/****************************************************************************** * * Component: OGDI Driver Support Library * Purpose: Generic SQL WHERE Expression Evaluator Declarations. * Author: Frank Warmerdam * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001 Information Interoperability Institute (3i) * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Even Rouault * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that * both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation, and that the name of 3i not be used * in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. 3i makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SWQ_H_INCLUDED_ #define SWQ_H_INCLUDED_ #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP #include "cpl_conv.h" #include "cpl_string.h" #include "ogr_core.h" #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(strcasecmp) # define strcasecmp stricmp #endif // Used for swq_summary.oSetDistinctValues and oVectorDistinctValues #define SZ_OGR_NULL "__OGR_NULL__" typedef enum { SWQ_OR, SWQ_AND, SWQ_NOT, SWQ_EQ, SWQ_NE, SWQ_GE, SWQ_LE, SWQ_LT, SWQ_GT, SWQ_LIKE, SWQ_ILIKE, SWQ_ISNULL, SWQ_IN, SWQ_BETWEEN, SWQ_ADD, SWQ_SUBTRACT, SWQ_MULTIPLY, SWQ_DIVIDE, SWQ_MODULUS, SWQ_CONCAT, SWQ_SUBSTR, SWQ_HSTORE_GET_VALUE, SWQ_AVG, SWQ_MIN, SWQ_MAX, SWQ_COUNT, SWQ_SUM, SWQ_CAST, SWQ_CUSTOM_FUNC, /* only if parsing done in bAcceptCustomFuncs mode */ SWQ_ARGUMENT_LIST /* temporary value only set during parsing and replaced by something else at the end */ } swq_op; typedef enum { SWQ_INTEGER, SWQ_INTEGER64, SWQ_FLOAT, SWQ_STRING, SWQ_BOOLEAN, // integer SWQ_DATE, // string SWQ_TIME, // string SWQ_TIMESTAMP,// string SWQ_GEOMETRY, SWQ_NULL, SWQ_OTHER, SWQ_ERROR } swq_field_type; #define SWQ_IS_INTEGER(x) ((x) == SWQ_INTEGER || (x) == SWQ_INTEGER64) typedef enum { SNT_CONSTANT, SNT_COLUMN, SNT_OPERATION } swq_node_type; class swq_field_list; class swq_expr_node; class swq_select; class OGRGeometry; typedef swq_expr_node *(*swq_field_fetcher)( swq_expr_node *op, void *record_handle ); typedef swq_expr_node *(*swq_op_evaluator)(swq_expr_node *op, swq_expr_node **sub_field_values ); typedef swq_field_type (*swq_op_checker)( swq_expr_node *op, int bAllowMismatchTypeOnFieldComparison ); class swq_custom_func_registrar; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_expr_node { CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN(swq_expr_node) swq_expr_node* Evaluate( swq_field_fetcher pfnFetcher, void *record, int nRecLevel ); public: swq_expr_node(); explicit swq_expr_node( const char * ); explicit swq_expr_node( int ); explicit swq_expr_node( GIntBig ); explicit swq_expr_node( double ); explicit swq_expr_node( OGRGeometry* ); explicit swq_expr_node( swq_op ); ~swq_expr_node(); void MarkAsTimestamp(); CPLString UnparseOperationFromUnparsedSubExpr(char** apszSubExpr); char *Unparse( swq_field_list *, char chColumnQuote ); void Dump( FILE *fp, int depth ); swq_field_type Check( swq_field_list *, int bAllowFieldsInSecondaryTables, int bAllowMismatchTypeOnFieldComparison, swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar, int depth = 0 ); swq_expr_node* Evaluate( swq_field_fetcher pfnFetcher, void *record ); swq_expr_node* Clone(); void ReplaceBetweenByGEAndLERecurse(); swq_node_type eNodeType = SNT_CONSTANT; swq_field_type field_type = SWQ_INTEGER; /* only for SNT_OPERATION */ void PushSubExpression( swq_expr_node * ); void ReverseSubExpressions(); swq_op nOperation = SWQ_OR; int nSubExprCount = 0; swq_expr_node **papoSubExpr = nullptr; /* only for SNT_COLUMN */ int field_index = 0; int table_index = 0; char *table_name = nullptr; /* only for SNT_CONSTANT */ int is_null = false; GIntBig int_value = 0; double float_value = 0.0; OGRGeometry *geometry_value = nullptr; /* shared by SNT_COLUMN, SNT_CONSTANT and also possibly SNT_OPERATION when */ /* nOperation == SWQ_CUSTOM_FUNC */ char *string_value = nullptr; /* column name when SNT_COLUMN */ static CPLString QuoteIfNecessary( const CPLString &, char chQuote = '\'' ); static CPLString Quote( const CPLString &, char chQuote = '\'' ); }; typedef struct { const char* pszName; swq_op eOperation; swq_op_evaluator pfnEvaluator; swq_op_checker pfnChecker; } swq_operation; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_op_registrar { public: static const swq_operation *GetOperator( const char * ); static const swq_operation *GetOperator( swq_op eOperation ); }; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_custom_func_registrar { public: virtual ~swq_custom_func_registrar() {} virtual const swq_operation *GetOperator( const char * ) = 0; }; typedef struct { char *data_source; char *table_name; char *table_alias; } swq_table_def; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_field_list { public: int count; char **names; swq_field_type *types; int *table_ids; int *ids; int table_count; swq_table_def *table_defs; }; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_parse_context { public: swq_parse_context() : nStartToken(0), pszInput(nullptr), pszNext(nullptr), pszLastValid(nullptr), bAcceptCustomFuncs(FALSE), poRoot(nullptr), poCurSelect(nullptr) {} int nStartToken; const char *pszInput; const char *pszNext; const char *pszLastValid; int bAcceptCustomFuncs; swq_expr_node *poRoot; swq_select *poCurSelect; }; /* Compile an SQL WHERE clause into an internal form. The field_list is ** the list of fields in the target 'table', used to render where into ** field numbers instead of names. */ int CPL_UNSTABLE_API swqparse( swq_parse_context *context ); int CPL_UNSTABLE_API swqlex( swq_expr_node **ppNode, swq_parse_context *context ); void CPL_UNSTABLE_API swqerror( swq_parse_context *context, const char *msg ); int CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_identify_field( const char* table_name, const char *token, swq_field_list *field_list, swq_field_type *this_type, int *table_id ); CPLErr CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_expr_compile( const char *where_clause, int field_count, char **field_list, swq_field_type *field_types, int bCheck, swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar, swq_expr_node **expr_root ); CPLErr CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_expr_compile2( const char *where_clause, swq_field_list *field_list, int bCheck, swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar, swq_expr_node **expr_root ); /* ** Evaluation related. */ int CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_test_like( const char *input, const char *pattern ); swq_expr_node CPL_UNSTABLE_API *SWQGeneralEvaluator( swq_expr_node *, swq_expr_node **); swq_field_type CPL_UNSTABLE_API SWQGeneralChecker( swq_expr_node *node, int bAllowMismatchTypeOnFieldComparison ); swq_expr_node CPL_UNSTABLE_API *SWQCastEvaluator( swq_expr_node *, swq_expr_node **); swq_field_type CPL_UNSTABLE_API SWQCastChecker( swq_expr_node *node, int bAllowMismatchTypeOnFieldComparison ); const char CPL_UNSTABLE_API *SWQFieldTypeToString( swq_field_type field_type ); /****************************************************************************/ #define SWQP_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_COL_FUNCS 0x01 #define SWQM_SUMMARY_RECORD 1 #define SWQM_RECORDSET 2 #define SWQM_DISTINCT_LIST 3 typedef enum { SWQCF_NONE = 0, SWQCF_AVG = SWQ_AVG, SWQCF_MIN = SWQ_MIN, SWQCF_MAX = SWQ_MAX, SWQCF_COUNT = SWQ_COUNT, SWQCF_SUM = SWQ_SUM, SWQCF_CUSTOM } swq_col_func; typedef struct { swq_col_func col_func; char *table_name; char *field_name; char *field_alias; int table_index; int field_index; swq_field_type field_type; swq_field_type target_type; OGRFieldSubType target_subtype; int field_length; int field_precision; int distinct_flag; OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType; int nSRID; swq_expr_node *expr; } swq_col_def; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_summary { public: struct Comparator { bool bSortAsc; swq_field_type eType; Comparator() : bSortAsc(true), eType(SWQ_STRING) {} bool operator() (const CPLString&, const CPLString &) const; }; GIntBig count = 0; std::vector oVectorDistinctValues{}; std::set oSetDistinctValues{}; double sum = 0.0; double min = 0.0; double max = 0.0; CPLString osMin{}; CPLString osMax{}; }; typedef struct { char *table_name; char *field_name; int table_index; int field_index; int ascending_flag; } swq_order_def; typedef struct { int secondary_table; swq_expr_node *poExpr; } swq_join_def; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_select_parse_options { public: swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar; int bAllowFieldsInSecondaryTablesInWhere; int bAddSecondaryTablesGeometryFields; int bAlwaysPrefixWithTableName; int bAllowDistinctOnGeometryField; int bAllowDistinctOnMultipleFields; swq_select_parse_options(): poCustomFuncRegistrar(nullptr), bAllowFieldsInSecondaryTablesInWhere(FALSE), bAddSecondaryTablesGeometryFields(FALSE), bAlwaysPrefixWithTableName(FALSE), bAllowDistinctOnGeometryField(FALSE), bAllowDistinctOnMultipleFields(FALSE) {} }; class CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_select { void postpreparse(); CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN(swq_select) public: swq_select(); ~swq_select(); int query_mode = 0; char *raw_select = nullptr; int PushField( swq_expr_node *poExpr, const char *pszAlias=nullptr, int distinct_flag = FALSE ); int result_columns = 0; swq_col_def *column_defs = nullptr; std::vector column_summary{}; int PushTableDef( const char *pszDataSource, const char *pszTableName, const char *pszAlias ); int table_count = 0; swq_table_def *table_defs = nullptr; void PushJoin( int iSecondaryTable, swq_expr_node* poExpr ); int join_count = 0; swq_join_def *join_defs = nullptr; swq_expr_node *where_expr = nullptr; void PushOrderBy( const char* pszTableName, const char *pszFieldName, int bAscending ); int order_specs = 0; swq_order_def *order_defs = nullptr; void SetLimit( GIntBig nLimit ); GIntBig limit = -1; void SetOffset( GIntBig nOffset ); GIntBig offset = 0; swq_select *poOtherSelect = nullptr; void PushUnionAll( swq_select* poOtherSelectIn ); CPLErr preparse( const char *select_statement, int bAcceptCustomFuncs = FALSE ); CPLErr expand_wildcard( swq_field_list *field_list, int bAlwaysPrefixWithTableName ); CPLErr parse( swq_field_list *field_list, swq_select_parse_options* poParseOptions ); char *Unparse(); void Dump( FILE * ); }; CPLErr CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_select_parse( swq_select *select_info, swq_field_list *field_list, int parse_flags ); const char CPL_UNSTABLE_API *swq_select_summarize( swq_select *select_info, int dest_column, const char *value ); int CPL_UNSTABLE_API swq_is_reserved_keyword(const char* pszStr); char CPL_UNSTABLE_API *OGRHStoreGetValue(const char* pszHStore, const char* pszSearchedKey); #ifdef GDAL_COMPILATION void swq_fixup(swq_parse_context* psParseContext); swq_expr_node* swq_create_and_or_or(swq_op op, swq_expr_node* left, swq_expr_node* right); #endif #endif /* #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP */ #endif /* def SWQ_H_INCLUDED_ */