// Copyright (c) 2013 Technical University Braunschweig (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Visibility_2/include/CGAL/Simple_polygon_visibility_2.h $ // $Id: Simple_polygon_visibility_2.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s): Francisc Bungiu // Michael Hemmer // Ning Xu #ifndef CGAL_SIMPLE_POLYGON_VISIBILITY_2_H #define CGAL_SIMPLE_POLYGON_VISIBILITY_2_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // TODO: // * fix handle needles = O(nlogn) namespace CGAL { template class Simple_polygon_visibility_2 { public: typedef Arrangement_2_ Arrangement_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Traits_2 Traits_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2 Geometry_traits_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Kernel K; typedef typename K::Intersect_2 Intersect_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Object_2 Object_2; typedef RegularizationCategory Regularization_category; typedef CGAL::Tag_false Supports_general_polygon_category; typedef CGAL::Tag_true Supports_simple_polygon_category; Simple_polygon_visibility_2() : p_arr(nullptr), traits(nullptr) {} /*! Constructor given an arrangement and the Regularization tag. */ Simple_polygon_visibility_2(const Arrangement_2& arr): p_arr(&arr) { traits = p_arr->geometry_traits(); point_location.attach(arr); query_pt_is_vertex = false; query_pt_is_on_halfedge = false; inserted_artificial_starting_vertex = false; } std::string name() const { return std::string("S_visibility_2"); } /*! Method to check if the visibility object is attached or not to an arrangement*/ bool is_attached() const { return (p_arr != nullptr); } /*! Attaches the visibility object to the 'arr' arrangement */ void attach(const Arrangement_2& arr) { if(p_arr != &arr){ detach(); p_arr = &arr; traits = p_arr->geometry_traits(); point_location.attach(arr); } } /*! Detaches the visibility object from the arrangement it is attached to*/ void detach() { point_location.detach(); p_arr = nullptr; traits = nullptr; vertices.clear(); query_pt_is_vertex = false; query_pt_is_on_halfedge = false; inserted_artificial_starting_vertex = false; } /*! Getter method for the input arrangement*/ const Arrangement_2& arrangement_2() const { return *p_arr; } /*! Computes the visibility object from the query point 'q' in the face 'face' and constructs the output in 'out_arr'*/ template typename VARR::Face_handle compute_visibility(const Point_2& q, const Face_const_handle face, VARR& out_arr) const { CGAL_precondition(!face->is_unbounded()); out_arr.clear(); query_pt_is_vertex = false; query_pt_is_on_halfedge = false; inserted_artificial_starting_vertex = false; // Now retrieve the circulator to first visible vertex from triangulation Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = find_visible_start(face, q); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ; do { vertices.push_back(curr->source()->point()); } while(++curr != circ); vertices.push_back(vertices[0]); visibility_region_impl(q); return output(q, out_arr); } /*! Computes the visibility region of the query point 'q' located on the halfedge 'he' and constructs the output in 'out_arr'*/ template typename VARR::Face_handle compute_visibility( const Point_2& q, const Halfedge_const_handle he, VARR& out_arr ) const { out_arr.clear(); query_pt_is_vertex = false; query_pt_is_on_halfedge = false; bool query_on_target = false; if (q != he->source()->point()) { if (q != he->target()->point()) { vertices.push_back(he->target()->point()); query_pt_is_on_halfedge = true; } else { query_pt_is_vertex = true; query_on_target = true; } } else { vertices.push_back( he->target()->point() ); query_pt_is_vertex = true; } Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = he; ++circ; Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ; do { const Point_2& curr_vertex = curr->target()->point(); vertices.push_back(curr_vertex); } while (++curr != circ); if ( query_on_target ) { vertices.push_back( vertices[0] ); } visibility_region_impl(q); return output(q, out_arr); } private: typedef Arr_walk_along_line_point_location Arr_point_location; typedef typename Arr_point_location::result_type Location_result; typedef std::vector Vertex_container; typedef typename Vertex_container::size_type Size_type; const Arrangement_2 *p_arr; const Geometry_traits_2 *traits; mutable Arr_point_location point_location; /*! Stack of visibile points; manipulated when going through the sequence of input vertices; contains the vertices of the visibility region after the run of the algorithm*/ mutable std::stack stack; /*! Sequence of input vertices*/ mutable Vertex_container vertices; /*! State of visibility region algorithm*/ mutable enum {LEFT, RIGHT, SCANA, SCANB, SCANC, SCAND, FINISH} upcase; mutable bool query_pt_is_vertex; mutable bool query_pt_is_on_halfedge; mutable bool inserted_artificial_starting_vertex; template typename VARR::Face_handle output(const Point_2& q, VARR& out_arr) const { if(inserted_artificial_starting_vertex) stack.pop(); std::vector points; while(!stack.empty()) { const Point_2& top = stack.top(); if (top != q || query_pt_is_vertex) { points.push_back(top); } stack.pop(); } if(inserted_artificial_starting_vertex) { points.back() = points[0]; inserted_artificial_starting_vertex = false; } // Quick fix for now. Can be done faster bool is_degenerate = false; for(typename std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < points.size()-2;i++){ if(CGAL::orientation(points[i],points[i+1],points[i+2]) == CGAL::COLLINEAR){ is_degenerate = true; break; } } if(is_degenerate){ //std::cout << is_degenerate << std::endl; std::vector segments; for(typename std::vector::size_type i = 0;i < points.size() - 1; ++i) { segments.push_back(Segment_2(points[i], points[i+1])); } CGAL::insert(out_arr, segments.begin(), segments.end()); }else{ points.pop_back(); //std::cout << " ordanary " << std::endl; typename VARR::Vertex_handle v_last, v_first; v_last = v_first = out_arr.insert_in_face_interior(points[0],out_arr.unbounded_face()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size()-1; i++){ if(points[i] < points[(i+1)]){ v_last = out_arr.insert_from_left_vertex ( Segment_2(points[i], points[i+1]), v_last )->target(); } else { v_last = out_arr.insert_from_right_vertex( Segment_2(points[i], points[i+1]), v_last )->target(); } } out_arr.insert_at_vertices( Segment_2(points.front(), points.back()), v_last, v_first ); } CGAL_postcondition(out_arr.number_of_isolated_vertices() == 0); CGAL_postcondition(stack.empty()); Visibility_2::conditional_regularize(out_arr, Regularization_category()); vertices.clear(); if (out_arr.faces_begin()->is_unbounded()) { return ++out_arr.faces_begin(); } else { return out_arr.faces_begin(); } } /*! Finds a visible vertex from the query point 'q' in 'face' to start the algorithm from*/ Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator find_visible_start(Face_const_handle face, const Point_2 &q) const { Location_result result = point_location.ray_shoot_up(q); if(const Halfedge_const_handle* e = boost::get(&(result))) { CGAL_assertion((*e)->face() == face); Point_2 p(q.x(), traits->compute_y_at_x_2_object()( Line_2((*e)->source()->point(), (*e)->target()->point()) , q.x())); vertices.push_back(p); inserted_artificial_starting_vertex = true; return (*e)->next()->ccb(); } else if (const Vertex_const_handle* v = boost::get(&(result))) { Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator cir = (*v)->incident_halfedges(); while(face != cir->face()) { ++cir; } return cir->next()->ccb(); } else { CGAL_assertion_msg(false, "Should not be reachable."); return Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator(); } } /*! Main method of the algorithm - initializes the stack and variables and calles the corresponding methods acc. to the algorithm's state; 'q' - query point; 'i' - current vertex' index 'w' - endpoint of ray shot from query point */ void visibility_region_impl(const Point_2& q) const { Size_type i = 0; Point_2 w; Orientation o = traits->orientation_2_object()(q, vertices[0], vertices[1]); if ( o != RIGHT_TURN ) { upcase = LEFT; i = 1; w = vertices[1]; stack.push(vertices[0]); stack.push(vertices[1]); } else { upcase = SCANA; i = 1; w = vertices[1]; stack.push(vertices[0]); } Ray_2 ray_origin( q, vertices[0] ); do { switch(upcase) { case LEFT: left(i, w, q); break; case RIGHT: right(i, w, q); break; case SCANA: scana(i, w, q); break; case SCANB: scanb(i, w); break; case SCANC: scanc(i, w); break; case SCAND: scand(i, w); break; case FINISH: break; } if ( upcase == LEFT ) { Point_2 s_t = stack.top(); stack.pop(); if (traits->orientation_2_object()(q, vertices[0], stack.top() ) == RIGHT_TURN && traits->orientation_2_object()(q, vertices[0], s_t) == LEFT_TURN ) { Segment_2 seg( stack.top(), s_t ); if (Object_2 result = Intersect_2()(seg, ray_origin) ) { const Point_2 * ipoint = object_cast(&result); CGAL_assertion( ipoint != nullptr ); s_t = *ipoint; upcase = SCANB; } } stack.push( s_t ); } } while(upcase != FINISH); } /*! Method that handles the left turns in the vertex algorithm */ void left(Size_type& i, Point_2& w, const Point_2& q) const { if (i >= vertices.size() - 1) { upcase = FINISH; } else { Point_2 s_t = stack.top(); stack.pop(); Point_2 s_t_prev = stack.top(); stack.push( s_t ); Orientation orient1 = traits->orientation_2_object()( q, vertices[i], vertices[i+1] ); if ( orient1 != RIGHT_TURN ) { // Case L2 upcase = LEFT; stack.push( vertices[i+1] ); w = vertices[i+1]; i++; } else { Orientation orient2 = traits->orientation_2_object()( s_t_prev, vertices[i], vertices[i+1] ); if ( orient2 == RIGHT_TURN ) { // Case L3 upcase = SCANA; w = vertices[i+1]; i++; } else { // Case L4 upcase = RIGHT; w = vertices[i]; i++; } } } } /*! Scans the stack such that all vertices that were pushed before to the stack and are now not visible anymore. */ void right(Size_type& i, Point_2& w, const Point_2& q) const { Point_2 s_j; Point_2 s_j_prev; Point_2 u; int mode = 0; Orientation orient1, orient2; s_j_prev = stack.top(); orient2 = traits->orientation_2_object()( q, s_j_prev, vertices[i] ); while ( stack.size() > 1 ) { s_j = s_j_prev; orient1 = orient2; stack.pop(); s_j_prev = stack.top(); orient2 = traits->orientation_2_object()( q, s_j_prev, vertices[i]); if ( orient1 != LEFT_TURN && orient2 != RIGHT_TURN ) { mode = 1; break; } Segment_2 seg2( vertices[i-1], vertices[i] ); Segment_2 seg( s_j_prev, s_j ); if ( vertices[i-1] != s_j ) { Object_2 result = Intersect_2()( seg, seg2 ); if(result) { const Point_2 * ipoint = object_cast(&result); CGAL_assertion( ipoint != nullptr ); u = *ipoint; mode = 2; break; } } } CGAL_assertion( mode != 0 ); if ( mode == 1 ) { orient1 = traits->orientation_2_object()(q, vertices[i], vertices[i+1] ); orient2 = traits->orientation_2_object()(vertices[i-1], vertices[i], vertices[i+1] ); if ( orient1 == RIGHT_TURN ) { // Case R1 // Since the next action is RIGHT, we do not compute the intersection // of (s_j,s_j_prev) and the ray (query_pt, vertices[i]), // thus, (s_j,s_j_prev) is not shortcutted, but it is harmless upcase = RIGHT; stack.push( s_j ); w = vertices[i]; i++; } else if ( orient2 == RIGHT_TURN ) { // Case R2 Ray_2 ray( q, vertices[i] ); Segment_2 seg( s_j_prev, s_j ); Object_2 result = Intersect_2()( seg, ray ); const Point_2 * ipoint = object_cast(&result); CGAL_assertion( ipoint != nullptr ); u = *ipoint; if ( stack.top() != u ) { stack.push( u ); } upcase = LEFT; stack.push( vertices[i] ); stack.push( vertices[i+1] ); w = vertices[i+1]; i++; } else { // Case R3 Ray_2 ray( q, vertices[i] ); Segment_2 seg( s_j_prev, s_j ); Object_2 result = Intersect_2()( seg, ray ); const Point_2 * ipoint = object_cast(&result); CGAL_assertion( ipoint != nullptr ); u = *ipoint; if ( stack.top() != u ) { stack.push( u ); } upcase = SCANC; w = vertices[i]; i++; } } else if ( mode == 2 ) { // Case R4 upcase = SCAND; w = u; } } /*! Scans the vertices starting from index 'i' for the first visible vertex out of the back hidden window */ void scana(Size_type& i, Point_2& w, const Point_2& q) const { // Scan v_i, v_i+1, ..., v_n for the first edge to intersect (z, s_t) Point_2 u; Size_type k = scan_edges( i, q, stack.top(), u, true ); Orientation orient1 = traits->orientation_2_object()(q, vertices[k], vertices[k+1] ); if ( orient1 == RIGHT_TURN ) { bool fwd = traits-> collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2_object()(q, stack.top(), u ); if ( !fwd ) { // Case A1 upcase = RIGHT; i = k+1; w = u; } else { // Case A2 upcase = SCAND; i = k+1; w = u; } } else { // Case A3 upcase = LEFT; i = k+1; stack.push( u ); if ( u != vertices[k+1] ) { stack.push( vertices[k+1] ); } w = vertices[k+1]; } } /*! Find the first edge interecting the segment (v_0, s_t) */ void scanb(Size_type& i, Point_2& w) const { if ( i == vertices.size() - 1 ) { upcase = FINISH; return; } Point_2 u; Size_type k = scan_edges( i, stack.top(), vertices[0], u, false ); if ( (k+1 == vertices.size()-1) && (vertices[0] == u) ) { // Case B1 upcase = FINISH; stack.push( vertices[0] ); } else { // Case B2 upcase = RIGHT; i = k+1; w = u; } } /*! Finds the exit from a general front hidden window by finding the first vertex to the right of the ray defined by the query_point and w*/ void scanc(Size_type& i, Point_2& w) const { Point_2 u; Size_type k = scan_edges( i, stack.top(), w, u, false ); upcase = RIGHT; i = k+1; w = u; } /*! find the first edge intersecting the given window (s_t, w) */ void scand(Size_type& i, Point_2& w) const { Point_2 u; Size_type k = scan_edges( i, stack.top(), w, u, false ); upcase = LEFT; i = k+1; stack.push( u ); if ( u != vertices[k+1] ) { stack.push( vertices[k+1] ); } w = vertices[k+1]; } /*! Scan edges v_i,v_{i+1},...,v_n, until find an edge intersecting given ray or given segment. is_ray = true -> ray, false -> segment. The intersection point is returned by u */ Size_type scan_edges( Size_type i, const Point_2& ray_begin, const Point_2& ray_end, Point_2& u, bool is_ray ) const { Orientation old_orient = RIGHT_TURN; Ray_2 ray( ray_begin, ray_end ); Segment_2 s2( ray_begin, ray_end ); Size_type k; Object_2 result; for ( k = i; k+1 < vertices.size(); k++ ) { Orientation curr_orient = traits->orientation_2_object()( ray_begin, ray_end, vertices[k+1] ); if ( curr_orient != old_orient ) { // Orientation switch, an intersection may occur Segment_2 seg( vertices[k], vertices[k+1] ); if ( is_ray ) { result = Intersect_2()( seg, ray ); if(result) break; } else { result = Intersect_2()( seg, s2 ); if(result) break; } } old_orient = curr_orient; } CGAL_assertion( k+1( &result ); if ( ipoint ) { u = *ipoint; } else { u = vertices[k+1]; } return k; } }; } // namespace CGAL #endif