/****************************************************************************** * Project: PROJ.4 * Purpose: Revised, experimental API for PROJ.4, intended as the foundation * for added geodetic functionality. * * The original proj API (defined previously in projects.h) has grown * organically over the years, but it has also grown somewhat messy. * * The same has happened with the newer high level API (defined in * proj_api.h): To support various historical objectives, proj_api.h * contains a rather complex combination of conditional defines and * typedefs. Probably for good (historical) reasons, which are not * always evident from today's perspective. * * This is an evolving attempt at creating a re-rationalized API * with primary design goals focused on sanitizing the namespaces. * Hence, all symbols exposed are being moved to the proj_ namespace, * while all data types are being moved to the PJ_ namespace. * * Please note that this API is *orthogonal* to the previous APIs: * Apart from some inclusion guards, projects.h and proj_api.h are not * touched - if you do not include proj.h, the projects and proj_api * APIs should work as they always have. * * A few implementation details: * * Apart from the namespacing efforts, I'm trying to eliminate three * proj_api elements, which I have found especially confusing. * * FIRST and foremost, I try to avoid typedef'ing away pointer * semantics. I agree that it can be occasionally useful, but I * prefer having the pointer nature of function arguments being * explicitly visible. * * Hence, projCtx has been replaced by PJ_CONTEXT *. * and projPJ has been replaced by PJ * * * SECOND, I try to eliminate cases of information hiding implemented * by redefining data types to void pointers. * * I prefer using a combination of forward declarations and typedefs. * Hence: * typedef void *projCtx; * Has been replaced by: * struct projCtx_t; * typedef struct projCtx_t PJ_CONTEXT; * This makes it possible for the calling program to know that the * PJ_CONTEXT data type exists, and handle pointers to that data type * without having any idea about its internals. * * (obviously, in this example, struct projCtx_t should also be * renamed struct pj_ctx some day, but for backwards compatibility * it remains as-is for now). * * THIRD, I try to eliminate implicit type punning. Hence this API * introduces the PJ_COORD union data type, for generic 4D coordinate * handling. * * PJ_COORD makes it possible to make explicit the previously used * "implicit type punning", where a XY is turned into a LP by * re#defining both as UV, behind the back of the user. * * The PJ_COORD union is used for storing 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D coordinates. * * The bare essentials API presented here follows the PROJ.4 * convention of sailing the coordinate to be reprojected, up on * the stack ("call by value"), and symmetrically returning the * result on the stack. Although the PJ_COORD object is twice as large * as the traditional XY and LP objects, timing results have shown the * overhead to be very reasonable. * * Contexts and thread safety * -------------------------- * * After a year of experiments (and previous experience from the * trlib transformation library) it has become clear that the * context subsystem is unavoidable in a multi-threaded world. * Hence, instead of hiding it away, we move it into the limelight, * highly recommending (but not formally requiring) the bracketing * of any code block calling PROJ.4 functions with calls to * proj_context_create(...)/proj_context_destroy() * * Legacy single threaded code need not do anything, but *may* * implement a bit of future compatibility by using the backward * compatible call proj_context_create(0), which will not create * a new context, but simply provide a pointer to the default one. * * See proj_4D_api_test.c for examples of how to use the API. * * Author: Thomas Knudsen, * Benefitting from a large number of comments and suggestions * by (primarily) Kristian Evers and Even Rouault. * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Thomas Knudsen / SDFE * Copyright (c) 2018, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO COORD SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef PROJ_H #define PROJ_H #include /* For size_t */ #ifdef PROJ_API_H #error proj.h must be included before proj_api.h #endif #ifdef PROJ_RENAME_SYMBOLS #include "proj_symbol_rename.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \file proj.h * * C API new generation */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ #ifndef PROJ_DLL #ifdef PROJ_MSVC_DLL_EXPORT #define PROJ_DLL __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(PROJ_MSVC_DLL_IMPORT) #define PROJ_DLL __declspec(dllimport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define PROJ_DLL __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else #define PROJ_DLL #endif #endif #ifdef PROJ_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl #elif defined(__has_extension) #if __has_extension(attribute_deprecated_with_message) #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg))) #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl __attribute__ ((deprecated)) #else #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl #endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl __attribute__ ((deprecated)) #elif defined(_MSVC_VER) #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) __declspec(deprecated(msg)) decl #else #define PROJ_DEPRECATED(decl, msg) decl #endif /* The version numbers should be updated with every release! **/ #define PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR 7 #define PROJ_VERSION_MINOR 2 #define PROJ_VERSION_PATCH 1 extern char const PROJ_DLL pj_release[]; /* global release id string */ /* first forward declare everything needed */ /* Data type for generic geodetic 3D data plus epoch information */ union PJ_COORD; typedef union PJ_COORD PJ_COORD; struct PJ_AREA; typedef struct PJ_AREA PJ_AREA; struct P5_FACTORS { /* Common designation */ double meridional_scale; /* h */ double parallel_scale; /* k */ double areal_scale; /* s */ double angular_distortion; /* omega */ double meridian_parallel_angle; /* theta-prime */ double meridian_convergence; /* alpha */ double tissot_semimajor; /* a */ double tissot_semiminor; /* b */ double dx_dlam, dx_dphi; double dy_dlam, dy_dphi; }; typedef struct P5_FACTORS PJ_FACTORS; /* Data type for projection/transformation information */ struct PJconsts; typedef struct PJconsts PJ; /* the PJ object herself */ /* Data type for library level information */ struct PJ_INFO; typedef struct PJ_INFO PJ_INFO; struct PJ_PROJ_INFO; typedef struct PJ_PROJ_INFO PJ_PROJ_INFO; struct PJ_GRID_INFO; typedef struct PJ_GRID_INFO PJ_GRID_INFO; struct PJ_INIT_INFO; typedef struct PJ_INIT_INFO PJ_INIT_INFO; /* Data types for list of operations, ellipsoids, datums and units used in PROJ.4 */ struct PJ_LIST { const char *id; /* projection keyword */ PJ *(*proj)(PJ *); /* projection entry point */ const char * const *descr; /* description text */ }; typedef struct PJ_LIST PJ_OPERATIONS; struct PJ_ELLPS { const char *id; /* ellipse keyword name */ const char *major; /* a= value */ const char *ell; /* elliptical parameter */ const char *name; /* comments */ }; typedef struct PJ_ELLPS PJ_ELLPS; struct PJ_UNITS { const char *id; /* units keyword */ const char *to_meter; /* multiply by value to get meters */ const char *name; /* comments */ double factor; /* to_meter factor in actual numbers */ }; typedef struct PJ_UNITS PJ_UNITS; struct PJ_PRIME_MERIDIANS { const char *id; /* prime meridian keyword */ const char *defn; /* offset from greenwich in DMS format. */ }; typedef struct PJ_PRIME_MERIDIANS PJ_PRIME_MERIDIANS; /* Geodetic, mostly spatiotemporal coordinate types */ typedef struct { double x, y, z, t; } PJ_XYZT; typedef struct { double u, v, w, t; } PJ_UVWT; typedef struct { double lam, phi, z, t; } PJ_LPZT; typedef struct { double o, p, k; } PJ_OPK; /* Rotations: omega, phi, kappa */ typedef struct { double e, n, u; } PJ_ENU; /* East, North, Up */ typedef struct { double s, a1, a2; } PJ_GEOD; /* Geodesic length, fwd azi, rev azi */ /* Classic proj.4 pair/triplet types - moved into the PJ_ name space */ typedef struct { double u, v; } PJ_UV; typedef struct { double x, y; } PJ_XY; typedef struct { double lam, phi; } PJ_LP; typedef struct { double x, y, z; } PJ_XYZ; typedef struct { double u, v, w; } PJ_UVW; typedef struct { double lam, phi, z; } PJ_LPZ; /* Avoid preprocessor renaming and implicit type-punning: Use a union to make it explicit */ union PJ_COORD { double v[4]; /* First and foremost, it really is "just 4 numbers in a vector" */ PJ_XYZT xyzt; PJ_UVWT uvwt; PJ_LPZT lpzt; PJ_GEOD geod; PJ_OPK opk; PJ_ENU enu; PJ_XYZ xyz; PJ_UVW uvw; PJ_LPZ lpz; PJ_XY xy; PJ_UV uv; PJ_LP lp; }; struct PJ_INFO { int major; /* Major release number */ int minor; /* Minor release number */ int patch; /* Patch level */ const char *release; /* Release info. Version + date */ const char *version; /* Full version number */ const char *searchpath; /* Paths where init and grid files are */ /* looked for. Paths are separated by */ /* semi-colons on Windows, and colons */ /* on non-Windows platforms. */ const char * const *paths; size_t path_count; }; struct PJ_PROJ_INFO { const char *id; /* Name of the projection in question */ const char *description; /* Description of the projection */ const char *definition; /* Projection definition */ int has_inverse; /* 1 if an inverse mapping exists, 0 otherwise */ double accuracy; /* Expected accuracy of the transformation. -1 if unknown. */ }; struct PJ_GRID_INFO { char gridname[32]; /* name of grid */ char filename[260]; /* full path to grid */ char format[8]; /* file format of grid */ PJ_LP lowerleft; /* Coordinates of lower left corner */ PJ_LP upperright; /* Coordinates of upper right corner */ int n_lon, n_lat; /* Grid size */ double cs_lon, cs_lat; /* Cell size of grid */ }; struct PJ_INIT_INFO { char name[32]; /* name of init file */ char filename[260]; /* full path to the init file. */ char version[32]; /* version of the init file */ char origin[32]; /* origin of the file, e.g. EPSG */ char lastupdate[16]; /* Date of last update in YYYY-MM-DD format */ }; typedef enum PJ_LOG_LEVEL { PJ_LOG_NONE = 0, PJ_LOG_ERROR = 1, PJ_LOG_DEBUG = 2, PJ_LOG_TRACE = 3, PJ_LOG_TELL = 4, PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MAJOR = 2, /* for proj_api.h compatibility */ PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MINOR = 3 /* for proj_api.h compatibility */ } PJ_LOG_LEVEL; typedef void (*PJ_LOG_FUNCTION)(void *, int, const char *); /* The context type - properly namespaced synonym for projCtx */ struct projCtx_t; typedef struct projCtx_t PJ_CONTEXT; /* A P I */ /** * The objects returned by the functions defined in this section have minimal * interaction with the functions of the * \ref iso19111_functions section, and vice versa. See its introduction * paragraph for more details. */ /* Functionality for handling thread contexts */ #ifdef __cplusplus #define PJ_DEFAULT_CTX nullptr #else #define PJ_DEFAULT_CTX 0 #endif PJ_CONTEXT PROJ_DLL *proj_context_create (void); PJ_CONTEXT PROJ_DLL *proj_context_destroy (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx); PJ_CONTEXT PROJ_DLL *proj_context_clone (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx); /** Callback to resolve a filename to a full path */ typedef const char* (*proj_file_finder) (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char*, void* user_data); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_file_finder(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, proj_file_finder finder, void* user_data); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_search_paths(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int count_paths, const char* const* paths); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_ca_bundle_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *path); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_use_proj4_init_rules(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int enable); int PROJ_DLL proj_context_get_use_proj4_init_rules(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int from_legacy_code_path); /*! @endcond */ /** Opaque structure for PROJ for a file handle. Implementations might cast it to their * structure/class of choice. */ typedef struct PROJ_FILE_HANDLE PROJ_FILE_HANDLE; /** Open access / mode */ typedef enum PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS { /** Read-only access. Equivalent to "rb" */ PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS_READ_ONLY, /** Read-update access. File should be created if not existing. Equivalent to "r+b" */ PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS_READ_UPDATE, /** Create access. File should be truncated to 0-byte if already existing. Equivalent to "w+b" */ PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS_CREATE } PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS; /** File API callbacks */ typedef struct PROJ_FILE_API { /** Version of this structure. Should be set to 1 currently. */ int version; /** Open file. Return NULL if error */ PROJ_FILE_HANDLE* (*open_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *filename, PROJ_OPEN_ACCESS access, void* user_data); /** Read sizeBytes into buffer from current position and return number of bytes read */ size_t (*read_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PROJ_FILE_HANDLE*, void* buffer, size_t sizeBytes, void* user_data); /** Write sizeBytes into buffer from current position and return number of bytes written */ size_t (*write_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PROJ_FILE_HANDLE*, const void* buffer, size_t sizeBytes, void* user_data); /** Seek to offset using whence=SEEK_SET/SEEK_CUR/SEEK_END. Return TRUE in case of success */ int (*seek_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PROJ_FILE_HANDLE*, long long offset, int whence, void* user_data); /** Return current file position */ unsigned long long (*tell_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PROJ_FILE_HANDLE*, void* user_data); /** Close file */ void (*close_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PROJ_FILE_HANDLE*, void* user_data); /** Return TRUE if a file exists */ int (*exists_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *filename, void* user_data); /** Return TRUE if directory exists or could be created */ int (*mkdir_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *filename, void* user_data); /** Return TRUE if file could be removed */ int (*unlink_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *filename, void* user_data); /** Return TRUE if file could be renamed */ int (*rename_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, void* user_data); } PROJ_FILE_API; int PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_fileapi( PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const PROJ_FILE_API* fileapi, void* user_data); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_sqlite3_vfs_name(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* name); /** Opaque structure for PROJ for a network handle. Implementations might cast it to their * structure/class of choice. */ typedef struct PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE; /** Network access: open callback * * Should try to read the size_to_read first bytes at the specified offset of * the file given by URL url, * and write them to buffer. *out_size_read should be updated with the actual * amount of bytes read (== size_to_read if the file is larger than size_to_read). * During this read, the implementation should make sure to store the HTTP * headers from the server response to be able to respond to * proj_network_get_header_value_cbk_type callback. * * error_string_max_size should be the maximum size that can be written into * the out_error_string buffer (including terminating nul character). * * @return a non-NULL opaque handle in case of success. */ typedef PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE* (*proj_network_open_cbk_type)( PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* url, unsigned long long offset, size_t size_to_read, void* buffer, size_t* out_size_read, size_t error_string_max_size, char* out_error_string, void* user_data); /** Network access: close callback */ typedef void (*proj_network_close_cbk_type)(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE* handle, void* user_data); /** Network access: get HTTP headers */ typedef const char* (*proj_network_get_header_value_cbk_type)( PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE* handle, const char* header_name, void* user_data); /** Network access: read range * * Read size_to_read bytes from handle, starting at offset, into * buffer. * During this read, the implementation should make sure to store the HTTP * headers from the server response to be able to respond to * proj_network_get_header_value_cbk_type callback. * * error_string_max_size should be the maximum size that can be written into * the out_error_string buffer (including terminating nul character). * * @return the number of bytes actually read (0 in case of error) */ typedef size_t (*proj_network_read_range_type)( PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE* handle, unsigned long long offset, size_t size_to_read, void* buffer, size_t error_string_max_size, char* out_error_string, void* user_data); int PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_network_callbacks( PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, proj_network_open_cbk_type open_cbk, proj_network_close_cbk_type close_cbk, proj_network_get_header_value_cbk_type get_header_value_cbk, proj_network_read_range_type read_range_cbk, void* user_data); int PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_enable_network(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, int enabled); int PROJ_DLL proj_context_is_network_enabled(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_url_endpoint(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* url); const char PROJ_DLL *proj_context_get_url_endpoint(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx); const char PROJ_DLL *proj_context_get_user_writable_directory(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int create); void PROJ_DLL proj_grid_cache_set_enable(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, int enabled); void PROJ_DLL proj_grid_cache_set_filename(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* fullname); void PROJ_DLL proj_grid_cache_set_max_size(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, int max_size_MB); void PROJ_DLL proj_grid_cache_set_ttl(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, int ttl_seconds); void PROJ_DLL proj_grid_cache_clear(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx); int PROJ_DLL proj_is_download_needed(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* url_or_filename, int ignore_ttl_setting); int PROJ_DLL proj_download_file(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *url_or_filename, int ignore_ttl_setting, int (*progress_cbk)(PJ_CONTEXT *, double pct, void *user_data), void *user_data); /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ /* Manage the transformation definition object PJ */ PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *definition); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_argv (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int argc, char **argv); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_crs_to_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *source_crs, const char *target_crs, PJ_AREA *area); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *source_crs, const PJ *target_crs, PJ_AREA *area, const char* const *options); /*! @endcond Doxygen_Suppress */ PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_normalize_for_visualization(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ* obj); /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ void PROJ_DLL proj_assign_context(PJ* pj, PJ_CONTEXT* ctx); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_destroy (PJ *P); PJ_AREA PROJ_DLL *proj_area_create(void); void PROJ_DLL proj_area_set_bbox(PJ_AREA *area, double west_lon_degree, double south_lat_degree, double east_lon_degree, double north_lat_degree); void PROJ_DLL proj_area_destroy(PJ_AREA* area); /* Apply transformation to observation - in forward or inverse direction */ enum PJ_DIRECTION { PJ_FWD = 1, /* Forward */ PJ_IDENT = 0, /* Do nothing */ PJ_INV = -1 /* Inverse */ }; typedef enum PJ_DIRECTION PJ_DIRECTION; int PROJ_DLL proj_angular_input (PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir); int PROJ_DLL proj_angular_output (PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir); int PROJ_DLL proj_degree_input (PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir); int PROJ_DLL proj_degree_output (PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir); PJ_COORD PROJ_DLL proj_trans (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord); int PROJ_DLL proj_trans_array (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, size_t n, PJ_COORD *coord); size_t PROJ_DLL proj_trans_generic ( PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, double *x, size_t sx, size_t nx, double *y, size_t sy, size_t ny, double *z, size_t sz, size_t nz, double *t, size_t st, size_t nt ); /* Initializers */ PJ_COORD PROJ_DLL proj_coord (double x, double y, double z, double t); /* Measure internal consistency - in forward or inverse direction */ double PROJ_DLL proj_roundtrip (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, int n, PJ_COORD *coord); /* Geodesic distance between two points with angular 2D coordinates */ double PROJ_DLL proj_lp_dist (const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b); /* The geodesic distance AND the vertical offset */ double PROJ_DLL proj_lpz_dist (const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b); /* Euclidean distance between two points with linear 2D coordinates */ double PROJ_DLL proj_xy_dist (PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b); /* Euclidean distance between two points with linear 3D coordinates */ double PROJ_DLL proj_xyz_dist (PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b); /* Geodesic distance (in meter) + fwd and rev azimuth between two points on the ellipsoid */ PJ_COORD PROJ_DLL proj_geod (const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b); /* Set or read error level */ int PROJ_DLL proj_context_errno (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx); int PROJ_DLL proj_errno (const PJ *P); int PROJ_DLL proj_errno_set (const PJ *P, int err); int PROJ_DLL proj_errno_reset (const PJ *P); int PROJ_DLL proj_errno_restore (const PJ *P, int err); const char PROJ_DLL * proj_errno_string (int err); PJ_LOG_LEVEL PROJ_DLL proj_log_level (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_LOG_LEVEL log_level); void PROJ_DLL proj_log_func (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, void *app_data, PJ_LOG_FUNCTION logf); /* Scaling and angular distortion factors */ PJ_FACTORS PROJ_DLL proj_factors(PJ *P, PJ_COORD lp); /* Info functions - get information about various PROJ.4 entities */ PJ_INFO PROJ_DLL proj_info(void); PJ_PROJ_INFO PROJ_DLL proj_pj_info(PJ *P); PJ_GRID_INFO PROJ_DLL proj_grid_info(const char *gridname); PJ_INIT_INFO PROJ_DLL proj_init_info(const char *initname); /* List functions: */ /* Get lists of operations, ellipsoids, units and prime meridians. */ const PJ_OPERATIONS PROJ_DLL *proj_list_operations(void); const PJ_ELLPS PROJ_DLL *proj_list_ellps(void); PROJ_DEPRECATED(const PJ_UNITS PROJ_DLL *proj_list_units(void), "Deprecated by proj_get_units_from_database"); PROJ_DEPRECATED(const PJ_UNITS PROJ_DLL *proj_list_angular_units(void), "Deprecated by proj_get_units_from_database"); const PJ_PRIME_MERIDIANS PROJ_DLL *proj_list_prime_meridians(void); /* These are trivial, and while occasionally useful in real code, primarily here to */ /* simplify demo code, and in acknowledgement of the proj-internal discrepancy between */ /* angular units expected by classical proj, and by Charles Karney's geodesics subsystem */ double PROJ_DLL proj_torad (double angle_in_degrees); double PROJ_DLL proj_todeg (double angle_in_radians); double PROJ_DLL proj_dmstor(const char *is, char **rs); char PROJ_DLL * proj_rtodms(char *s, double r, int pos, int neg); void PROJ_DLL proj_cleanup(void); /*! @endcond */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Binding in C of C++ API */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @defgroup iso19111_types Data types for ISO19111 C API * Data types for ISO19111 C API * @{ */ /** \brief Type representing a NULL terminated list of NULL-terminate strings. */ typedef char **PROJ_STRING_LIST; /** \brief Guessed WKT "dialect". */ typedef enum { /** \ref WKT2_2019 */ PJ_GUESSED_WKT2_2019, /** Deprecated alias for PJ_GUESSED_WKT2_2019 */ PJ_GUESSED_WKT2_2018 = PJ_GUESSED_WKT2_2019, /** \ref WKT2_2015 */ PJ_GUESSED_WKT2_2015, /** \ref WKT1 */ PJ_GUESSED_WKT1_GDAL, /** ESRI variant of WKT1 */ PJ_GUESSED_WKT1_ESRI, /** Not WKT / unrecognized */ PJ_GUESSED_NOT_WKT } PJ_GUESSED_WKT_DIALECT; /** \brief Object category. */ typedef enum { PJ_CATEGORY_ELLIPSOID, PJ_CATEGORY_PRIME_MERIDIAN, PJ_CATEGORY_DATUM, PJ_CATEGORY_CRS, PJ_CATEGORY_COORDINATE_OPERATION } PJ_CATEGORY; /** \brief Object type. */ typedef enum { PJ_TYPE_UNKNOWN, PJ_TYPE_ELLIPSOID, PJ_TYPE_PRIME_MERIDIAN, PJ_TYPE_GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJ_TYPE_DYNAMIC_GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJ_TYPE_VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJ_TYPE_DYNAMIC_VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJ_TYPE_DATUM_ENSEMBLE, /** Abstract type, not returned by proj_get_type() */ PJ_TYPE_CRS, PJ_TYPE_GEODETIC_CRS, PJ_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CRS, /** proj_get_type() will never return that type, but * PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS or PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_3D_CRS. */ PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_CRS, PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS, PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_3D_CRS, PJ_TYPE_VERTICAL_CRS, PJ_TYPE_PROJECTED_CRS, PJ_TYPE_COMPOUND_CRS, PJ_TYPE_TEMPORAL_CRS, PJ_TYPE_ENGINEERING_CRS, PJ_TYPE_BOUND_CRS, PJ_TYPE_OTHER_CRS, PJ_TYPE_CONVERSION, PJ_TYPE_TRANSFORMATION, PJ_TYPE_CONCATENATED_OPERATION, PJ_TYPE_OTHER_COORDINATE_OPERATION, PJ_TYPE_TEMPORAL_DATUM, PJ_TYPE_ENGINEERING_DATUM, PJ_TYPE_PARAMETRIC_DATUM, } PJ_TYPE; /** Comparison criterion. */ typedef enum { /** All properties are identical. */ PJ_COMP_STRICT, /** The objects are equivalent for the purpose of coordinate * operations. They can differ by the name of their objects, * identifiers, other metadata. * Parameters may be expressed in different units, provided that the * value is (with some tolerance) the same once expressed in a * common unit. */ PJ_COMP_EQUIVALENT, /** Same as EQUIVALENT, relaxed with an exception that the axis order * of the base CRS of a DerivedCRS/ProjectedCRS or the axis order of * a GeographicCRS is ignored. Only to be used * with DerivedCRS/ProjectedCRS/GeographicCRS */ PJ_COMP_EQUIVALENT_EXCEPT_AXIS_ORDER_GEOGCRS, } PJ_COMPARISON_CRITERION; /** \brief WKT version. */ typedef enum { /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT2 */ PJ_WKT2_2015, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT2_SIMPLIFIED */ PJ_WKT2_2015_SIMPLIFIED, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT2_2019 */ PJ_WKT2_2019, /** Deprecated alias for PJ_WKT2_2019 */ PJ_WKT2_2018 = PJ_WKT2_2019, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED */ PJ_WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED, /** Deprecated alias for PJ_WKT2_2019 */ PJ_WKT2_2018_SIMPLIFIED = PJ_WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT1_GDAL */ PJ_WKT1_GDAL, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::WKTFormatter::Convention::WKT1_ESRI */ PJ_WKT1_ESRI } PJ_WKT_TYPE; /** Specify how source and target CRS extent should be used to restrict * candidate operations (only taken into account if no explicit area of * interest is specified. */ typedef enum { /** Ignore CRS extent */ PJ_CRS_EXTENT_NONE, /** Test coordinate operation extent against both CRS extent. */ PJ_CRS_EXTENT_BOTH, /** Test coordinate operation extent against the intersection of both CRS extent. */ PJ_CRS_EXTENT_INTERSECTION, /** Test coordinate operation against the smallest of both CRS extent. */ PJ_CRS_EXTENT_SMALLEST } PROJ_CRS_EXTENT_USE; /** Describe how grid availability is used. */ typedef enum { /** Grid availability is only used for sorting results. Operations * where some grids are missing will be sorted last. */ PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_USED_FOR_SORTING, /** Completely discard an operation if a required grid is missing. */ PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_DISCARD_OPERATION_IF_MISSING_GRID, /** Ignore grid availability at all. Results will be presented as if * all grids were available. */ PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_IGNORED, /** Results will be presented as if grids known to PROJ (that is * registered in the grid_alternatives table of its database) were * available. Used typically when networking is enabled. */ PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_KNOWN_AVAILABLE, } PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_USE; /** \brief PROJ string version. */ typedef enum { /** cf osgeo::proj::io::PROJStringFormatter::Convention::PROJ_5 */ PJ_PROJ_5, /** cf osgeo::proj::io::PROJStringFormatter::Convention::PROJ_4 */ PJ_PROJ_4 } PJ_PROJ_STRING_TYPE; /** Spatial criterion to restrict candidate operations. */ typedef enum { /** The area of validity of transforms should strictly contain the * are of interest. */ PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION_STRICT_CONTAINMENT, /** The area of validity of transforms should at least intersect the * area of interest. */ PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION_PARTIAL_INTERSECTION } PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION; /** Describe if and how intermediate CRS should be used */ typedef enum { /** Always search for intermediate CRS. */ PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE_ALWAYS, /** Only attempt looking for intermediate CRS if there is no direct * transformation available. */ PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE_IF_NO_DIRECT_TRANSFORMATION, /* Do not attempt looking for intermediate CRS. */ PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE_NEVER, } PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE; /** Type of coordinate system. */ typedef enum { PJ_CS_TYPE_UNKNOWN, PJ_CS_TYPE_CARTESIAN, PJ_CS_TYPE_ELLIPSOIDAL, PJ_CS_TYPE_VERTICAL, PJ_CS_TYPE_SPHERICAL, PJ_CS_TYPE_ORDINAL, PJ_CS_TYPE_PARAMETRIC, PJ_CS_TYPE_DATETIMETEMPORAL, PJ_CS_TYPE_TEMPORALCOUNT, PJ_CS_TYPE_TEMPORALMEASURE } PJ_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE; /** \brief Structure given overall description of a CRS. * * This structure may grow over time, and should not be directly allocated by * client code. */ typedef struct { /** Authority name. */ char* auth_name; /** Object code. */ char* code; /** Object name. */ char* name; /** Object type. */ PJ_TYPE type; /** Whether the object is deprecated */ int deprecated; /** Whereas the west_lon_degree, south_lat_degree, east_lon_degree and * north_lat_degree fields are valid. */ int bbox_valid; /** Western-most longitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double west_lon_degree; /** Southern-most latitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double south_lat_degree; /** Eastern-most longitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double east_lon_degree; /** Northern-most latitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double north_lat_degree; /** Name of the area of use. */ char* area_name; /** Name of the projection method for a projected CRS. Might be NULL even *for projected CRS in some cases. */ char* projection_method_name; } PROJ_CRS_INFO; /** \brief Structure describing optional parameters for proj_get_crs_list(); * * This structure may grow over time, and should not be directly allocated by * client code. */ typedef struct { /** Array of allowed object types. Should be NULL if all types are allowed*/ const PJ_TYPE* types; /** Size of types. Should be 0 if all types are allowed*/ size_t typesCount; /** If TRUE and bbox_valid == TRUE, then only CRS whose area of use * entirely contains the specified bounding box will be returned. * If FALSE and bbox_valid == TRUE, then only CRS whose area of use * intersects the specified bounding box will be returned. */ int crs_area_of_use_contains_bbox; /** To set to TRUE so that west_lon_degree, south_lat_degree, * east_lon_degree and north_lat_degree fields are taken into account. */ int bbox_valid; /** Western-most longitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double west_lon_degree; /** Southern-most latitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double south_lat_degree; /** Eastern-most longitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double east_lon_degree; /** Northern-most latitude of the area of use, in degrees. */ double north_lat_degree; /** Whether deprecated objects are allowed. Default to FALSE. */ int allow_deprecated; } PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS; /** \brief Structure given description of a unit. * * This structure may grow over time, and should not be directly allocated by * client code. * @since 7.1 */ typedef struct { /** Authority name. */ char* auth_name; /** Object code. */ char* code; /** Object name. For example "metre", "US survey foot", etc. */ char* name; /** Category of the unit: one of "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", * "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time" or "time" */ char* category; /** Conversion factor to apply to transform from that unit to the * corresponding SI unit (metre for "linear", radian for "angular", etc.). * It might be 0 in some cases to indicate no known conversion factor. */ double conv_factor; /** PROJ short name, like "m", "ft", "us-ft", etc... Might be NULL */ char* proj_short_name; /** Whether the object is deprecated */ int deprecated; } PROJ_UNIT_INFO; /**@}*/ /** * \defgroup iso19111_functions Binding in C of basic methods from the C++ API * Functions for ISO19111 C API * * The PJ* objects returned by proj_create_from_wkt(), * proj_create_from_database() and other functions in that section * will have generally minimal interaction with the functions declared in the * upper section of this header file (calling those functions on those objects * will either return an error or default/non-sensical values). The exception is * for ISO19111 objects of type CoordinateOperation that can be exported as a * valid PROJ pipeline. In this case, the PJ objects will work for example with * proj_trans_generic(). * Conversely, objects returned by proj_create() and proj_create_argv(), which * are not of type CRS, will return an error when used with functions of this section. * @{ */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ typedef struct PJ_OBJ_LIST PJ_OBJ_LIST; /*! @endcond */ void PROJ_DLL proj_string_list_destroy(PROJ_STRING_LIST list); void PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_autoclose_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int autoclose); int PROJ_DLL proj_context_set_database_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *dbPath, const char *const *auxDbPaths, const char* const *options); const char PROJ_DLL *proj_context_get_database_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx); const char PROJ_DLL *proj_context_get_database_metadata(PJ_CONTEXT* ctx, const char* key); PJ_GUESSED_WKT_DIALECT PROJ_DLL proj_context_guess_wkt_dialect(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *wkt); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_from_wkt(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *wkt, const char* const *options, PROJ_STRING_LIST *out_warnings, PROJ_STRING_LIST *out_grammar_errors); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_create_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *code, PJ_CATEGORY category, int usePROJAlternativeGridNames, const char* const *options); int PROJ_DLL proj_uom_get_info_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *code, const char **out_name, double *out_conv_factor, const char **out_category); int PROJ_DLL proj_grid_get_info_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *grid_name, const char **out_full_name, const char **out_package_name, const char **out_url, int *out_direct_download, int *out_open_license, int *out_available); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_clone(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); PJ_OBJ_LIST PROJ_DLL *proj_create_from_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *searchedName, const PJ_TYPE* types, size_t typesCount, int approximateMatch, size_t limitResultCount, const char* const *options); PJ_TYPE PROJ_DLL proj_get_type(const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_is_deprecated(const PJ *obj); PJ_OBJ_LIST PROJ_DLL *proj_get_non_deprecated(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_is_equivalent_to(const PJ *obj, const PJ *other, PJ_COMPARISON_CRITERION criterion); int PROJ_DLL proj_is_equivalent_to_with_ctx(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const PJ *other, PJ_COMPARISON_CRITERION criterion); int PROJ_DLL proj_is_crs(const PJ *obj); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_get_name(const PJ *obj); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_get_id_auth_name(const PJ *obj, int index); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_get_id_code(const PJ *obj, int index); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_get_remarks(const PJ *obj); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_get_scope(const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_get_area_of_use(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, double* out_west_lon_degree, double* out_south_lat_degree, double* out_east_lon_degree, double* out_north_lat_degree, const char **out_area_name); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_as_wkt(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, PJ_WKT_TYPE type, const char* const *options); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_as_proj_string(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, PJ_PROJ_STRING_TYPE type, const char* const *options); const char PROJ_DLL* proj_as_projjson(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char* const *options); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_get_source_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_get_target_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); PJ_OBJ_LIST PROJ_DLL *proj_identify(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *auth_name, const char* const *options, int **out_confidence); void PROJ_DLL proj_int_list_destroy(int* list); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROJ_STRING_LIST PROJ_DLL proj_get_authorities_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx); PROJ_STRING_LIST PROJ_DLL proj_get_codes_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, PJ_TYPE type, int allow_deprecated); PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS PROJ_DLL *proj_get_crs_list_parameters_create(void); void PROJ_DLL proj_get_crs_list_parameters_destroy( PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS* params); PROJ_CRS_INFO PROJ_DLL **proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS* params, int *out_result_count); void PROJ_DLL proj_crs_info_list_destroy(PROJ_CRS_INFO** list); PROJ_UNIT_INFO PROJ_DLL **proj_get_units_from_database( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *category, int allow_deprecated, int *out_result_count); void PROJ_DLL proj_unit_list_destroy(PROJ_UNIT_INFO** list); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ typedef struct PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT; /*! @endcond */ PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT PROJ_DLL *proj_create_operation_factory_context( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *authority); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_destroy( PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *ctx); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_desired_accuracy( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, double accuracy); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_area_of_interest( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, double west_lon_degree, double south_lat_degree, double east_lon_degree, double north_lat_degree); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_crs_extent_use( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_CRS_EXTENT_USE use); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_spatial_criterion( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION criterion); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_grid_availability_use( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_USE use); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_use_proj_alternative_grid_names( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int usePROJNames); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_allow_use_intermediate_crs( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE use); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_allowed_intermediate_crs( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, const char* const *list_of_auth_name_codes); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_discard_superseded( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int discard); void PROJ_DLL proj_operation_factory_context_set_allow_ballpark_transformations( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int allow); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PJ_OBJ_LIST PROJ_DLL *proj_create_operations( PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *source_crs, const PJ *target_crs, const PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *operationContext); int PROJ_DLL proj_list_get_count(const PJ_OBJ_LIST *result); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_list_get(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ_OBJ_LIST *result, int index); void PROJ_DLL proj_list_destroy(PJ_OBJ_LIST *result); int PROJ_DLL proj_get_suggested_operation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OBJ_LIST *operations, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_horizontal_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_sub_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs, int index); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_datum_ensemble(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_datum_forced(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); int PROJ_DLL proj_datum_ensemble_get_member_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble); double PROJ_DLL proj_datum_ensemble_get_accuracy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_datum_ensemble_get_member(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble, int member_index); double PROJ_DLL proj_dynamic_datum_get_frame_reference_epoch(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); PJ_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE PROJ_DLL proj_cs_get_type(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs); int PROJ_DLL proj_cs_get_axis_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs); int PROJ_DLL proj_cs_get_axis_info(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs, int index, const char **out_name, const char **out_abbrev, const char **out_direction, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name, const char **out_unit_auth_name, const char **out_unit_code); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_get_ellipsoid(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_ellipsoid_get_parameters(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *ellipsoid, double *out_semi_major_metre, double *out_semi_minor_metre, int *out_is_semi_minor_computed, double *out_inv_flattening); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_get_prime_meridian(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_prime_meridian_get_parameters(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *prime_meridian, double *out_longitude, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_crs_get_coordoperation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_method_info(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, const char **out_method_name, const char **out_method_auth_name, const char **out_method_code); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_is_instantiable(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_has_ballpark_transformation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_param_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_param_index(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, const char *name); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_param(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, int index, const char **out_name, const char **out_auth_name, const char **out_code, double *out_value, const char **out_value_string, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name, const char **out_unit_auth_name, const char **out_unit_code, const char **out_unit_category); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, int index, const char **out_short_name, const char **out_full_name, const char **out_package_name, const char **out_url, int *out_direct_download, int *out_open_license, int *out_available); double PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_accuracy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_coordoperation_get_towgs84_values(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, double *out_values, int value_count, int emit_error_if_incompatible); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_coordoperation_create_inverse(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj); int PROJ_DLL proj_concatoperation_get_step_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *concatoperation); PJ PROJ_DLL *proj_concatoperation_get_step(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *concatoperation, int i_step); /**@}*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* ndef PROJ_H */