { // bytes reserved for the polyhedron. return sizeof(Self) - sizeof(HDS) + hds_.bytes_reserved(); } Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() { return hds_.vertices_begin();} // iterator over all vertices. Vertex_iterator vertices_end() { return hds_.vertices_end();} Vertex_handles vertex_handles() { return make_prevent_deref_range(vertices_begin(), vertices_end()); } Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin() { return hds_.halfedges_begin();} // iterator over all halfedges Halfedge_iterator halfedges_end() { return hds_.halfedges_end();} Halfedge_handles halfedge_handles() { return make_prevent_deref_range(halfedges_begin(), halfedges_end()); } Facet_iterator facets_begin() { return hds_.faces_begin();} // iterator over all facets Facet_iterator facets_end() { return hds_.faces_end();} Facet_handles facet_handles() { return make_prevent_deref_range(facets_begin(), facets_end()); } // The constant iterators and circulators. Vertex_const_iterator vertices_begin() const { return hds_.vertices_begin(); } Vertex_const_iterator vertices_end() const { return hds_.vertices_end(); } Vertex_const_handles vertex_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(vertices_begin(), vertices_end()); } Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_begin() const { return hds_.halfedges_begin(); } Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_end() const { return hds_.halfedges_end(); } Halfedge_const_handles halfedge_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(halfedges_begin(), halfedges_end()); } Facet_const_iterator facets_begin() const { return hds_.faces_begin();} Facet_const_iterator facets_end() const { return hds_.faces_end();} Facet_const_handles facet_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(facets_begin(), facets_end()); } // Auxiliary iterators for convinience Point_iterator points_begin() { return vertices_begin();} Point_iterator points_end() { return vertices_end();} Points points() { return Points(points_begin(), points_end()); } Point_const_iterator points_begin() const { return vertices_begin();} Point_const_iterator points_end() const { return vertices_end();} Const_points points() const { return Const_points(points_begin(), points_end()); } Plane_iterator planes_begin() { return facets_begin();} Plane_iterator planes_end() { return facets_end();} Planes planes() { return Planes(planes_begin(), planes_end()); } Plane_const_iterator planes_begin() const { return facets_begin();} Plane_const_iterator planes_end() const { return facets_end();} Const_planes planes() const { return Const_planes(planes_begin(), planes_end()); } Edge_iterator edges_begin() { return halfedges_begin();} // iterator over all edges. The iterator refers to halfedges, but // enumerates only one of the two corresponding opposite // halfedges. Edge_iterator edges_end() { return halfedges_end();} // end of the range over all edges. Edges edges() { return Edges(edges_begin(), edges_end()); } Edge_const_iterator edges_begin() const { return halfedges_begin();} Edge_const_iterator edges_end() const { return halfedges_end();} Const_edges edges() const { return Const_edges(edges_begin(), edges_end()); } Traits& traits() { return m_traits; } const Traits& traits() const { return m_traits; } // Combinatorial Predicates bool is_closed() const { for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); i != halfedges_end(); ++i) { if ( i->is_border()) return false; } return true; } private: bool is_pure_bivalent( Tag_true) const { for ( Vertex_const_iterator i = vertices_begin(); i != vertices_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_bivalent()) return false; return true; } bool is_pure_bivalent( Tag_false) const { for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); i != halfedges_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_bivalent()) return false; return true; } public: // returns true if all vertices have exactly two incident edges bool is_pure_bivalent() const { return is_pure_bivalent( Supports_vertex_halfedge()); } private: bool is_pure_trivalent( Tag_true) const { for ( Vertex_const_iterator i = vertices_begin(); i != vertices_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_trivalent()) return false; return true; } bool is_pure_trivalent( Tag_false) const { for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); i != halfedges_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_trivalent()) return false; return true; } public: // returns true if all vertices have exactly three incident edges bool is_pure_trivalent() const { return is_pure_trivalent( Supports_vertex_halfedge()); } private: bool is_pure_triangle( Tag_true) const { for ( Facet_const_iterator i = facets_begin(); i != facets_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_triangle()) return false; return true; } bool is_pure_triangle( Tag_false) const { for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); i != halfedges_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_border() && ! i->is_triangle()) return false; return true; } public: // returns true if all facets are triangles bool is_pure_triangle() const { return is_pure_triangle( Supports_facet_halfedge()); } private: bool is_pure_quad( Tag_true) const { for ( Facet_const_iterator i = facets_begin(); i != facets_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_quad()) return false; return true; } bool is_pure_quad( Tag_false) const { for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); i != halfedges_end(); ++i) if ( ! i->is_border() && ! i->is_quad()) return false; return true; } public: // returns true if all facets are quadrilaterals bool is_pure_quad() const { return is_pure_quad( Supports_facet_halfedge()); } // Geometric Predicates bool is_triangle( Halfedge_const_handle h1) const { Halfedge_const_handle h2 = h1->next(); Halfedge_const_handle h3 = h1->next()->next(); // check halfedge combinatorics. // exact two edges at vertices 1, 2, 3. if ( h1->opposite()->next() != h3->opposite()) return false; if ( h2->opposite()->next() != h1->opposite()) return false; if ( h3->opposite()->next() != h2->opposite()) return false; // The facet is a triangle. if ( h1->next()->next()->next() != h1) return false; if ( check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) && ! h1->is_border_edge()) return false; // implies h2 and h3 CGAL_assertion( ! h1->is_border() || ! h1->opposite()->is_border()); // Assert consistency. CGAL_assertion( h1 != h2); CGAL_assertion( h1 != h3); CGAL_assertion( h3 != h2); // check prev pointer. CGAL_assertion_code( HalfedgeDS_items_decorator D;) CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h1) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h1) == h3); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h2) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h2) == h1); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h3) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h3) == h2); // check vertices. CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h1) == D.get_vertex( h2->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h2) == D.get_vertex( h3->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h3) == D.get_vertex( h1->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h1) != D.get_vertex(h2)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h1) != D.get_vertex(h3)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h2) != D.get_vertex(h3)); // check facets. CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h1) == D.get_face(h2)); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h1) == D.get_face(h3)); return true; } bool is_tetrahedron( Halfedge_const_handle h1) const { Halfedge_const_handle h2 = h1->next(); Halfedge_const_handle h3 = h1->next()->next(); Halfedge_const_handle h4 = h1->opposite()->next(); Halfedge_const_handle h5 = h2->opposite()->next(); Halfedge_const_handle h6 = h3->opposite()->next(); // check halfedge combinatorics. // at least three edges at vertices 1, 2, 3. if ( h4 == h3->opposite()) return false; if ( h5 == h1->opposite()) return false; if ( h6 == h2->opposite()) return false; // exact three edges at vertices 1, 2, 3. if ( h4->opposite()->next() != h3->opposite()) return false; if ( h5->opposite()->next() != h1->opposite()) return false; if ( h6->opposite()->next() != h2->opposite()) return false; // three edges at v4. if ( h4->next()->opposite() != h5) return false; if ( h5->next()->opposite() != h6) return false; if ( h6->next()->opposite() != h4) return false; // All facets are triangles. if ( h1->next()->next()->next() != h1) return false; if ( h4->next()->next()->next() != h4) return false; if ( h5->next()->next()->next() != h5) return false; if ( h6->next()->next()->next() != h6) return false; // all edges are non-border edges. if ( h1->is_border()) return false; // implies h2 and h3 CGAL_assertion( ! h2->is_border()); CGAL_assertion( ! h3->is_border()); if ( h4->is_border()) return false; if ( h5->is_border()) return false; if ( h6->is_border()) return false; // Assert consistency. CGAL_assertion( h1 != h2); CGAL_assertion( h1 != h3); CGAL_assertion( h3 != h2); CGAL_assertion( h4 != h5); CGAL_assertion( h5 != h6); CGAL_assertion( h6 != h4); // check prev pointer. CGAL_assertion_code( HalfedgeDS_items_decorator D;) CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h1) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h1) == h3); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h2) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h2) == h1); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h3) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h3) == h2); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h4) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h4) == h1->opposite()); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h5) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h5) == h2->opposite()); CGAL_assertion(D.get_prev(h6) == Halfedge_handle() || D.get_prev(h6) == h3->opposite()); // check vertices. CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h1) == D.get_vertex( h2->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h1) == D.get_vertex( h5->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h2) == D.get_vertex( h3->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h2) == D.get_vertex( h6->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h3) == D.get_vertex( h1->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h3) == D.get_vertex( h4->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h4) == D.get_vertex( h5)); CGAL_assertion( D.get_vertex(h4) == D.get_vertex( h6)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h1) != D.get_vertex(h2)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h1) != D.get_vertex(h3)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h1) != D.get_vertex(h4)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h2) != D.get_vertex(h3)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h2) != D.get_vertex(h4)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(h3) != D.get_vertex(h4)); // check facets. CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h1) == D.get_face(h2)); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h1) == D.get_face(h3)); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h4) == D.get_face(h4->next())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h4) == D.get_face(h1->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h5) == D.get_face(h5->next())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h5) == D.get_face(h2->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h6) == D.get_face(h6->next())); CGAL_assertion( D.get_face(h6) == D.get_face(h3->opposite())); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h1) != D.get_face(h4)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h1) != D.get_face(h5)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h1) != D.get_face(h6)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h4) != D.get_face(h5)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h4) != D.get_face(h6)); CGAL_assertion( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(h5) != D.get_face(h6)); return true; } // Euler Operators (Combinatorial Modifications) // // The following Euler operations modify consistently the combinatorial // structure of the polyhedral surface. The geometry remains unchanged. Halfedge_handle split_facet( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle g) { // split the facet incident to `h' and `g' into two facets with // new diagonal between the two vertices denoted by `h' and `g' // respectively. The second (new) facet is a copy of the first // facet. It returns the new diagonal. The time is proportional to // the distance from `h' to `g' around the facet. Precondition: // `h' and `g' are incident to the same facet. `h != g' (no // loops). `h->next() != g' and `g->next() != h' (no multi-edges). reserve( size_of_vertices(), 2 + size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == D.get_face(g)); CGAL_precondition( h != g); CGAL_precondition( h != g->next()); CGAL_precondition( h->next() != g); return D.split_face( h, g); } Halfedge_handle join_facet( Halfedge_handle h) { // join the two facets incident to h. The facet incident to // `h->opposite()' gets removed. Both facets might be holes. // Returns the predecessor of h. The invariant `join_facet( // split_facet( h, g))' returns h and keeps the polyhedron // unchanged. The time is proportional to the size of the facet // removed and the time to compute `h.prev()'. Precondition: // `HDS' supports removal of facets. The degree of both // vertices incident to h is at least three (no antennas). HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size(h->vertex_begin()) >= size_type(3)); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size(h->opposite()->vertex_begin()) >= size_type(3)); return D.join_face(h); } Halfedge_handle split_vertex( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle g) { // split the vertex incident to `h' and `g' into two vertices and // connects them with a new edge. The second (new) vertex is a // copy of the first vertex. It returns the new edge. The time is // proportional to the distance from `h' to `g' around the vertex. // Precondition: `h' and `g' are incident to the same vertex. `h // != g' (no antennas). `h->next() != g' and `g->next() != h'. reserve( 1 + size_of_vertices(), 2 + size_of_halfedges(), size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( D.get_vertex(h) == D.get_vertex(g)); CGAL_precondition( h != g); return D.split_vertex( h, g); } Halfedge_handle join_vertex( Halfedge_handle h) { // join the two vertices incident to h. The vertex denoted by // `h->opposite()' gets removed. Returns the predecessor of h. The // invariant `join_vertex( split_vertex( h, g))' returns h and // keeps the polyhedron unchanged. The time is proportional to // the degree of the vertex removed and the time to compute // `h.prev()'. // Precondition: `HDS' supports removal of vertices. The size of // both facets incident to h is at least four (no multi-edges) HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size( h->facet_begin()) >= size_type(4)); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size( h->opposite()->facet_begin()) >= size_type(4)); return D.join_vertex(h); } Halfedge_handle split_edge( Halfedge_handle h) { return split_vertex( h->prev(), h->opposite())->opposite(); } Halfedge_handle flip_edge( Halfedge_handle h) { HalfedgeDS_items_decorator D; return D.flip_edge(h); } Halfedge_handle create_center_vertex( Halfedge_handle h) { HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_assertion( circulator_size( h->facet_begin()) >= size_type(3)); return D.create_center_vertex(h); } Halfedge_handle erase_center_vertex( Halfedge_handle h) { HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); return D.erase_center_vertex(h); } // Euler Operators Modifying Genus Halfedge_handle split_loop( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle i, Halfedge_handle j) { // cut the polyhedron into two parts along the cycle (h,i,j). // Three copies of the vertices and two new triangles will be // created. h,i,j will be incident to the first new triangle. The // returnvalue will be an halfedge iterator denoting the new // halfegdes of the second new triangle which was h beforehand. // Precondition: h,i,j are distinct, consecutive vertices of the // polyhedron and form a cycle: i.e. `h->vertex() == i->opposite() // ->vertex()', ..., `j->vertex() == h->opposite()->vertex()'. The // six facets incident to h,i,j are all distinct. reserve( 3 + size_of_vertices(), 6 + size_of_halfedges(), 2 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( h != i); CGAL_precondition( h != j); CGAL_precondition( i != j); CGAL_precondition( D.get_vertex(h) == D.get_vertex(i->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_vertex(i) == D.get_vertex(j->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_vertex(j) == D.get_vertex(h->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(i)); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(j)); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(i) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(i) != D.get_face(j)); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(h->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(i->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(j->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(i) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(i) != D.get_face(h->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(i) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(i) != D.get_face(i->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(i) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(i) != D.get_face(j->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(j) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(j) != D.get_face(h->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(j) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(j) != D.get_face(i->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(j) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(j) != D.get_face(j->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h->opposite()) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h->opposite()) != D.get_face(i->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h->opposite()) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h->opposite()) != D.get_face(j->opposite())); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(i->opposite()) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(i->opposite()) != D.get_face(j->opposite())); return D.split_loop( h, i, j); } Halfedge_handle join_loop( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle g) { // glues the boundary of two facets together. Both facets and the // vertices of g gets removed. Returns an halfedge iterator for h. // The invariant `join_loop( h, split_loop( h, i, j))' returns h // and keeps the polyhedron unchanged. Precondition: `HDS' // supports removal of vertices and facets. The facets denoted by // h and g have equal size. HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); CGAL_precondition( D.get_face(h) == Facet_handle() || D.get_face(h) != D.get_face(g)); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size( h->facet_begin()) >= size_type(3)); CGAL_precondition( circulator_size( h->facet_begin()) == circulator_size( g->facet_begin())); return D.join_loop( h, g); } // Modifying Facets and Holes Halfedge_handle make_hole( Halfedge_handle h) { // removes incident facet and makes all halfedges incident to the // facet to border edges. Returns h. Precondition: `HDS' // supports removal of facets. `! h.is_border()'. HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); return D.make_hole(h); } Halfedge_handle fill_hole( Halfedge_handle h) { // fill a hole with a new created facet. Makes all border // halfedges of the hole denoted by h incident to the new facet. // Returns h. Precondition: `h.is_border()'. reserve( size_of_vertices(), size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); return D.fill_hole(h); } Halfedge_handle add_vertex_and_facet_to_border( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle g) { // creates a new facet within the hole incident to h and g by // connecting the tip of g with the tip of h with two new // halfedges and a new vertex and filling this separated part of // the hole with a new facet. Returns the new halfedge incident to // the new facet and the new vertex. Precondition: `h->is_border( // )', `g->is_border()', `h != g', and g can be reached along the // same hole starting with h. CGAL_precondition( h != g); reserve( 1 + size_of_vertices(), 4 + size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); Halfedge_handle hh = D.add_face_to_border( h, g); CGAL_assertion( hh == g->next()); D.split_vertex( g, hh->opposite()); return g->next(); } Halfedge_handle add_facet_to_border( Halfedge_handle h, Halfedge_handle g) { // creates a new facet within the hole incident to h and g by // connecting the tip of g with the tip of h with a new halfedge // and filling this separated part of the hole with a new facet. // Returns the new halfedge incident to the new facet. // Precondition: `h->is_border()', `g->is_border()', `h != g', // `h->next() != g', and g can be reached along the same hole // starting with h. CGAL_precondition( h != g); CGAL_precondition( h->next() != g); reserve( size_of_vertices(), 2 + size_of_halfedges(), 1 + size_of_facets()); HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); return D.add_face_to_border( h, g); } // Erasing void erase_facet( Halfedge_handle h) { // removes the incident facet of h and changes all halfedges // incident to the facet into border edges or removes them from // the polyhedral surface if they were already border edges. See // `make_hole(h)' for a more specialized variant. Precondition: // `Traits' supports removal. HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); D.erase_face(h); } void erase_connected_component( Halfedge_handle h) { // removes the vertices, halfedges, and facets that belong to the // connected component of h. Precondition: `Traits' supports // removal. HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); D.erase_connected_component(h); } /// Erases the small connected components and the isolated vertices. /// /// @commentheading Preconditions: /// supports vertices, halfedges, and removal operation. /// /// @commentheading Template Parameters: /// @param nb_components_to_keep the number of large connected components to keep. /// /// @return the number of connected components erased (ignoring isolated vertices). unsigned int keep_largest_connected_components(unsigned int nb_components_to_keep) { HalfedgeDS_decorator D(hds_); return D.keep_largest_connected_components(nb_components_to_keep); } void clear() { hds_.clear(); } // removes all vertices, halfedges, and facets. void erase_all() { clear(); } // equivalent to `clear()'. Depricated. // Special Operations on Polyhedral Surfaces void delegate( Modifier_base& modifier) { // calls the `operator()' of the `modifier'. Precondition: The // `modifier' returns a consistent representation. modifier( hds_); CGAL_expensive_postcondition( is_valid()); } // Operations with Border Halfedges size_type size_of_border_halfedges() const { // number of border halfedges. An edge with no incident facet // counts as two border halfedges. Precondition: `normalize_border // ()' has been called and no halfedge insertion or removal and no // change in border status of the halfedges have occurred since // then. return hds_.size_of_border_halfedges(); } size_type size_of_border_edges() const { // number of border edges. If `size_of_border_edges() == // size_of_border_halfedges()' all border edges are incident to a // facet on one side and to a hole on the other side. // Precondition: `normalize_border()' has been called and no // halfedge insertion or removal and no change in border status of // the halfedges have occurred since then. return hds_.size_of_border_edges(); } Halfedge_iterator border_halfedges_begin() { // halfedge iterator starting with the border edges. The range [ // `halfedges_begin(), border_halfedges_begin()') denotes all // non-border edges. The range [`border_halfedges_begin(), // halfedges_end()') denotes all border edges. Precondition: // `normalize_border()' has been called and no halfedge insertion // or removal and no change in border status of the halfedges have // occurred since then. return hds_.border_halfedges_begin(); } Halfedge_const_iterator border_halfedges_begin() const { return hds_.border_halfedges_begin(); } // Convenient edge iterator Edge_iterator border_edges_begin() { return border_halfedges_begin(); } Edge_const_iterator border_edges_begin() const { return border_halfedges_begin(); } bool normalized_border_is_valid( bool verbose = false) const { // checks whether all non-border edges precedes the border edges. HalfedgeDS_const_decorator decorator(hds_); bool valid = decorator.normalized_border_is_valid( verbose); for ( Halfedge_const_iterator i = border_halfedges_begin(); valid && (i != halfedges_end()); (++i, ++i)) { if ( i->is_border()) { Verbose_ostream verr(verbose); verr << " both halfedges of an edge are border " "halfedges." << std::endl; valid = false; } } return valid; } void normalize_border() { // sorts halfedges such that the non-border edges precedes the // border edges. hds_.normalize_border(); CGAL_postcondition( normalized_border_is_valid()); } protected: // Supports_face_plane void inside_out_geometry( Tag_false) {} void inside_out_geometry( Tag_true) { typename Traits::Construct_opposite_plane_3 opp = traits().construct_opposite_plane_3_object(); std::transform( planes_begin(), planes_end(), planes_begin(), opp); } public: void inside_out() { // reverse facet orientation. HalfedgeDS_decorator decorator(hds_); decorator.inside_out(); inside_out_geometry( Supports_face_plane()); } bool is_valid( bool verb = false, int level = 0) const { // checks the combinatorial consistency. Verbose_ostream verr(verb); verr << "begin CGAL::Polyhedron_3<...>::is_valid( verb=true, " "level = " << level << "):" << std::endl; HalfedgeDS_const_decorator D(hds_); bool valid = D.is_valid( verb, level + 3); // All halfedges. Halfedge_const_iterator i = halfedges_begin(); Halfedge_const_iterator end = halfedges_end(); size_type n = 0; for( ; valid && (i != end); ++i) { verr << "halfedge " << n << std::endl; // At least triangular facets and distinct geometry. valid = valid && ( i->next() != i); valid = valid && ( i->next()->next() != i); valid = valid && ( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(i) != D.get_vertex(i->opposite())); valid = valid && ( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(i) != D.get_vertex(i->next())); valid = valid && ( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_vertex()) || D.get_vertex(i) != D.get_vertex(i->next()->next())); if ( ! valid) { verr << " incident facet is not at least a triangle." << std::endl; break; } // Distinct facets on each side of an halfegde. valid = valid && ( ! check_tag( Supports_halfedge_face()) || D.get_face(i) != D.get_face(i->opposite())); if ( ! valid) { verr << " both incident facets are equal." << std::endl; break; } ++n; } valid = valid && (n == size_of_halfedges()); if ( n != size_of_halfedges()) verr << "counting halfedges failed." << std::endl; verr << "end of CGAL::Polyhedron_3<...>::is_valid(): structure is " << ( valid ? "valid." : "NOT VALID.") << std::endl; return valid; } }; } //namespace CGAL #include #include #endif // CGAL_POLYHEDRON_3_H //