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(%s installed on %-24.24s) # (Cron version -- %s) %s: %s: %s chmodfclosechown%s: %s: rename: %s REPLACE/usr/bin/sensible-editorno BEGIN EDIT%s/: fdopen: %s/dev/nullTMPDIR/crontab.XXXXXX%s/crontabfdopenunable to stat temp fileVISUALEDITORforksetgid(getgid())setuid(getuid())/tmpchdir(/tmp)%s %s-c/bin/shfstatfdopen(): after edit%s: installing new crontab No modification made Error while editing crontab Enter Y or N %s: edits left in %s END EDIT-bailing out. Memory allocation error %s: user `%s' unknown must be privileged to use -u only one operation permittedunrecognized optionswapping uids%s: Not a regular file. swapping uids backcrontab command not allowedAUTHLIST%s/: fopen: %s CRONTAB_NOHEADERunknown option specifiedu:leriSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec@(#) All rights reserved %s [ -u user ] [ -i ] { -e | -l | -r } (default operation is replace, per 1003.2) -i (prompt before deleting user's crontab) crontab: can't update mtime on spooldir crontab: really delete %s's crontab? (y/n) # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall. crontab is too long; maximum number of lines is %d. errors in crontab file, can't install. new crontab file is missing newline before EOF, can't install. filename too long to delete: %s/%sno crontab for %s - using an empty one TMPDIR value is to long -- exiting Temporary filename too long - aborting Creation of temporary crontab file failed - aborting # Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. # # Each task to run has to be defined through a single line # indicating with different fields when the task will be run # and what command to run for the task # # To define the time you can provide concrete values for # minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon), # and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any'). # # Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system # daemon's notion of time and timezones. # # Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through # email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected). # # For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts # at 5 a.m every week with: # 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/ # # For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8) # # m h dom mon dow command %s: error while writing new crontab to %s %s: editor or filename too long %s: waitpid() failed waiting for PID %d from "%s": %s %s: wrong PID (%d != %d) from "%s" %s: "%s" exited with status %d %s: "%s" killed; signal %d (%score dumped) Can't open tempfile after editTemporary crontab no longer owned by you. The temporary crontab must remain a regular fileDo you want to retry the same edit? (y/n) %s: panic: bad switch() in replace_cmd() %s: your UID isn't in the passwd file. no arguments permitted after this optionfile name must be specified for replaceYou (%s) are not allowed to use this program (%s) See crontab(1) for more information The user %s cannot use this program (%s) @(#) Copyright 1988,1989,1990,1993,1994 by Paul VixiexXЮ ,this program was compiled without debugging enabled'%s' is not a directory, bailing out. can't lock %s, otherpid may be %d: %sseteuid%s: created %s: mkdir: %s %s: chdir: %s %s: getgrnam: %s %s: chowned %s: chown: %s root/etc/cron.allow/etc/cron.deny(%s) %s (%s)/var/run/%scrond.pidcan't open or create %s: %sDEATHCRONr+pidfile fd = %dINFO%d \%03oOut of memory parsing crontabOOM rebootyearlyannuallymonthlyweeklydailymidnighthourly SHELLSHELL=%sHOMEHOME=%sPATH/usr/bin:/binPATH=%sLOGNAME%s=%sno errorbad minutebad hourbad day-of-monthbad monthbad day-of-weekbad commandbad time specifierbad usernamecommand too longh~=h~;/ԞĤ  IJ Գ<Xtx<4 4<$pDt44`XD4$t$T< T T T t $  zRx /D$4FJ w?:*3$"\ТtȢp9AAR EAKqDV F @X$BSN B(A0A8G _ F V A d 8A0A(B BBBA dTȳBDB A(A0G t M  A  H r A K 0C(A BBBA @@*BHA DeM\Av  AABA , BIB B(A0A8G x M p B  G _ B  8A0A(B BBBA   A P S N \ B  H H A 8|FBD D(GVZA zRx ( 0BGD Gu  AABC HdJ(\^IAD IDBHR.HO A 0FHA G  AABE HU!EM F H<(FEE A(D0\ (D BBBE hEw A F(OFFQ A DBD (LFPD WHNXFDA G   DABG j  AABA d A d w E <@ HP<FIB H(D0A8G@ 8D0A(B BBBH 8FBA D(D0] (A ABBD (D<FEA kBBXWH@ H  ?Hh H d<FBB B(A0D8GPG 8G0A(B BBBA P 8A0A(B BBBF LLBBE B(A0D8L 8A0A(B BBBG HBHE E(D0A8G`1 8A0A(B BBBE @\#EY\\p~FEE E(A0A8JDuA  8D0A(B BBBH #HZ(AJDD dDAHFBB B(A0A8DP 8D0A(B BBBA <LFEE A(A0g (D BBBE L`*FBB B(A0D8J 8A0A(B BBBJ $zRx ,8 |FEB A(A0b(D BBBDT HeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB p33ƀ׀6 kpxo   P ooHoovo$Ъ0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" "0"@"P"`"p"""""""""## #0#@#P#`#p#########$$ $0$@$P$`$p$$$$$$$$$%% %0%@%P%`%p%%%%%%%%%$Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $]tdthtltptttxt|tdttttttttttttt}t/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/cron.debugQ2ROkǺIk`"d4474590ff74e6276b67628a767a40000c1e82.debugNvӏ.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debugaltlink.gnu_debuglink 880&hh$9 Go<Q  Y aovvnoHHp}PB  &&&&++@kk ppLLLЂЂ ppxxP ЪК(` ``  `D 4ء/