// Copyright (c) 2014 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Point_set_processing_3/include/CGAL/vcm_estimate_normals.h $ // $Id: vcm_estimate_normals.h c253679 2020-04-18T16:27:58+02:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Jocelyn Meyron and Quentin Mérigot // #ifndef CGAL_VCM_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H #define CGAL_VCM_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace internal { /// @cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL /// Computes the VCM for each point in the property map. /// The matrix is computed by intersecting the Voronoi cell /// of a point and a sphere whose radius is `offset_radius` and discretized /// by `N` planes. /// /// @tparam ForwardIterator iterator over input points. /// @tparam PointMap is a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with a value_type = `Kernel::Point_3`. /// @tparam K Geometric traits class. /// @tparam Covariance Covariance matrix type. It is similar to an array with a length of 6. template < typename ForwardIterator, typename PointMap, class K, class Covariance > void vcm_offset (ForwardIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. ForwardIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. PointMap point_map, ///< property map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3. std::vector &cov, ///< vector of covariance matrices. double offset_radius, ///< radius of the sphere. std::size_t N, ///< number of planes used to discretize the sphere. const K & /*kernel*/) ///< geometric traits. { // Sphere discretization typename CGAL::Voronoi_covariance_3::Sphere_discretization sphere(offset_radius, N); // Compute the Delaunay Triangulation std::vector points; points.reserve(std::distance(first, beyond)); for (ForwardIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it) points.push_back(get(point_map, *it)); typedef Delaunay_triangulation_3 DT; DT dt(points.begin(), points.end()); cov.clear(); cov.reserve(points.size()); // Compute the VCM for (typename std::vector::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) { typename DT::Vertex_handle vh = dt.nearest_vertex(*it); cov.push_back( Voronoi_covariance_3::voronoi_covariance_3(dt, vh, sphere) ); } } /// @endcond /// @cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // Convolve using a radius. template < class ForwardIterator, class PointMap, class K, class Covariance > void vcm_convolve (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointMap point_map, const std::vector &cov, std::vector &ncov, double convolution_radius, const K &) { typedef std::pair Tree_point; typedef First_of_pair_property_map< Tree_point > Tree_map; typedef Search_traits_3 Traits_base; typedef Search_traits_adapter Traits; typedef Kd_tree Tree; typedef Fuzzy_sphere Fuzzy_sphere; // Kd tree Tree tree; tree.reserve(cov.size()); std::size_t i=0; for (ForwardIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it, ++i) tree.insert( Tree_point(get(point_map, *it), i) ); // Convolving ncov.clear(); ncov.reserve(cov.size()); for (ForwardIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it) { std::vector nn; tree.search(std::back_inserter(nn), Fuzzy_sphere (get(point_map, *it), convolution_radius)); Covariance m; std::fill(m.begin(), m.end(), typename K::FT(0)); for (std::size_t k = 0; k < nn.size(); ++k) { std::size_t index = nn[k].second; for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) m[i] += cov[index][i]; } ncov.push_back(m); } } /// @endcond /// @cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // Convolve using neighbors. template < class ForwardIterator, class PointMap, class K, class Covariance > void vcm_convolve (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointMap point_map, const std::vector &cov, std::vector &ncov, unsigned int nb_neighbors_convolve, const K &) { typedef std::pair Tree_point; typedef First_of_pair_property_map< Tree_point > Tree_map; typedef Search_traits_3 Traits_base; typedef Search_traits_adapter Traits; typedef Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search Neighbor_search; typedef typename Neighbor_search::Tree Tree; // Search tree Tree tree; tree.reserve(cov.size()); std::size_t i=0; for (ForwardIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it, ++i) tree.insert( Tree_point(get(point_map, *it), i) ); // Convolving ncov.clear(); ncov.reserve(cov.size()); for (ForwardIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it) { Neighbor_search search(tree, get(point_map, *it), nb_neighbors_convolve); Covariance m; for (typename Neighbor_search::iterator nit = search.begin(); nit != search.end(); ++nit) { std::size_t index = nit->first.second; for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) m[i] += cov[index][i]; } ncov.push_back(m); } } /// @endcond } // namespace internal // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms computes the Voronoi Covariance Measure (VCM) of a point cloud, a construction that can be used for normal estimation and sharp feature detection. The VCM associates to each point the covariance matrix of its Voronoi cell intersected with the ball of radius `offset_radius`. In addition, if the second radius `convolution_radius` is positive, the covariance matrices are smoothed via a convolution process. More specifically, each covariance matrix is replaced by the average of the matrices of the points located at a distance at most `convolution_radius`. The choice for parameter `offset_radius` should refer to the geometry of the underlying surface while the choice for parameter `convolution_radius` should refer to the noise level in the point cloud. For example, if the point cloud is a uniform and noise-free sampling of a smooth surface, `offset_radius` should be set to the minimum local feature size of the surface, while `convolution_radius` can be set to zero. The Voronoi covariance matrix of each vertex is stored in an array `a` of length 6 and is as follow:
\f$ \begin{bmatrix} a[0] & a[1] & a[2] \\ a[1] & a[3] & a[4] \\ a[2] & a[4] & a[5] \\ \end{bmatrix}\f$
\tparam PointRange is a model of `Range`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param points input point range. \param ccov output range of covariance matrices. \param offset_radius offset_radius. \param convolution_radius convolution_radius. \param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamNBegin{point_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadWritePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Point_3`} \cgalParamDefault{`CGAL::Identity_property_map`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{geom_traits} \cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class} \cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`} \cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd \sa `CGAL::vcm_is_on_feature_edge()` \sa `CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals()` */ template void compute_vcm (const PointRange& points, std::vector< std::array > &ccov, double offset_radius, double convolution_radius, const NamedParameters& np) { using parameters::choose_parameter; using parameters::get_parameter; // basic geometric types typedef typename CGAL::GetPointMap::type PointMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetK::Kernel Kernel; PointMap point_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::point_map)); Kernel kernel; // First, compute the VCM for each point std::vector< std::array > cov; std::size_t N = 20; internal::vcm_offset (points.begin(), points.end(), point_map, cov, offset_radius, N, kernel); // Then, convolve it (only when convolution_radius != 0) if (convolution_radius == 0) { ccov.reserve(cov.size()); std::copy(cov.begin(), cov.end(), std::back_inserter(ccov)); } else { internal::vcm_convolve(points.begin(), points.end(), point_map, cov, ccov, convolution_radius, kernel); } } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template void compute_vcm (const PointRange& points, std::vector< std::array > &ccov, double offset_radius, double convolution_radius) { compute_vcm (points, ccov, offset_radius, convolution_radius, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default (points)); } /// \endcond /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL template void vcm_estimate_normals_internal (PointRange& points, double offset_radius, ///< offset radius. double convolution_radius, ///< convolution radius. const NamedParameters& np, int nb_neighbors_convolve = -1 ///< number of neighbors used during the convolution. ) { using parameters::choose_parameter; using parameters::get_parameter; // basic geometric types typedef typename CGAL::GetPointMap::type PointMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetNormalMap::type NormalMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetK::Kernel Kernel; typedef typename GetDiagonalizeTraits::type DiagonalizeTraits; CGAL_static_assertion_msg(!(boost::is_same::NoMap>::value), "Error: no normal map"); PointMap point_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::point_map)); NormalMap normal_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::normal_map)); typedef std::array Covariance; // Compute the VCM and convolve it std::vector cov; if (nb_neighbors_convolve == -1) { compute_vcm(points, cov, offset_radius, convolution_radius, np); } else { internal::vcm_offset(points.begin(), points.end(), point_map, cov, offset_radius, 20, Kernel()); if (nb_neighbors_convolve > 0) { std::vector ccov; ccov.reserve(cov.size()); internal::vcm_convolve(points.begin(), points.end(), point_map, cov, ccov, (unsigned int) nb_neighbors_convolve, Kernel()); cov.clear(); std::copy(ccov.begin(), ccov.end(), std::back_inserter(cov)); } } // And finally, compute the normals int i = 0; for (typename PointRange::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) { std::array enormal = {{ 0,0,0 }}; DiagonalizeTraits::extract_largest_eigenvector_of_covariance_matrix (cov[i], enormal); typename Kernel::Vector_3 normal(enormal[0], enormal[1], enormal[2]); put(normal_map, *it, normal); i++; } } /// @endcond /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms Estimates normal directions of the range of `points` using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a radius for the convolution. The output normals are randomly oriented. See `compute_vcm()` for a detailed description of the parameters `offset_radius` and `convolution_radius` and of the Voronoi Covariance Measure. \tparam PointRange is a model of `Range`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param points input point range. \param offset_radius offset_radius. \param convolution_radius convolution_radius. \param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamNBegin{point_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadWritePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Point_3`} \cgalParamDefault{`CGAL::Identity_property_map`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{normal_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating normals to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadWritePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Vector_3`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{diagonalize_traits} \cgalParamDescription{the solver used for diagonalizing covariance matrices} \cgalParamType{a class model of `DiagonalizeTraits`} \cgalParamDefault{If Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and `CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED` is defined then an overload using `Eigen_diagonalize_traits` is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation `CGAL::Diagonalize_traits` is used} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{geom_traits} \cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class} \cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`} \cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd */ template void vcm_estimate_normals (PointRange& points, double offset_radius, double convolution_radius, const NamedParameters& np ) { vcm_estimate_normals_internal(points, offset_radius, convolution_radius, np); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template void vcm_estimate_normals (PointRange& points, double offset_radius, ///< offset radius. double convolution_radius) ///< convolution radius. { return vcm_estimate_normals (points, offset_radius, convolution_radius, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points)); } /// \endcond /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms Estimates normal directions of the range of `points` using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a number of neighbors for the convolution. The output normals are randomly oriented. See `compute_vcm()` for a detailed description of the parameter `offset_radius` and of the Voronoi Covariance Measure. \tparam PointRange is a model of `Range`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param points input point range. \param offset_radius offset_radius. \param k number of neighbor points used for convolution. \param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamNBegin{point_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadWritePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Point_3`} \cgalParamDefault{`CGAL::Identity_property_map`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{normal_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating normals to the elements of the point set `points`} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadWritePropertyMap` whose key type is the value type of the iterator of `PointRange` and whose value type is `geom_traits::Vector_3`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{diagonalize_traits} \cgalParamDescription{the solver used for diagonalizing covariance matrices} \cgalParamType{a class model of `DiagonalizeTraits`} \cgalParamDefault{If Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and `CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED` is defined then an overload using `Eigen_diagonalize_traits` is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation `CGAL::Diagonalize_traits` is used} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{geom_traits} \cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class} \cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`} \cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd */ template < typename PointRange, typename NamedParameters > void vcm_estimate_normals (PointRange& points, double offset_radius, unsigned int k, const NamedParameters& np ) { vcm_estimate_normals_internal(points, offset_radius, 0, np, k); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template void vcm_estimate_normals (PointRange& points, double offset_radius, ///< offset radius. unsigned int k) { return vcm_estimate_normals (points, offset_radius, k, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points)); } /// \endcond } // namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_VCM_ESTIMATE_NORMALS_H