;;; Repl commands ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ;; 02110-1301 USA ;;; Code: (define-module (system repl command) #:use-module (system base syntax) #:use-module (system base pmatch) #:use-module (system base compile) #:use-module (system repl common) #:use-module (system repl debug) #:use-module (system vm disassembler) #:use-module (system vm loader) #:use-module (system vm program) #:use-module (system vm trap-state) #:use-module (system vm vm) #:autoload (system base language) (lookup-language language-reader) #:autoload (system vm trace) (call-with-trace) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 session) #:use-module (ice-9 documentation) #:use-module (ice-9 and-let-star) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 control) #:use-module ((ice-9 pretty-print) #:select ((pretty-print . pp))) #:use-module ((system vm inspect) #:select ((inspect . %inspect))) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (statprof) #:export (meta-command define-meta-command)) ;;; ;;; Meta command interface ;;; (define *command-table* '((help (help h) (show) (apropos a) (describe d)) (module (module m) (import use) (load l) (reload re) (binding b) (in)) (language (language L)) (compile (compile c) (compile-file cc) (expand exp) (optimize opt) (disassemble x) (disassemble-file xx)) (profile (time t) (profile pr) (trace tr)) (debug (backtrace bt) (up) (down) (frame fr) (locals) (error-message error) (break br bp) (break-at-source break-at bs) (step s) (step-instruction si) (next n) (next-instruction ni) (finish) (tracepoint tp) (traps) (delete del) (disable) (enable) (registers regs)) (inspect (inspect i) (pretty-print pp)) (system (gc) (statistics stat) (option o) (quit q continue cont)))) (define *show-table* '((show (warranty w) (copying c) (version v)))) (define (group-name g) (car g)) (define (group-commands g) (cdr g)) (define *command-infos* (make-hash-table)) (define (command-name c) (car c)) (define (command-abbrevs c) (cdr c)) (define (command-info c) (hashq-ref *command-infos* (command-name c))) (define (command-procedure c) (command-info-procedure (command-info c))) (define (command-doc c) (procedure-documentation (command-procedure c))) (define (make-command-info proc arguments-reader) (cons proc arguments-reader)) (define (command-info-procedure info) (car info)) (define (command-info-arguments-reader info) (cdr info)) (define (command-usage c) (let ((doc (command-doc c))) (substring doc 0 (string-index doc #\newline)))) (define (command-summary c) (let* ((doc (command-doc c)) (start (1+ (string-index doc #\newline)))) (cond ((string-index doc #\newline start) => (lambda (end) (substring doc start end))) (else (substring doc start))))) (define (lookup-group name) (assq name *command-table*)) (define* (lookup-command key #:optional (table *command-table*)) (let loop ((groups table) (commands '())) (cond ((and (null? groups) (null? commands)) #f) ((null? commands) (loop (cdr groups) (cdar groups))) ((memq key (car commands)) (car commands)) (else (loop groups (cdr commands)))))) (define* (display-group group #:optional (abbrev? #t)) (format #t "~:(~A~) Commands~:[~; [abbrev]~]:~2%" (group-name group) abbrev?) (for-each (lambda (c) (display-summary (command-usage c) (if abbrev? (command-abbrevs c) '()) (command-summary c))) (group-commands group)) (newline)) (define (display-command command) (display "Usage: ") (display (command-doc command)) (newline)) (define (display-summary usage abbrevs summary) (let* ((usage-len (string-length usage)) (abbrevs (if (pair? abbrevs) (format #f "[,~A~{ ,~A~}]" (car abbrevs) (cdr abbrevs)) "")) (abbrevs-len (string-length abbrevs))) (format #t " ,~A~A~A - ~A\n" usage (cond ((> abbrevs-len 32) (error "abbrevs too long" abbrevs)) ((> (+ usage-len abbrevs-len) 32) (format #f "~%~v_" (+ 2 (- 32 abbrevs-len)))) (else (format #f "~v_" (- 32 abbrevs-len usage-len)))) abbrevs summary))) (define (read-command repl) (catch #t (lambda () (read)) (lambda (key . args) (pmatch args ((,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest) (format #t "Throw to key `~a' while reading command:\n" key) (display-error #f (current-output-port) subr msg args rest)) (else (format #t "Throw to key `~a' with args `~s' while reading command.\n" key args))) (force-output) *unspecified*))) (define (read-command-arguments c repl) ((command-info-arguments-reader (command-info c)) repl)) (define (meta-command repl) (let ((command (read-command repl))) (cond ((eq? command *unspecified*)) ; read error, already signalled; pass. ((not (symbol? command)) (format #t "Meta-command not a symbol: ~s~%" command)) ((lookup-command command) => (lambda (c) (and=> (read-command-arguments c repl) (lambda (args) (apply (command-procedure c) repl args))))) (else (format #t "Unknown meta command: ~A~%" command))))) (define (add-meta-command! name category proc argument-reader) (hashq-set! *command-infos* name (make-command-info proc argument-reader)) (if category (let ((entry (assq category *command-table*))) (if entry (set-cdr! entry (append (cdr entry) (list (list name)))) (set! *command-table* (append *command-table* (list (list category (list name))))))))) (define-syntax define-meta-command (syntax-rules () ((_ ((name category) repl (expression0 ...) . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...) (add-meta-command! 'name 'category (lambda* (repl expression0 ... . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...) (lambda (repl) (define (handle-read-error form-name key args) (pmatch args ((,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest) (format #t "Throw to key `~a' while reading ~@[argument `~A' of ~]command `~A':\n" key form-name 'name) (display-error #f (current-output-port) subr msg args rest)) (else (format #t "Throw to key `~a' with args `~s' while reading ~@[ argument `~A' of ~]command `~A'.\n" key args form-name 'name))) (abort)) (% (let* ((expression0 (catch #t (lambda () (repl-reader "" (lambda* (#:optional (port (current-input-port))) ((language-reader (repl-language repl)) port (current-module))))) (lambda (k . args) (handle-read-error 'expression0 k args)))) ...) (append (list expression0 ...) (catch #t (lambda () (let ((port (open-input-string (read-line)))) (let lp ((out '())) (let ((x (read port))) (if (eof-object? x) (reverse out) (lp (cons x out))))))) (lambda (k . args) (handle-read-error #f k args))))) (lambda (k) #f))))) ; the abort handler ((_ ((name category) repl . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...) (define-meta-command ((name category) repl () . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...)) ((_ (name repl (expression0 ...) . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...) (define-meta-command ((name #f) repl (expression0 ...) . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...)) ((_ (name repl . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...) (define-meta-command ((name #f) repl () . datums) docstring b0 b1 ...)))) ;;; ;;; Help commands ;;; (define-meta-command (help repl . args) "help [all | GROUP | [-c] COMMAND] Show help. With one argument, tries to look up the argument as a group name, giving help on that group if successful. Otherwise tries to look up the argument as a command, giving help on the command. If there is a command whose name is also a group name, use the ,help -c COMMAND form to give help on the command instead of the group. Without any argument, a list of help commands and command groups are displayed." (pmatch args (() (display-group (lookup-group 'help)) (display "Command Groups:\n\n") (display-summary "help all" #f "List all commands") (for-each (lambda (g) (let* ((name (symbol->string (group-name g))) (usage (string-append "help " name)) (header (string-append "List " name " commands"))) (display-summary usage #f header))) (cdr *command-table*)) (newline) (display "Type `,help -c COMMAND' to show documentation of a particular command.") (newline)) ((all) (for-each display-group *command-table*)) ((,group) (guard (lookup-group group)) (display-group (lookup-group group))) ((,command) (guard (lookup-command command)) (display-command (lookup-command command))) ((-c ,command) (guard (lookup-command command)) (display-command (lookup-command command))) ((,command) (format #t "Unknown command or group: ~A~%" command)) ((-c ,command) (format #t "Unknown command: ~A~%" command)) (else (format #t "Bad arguments: ~A~%" args)))) (define-meta-command (show repl . args) "show [TOPIC] Gives information about Guile. With one argument, tries to show a particular piece of information; currently supported topics are `warranty' (or `w'), `copying' (or `c'), and `version' (or `v'). Without any argument, a list of topics is displayed." (pmatch args (() (display-group (car *show-table*) #f) (newline)) ((,topic) (guard (lookup-command topic *show-table*)) ((command-procedure (lookup-command topic *show-table*)) repl)) ((,command) (format #t "Unknown topic: ~A~%" command)) (else (format #t "Bad arguments: ~A~%" args)))) ;;; `warranty', `copying' and `version' are "hidden" meta-commands, only ;;; accessible via `show'. They have an entry in *command-infos* but not ;;; in *command-table*. (define-meta-command (warranty repl) "show warranty Details on the lack of warranty." (display *warranty*) (newline)) (define-meta-command (copying repl) "show copying Show the LGPLv3." (display *copying*) (newline)) (define-meta-command (version repl) "show version Version information." (display *version*) (newline)) (define-meta-command (apropos repl regexp) "apropos REGEXP Find bindings/modules/packages." (apropos (->string regexp))) (define-meta-command (describe repl (form)) "describe OBJ Show description/documentation." (display (object-documentation (let ((input (repl-parse repl form))) (if (symbol? input) (module-ref (current-module) input) (repl-eval repl input))))) (newline)) (define-meta-command (option repl . args) "option [NAME] [EXP] List/show/set options." (pmatch args (() (for-each (lambda (spec) (format #t " ~A~24t~A\n" (car spec) (cadr spec))) (repl-options repl))) ((,name) (display (repl-option-ref repl name)) (newline)) ((,name ,exp) ;; Would be nice to evaluate in the current language, but the REPL ;; option parser doesn't permit that, currently. (repl-option-set! repl name (eval exp (current-module)))))) (define-meta-command (quit repl) "quit Quit this session." (throw 'quit)) ;;; ;;; Module commands ;;; (define-meta-command (module repl . args) "module [MODULE] Change modules / Show current module." (pmatch args (() (puts (module-name (current-module)))) ((,mod-name) (guard (list? mod-name)) (set-current-module (resolve-module mod-name))) (,mod-name (set-current-module (resolve-module mod-name))))) (define-meta-command (import repl . args) "import [MODULE ...] Import modules / List those imported." (let () (define (use name) (let ((mod (resolve-interface name))) (if mod (module-use! (current-module) mod) (format #t "No such module: ~A~%" name)))) (if (null? args) (for-each puts (map module-name (module-uses (current-module)))) (for-each use args)))) (define-meta-command (load repl file) "load FILE Load a file in the current module." (load (->string file))) (define-meta-command (reload repl . args) "reload [MODULE] Reload the given module, or the current module if none was given." (pmatch args (() (reload-module (current-module))) ((,mod-name) (guard (list? mod-name)) (reload-module (resolve-module mod-name))) (,mod-name (reload-module (resolve-module mod-name))))) (define-meta-command (binding repl) "binding List current bindings." (module-for-each (lambda (k v) (format #t "~23A ~A\n" k v)) (current-module))) (define-meta-command (in repl module command-or-expression . args) "in MODULE COMMAND-OR-EXPRESSION Evaluate an expression or command in the context of module." (let ((m (resolve-module module #:ensure #f))) (if m (pmatch command-or-expression (('unquote ,command) (guard (lookup-command command)) (save-module-excursion (lambda () (set-current-module m) (apply (command-procedure (lookup-command command)) repl args)))) (,expression (guard (null? args)) (repl-print repl (eval expression m))) (else (format #t "Invalid arguments to `in': expected a single expression or a command.\n"))) (format #t "No such module: ~s\n" module)))) ;;; ;;; Language commands ;;; (define-meta-command (language repl name) "language LANGUAGE Change languages." (let ((lang (lookup-language name)) (cur (repl-language repl))) (format #t "Happy hacking with ~a! To switch back, type `,L ~a'.\n" (language-title lang) (language-name cur)) (current-language lang) (set! (repl-language repl) lang))) ;;; ;;; Compile commands ;;; (define (load-image x) (let ((thunk (load-thunk-from-memory x))) (find-mapped-elf-image (program-code thunk)))) (define-meta-command (compile repl (form)) "compile EXP Generate compiled code." (let ((x (repl-compile repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (cond ((bytevector? x) (disassemble-image (load-image x))) (else (repl-print repl x))))) (define-meta-command (compile-file repl file . opts) "compile-file FILE Compile a file." (compile-file (->string file) #:opts opts)) (define-meta-command (expand repl (form)) "expand EXP Expand any macros in a form." (let ((x (repl-expand repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (run-hook before-print-hook x) (pp x))) (define-meta-command (optimize repl (form)) "optimize EXP Run the optimizer on a piece of code and print the result." (let ((x (repl-optimize repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (run-hook before-print-hook x) (pp x))) (define-meta-command (disassemble repl (form)) "disassemble EXP Disassemble a compiled procedure." (let ((obj (repl-eval repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (cond ((program? obj) (disassemble-program obj)) ((bytevector? obj) (disassemble-image (load-image obj))) (else (format #t "Argument to ,disassemble not a procedure or a bytevector: ~a~%" obj))))) (define-meta-command (disassemble-file repl file) "disassemble-file FILE Disassemble a file." (disassemble-file (->string file))) ;;; ;;; Profile commands ;;; (define-meta-command (time repl (form)) "time EXP Time execution." (let* ((gc-start (gc-run-time)) (real-start (get-internal-real-time)) (run-start (get-internal-run-time)) (result (repl-eval repl (repl-parse repl form))) (run-end (get-internal-run-time)) (real-end (get-internal-real-time)) (gc-end (gc-run-time))) (define (diff start end) (/ (- end start) 1.0 internal-time-units-per-second)) (repl-print repl result) (format #t ";; ~,6Fs real time, ~,6Fs run time. ~,6Fs spent in GC.\n" (diff real-start real-end) (diff run-start run-end) (diff gc-start gc-end)) result)) (define-meta-command (profile repl (form) . opts) "profile EXP Profile execution." ;; FIXME opts (apply statprof (repl-prepare-eval-thunk repl (repl-parse repl form)) opts)) (define-meta-command (trace repl (form) . opts) "trace EXP Trace execution." ;; FIXME: doc options, or somehow deal with them better (apply call-with-trace (repl-prepare-eval-thunk repl (repl-parse repl form)) (cons* #:width (terminal-width) opts))) ;;; ;;; Debug commands ;;; (define-syntax define-stack-command (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ (name repl . args) docstring body body* ...) #`(define-meta-command (name repl . args) docstring (let ((debug (repl-debug repl))) (if debug (letrec-syntax ((#,(datum->syntax #'repl 'frames) (identifier-syntax (debug-frames debug))) (#,(datum->syntax #'repl 'message) (identifier-syntax (debug-error-message debug))) (#,(datum->syntax #'repl 'index) (identifier-syntax (id (debug-index debug)) ((set! id exp) (set! (debug-index debug) exp)))) (#,(datum->syntax #'repl 'cur) (identifier-syntax (vector-ref #,(datum->syntax #'repl 'frames) #,(datum->syntax #'repl 'index))))) body body* ...) (format #t "Nothing to debug.~%")))))))) (define-stack-command (backtrace repl #:optional count #:key (width (terminal-width)) full?) "backtrace [COUNT] [#:width W] [#:full? F] Print a backtrace. Print a backtrace of all stack frames, or innermost COUNT frames. If COUNT is negative, the last COUNT frames will be shown." (print-frames frames #:count count #:width width #:full? full?)) (define-stack-command (up repl #:optional (count 1)) "up [COUNT] Select a calling stack frame. Select and print stack frames that called this one. An argument says how many frames up to go." (cond ((or (not (integer? count)) (<= count 0)) (format #t "Invalid argument to `up': expected a positive integer for COUNT.~%")) ((>= (+ count index) (vector-length frames)) (cond ((= index (1- (vector-length frames))) (format #t "Already at outermost frame.\n")) (else (set! index (1- (vector-length frames))) (print-frame cur #:index index)))) (else (set! index (+ count index)) (print-frame cur #:index index)))) (define-stack-command (down repl #:optional (count 1)) "down [COUNT] Select a called stack frame. Select and print stack frames called by this one. An argument says how many frames down to go." (cond ((or (not (integer? count)) (<= count 0)) (format #t "Invalid argument to `down': expected a positive integer for COUNT.~%")) ((< (- index count) 0) (cond ((zero? index) (format #t "Already at innermost frame.\n")) (else (set! index 0) (print-frame cur #:index index)))) (else (set! index (- index count)) (print-frame cur #:index index)))) (define-stack-command (frame repl #:optional idx) "frame [IDX] Show a frame. Show the selected frame. With an argument, select a frame by index, then show it." (cond (idx (cond ((or (not (integer? idx)) (< idx 0)) (format #t "Invalid argument to `frame': expected a non-negative integer for IDX.~%")) ((< idx (vector-length frames)) (set! index idx) (print-frame cur #:index index)) (else (format #t "No such frame.~%")))) (else (print-frame cur #:index index)))) (define-stack-command (locals repl #:key (width (terminal-width))) "locals Show local variables. Show locally-bound variables in the selected frame." (print-locals cur #:width width)) (define-stack-command (error-message repl) "error-message Show error message. Display the message associated with the error that started the current debugging REPL." (format #t "~a~%" (if (string? message) message "No error message"))) (define-meta-command (break repl (form)) "break PROCEDURE Break on calls to PROCEDURE. Starts a recursive prompt when PROCEDURE is called." (let ((proc (repl-eval repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (if (not (procedure? proc)) (error "Not a procedure: ~a" proc) (let ((idx (add-trap-at-procedure-call! proc))) (format #t "Trap ~a: ~a.~%" idx (trap-name idx)))))) (define-meta-command (break-at-source repl file line) "break-at-source FILE LINE Break when control reaches the given source location. Starts a recursive prompt when control reaches line LINE of file FILE. Note that the given source location must be inside a procedure." (let ((file (if (symbol? file) (symbol->string file) file))) (let ((idx (add-trap-at-source-location! file line))) (format #t "Trap ~a: ~a.~%" idx (trap-name idx))))) (define (repl-pop-continuation-resumer repl msg) ;; Capture the dynamic environment with this prompt thing. The result ;; is a procedure that takes a frame and number of values returned. (% (call-with-values (lambda () (abort (lambda (k) ;; Call frame->stack-vector before reinstating the ;; continuation, so that we catch the %stacks fluid at ;; the time of capture. (lambda (frame . values) (k frame (frame->stack-vector (frame-previous frame)) values))))) (lambda (from stack values) (format #t "~a~%" msg) (if (null? values) (format #t "No return values.~%") (begin (format #t "Return values:~%") (for-each (lambda (x) (repl-print repl x)) values))) ((module-ref (resolve-interface '(system repl repl)) 'start-repl) #:debug (make-debug stack 0 msg)))))) (define-stack-command (finish repl) "finish Run until the current frame finishes. Resume execution, breaking when the current frame finishes." (let ((handler (repl-pop-continuation-resumer repl (format #f "Return from ~a" cur)))) (add-ephemeral-trap-at-frame-finish! cur handler) (throw 'quit))) (define (repl-next-resumer msg) ;; Capture the dynamic environment with this prompt thing. The ;; result is a procedure that takes a frame. (% (let ((stack (abort (lambda (k) ;; Call frame->stack-vector before reinstating the ;; continuation, so that we catch the %stacks fluid ;; at the time of capture. (lambda (frame) (k (frame->stack-vector frame))))))) (format #t "~a~%" msg) ((module-ref (resolve-interface '(system repl repl)) 'start-repl) #:debug (make-debug stack 0 msg))))) (define-stack-command (step repl) "step Step until control reaches a different source location. Step until control reaches a different source location." (let ((msg (format #f "Step into ~a" cur))) (add-ephemeral-stepping-trap! cur (repl-next-resumer msg) #:into? #t #:instruction? #f) (throw 'quit))) (define-stack-command (step-instruction repl) "step-instruction Step until control reaches a different instruction. Step until control reaches a different VM instruction." (let ((msg (format #f "Step into ~a" cur))) (add-ephemeral-stepping-trap! cur (repl-next-resumer msg) #:into? #t #:instruction? #t) (throw 'quit))) (define-stack-command (next repl) "next Step until control reaches a different source location in the current frame. Step until control reaches a different source location in the current frame." (let ((msg (format #f "Step into ~a" cur))) (add-ephemeral-stepping-trap! cur (repl-next-resumer msg) #:into? #f #:instruction? #f) (throw 'quit))) (define-stack-command (next-instruction repl) "next-instruction Step until control reaches a different instruction in the current frame. Step until control reaches a different VM instruction in the current frame." (let ((msg (format #f "Step into ~a" cur))) (add-ephemeral-stepping-trap! cur (repl-next-resumer msg) #:into? #f #:instruction? #t) (throw 'quit))) (define-meta-command (tracepoint repl (form)) "tracepoint PROCEDURE Add a tracepoint to PROCEDURE. A tracepoint will print out the procedure and its arguments, when it is called, and its return value(s) when it returns." (let ((proc (repl-eval repl (repl-parse repl form)))) (if (not (procedure? proc)) (error "Not a procedure: ~a" proc) (let ((idx (add-trace-at-procedure-call! proc))) (format #t "Trap ~a: ~a.~%" idx (trap-name idx)))))) (define-meta-command (traps repl) "traps Show the set of currently attached traps. Show the set of currently attached traps (breakpoints and tracepoints)." (let ((traps (list-traps))) (if (null? traps) (format #t "No traps set.~%") (for-each (lambda (idx) (format #t " ~a: ~a~a~%" idx (trap-name idx) (if (trap-enabled? idx) "" " (disabled)"))) traps)))) (define-meta-command (delete repl idx) "delete IDX Delete a trap. Delete a trap." (if (not (integer? idx)) (error "expected a trap index (a non-negative integer)" idx) (delete-trap! idx))) (define-meta-command (disable repl idx) "disable IDX Disable a trap. Disable a trap." (if (not (integer? idx)) (error "expected a trap index (a non-negative integer)" idx) (disable-trap! idx))) (define-meta-command (enable repl idx) "enable IDX Enable a trap. Enable a trap." (if (not (integer? idx)) (error "expected a trap index (a non-negative integer)" idx) (enable-trap! idx))) (define-stack-command (registers repl) "registers Print registers. Print the registers of the current frame." (print-registers cur)) (define-meta-command (width repl #:optional x) "width [X] Set debug output width. Set the number of screen columns in the output from `backtrace' and `locals'." (terminal-width x) (format #t "Set screen width to ~a columns.~%" (terminal-width))) ;;; ;;; Inspection commands ;;; (define-meta-command (inspect repl (form)) "inspect EXP Inspect the result(s) of evaluating EXP." (call-with-values (repl-prepare-eval-thunk repl (repl-parse repl form)) (lambda args (for-each %inspect args)))) (define-meta-command (pretty-print repl (form)) "pretty-print EXP Pretty-print the result(s) of evaluating EXP." (call-with-values (repl-prepare-eval-thunk repl (repl-parse repl form)) (lambda args (for-each (lambda (x) (run-hook before-print-hook x) (pp x)) args)))) ;;; ;;; System commands ;;; (define-meta-command (gc repl) "gc Garbage collection." (gc)) (define-meta-command (statistics repl) "statistics Display statistics." (let ((this-tms (times)) (this-gcs (gc-stats)) (last-tms (repl-tm-stats repl)) (last-gcs (repl-gc-stats repl))) ;; GC times (let ((this-times (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-times)) (last-times (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-times))) (display-diff-stat "GC times:" #t this-times last-times "times") (newline)) ;; Memory size (let ((this-heap (assq-ref this-gcs 'heap-size)) (this-free (assq-ref this-gcs 'heap-free-size))) (display-stat-title "Memory size:" "current" "limit") (display-stat "heap" #f (- this-heap this-free) this-heap "bytes") (newline)) ;; Cells collected (let ((this-alloc (assq-ref this-gcs 'heap-total-allocated)) (last-alloc (assq-ref last-gcs 'heap-total-allocated))) (display-stat-title "Bytes allocated:" "diff" "total") (display-diff-stat "allocated" #f this-alloc last-alloc "bytes") (newline)) ;; GC time taken (let ((this-total (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-time-taken)) (last-total (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-time-taken))) (display-stat-title "GC time taken:" "diff" "total") (display-time-stat "total" this-total last-total) (newline)) ;; Process time spent (let ((this-utime (tms:utime this-tms)) (last-utime (tms:utime last-tms)) (this-stime (tms:stime this-tms)) (last-stime (tms:stime last-tms)) (this-cutime (tms:cutime this-tms)) (last-cutime (tms:cutime last-tms)) (this-cstime (tms:cstime this-tms)) (last-cstime (tms:cstime last-tms))) (display-stat-title "Process time spent:" "diff" "total") (display-time-stat "user" this-utime last-utime) (display-time-stat "system" this-stime last-stime) (display-time-stat "child user" this-cutime last-cutime) (display-time-stat "child system" this-cstime last-cstime) (newline)) ;; Save statistics ;; Save statistics (set! (repl-tm-stats repl) this-tms) (set! (repl-gc-stats repl) this-gcs))) (define (display-stat title flag field1 field2 unit) (let ((fmt (format #f "~~20~AA ~~10@A /~~10@A ~~A~~%" (if flag "" "@")))) (format #t fmt title field1 field2 unit))) (define (display-stat-title title field1 field2) (display-stat title #t field1 field2 "")) (define (display-diff-stat title flag this last unit) (display-stat title flag (- this last) this unit)) (define (display-time-stat title this last) (define (conv num) (format #f "~10,2F" (exact->inexact (/ num internal-time-units-per-second)))) (display-stat title #f (conv (- this last)) (conv this) "s")) (define (display-mips-stat title this-time this-clock last-time last-clock) (define (mips time clock) (if (= time 0) "----" (format #f "~10,2F" (/ clock time 1000000.0)))) (display-stat title #f (mips (- this-time last-time) (- this-clock last-clock)) (mips this-time this-clock) "mips"))