// // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright Contributors to the OpenEXR Project. // // clang-format off #ifndef _PyImath_h_ #define _PyImath_h_ #include #include #include #include "PyImathFixedArray.h" #include "PyImathFixedMatrix.h" #include "PyImathFixedArray2D.h" #include "PyImathFixedVArray.h" namespace PyImath { typedef FixedArray BoolArray; typedef FixedArray SignedCharArray; typedef FixedArray UnsignedCharArray; typedef FixedArray ShortArray; typedef FixedArray UnsignedShortArray; typedef FixedArray IntArray; typedef FixedArray UnsignedIntArray; typedef FixedArray FloatArray; typedef FixedArray DoubleArray; typedef FixedArray QuatfArray; typedef FixedArray QuatdArray; typedef FixedMatrix IntMatrix; typedef FixedMatrix FloatMatrix; typedef FixedMatrix DoubleMatrix; typedef FixedArray2D FloatArray2D; typedef FixedArray2D IntArray2D; typedef FixedArray2D DoubleArray2D; typedef FixedVArray VIntArray; typedef FixedVArray VFloatArray; typedef FixedVArray > VV2iArray; typedef FixedVArray > VV2fArray; } #endif