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Skipping...Attempt to load IFD '%s' multiple times detected. Skipping...Skipping empty entry at position %u in '%s'.Unknown tag 0x%04x (entry %u in '%s'). Please report this tag to .Tag starts past end of buffer (%u > %u)Tag data goes past end of buffer (%u > %u)MakerNote found with empty dataMakerNote found (%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x...).Sub-IFD entry 0x%x ('%s') at %u.%i byte(s) thumbnail data available: 0x%02x 0x%02x ... 0x%02x 0x%02x Parsing %i byte(s) EXIF data... Size of data too small to allow for EXIF data.Read length %d is longer than data length %d.We have to deal with %i byte(s) of EXIF data.Olympus MakerNote variant type %dCanon MakerNote variant type %dFuji MakerNote variant type %dPentax MakerNote variant type %dApple MakerNote variant type %dIgnore unknown tags when loading EXIF data.Add, correct and remove entries to get EXIF data that follows the specification.When loading and resaving Exif data, save the maker note unmodified. Be aware that the maker note can get corrupted.ExifDataBogus thumbnail offset (%u).exif-dataLoading %hu entries...Could not allocate memoryLoading entry 0x%x ('%s')...Saving IFDs...Saved %i byte(s) EXIF data.Dumping IFD '%s'... libexif-12Found EXIF header at start.EXIF marker not found.APP Tag too short.EXIF header not found.Found EXIF header.Unknown encoding.IFD 0 at %i.IFD 1 at %i.Bogus offset of IFD1.Ignore unknown tagsFollow specificationDo not change maker noteExif?FKBA D(G0 (C ABBK K(A ABBGH0$9ADD jDA8KBA D(D0(D ABB8 BAA  ABE N ABG $H+AAD _DA8pKHD y ABE KAB8IGBA D(D0k(A ABBEʹKBB B(D0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBB 8C0A(B BBBT` 8M0A(B BBBE  8C0A(B BBBE 4GBED A(D0m(D ABBHBBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBA ,8YGAA DABHh|22 (9FEG ]AAG cp=*H M RnPs 7  ! &  0Ha` p@%+ 1 7 = C IOGU [a~gmsy&K`90Xe `{@ (1@NUfu1B\u>9%<Qc0q@ @ +.0=J\u0I4Ih-"GE"^o#Y}#$2@$2$ $$9"$:%exif_data_alloc.LC0.LC1cmp_func_intelexif_data_load_data_thumbnail.LC3.LC2exif_data_save_data_content.LC4cmp_func_motorolacontent_set_byte_orderentry_set_byte_orderfix_func.LC6.LC5.LC7exif_data_load_data_content.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC23.LC8.LC28.LC14.LC12.LC20.LC21.LC13.LC25.LC15.LC29.LC17.LC16.LC19.LC24.LC22.LC27.LC26.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC38.LC43.LC36.LC37.LC44.LC46.LC49.LC41.LC42.LC39.LC45.LC40.LC50.LC47.LC48.LC51.LC52.LC53exif_data_option.LC54.LC55ExifHeaderexif_mem_allocexif_logexif_get_shortexif_mem_freememcpyexif_mem_reallocexif_set_shortexif_ifd_get_nameexif_set_longexif_format_get_sizeqsortmemsetexif_mnote_data_set_offsetexif_mnote_data_saveexif_content_foreach_entryexif_array_set_byte_orderexif_content_get_ifdexif_content_fixexif_content_remove_entryexif_tag_get_name_in_ifdexif_entry_new_memexif_get_longexif_tag_get_nameexif_content_add_entryexif_entry_unrefexif_data_get_mnote_dataexif_data_save_dataexif_data_new_from_fileexif_loader_newexif_loader_write_fileexif_loader_get_dataexif_loader_unrefexif_data_refexif_data_freeexif_content_unrefexif_log_unrefexif_mnote_data_unrefexif_mem_unrefexif_data_unrefexif_data_new_memexif_mem_refexif_content_new_memexif_data_newexif_mem_new_defaultexif_data_dump__printf_chkexif_content_dumpexif_data_get_byte_orderexif_data_foreach_contentexif_data_load_datadcgettextexif_content_get_entryexif_mnote_data_olympus_identifyexif_mnote_data_olympus_newexif_mnote_data_logexif_mnote_data_set_byte_orderexif_mnote_data_loadexif_mnote_data_canon_identifyexif_mnote_data_canon_newexif_mnote_data_fuji_identifyexif_mnote_data_fuji_newexif_mnote_data_pentax_identifyexif_mnote_data_pentax_newexif_mnote_data_apple_identifyexif_mnote_data_apple_newexif_data_new_from_dataexif_data_set_byte_order__stack_chk_failexif_data_logexif_log_refexif_content_logexif_data_get_logexif_data_option_get_nameexif_data_option_get_descriptionexif_data_set_optionexif_data_unset_optionexif_data_fixexif_data_set_data_typeexif_data_get_data_typeG:AQHIIJ4 Cj qHLMN HuLOKYMtMOP?QOR J6SKTZP%M=MUOvOMMOOBMZMrOOMM O/ OH Lo K M M O O   Hb i  W # 1 HN Yo  H I IB M  I   H  - 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Format has been set to 'undefined'.Tag 'UserComment' has been expanded to at least 8 bytes in order to follow the specification.Tag 'UserComment' is not empty but does not start with a format identifier. This has been fixed.Tag 'UserComment' did not start with a format identifier. This has been fixed.Creative program (biased toward depth of field)Creative program (biased toward fast shutter speed)Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)Standard output sensitivity (SOS)Recommended exposure index (REI)Standard output sensitivity (SOS) and recommended exposure index (REI)Standard output sensitivity (SOS) and ISO speedRecommended exposure index (REI) and ISO speedStandard output sensitivity (SOS) and recommended exposure index (REI) and ISO speedStrobe return light not detectedFlash fired, compulsory flash modeFlash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detectedFlash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detectedFlash did not fire, compulsory flash modeFlash fired, auto mode, return light not detectedFlash fired, auto mode, return light detectedFlash fired, red-eye reduction modeFlash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detectedFlash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detectedFlash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction modeFlash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detectedFlash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detectedFlash did not fire, auto mode, red-eye reduction modeFlash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction modeFlash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction modeFlash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction modeColor sequential linear sensorExifEntry%i bytes undefined datalibexif-120x%02x, 0x%02x%u, %u%i, %i%lu, %lu%li, %li, %2.*f%lu/%lu%li/%liUnsupported UNICODE stringUnsupported JIS stringByte at position %i: 0x%02xUnknown Exif VersionExif Version %d.%dFlashPix Version 1.0FlashPix Version 1.01Unknown FlashPix Version[None] (Photographer) - (Editor)f/%.01f%.02f EV (f/%.01f)MinoltaDiMAGE 7DiMAGE 5%.1f mm%.1f m1/%.0f%.0f sec. 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tAD[DCxH5HH)HH|u$DHHHH)HH|tSHH)HHD; u;LHHDT1 AtH1HD;T uHHuD[D@E1[D/usr/share/localelibexif-12GPSVersionIDGPS Tag VersionInteroperabilityIndexInteroperability IndexGPSLatitudeRefNorth or South LatitudeInteroperabilityVersionInteroperability VersionGPSLatitudeLatitudeGPSLongitudeRefEast or West LongitudeGPSLongitudeLongitudeGPSAltitudeRefAltitude ReferenceGPSAltitudeAltitudeGPSTimeStampGPS Time (Atomic Clock)GPSSatellitesGPS SatellitesGPSStatusGPS Receiver StatusGPSMeasureModeGPS Measurement ModeGPSDOPMeasurement PrecisionGPSSpeedRefSpeed UnitGPSSpeedSpeed of GPS ReceiverGPSTrackRefGPSTrackDirection of MovementGPSImgDirectionRefGPS Image Direction ReferenceGPSImgDirectionGPS Image DirectionGPSMapDatumGeodetic Survey Data UsedGPSDestLatitudeRefGPSDestLatitudeLatitude of DestinationGPSDestLongitudeRefGPSDestLongitudeLongitude of DestinationGPSDestBearingRefGPSDestBearingBearing of DestinationGPSDestDistanceRefGPSDestDistanceDistance to DestinationGPSProcessingMethodName of GPS Processing MethodGPSAreaInformationName of GPS AreaGPSDateStampGPS DateGPSDifferentialGPS Differential CorrectionGPSHPositioningErrorNewSubfileTypeNew Subfile TypeImageWidthImage WidthImageLengthImage LengthBitsPerSampleBits per SampleCompressionPhotometricInterpretationPhotometric InterpretationFillOrderFill OrderDocumentNameDocument NameImageDescriptionImage DescriptionMakeManufacturerModelStripOffsetsStrip OffsetsOrientationSamplesPerPixelSamples per PixelRowsPerStripRows per StripStripByteCountsStrip Byte CountXResolutionX-ResolutionYResolutionY-ResolutionPlanarConfigurationPlanar ConfigurationResolutionUnitResolution UnitTransferFunctionTransfer FunctionSoftwareDateTimeDate and TimeArtistWhitePointWhite PointPrimaryChromaticitiesPrimary ChromaticitiesSubIFDsSubIFD OffsetsTransferRangeTransfer RangeJPEGProcJPEGInterchangeFormatJPEG Interchange FormatJPEGInterchangeFormatLengthYCbCrCoefficientsYCbCr CoefficientsYCbCrSubSamplingYCbCr Sub-SamplingYCbCrPositioningYCbCr PositioningReferenceBlackWhiteReference Black/WhiteXMLPacketXML PacketXMP MetadataRelatedImageFileFormatRelatedImageWidthRelatedImageLengthCFARepeatPatternDimCFAPatternCFA PatternBatteryLevelBattery LevelCopyrightExposureTimeExposure TimeFNumberF-NumberThe F number.IPTC/NAAImageResourcesImage Resources BlockExifIfdPointerExifIFDPointerInterColorProfileExposureProgramExposure ProgramSpectralSensitivitySpectral SensitivityGPSInfoIFDPointerGPS Info IFD PointerISOSpeedRatingsISO Speed RatingsOECFTimeZoneOffsetTime Zone OffsetSensitivityTypeSensitivity TypeStandardOutputSensitivityStandard Output SensitivityRecommendedExposureIndexRecommended Exposure IndexISO SpeedISO Speed Latitude yyyISO Speed Latitude zzzExifVersionExif VersionDateTimeOriginalDate and Time (Original)DateTimeDigitizedDate and Time (Digitized)OffsetTimeOffset Time For DateTimeOffsetTimeOriginalOffsetTimeDigitizedComponentsConfigurationComponents ConfigurationCompressedBitsPerPixelCompressed Bits per PixelShutterSpeedValueShutter SpeedApertureValueApertureBrightnessValueBrightnessExposureBiasValueExposure BiasMaxApertureValueMaximum Aperture ValueSubjectDistanceSubject DistanceMeteringModeMetering ModeThe metering mode.LightSourceLight SourceThe kind of light source.FlashFocalLengthFocal LengthSubjectAreaSubject AreaTIFF/EPStandardIDTIFF/EP Standard IDMakerNoteMaker NoteUserCommentUser CommentSubsecTimeSub-second TimeSubSecTimeOriginalSub-second Time (Original)SubSecTimeDigitizedSub-second Time (Digitized)XPTitleXP TitleXPCommentXP CommentXPAuthorXP AuthorXPKeywordsXP KeywordsXPSubjectXP SubjectFlashpixVersionFlashPixVersionColorSpaceColor SpacePixelXDimensionPixel X DimensionPixelYDimensionPixel Y DimensionRelatedSoundFileRelated Sound FileInteroperabilityIFDPointerInteroperability IFD PointerFlashEnergyFlash EnergySpatialFrequencyResponseSpatial Frequency ResponseFocalPlaneXResolutionFocal Plane X-ResolutionFocalPlaneYResolutionFocal Plane Y-ResolutionFocalPlaneResolutionUnitFocal Plane Resolution UnitSubjectLocationSubject LocationExposureIndexExposure IndexSensingMethodSensing MethodFileSourceFile SourceSceneTypeScene TypeCustomRenderedCustom RenderedExposureModeExposure ModeWhiteBalanceWhite BalanceDigitalZoomRatioDigital Zoom RatioFocalLengthIn35mmFilmFocal Length in 35mm FilmSceneCaptureTypeScene Capture TypeGainControlGain ControlContrastSaturationSharpnessDeviceSettingDescriptionDevice Setting DescriptionSubjectDistanceRangeSubject Distance RangeImageUniqueIDImage Unique IDCameraOwnerNameCamera Owner NameBodySerialNumberBody Serial NumberLensSpecificationLens SpecificationLensMakeLens MakeLensModelLens ModelLensSerialNumberLens Serial NumberCompositeImageComposite ImageGammaPrintImageMatchingPRINT Image MatchingPaddingIndicates the version of . The version is given as This tag is mandatory when tag is present. (Note: The tag is given in bytes, unlike the tag. When the version is, the tag value is 02000000.H).Indicates the identification of the Interoperability rule. Use "R98" for stating ExifR98 Rules. Four bytes used including the termination code (NULL). see the separate volume of Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) for other tags used for ExifR98.Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude. The ASCII value 'N' indicates north latitude, and 'S' is south latitude.Indicates the latitude. The latitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. When degrees, minutes and seconds are expressed, the format is dd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format is dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude. ASCII 'E' indicates east longitude, and 'W' is west longitude.Indicates the longitude. The longitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. When degrees, minutes and seconds are expressed, the format is ddd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format is ddd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.Indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude. If the reference is sea level and the altitude is above sea level, 0 is given. If the altitude is below sea level, a value of 1 is given and the altitude is indicated as an absolute value in the GPSAltitude tag. The reference unit is meters. Note that this tag is BYTE type, unlike other reference tags.Indicates the altitude based on the reference in GPSAltitudeRef. Altitude is expressed as one RATIONAL value. The reference unit is meters.Indicates the time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). TimeStamp is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the hour, minute, and second.Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to describe the number of satellites, their ID number, angle of elevation, azimuth, SNR and other information in ASCII notation. The format is not specified. If the GPS receiver is incapable of taking measurements, value of the tag shall be set to NULL.Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. 'A' means measurement is in progress, and 'V' means the measurement is Interoperability.Indicates the GPS measurement mode. '2' means two-dimensional measurement and '3' means three-dimensional measurement is in progress.Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). An HDOP value is written during two-dimensional measurement, and PDOP during three-dimensional measurement.Indicates the unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement. 'K', 'M' and 'N' represent kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and knots.Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement.Reference for direction of movementIndicates the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction.Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.Indicates the reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction.Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver. If the survey data is restricted to Japan, the value of this tag is 'TOKYO' or 'WGS-84'. If a GPS Info tag is recorded, it is strongly recommended that this tag be recorded.Reference For Latitude of DestinationIndicates whether the latitude of the destination point is north or south latitude. The ASCII value 'N' indicates north latitude, and 'S' is south latitude.Indicates the latitude of the destination point. The latitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If latitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be dd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.Reference for Longitude of DestinationIndicates whether the longitude of the destination point is east or west longitude. ASCII 'E' indicates east longitude, and 'W' is west longitude.Indicates the longitude of the destination point. The longitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If longitude is expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be ddd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be ddd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.Reference for Bearing of DestinationIndicates the reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction.Indicates the bearing to the destination point. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99.Reference for Distance to DestinationIndicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination point. 'K', 'M' and 'N' represent kilometers, miles and nautical miles.Indicates the distance to the destination point.A character string recording the name of the method used for location finding. The first byte indicates the character code used, and this is followed by the name of the method. Since the Type is not ASCII, NULL termination is not necessary.A character string recording the name of the GPS area. The first byte indicates the character code used, and this is followed by the name of the GPS area. Since the Type is not ASCII, NULL termination is not necessary.A character string recording date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The format is "YYYY:MM:DD". The length of the string is 11 bytes including NULL.Indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS receiver.GPS Horizontal Positioning ErrorIndicates the horizontal positioning errors in meters. This is expressed as one RATIONAL value.A general indication of the kind of data contained in this subfile.The number of columns of image data, equal to the number of pixels per row. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.The number of rows of image data. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.The number of bits per image component. In this standard each component of the image is 8 bits, so the value for this tag is 8. See also . In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.The compression scheme used for the image data. When a primary image is JPEG compressed, this designation is not necessary and is omitted. When thumbnails use JPEG compression, this tag value is set to 6.The pixel composition. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.A character string giving the title of the image. It may be a comment such as "1988 company picnic" or the like. Two-bytes character codes cannot be used. When a 2-bytes code is necessary, the Exif Private tag is to be used.The manufacturer of the recording equipment. This is the manufacturer of the DSC, scanner, video digitizer or other equipment that generated the image. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.The model name or model number of the equipment. This is the model name or number of the DSC, scanner, video digitizer or other equipment that generated the image. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.For each strip, the byte offset of that strip. It is recommended that this be selected so the number of strip bytes does not exceed 64 Kbytes. With JPEG compressed data this designation is not needed and is omitted. See also and .The image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns.The number of components per pixel. Since this standard applies to RGB and YCbCr images, the value set for this tag is 3. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.The number of rows per strip. This is the number of rows in the image of one strip when an image is divided into strips. With JPEG compressed data this designation is not needed and is omitted. See also and .The total number of bytes in each strip. With JPEG compressed data this designation is not needed and is omitted.The number of pixels per in the direction. When the image resolution is unknown, 72 [dpi] is designated.The number of pixels per in the direction. The same value as is designated.Indicates whether pixel components are recorded in a chunky or planar format. In JPEG compressed files a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag. If this field does not exist, the TIFF default of 1 (chunky) is assumed.The unit for measuring and . The same unit is used for both and . If the image resolution is unknown, 2 (inches) is designated.A transfer function for the image, described in tabular style. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the color space information tag ().This tag records the name and version of the software or firmware of the camera or image input device used to generate the image. The detailed format is not specified, but it is recommended that the example shown below be followed. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.The date and time of image creation. In this standard (EXIF-2.1) it is the date and time the file was changed.This tag records the name of the camera owner, photographer or image creator. The detailed format is not specified, but it is recommended that the information be written as in the example below for ease of Interoperability. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.The chromaticity of the white point of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the color space information tag ().The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since color space is specified in the color space information tag ().Defined by Adobe Corporation to enable TIFF Trees within a TIFF file.The offset to the start byte (SOI) of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for primary image JPEG data.JPEG Interchange Format LengthThe number of bytes of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for primary image JPEG data. JPEG thumbnails are not divided but are recorded as a continuous JPEG bitstream from SOI to EOI. Appn and COM markers should not be recorded. Compressed thumbnails must be recorded in no more than 64 Kbytes, including all other data to be recorded in APP1.The matrix coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr image data. No default is given in TIFF; but here the value given in "Color Space Guidelines", is used as the default. The color space is declared in a color space information tag, with the default being the value that gives the optimal image characteristics Interoperability this condition.The sampling ratio of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this tag.The position of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component. This field is designated only for JPEG compressed data or uncompressed YCbCr data. The TIFF default is 1 (centered); but when Y:Cb:Cr = 4:2:2 it is recommended in this standard that 2 (co-sited) be used to record data, in order to improve the image quality when viewed on TV systems. When this field does not exist, the reader shall assume the TIFF default. In the case of Y:Cb:Cr = 4:2:0, the TIFF default (centered) is recommended. If the reader does not have the capability of supporting both kinds of , it shall follow the TIFF default regardless of the value in this field. It is preferable that readers be able to support both centered and co-sited positioning.The reference black point value and reference white point value. No defaults are given in TIFF, but the values below are given as defaults here. The color space is declared in a color space information tag, with the default being the value that gives the optimal image characteristics Interoperability these conditions.Indicates the color filter array (CFA) geometric pattern of the image sensor when a one-chip color area sensor is used. It does not apply to all sensing methods.Copyright information. In this standard the tag is used to indicate both the photographer and editor copyrights. It is the copyright notice of the person or organization claiming rights to the image. The Interoperability copyright statement including date and rights should be written in this field; e.g., "Copyright, John Smith, 19xx. All rights reserved.". In this standard the field records both the photographer and editor copyrights, with each recorded in a separate part of the statement. When there is a clear distinction between the photographer and editor copyrights, these are to be written in the order of photographer followed by editor copyright, separated by NULL (in this case, since the statement also ends with a NULL, there are two NULL codes) (see example 1). When only the photographer is given, it is terminated by one NULL code (see example 2). When only the editor copyright is given, the photographer copyright part consists of one space followed by a terminating NULL code, then the editor copyright is given (see example 3). When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.Exposure time, given in seconds (sec).A pointer to the Exif IFD. Interoperability, Exif IFD has the same structure as that of the IFD specified in TIFF. ordinarily, however, it does not contain image data as in the case of TIFF.The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken.Indicates the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used. The tag value is an ASCII string compatible with the standard developed by the ASTM Technical Committee.A pointer to the GPS Info IFD. The Interoperability structure of the GPS Info IFD, like that of Exif IFD, has no image data.Indicates the ISO Speed and ISO Latitude of the camera or input device as specified in ISO 12232.Opto-Electronic Conversion FunctionIndicates the Opto-Electronic Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524. is the relationship between the camera optical input and the image values.Encodes time zone of camera clock relative to GMT.The SensitivityType tag indicates which one of the parameters of ISO12232 is the PhotographicSensitivity tag. Although it is an optional tag, it should be recorded when a PhotographicSensitivity tag is recorded. Value = 4, 5, 6, or 7 may be used in case that the values of plural parameters are the same.The version of this standard supported. Nonexistence of this field is taken to mean nonconformance to the standard.The date and time when the original image data was generated. For a digital still camera the date and time the picture was taken are recorded.The date and time when the image was stored as digital data.A tag used to record the offset from UTC (the time difference from Universal Time Coordinated including daylight saving time) of the time of DateTime tag. The format when recording the offset is "+|-HH:MM". The part of "+|-" shall be recorded as "+" or "-". When the offset are unknown, all the character spaces except colons (":")should be filled with blank characters, or else the Interoperability field should be filled with blank characters. The character string length is 7 Bytes including NULL for termination. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.Offset Time For DateTimeOriginalA tag used to record the offset from UTC (the time difference from Universal Time Coordinated including daylight saving time) of the time of DateTimeOriginal tag. The format when recording the offset is "+|-HH:MM". The part of "+|-" shall be recorded as "+" or "-". When the offset are unknown, all the character spaces except colons (":")should be filled with blank characters, or else the Interoperability field should be filled with blank characters. The character string length is 7 Bytes including NULL for termination. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.Offset Time For DateTimeDigitizedA tag used to record the offset from UTC (the time difference from Universal Time Coordinated including daylight saving time) of the time of DateTimeDigitized tag. The format when recording the offset is "+|-HH:MM". The part of "+|-" shall be recorded as "+" or "-". When the offset are unknown, all the character spaces except colons (":")should be filled with blank characters, or else the Interoperability field should be filled with blank characters. The character string length is 7 Bytes including NULL for termination. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.Information specific to compressed data. The channels of each component are arranged in order from the 1st component to the 4th. For uncompressed data the data arrangement is given in the tag. However, since can only express the order of Y, Cb and Cr, this tag is provided for cases when compressed data uses components other than Y, Cb, and Cr and to enable support of other sequences.Information specific to compressed data. The compression mode used for a compressed image is indicated in unit bits per pixel.Shutter speed. The unit is the APEX (Additive System of Photographic Exposure) setting.The lens aperture. The unit is the APEX value.The value of brightness. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of -99.99 to 99.99.The exposure bias. The units is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of -99.99 to 99.99.The smallest F number of the lens. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is given in the range of 00.00 to 99.99, but it is not limited to this range.The distance to the subject, given in meters.This tag is recorded when an image is taken using a strobe light (flash).The actual focal length of the lens, in mm. Conversion is not made to the focal length of a 35 mm film camera.This tag indicates the location and area of the main subject in the overall scene.A tag for manufacturers of Exif writers to record any desired information. The contents are up to the manufacturer.A tag for Exif users to write keywords or comments on the image besides those in , and without the character code limitations of the tag. The character code used in the tag is identified based on an ID code in a fixed 8-byte area at the start of the tag data area. The unused portion of the area is padded with NULL ("00.h"). ID codes are assigned by means of registration. The designation method and references for each character code are defined in the specification. The value of CountN is determined based on the 8 bytes in the character code area and the number of bytes in the user comment part. Since the TYPE is not ASCII, NULL termination is not necessary. The ID code for the area may be a Defined code such as JIS or ASCII, or may be Undefined. The Undefined name is UndefinedText, and the ID code is filled with 8 bytes of all "NULL" ("00.H"). An Exif reader that reads the tag must have a function for determining the ID code. This function is not required in Exif readers that do not use the tag. When a area is set aside, it is recommended that the ID code be ASCII and that the following user comment part be filled with blank characters [20.H].A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the tag.A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the tag.A tag used to record fractions of seconds for the tag.A character string giving the title of the image, encoded in UTF-16LE.A character string containing a comment about the image, encoded in UTF-16LE.A character string containing the name of the image creator, encoded in UTF-16LE.A character string containing key words describing the image, encoded in UTF-16LE.A character string giving the image subject, encoded in UTF-16LE.The FlashPix format version supported by a FPXR file.The color space information tag is always recorded as the color space specifier. Normally sRGB (=1) is used to define the color space based on the PC monitor conditions and environment. If a color space other than sRGB is used, Uncalibrated (=FFFF.H) is set. Image data recorded as Uncalibrated can be treated as sRGB when it is converted to FlashPix.Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the valid width of the meaningful image must be recorded in this tag, whether or not there is padding data or a restart marker. This tag should not exist in an uncompressed file.Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the valid height of the meaningful image must be recorded in this tag, whether or not there is padding data or a restart marker. This tag should not exist in an uncompressed file. Since data padding is unnecessary in the vertical direction, the number of lines recorded in this valid image height tag will in fact be the same as that recorded in the SOF.This tag is used to record the name of an audio file related to the image data. The only relational information recorded here is the Exif audio file name and extension (an ASCII string consisting of 8 characters + '.' + 3 characters). The path is not recorded. Stipulations on audio and file naming conventions are defined in the specification. When using this tag, audio files must be recorded in conformance to the Exif audio format. Writers are also allowed to store the data such as Audio within APP2 as FlashPix extension stream data. The mapping of Exif image files and audio files is done in any of three ways, [1], [2] and [3]. If multiple files are mapped to one file as in [2] or [3], the above format is used to record just one audio file name. If there are multiple audio files, the first recorded file is given. In the case of [3], for example, for the Exif image file "DSC00001.JPG" only "SND00001.WAV" is given as the related Exif audio file. When there are three Exif audio files "SND00001.WAV", "SND00002.WAV" and "SND00003.WAV", the Exif image file name for each of them, "DSC00001.JPG", is indicated. By combining multiple relational information, a variety of playback possibilities can be supported. The method of using relational information is left to the implementation on the playback side. Since this information is an ASCII character string, it is terminated by NULL. When this tag is used to map audio files, the relation of the audio file to image data must also be indicated on the audio file end.Interoperability IFD is composed of tags which stores the information to ensure the Interoperability and pointed by the following tag located in Exif IFD. The Interoperability structure of Interoperability IFD is the same as TIFF defined IFD structure but does not contain the image data characteristically compared with normal TIFF IFD.Indicates the strobe energy at the time the image is captured, as measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds (BCPS).This tag records the camera or input device spatial frequency table and SFR values in the direction of image width, image height, and diagonal direction, as specified in ISO 12233.Indicates the number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per on the camera focal plane.Indicates the number of pixels in the image height (V) direction per on the camera focal plane.Indicates the unit for measuring and . This value is the same as the .Indicates the location of the main subject in the scene. The value of this tag represents the pixel at the center of the main subject relative to the left edge, prior to rotation processing as per the tag. The first value indicates the X column number and the second indicates the Y row number.Indicates the exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the image is captured.Indicates the image sensor type on the camera or input device.Indicates the image source. If a DSC recorded the image, the tag value of this tag always be set to 3, indicating that the image was recorded on a DSC.Indicates the type of scene. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value must always be set to 1, indicating that the image was directly photographed.This tag indicates the use of special processing on image data, such as rendering geared to output. When special processing is performed, the reader is expected to disable or minimize any further processing.This tag indicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot. In auto-bracketing mode, the camera shoots a series of frames of the same scene at different exposure settings.This tag indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot.This tag indicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot. If the numerator of the recorded value is 0, this indicates that digital zoom was not used.This tag indicates the equivalent focal length assuming a 35mm film camera, in mm. A value of 0 means the focal length is unknown. Note that this tag differs from the FocalLength tag.This tag indicates the type of scene that was shot. It can also be used to record the mode in which the image was shot. Note that this differs from the scene type tag.This tag indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment.This tag indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.This tag indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.This tag indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot.This tag indicates information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular camera model. The tag is used only to indicate the picture-taking conditions in the reader.This tag indicates the distance to the subject.This tag indicates an identifier assigned uniquely to each image. It is recorded as an ASCII string equivalent to hexadecimal notation and 128-bit fixed length.This tag indicates the name of the camera owner, photographer or image creator.This tag indicates the serial number of the body of the cameraThis tag indicates minimum focal length, maximum focal length, minimum F number in the minimum focal length, and minimum F number in the maximum focal length.This tag indicates the lens manufacturer.This tag indicates the lens' model name and model number.This tag indicates the serial number of the interchangeable lens.This tag indicates whether this image was composed from multiple imagesSourceImageNumberOfCompositeImageSource Image Number Of Composite ImageThis tag indicates how many images are included and used in the composition of this imageSourceExposureTimesOfCompositeImageSource Exposure Times of Composite ImageThis tag indicates the exposure times of the source images of this imageIndicates the value of coefficient gamma.Related to Epson's PRINT Image Matching technologyThis tag reserves space that can be reclaimed later when additional metadata are added. New metadata can be written in place by replacing this tag with a smaller data element and using the reclaimed space to store the new or expanded metadata tags.       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software1/32/3FullFixedZoomMacroNormalEconomyFineRAWSuperfineRed-eye reductionSlow synchroAuto, red-eye reductionOn, red-eye reductionExternal flashSingleContinuousMovieContinuous, speed priorityContinuous, lowContinuous, highOne-shot AFAI servo AFAI focus AFManual focusPan focusJPEGCRW+THMAVI+THMTIFTIF+JPEGCR2CR2+JPEGLargeMediumSmallMedium 1Medium 2Medium 3PostcardWidescreenFull autoFast shutterSlow shutterNightGrayscaleSepiaSportsVividFlash offLong shutterSuper macroFoliageIndoorFireworksBeachSnowKids & petsNight snapshotDigital macroMy colorsStill imageColor accentColor swapAquariumISO 32002x4xOtherAuto high50100200400800DefaultSpotAverageEvaluativePartialCenter-weighted averageNot knownVery closeCloseMiddle rangeFar rangeInfinityManual AF point selectionAuto-selectedAuto AF point selectionEasy shootingProgramTv-priorityAv-priorityA-DEPM-DEPCanon EF 50mm f/1.8Canon EF 28mm f/2.8Canon EF 100-300mm F5.6LCanon EF 35mm f/2Canon EF 15mm f/2.8Canon EF 80-200mm f/2.8LCosina 100mm f/3.5 Macro AFCanon EF 50mm f/1.8 MkIICanon EF 35-80mm f/4-5.6Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6Canon EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6Canon EF 28-105mm f/4-5.6Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5LCanon TS-E 45mm f/2.8Canon TS-E 90mm f/2.8Canon EF 50mm f/1.0LCanon EF 600mm f/4L ISCanon EF 200mm f/1.8LCanon EF 300mm f/2.8LCanon EF 85mm f/1.2LCanon EF 400mm f/2.8LCanon EF 500mm f/4.5LCanon EF 300mm f/2.8L ISCanon EF 500mm f/4L ISCanon EF 100mm f/2Sigma 20mm EX f/1.8Canon EF 200mm f/2.8LCanon EF 35-350mm f/3.5-5.6LCanon EF 85mm f/1.8 USMCanon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 LCanon EF 28mm f/1.8 USMCanon EF 200mm f/2.8L IICanon EF 135mm f/2LCanon EF 300mm f/4L ISCanon EF 35mm f/1.4LCanon EF 400mm f/2.8L + x2Canon EF 70-200mm f/4LCanon EF 100mm f/2.8 MacroCanon EF 400mm f/4 DO ISCanon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 ISCanon EF 50mm f/1.4Canon EF 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6Canon EF 90-300mm f/4.5-5.6Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8LCanon EF 24-70mm f/2.8LCanon EF 17-40mm f/4LCanon EF-S60mm F2.8 Macro USMCanon EF 24-105mm f/4L ISCanon EF 50mm F1.2L USMCanon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USMTTLA-TTLE-TTLFP sync enabled2nd-curtain sync usedFP sync usedInternalExternalNormal AEExposure compensationAE lockNo AEOn, shot onlySmoothMy color dataInvalid format '%s', expected '%s'.Invalid number of components (%i, expected %i).Sigma UC Zoom 35-135mm f/4-5.6Tokina AF193-2 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX or 28mm f/1.8Tokina AT-X280AF PRO 28-80mm F2.8 AsphericalTamron AF Aspherical 28-200mm f/3.8-5.6Tamron SP AF 300mm f/2.8 LD IFCanon EF 24mm f/2.8 or Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX FisheyeCanon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS IICanon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro PhotoSigma 17-35mm f2.8-4 EX Aspherical HSMSigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 or 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 or 14mm f/2.8Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 USMCanon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USMCanon EF 28-70mm f/2.8L or Sigma 24-70mm EX f/2.8Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L + x1.4Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L + x2Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 EX DG AsphericalCanon EF 180mm Macro f/3.5L or Sigma 180mm EX HSM Macro f/3.5Canon EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 USMCanon EF 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