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See issue27919 for details.,r0rrSzY'extra_path' option must be a list, tuple, or comma-separated string with 1 or 2 elementsrR) rDrqrri isinstancestrrolenrr path_filer)rLrrs rMrzinstall.handle_extra_path3s ? ""/:DO ? & H.   $/3// ="&/"7"7"<"<4?##q(()-);; JJT_%%**(,% ::*DEEE &j11JJIJ#$rOc ~|D]9}d|z}t||t|jt||:dS)z:Change the install directories pointed by name using root.rN)rr r7rrs rMrzinstall.change_rootsUsT M MD$D D$ DIwtT7J7J K K L L L L M MrOcp|jsdSttjd}|jD]f\}}||rLtj|s-| d|ztj |dgdS)zCreate directories under ~.N~zos.makedirs('%s', 0o700)i) r.r rgrrrvitems startswithisdir debug_printmakedirs)rLr3rhrs rMr}zinstall.create_home_path[sy  FBG..s3344*0022 ) )JD$t$$ )RW]]4-@-@ )  !;d!BCCC D%((( ) )rOc|js\|d|jdj}|jr!|t krtd|D]}|||j r| |j r| }|j rFt|j }tt|D]}|||d||<|t"|j |fd|j zt%t&jjt,j}t%t&jj|}t&jt&j|j}|jr.|j r|js$||vrt5jd|jdSdSdSdS)zRuns the command.rfz"Can't install when cross-compilingNz'writing list of installed files to '%s'zmodules installed to '%s', which is not in Python's module search path (sys.path) -- you'll have to change the search path yourself)rF run_commandrqget_command_obj plat_namerGr rget_sub_commandsrcreate_path_filerJ get_outputsr7rrangeexecuter maprgrrrmnormcaser;rErr)rL build_platcmd_nameoutputsroot_lencountersys_pathr;s rMrunz install.rungs# @   W % % %*::7CCMJ} @|~~!=!=,.?@@@--// ' 'H   X & & & & > $  ! ! # # # ; &&&((Gy Cty>>$S\\22CCG'.w'7 'BGG$$ LL+w/B% & & & rw'22rw'22g&&rw'7'78H'I'IJJ M ) )$($: ) x ' ' IH' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ' ' ) )rOctj|j|jdz}|jr)|t||jgfd|zdS| d|zdS)zCreates the .pth file.pthz creating %szpath file '%s' not createdN) rgrrrrrErr rri)rLfilenames rMrzinstall.create_path_files7<< 4 $ 799  ! ? LL"T_$56&1 3 3 3 3 3 II2X= > > > > >rOc^g}|D]G}||}|D]}||vr||H|jrG|jr@|t j|j |jdz|S)z.Assembles the outputs of all the sub-commands.r) rget_finalized_commandrappendrrErgrrr)rLrrcmdrs rMrzinstall.get_outputss--// - -H,,X66C OO-- - -7**NN8,,, - > Bd4 B NN27<<(<(,(?AA B B BrOcg}|D]>}||}||?|S)z*Returns the inputs of all the sub-commands)rrextend get_inputs)rLinputsrrs rMrzinstall.get_inputss[--// , ,H,,X66C MM#..** + + + + rOcf|jp|jS)zSReturns true if the current distribution has any Python modules to install.)rqhas_pure_moduleshas_ext_modulesrKs rMhas_libzinstall.has_libs2!22444!1133 5rOc4|jS)zLReturns true if the current distribution has any headers to install.)rq has_headersrKs rMrzinstall.has_headers ,,...rOc4|jS)zMReturns true if the current distribution has any scripts to. install.)rq has_scriptsrKs rMrzinstall.has_scriptsrrOc4|jS)zJReturns true if the current distribution has any data to. install.)rqhas_data_filesrKs rMhas_datazinstall.has_datas //111rOr;r:r<r=install_egg_infocdS)NTrKs rMzinstall.sTrO) __name__ __module__ __qualname__ descriptionrboolean_optionsr>rrrrNrrjrkrlrrrzr|rrrr}rrrrrrrr sub_commandsrrOrMr&r&rs;K< < < L|988O'VT@9LN O O Ov&&& 9-LKKKhU?U?U?t111&919191vMMM,555)))III AAA CCC % % %DMMM )))*)*)*)X ? ? ?"555 /// /// 222#0& 4& 4#1')9)9: LLLrOr&)+__doc__rmrwrgre distutilsrdistutils.corerdistutils.debugrdistutils.sysconfigrrdistutils.errorsrdistutils.file_utilr distutils.utilr r r r rsiterrr>rrrdistutils_scheme_namesys_scheme_namesys_key_INSTALL_SCHEMES sys_schememain_keyrvaluesubreplacerur&rrOrMr s_//  """"""!!!!!!GGGGGGGG333333******@@@@@@@@@@''''''111111$& C #%2R@@GDHULHT!  ! ! 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