// Copyright (c) 1997-2007 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/QP_solver/include/CGAL/QP_solver/QP_solver.h $ // $Id: QP_solver.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Kaspar Fischer // : Bernd Gaertner // : Sven Schoenherr // : Franz Wessendorp #ifndef CGAL_QP_SOLVER_H #define CGAL_QP_SOLVER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { // ================== // class declarations // ================== template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > class QP_solver; template class QP_solution; namespace QP_solver_impl { // namespace for implemenation details // -------------- // Tags generator // -------------- template < typename Linear, typename Nonnegative > struct QP_tags { typedef Linear Is_linear; typedef Nonnegative Is_nonnegative; }; template < class Q, class Is_linear > struct D_selector {}; template struct D_selector // quadratic { typedef typename Q::D_iterator D_iterator; }; template struct D_selector // linear { // dummy type, not used typedef int** D_iterator; }; template < class Q, class Is_nonnegative > struct Bd_selector {}; template < class Q > struct Bd_selector // nonstandard form { typedef typename Q::FL_iterator FL_iterator; typedef typename Q::L_iterator L_iterator; typedef typename Q::FU_iterator FU_iterator; typedef typename Q::U_iterator U_iterator; }; template < class Q > struct Bd_selector // standard form { // dummy types, not used typedef int* FL_iterator; typedef int* L_iterator; typedef int* FU_iterator; typedef int* U_iterator; }; // only allow filtered pricing if NT = double template struct Filtered_pricing_strategy_selector { typedef QP_full_exact_pricing FF; typedef QP_partial_exact_pricing PF; }; template struct Filtered_pricing_strategy_selector { typedef QP_full_filtered_pricing FF; typedef QP_partial_filtered_pricing PF; }; } // end of namespace for implementation details // ================ // class interfaces // ================ template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > class QP_solver : public QP_solver_base { public: // public types typedef QP_solver Self; typedef QP_solver_base Base; // types from the QP typedef typename Q::A_iterator A_iterator; typedef typename Q::B_iterator B_iterator; typedef typename Q::C_iterator C_iterator; typedef CGAL::Comparison_result Row_type; typedef typename Q::R_iterator Row_type_iterator; // the remaining types might not be present in the qp, so the // following selectors generate dummy types for them typedef typename QP_solver_impl:: D_selector:: D_iterator D_iterator; typedef typename QP_solver_impl:: Bd_selector:: L_iterator L_iterator; typedef typename QP_solver_impl:: Bd_selector:: U_iterator U_iterator; typedef typename QP_solver_impl:: Bd_selector:: FL_iterator FL_iterator; typedef typename QP_solver_impl:: Bd_selector:: FU_iterator FU_iterator; // types from the Tags typedef typename Tags::Is_linear Is_linear; typedef typename Tags::Is_nonnegative Is_nonnegative; // friends template friend bool has_linearly_independent_equations (const Q_& qp, const ET_& dummy); private: // private types // types of original problem: typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type A_column; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type D_row; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type A_entry; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type B_entry; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type C_entry; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type D_entry; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type L_entry; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type U_entry; // slack columns: // // The following two types are used to (conceptually) add to the matrix A // additional columns that model the constraints "x_s>=0" for the slack // variables x_s. Of course, we do not store the column (which is just // plus/minus a unit vector), but maintain a pair (int,bool): the first // entry says in which column the +-1 is and the second entry of the pair // says whether it is +1 (false) or -1 (true). typedef std::pair Slack_column; typedef std::vector A_slack; // artificial columns // // Artificial columns that are (conceptually) added to the matrix A are // handled exactly like slack columns (see above). typedef std::pair Art_column; typedef std::vector A_art; // special artificial column: // // Also for the special artificial variable we (conceptually) add a column // to A. This column contains only +-1's (but it may contain several nonzero // entries). typedef std::vector S_art; // auxiliary objective vector (i.e., the objective vector for phase I): typedef std::vector C_aux; public: // export some additional types: typedef typename Base::Indices Indices; typedef typename Base::Index_mutable_iterator Index_iterator; typedef typename Base::Index_const_iterator Index_const_iterator; // For problems in nonstandard form we also export the following type, which // for an original variable will say whether it sits at is lower, upper, at // its lower and upper (fixed) bound, or at zero, or whether the variable is // basic: enum Bound_index { LOWER, ZERO, UPPER, FIXED, BASIC }; private: typedef std::vector Bound_index_values; typedef typename Bound_index_values::iterator Bound_index_value_iterator; typedef typename Bound_index_values::const_iterator Bound_index_value_const_iterator; // values (variables' numerators): typedef std::vector Values; typedef typename Values::iterator Value_iterator; typedef typename Values::const_iterator Value_const_iterator; // access values by basic index functor: typedef CGAL::Value_by_basic_index Value_by_basic_index; // access to original problem by basic variable/constraint index: typedef QP_vector_accessor A_by_index_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator < A_by_index_accessor,Index_const_iterator > A_by_index_iterator; // todo kf: following can be removed once we have all these (outdated) // accessors removed: typedef QP_vector_accessor< B_iterator, false, false > B_by_index_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator < B_by_index_accessor, Index_const_iterator > B_by_index_iterator; typedef QP_vector_accessor< C_iterator, false, false > C_by_index_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator C_by_index_iterator; typedef QP_matrix_accessor< A_iterator, false, true, false, false> A_accessor; typedef boost::function1 A_row_by_index_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator < A_row_by_index_accessor, Index_iterator > A_row_by_index_iterator; // Access to the matrix D sometimes converts to ET, and // sometimes retruns the original input type typedef QP_matrix_pairwise_accessor< D_iterator, ET > D_pairwise_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator < D_pairwise_accessor, Index_const_iterator> D_pairwise_iterator; typedef QP_matrix_pairwise_accessor< D_iterator, D_entry > D_pairwise_accessor_input_type; typedef boost::transform_iterator < D_pairwise_accessor_input_type, Index_const_iterator > D_pairwise_iterator_input_type; // access to special artificial column by basic constraint index: typedef QP_vector_accessor< typename S_art::const_iterator, false, false> S_by_index_accessor; typedef boost::transform_iterator < S_by_index_accessor, Index_iterator > S_by_index_iterator; public: typedef typename A_slack::const_iterator A_slack_iterator; typedef typename A_art::const_iterator A_artificial_iterator; typedef typename C_aux::const_iterator C_auxiliary_iterator; typedef typename Base::Variable_numerator_iterator Variable_numerator_iterator; typedef Index_const_iterator Basic_variable_index_iterator; typedef Value_const_iterator Basic_variable_numerator_iterator; typedef Index_const_iterator Basic_constraint_index_iterator; typedef QP_pricing_strategy Pricing_strategy; private: // compile time tag for symbolic perturbation, should be moved into traits // class when symbolic perturbation is to be implemented Tag_false is_perturbed; // some constants const ET et0, et1, et2; // verbose output streams mutable Verbose_ostream vout; // used for any diagnostic output mutable Verbose_ostream vout1; // used for some diagnostic output mutable Verbose_ostream vout2; // used for more diagnostic output mutable Verbose_ostream vout3; // used for full diagnostic output mutable Verbose_ostream vout4; // used for output of basis inverse mutable Verbose_ostream vout5; // used for output of validity tests // pricing strategy Pricing_strategy* strategyP; // given QP int qp_n; // number of variables int qp_m; // number of constraints // min x^T D x + c^T x + c0 A_iterator qp_A; // constraint matrix B_iterator qp_b; // right-hand-side vector C_iterator qp_c; // objective vector C_entry qp_c0; // constant term in objective function // attention: qp_D represents *twice* the matrix D D_iterator qp_D; // objective matrix Row_type_iterator qp_r; // row-types of constraints FL_iterator qp_fl; // lower bound finiteness vector L_iterator qp_l; // lower bound vector FU_iterator qp_fu; // upper bound finiteness vector U_iterator qp_u; // upper bound vector A_slack slack_A; // slack part of constraint matrix // auxiliary problem A_art art_A; // artificial part of constraint matrix // Note: in phase I there is an // additional "fake" column attached // to this "matrix", see init_basis() S_art art_s; // special artificial column for slacks int art_s_i; // art_s_i>=0 -> index of special // artificial column // art_s_i==-1 -> no sp. art. col // art_s_i==-2 -> sp. art. col removed // after it left basis int art_basic; // number of basic artificial variables C_aux aux_c; // objective function for phase I // initially has the same size as A_art Indices B_O; // basis (original variables) // Note: the size of B_O is always // correct, i.e., equals the number of // basic original variables, plus (in // phase I) the number of basic // artificial variables. Indices B_S; // basis ( slack variables) Indices C; // basic constraints ( C = E+S_N ) // Note: the size of C is always // correct, i.e., corresponds to the // size of the (conceptual) set // $E\cup S_N$. Indices S_B; // nonbasic constraints ( S_B '=' B_S) QP_basis_inverse inv_M_B; // inverse of basis matrix const ET& d; // reference to `inv_M_B.denominator()' Values x_B_O; // basic variables (original) // Note: x_B_O is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. Values x_B_S; // basic variables (slack) Values lambda; // lambda (from KKT conditions) Bound_index_values x_O_v_i; // bounds value index vector // the following vectors are updated // with each update in order to avoid // evaluating a matrix vector // multiplication Values r_C; // r_C = A_{C,N_O}x_{N_O} // Note: r_C.size() == C.size(). Values r_S_B; // r_S_B = A_{S_B,N_O}x_{N_O} // The following to variables are initialized (if used at all) in // transition(). They are not used in case Is_linear or // Is_nonnegative is set to Tag_true. Values r_B_O; // r_B_O = 2D_{B_O,N_O}x_{N_O} Values w; // w = 2D_{O, N_O}x_{N_O} int m_phase; // phase of the Simplex method Quadratic_program_status m_status; // status of last pivot step int m_pivots; // number of pivot steps bool is_phaseI; // flag indicating phase I bool is_phaseII;// flag indicating phase II bool is_RTS_transition; // flag indicating transition // from Ratio Test Step1 to Ratio // Test Step2 const bool is_LP; // flag indicating a linear program const bool is_QP; // flag indicating a quadratic program // the following flag indicates whether the program is in equational form // AND still has all its equations; this is given in phase I for any // program in equational form, but it may change if redundant constraints // get removed from the basis. If no_ineq == true, the program is treated // in a more efficient manner, since in that case we need no bookkeeping // for basic constraints bool no_ineq; bool has_ineq; // !no_ineq const bool is_nonnegative; // standard form, from Tag // additional variables int l; // minimum of 'qp_n+e+1' and 'qp_m' // Note: this is an upper bound for // the size of the reduced basis in // phase I (in phase II, the reduced // basis size can be arbitrarily // large) int e; // number of equality constraints // Given a variable number i, in_B[i] is -1 iff x_i is not in the current // basis. If the number in_B[i] is >=0, it is the basis heading of x_i. Indices in_B; // variable in basis, -1 if non-basic // Given a number i in {0,...,qp_m-1} of a constraint, Indices in_C; // constraint in basis, -1 if non-basic // Note: in_C is only maintained if // there are inequality constraints. Values b_C; // exact version of `qp_b' // restricted to basic constraints C Values minus_c_B; // exact version of `-qp_c' // restricted to basic variables B_O // Note: minus_c_B is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. Values A_Cj; // exact version of j-th column of A // restricted to basic constraints C Values two_D_Bj; // exact version of twice the j-th // column of D restricted to B_O // Note: tmp_x_2 is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. int j; // index of entering variable `x_j' int i; // index of leaving variable `x_i' ET x_i; // numerator of leaving variable `x_i' ET q_i; // corresponding `q_i' int direction; // indicates whether the current // entering variable x_j is increased // or decreased Bound_index ratio_test_bound_index; // indicates for leaving // original variables which bound // was hit with upper bounding ET mu; // numerator of `t_j' ET nu; // denominator of `t_j' Values q_lambda; // length dependent on C Values q_x_O; // used in the ratio test & update // Note: q_x_O is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. Values q_x_S; // Values tmp_l; // temporary vector of size l Values tmp_x; // temporary vector of s. >= B_O.size() // Note: tmp_x is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. Values tmp_l_2; // temporary vector of size l Values tmp_x_2; // temporary vector of s. >= B_O.size() // Note: tmp_x_2 is only enlarged, // so its size need not be |B|. // Diagnostics struct Diagnostics { bool redundant_equations; }; Diagnostics diagnostics; public: /* * Note: Some member functions below are suffixed with '_'. * They are member templates and their declaration is "hidden", * because they are also implemented in the class interface. * This is a workaround for M$-VC++, which otherwise fails to * instantiate them correctly. */ // creation & initialization // ------------------------- // creation QP_solver(const Q& qp, const Quadratic_program_options& options = Quadratic_program_options()); virtual ~QP_solver() { if (strategyP != static_cast(0)) delete strategyP; } private: // set-up of QP void set( const Q& qp); void set_D (const Q& qp, Tag_true is_linear); void set_D (const Q& qp, Tag_false is_linear); // set-up of explicit bounds void set_explicit_bounds(const Q& qp); void set_explicit_bounds(const Q& qp, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void set_explicit_bounds(const Q& qp, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); // initialization (of phase I) void init( ); // initialization (of phase II) /* template < class InputIterator > void init( InputIterator basic_variables_first, InputIterator basic_variables_beyond); */ // operations // ---------- // pivot step Quadratic_program_status pivot( ) { CGAL_qpe_assertion( phase() > 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion( phase() < 3); pivot_step(); return status(); } // solve QP Quadratic_program_status solve( ) { CGAL_qpe_assertion( phase() > 0); while ( phase() < 3) { pivot_step(); } return status(); } public: // access // ------ // access to QP int number_of_variables ( ) const { return qp_n; } int number_of_constraints( ) const { return qp_m; } A_iterator a_begin( ) const { return qp_A; } A_iterator a_end ( ) const { return qp_A+qp_n; } B_iterator b_begin( ) const { return qp_b; } B_iterator b_end ( ) const { return qp_b+qp_m; } C_iterator c_begin( ) const { return qp_c; } C_iterator c_end ( ) const { return qp_c+qp_n; } C_entry c_0 ( ) const { return qp_c0;} D_iterator d_begin( ) const { return qp_D; } D_iterator d_end ( ) const { return qp_D+qp_n; } Row_type_iterator row_type_begin( ) const { return qp_r; } Row_type_iterator row_type_end ( ) const { return qp_r+qp_m; } // access to current status int phase ( ) const { return m_phase; } Quadratic_program_status status ( ) const { return m_status; } int iterations( ) const { return m_pivots; } // access to common denominator const ET& variables_common_denominator( ) const { CGAL_qpe_assertion (d > 0); return d; } // access to current solution ET solution_numerator( ) const; // access to current solution ET solution_denominator( ) const { return et2*d*d; } // access to original variables int number_of_original_variables( ) const { return qp_n; } // access to slack variables int number_of_slack_variables( ) const { return static_cast(slack_A.size()); } // access to artificial variables int number_of_artificial_variables( ) const { return static_cast(art_A.size()); } C_auxiliary_iterator c_auxiliary_value_iterator_begin( ) const { return aux_c.begin(); } C_auxiliary_iterator c_auxiliary_value_iterator_end( ) const {return aux_c.end(); } // access to basic variables int number_of_basic_variables( ) const { return static_cast(B_O.size()+B_S.size()); } int number_of_basic_original_variables( ) const { return static_cast(B_O.size()); } int number_of_basic_slack_variables( ) const { return static_cast(B_S.size()); } Basic_variable_index_iterator basic_original_variable_indices_begin( ) const { return B_O.begin(); } Basic_variable_index_iterator basic_original_variable_indices_end ( ) const { return B_O.end(); } Basic_variable_numerator_iterator basic_original_variables_numerator_begin( ) const { return x_B_O.begin(); } Basic_variable_numerator_iterator basic_original_variables_numerator_end ( ) const { return x_B_O.begin() + B_O.size(); } public: // only the pricing strategies (including user-defined ones // need access to this) -- make them friends? // access to working variables int number_of_working_variables( ) const { return static_cast(in_B.size()); } bool is_basic( int j) const { CGAL_qpe_assertion(j >= 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion(j < number_of_working_variables()); return (in_B[ j] >= 0); } bool is_original(int j) const { CGAL_qpe_assertion(j >= 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion(j < number_of_working_variables()); return (j < qp_n); } bool phaseI( ) const {return is_phaseI;} bool is_artificial(int k) const; int get_l() const; // Returns w[j] for an original variable x_j. ET w_j_numerator(int j) const { CGAL_qpe_assertion((0 <= j) && (j < qp_n) && is_phaseII); return w[j]; } Bound_index nonbasic_original_variable_bound_index(int i) const // Returns on which bound the nonbasic variable x_i is currently // sitting: // // - LOWER: the variable is sitting on its lower bound. // - UPPER: the variable is sitting on its upper bound. // - FIXED: the variable is sitting on its lower and upper bound. // - ZERO: the variable has value zero and is sitting on its lower // bound, its upper bound, or betweeen the two bounds. // // Note: in the latter case you can call state_of_zero_nonbasic_variable() // to find out which bound is active, if any. { CGAL_assertion(!check_tag(Is_nonnegative()) && !is_basic(i) && i < qp_n); if (x_O_v_i[i] == BASIC) { CGAL_qpe_assertion(false); } return x_O_v_i[i]; }; int state_of_zero_nonbasic_variable(int i) const // Returns -1 if the original variable x_i equals its lower bound, // 0 if it lies strictly between its lower and upper bound, and 1 if // it coincides with its upper bound. // // See also the documentation of nonbasic_original_variable_bound_index() // above. { CGAL_assertion(!check_tag(Is_nonnegative()) && !is_basic(i) && i < qp_n && x_O_v_i[i] == ZERO); if (*(qp_fl+i) && CGAL::is_zero(*(qp_l+i))) return -1; if (*(qp_fu+i) && CGAL::is_zero(*(qp_u+i))) return 1; return 0; } private: // miscellaneous // ------------- // setting the pricing strategy: void set_pricing_strategy ( Quadratic_program_pricing_strategy strategy); // diagnostic output void set_verbosity( int verbose = 0, std::ostream& stream = std::cout); public: // access to indices of basic constraints int number_of_basic_constraints( ) const { return static_cast(C.size()); } Basic_constraint_index_iterator basic_constraint_indices_begin( ) const { return C.begin(); } Basic_constraint_index_iterator basic_constraint_indices_end ( ) const { return C.end(); } // helper functions template < class RndAccIt1, class RndAccIt2, class NT > NT mu_j_( int j, RndAccIt1 lambda_it, RndAccIt2 x_it, const NT& dd) const; ET dual_variable( int i) { for ( int j = 0; j < qp_m; ++j) { tmp_x[ j] = inv_M_B.entry( j, i); } return std::inner_product( tmp_x.begin(), tmp_x.begin()+qp_m, minus_c_B.begin(), et0); } public: // public access to compressed lambda (used in filtered base) Value_const_iterator get_lambda_begin() const { return lambda.begin(); } Value_const_iterator get_lambda_end() const { return lambda.begin() + C.size(); } private: // private member functions // ------------------------ // initialization void init_basis( ); void init_basis__slack_variables( int s_i, Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void init_basis__slack_variables( int s_i, Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void init_basis__slack_variables( int s_i, bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) init_basis__slack_variables (s_i, Tag_true()); else init_basis__slack_variables (s_i, Tag_false()); } void init_basis__constraints ( int s_i, Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void init_basis__constraints ( int s_i, Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void init_basis__constraints ( int s_i, bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) init_basis__constraints (s_i, Tag_true()); else init_basis__constraints (s_i, Tag_false()); } void init_x_O_v_i(); void init_r_C(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void init_r_C(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void init_r_S_B(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void init_r_S_B(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void init_r_B_O(); void init_w(); void init_solution( ); void init_solution__b_C( Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void init_solution__b_C( Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void init_solution__b_C( bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) init_solution__b_C (Tag_true()); else init_solution__b_C (Tag_false()); } void init_additional_data_members( ); // function needed for set up of auxiliary problem for symbolic perturbation int signed_leading_exponent( int row); // This is a variant of set_up_auxiliary_problem for symbolic perturbation // for the perturbed case void set_up_auxiliary_problemI( Tag_true is_perturbed); void set_up_auxiliary_problem(); // transition (to phase II) void transition( ); void transition( Tag_true is_linear); void transition( Tag_false is_linear); // pivot step void pivot_step( ); // pricing void pricing( ); template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__linear_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, Tag_true has_no_inequalities) const; template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__linear_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, Tag_false has_no_inequalities) const; template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__linear_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, bool has_no_inequalities) const { if (has_no_inequalities) mu_j__linear_part_ (mu_j, j, lambda_it, Tag_true()); else mu_j__linear_part_ (mu_j, j, lambda_it, Tag_false()); } // template < class NT, class It > // void mu_j__quadratic_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, // Tag_true is_linear) const; // template < class NT, class It > // void mu_j__quadratic_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, // Tag_false is_linear) const; // template < class NT, class It > // void mu_j__quadratic_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, // Tag_false is_linear, // Tag_true is_symmetric) const; // template < class NT, class It > // void mu_j__quadratic_part_( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, // Tag_false is_linear, // Tag_false is_symmetric) const; template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__slack_or_artificial_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, Tag_true has_no_inequalities) const; template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__slack_or_artificial_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, Tag_false has_no_inequalities) const; template < class NT, class It > void mu_j__slack_or_artificial_( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, bool has_no_inequalities) const { if (has_no_inequalities) mu_j__slack_or_artificial_ (mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, Tag_true()); else mu_j__slack_or_artificial_ (mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, Tag_false()); } // ratio test void ratio_test_init( ); void ratio_test_init__A_Cj( Value_iterator A_Cj_it, int j, Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_init__A_Cj( Value_iterator A_Cj_it, int j, Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_init__A_Cj( Value_iterator A_Cj_it, int j, bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) ratio_test_init__A_Cj (A_Cj_it, j, Tag_true()); else ratio_test_init__A_Cj (A_Cj_it, j, Tag_false()); } void ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j, Tag_true is_linear); void ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j, Tag_false is_linear); void ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j, Tag_false is_linear, Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j, Tag_false is_linear, Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j, Tag_false is_linear, bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( two_D_Bj_it, j, is_linear, Tag_true()); else ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( two_D_Bj_it, j, is_linear, Tag_false()); } void ratio_test_1( ); void ratio_test_1__q_x_O( Tag_true is_linear); void ratio_test_1__q_x_O( Tag_false is_linear); void ratio_test_1__q_x_S( Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_1__q_x_S( Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_1__q_x_S( bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) ratio_test_1__q_x_S (Tag_true()); else ratio_test_1__q_x_S (Tag_false()); } void ratio_test_1__t_min_j(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void ratio_test_1__t_min_j(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void ratio_test_1__t_i( Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_true no_check); void ratio_test_1__t_i( Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_false no_check); // replaces the above two functions void ratio_test_1__t_min_B(Tag_true has_no_inequalities ); void ratio_test_1__t_min_B(Tag_false has_no_inequalities ); void ratio_test_1__t_min_B(bool has_no_inequalities ) { if (has_no_inequalities) ratio_test_1__t_min_B (Tag_true()); else ratio_test_1__t_min_B (Tag_false()); } void ratio_test_1_B_O__t_i(Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void ratio_test_1_B_O__t_i(Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void ratio_test_1_B_S__t_i(Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void ratio_test_1_B_S__t_i(Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void test_implicit_bounds_dir_pos(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void test_implicit_bounds_dir_neg(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void test_explicit_bounds_dir_pos(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void test_explicit_bounds_dir_neg(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void test_mixed_bounds_dir_pos(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void test_mixed_bounds_dir_neg(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k, int& i_min, ET& d_min, ET& q_min); void ratio_test_1__t_j( Tag_true is_linear); void ratio_test_1__t_j( Tag_false is_linear); void ratio_test_2( Tag_true is_linear); void ratio_test_2( Tag_false is_linear); void ratio_test_2__p( Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_2__p( Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void ratio_test_2__p( bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) ratio_test_2__p (Tag_true()); else ratio_test_2__p (Tag_false()); } // update void update_1( ); void update_1( Tag_true is_linear); void update_1( Tag_false is_linear); void update_2( Tag_true is_linear); void update_2( Tag_false is_linear); void replace_variable( ); void replace_variable( Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void replace_variable( Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void replace_variable( bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) replace_variable (Tag_true()); else replace_variable (Tag_false()); } void replace_variable_original_original( ); // update of the vector r void replace_variable_original_original_upd_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_original_original_upd_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_original_slack( ); // update of the vector r void replace_variable_original_slack_upd_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_original_slack_upd_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_slack_original( ); // update of the vector r void replace_variable_slack_original_upd_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_slack_original_upd_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_slack_slack( ); // update of the vector r void replace_variable_slack_slack_upd_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void replace_variable_slack_slack_upd_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void remove_artificial_variable_and_constraint( ); // update of the vector r void remove_artificial_variable_and_constraint_upd_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void remove_artificial_variable_and_constraint_upd_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void expel_artificial_variables_from_basis( ); // update that occurs only with upper bounding in ratio test step 1 void enter_and_leave_variable( ); void enter_variable( ); // update of the vectors w and r void enter_variable_original_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void enter_variable_original_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void enter_variable_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void enter_variable_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void leave_variable( ); // update of the vectors w and r void leave_variable_original_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void leave_variable_original_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void leave_variable_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void leave_variable_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable( ); void z_replace_variable( Tag_true has_no_inequalities); void z_replace_variable( Tag_false has_no_inequalities); void z_replace_variable( bool has_no_inequalities) { if (has_no_inequalities) z_replace_variable (Tag_true()); else z_replace_variable (Tag_false()); } void z_replace_variable_original_by_original( ); // update of the vectors w and r void z_replace_variable_original_by_original_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_original_by_original_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_original_by_slack( ); // update of the vectors w and r void z_replace_variable_original_by_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_original_by_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_slack_by_original( ); // update of the vectors w and r void z_replace_variable_slack_by_original_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_slack_by_original_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_slack_by_slack( ); // update of the vectors w and r void z_replace_variable_slack_by_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void z_replace_variable_slack_by_slack_upd_w_r(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); // update of the parts r_C and r_S_B void update_r_C_r_S_B__j(ET& x_j); void update_r_C_r_S_B__j_i(ET& x_j, ET& x_i); void update_r_C_r_S_B__i(ET& x_i); // update of w and r_B_O void update_w_r_B_O__j(ET& x_j); void update_w_r_B_O__j_i(ET& x_j, ET& x_i); void update_w_r_B_O__i(ET& x_i); bool basis_matrix_stays_regular( ); // current solution void compute_solution(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute_solution(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute__x_B_S( Tag_false has_no_inequalities, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute__x_B_S( Tag_false has_no_inequalities, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute__x_B_S( Tag_true has_no_inequalities, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute__x_B_S( Tag_true has_no_inequalities, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/); void compute__x_B_S( bool has_no_inequalities, Tag_true is_nonnegative) { if (has_no_inequalities) compute__x_B_S (Tag_true(), is_nonnegative); else compute__x_B_S (Tag_false(), is_nonnegative); } void compute__x_B_S( bool has_no_inequalities, Tag_false is_nonnegative) { if (has_no_inequalities) compute__x_B_S (Tag_true(), is_nonnegative); else compute__x_B_S (Tag_false(), is_nonnegative); } void multiply__A_S_BxB_O( Value_iterator in, Value_iterator out) const; ET multiply__A_ixO(int row) const; void multiply__A_CxN_O(Value_iterator out) const; bool check_r_C(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) const; bool check_r_C(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) const; void multiply__A_S_BxN_O(Value_iterator out) const; bool check_r_S_B(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) const; bool check_r_S_B(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) const; void multiply__2D_B_OxN_O(Value_iterator out) const; bool check_r_B_O(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) const; bool check_r_B_O(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) const; void multiply__2D_OxN_O(Value_iterator out) const; bool check_w(Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) const; bool check_w(Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) const; // utility routines for QP's in nonstandard form: ET original_variable_value_under_bounds(int i) const; ET nonbasic_original_variable_value (int i) const; public: // for original variables ET variable_numerator_value(int i) const; ET unbounded_direction_value(int i) const; ET lambda_numerator(int i) const { // we use the vector lambda which conforms to C (basic constraints) CGAL_qpe_assertion (i >= 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion (i <= qp_m); if (no_ineq) return lambda[i]; else { int k = in_C[i]; // position of i in C if (k != -1) return lambda[k]; else return et0; } } private: // check basis inverse bool check_basis_inverse( ); bool check_basis_inverse( Tag_true is_linear); bool check_basis_inverse( Tag_false is_linear); // diagnostic output void print_program ( ) const; void print_basis ( ) const; void print_solution( ) const; void print_ratio_1_original(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k); void print_ratio_1_slack(int k, const ET& x_k, const ET& q_k); const char* variable_type( int k) const; // ensure container size template void ensure_size(Container& c, typename Container::size_type desired_size) { typedef typename Container::value_type Value_type; for (typename Container::size_type i=c.size(); i < desired_size; ++i) { c.push_back(Value_type()); } } private: private: // (inefficient) access to bounds of variables: // Given an index of an original or slack variable, returns whether // or not the variable has a finite lower bound. bool has_finite_lower_bound(int i) const; // Given an index of an original or slack variable, returns whether // or not the variable has a finite upper bound. bool has_finite_upper_bound(int i) const; // Given an index of an original or slack variable, returns its // lower bound. ET lower_bound(int i) const; // Given an index of an original variable, returns its upper bound. ET upper_bound(int i) const; struct Bnd { // (inefficient) utility class representing a possibly // infinite bound enum Kind { MINUS_INF=-1, FINITE=0, PLUS_INF=1 }; const Kind kind; // whether the bound is finite or not const ET value; // bound's value in case it is finite Bnd(bool is_upper, bool is_finite, const ET& value) : kind(is_upper? (is_finite? FINITE : PLUS_INF) : (is_finite? FINITE : MINUS_INF)), value(value) {} Bnd(Kind kind, const ET& value) : kind(kind), value(value) {} bool operator==(const ET& v) const { return kind == FINITE && value == v; } bool operator==(const Bnd& b) const { return kind == b.kind && (kind != FINITE || value == b.value); } bool operator!=(const Bnd& b) const { return !(*this == b); } bool operator<(const ET& v) const { return kind == FINITE && value < v; } bool operator<(const Bnd& b) const { return kind < b.kind || (kind == b.kind && kind == FINITE && value < b.value); } bool operator<=(const Bnd& b) const { return *this < b || *this == b; } bool operator>(const ET& v) const { return kind == FINITE && value > v; } bool operator>(const Bnd& b) const { return !(*this <= b); } bool operator>=(const Bnd& b) const { return !(*this < b); } Bnd operator*(const ET& f) const { return Bnd(kind, value*f); } }; // Given an index of an original, slack, or artificial variable, // return its lower bound. Bnd lower_bnd(int i) const; // Given an index of an original, slack, or artificial variable, // return its upper bound. Bnd upper_bnd(int i) const; private: bool is_value_correct() const; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // =============================== // class implementation (template) // =============================== public: // pricing // ------- // The solver provides three methods to compute mu_j; the first // two below take additional information (which the pricing // strategy either provides in exact- or NT-form), and the third // simply does the exact computation. (Note: internally, we use // the third version, too, see ratio_test_1__t_j().) // computation of mu_j with standard form template < class RndAccIt1, class RndAccIt2, class NT > NT mu_j( int j, RndAccIt1 lambda_it, RndAccIt2 x_it, const NT& dd) const { NT mu_j; if ( j < qp_n) { // original variable // [c_j +] A_Cj^T * lambda_C mu_j = ( is_phaseI ? NT( 0) : dd * NT(*(qp_c+ j))); mu_j__linear_part( mu_j, j, lambda_it, no_ineq); // ... + 2 D_Bj^T * x_B mu_j__quadratic_part( mu_j, j, x_it, Is_linear()); } else { // slack or artificial mu_j__slack_or_artificial( mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, no_ineq); } return mu_j; } // computation of mu_j with upper bounding template < class RndAccIt1, class RndAccIt2, class NT > NT mu_j( int j, RndAccIt1 lambda_it, RndAccIt2 x_it, const NT& w_j, const NT& dd) const { NT mu_j; if ( j < qp_n) { // original variable // [c_j +] A_Cj^T * lambda_C mu_j = ( is_phaseI ? NT( 0) : dd * NT(*(qp_c+ j))); mu_j__linear_part( mu_j, j, lambda_it, no_ineq); // ... + 2 D_Bj^T * x_B + 2 D_Nj x_N mu_j__quadratic_part( mu_j, j, x_it, w_j, dd, Is_linear()); } else { // slack or artificial mu_j__slack_or_artificial( mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, no_ineq); } return mu_j; } // computation of mu_j (exact, both for upper bounding and standard form) ET mu_j( int j) const { CGAL_qpe_assertion(!is_basic(j)); if (!check_tag(Is_nonnegative()) && !check_tag(Is_linear()) && !is_phaseI && is_original(j)) { return mu_j(j, lambda.begin(), basic_original_variables_numerator_begin(), w_j_numerator(j), variables_common_denominator()); } else { return mu_j(j, lambda.begin(), basic_original_variables_numerator_begin(), variables_common_denominator()); } } private: // pricing (private helper functions) // ---------------------------------- template < class NT, class It > inline // no ineq. void mu_j__linear_part( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, Tag_true) const { mu_j += inv_M_B.inner_product_l( lambda_it, *(qp_A+ j)); } template < class NT, class It > inline // has ineq. void mu_j__linear_part( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, Tag_false) const { mu_j += inv_M_B.inner_product_l ( lambda_it, A_by_index_iterator( C.begin(), A_by_index_accessor( *(qp_A + j)))); } template < class NT, class It > inline void mu_j__linear_part( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, bool has_no_inequalities) const { if (has_no_inequalities) mu_j__linear_part (mu_j, j, lambda_it, Tag_true()); else mu_j__linear_part (mu_j, j, lambda_it, Tag_false()); } template < class NT, class It > inline // LP case, standard form void mu_j__quadratic_part( NT&, int, It, Tag_true) const { // nop } template < class NT, class It > inline // LP case, upper bounded void mu_j__quadratic_part( NT&, int, It, const NT& /*w_j*/, const NT& /*dd*/, Tag_true) const { // nop } template < class NT, class It > inline // QP case, standard form void mu_j__quadratic_part( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, Tag_false) const { if ( is_phaseII) { // 2 D_Bj^T * x_B mu_j += inv_M_B.inner_product_x ( x_it, D_pairwise_iterator_input_type( B_O.begin(), D_pairwise_accessor_input_type(qp_D, j))); } } template < class NT, class It > inline // QP case, upper bounded void mu_j__quadratic_part( NT& mu_j, int j, It x_it, const NT& w_j, const NT& dd, Tag_false) const { if ( is_phaseII) { mu_j += dd * w_j; // 2 D_Bj^T * x_B mu_j += inv_M_B.inner_product_x ( x_it, D_pairwise_iterator_input_type( B_O.begin(), D_pairwise_accessor_input_type(qp_D, j))); } } template < class NT, class It > inline // no ineq. void mu_j__slack_or_artificial( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, Tag_true) const { j -= qp_n; // artificial variable // A_j^T * lambda mu_j = lambda_it[ j]; if ( art_A[ j].second) mu_j = -mu_j; // c_j + ... mu_j += dd*NT(aux_c[ j]); } template < class NT, class It > inline // has ineq. void mu_j__slack_or_artificial( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, Tag_false) const { j -= qp_n; if ( j < static_cast(slack_A.size())) { // slack variable // A_Cj^T * lambda_C mu_j = lambda_it[ in_C[ slack_A[ j].first]]; if ( slack_A[ j].second) mu_j = -mu_j; } else { // artificial variable j -= static_cast(slack_A.size()); // A_Cj^T * lambda_C mu_j = lambda_it[ in_C[ art_A[ j].first]]; if ( art_A[ j].second) mu_j = -mu_j; // c_j + ... mu_j += dd*NT(aux_c[ j]); } } template < class NT, class It > inline void mu_j__slack_or_artificial( NT& mu_j, int j, It lambda_it, const NT& dd, bool has_no_inequalities) const { if (has_no_inequalities) mu_j__slack_or_artificial (mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, Tag_true()); else mu_j__slack_or_artificial (mu_j, j, lambda_it, dd, Tag_false()); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ============================= // class implementation (inline) // ============================= // initialization // -------------- // transition // ---------- template < class Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP case void QP_solver:: transition( Tag_false) { typedef Creator_2< D_iterator, int, D_pairwise_accessor > D_transition_creator_accessor; typedef Creator_2< Index_iterator, D_pairwise_accessor, D_pairwise_iterator > D_transition_creator_iterator; // initialization of vector w and vector r_B_O: if (!check_tag(Is_nonnegative())) { init_w(); init_r_B_O(); } // here is what we need in the transition: an iterator that steps through // the basic indices, where dereferencing // yields an iterator through the corresponding row of D, restricted // to the basic indices. This means that we select the principal minor of D // corresponding to the current basis. // To realize this, we transform B_O.begin() via the function h where // h(i) = D_pairwise_iterator // (B_O.begin(), // D_pairwise_accessor(qp_D, i)) inv_M_B.transition (boost::make_transform_iterator (B_O.begin(), boost::bind (D_transition_creator_iterator(), B_O.begin(), boost::bind (D_transition_creator_accessor(), qp_D, _1)))); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: transition( Tag_true) { inv_M_B.transition(); } // ratio test // ---------- template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator, int, Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j_, Tag_false) { if ( is_phaseII) { ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( two_D_Bj_it, j_, Tag_false(), no_ineq); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP, no ineq. void QP_solver:: ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j_, Tag_false, Tag_true ) { // store exact version of `2 D_{B_O,j}' D_pairwise_accessor d_accessor( qp_D, j_); std::copy( D_pairwise_iterator( B_O.begin(), d_accessor), D_pairwise_iterator( B_O.end (), d_accessor), two_D_Bj_it); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP, has ineq void QP_solver:: ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( Value_iterator two_D_Bj_it, int j_, Tag_false, Tag_false) { // store exact version of `2 D_{B_O,j}' if ( j_ < qp_n) { // original variable ratio_test_init__2_D_Bj( two_D_Bj_it, j_, Tag_false(), Tag_true()); } else { // slack variable std::fill_n( two_D_Bj_it, B_O.size(), et0); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__q_x_O( Tag_true) { inv_M_B.multiply_x( A_Cj.begin(), q_x_O.begin()); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__q_x_O( Tag_false) { if ( is_phaseI) { // phase I inv_M_B.multiply_x( A_Cj.begin(), q_x_O.begin()); } else { // phase II inv_M_B.multiply ( A_Cj.begin(), two_D_Bj.begin(), q_lambda.begin(), q_x_O.begin()); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__q_x_S( Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has ineq. void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__q_x_S( Tag_false) { // A_S_BxB_O * q_x_O multiply__A_S_BxB_O( q_x_O.begin(), q_x_S.begin()); // ( A_S_BxB_O * q_x_O) - A_S_Bxj if ( j < qp_n) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type RT; std::transform( q_x_S.begin(), q_x_S.begin()+S_B.size(), A_by_index_iterator( S_B.begin(), A_by_index_accessor( *(qp_A + j))), q_x_S.begin(), boost::bind(std::minus(), _1, boost::bind(std::multiplies(), d, boost::bind( NT_converter(), _2)))); } // q_x_S = -+ ( A_S_BxB_O * q_x_O - A_S_Bxj) Value_iterator q_it = q_x_S.begin(); Index_iterator i_it; for ( i_it = B_S.begin(); i_it != B_S.end(); ++i_it, ++q_it) { if ( ! slack_A[ *i_it - qp_n].second) *q_it = -(*q_it); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no check void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__t_i( Index_iterator, Index_iterator, Value_iterator, Value_iterator, Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // check void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__t_i( Index_iterator i_it, Index_iterator end_it, Value_iterator x_it, Value_iterator q_it, Tag_false) { // check `t_i's for ( ; i_it != end_it; ++i_it, ++x_it, ++q_it) { // BLAND rule: In case the ratios are the same, only update if the new index // is smaller. The special artificial variable is always made to leave first. if ( (*q_it > et0) && ( (( *x_it * q_i) < ( x_i * *q_it)) || ( (*i_it < i) && (i != art_s_i) && (( *x_it * q_i) == ( x_i * *q_it)) ) ) ) { i = *i_it; x_i = *x_it; q_i = *q_it; } } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__t_j( Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_1__t_j( Tag_false) { if ( is_phaseII) { // compute `nu' and `mu_j' mu = mu_j(j); nu = inv_M_B.inner_product( A_Cj.begin(), two_D_Bj.begin(), q_lambda.begin(), q_x_O.begin()); if ( j < qp_n) { // original variable nu -= d*ET( (*(qp_D + j))[ j]); } CGAL_qpe_assertion_msg(nu <= et0, "nu <= et0 violated -- is your D matrix positive semidefinite?"); // check `t_j' CGAL_qpe_assertion(mu != et0); // bg: formula below compares abs values, assuming mu < 0 if ( ( nu < et0) && ( ( (mu < et0 ? mu : -mu) * q_i) > ( x_i * nu))) { i = -1; q_i = et1; } } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: ratio_test_2( Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: ratio_test_2__p( Tag_true) { // get column index of entering variable in basis int col = in_B[ j]; CGAL_qpe_assertion( col >= 0); col += l; // get (last) column of `M_B^{-1}' (Note: `p_...' is stored in `q_...') Value_iterator it; int row; unsigned int k; for ( k = 0, row = 0, it = q_lambda.begin(); k < C.size(); ++k, ++row, ++it ) { *it = inv_M_B.entry( row, col); } for ( k = 0, row = l, it = q_x_O.begin(); k < B_O.size(); ++k, ++row, ++it ) { *it = inv_M_B.entry( row, col); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has ineq. void QP_solver:: ratio_test_2__p( Tag_false) { Value_iterator v_it; Index_iterator i_it; // compute 'p_lambda' and 'p_x_O' (Note: `p_...' is stored in `q_...') // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // type of entering variable if ( j < qp_n) { // original // use 'no_ineq' variant ratio_test_2__p( Tag_true()); } else { // slack j -= qp_n; // get column A_{S_j,B_O}^T (i.e. row of A_{S_B,B_O}) int row = slack_A[ j].first; bool sign = slack_A[ j].second; for ( i_it = B_O.begin(), v_it = tmp_x.begin(); i_it != B_O.end(); ++i_it, ++v_it ) { *v_it = ( sign ? *((*(qp_A+ *i_it))+ row) : - (*((*(qp_A + *i_it))+ row))); } // compute ( p_l | p_x_O )^T = M_B^{-1} * ( 0 | A_{S_j,B_O} )^T std::fill_n( tmp_l.begin(), C.size(), et0); inv_M_B.multiply( tmp_l .begin(), tmp_x .begin(), q_lambda.begin(), q_x_O.begin()); j += qp_n; } // compute 'p_x_S' // --------------- // A_S_BxB_O * p_x_O multiply__A_S_BxB_O( q_x_O.begin(), q_x_S.begin()); // p_x_S = +- ( A_S_BxB_O * p_x_O) for ( i_it = B_S.begin(), v_it = q_x_S.begin(); i_it != B_S.end(); ++i_it, ++v_it ) { if ( ! slack_A[ *i_it - qp_n].second) *v_it = -(*v_it); } } // update // ------ template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: update_1( Tag_true) { // replace leaving with entering variable if ((i == j) && (i >= 0)) { enter_and_leave_variable(); } else { replace_variable(); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // QP case void QP_solver:: update_1( Tag_false) { if ( is_phaseI) { // phase I // replace leaving with entering variable if ((i == j) && (i >= 0)) { enter_and_leave_variable(); } else { replace_variable(); } } else { // phase II if ((i == j) && (i >= 0)) { enter_and_leave_variable(); } else { if ( ( i >= 0) && basis_matrix_stays_regular()) { // leave variable from basis, if // - some leaving variable was found and // - basis matrix stays regular leave_variable(); } else { // enter variable into basis, if // - no leaving variable was found or // - basis matrix would become singular when variable i leaves if ( i < 0 ) { enter_variable(); } else { z_replace_variable(); } } } } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // LP case void QP_solver:: update_2( Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: replace_variable( Tag_true) { replace_variable_original_original(); strategyP->leaving_basis( i); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has ineq. void QP_solver:: replace_variable( Tag_false) { // determine type of variables bool enter_original = ( (j < qp_n) || (j >= static_cast( qp_n+slack_A.size()))); bool leave_original = ( (i < qp_n) || (i >= static_cast( qp_n+slack_A.size()))); // update basis & basis inverse if ( leave_original) { if ( enter_original) { // orig <--> orig replace_variable_original_original(); } else { // slack <--> orig replace_variable_slack_original(); } // special artificial variable removed? if ( is_phaseI && ( i == art_s_i)) { // remove the fake column - it corresponds // to the special artificial variable which is // (like all artificial variables) not needed // anymore once it leaves the basis. Note: // regular artificial variables are only removed // from the problem after phase I // art_s_i == -1 -> there is no special artificial variable // art_s_i == -2 -> there was a special artificial variable, // but has been removed art_s_i = -2; art_A.pop_back(); CGAL_qpe_assertion(in_B[in_B.size()-1] == -1); // really removed? in_B.pop_back(); // BG: shouldn't the pricing strategy be notfied also here? } else { strategyP->leaving_basis( i); } } else { if ( enter_original) { // orig <--> slack replace_variable_original_slack(); } else { // slack <--> slack replace_variable_slack_slack(); } strategyP->leaving_basis( i); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline bool QP_solver:: basis_matrix_stays_regular() { CGAL_qpe_assertion( is_phaseII); int new_row, k; if ( has_ineq && (i >= qp_n)) { // slack variable new_row = slack_A[ i-qp_n].first; A_row_by_index_accessor a_accessor = boost::bind (A_accessor( qp_A, 0, qp_n), _1, new_row); typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type RT; std::transform(A_row_by_index_iterator( B_O.begin(), a_accessor), A_row_by_index_iterator( B_O.end (), a_accessor), tmp_x.begin(), NT_converter()); inv_M_B.multiply( tmp_x.begin(), // dummy (not used) tmp_x.begin(), tmp_l_2.begin(), tmp_x_2.begin(), Tag_false(), // QP Tag_false()); // ignore 1st argument return ( -inv_M_B.inner_product_x( tmp_x_2.begin(), tmp_x.begin()) != et0); } else { // check original variable k = l+in_B[ i]; return ( inv_M_B.entry( k, k) != et0); } /* ToDo: check, if really not needed in 'update_1': - basis has already minimal size or || ( B_O.size()==C.size()) */ } // current solution // ---------------- template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no inequalities, upper bounded void QP_solver:: compute__x_B_S( Tag_true /*has_equalities_only_and_full_rank*/, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no inequalities, standard form void QP_solver:: compute__x_B_S( Tag_true /*has_equalities_only_and_full_rank*/, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has inequalities, upper bounded void QP_solver:: compute__x_B_S( Tag_false /*has_equalities_only_and_full_rank*/, Tag_false /*is_nonnegative*/) { // A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O multiply__A_S_BxB_O( x_B_O.begin(), x_B_S.begin()); // b_S_B - ( A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O) B_by_index_accessor b_accessor( qp_b); std::transform( B_by_index_iterator( S_B.begin(), b_accessor), B_by_index_iterator( S_B.end (), b_accessor), x_B_S.begin(), x_B_S.begin(), compose2_2( std::minus(), boost::bind1st( std::multiplies(), d), Identity())); // b_S_B - ( A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O) - r_S_B std::transform(x_B_S.begin(), x_B_S.begin()+S_B.size(), r_S_B.begin(), x_B_S.begin(), compose2_2(std::minus(), Identity(), boost::bind1st( std::multiplies(), d))); // x_B_S = +- ( b_S_B - A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O) Value_iterator x_it = x_B_S.begin(); Index_iterator i_it; for ( i_it = B_S.begin(); i_it != B_S.end(); ++i_it, ++x_it) { if ( slack_A[ *i_it - qp_n].second) *x_it = -(*x_it); } } namespace QP_solver_impl { // Writing it with 5 boost::bind was becoming unreadable. template struct submul { ET const& d; submul(ET const&d):d(d) {} ET operator()(RT const&x, ET const&y) const { NT_converter cast; return cast(x) * d - y; } }; } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has inequalities, standard form void QP_solver:: compute__x_B_S( Tag_false /*has_equalities_only_and_full_rank*/, Tag_true /*is_nonnegative*/) { // A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O multiply__A_S_BxB_O( x_B_O.begin(), x_B_S.begin()); // b_S_B - ( A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O) B_by_index_accessor b_accessor( qp_b); typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type RT; std::transform( B_by_index_iterator( S_B.begin(), b_accessor), B_by_index_iterator( S_B.end (), b_accessor), x_B_S.begin(), x_B_S.begin(), QP_solver_impl::submul(d)); // x_B_S = +- ( b_S_B - A_S_BxB_O * x_B_O) Value_iterator x_it = x_B_S.begin(); Index_iterator i_it; for ( i_it = B_S.begin(); i_it != B_S.end(); ++i_it, ++x_it) { if ( slack_A[ *i_it - qp_n].second) *x_it = -(*x_it); } } } //namespace CGAL #include #include #include #include #include #endif // CGAL_QP_SOLVER_H // ===== EOF ==================================================================