// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 GeometryFactory // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/CGAL_ImageIO/include/CGAL/SEP_header.h $ // $Id: SEP_header.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Laurent Rineau #ifndef CGAL_SEP_HEADER_HPP #define CGAL_SEP_HEADER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_SEP_READER_DEBUG # include // The debug the Boost.Spirit.Qi parser, this is needed: namespace std { template inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::pair& id) { return out << id.first << " " << id.second; } } //end namespace std #endif // CGAL_SEP_READER_DEBUG namespace CGAL { struct SEP_header_aux { typedef std::map Int_dict; typedef std::map Double_dict; typedef std::map String_dict; Int_dict int_dict; Double_dict double_dict; String_dict string_dict; public: template SEP_header_aux& operator<<(const Tuple_string_variant& tuple) { using boost::get; visitor vis(this, get<0>(tuple)); boost::apply_visitor(vis, get<1>(tuple)); return *this; } private: struct visitor : public boost::static_visitor<> { SEP_header_aux* self; std::string key; visitor(SEP_header_aux* header, std::string key) : self(header) , key(key) {} template void operator()(const T& t) { // std::cerr << "My assignement (" // << typeid(t).name() << "): " // << key << "=" << t << std::endl; self->add(key, t); } }; void add(const std::string& key, int v) { int_dict[key] = v; double_dict[key] = v; } void add(const std::string& key, const double& v) { double_dict[key] = v; } void add(const std::string& key, const std::string& v) { string_dict[key] = v; } }; // end struct SEP_header_aux } // end namespace CGAL BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT( CGAL::SEP_header_aux, ( CGAL::SEP_header_aux::Int_dict, int_dict) ( CGAL::SEP_header_aux::Double_dict, double_dict) ( CGAL::SEP_header_aux::String_dict, string_dict) ) namespace CGAL { class SEP_header { boost::array _n; boost::array _d; boost::array _o; SEP_header_aux::String_dict _string_dict; int _dim; public: /// constructor SEP_header(std::string fileName) : _dim(-1) { std::ifstream input(fileName.c_str()); if(!input) { std::cerr << "Error: cannot open the header file \"" << fileName << "\"!\n"; return; } SEP_header_aux header; if(parseHeader(input, header)) { get_n(1) = header.int_dict["n1"]; get_n(2) = header.int_dict["n2"]; get_n(3) = header.int_dict["n3"]; _dim = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) { if(get_n(i) == 0) get_n(i) = 1; if(get_n(i) != 1) ++_dim; } get_d(1) = header.double_dict["d1"]; get_d(2) = header.double_dict["d2"]; get_d(3) = header.double_dict["d3"]; get_o(1) = header.double_dict["o1"]; get_o(2) = header.double_dict["o2"]; get_o(3) = header.double_dict["o3"]; _string_dict = header.string_dict; } } /// copy-constructor SEP_header(const SEP_header& other) : _n(other._n) , _d(other._d) , _o(other._o) , _dim(other._dim) {} /// const getters /// @{ double o(int i) const { return _o[i-1]; } double d(int i) const { return _d[i-1]; } std::size_t n(int i) const { return _n[i-1]; } int dimension() const { return _dim;} std::string string_field(std::string key) const { SEP_header_aux::String_dict::const_iterator it = _string_dict.find(key); if(it == _string_dict.end()) return std::string(); else return it->second; } /// @} /// non-const getters /// @{ double& get_o(int i) { return _o[i-1]; } double& get_d(int i) { return _d[i-1]; } std::size_t& get_n(int i) { return _n[i-1]; } int& get_dim() { return _dim; } /// @} std::ostream& display_information(std::string fileName, std::ostream& out) const { out << "Header file: " << fileName << std::endl; out << "Parameters:\n"; out << "dimension = " << dimension() << "\n"; for(int i = 1; i <= 3 ; ++i) { out << "d" << i << " = " << d(i) << "\n"; out << "n" << i << " = " << n(i) << "\n"; out << "o" << i << " = " << o(i) << "\n"; } out << "in = " << string_field("in") << std::endl; return out; } private: template struct sep_header_grammar : boost::spirit::qi::grammar { sep_header_grammar() : sep_header_grammar::base_type(header, "sep_header_grammar") { namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi; namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii; using qi::lexeme; using ascii::char_; using qi::int_; using qi::real_parser; using boost::phoenix::at_c; using qi::_1; using qi::_2; using qi::_val; qi::real_parser > double_with_dot; skip_comment = ('#' >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> qi::eol); skip_comment.name("my skip comment"); skip = skip_comment | qi::space; skip.name("my skipper"); identifier = +((qi::alnum|char_('_'))[_val += _1]); identifier.name("my identifier"); string = +(char_ - qi::space)[_val += _1]; string.name("my string"); quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; quoted_string.name("my quoted string"); variant_of_value %= ( double_with_dot | int_ | (quoted_string | string) ); variant_of_value.name("my value"); assignment %= (identifier >> '=' >> variant_of_value); assignment.name("my assignment"); header = (*skip) >> +( assignment[_val << _1] >> (*skip)); header.name("SEP header"); using boost::phoenix::construct; using boost::phoenix::val; qi::on_error ( header, std::cout << val("Error! Expecting ") << qi::_4 // what failed? << val(" here: \"") << construct(qi::_3, qi::_2) // iterators to error-pos, end << val("\"") << std::endl ); #ifdef CGAL_SEP_READER_DEBUG qi::debug(skip); qi::debug(skip_comment); qi::debug(identifier); qi::debug(header); qi::debug(variant_of_value); qi::debug(assignment); qi::debug(string); qi::debug(quoted_string); #endif // CGAL_SEP_READER_DEBUG } // end constructor of sep_header_grammar typedef boost::variant value; typedef boost::tuple entry_type; boost::spirit::qi::rule skip_comment; boost::spirit::qi::rule skip; boost::spirit::qi::rule identifier; boost::spirit::qi::rule quoted_string; boost::spirit::qi::rule string; boost::spirit::qi::rule variant_of_value; boost::spirit::qi::rule assignment; boost::spirit::qi::rule header; }; // end class template sep_header_grammar bool parseHeader(std::ifstream& input, SEP_header_aux& header) { std::string file_content; input.seekg(0, std::ios::end); file_content.reserve(input.tellg()); input.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); file_content.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator(input), std::istreambuf_iterator()); if(!input) return false; typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator; iterator begin(file_content.begin()), end(file_content.end()); sep_header_grammar grammar; bool b = boost::spirit::qi::parse(begin, end, grammar, header); return b && (begin == end); } }; // end class SEP_header } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SEP_HEADER_HPP