a xaG @sdZddZddZdS)zConvert a NT pathname to a file URL and vice versa. This module only exists to provide OS-specific code for urllib.requests, thus do not use directly. cCsddl}ddl}|dd}d|vr\|dddkr@|dd}|d}|jd |S|d}t|dks|dd |jvrd |}t ||dd  }|d d}|d}|D]}|r|d |j|}q| dr| dr|d 7}|S) z{OS-specific conversion from a relative URL of the 'file' scheme to a file system path; not recommended for general use.N:|z/////\z Bad URL: ) string urllib.parsereplacesplitparseZunquotejoinlenZ ascii_lettersOSErrorupperendswith)Zurlr urllib componentscomperrordrivepathr /usr/lib/python3.9/nturl2path.py url2pathnames(     rcCs4ddl}|dddkrf|dd}|dddkrJd|dd}n|ddd krftd |d |vr|ddd krd |}|d}|jd |S|jd dd }t|dkst|ddkrd |}t||j|d}|dd}d|d }|D] }|r|d |j|}q|S)z{OS-specific conversion from a file system path to a relative URL of the 'file' scheme; not recommended for general use.rNrz\\?\zUNC\rr rrz Bad path: z\\r)maxsplitz///)r rrr rZquoterr)prrrrrrrrr pathname2url-s.    rN)__doc__rrrrrrs%