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overlay bundle filesREPOscwdschange working directorysDIRysnoninteractivesBdo not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all promptsqsquietssuppress outputvverbosesenable additional outputscolors9when to colorize (boolean, always, auto, never, or debug)sTYPEconfigs5set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')sCONFIGsdebugsenable debugging outputsdebuggersstart debuggersencodingsset the charset encodingsENCODEs encodingmodesset the charset encoding modesMODEs tracebacks%always print a traceback on exceptionstimestime how long the command takessprofilesprint command execution profileversions#output version information and exithhelpsdisplay help and exitshiddenFsconsider hidden changesetsspagersautos2when to paginate (boolean, always, auto, or never)abortT) helpcategory helpbasicc |d}tj|}|s!tjt d|js=tjt d|jz| |r,| t d|jzdS|||S)zabort an unfinished operation (EXPERIMENTAL) Aborts a multistep operation like graft, histedit, rebase, merge, and unshelve if they are in an unfinished state. use --dry-run/-n to dry run the command. dry_runno operation in progresss.%s in progress but does not support 'hg abort'hints %s in progress, will be aborted N) getrgetunfinishedstater StateErrorr abortfunc InputError_opnamerMstatus)r4repooptsdryrun abortstates 4/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mercurial/commands.pyabortrZsXXi F+D11J ?q!<==>>>   CDD%'""      2 3 3z7I J       D ) ))r=adds[OPTION]... [FILE]...)rGrH inferrepoctj|d|tj|}tj|d}t j|||d|dfi|}|rdpdS)aadd the specified files on the next commit Schedule files to be version controlled and added to the repository. The files will be added to the repository at the next commit. To undo an add before that, see :hg:`forget`. If no names are given, add all files to the repository (except files matching ``.hgignore``). .. container:: verbose Examples: - New (unknown) files are added automatically by :hg:`add`:: $ ls foo.c $ hg status ? foo.c $ hg add adding foo.c $ hg status A foo.c - Specific files to be added can be specified:: $ ls bar.c foo.c $ hg status ? bar.c ? foo.c $ hg add bar.c $ hg status A bar.c ? foo.c Returns 0 if all files are successfully added. NTlegacyrelativevaluer=Frr)r.matchr( byteskwargs getuipathfnradd)r4rUpatsrVmuipathfnrejecteds rYrcrcslf  d4j$( Qr= addremove)rGr\ctj|}|dsd|d<tj|d||}tj||}tj||}tj||d||S)aadd all new files, delete all missing files Add all new files and remove all missing files from the repository. Unless names are given, new files are ignored if they match any of the patterns in ``.hgignore``. As with add, these changes take effect at the next commit. Use the -s/--similarity option to detect renamed files. This option takes a percentage between 0 (disabled) and 100 (files must be identical) as its parameter. With a parameter greater than 0, this compares every removed file with every added file and records those similar enough as renames. Detecting renamed files this way can be expensive. After using this option, :hg:`status -C` can be used to check which files were identified as moved or renamed. If not specified, -s/--similarity defaults to 100 and only renames of identical files are detected. .. container:: verbose Examples: - A number of files (bar.c and foo.c) are new, while foobar.c has been removed (without using :hg:`remove`) from the repository:: $ ls bar.c foo.c $ hg status ! foobar.c ? bar.c ? foo.c $ hg addremove adding bar.c adding foo.c removing foobar.c $ hg status A bar.c A foo.c R foobar.c - A file foobar.c was moved to foo.c without using :hg:`rename`. Afterwards, it was edited slightly:: $ ls foo.c $ hg status ! foobar.c ? foo.c $ hg addremove --similarity 90 removing foobar.c adding foo.c recording removal of foobar.c as rename to foo.c (94% similar) $ hg status -C A foo.c foobar.c R foobar.c Returns 0 if all files are successfully added. similaritys100Nr^r=)r(rarNr.r`anypatsrb addremove)r4rUrdrVmatcherrelativerfs rYrlrlsJ   % %D 88M " "%$]mDJd33GtT**H"4XFFFH  T7C4 @ @@r=sannotate|blamerrevsannotate the specified revisionsREVfollows8follow copies/renames and list the filename (DEPRECATED)s no-followsdon't follow copies and renamesatextstreat all files as textuuserslist the author (long with -v)ffileslist the filenameddateslist the date (short with -q)nnumbers"list the revision number (default)c changesetslist the changesetls line-numbers(show line number at the first appearanceskips$revset to not display (EXPERIMENTAL)s3[-r REV] [-f] [-a] [-u] [-d] [-n] [-c] [-l] FILE...c   !"#$%tj|s!tjt ddrdd<dsDds/dsdsdd<d d u}|rKds6ds!tjt d d }|rt j|gd tj || d| d}|j r tj %nd%|jr tj}n tj}(drfd}nfd}%fd} n dj}%} ddd|jfd dd|fddd| fdddt+j|fdddtjfdddtjfg} dddd d#|rd !nd!!|!#fd"| D} | d#d#d$f| d#<d#fd%| D} d&} t j|| '}d( }t9j|dd)}d*}|rtj|}t jd+} |D]b}|}|!|"|,d-sC|#r/|$t d.||z|%d/d01}|&|||2}|s|'g}g}| D]\ $ fd3|D}|r>d4|D}tQ|"|)"$fd5|Dn&|)d6gtU|z|)|tWtW|tW||D]\ }}|!|,|j-7|j.| d$ g|R|j/rd8}nd9}|.d:||j0|d;j01d<s|$d<|'d|'d S)=a show changeset information by line for each file List changes in files, showing the revision id responsible for each line. This command is useful for discovering when a change was made and by whom. If you include --file, --user, or --date, the revision number is suppressed unless you also include --number. Without the -a/--text option, annotate will avoid processing files it detects as binary. With -a, annotate will annotate the file anyway, although the results will probably be neither useful nor desirable. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :lines: List of lines with annotation data. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the specified file. And each entry of ``{lines}`` provides the following sub-keywords in addition to ``{date}``, ``{node}``, ``{rev}``, ``{user}``, etc. :line: String. Line content. :lineno: Integer. Line number at that revision. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file at that revision. See :hg:`help templates.operators` for the list expansion syntax. Returns 0 on success. s,at least one filename or pattern is requiredrqTrwrur}ryr{ line_numberNs(at least one of -n/-c is required for -lrpnowarnsannotatec|ddS)N )hs rYshorthexzannotate..shorthexsSbS6Mr=cv|tkr)dzSd|zS)N%drp1revrctxs rY formatrevzannotate..formatrevs1'>> 36688<<>>11 3;&r=cv|tkr)dzSd|zS)Ns%d+s%d rrs rYrzannotate..formatrevs1'>>!CFFHHLLNN22!C<'r=c|jjkr?dtzSd|zS)Ns%s+%s ) nodeconstantswdirhexrrnode)rrrUrs rY formathexzannotate..formathexsTD&...SVVXX]]__)=)= > >>> ++r=r c4|jSN)fctxuserxs rYzannotate..!&++--r=c4tj|jSr)r.intrevrrs rYrzannotate..s!7!7r=nodecNttj|jSr)rr.binnoderrs rYrzannotate..s#goaf&=&=">">r=c4|jSr)rdaters rYrzannotate..rr=pathc4|jSr)rpathrs rYrzannotate..rr=lineno:c|jSr)linenors rYrzannotate..sAHr=)rprrrcfdS)Nc,|Srr)rfmtrNs rYrz,annotate..makefunc..sSSQ[[r=rrNrs``rYmakefunczannotate..makefuncs((((( (r=c|Srrrs rYrzannotate..makefuncsJr=cg|]B\}}}}||s|v4|||fCSrrN) .0fnseprNrdatahintr opnamemaprVs rY zannotate..sg BS# 88IMM"b)) * */1Hnn #s  S!.zannotate..sa BS# 88IMM"b)) * */1Hnn ..badsyAq61222r=)badfns no_follow)section whitespacerr^rrss%s: binary file sliness {rev}: {line}tmpl)followskiprevsdiffoptsc&g|] }|Srr)rnfs rYrzannotate../s!%%%!1%%%r=c6g|]}tj|Sr)rcolwidth)rrs rYrzannotate..1s#999!*1--999r=c,g|]}d|z zzdzS)r%sr)rwmlrs rYrzannotate..3s+MMM!db1fo 5 =MMMr=r)rs* %ss: %ssline )2r(rarrRrrNr.unhidehashlikerevsr revsinglepagerr debugflagidentityquietr9 shortdatedatestrr__mod__ shortuserr5 cachefuncbytestrisplainrjoinr`r&difffeatureoptsrevrangerbwalk startitemdataisbinaryplainnestedannotateendmaxappendlenzipcontextrwriteskiptextendswith)&r4rUrdrV linenumberrrootfmdatefuncrropmapfuncmapfieldsrrerrrrfabsrfmlinesformatspieceslsizesprrrrrrrrrrs& ` ` @@@@@@@@rYrrSsZ   % %D   = > >    xx W  HHW  &&!!!!  Y.))5JO,''O)$$O q!LMMNNN ((6  C B)$yAA  tS ) )CHH[ \\+t , ,F |$    x$%# wwyy 88L ! ! ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ( ( ( (  , , , , , , , ,M   $//> 77C $>> J $//1I1IJ $//1AB D,,h.>?  E! I~~ ) ) ) )      H!&G !*Q-%GAJ YY!&F 333  c4S111A,'' 'F$ D+$Hxx  H7&tX66"4TBBBHxx{{((3x  xx   T]]__  LL/0088C==@ A A A  ]]8*:] ; ; Hx    FFHHH   FAs%%%%u%%%Azz|| 199q999ZZMMMMMuMMMNNNNwQ/000 MM!    3=#v,>> + +GAq! LLNNN JJAFJ # # # BHVSXXa[[ -1 - - - -v  HHWc16 * * * *Ry~&&u--  HHUOOO  JJLLLLLr=sarchives no-decodes"do not pass files through decoderspprefixs%directory prefix for files in archivesPREFIXsrevision to distributettypestype of distribution to creates[OPTION]... DEST)rGc tj|}|d}|rtj||gd}t j||}|s!tjtd| }tj ||}tj||jkr!tjtd|dpt#j|pd}|d}|dkre|dkr!tjtd tj||}|s'tj|jd z}tj ||}tj|g|} t#j|||||d  | ||d  dS)a create an unversioned archive of a repository revision By default, the revision used is the parent of the working directory; use -r/--rev to specify a different revision. The archive type is automatically detected based on file extension (to override, use -t/--type). .. container:: verbose Examples: - create a zip file containing the 1.0 release:: hg archive -r 1.0 project-1.0.zip - create a tarball excluding .hg files:: hg archive project.tar.gz -X ".hg*" Valid types are: :``files``: a directory full of files (default) :``tar``: tar archive, uncompressed :``tbz2``: tar archive, compressed using bzip2 :``tgz``: tar archive, compressed using gzip :``txz``: tar archive, compressed using lzma (only in Python 3) :``uzip``: zip archive, uncompressed :``zip``: zip archive, compressed using deflate The exact name of the destination archive or directory is given using a format string; see :hg:`help export` for details. Each member added to an archive file has a directory prefix prepended. Use -p/--prefix to specify a format string for the prefix. The default is the basename of the archive, with suffixes removed. Returns 0 on success. rprs/no working directory: please specify a revisions%repository root cannot be destinationrfilesr-s$cannot archive plain files to stdouts-%hs no_decodesubrepos)subreposN)r(rarNr.rr rrrRrrr makefilenameosrrealpathrootr guesskind makefileobjbasenamer`archive) r4rUdestrVrrrkindprefixr`s rYrrIsz   % %D ((6  C B)$yAA  tS ) )C   @ A A    88::D  T * *D w**q!IJJKKK 88G   D 24 8 8 DHD XXi F t|| 8  "1%L#M#MNN N"3-- :W%%di0069F  !#v . .F M#r4 ( (E     HH\ " "" +&&      r=backoutmerges,merge with old dirstate parent after backoutcommits4commit if no conflicts were encountered (DEPRECATED)s no-commits do not commitparents4parent to choose when backing out merge (DEPRECATED)srevision to backouteedits invoke editor on commit messagess[OPTION]... [-r] REVc |5|5t||||fi|cdddcdddS#1swxYwYddddS#1swxYwYdS)axreverse effect of earlier changeset Prepare a new changeset with the effect of REV undone in the current working directory. If no conflicts were encountered, it will be committed immediately. If REV is the parent of the working directory, then this new changeset is committed automatically (unless --no-commit is specified). .. note:: :hg:`backout` cannot be used to fix either an unwanted or incorrect merge. .. container:: verbose Examples: - Reverse the effect of the parent of the working directory. This backout will be committed immediately:: hg backout -r . - Reverse the effect of previous bad revision 23:: hg backout -r 23 - Reverse the effect of previous bad revision 23 and leave changes uncommitted:: hg backout -r 23 --no-commit hg commit -m "Backout revision 23" By default, the pending changeset will have one parent, maintaining a linear history. With --merge, the pending changeset will instead have two parents: the old parent of the working directory and a new child of REV that simply undoes REV. Before version 1.7, the behavior without --merge was equivalent to specifying --merge followed by :hg:`update --clean .` to cancel the merge and leave the child of REV as a head to be merged separately. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. See :hg:`help revert` for a way to restore files to the state of another revision. Returns 0 on success, 1 if nothing to backout or there are unresolved files. N)wlocklock _dobackout)r4rUrrrVs rYbackoutr#sj 77tyy{{77"dD#666677777777777777777777777777777777777777777s3A+A A+A A+A A++A/2A/c tj|dddgtj|}|r#r!t jt d|s}|s!t jt d|d}|rtj ||d<tj tj tj |}|j\}}j|s!t jt dj\} } | jkr!t jt d| jkr|d s!t jt d |d } | | | fvr@t jt d t+| t+fz| } n8|d r!t jt d | } j} | }t1j t3| }|d s|krt5jd5d|ddi}||d5t9j|| }dddn #1swxYwY||dddn #1swxYwYt?j ||j!r)j"#t ddSnGt?j$dj%| tj&|||dr6t d}|#|t+zdSfd}j'}tj(||g|}|s$|#t ddStj)|| ||fd}|#t d|||fz|d r|krt?j$|d|#t d||zd|ddi}||d5t?j*dcdddS#1swxYwYdS) N no_commitcommitr! please specify just one revisions$please specify a revision to backoutrys-cannot backout change that is not an ancestors'cannot backout a change with no parentsrs cannot backout a merge changesets%s is not a parent of %ss*cannot use --parent on non-merge changesetrruis forcemergetoolr=)parents1use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges rF show_stats no_commits1changeset %s backed out, don't forget to commit. rc&d}tjd d|itj|}|s(dt z}tjd|}|||d|d||S) NreditformsBacked out changeset %sT)editr0ruryeditorr)rgetcommiteditorr( strkwargsrr&rN)r4rUmessager`rVr0ers rY commitfuncz_dobackout..commitfuncNs  #   !)!3D!9!9   F05;;>G'THEEEA{{ TXXg&&(9(95   r=nothing changed c\dj|t|fzS)Ns%d:%s) changelogrr)rrUs rYnicez_dobackout..niceds)4>--d33U4[[AAAr=s$changeset %s backs out changeset %s smerging with changeset %s tip)+rcheck_incompatible_argumentsr(rarrRrrNr9 parsedatecheckunfinished bailifchangedr rrdirstateparentsr; isancestornullidlookuprbranch branchheadsr.rrconfigoverridemergemodback_out setparentsr _showstatsunresolvedcountr4rTclean setbranchreverttipr& commitstatusr!)r4rUrrrVrrop1op2rp2rr+rGbheadsrctx overridesstatsmsgr8rRnewnoder<s `` rYr"r"s ({Xw $ $T3 / /  > ? ?   ^ # #D ) )FB T[q!KLLMMM T[xx "" K"1%H#I#IJJ J KKY ( ( RH  "-..%((E$KK1HH  88I   "?@@ ] ! ! # #F   f % %F  T3v;; / /D 88H  '#++  (z : : & &/'31G1GHI""9j99 D D )#d6lCCC D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D OOC % % %  & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & dE"""    GNNGHH   1   t.... '''r4&&& xx EFF #d #$$$q       .    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[NAME]...c tj|}|d}|d}|d}tj|ddd}|rtj||dgn|s|rd}n|rd}nd}tj|dddg|s%|dvr!t jtd |d vr| 5| 5| d 5}|dkr7tj |j j|}tj|||n<|dkr|s!t jtd t#|d kr!t jtd|j |d} tj||| |d||n|dkrtj||||||n|dkryt#|j dkr#|tdn>|js#|tdntj|dddn #1swxYwYdddn #1swxYwYddddS#1swxYwYdS|dkrgtj |j j|}|d|5} tj||| |ddddS#1swxYwYdSt jd|z)axcreate a new bookmark or list existing bookmarks Bookmarks are labels on changesets to help track lines of development. Bookmarks are unversioned and can be moved, renamed and deleted. Deleting or moving a bookmark has no effect on the associated changesets. Creating or updating to a bookmark causes it to be marked as 'active'. The active bookmark is indicated with a '*'. When a commit is made, the active bookmark will advance to the new commit. A plain :hg:`update` will also advance an active bookmark, if possible. Updating away from a bookmark will cause it to be deactivated. Bookmarks can be pushed and pulled between repositories (see :hg:`help push` and :hg:`help pull`). If a shared bookmark has diverged, a new 'divergent bookmark' of the form 'name@path' will be created. Using :hg:`merge` will resolve the divergence. Specifying bookmark as '.' to -m/-d/-l options is equivalent to specifying the active bookmark's name. A bookmark named '@' has the special property that :hg:`clone` will check it out by default if it exists. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions such as ``{bookmark}``. See also :hg:`help templates`. :active: Boolean. True if the bookmark is active. Examples: - create an active bookmark for a new line of development:: hg book new-feature - create an inactive bookmark as a place marker:: hg book -i reviewed - create an inactive bookmark on another changeset:: hg book -r .^ tested - rename bookmark turkey to dinner:: hg book -m turkey dinner - move the '@' bookmark from another branch:: hg book -f @ - print only the active bookmark name:: hg book -ql . rrprrrrr[>r[rsbookmark name required>r[rrrbookmarksnew bookmark name requiredrs"only one new bookmark name allowedrsno bookmarks set sno active bookmark N bookmarkssinvalid action: %s)r(rarNrcheck_at_most_one_argr>rrRrr r! transactionmaplist _bookmarks expandnamer deleterrename addbookmarksrT_activebookmark deactivaterprintbookmarksProgrammingError) r4rUnamesrVforcerinactiveactiontroldnamers rYbookmarkrs}T   % %D HHX  E ((6  Cxx $$H  *4Iw O OF ,T6F8DDDD #  ( kIw/ =V222q!:;;<<< <<< ZZ\\ / /499;; / /(8(8(E(E /"" ()CUKK r511119$$*1-J+K+KLLLZZ!^^*?@@/44T)_EE r7E!HeXNNNN6!!&tRUHMMMM;&&t''1,,IIa 5667777-/IIa 7889999(...+ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /, 7   !;UCC \\, - - :  $Rr5 9 9 9 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :$%:V%CDDDsm+K J3E:J J3J J3#J $J3' K 3J7 7K :J7 ;K  KKL88L<?L<branchs5set branch name even if it shadows an existing branchCcleans'reset branch name to parent branch names0change branches of the given revs (EXPERIMENTAL)s [-fC] [NAME]c ^tj|}|d}|r|}|dsV|sT|r!t jt d|d|j zdS| 5|dr[|d }|j || t d|zne|rbtj||d|r$tj|||||cdddS|d sl||vrV|d |dDvr0t jt d t d  |j || t d|z|D]\}}}}|dkr|sddddS| t dddddS#1swxYwYdS)aset or show the current branch name .. note:: Branch names are permanent and global. Use :hg:`bookmark` to create a light-weight bookmark instead. See :hg:`help glossary` for more information about named branches and bookmarks. With no argument, show the current branch name. With one argument, set the working directory branch name (the branch will not exist in the repository until the next commit). Standard practice recommends that primary development take place on the 'default' branch. Unless -f/--force is specified, branch will not let you set a branch name that already exists. Use -C/--clean to reset the working directory branch to that of the parent of the working directory, negating a previous branch change. Use the command :hg:`update` to switch to an existing branch. Use :hg:`commit --close-branch` to mark this branch head as closed. When all heads of a branch are closed, the branch will be considered closed. Returns 0 on success. rprs*no branch name specified for the revisions%s Nrms%reset working directory to branch %s rrc6g|]}|SrrGrrs rYrzbranch..Us J J J J J Jr=s(a branch of the same name already existssuse 'hg update' to switch to itrLs&marked working directory as branch %s defaultrs>(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?) )r(rarNstriprrRrrrBrGr rPrTr. checknewlabelr changebranch branchmaprC iterbranches) r4rUlabelrVr|rrtcs rYrGrG s3b   % %D 88F  D   88H  e  "?@@  4=//111222  88H   J%%''E M # #E * * * IIaABBUJ K K K K    !$y 9 9 9 I+BdE4HH88H%% %4>>3C3C*C*C J JT$Z5G5G5I5I J J JJJ*EFFABB M # #E * * * IIaBCCeK L L L#nn..;;==   1a ??1?34 II3   5s ?B#J"/C6J"2#J""J&)J&branchesactives8show only branches that have unmerged heads (DEPRECATED)closedsshow normal and closed branchess$show branch name(s) of the given revs[-c])rGintentsc @tj|}|d}d}|rzbranches..s%666AEE!HHQK666r=rFcb|d|d|d|dfS)Nrjrrr)rls rYrzbranches..s'1qtxxzz1Q41 >r=T)keyreversesbranches.activer=sbranches.closeds (closed)sbranches.inactives (inactive)sbranches.currentrrrrrrs %d:%srev nodeslog.changeset changeset.%sr)activeclosedcurrentr)$r(rarNr rrevbranchcache branchinforrhexfuncsetheadsrriteropenrwrsortrrBrGrrrrrrr condwriterrphasestrrrrr)r4rUrrrVr|selectedbranchesrrallheadsbranchestagrrRisclosedisactive openheadsrisopenrnoticerrpadsizerrs @rYrrksKR   % %D 88F  D 7"4..##%%06666666HH[ k4 ( (BjG4::<<  HH%)^^%5%5%B%B%D%DBB!UC  'C7G,G,G  2DNN,,55e<<==II011Hd3ix<@AAAA MM>>MMMM&.##"S(F  (    '&EFF ' &E|__FF(E~&&F--///  ('E  E3e444ggiib3us{+++h.?.D.DDaHHWny( L    GCHHJJ  /#,,..@     s  xF GDDDx  HHV    FFHHHHHr=bundleexacts,compute the base from the revision specifieds*run even when the destination is unrelateds3a changeset intended to be added to the destinations*a specific branch you would like to bundlesBRANCHbases;a base changeset assumed to be available at the destinationalls'bundle all changesets in the repositorybzip2sbundle compression type to usesD[-f] [-t BUNDLESPEC] [-a] [-r REV]... [--base REV]... FILE [DEST]...c   tj|}d}d|vrB|d}tj|}|r#|s!t jt d|dd} tj |d}nL#tj $r:} t jtj | t d d} ~ wwxYw|j d } | d kr0t jt d t d  |dr|r!t jt d|dr"|t d|dr"|t dtg} n|dr||r!t jt d|dr"|t dd||} | stg} n(tj|d} | t#jvr$t jt d| z| rp|r!t jt dj fd| D} |r fd|Dnd} t+j| | }|j}|j}nt3}t3}t5j||D]}t9j||j}|fd|D}nd}|jgf}t9j ||\}}|rtj!j"|p|} t+j#|| |dd}|$|j|$|j|stKj&|| o|dS| rt+j|| }nt+j|!}tO||_| d"kr d#|j(z}d}n%| d$vr d%}|j(}nt j)d&| zi}|*d'd(|j+z}||*d'd)}|||d*<|*d'd+|j+z}||*d'd,}|||d-<|j,}|d'd.}|-d/|d0|d'd1}|-d2|d0|d'd3}|-d4|d0t]j/|d5||||j ||6 dS)7acreate a bundle file Generate a bundle file containing data to be transferred to another repository. To create a bundle containing all changesets, use -a/--all (or --base null). Otherwise, hg assumes the destination will have all the nodes you specify with --base parameters. Otherwise, hg will assume the repository has all the nodes in destination, or default-push/default if no destination is specified, where destination is the repositories you provide through DEST option. You can change bundle format with the -t/--type option. See :hg:`help bundlespec` for documentation on this format. By default, the most appropriate format is used and compression defaults to bzip2. The bundle file can then be transferred using conventional means and applied to another repository with the unbundle or pull command. This is useful when direct push and pull are not available or when exporting an entire repository is undesirable. Applying bundles preserves all changeset contents including permissions, copy/rename information, and revision history. Returns 0 on success, 1 if no changes found. Nrpsno commits to bundlerrF)stricts8see 'hg help bundlespec' for supported values for --typerLs cg.versionss1s0packed bundles cannot be produced by "hg bundle"s%use 'hg debugcreatestreamclonebundle'rs2--all is incompatible with specifying destinationsrs,ignoring --base because --all was specified rs-ignoring --exact because --all was specified s4--exact is incompatible with specifying destinationss.ignoring --base because --exact was specified sparents(%ld) - %lds-repository does not support bundle version %ss3--base is incompatible with specifying destinationsc:g|]}|Srr)rrcls rYrzbundle..]s#///3"''#,,///r=c:g|]}|Srr)rrrs rYrzbundle..^s#******r=cDg|]}|SrrrrrUs rYrzbundle..hs%888aDGKKMM888r=rT) onlyheadsrportabler) missingroots ancestorsof)rs01sHG10)s02s03sHG20s)bundle: unexpected changegroup version %ss experimentalsbundlecomplevel.sbundlecomplevelslevelsbundlecompthreads.sbundlecompthreadssthreadssevolution.bundle-obsmarkers obsolescence) overwrites$evolution.bundle-obsmarker:mandatorysobsolescence-mandatorys bundle-phasesphasesr) compressioncompopts)0r(rar rrrRrrNlowerr parsebundlespecUnsupportedBundleSpecificationrparamsrvrr|rsupportedoutgoingversionsrr;routgoingmissingexcludedrr;get_push_pathsrpeerrawlocrG addbranchrevsrrFfindcommonoutgoingupdater.nochangesfoundrywirecompressionr configintr configbool set_paramr writenewbundle)!r4rUfnamedestsrVr| revstrings bundletype bundlespecr7 cgversionbasecommonrr rrrotherhex_revsr head_revscheckoutbversion bcompressionr complevel compthreadscfgobsolescence_cfg obs_mand_cfg phases_cfgrs! ` @rYbundler0sZ   % %D D ~~&\ "444  ?d ?"1%<#=#=>> >'8,,2244J !1 *U     /     Q  NOO     !-0IE A B B;<<     xx<  "GHH  88G   I GGAFGG H H H 88H   J GGAGHH I I Iy (   <  "IJJ  88G   K GGAHII J J Jyy.d;; 9D"4'):):;; =dCCCCk > ? ?) K    %/  "HII ^////$///.2<****T****%dFE::"$%%55*4U;; / /DGD$ 44E88884888 R(H"$"2dHh## Ix=$T[)<<  !3hhx(( H NN8+ , , , OOH- . . . . r4T)>h???q B% wE   %dAAAx((HEZ77 n $ $!1 $ 89 D   H ,z/EEILL2DEE &,,.1GGKll?4HII * -Cs?,IJJ*:eLLL3(OPPL!<5_&677JJ%@@@           sB C)/5C$$C)catooutputs(print output to file with formatted namesFORMATsprint the given revisionsdecodes apply any matching decode filters[OPTION]... FILE...)rGr\rc Ptj|}|d}|rtj||gd}t j||}tj||f|z|}|dd}tj |rd}|rtj |d|} n+| d| d|} | 5tj||||| |dfitj|cdddS#1swxYwYdS)aoutput the current or given revision of files Print the specified files as they were at the given revision. If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used. Output may be to a file, in which case the name of the file is given using a template string. See :hg:`help templates`. In addition to the common template keywords, the following formatting rules are supported: :``%%``: literal "%" character :``%s``: basename of file being printed :``%d``: dirname of file being printed, or '.' if in repository root :``%p``: root-relative path name of file being printed :``%H``: changeset hash (40 hexadecimal digits) :``%R``: changeset revision number :``%h``: short-form changeset hash (12 hexadecimal digits) :``%r``: zero-padded changeset revision number :``%b``: basename of the exporting repository :``\``: literal "\" character .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :data: String. File content. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file. Returns 0 on success. rprr3r=r1N)r(rarNr.rr rr`poprisstdiofilenamer nullformatterrcatr5) r4rUfile1rdrVrrre fntemplaters rYr8r8s~l   % %D ((6  C B)$yAA  tS ) )C cE8d?D11A)S))Jz** (  $R 6 6  \\&$ ' '   { c1b*c  5=5G5M5M                    s$*DD"DsclonesEthe clone will include an empty working directory (only a repository) updaterevs%revision, tag, or branch to check outsEdo not clone everything, but include this changeset and its ancestorssQdo not clone everything, but include this branch's changesets and their ancestorspulls"use pull protocol to copy metadata uncompresseds!an alias to --stream (DEPRECATED)streams"clone with minimal data processings[OPTION]... SOURCE [DEST])rGrHnorepoc `tj|}tj|ddd\}}|drt }t }|dr't j|d}|dr't j|d}tj |||||d|dp|d |d |dp|d |d |d |||d pd }|duS)amake a copy of an existing repository Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory. If no destination directory name is specified, it defaults to the basename of the source. The location of the source is added to the new repository's ``.hg/hgrc`` file, as the default to be used for future pulls. Only local paths and ``ssh://`` URLs are supported as destinations. For ``ssh://`` destinations, no working directory or ``.hg/hgrc`` will be created on the remote side. If the source repository has a bookmark called '@' set, that revision will be checked out in the new repository by default. To check out a particular version, use -u/--update, or -U/--noupdate to create a clone with no working directory. To pull only a subset of changesets, specify one or more revisions identifiers with -r/--rev or branches with -b/--branch. The resulting clone will contain only the specified changesets and their ancestors. These options (or 'clone src#rev dest') imply --pull, even for local source repositories. In normal clone mode, the remote normalizes repository data into a common exchange format and the receiving end translates this data into its local storage format. --stream activates a different clone mode that essentially copies repository files from the remote with minimal data processing. This significantly reduces the CPU cost of a clone both remotely and locally. However, it often increases the transferred data size by 30-40%. This can result in substantially faster clones where I/O throughput is plentiful, especially for larger repositories. A side-effect of --stream clones is that storage settings and requirements on the remote are applied locally: a modern client may inherit legacy or inefficient storage used by the remote or a legacy Mercurial client may not be able to clone from a modern Mercurial remote. .. note:: Specifying a tag will include the tagged changeset but not the changeset containing the tag. .. container:: verbose For efficiency, hardlinks are used for cloning whenever the source and destination are on the same filesystem (note this applies only to the repository data, not to the working directory). Some filesystems, such as AFS, implement hardlinking incorrectly, but do not report errors. In these cases, use the --pull option to avoid hardlinking. Mercurial will update the working directory to the first applicable revision from this list: a) null if -U or the source repository has no changesets b) if -u . and the source repository is local, the first parent of the source repository's working directory c) the changeset specified with -u (if a branch name, this means the latest head of that branch) d) the changeset specified with -r e) the tipmost head specified with -b f) the tipmost head specified with the url#branch source syntax g) the revision marked with the '@' bookmark, if present h) the tipmost head of the default branch i) tip When cloning from servers that support it, Mercurial may fetch pre-generated data from a server-advertised URL or inline from the same stream. When this is done, hooks operating on incoming changesets and changegroups may fire more than once, once for each pre-generated bundle and as well as for any additional remaining data. In addition, if an error occurs, the repository may be rolled back to a partial clone. This behavior may change in future releases. See :hg:`help -e clonebundles` for more. Examples: - clone a remote repository to a new directory named hg/:: hg clone https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg/ - create a lightweight local clone:: hg clone project/ project-feature/ - clone from an absolute path on an ssh server (note double-slash):: hg clone ssh://user@server//home/projects/alpha/ - do a streaming clone while checking out a specified version:: hg clone --stream http://server/repo -u 1.5 - create a repository without changesets after a particular revision:: hg clone -r 04e544 experimental/ good/ - clone (and track) a particular named branch:: hg clone https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg/#stable See :hg:`help urls` for details on specifying URLs. Returns 0 on success. rer;NNsnarrowincludeexcluder<r>r=rprs shareoptssdepthN) pullstreamr|rrG shareoptsstoreincludepatsstoreexcludepatsdepth) r(rarrrNrr# parsepatternsrclone)r4sourcerrV includepats excludepatsrs rYrKrKsz   % %D !$ \BBB *K xx Iee ee 88J   I$2488J3G3GHHK 88J   I$2488J3G3GHHK    XXg  xx ""?dhh&?&? XXf  xx %%BTXXk-B-B)Bxx ""((<(($$hhx  (D   A 9r=s commit|ciAs9mark new/missing files as added/removed before committings close-branchsmark a branch head as closedamends)amend the parent of the working directorysecrets#use the secret phase for committingsforce-close-branchs:forcibly close branch from a non-head changeset (ADVANCED) interactivesuse interactive modec|5|5t||g|Ri|cdddcdddS#1swxYwYddddS#1swxYwYdS)acommit the specified files or all outstanding changes Commit changes to the given files into the repository. Unlike a centralized SCM, this operation is a local operation. See :hg:`push` for a way to actively distribute your changes. If a list of files is omitted, all changes reported by :hg:`status` will be committed. If you are committing the result of a merge, do not provide any filenames or -I/-X filters. If no commit message is specified, Mercurial starts your configured editor where you can enter a message. In case your commit fails, you will find a backup of your message in ``.hg/last-message.txt``. The --close-branch flag can be used to mark the current branch head closed. When all heads of a branch are closed, the branch will be considered closed and no longer listed. The --amend flag can be used to amend the parent of the working directory with a new commit that contains the changes in the parent in addition to those currently reported by :hg:`status`, if there are any. The old commit is stored in a backup bundle in ``.hg/strip-backup`` (see :hg:`help bundle` and :hg:`help unbundle` on how to restore it). Message, user and date are taken from the amended commit unless specified. When a message isn't specified on the command line, the editor will open with the message of the amended commit. It is not possible to amend public changesets (see :hg:`help phases`) or changesets that have children. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. Returns 0 on success, 1 if nothing changed. .. container:: verbose Examples: - commit all files ending in .py:: hg commit --include "set:**.py" - commit all non-binary files:: hg commit --exclude "set:binary()" - amend the current commit and set the date to now:: hg commit --amend --date now N)r r! _docommitr4rUrdrVs rYr&r&sl 22tyy{{22T1D111D1122222222222222222222222222222222222222222s3A,A A,A A,A A,,A03A0c  |drH|dtj||tddtjg|Ri|}|dkrdn|S|dr/tj|ddg|ddd d tj|d |d }| |}|j }i|d s|d rdd<|d rtj|d|t!j|}||} | js| js| jr| |d }n#t-d} t/j| |s$t/jt-d|z||d krc|d|vrG|d s2t-d} t/jt-d| |dr|d |krQ|d |kr!t/jt-d|dr|ddr!t/jt-d|d} t;j|| gdtAj!|t@j"stj|tj#||| ||} t!j|}| | kr$|t-ddSnfd}t!j|}tj|||||} | sytj$|||}|j%r8|t-dtM|j%zn"|t-ddStj'|| |||||j(sB|ddr.t%||d d d d d |d dSdSdS)!N interactiveFrrr amendr)scommitsubreposTr)r& close_branchforce_close_branch1scloserm)r`rs1current revision is already a branch closing heads!branch "%s" has no heads to closesBuse --force-close-branch to close branch from a non-head changesetscan only close branch headsrLs+cannot amend with ui.commitsubrepos enabledrPr9c $i}|drd|d<|j}||d5||d5tj|dd}tjd d|it j|}|||d|d|| cdddcdddS#1swxYwY ddddS#1swxYwYdS) NrQ)rs new-commitrs commit.normalr0rury)r3extrar) rNbaseuirIr mergeeditformr4r(r5r&) r4rUr6r`rVrYr_r0r3r^s rYr8z_docommit..commitfunc}sIxx "" B8A 45[F&&y)<<  &&y)<<&4T $4  H%4!)-5-?-E-EF ;;))))%# '                          s6DBC, D,C0 0D3C0 4DD  D s4nothing changed (%d missing files, see 'hg status') commandsscommit.post-statusr )modifiedaddedremoveddeletedunknownr ))rNr5rdorecordr& recordfilterr> setconfigr@rGrHr;rR closesbranchr.r`r(rarTrbrcrdrrrRrrrVrr-precheckrr$ isenabledcreatemarkersoptrXpostcommitstatusrerrSr)r4rUrdrVretrGrWrRrmsr[rMoldrr8statr^s @rYrTrT)sy xx &  fdE7+? BF   JN   1HHqq#% xx @,T:yIII U-tY??? D.... $Z   F   f % %F .    C E xx#J488,@#A#A#Jh : " " $ $ ,mT D("6t"<"<G ' **Az ,QW ,  ,))&)>>LMM&s+++ J"677&@  d4j'')) ) )T !!//HH1220D"1%C#D#D4PPP P XXg   JT &&((F22JMMOO**,,66&q)G'H'HIII xx? == 1 2 2 "@AA 4jTCGGII;999!$(ABB *  #D ) ) )}RsE4>>#D)) 388::   IIa,-- . . .1       .#D))~b$ D$?? +D$==D| 3 *$,'' ( !0112221 tVVS$??? 8   k3HII    XXk**      r=sconfig|showconfig|debugconfig untrusteds$show untrusted configuration optionss exp-all-knowns+show all known config option (EXPERIMENTAL)sedit user configlocalsedit repository configsources"show source of configuration valueshareds3edit shared source repository config (EXPERIMENTAL)s non-shareds%edit non shared config (EXPERIMENTAL)globalsedit global configs[-u] [NAME]...)rG optionalreporc tjd}tfd|Drtjg|ddRdr@|s!t jtd|j dg}ndrtj }nd r| s!t jtd tj|jvr!t jtd t!j |j dg}nDd r|j d g}ntj}|D]#}t&j|rn$drt,jd}n:drt,jd}nt,jd}|d}t1|d}|t5j|||} |d| |fzt jtdddS|d| d} tj!D]n\} }| dkr|"d|z$| dkr'|"d|d|dfzQ| dkrXt j#d| ztId} gx} }|rd|D} d|D}tK|dko| }tM| } tM|}d}d }|j'pd!}|(| |"}|D]\}}}|)||| }tj*|}|+||}| ,r|pd#}|-d$d%}|d&z|z}|r || vs||vs| .| /|d!d'||r.| 0|(| d)d*|n| d+d,||tAj1|r| 0|-nYte|tfrDtid.|Dr+| 0| 5|d)(-d/}| 6|rdSdS)0a2show combined config settings from all hgrc files With no arguments, print names and values of all config items. With one argument of the form section.name, print just the value of that config item. With multiple arguments, print names and values of all config items with matching section names or section.names. With --edit, start an editor on the user-level config file. With --global, edit the system-wide config file. With --local, edit the repository-level config file. With --source, the source (filename and line number) is printed for each config item. See :hg:`help config` for more information about config files. .. container:: verbose --non-shared flag is used to edit `.hg/hgrc-not-shared` config file. This file is not shared across shares when in share-safe mode. Template: The following keywords are supported. See also :hg:`help templates`. :name: String. Config name. :source: String. Filename and line number where the item is defined. :value: String. Config value. The --shared flag can be used to edit the config file of shared source repository. It only works when you have shared using the experimental share safe feature. Returns 0 on success, 1 if NAME does not exist. )rrtrwrv non_sharedc3BK|]}|VdSrrrorVs rYrzconfig.. s- ) )1488A;; ) ) ) ) ) )r=rNrts&can't use --local outside a repositoryshgrcrwrvs,repository is not shared; can't use --sharedsNshare safe feature not enabled; unable to edit shared source repository configrzshgrc-not-sharedrurswbs%s "%s"s edit faileds config_edit)onerr errprefixrsrBrsread config from: %s sresources!read config from: resource:%s.%s sitemssunknown rctype: %srscg|]}d|v| Srmrrvs rYrzconfig..H s:::QDMMqMMMr=cg|]}d|v| Srrrs rYrzconfig..I s555A4199a999r=Fs exp_all_knownru) untrusted all_knownnoners\nrms%s: namesvaluers name values%s=%s ) defaultvaluec3>K|]}tj|VdSr)r isprintable)rr7s rYrzconfig..e s>4 4 )*I !! $ $4 4 4 4 4 4 r=T)7r(raanyrrrNrrRrr7rr) systemrcpathsharedr+SHARESAFE_REQUIREMENTvfsmod sharedpath userrcpathrrexistsuimod samplehgrcsr rr5 tonativeeolclose geteditorrrr rccomponentsdebugrrwrrr walkconfig configsourcer configdefaultrreplacerrrr isinstancelistall formatlistr)r4rUvaluesrVeditoptspathsr samplehgrcfpr3rrr selsections selentries uniqueselmatchedr show_sourceentriesrrvaluerLr entrynames ` rYconfigrs\   % %DGH ) ) ) ) ) ) )))3%d:Xabb\:::: 88H   ( &?@@X]]7++,EE XXi  ('))EE XXi  (;;== &EFF19JJJ&J Z0055g>>?EE XXm $ $ (X]]#5667EE%''E  Aw~~a    xx "" 8".y9 (## 8".x8 ".w7 aAaB HHT%j11 2 2 2 HHJJJ FA; &"''%    HHY i & &B#%% D D1 << HH.2 3 3 3 3 +   HH:adAaD\I J J J J (]] ()>)BCC CTXXl++,,I!!K* 6::&::: 55555 J1$8[Ik""KZJG%&I,5$((9"5"5Kmmi9mEEG 'u$ :: ''''66 ::<< 1&wFMM%00EdNT)  7k11Y*5L5L   [)Wf===  B GGG # # # HHXw . . . . HH]J 5 A A A   . . M GGG . . . .  d + + M4 4 .:4 4 4 1 1  M GG|(!K!KG L L LFFHHHq 1r=scontinuec |d}tj|}|s!tjt d|js=tjt d|jz||r,| t d|jzdS|||S)zresumes an interrupted operation (EXPERIMENTAL) Finishes a multistep operation like graft, histedit, rebase, merge, and unshelve if they are in an interrupted state. use --dry-run/-n to dry run the command. rJrKs1%s in progress but does not support 'hg continue'rLs %s in progress, will be resumed N) rNrrOrrPr continuefuncrS continuemsgrT)r4rUrVrW contstates rY continuecmdrq sXXi F*400I ?q!<==>>>  ! FGG$&&&((      !899Y=NOPPP  ! !"d + ++r=scopy|cpsforgets#unmark a destination file as copiedafters'record a copy that has already occurredsat-revs4(un)mark copies in the given revision (EXPERIMENTAL)s+forcibly copy over an existing managed files/[OPTION]... (SOURCE... DEST | --forget DEST...)ctj|}|5tj||||cdddS#1swxYwYdS)a0mark files as copied for the next commit Mark dest as having copies of source files. If dest is a directory, copies are put in that directory. If dest is a file, the source must be a single file. By default, this command copies the contents of files as they exist in the working directory. If invoked with -A/--after, the operation is recorded, but no copying is performed. To undo marking a destination file as copied, use --forget. With that option, all given (positional) arguments are unmarked as copies. The destination file(s) will be left in place (still tracked). Note that :hg:`copy --forget` behaves the same way as :hg:`rename --forget`. This command takes effect with the next commit by default. Returns 0 on success, 1 if errors are encountered. Nr(rar rcopyrUs rYrr sX   % %D 22|BdD11222222222222222222sA  AAs debugcommandss [COMMAND])rGr?cttD]_\}}|dd}dd|dD}|d||fz`dS)z'list all available commands and options|r, cg|] }|d S)rr)rrls rYrz!debugcommands.. s111A1Q4111r=rs%s: %s N)rytableitemssplitrr)r4rargsvalsrVs rYrr sEKKMM**,, Tiiooa zz11a11122 T{*++++,,r=s debugcompletesoptionssshow the command optionss[-o] CMDc |drg}tg}|r9tj|td\}}||d|D]V}|D]Q}d|dvr |dr|d|dz|d|dzRW|d d |zd Stj|t\} } |j rd | D} |d d t| zd S) z=returns the completion list associated with the given commandoptionsFrs (DEPRECATED)rrs-%ss--%srrNcDg|]}d|dS)rr)rrrs rYrz!debugcomplete.. s&===q499QqT??===r=) rN globaloptsrfindcmdrrrr findpossibleverboserry) r4rrVrotablesaliasesentryrr}cmdlistunused_allcmdss rY debugcompleter sh xx ,  %$_S%??NGU NN58 $ $ $ / /A / /"ad**Q42NN6AaD=111w1~....  / 5::g...///%23>>G^ z>==GNN,<,<===HHWuzz&//22 233333r=diffsrevision (DEPRECATED)fromsrevision to diff fromsREV1tosrevision to diff tosREV2changeschange made by revisions<[OPTION]... ([-c REV] | [--from REV1] [--to REV2]) [FILE]...)rGrHr\rc xtj|ddtj|}|d}|d}|d}|d}|d}|d} tj|dddgtj|dddg|rBt j||gd }tj ||d } tj | } nz|s|rHt j||g|gzd }tj ||d } tj ||d } n.t j||d }tj ||\} } | r| } | } n| } | } tj ||}t j| ||}||}|d tj|||| | |||d |d  d S)a diff repository (or selected files) Show differences between revisions for the specified files. Differences between files are shown using the unified diff format. .. note:: :hg:`diff` may generate unexpected results for merges, as it will default to comparing against the working directory's first parent changeset if no revisions are specified. To diff against the conflict regions, you can use `--config diff.merge=yes`. By default, the working directory files are compared to its first parent. To see the differences from another revision, use --from. To see the difference to another revision, use --to. For example, :hg:`diff --from .^` will show the differences from the working copy's grandparent to the working copy, :hg:`diff --to .` will show the diff from the working copy to its parent (i.e. the reverse of the default), and :hg:`diff --from 1.0 --to 1.2` will show the diff between those two revisions. Alternatively you can specify -c/--change with a revision to see the changes in that changeset relative to its first parent (i.e. :hg:`diff -c 42` is equivalent to :hg:`diff --from 42^ --to 42`) Without the -a/--text option, diff will avoid generating diffs of files it detects as binary. With -a, diff will generate a diff anyway, probably with undesirable results. Use the -g/--git option to generate diffs in the git extended diff format. For more information, read :hg:`help diffs`. .. container:: verbose Examples: - compare a file in the current working directory to its parent:: hg diff foo.c - compare two historical versions of a directory, with rename info:: hg diff --git --from 1.0 --to 1.2 lib/ - get change stats relative to the last change on some date:: hg diff --stat --from "date('may 2')" - diff all newly-added files that contain a keyword:: hg diff "set:added() and grep(GNU)" - compare a revision and its parents:: hg diff -c 9353 # compare against first parent hg diff --from 9353^ --to 9353 # same using revset syntax hg diff --from 9353^2 --to 9353 # compare against the second parent Returns 0 on success. rchangerprrrstatsreverserNrr root)rr listsubreposr)rrr(rarNr>r.rr r diff_parentrevpairr& diffalloptsr` narrowmatchrdiffordiffstat)r4rUrdrVr|rfrom_revto_revrrrctx2ctx1ctxleftctxrightrres rYdiffr sL` !$x888   % %D 88F  D XXi Fxx  H XXe__F 88G  Dhhz""G (w8KLLL (uvy6IJJJ 4)$)DD#D&$77%d++ 4V4) 8*x'  #D(D99#D&$77)$i@@'d33 d T**H dD$''A AHHW   XXk** XXg        r=exportBrs/export changes only reachable by given bookmarksBOOKMARKs switch-parentsdiff against the second parentsrevisions to exports*[OPTION]... [-o OUTFILESPEC] [-r] [REV]...)rGrHrc Dtj|}|d}|t|dgz }t j|dd|rC||jvr$tjtd|ztj ||}n0|sdg}tj ||d}tj||}|s!tjtdt|dkr#|tdn"|td |d }t j|rd }|rt%j|d |}n+|d |d |}|5t j|||||d t-j||ddddS#1swxYwYdS)a dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets Print the changeset header and diffs for one or more revisions. If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used. The information shown in the changeset header is: author, date, branch name (if non-default), changeset hash, parent(s) and commit comment. .. note:: :hg:`export` may generate unexpected diff output for merge changesets, as it will compare the merge changeset against its first parent only. Output may be to a file, in which case the name of the file is given using a template string. See :hg:`help templates`. In addition to the common template keywords, the following formatting rules are supported: :``%%``: literal "%" character :``%H``: changeset hash (40 hexadecimal digits) :``%N``: number of patches being generated :``%R``: changeset revision number :``%b``: basename of the exporting repository :``%h``: short-form changeset hash (12 hexadecimal digits) :``%m``: first line of the commit message (only alphanumeric characters) :``%n``: zero-padded sequence number, starting at 1 :``%r``: zero-padded changeset revision number :``\``: literal "\" character Without the -a/--text option, export will avoid generating diffs of files it detects as binary. With -a, export will generate a diff anyway, probably with undesirable results. With -B/--bookmark changesets reachable by the given bookmark are selected. Use the -g/--git option to generate diffs in the git extended diff format. See :hg:`help diffs` for more information. With the --switch-parent option, the diff will be against the second parent. It can be useful to review a merge. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :diff: String. Diff content. :parents: List of strings. Parent nodes of the changeset. Examples: - use export and import to transplant a bugfix to the current branch:: hg export -r 9353 | hg import - - export all the changesets between two revisions to a file with rename information:: hg export --git -r 123:150 > changes.txt - split outgoing changes into a series of patches with descriptive names:: hg export -r "outgoing()" -o "%n-%m.patch" Returns 0 on success. rrpsbookmark '%s' not foundrmrs&export requires at least one changesetrsexporting patches: sexporting patch: r3r=rs switch_parent)r: switch_parentrVN)r(rarNrxrrrrrRrr. bookmarkrevsrr rrnoter6rr7rexportr&r)r4rUrrVrr|r:rs rYrrr s^J   % %Dxx $$H%,,---J !$ <<< 5 4? * *"1%?#@#@8#KLL L#D(33 J)$ IFF"444 Mq!JKKLLL 4yy1}} )**++++ '(())))$$Jz** +  $RD 9 9  \\)T * *      !((#344"2t,,                       sAHHHr s%search the repository as it is in REV0print0s*end filenames with NUL, for use with xargsc Ntj|}|d}|rtj||gd}t j||d}d}|drd}d|z}tj|||}|dtj | d } | d|5} tj |||| | ||d cdddS#1swxYwYdS) aVlist tracked files Print files under Mercurial control in the working directory or specified revision for given files (excluding removed files). Files can be specified as filenames or filesets. If no files are given to match, this command prints the names of all files under Mercurial control. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :flags: String. Character denoting file's symlink and executable bits. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file. :size: Integer. Size of the file in bytes. Examples: - list all files under the current directory:: hg files . - shows sizes and flags for current revision:: hg files -vr . - list all files named README:: hg files -I "**/README" - list all binary files:: hg files "set:binary()" - find files containing a regular expression:: hg files "set:grep('bob')" - search tracked file contents with xargs and grep:: hg files -0 | xargs -0 grep foo See :hg:`help patterns` and :hg:`help filesets` for more information on specifying file patterns. Returns 0 if a match is found, 1 otherwise. rprNrrrr Tr^r )r(rarNr.rr rr`rrbrUrrfiles) r4rUrdrVrrrrrerfrs rYrr sa\   % %D ((6  C B)$yAA  tS$ / /C C xx  #+C c4&&AHHX"388::4HHHH h % % } Q"c488K+@+@                    s -DD!Dc xtj|}|s!tjt dt j|d||}|d|d}}t j|d}tj |||d|d|| d }|rd pd S) aforget the specified files on the next commit Mark the specified files so they will no longer be tracked after the next commit. This only removes files from the current branch, not from the entire project history, and it does not delete them from the working directory. To delete the file from the working directory, see :hg:`remove`. To undo a forget before the next commit, see :hg:`add`. .. container:: verbose Examples: - forget newly-added binary files:: hg forget "set:added() and binary()" - forget files that would be excluded by .hgignore:: hg forget "set:hgignore()" Returns 0 on success. no files specifiedNdry_runrRTr^r=F)rrf explicitonlyrWrWrr) r(rarrRrr.r`rNrbrforget) r4rUrdrVrerWrWrfrgs rYrrf sR   % %D 9q!677888 d4j$--A((:..0H0HKF"4TBBBH~        H > Qr=graftsrevisions to grafts3base revision when doing the graft merge (ADVANCED)sresume interrupted graftsstopsstop interrupted graftsabort interrupted graftlogs append graft info to log messages9don't commit, just apply the changes in working directorys force graftDs currentdates&record the current date as commit dates currentusers$record the current user as committers[OPTION]... [-r REV]... REV...c|5t||g|Ri|cdddS#1swxYwYdS)a copy changes from other branches onto the current branch This command uses Mercurial's merge logic to copy individual changes from other branches without merging branches in the history graph. This is sometimes known as 'backporting' or 'cherry-picking'. By default, graft will copy user, date, and description from the source changesets. Changesets that are ancestors of the current revision, that have already been grafted, or that are merges will be skipped. If --log is specified, log messages will have a comment appended of the form:: (grafted from CHANGESETHASH) If --force is specified, revisions will be grafted even if they are already ancestors of, or have been grafted to, the destination. This is useful when the revisions have since been backed out. If a graft merge results in conflicts, the graft process is interrupted so that the current merge can be manually resolved. Once all conflicts are addressed, the graft process can be continued with the -c/--continue option. The -c/--continue option reapplies all the earlier options. .. container:: verbose The --base option exposes more of how graft internally uses merge with a custom base revision. --base can be used to specify another ancestor than the first and only parent. The command:: hg graft -r 345 --base 234 is thus pretty much the same as:: hg diff --from 234 --to 345 | hg import but using merge to resolve conflicts and track moved files. The result of a merge can thus be backported as a single commit by specifying one of the merge parents as base, and thus effectively grafting the changes from the other side. It is also possible to collapse multiple changesets and clean up history by specifying another ancestor as base, much like rebase --collapse --keep. The commit message can be tweaked after the fact using commit --amend . For using non-ancestors as the base to backout changes, see the backout command and the hidden --parent option. .. container:: verbose Examples: - copy a single change to the stable branch and edit its description:: hg update stable hg graft --edit 9393 - graft a range of changesets with one exception, updating dates:: hg graft -D "2085::2093 and not 2091" - continue a graft after resolving conflicts:: hg graft -c - show the source of a grafted changeset:: hg log --debug -r . - show revisions sorted by date:: hg log -r "sort(all(), date)" - backport the result of a merge as a single commit:: hg graft -r 123 --base 123^ - land a feature branch as one changeset:: hg up -cr default hg graft -r featureX --base "ancestor('featureX', 'default')" See :hg:`help revisions` for more about specifying revisions. Returns 0 on successful completion, 1 if there are unresolved files. N)r _dograft)r4rUr|rVs rYgraftr sR 11D04000400111111111111111111s 377c |r7|dr"|tdt|}||di}g|d<t j||t jdBddi|}t j|dddd }|d rt j |d gd tj d }|dr)t j |dgd t||S|dr.t j |dgd t j ||S|dr|td?d Snd }|d s2|||||@}|;|tdA| | fzs|d4|d}tg|tsJ|4||d6s|5d2S)CNrsLwarning: inconsistent use of --rev might give unexpected revision ordering! snewnodesr0rrZstopcontinueFr%)r1 currentuser currentdatelog graftstate)r1rrrrrrTs&can't specify --continue and revisionsryrrurrrr.rr"snodescDg|]}|Srr)rrrUs rYrz_dograft.. s'777DJNN$$777r=sno revisions specifieds%ld and merge()s'skipping ungraftable merge revision %d cg|]}|v| Srr)rrskippeds rYrz_dograft.. s# 0 0 0!q//A///r=rrs&only one revision allowed with --base rs %ld & (::.)s!skipping ancestor revision %d:%s cg|]}|v| Srr)rr ancestorss rYrz_dograft.. s#666a1I#5#5#5#5#5r=s%ldrusscanning for duplicate grafts sonly(%d,ancestor(%ld))rms3skipping revision %d:%s (already grafted to %d:%s) sKskipping already grafted revision %d:%s (%d:%s also has unknown origin %s) rsFskipping already grafted revision %d:%s (%d:%s also has origin %d:%s) sAskipping already grafted revision %d:%s (was grafted from %d:%s) s %d:%s "%s"rr (%s)rs grafting %s rJsintermediate-sources (grafted from %s)r(toolr=)rtrsparent of graftcDg|]}|SrrrrrUs rYrz_dograft.. s%???Sc???r=s,abort: unresolved conflicts, can't continue s-(use 'hg resolve' and 'hg graft --continue') )rrrr^r3s2note: graft of %d:%s created no changes to commit r)6rNrvrrrrresolve_commit_optionsr4rr>statemodcmdstate _stopgraft abortgraftrrRrreadgraftstatewrongtooltocontinuer@rAr rrrr|rcrrrr^rRepoLookupErrorremove enumerate descriptionrnodetagsr nodebookmarksrrTrrrrIrJrrNsaver&rrr)r4rUr|rV statedatar3cont graftstaterbasectxridsrrrposdescrrLr^rrr6rYr"rZ stateversionrnnr rs ` @@rYrr0 sS      (      ::DKK   IIk "2t,,,  $ ? ?h ?$ ? ?F !$DDD D xx  ,   9 9 9   "477J xx8/,      "dJ/// '  )/,      !"dJ777 *  /  Q"1%N#O#OPP P      ;.tZ@@I}}W%% 2(1V }}W%% 2(1V }}V$$ #"U }}\** @$-MM,$?$?[!}}W%% 6(}}W55V h'E7777777DD  'akk : : : : A"1%>#?#?@@ @%%%d###"4..eeGG xxA&tT&\4@@99/66  C GGAABBSH I I I KK     0 0 0 0t 0 0 0D rs4yyA~~q!JKKLLL GDHHW%%G7?IInd33  Q QC GGA;<<T#Y?OO P P P P66664666 288FD)) # #C WWYYC N  **A #A 3444996T 8H8H$OO- #- #Cs)C  **ACxxQ AA,AAA99GG<d1gsC0 1KKNNNNVt^^y!H #1vtCF|S#q"vF G!C #1vtCF|S#q!CRC&I JKKA'''c!! N99GG:d1gsC0 1KKNNN 2 xx '"& , xx*!&\ 'dhhvt4455E E S GGII  OO   # #E1 - -a 0    chhjj))D,>,>sxxzz,J,JJ  0 Htyy/// /D !$%%,--- 88I    ++  )%E) ,/GGIIE( ) )"wwyyE) xxzz 88F   &??@@@ :D $IIa233444IIa344txxzz#2#FGGG 1r=rs6use 'hg graft --continue' or 'hg graft --stop' to stop)r clearablestopflag continueflagrQcmdhintgrepsend fields with NULsan alias to --diff (DEPRECATED)sEsearch revision differences for when the pattern was added or removedsCfollow changeset history, or file history across copies and renamess ignore-casesignore case when matchingsfiles-with-matchess-print only filenames and revisions that matchsprint matching line numberss*search files changed within revision ranges all-filess>include all files in the changeset while grepping (DEPRECATED)s&[--diff] [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...c tjdddgtjdpdd}dsd d<do+d  od d}rd gd <t j}d r|t jz} tj ||nT#t j $rB} td tj|zYd}~dSd}~wwxYwd\drdxtj|||} | jt%j|f d} fdd} t)j|d dd||| } t)j|| \} }dd}| | |D]H\}}}}| |||||}| p|} |r,s*|s(| ||I|| S)asearch for a pattern in specified files Search the working directory or revision history for a regular expression in the specified files for the entire repository. By default, grep searches the repository files in the working directory and prints the files where it finds a match. To specify historical revisions instead of the working directory, use the --rev flag. To search instead historical revision differences that contains a change in match status ("-" for a match that becomes a non-match, or "+" for a non-match that becomes a match), use the --diff flag. PATTERN can be any Python (roughly Perl-compatible) regular expression. If no FILEs are specified and the --rev flag isn't supplied, all files in the working directory are searched. When using the --rev flag and specifying FILEs, use the --follow argument to also follow the specified FILEs across renames and copies. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :change: String. Character denoting insertion ``+`` or removal ``-``. Available if ``--diff`` is specified. :lineno: Integer. Line number of the match. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file. :texts: List of text chunks. And each entry of ``{texts}`` provides the following sub-keywords. :matched: Boolean. True if the chunk matches the specified pattern. :text: String. Chunk content. See :hg:`help templates.operators` for the list expansion syntax. Returns 0 if a match is found, 1 otherwise. all_filesrrrrrqs all_filesNTrpswdir()s ignore_cases grep: invalid match pattern: %s r)rrrr)r.rrc  tj}|rj}n tj}jrd}nd}d}tjfd} ddi} rtj ||} n d|D} | D]x\} } | | | |tj |d d d | dfdd | jddfg}r"|dd| d| dkrdndf|dd|ddfdd||ddfg|D]Y\}}}}}|r|d | ||}|d|zz}|||||| Zdsz|d ds-| r#|t3dn!|dd| |d}drnz|S) Ns%Y-%m-%ds%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %1%2Fc} tj|S#tj$rcYSwxYwr)r:binaryreadfilenoderWdirUnsupportedr)flogrrgetfiles rYr1z%grep..display..binary sx72;;D *!(3<<3C3C)D)DEEE( * * *2w''))))) *s9A)A43A4s linenumberrcg|]}d|fSr=r)rrs rYrz)grep..display.. s---S!H---r=r)rrs grep.filenamerrprr=rrrT+sgrep.inserted s grep.deleted rurysgrep.sepsgrep.%ssfiles_with_matchesrss Binary file matchesstextss{text}r)r.rrrr(rrr5rgrepmoddifflinestatesrrrrrrlinenumrNrrr formatdaterrrr)rrrpstatesstatesr formatuserdatefmtfoundr1 fieldnamemapiterrrcolsrrrcond extra_labelfieldrrdisplaymatcheseolr6rV plaingreprr4rfs `` rYdisplayzgrep..display snS!! ::<< *JJ!)J 8 3!GG2G  * * * * * *  *&y1  .)'6::DD--f---D= = IFA LLNNN JJ3J    GGGOC$8$899G C C C HHXXb\\)9H : : :]C8!IHH^,,  D  !!T>>*)-    KK " 388::..))   chhjj'::))    $7; B B2c4{5HHS H444$((t44#zD'89 T5#t5 AAAA88122 KK000xx((KVVXXKHHQ6778888"N299XI9#F#FJJJ HHSMMMExx-..   r=cd}|D]\}}||krN||dd|j|||d||dd|j||d|d|}|t |jkrN||dd|j|d|d|dS) NrrsrF)rs grep.matchrT)findposrrlinerrr)rrrrpr7regexps rYrIzgrep..displaymatches7s  IIf%%  DAq1uu %!555&&& LLNNN HHWeQVAaC[ H F F F GGDG ! ! !AA s16{{?? LLNNN HHWeQVABBZ 0 0 0 GGEG " " " r=FrBrC)rdrVrevspec include_pats exclude_patsrforce_changelog_traversalfilter_revisions_by_patsr,)rr>r(rarNreMIr5compilerrvrr: forcebytestrr: grepsearcher_getfiler.rbr walkopts makewalkerrr searchfilesskipfilerr)r4rUpatternrdrVrr.reflagsinstsearcherrLrBwoptsr|makefilematcherrrrr>r?rrrIrJr6rKrPrrfs` ` @@@@@@@@rYrrQ sN ({UFOLLL   % %D 88F   0txx00D XXi F xx %d%!\  $   $## # &&I#!{V dG xx24'22 8  2 3 3%d++ ,   qqqqq  HC xx c# D&IDHG"4((HWWWWWWWWWWWWWr" E    V *%*%"+%.   E'1$>>D/HHW gt $ $B$,$8$8$O$O-- C& GBC& 1 1   -T -) -   b#'')) , , ,FFHHH9s! EF7FFheadss1show only heads which are descendants of STARTREVsSTARTREVtoposshow topological heads onlys)show active branchheads only (DEPRECATED)s#show normal and closed branch headss[-ct] [-r STARTREV] [REV]...c  tj|}d}|d}|r?tj|gdt j|d}|dr"fd|D}nTg} D]/}| |||dz }0fd|D}|r/fdt j |D fd |D}|d r%|r#|fd |D}|rd |D} |z r|d d |z D} td} |dr| td|dzz } || dz| z|sdS|dt!|d}t j||} |D]} | | | dS)ashow branch heads With no arguments, show all open branch heads in the repository. Branch heads are changesets that have no descendants on the same branch. They are where development generally takes place and are the usual targets for update and merge operations. If one or more REVs are given, only open branch heads on the branches associated with the specified changesets are shown. This means that you can use :hg:`heads .` to see the heads on the currently checked-out branch. If -c/--closed is specified, also show branch heads marked closed (see :hg:`commit --close-branch`). If STARTREV is specified, only those heads that are descendants of STARTREV will be displayed. If -t/--topo is specified, named branch mechanics will be ignored and only topological heads (changesets with no children) will be shown. Returns 0 if matching heads are found, 1 if not. Nrprrhc g|] }| SrrrrrUs rYrzheads..s444Qa444r=rc g|] }| Srrrks rYrzheads..s(((Qa(((r=cDh|]}|Srrrs rYrzheads..s4   !"DGNN     r=c@g|]}|v|Srr)rrrs rYrzheads..s+<<.s+:::qQVVXX%9%9%9%9%9r=c6h|]}|Srr)rrs rYrzheads..s ///AQXXZZ///r=rc3K|]}|VdSrr)rbs rYrzheads..s"!B!B!!B!B!B!B!B!Br=s)no open branch heads found on branches %ss (started at %s)rrrgc,| Srrrs rYrzheads..s!%%'' r=)r)r(rarNr.rr rrrrrHrrrrvrryr~showr)r4rU branchrevsrVstartrrrG haveheadsheadlessr[rrrrps ` @@rYrrbsb   % %D E ((6  C =)$yAA$T355::<< xx)4444$**U"3"3444nn&& J JF T%%feTXXi5H5HII IEE((((%(((=    &0&9$ &K&K   =<< build-id.dat - find the revision corresponding to a tag:: hg id -n -r 1.3 - check the most recent revision of a remote repository:: hg id -r tip https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg/ See :hg:`log` for generating more information about specific revisions, including full hash identifiers. Returns 0 if successful. 5there is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)Nsidentifys3can't query remote revision number, branch, or tagsrr=)idcg}ddvrBtfddD}t|S)Nr namespacesc&g|] \}}|k |Srr)rbmbmr hexremoterevs rYrz,identify..getbms..ks2#B,.....r=)listkeysrrry)bmsrr remoterevs @rYgetbmszidentify..getbmsesy4==#?#???#&y>>L'+}}\'B'B'H'H'J'JC c{{"r=/rrrr)r rr=TF)rr!rGr9)dirtyc^g|])}|*Srrrrrrs rYrzidentify..s-CCCaRZZ11CCCr=%s%sc<g|]}d|zS)rrrs rYrzidentify..s$ B B BQ B B Br=c^g|])}|*Srrrs rYrzidentify..s-???!AFFHH--???r=r)rCrs(%s)rtagr)rr)r3rrr)*r(rarrRrr;get_unique_pull_pathrrlocalrrrrFrrr5rrrrrrrrrr.rr rrrCr3rrrrGr rrrr)r4rUrLrnumrrGr3r rVdefaultoutputr|rr'hexrevrrrrCtaglistrr hexoutput numoutputrsrrrrs @@@rYidentifyrs V   % %D    F G G   ;";;$;).rej file. Conflicts can then be resolved by hand before :hg:`commit --amend` is run to update the created changeset. This flag exists to let people import patches that partially apply without losing the associated metadata (author, date, description, ...). .. note:: When no hunks apply cleanly, :hg:`import --partial` will create an empty changeset, importing only the patch metadata. With -s/--similarity, hg will attempt to discover renames and copies in the patch in the same way as :hg:`addremove`. It is possible to use external patch programs to perform the patch by setting the ``ui.patch`` configuration option. For the default internal tool, the fuzz can also be configured via ``patch.fuzz``. See :hg:`help config` for more information about configuration files and how to use these options. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. .. container:: verbose Examples: - import a traditional patch from a website and detect renames:: hg import -s 80 http://example.com/bugfix.patch - import a changeset from an hgweb server:: hg import https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg/rev/5ca8c111e9aa - import all the patches in an Unix-style mbox:: hg import incoming-patches.mbox - import patches from stdin:: hg import - - attempt to exactly restore an exported changeset (not always possible):: hg import --exact proposed-fix.patch - use an external tool to apply a patch which is too fuzzy for the default internal tool. hg import --config ui.patch="patch --merge" fuzzy.patch - change the default fuzzing from 2 to a less strict 7 hg import --config ui.fuzz=7 fuzz.patch Returns 0 on success, 1 on partial success (see --partial). r%bypasssecretexactr1rs!need at least one patch to importryrrrjrssimilarity must be a numberds$similarity must be between 0 and 100s%cannot use --similarity with --bypassrrr.c.dSNsimport)rrUsrYrzimport_..s)))44r=c.tjdSr)rrsrYrzimport_..sm9$ JJr=Nr sapplying patch from stdin sstdins applying %s F) sendacceptTrspatch applied partially s1(fix the .rej files and run `hg commit --amend`) rs%s: no diffs founds * * * )"rr>r(rarrRrrNr9r?float ValueErrorr r@rAr!r5nullcontextmanagerrCrTfinrrrropenpathr&rextract tryimportonerOr write_errsavecommitmessage)r4rUpatch1patchesrVrrrsimr"msgsror!rdsguardrCpatchurl patchfilehaspatchhunk patchdatar[rrejs ` rYimport_rs`j ( kHh/ (w8JKKK   % %D Hq!EFFGGGi'!G 88G  D 1 *400W HHX  E)$$ $FBDHH]++0q11 BBBq!?@@AAAB Qww#))q!HIIJJJ L6Lq!IJJKKK =D D C 77  ,  #D ) ) ) ,DHHX.. ,%d+++xx %% K9D4444B-GG*D(BJJJJG TVV( @( @RRTT( @( @7799( @( @4j((**G## P# Pt##IIa >??@@@ "I'HH!w||D(;;HIIa 011H<=== " BU K K KI !K 22Dr400I)0)=i$bh**T3-#'e ,,,//"&t*"4"4"6"6#':,  Q'C%D%DEEE !:    P*1-B+C+Ch+NOOOP @&&|'8'8'>'>???Q( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @( @Ro777777777777777777s $C..,DBR & Q21 Q.displaysD)%>>F  #D&)X-@     r=cdS)Nrrrr=rYrzincoming..sar=Tbufferedrr rrrr!remote doesn't support bookmarks sincomingcomparing with %s )mode)r(rarNr checkunsupportedgraphflagsr _incomingrr>r;get_pull_pathsparseurlrrrrvrrrrT hidepasswordr incomingbookmarks_mode) r4rUrLrVrLsrcsrrr$s `` ` rYrrsn   % %D xx -b$777        WiiT64$OOOOq ({YKHHH xx %dB99  D&/ TXXi00   FHGD$//E u~~m'D'DDDGGACDDEEE %%% ,--0DV0L0LL!)e$*=  ;r4 . ..s79GA(GGrgs![-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]rmc tj|}tj||d}t j|||d}|dS)awcreate a new repository in the given directory Initialize a new repository in the given directory. If the given directory does not exist, it will be created. If no directory is given, the current directory is used. It is possible to specify an ``ssh://`` URL as the destination. See :hg:`help urls` for more information. Returns 0 on success. rT)createN)r(rar;get_clone_pathrrr)r4rrVrrs rYinitr7sT*   % %D  !"d + +A .D 72tT$ / / /DJJLLLLLr=locatefullpaths-print complete paths from the filesystem roots[OPTION]... [PATTERN]...ctj|}|drd}nd}tj||dd}d}t j|||dd }|d |(t|j |}n| |}t j |t| } |D]b} |d r*||| |n|| | |d }c|S)a>locate files matching specific patterns (DEPRECATED) Print files under Mercurial control in the working directory whose names match the given patterns. By default, this command searches all directories in the working directory. To search just the current directory and its subdirectories, use "--include .". If no patterns are given to match, this command prints the names of all files under Mercurial control in the working directory. If you want to feed the output of this command into the "xargs" command, use the -0 option to both this command and "xargs". This will avoid the problem of "xargs" treating single filenames that contain whitespace as multiple filenames. See :hg:`help files` for a more versatile command. Returns 0 if a match is found, 1 otherwise. rrrrpNrsrelglobcdS)NFrrs rYrzlocate..sr=)rrrr^rr)r(rarNr rr.r`rrryrBmatchesrbrwrwjoin) r4rUrdrVrrrorefilesgenrfrs rYlocaterRsXb   % %D xx   tTXXf%5%5t < >"4T$ZZHHHH 88K  ) HHTZZ__c * * * * HHXXc]]C ( ( ( Jr=s log|historys follow-firsts=only follow the first parent of merge changesets (DEPRECATED)s!show revisions matching date specsDATEcopiessshow copied filess+do case-insensitive search for a given textsTEXTs"revisions to select or follow fromLs line-ranges2follow line range of specified file (EXPERIMENTAL)s FILE,RANGEsremoveds*include revisions where files were removeds only-mergess8show only merges (DEPRECATED) (use -r "merge()" instead)srevisions committed by usersUSERs only-branchs?show only changesets within the given named branch (DEPRECATED)s-show changesets within the given named branchs)show changesets within the given bookmarkPsprunes/do not display revision or any of its ancestorss[OPTION]... [FILE]c\tj|}|d}|r6|ds!tjt d|r#|r!tjt dt j||dd}tj |||}tj ||\}}|rtj |||\}}d}|dr1d} |r| d z} t j || }|d tj||||d } |dr tj} n tj} | |||| |dS)ashow revision history of entire repository or files Print the revision history of the specified files or the entire project. If no revision range is specified, the default is ``tip:0`` unless --follow is set. File history is shown without following rename or copy history of files. Use -f/--follow with a filename to follow history across renames and copies. --follow without a filename will only show ancestors of the starting revisions. The starting revisions can be specified by -r/--rev, which default to the working directory parent. By default this command prints revision number and changeset id, tags, non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit. When the -v/--verbose switch is used, the list of changed files and full commit message are shown. With --graph the revisions are shown as an ASCII art DAG with the most recent changeset at the top. 'o' is a changeset, '@' is a working directory parent, '%' is a changeset involved in an unresolved merge conflict, '_' closes a branch, 'x' is obsolete, '*' is unstable, and '+' represents a fork where the changeset from the lines below is a parent of the 'o' merge on the same line. Paths in the DAG are represented with '|', '/' and so forth. ':' in place of a '|' indicates one or more revisions in a path are omitted. .. container:: verbose Use -L/--line-range FILE,M:N options to follow the history of lines from M to N in FILE. With -p/--patch only diff hunks affecting specified line range will be shown. This option requires --follow; it can be specified multiple times. Currently, this option is not compatible with --graph. This option is experimental. .. note:: :hg:`log --patch` may generate unexpected diff output for merge changesets, as it will only compare the merge changeset against its first parent. Also, only files different from BOTH parents will appear in files:. .. note:: For performance reasons, :hg:`log FILE` may omit duplicate changes made on branches and will not show removals or mode changes. To see all such changes, use the --removed switch. .. container:: verbose .. note:: The history resulting from -L/--line-range options depends on diff options; for instance if white-spaces are ignored, respective changes with only white-spaces in specified line range will not be listed. .. container:: verbose Some examples: - changesets with full descriptions and file lists:: hg log -v - changesets ancestral to the working directory:: hg log -f - last 10 commits on the current branch:: hg log -l 10 -b . - changesets showing all modifications of a file, including removals:: hg log --removed file.c - all changesets that touch a directory, with diffs, excluding merges:: hg log -Mp lib/ - all revision numbers that match a keyword:: hg log -k bug --template "{rev}\n" - the full hash identifier of the working directory parent:: hg log -r . --template "{node}\n" - list available log templates:: hg log -T list - check if a given changeset is included in a tagged release:: hg log -r "a21ccf and ancestor(1.9)" - find all changesets by some user in a date range:: hg log -k alice -d "may 2008 to jul 2008" - summary of all changesets after the last tag:: hg log -r "last(tagged())::" --template "{desc|firstline}\n" - changesets touching lines 13 to 23 for file.c:: hg log -L file.c,13:23 - changesets touching lines 13 to 23 for file.c and lines 2 to 6 of main.c with patch:: hg log -L file.c,13:23 -L main.c,2:6 -p See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. See :hg:`help revisions` for more about specifying and ordering revisions. See :hg:`help templates` for more about pre-packaged styles and specifying custom templates. The default template used by the log command can be customized via the ``command-templates.log`` configuration setting. Returns 0 on success. s line_rangerqs--line-range requires --follows:FILE arguments are not compatible with --line-range optionrprNrr)endrevrTrr)r(rarNrrRrr.rr parseoptsgetrevsgetlinerangerevsr getcopiesfnrr~displaygraphrevs displayrevs) r4rUrdrV linerange walk_optsr|differ getcopiesrr displayfns rYrrsF   % %D''IE),,Eq!BCCDDD T  K L L     %dDHHV,<,rOrSrrPrMrRr abortmerger4r rrr destmergerr; findmissingr~rurrIr!)r4rUrrVrZr1rrrVrrrYrrs rYr!r!sqh   % %D HHX  E 7!!##t{22#D!H++666 (x&*9MNNN ,*400  U]h..";<< NZZ\\   M"1%J#K#KLL L}TWd+++ xxGDGq!DEEFFF  xx -"4.. ==&: ; ; "  8%d++, xxzz < = =    xx   $Z__   XXZZ**2$rd*CC1"dDAA  ' 'D NN4: & & & &q('3)?)?@I  9h / /99""DDDx5888999999999999999999s-0L**L.1L.soutstanding uncommitted merges:To continue: hg commit To abort: hg merge --aborts%use 'hg commit' or 'hg merge --abort')rr( allowcommitcmdmsgrQ statushintr+s outgoing|outs6a changeset intended to be included in the destinations(a specific branch you would like to pushs)[-M] [-p] [-n] [-f] [-r REV]... [DEST]...ctj|}|dr tj|||D]}|jp|j}tj|||} d| dvr:| td | dS| tdtj|z|dt!j|||| cS#| wxYwtj||||S)a'show changesets not found in the destination Show changesets not found in the specified destination repository or the default push location. These are the changesets that would be pushed if a push was requested. See pull for details of valid destination formats. .. container:: verbose With -B/--bookmarks, the result of bookmark comparison between local and remote repositories is displayed. With -v/--verbose, status is also displayed for each bookmark like below:: BM1 01234567890a added BM2 deleted BM3 234567890abc advanced BM4 34567890abcd diverged BM5 4567890abcde changed The action taken when pushing depends on the status of each bookmark: :``added``: push with ``-B`` will create it :``deleted``: push with ``-B`` will delete it :``advanced``: push will update it :``diverged``: push with ``-B`` will update it :``changed``: push with ``-B`` will update it From the point of view of pushing behavior, bookmarks existing only in the remote repository are treated as ``deleted``, even if it is in fact added remotely. Returns 0 if there are outgoing changes, 1 otherwise. rrrrrsoutgoing)r(rarNr;rpushloclocrrrrvrrrTrrr r )r4rUrrVrrr$s rYr r jsLH   % %D xx *4U;;  D<+48DGD$--E u~~m'D'DDDGGACDDEEE  ,--0DT0J0JJ%%% )"dE::  ;r4 - --s)9D2:A!D22Esparentss&show parents of the specified revisions[-r REV] [FILE]c Dtj|}|d}|rtj||gd}t j||d}|rQtj||f|}|s%t| dkr!tj td| d}g}|D]C}|s |||/#tj$rY@wxYw|s$tj td|zg} |D]@} ||| } | | And |D} t j|||} | D](} | |jkr| || )| dS) ashow the parents of the working directory or revision (DEPRECATED) Print the working directory's parent revisions. If a revision is given via -r/--rev, the parent of that revision will be printed. If a file argument is given, the revision in which the file was last changed (before the working directory revision or the argument to --rev if given) is printed. This command is equivalent to:: hg log -r "p1()+p2()" or hg log -r "p1(REV)+p2(REV)" or hg log -r "max(::p1() and file(FILE))+max(::p2() and file(FILE))" or hg log -r "max(::p1(REV) and file(FILE))+max(::p2(REV) and file(FILE))" See :hg:`summary` and :hg:`help revsets` for related information. Returns 0 on success. rprNrs%can only specify an explicit filenamers'%s' not found in manifest)fileidc6g|]}|Srr)rcps rYrzparents..s / / /2RWWYY / / /r=)r(rarNr.rr rr`rkrrrrRrrCrr3rfilectxrr~rErur)r4rUfile_rVrrre filenodesrrrrrrs rYrCrCs)J   % %D ((6  C B)$yAA  tS$ / /C 0 M#x . . 99;; P#aggii..A--"1%M#N#NOO O !  ++--  B    U!3!34444$     M"1%B#C#Ce#KLL L  " "B<<b<11D HHTYY[[ ! ! ! ! " 0 / / / /-b$==I $$    NN47 # # # OOs(D,,D>=D>pathss[NAME]c xtj|}tj||}|d|d|}|r tj}nt}|j rd}nd}| o|j }|D]\} } | | | d|| | |j dd|| j t| jD][\} } | dvsJ|r|d| | fzt#| t$r| rd} nd } | || d| \||r-|s+|j s"|t+d d Sd S) ashow aliases for remote repositories Show definition of symbolic path name NAME. If no name is given, show definition of all available names. Option -q/--quiet suppresses all output when searching for NAME and shows only the path names when listing all definitions. Path names are defined in the [paths] section of your configuration file and in ``/etc/mercurial/hgrc``. If run inside a repository, ``.hg/hgrc`` is used, too. The path names ``default`` and ``default-push`` have a special meaning. When performing a push or pull operation, they are used as fallbacks if no location is specified on the command-line. When ``default-push`` is set, it will be used for push and ``default`` will be used for pull; otherwise ``default`` is used as the fallback for both. When cloning a repository, the clone source is written as ``default`` in ``.hg/hgrc``. .. note:: ``default`` and ``default-push`` apply to all inbound (e.g. :hg:`incoming`) and outbound (e.g. :hg:`outgoing`, :hg:`email` and :hg:`bundle`) operations. See :hg:`help urls` for more information. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported. See also :hg:`help templates`. :name: String. Symbolic name of the path alias. :pushurl: String. URL for push operations. :url: String. URL or directory path for the other operations. Returns 0 on success. rrs%s = nameurl)rrs%s:%s = syessnos not found! rr)r(rar; list_pathsrrrrbytesrrrrry suboptionsrrrrwrrvr) r4rUsearchrV pathitemsrrnamefmt showsuboptsrrsuboptrs rYrr sd   % %D"2v..IHHX h % %B zz||+   x*-RXK > > d  Z'4888 \67LL4M4MNNN#DO$9$9$;$;<< > >MFE!22222 7f~5666%&& """EE!E LLfgu = = = = >FFHHH ix ( GGAo&& ' ' 'qqr=phasespublicsset changeset phase to publicsdraftsset changeset phase to draftsset changeset phase to secretsallow to move boundary backwardstarget revisions[-p|-d|-s] [-f] [-r] [REV...]ctj|}dttjD]2\}}||r%!t jtd|3t|}| |d|rtj |}n$dd D}d}M|D]H}|}| d||fzIn׉5d5} |s!t jtdfd |D} jjfd Dtj| | |d rtj| | dddn #1swxYwYdddn #1swxYwYjjfd Dt/fd D} jfd| D} | r4|tdt5| zd}| r@td| z} |r|| n8|| n"|td|S)aset or show the current phase name With no argument, show the phase name of the current revision(s). With one of -p/--public, -d/--draft or -s/--secret, change the phase value of the specified revisions. Unless -f/--force is specified, :hg:`phase` won't move changesets from a lower phase to a higher phase. Phases are ordered as follows:: public < draft < secret Returns 0 on success, 1 if some phases could not be changed. (For more information about the phases concept, see :hg:`help phases`.) Nsonly one phase can be specifiedrpc6g|]}|Srrrs rYrzphase..s 666A666r=rs%i: %s r#rqcDg|]}|Srrrs rYrzphase..s%222T!W\\^^222r=c(g|]}|Srrrrgetphaseunfis rYrzphase..s%777Qxxa((777r=rc(g|]}|Srrr(s rYrzphase..s%33388D!$$333r=c3<K|]}||kVdSrr)rrnewdataolddatas rYrzphase..s0==1gajGAJ.======r=cRg|]#}|k!|$Srr)rrrr- targetphases rYrzphase..s2III!q (:[(H(HA(H(H(Hr=s9cannot move %i changesets to a higher phase, use --force rs phase changed for %i changesets sno phases changed )r(rarr' cmdphasenamesrrRrrrr rrCrrrr!r unfiltered _phasecachephaseadvanceboundaryretractboundarysumr;rvrrTr)r4rUr|rVidxrrorrrrchangesrgr[rr)r-r.r0r*s ` @@@@@@rYr4r4es:   % %DKv344 T : &&q)K'L'LMMMK ::DKKV  7"4..76d!3!3!5!5666 C @ @Aq'C HH[CGGIIs||~~#>> ? ? ? ? @YY[[ E E$**844 E A&q)>'?'?@@@2222T222E??$$D'-H77777$777G  "4[% @ @ @H~ E&tReDDD E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E#)33333d333========== ^IIIIIIuIII   GG,h--     C  /899GCC  # GGA,-- . . . Js75H BG." H.G2 2H5G2 6HH  H c|dkrdS|rp tj||||S#tj$rF}t dt j|z}|j}tj||d}~wwxYw||dkrt| } | |kr#| t dn| dkr#| t dn[| t d n8| d d s"| t d dS) aRun after a changegroup has been added via pull/unbundle This takes arguments below: :modheads: change of heads by pull/unbundle :optupdate: updating working directory is needed or not :checkout: update destination revision (or None to default destination) :brev: a name, which might be a bookmark to be activated after updating return True if update raise any conflict, False otherwise. rFsnot updating: %srLNrs3(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge) s5(run 'hg heads .' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge) s(run 'hg heads' to see heads) raupdate.requiredests((run 'hg update' to get a working copy) ) r updatetotallyr UpdateAbortrr:rZrMrrHrTr) r4rUmodheads optupdater'brevrcr[rMcurrentbranchheadss rY postincomingrBs{1}}u4 4#Bh== =  4 4 4'((:+B4+H+HHC9D#Cd333 3 41  !1!1!3!344  ) ) IIIJJ     ! # # IIKLL     IIa:;; < < < < ]];(= > >C !@AABBB 5s#A8AA33A8updates8update to new branch head if new descendants were pulleds,run even when remote repository is unrelatedconfirms$confirm pull before applying changessbookmark to pulls<[-u] [-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [SOURCE]...cZ tj|}|ddrI|dr4t d}t d}t j||tj|||D]}tj |j |d\}}| t dtj |z| tj|||} d } tj|| ||d \} } i} d }|d s| rg}g}| pg} | r8| d s#t d }t j|| 5}|dddi}| D]-}||d d|i. d d d n #1swxYwY|}t/j|}|| d<|d gD]_}|j|}||vr$t jt d|z|||`t7| D]<\}}||}|||| kr|} =t9j}|dr|}|5| |ditAj!|| |||d|d d| |dj"}d }| r||#j$%| } |d r|d d}n,|dr|dd}n|d}||_& tO||||d| |} nM#t j($r;}t d|j)dz}|f|j)dd z|_)d }~wwxYw |`&n#|`&wxYw d d d n #1swxYwY| *n#| *wxYw| rn| rdSdS)apull changes from the specified source Pull changes from a remote repository to a local one. This finds all changes from the repository at the specified path or URL and adds them to a local repository (the current one unless -R is specified). By default, this does not update the copy of the project in the working directory. When cloning from servers that support it, Mercurial may fetch pre-generated data. When this is done, hooks operating on incoming changesets and changegroups may fire more than once, once for each pre-generated bundle and as well as for any additional remaining data. See :hg:`help -e clonebundles` for more. Use :hg:`incoming` if you want to see what would have been added by a pull at the time you issued this command. If you then decide to add those changes to the repository, you should use :hg:`pull -r X` where ``X`` is the last changeset listed by :hg:`incoming`. If SOURCE is omitted, the 'default' path will be used. See :hg:`help urls` for more information. If multiple sources are specified, they will be pulled sequentially as if the command was run multiple time. If --update is specify and the command will stop at the first failed --update. Specifying bookmark as ``.`` is equivalent to specifying the active bookmark's name. Returns 0 on success, 1 if an update had unresolved files. rar;rCs,update destination required by configurations&use hg pull followed by hg update DESTrLrspulling from %s NrprslookupsOother repository doesn't support revision lookup, so a rev cannot be specified.slistkeyss namespacerskeysremotebookmarkssremote bookmark %s not found!opargsrrrD)rrrr opargsconfirmrscannot update to target: %sr)+r(rarrNrrrRr;rrrrTrflushrrrcapablercommandexecutor callcommandrresultr unhexlifybookmarksrrrr5rr rrrDcgresultr2r;r _subtoppathrBFilteredRepoLookupErrorrr)r4rUsourcesrVr[rMrrLrr$update_conflictr|r' pullopargsrfnodeserrr7fremotebookmarksrremotebookmarksrsrlrrr r>r@excs rYrDrDsX   % %D }}["788/TXX>>/?@@:;;s....&tR99cc"+DK)9L9LMM !())G,@,H,HHIII  dF++Z -eXtxx'7'7ND(JExx $$" (" ( zr+ i 8 8+9C +c*****,,M'(}}#lL%A(($"MM ammI{&K&KLLLLM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #3"9"9";";"+">"O"O1@ -.+r2255A22155A//#.>??!CLL!34444'oo((FAs!!9++--DLL&&&h#'+--Exx "" % ( )( )!!$((9b"9"9:::#=((8,,"hh{B77% HHZ00    +#00:>>xHHH xx''+#F|A),,+#Iq1'{#)  )&2D(DHHY,?,?4''OO4:;;chqkIC #v 4CH$((((((((Q( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )V KKMMMMEKKMMMM   E qqs!BTA H TH TH D0TD S('RSS 6SS  SS(SS( T(S, ,T/S, 0TTs purge|cleans abort-on-errsabort if an error occursspurge ignored files tooignoredspurge only ignored filesdirsspurge empty directoriess purge filesprints(print filenames instead of deleting thems?end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs (implies -p/--print)s%ask before permanently deleting filesshg purge [OPTION]... [DIR]...c tj|}tj|dd|d }d}|drd}d}|ddrd}d}n|dd}| }|d }|d } |d } | * t jd d} n#t$rd} YnwxYw|s| sd}d} tj |d ||} tj || ||| ||d| |  } | D]} |s| d| |fzd S)aZremoves files not tracked by Mercurial Delete files not known to Mercurial. This is useful to test local and uncommitted changes in an otherwise-clean source tree. This means that purge will delete the following by default: - Unknown files: files marked with "?" by :hg:`status` - Empty directories: in fact Mercurial ignores directories unless they contain files under source control management But it will leave untouched: - Modified and unmodified tracked files - Ignored files (unless -i or --all is specified) - New files added to the repository (with :hg:`add`) The --files and --dirs options can be used to direct purge to delete only files, only directories, or both. If neither option is given, both will be deleted. If directories are given on the command line, only files in these directories are considered. Be careful with purge, as you could irreversibly delete some files you forgot to add to the repository. If you only want to print the list of files that this program would delete, use the --print option. rrZr\rrrFTr r[rDNspurges abort_on_err)rfignoredremoveemptydirs removefiles abortonerrornooprHr) r(rarrrNrfindKeyErrorr.r`rJpurger)r4rUdirsrVactrJr^rfr` removedirsrHr`rrs rYreresl   % %D !$ ;;;hhx  C C xx  xx((:u--+((8$$K'""Jhhz""G  OH % % %GG   GGG  z  M$t*dD 1 1E N  "XXo..W   E,, , HHWc{* + + +,,sC)) C87C8pushs force pushsbookmark to pushs all-bookmarkss!push all bookmarks (EXPERIMENTAL)s new-branchsallow pushing a new branchpushvarss/variables that can be sent to server (ADVANCED)publishs+push the changeset as public (EXPERIMENTAL)s5[-f] [-r REV]... [-e CMD] [--remotecmd CMD] [DEST]...c P tj|}|dr/tj|dddgt j|d<|dr|dd|dd|dD]x}j|}|jvr*| dg |O| dg dyd}d }tj ||D]r}|j p|j}|j|d pgf} |t#d tj|zt'j| |d\} } t'j||} | rTfd t-j| D} | s0t1jt#d t#dn|jrbt7jd|j} t;j| g} fd| D} | s!t1jt#dnF|ddr0t1jt#dt#d|_ d}|j }tC|D]J}|"|#|}|d kr`| $dSK `n#`wxYwtK|di}| dg&|dgtOj#| |d| |d|dd|d|}|j(d krd}n |j(d!}|j)|j)d"krd"}n |s |j)rd"}|r | $n0 | $[#| $wxYw|d kr|sd}|S)#a push changes to the specified destination Push changesets from the local repository to the specified destination. This operation is symmetrical to pull: it is identical to a pull in the destination repository from the current one. By default, push will not allow creation of new heads at the destination, since multiple heads would make it unclear which head to use. In this situation, it is recommended to pull and merge before pushing. Use --new-branch if you want to allow push to create a new named branch that is not present at the destination. This allows you to only create a new branch without forcing other changes. .. note:: Extra care should be taken with the -f/--force option, which will push all new heads on all branches, an action which will almost always cause confusion for collaborators. If -r/--rev is used, the specified revision and all its ancestors will be pushed to the remote repository. If -B/--bookmark is used, the specified bookmarked revision, its ancestors, and the bookmark will be pushed to the remote repository. Specifying ``.`` is equivalent to specifying the active bookmark's name. Use the --all-bookmarks option for pushing all current bookmarks. Please see :hg:`help urls` for important details about ``ssh://`` URLs. If DESTINATION is omitted, a default path will be used. When passed multiple destinations, push will process them one after the other, but stop should an error occur. .. container:: verbose The --pushvars option sends strings to the server that become environment variables prepended with ``HG_USERVAR_``. For example, ``--pushvars ENABLE_FEATURE=true``, provides the server side hooks with ``HG_USERVAR_ENABLE_FEATURE=true`` as part of their environment. pushvars can provide for user-overridable hooks as well as set debug levels. One example is having a hook that blocks commits containing conflict markers, but enables the user to override the hook if the file is using conflict markers for testing purposes or the file format has strings that look like conflict markers. By default, servers will ignore `--pushvars`. To enable it add the following to your configuration file:: [push] pushvars.server = true Returns 0 if push was successful, 1 if nothing to push. s all_bookmarksrrprspushingrinullFrrspushing to %s cDg|]}|Srrrs rYrzpush..s%PPP1Q PPPr=s,specified revisions evaluate to an empty sets use different revision argumentsrLs heads(%r)cDg|]}|Srrr s rYrzpush..s'999SS ((999r=s6default push revset for path evaluates to an empty setraspush.require-revssno revisions specified to pushsdid you mean "hg push -r ."?rmrrFrjrs new_branchrrk)r| newbranchr publishrGNTrj)*r(rarNrr>rrrir setdefaultrr;rrrrGrTrrrrrr rrrRpushrevr, formatspecr.rrPsubstaterysubpushrdictrrrObkresult)r4rUrrVrs some_pushedrMrrrr|r'r$exprrsubsrp sub_resultrGpushops ` rYrwrw sH   % %D xx !!2,   & !   !11[ xx  < \:tK/@'JJJk" < t*D*DDEEE) $$((6"2"2  hdD))E  PPPP 0CD$0O0OPPP*IJJBCC  ",\4<HH'tf559999D999*U {,@AA &788:;; $D  %Jz!!A!"qt!4!4J!Q $B KKMMMMMMI'! $$D$$$$$B''F   k2 . . 5 5dhh{B6O6O P P P]""((=11((;33,,   F!##," *?a''FFFOF  KKMMMMM   KKMMMMEKKMMMM {{;{ Ms3D RAM .RM  R MDRRsrecover)r=verifyFs(run `hg verify` after successful recoverc |}|rB|drtj|Std}||dSdS)a6roll back an interrupted transaction Recover from an interrupted commit or pull. This command tries to fix the repository status after an interrupted operation. It should only be necessary when Mercurial suggests it. Returns 0 if successful, 1 if nothing to recover or verify fails. r6sH(verify step skipped, run `hg verify` to check your repository content) rr)recoverrr6rrv)r4rUrVror[s rYrrsb$ ,,..C  > 9T?? ")C GGCLLL1 1r=s remove|rmsrecord delete for missing filess)forget added files, delete modified filesc tj|}|d|d}}|d}|s#|s!tjt dt j|d||}|d}t j|d} tj |||d | |||| S) a'remove the specified files on the next commit Schedule the indicated files for removal from the current branch. This command schedules the files to be removed at the next commit. To undo a remove before that, see :hg:`revert`. To undo added files, see :hg:`forget`. .. container:: verbose -A/--after can be used to remove only files that have already been deleted, -f/--force can be used to force deletion, and -Af can be used to remove files from the next revision without deleting them from the working directory. The following table details the behavior of remove for different file states (columns) and option combinations (rows). The file states are Added [A], Clean [C], Modified [M] and Missing [!] (as reported by :hg:`status`). The actions are Warn, Remove (from branch) and Delete (from disk): ========= == == == == opt/state A C M ! ========= == == == == none W RD W R -f R RD RD R -A W W W R -Af R R R R ========= == == == == .. note:: :hg:`remove` never deletes files in Added [A] state from the working directory, not even if ``--force`` is specified. Returns 0 on success, 1 if any warnings encountered. rrrrNr Tr^r=)rW) r(rarNrrRrr.r`rbrr) r4rUrdrVafterrrWrer rfs rYrrsj   % %D88H%%txx'9'95E XXj ! !F 99q!677888 d4j$--Axx $$H"4TBBBH > D!S(E5(6   r=srename|move|mvs$unmark a destination file as renameds)record a rename that has already occurreds5(un)mark renames in the given revision (EXPERIMENTAL)s+forcibly move over an existing managed files[OPTION]... SOURCE... DESTctj|}|5tj||||dcdddS#1swxYwYdS)akrename files; equivalent of copy + remove Mark dest as copies of sources; mark sources for deletion. If dest is a directory, copies are put in that directory. If dest is a file, there can only be one source. By default, this command copies the contents of files as they exist in the working directory. If invoked with -A/--after, the operation is recorded, but no copying is performed. To undo marking a destination file as renamed, use --forget. With that option, all given (positional) arguments are unmarked as renames. The destination file(s) will be left in place (still tracked). The source file(s) will not be restored. Note that :hg:`rename --forget` behaves the same way as :hg:`copy --forget`. This command takes effect with the next commit by default. Returns 0 on success, 1 if errors are encountered. T)rNrrUs rYrr?sZ   % %D ??|BdD>>>??????????????????sAAAresolvesselect all unresolved filess!list state of files needing mergesmarksmark files as resolvedsunmarksmark files as unresolveds no-statusshide status prefixsre-mergesre-merge filesc  !"tj|dd}d}fd|D\}}}} } } t t t d| ||| g} | dkr!tjtd| dkrH|dd r2td } tjtd | |r#|r!tjtd |s+|s)| s'|s%|s#tjtdd |r|rC| tdr!tj td|rE|sC| tdr!tj td|rE|sC| tdr!tj tdtj |"| rP|d|d}t j|}|d}tj||}t jdt jdt jdt jdi}|D]}||s|||\}}||||| dd|||||d"|z||dS|5t j|}|sC|j !|j"ks!tj#td|d}tj||}d}d}g}|r|$dd }|d!vrd}|D]k}||sd"}||t jt jfvr|r!|%|t jng|r!|%|t jnD||t jkr.|&td#"|z|r}|rY|j'(|}tSj*|r+||t jkr|+||%|t j;|r"|%|t j_|,|} t[j.||d$zn#t^$rYnwxYw d%0d&d'i}|1|d5|2||}dddn #1swxYwY|rd}|3n#|3wxYw t[j4|d$ztj5|||\#t^$rYiwxYw|r~|&td(d'6"fd)|Dz|d*kr4|s2|s0tj#td+td, |3|j !|j"k}|j 75t!j8||9|ddddn #1swxYwY|s|rd} tud-|Dsd.|D}tj||}|D]Z}||sd/!d'6!fd0|D}td1|d26|fz} |&td3| r|&| dddn #1swxYwY|;} | s6|<td4t{j>||S)5aredo merges or set/view the merge status of files Merges with unresolved conflicts are often the result of non-interactive merging using the ``internal:merge`` configuration setting, or a command-line merge tool like ``diff3``. The resolve command is used to manage the files involved in a merge, after :hg:`merge` has been run, and before :hg:`commit` is run (i.e. the working directory must have two parents). See :hg:`help merge-tools` for information on configuring merge tools. The resolve command can be used in the following ways: - :hg:`resolve [--re-merge] [--tool TOOL] FILE...`: attempt to re-merge the specified files, discarding any previous merge attempts. Re-merging is not performed for files already marked as resolved. Use ``--all/-a`` to select all unresolved files. ``--tool`` can be used to specify the merge tool used for the given files. It overrides the HGMERGE environment variable and your configuration files. Previous file contents are saved with a ``.orig`` suffix. - :hg:`resolve -m [FILE]`: mark a file as having been resolved (e.g. after having manually fixed-up the files). The default is to mark all unresolved files. - :hg:`resolve -u [FILE]...`: mark a file as unresolved. The default is to mark all resolved files. - :hg:`resolve -l`: list files which had or still have conflicts. In the printed list, ``U`` = unresolved and ``R`` = resolved. You can use ``set:unresolved()`` or ``set:resolved()`` to filter the list. See :hg:`help filesets` for details. .. note:: Mercurial will not let you commit files with unresolved merge conflicts. You must use :hg:`resolve -m ...` before you can commit after a conflicting merge. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :mergestatus: String. Character denoting merge conflicts, ``U`` or ``R``. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file. Returns 0 on success, 1 if any files fail a resolve attempt. rasresolve.confirms'all mark unmark list no_status re_mergec:g|]}|Srrr|s rYrzresolve..s#1P1P1P!$((1++1P1P1Pr=Nrstoo many actions specifiedrsresolve.explicit-re-merges*use --mark, --unmark, --list or --re-mergesno action specifiedrLs can't specify --all and patterns!no files or directories specifieds*use --all to re-merge all unresolved filess1re-merge all unresolved files (yn)?$$ &Yes $$ &Nos user quits9mark all unresolved files as resolved (yn)?$$ &Yes $$ &Nos9mark all resolved files as unresolved (yn)?$$ &Yes $$ &Nor)resolve.unresolvedrd)sresolve.resolvedr<)rrrs mergestatusrrrrs/resolve command not applicable when not mergingFsresolve.mark-check)swarnrFTs,%s: path conflict must be resolved manually s.resolver(r*r=s:warning: the following files still have conflict markers: c3:K|]}d|zdzVdS)s rNr)rrrfs rYrzresolve.._sF45EHHQKK'%/r=rFsconflict markers detectedsuse --all to mark anywaycDg|]}|ddk|S)rr)rcrs rYrzresolve..|s,===a166$<<1+<+<+<+<+.}s5551 Q555r=c,|dkrdSd|ddzS)Nsre_merges --re-merge s-%s rrr)r}s rYflagzresolve..flags% ++#1>&1Q3//r=cPg|]"}||#Srr)rr}rrVs rYrzresolve..s0%O%O%O!488A;;%Odd1gg%O%O%Or=s(try: hg resolve %s%s) rs1arguments do not match paths that need resolving s(no more unresolved files) )?r(rarrrrfilterrrRr promptchoice CanceledErrorr.rbrr mergestatemodr"r2r`MERGE_RECORD_UNRESOLVEDMERGE_RECORD_RESOLVEDMERGE_RECORD_UNRESOLVED_PATHMERGE_RECORD_RESOLVED_PATHrrrrrrr rrBrVrErPrmarkrvwvfstryreadrhasconflictmarkersrrr5copyfileFileNotFoundErrorrNrIresolver&r backuppathr parentchange recordupdatesactionsrrNrTrcheckafterresolved)#r4rUrdrVrHflaglistrrunmarkrunostatusremerge actioncountrMrmswctxremergestateinforrrrodidworkr markcheckfdataarYr branchmerger unresolvedfrrfs# ` @@rYrrqs J   % %DmmK);<??@@@   bmm1 >??q!788tDDDD GGq!DEEFFF  4 4 4 6  2 3 3>    ;  ;FGG ;)!L//:::  ; ;& ; )!L//:::  ;$ ;& ; )!L//:::"4((H %  \\*d + +  % * *4 0 0Dz M$d + +  14  /1L  69  47   9 9A1Q44 '1.JE3 LLNNN JJ4J LLX~vs%L P P P GGGOOO HHWxx{{*%H 8 8 8 8 q EE  % * *4 0 0  t}//11T[@@"DEE Dz M$d + +  " +/DEEI 333! 9 9 A1Q44 G!u:8GGA}GHHHHGGA}IJJJJUmHHHGGJKK"(1++&# 5 I--a00E!4U;;5qE]%HHH*11!444=>???? =@AAAAJJqMMM!Q_5555(D !7'39O9O PI**9jAA00JJq$//000000000000000 IIKKKKBIIKKKKKK);Ba)H)H)D   GG"((9K    H$$S$$&233677 m&&((DK7 ] ' ' ) ) O O  'bjjllK N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 4 D==4===>> 55555M$d33A1Q44! 000  HH%O%O%O%O%Ox%O%O%OPPE899 $=D GGAKLL M M M  KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN$$&&K ) !344555"4((( JsH/b7 W%$b7% W2/b71W22b76.Y+$Y; Y+Y Y+Y Y+b7+Zb7,Z31b73 [=b7[Cb7*_ = b7 _ b7_ Cb77b;>b;sreverts*revert all changes when no arguments givenstipmost revision matching dates revert to the specified revisions no-backups"do not save backup copies of filess interactively select the changess[OPTION]... [-r REV] [NAME]...ctj|}|dr6tj|ddgtj|||d|d<|j\}}|ds;||jkr0tj tdtd|d}|rtj ||gd}tj||}|sT|ds>|ds(|d s|d std }||jkr%td } tj || t!|} |} | |krL| r%td |z} nFtd|z} n!| rtd} ntd} tj || tj|||g|Ritj|S)arestore files to their checkout state .. note:: To check out earlier revisions, you should use :hg:`update REV`. To cancel an uncommitted merge (and lose your changes), use :hg:`merge --abort`. With no revision specified, revert the specified files or directories to the contents they had in the parent of the working directory. This restores the contents of files to an unmodified state and unschedules adds, removes, copies, and renames. If the working directory has two parents, you must explicitly specify a revision. Using the -r/--rev or -d/--date options, revert the given files or directories to their states as of a specific revision. Because revert does not change the working directory parents, this will cause these files to appear modified. This can be helpful to "back out" some or all of an earlier change. See :hg:`backout` for a related method. Modified files are saved with a .orig suffix before reverting. To disable these backups, use --no-backup. It is possible to store the backup files in a custom directory relative to the root of the repository by setting the ``ui.origbackuppath`` configuration option. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. See :hg:`help backout` for a way to reverse the effect of an earlier changeset. Returns 0 on success. ryrps,uncommitted merge with no revision specifieds'use 'hg update' or see 'hg help revert'rLrrBrCrrRrs[uncommitted merge, use --all to discard all changes, or 'hg update -C .' to abort the mergesRuncommitted changes, use --all to discard all changes, or 'hg update %d' to updates:use --all to revert all files, or 'hg update %d' to updates5uncommitted changes, use --all to discard all changessuse --all to revert all files)r(rarNrr>finddaterBrCrErrRrr.rr rrrTrrrQr5) r4rUrdrVr+rVrrr[rMrrs rYrQrQsf   % %D xxA,T7VHEEE'D$w-@@V &&((JFB 88F   dk 1 1 = > >=>>    ((6  C B)$yAA  tS ) )C %/ 88J  %/ 88J  %/ 88F   %/ 88N # # %/455   ;D"3T222 2DKKMM""xxzz 6>> Aggii  8ggii   7MNNDD566Ds.... >"dC K$ K K K(2DT2J2J K KKr=rollbacksignore safety measuresc |dds#tjtdd||d|dS) aroll back the last transaction (DANGEROUS) (DEPRECATED) Please use :hg:`commit --amend` instead of rollback to correct mistakes in the last commit. This command should be used with care. There is only one level of rollback, and there is no way to undo a rollback. It will also restore the dirstate at the time of the last transaction, losing any dirstate changes since that time. This command does not alter the working directory. Transactions are used to encapsulate the effects of all commands that create new changesets or propagate existing changesets into a repository. .. container:: verbose For example, the following commands are transactional, and their effects can be rolled back: - commit - import - pull - push (with this repository as the destination) - unbundle To avoid permanent data loss, rollback will refuse to rollback a commit transaction if it isn't checked out. Use --force to override this protection. The rollback command can be entirely disabled by setting the ``ui.rollback`` configuration setting to false. If you're here because you want to use rollback and it's disabled, you can re-enable the command by setting ``ui.rollback`` to true. This command is not intended for use on public repositories. Once changes are visible for pull by other users, rolling a transaction back locally is ineffective (someone else may already have pulled the changes). Furthermore, a race is possible with readers of the repository; for example an in-progress pull from the repository may fail if a rollback is performed. Returns 0 on success, 1 if no rollback data is available. r)rs)rollback is disabled because it is unsafes)see `hg help -v rollback` for informationrLrJr)rWr)rrrrrollbackrN)r4rUrVs rYrr ssd == , , k : ; ;=     == 3 3488G;L;L= M MMr=r)rrGc .tj|}|d|5}||dd|j||j|jddddS#1swxYwYdS)aprint the root (top) of the current working directory Print the root directory of the current repository. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :hgpath: String. Path to the .hg directory. :storepath: String. Path to the directory holding versioned data. Returns 0 on success. rsreporootr)hgpath storepathN) r(rarrrrrrspath)r4rUrVrs rYrrCs.   % %D gt $ $8  gty111 tyDJ777888888888888888888sAB  BBsserves accesslogs#name of access log file to write tosdaemonsrun server in backgroundsdaemon-postexecsused internally by daemon modeEserrorlogs"name of error log file to write tosports!port to listen on (default: 8000)sPORTsaddresss.address to listen on (default: all interfaces)sADDRs0prefix path to serve from (default: server root)rs6name to show in web pages (default: working directory)sNAMEsweb-confs3name of the hgweb config file (see 'hg help hgweb')s webdir-confs*name of the hgweb config file (DEPRECATED)spid-files#name of file to write process ID tostdiosfor remote clients (ADVANCED)s cmdservers templatessweb templates to usesTEMPLATEsstylestemplate style to usesSTYLE6sipv6suse IPv6 in addition to IPv4s certificatesSSL certificate files print-urlsstart and print only the URLs [OPTION]...)rGrHrxc tj|ddgtj|}|dr(|jr!t jtd|drN|!t jtdtj ||}| dStj |||}tj||j|jS) astart stand-alone webserver Start a local HTTP repository browser and pull server. You can use this for ad-hoc sharing and browsing of repositories. It is recommended to use a real web server to serve a repository for longer periods of time. Please note that the server does not implement access control. This means that, by default, anybody can read from the server and nobody can write to it by default. Set the ``web.allow-push`` option to ``*`` to allow everybody to push to the server. You should use a real web server if you need to authenticate users. By default, the server logs accesses to stdout and errors to stderr. Use the -A/--accesslog and -E/--errorlog options to log to files. To have the server choose a free port number to listen on, specify a port number of 0; in this case, the server will print the port number it uses. Returns 0 on success. stdio cmdservers print_urls%cannot use --print-url with --verboserNr)initfnrunfn)rr>r(rarrrRr RepoErrorr8 sshserver serve_foreverr/ createservice runservicerrun)r4rUrVrpservices rYserverasd (w FFF   % %D LLbjLq!IJJKKK H~ </JKK   %b$ / / "2tT22G  T',gk J J JJr=sshelves7mark new/missing files as added/removed before shelvingunknowns!store unknown files in the shelvecleanupsdelete all shelved changess%shelve with the specified commit dates"delete the named shelved change(s)keeps1shelve, but keep changes in the working directoryslist current shelvesmessagesuse text as shelve messages)use the given name for the shelved commitpatchs]output patches for changes (provide the names of the shelved changes as positional arguments)sinteractive moderskoutput diffstat-style summary of changes (provide the names of the shelved changes as positional arguments)shg shelve [OPTION]... [FILE]...c .tjddhfddhfddhfddhfddhfddhfddhfd dhfd dhfd d dhfd d dhfg fd }|dr8|r!tjt dt j||S|drt j|||S|drt j|||S|d s |d rt j |||St j |||S)asave and set aside changes from the working directory Shelving takes files that "hg status" reports as not clean, saves the modifications to a bundle (a shelved change), and reverts the files so that their state in the working directory becomes clean. To restore these changes to the working directory, using "hg unshelve"; this will work even if you switch to a different commit. When no files are specified, "hg shelve" saves all not-clean files. If specific files or directories are named, only changes to those files are shelved. In bare shelve (when no files are specified, without interactive, include and exclude option), shelving remembers information if the working directory was on newly created branch, in other words working directory was on different branch than its first parent. In this situation unshelving restores branch information to the working directory. Each shelved change has a name that makes it easier to find later. The name of a shelved change defaults to being based on the active bookmark, or if there is no active bookmark, the current named branch. To specify a different name, use ``--name``. To see a list of existing shelved changes, use the ``--list`` option. For each shelved change, this will print its name, age, and description; use ``--patch`` or ``--stat`` for more details. To delete specific shelved changes, use ``--delete``. To delete all shelved changes, use ``--cleanup``. rhscreaterrrrrrrrrrc|r<D]7\}}|r*||vr&tjtd||fz8dSdS)Ns2options '--%s' and '--%s' may not be used togetherT)rNrrRr)optrl allowable allowablesrVs rYcheckoptzshelve..checkoptQs 88C==  *   97s)33*-( #4  r=s+cannot specify names when using '--cleanup') r(rarrRr shelvemod cleanupcmd deletecmdlistcmd patchcmds createcmd)r4rUrdrVrrs ` @rYr0r0sx   % %D  {# i[! j\" YK 9+ 9+ 7) i[! 9+ Hg&' 7G$% J      x  9  "@AA #B--- )  9"2tT222 '  9 T4666 (  9xx009"2tT4888"2tT4888r=snothings status|stsshow status of all filessmodifiedsshow only modified filessaddedsshow only added filessshow only removed filessdeletedsshow only missing filessshow only files without changess%show only unknown (not tracked) filessshow only ignored filesterses$show the terse output (EXPERIMENTAL)s6show source of copied files (DEFAULT: ui.statuscopies)sshow difference from revisions$list the changed files of a revisionc  tjddtjdg}dd}dt }|t ur|rd}n|dd}|r%|r#td }tj ||rBtj ||gd }tj ||d }|} n.tj ||d }tj||\} }d } |dd r|dd } tj|t'|| } drd} nd} d} fd| D}dr||jr| d ddgzp| z }|s|jr | d d}n | d d}tj||}|ro|| ||d|vpd|vdddtj|nX|| ||d|vd|vd|vdt5| tjdfd| D}i}|dd }d!d!}|sdod" }|rt9j| ||}d }|js|dd#r=|s)dstj |}|!d$|"d$}d%| z}d" }|D]\}}}||vrd&|z}|D]}|#|$|'|%d(|)|&|d$d*||+||| |z|+||vrH|%||,|d-| z| ||zd.+|r|'|||r|(||)d S)/a show changed files in the working directory Show status of files in the repository. If names are given, only files that match are shown. Files that are clean or ignored or the source of a copy/move operation, are not listed unless -c/--clean, -i/--ignored, -C/--copies or -A/--all are given. Unless options described with "show only ..." are given, the options -mardu are used. Option -q/--quiet hides untracked (unknown and ignored) files unless explicitly requested with -u/--unknown or -i/--ignored. .. note:: :hg:`status` may appear to disagree with diff if permissions have changed or a merge has occurred. The standard diff format does not report permission changes and diff only reports changes relative to one merge parent. If one revision is given, it is used as the base revision. If two revisions are given, the differences between them are shown. The --change option can also be used as a shortcut to list the changed files of a revision from its first parent. The codes used to show the status of files are:: M = modified A = added R = removed C = clean ! = missing (deleted by non-hg command, but still tracked) ? = not tracked I = ignored = origin of the previous file (with --copies) .. container:: verbose The -t/--terse option abbreviates the output by showing only the directory name if all the files in it share the same status. The option takes an argument indicating the statuses to abbreviate: 'm' for 'modified', 'a' for 'added', 'r' for 'removed', 'd' for 'deleted', 'u' for 'unknown', 'i' for 'ignored' and 'c' for clean. It abbreviates only those statuses which are passed. Note that clean and ignored files are not displayed with '--terse ic' unless the -c/--clean and -i/--ignored options are also used. The -v/--verbose option shows information when the repository is in an unfinished merge, shelve, rebase state etc. You can have this behavior turned on by default by enabling the ``commands.status.verbose`` option. You can skip displaying some of these states by setting ``commands.status.skipstates`` to one or more of: 'bisect', 'graft', 'histedit', 'merge', 'rebase', or 'unshelve'. Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions. See also :hg:`help templates`. :path: String. Repository-absolute path of the file. :source: String. Repository-absolute path of the file originated from. Available if ``--copies`` is specified. :status: String. Character denoting file's status. Examples: - show changes in the working directory relative to a changeset:: hg status --rev 9353 - show changes in the working directory relative to the current directory (see :hg:`help patterns` for more information):: hg status re: - show all changes including copies in an existing changeset:: hg status --copies --change 9353 - get a NUL separated list of added files, suitable for xargs:: hg status -an0 - show more information about the repository status, abbreviating added, removed, modified, deleted, and untracked paths:: hg status -v -t mardu Returns 0 on success. rrrprr=rras status.tersescannot use --terse with --revrNsstatus.relative)r_forcerelativevaluerrrs4modified added removed deleted unknown ignored cleanc>g|]}||Srr)rkrVs rYrzstatus..s( - - -!! -A - - -r=rrrZrTr )rOrfrrsMAR!?ICcVg|]%}t|d&S)utf8)getattrdecode)rrprrs rYrzstatus..Es/999Qqxx'' ( (999r=r)s statuscopiesrs no_statussstatus.verbosesstatusrsstatus.rrw)itemtyperrr)rLs %s status.copied)*rrr(rarN _NOTTERSErrrrRr.rr rrr hasconfigrrbrwrrr`rTrtersedirr iterbytestrr pathcopiesrrreadmorestatusrrrrrr formatfile formatfooterr)r4rUrdrVr|rterser[rrrrfrr?rure changestatesr show_copies morestatusrrshowcharr1rrrrrrs ` @rYrTrTqsT !$x888   % %D 88FB  D XXi % %F HHXy ) )E   <EEIIk?;;E 4 4011s### 4)$)DD#D&$77wwyy)$i@@'d33 d ||K!344L]];8JKK"  JJ-H  xx  D J J L LF - - - -v - - -D xxA 6fRaRjH:5@&@  8 "1":DD"1":D dD$''A  {{ IIKK IIKK $  /$%-+..  e,,{{ IIKK IIKK $    $  HH[ ! !  Z((9999&999L D--77K xx &hhy)) 2$((6"2"2DHH==9K0 tQ//J 2}}[2CDD2 2##2 +D11 HHY i & &B #+C88L)))H*11tU D==&E 1 1  t $$$q111 Xy&$e LLLxx{{*%88899GG47G+++HH 3((47*;*;;.1))!R000$###FFHHHHHr=s summary|sumremotescheck for push and pulls [--remote]c ./012tjdd//}|d}g} t j}t| }n]#tj $rK}d |j } td| zg}Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|D]M} td| | fzt%j| d | d| r'|| | d krTt/s#td n"td | r"td | rNfd | D} dd | zdzd| rYd| dzdzdO/}  | } td| z}| dkr|dn|d|rʼnj!}tdd|b||vr:d|zt*j"|#|n$d|zt*j"|D]}d|zdddd}j$%}gg}}|&D]v\}} | |j'vr0|j'#| |(|n|(|||j)vr|j)#|w/fd/j*D}+tdd|j,f+tdd |j)f+td!d"|j'f+td#d$|f+td%d$|f+td&d'|j-f+td(d)|j.f+td*d+|f+td,d|fg }g}|D],\}} | r%|(|t/| z-d |}d-}j/0d.r|td/z }j/0d0r|td1z }nt/|d2kr|td3z }n| |dkr|td4z }n|d1r,| | d5vr|td6z }nF|j,s)|j)s"|j's|s|s|s|td7z }d}n|| vr|td8z }|rted9|D}n tfj4}|tgj5kr|d:tfj6|zz }|r8td;|zn7td;|zt/j78d<|D| }|dkr#td=n^|| vr&td>|zn4td?|t/| fzg}t/9d@}|r%|(tdA|zt/9dB}|r%|(tdC|z|s|r8tdDd |zt1j:t0j;r~dED]{}t/9|dFz}tdGtdHtdIdE} |dkr!| ||zdz|tyj=>dJrdK\}!}"n0dL\}!}"tyj?dD] \}#}$|#rd}!|$rd}"|!s|"sdSfdM}%|!r|%\201.}&n dx2x0x1x.}&.012fdN}'|"r|'\}(})}*}+ndx}(x})x}*}+>dJrd1J|+Jg}|&r"|(tdO|+j@}$|$r2|(tdPt/|$z|*p1},dQ|,AdRvrt+jB|,}-|-ddkr+|(tdS|-dz|-d2dkr+|(tdT|-d2z|r9tdUd |zn"tdVtyj?201.f|(|)|*|+ffdS)WaTsummarize working directory state This generates a brief summary of the working directory state, including parents, branch, commit status, phase and available updates. With the --remote option, this will check the default paths for incoming and outgoing changes. This can be time-consuming. Returns 0 on success. summaryNrrs6warning: merge state has unsupported record types: %s sparent: %d:%s rslog.tagrs (empty repository)s (no revision checked out)s (obsolete)c3JK|]}|d|zVdS)s trouble.%sNr)r instabilityr4s rYrzsummary..sJmk&ABBr=s (r)rs log.summarys branch: %s rs log.branchs bookmarks:s log.bookmarks *s [%s]T)rfcbg|]+}|)|,Sr)rvr)rrprs rYrzsummary..s4 : : :!swwqzz'7'7'9'9 :A : : :r=s %d modifiedsstatus.modifieds%d addeds status.addeds %d removedsstatus.removeds %d renamedrs %d copieds %d deletedsstatus.deleteds %d unknownsstatus.unknowns %d unresolvedrs %d subreposFrs (graft in progress)s updatestates (interrupted update)rs (merge)s (new branch)r\s (head closed)s (clean)s (new branch head)c3>K|]}|VdSr)r4rs rYrzsummary..s*6617799666666r=r s commit: %s c6g|]}|Srr)rr's rYrzsummary..s #D#D#DDDIIKK#D#D#Dr=supdate: (current) s#update: %d new changesets (update) s3update: %d new changesets, %d branch heads (merge) sdraft()s%d draftssecret()s %d secrets phases: %s )sorphanscontentdivergentsphasedivergents()sorphan: %d changesetss content-divergent: %d changesetssphase-divergent: %d changesetsr)TTFFc0tjd d\}}|d} tji|n2#tj$r dr||dddfcYSwxYwtj|d\}}|rfd|D} dtj |zj 5tj |}dddn #1swxYwY||||dfS) Nrrrrc:g|]}|SrrF)rrr$s rYrz0summary..getincoming..cs%666#ELL%%666r=r)rr)r;rrrrrrNrrrr4silentrfindcommonincoming) rLrsbranchr|r' commonincr$rVrUr4s @rY getincomingzsummary..getincomingSs#7 b*  1+ 5GD"f--EE 5 5 5xx "" 7D$4 4 4 4 5)$xFFh  76666666D ''*>v*F*FFGGG W^^   N N!4T5MMMI N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Nwy)A,>>s!=,A,+A,DDDcd}djvrd}n djvrd}|-tjd |}|jp|j}|j}nd}d}t j |gfd\}}|krt t j i|}n1#tj $r dr||ddfcYSwxYw dtj |zn ||ddfS }|ks |krd}n }|r fd|D} j5t!j |||}dddn #1swxYwY||||fS)Ns default-pushrrrrc:g|]}|Srrr s rYrz0summary..getoutgoing..s%555DKK$$555r=)rr)rr;get_unique_push_pathrrrGrrrrrrNrrr4rrr)drrdbranchr|r'dotherr#r rrVrUrsotherrLr4s rY getoutgoingzsummary..getoutgoingns  bh & &AA 28 # #A =/ D"aHHD<+48DkGGDG)$wmTJJh T>> 1r400? 1 1 188I&&WdD0000 1 HH+g.B4.H.HH I I I I ^$, ,F T>>g1g6H6HFFF  65555555D W^^     3fH               Wfh..s$1B+B65B6*EEEs1 or more incomings %d outgoingrrs%d incoming bookmarkss%d outgoing bookmarkss remote: %s sremote: (synced) )Cr(rarrCrrr"r2r unresolvedrUnsupportedMergeRecordsr recordtypesrvrrrr changesetlabelsr3r rrr$ isunstable instabilitiesrrT splitlinesrrGrHractivebookmarklabelrrBrrrdrrcrurrbrerfr7rrjrr'publicnewcommitphase phasenamesr;r r|rlrmr summaryhooksrNsummaryremotehooksrrr)3r4rUrVrCpnodemarksrrr7rprrrGrWrerrTrcopiedrenamedr r|rrr cleanworkdir pendingphasenewdraftrtrouble numtrouble troublemsg needsincoming needsoutgoingrlr}rrrrr r r r$countsrrrrrLs3``` @@@@@rYrrvs (   % %DHHZ t*CkkmmG AJOO  E E +  % * *4 0 0"--//**   ( IIam $ $  H I IA M       AEEGGQ< /,Q//     16688$$J777 ;;== ( LL ' ' ' 5577b==t99 ;1223333899::: ::<< ( HHQ~&& ' ' ' <<>> ?#$??#4#4M HHUUZZ 666= > > >  ==??  IIq}}1133A6<<>>>F$     ZZ\\F   f % %F /V#A  -(((( != ))) /% =!!999  y/LMMM V$$$$F*)2OPPP 6 6A HHTAX_H 5 5 5 5 o... [[[ & &F A"GF ##1    N ! !! $ $ $ NN1     MM!       L   " " " : : : :s| : : :D !N##%7 8 8&/J !K../ 2 2FLA !M""$5 6 6G !M""$4 5 5w? !L//#3 4 4f= !M""$5 6 6G !M""$5 6 6G !$%%'< = =zJ !N##%7 8 8$? F A!!1  ! HHQQZ  1 AL x}%%( Q& ' '' x~&&& Q' ( (( W   Q{^^ 71:$$&& & & Q    " "&u0@0@t1A11(( Q ! !! & < & > &  &  &  & Q{^^ f   Q$ % %%%66g66666 } f+B//// X),7 771 !O$$qwwyy01111 ?##aggii/000  ""#D#DG#D#D#DfMM  C axx !*++,,,, f   :;;cABBBB  E F FCKK  !   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Tags are used to name particular revisions of the repository and are very useful to compare different revisions, to go back to significant earlier versions or to mark branch points as releases, etc. Changing an existing tag is normally disallowed; use -f/--force to override. If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is used. To facilitate version control, distribution, and merging of tags, they are stored as a file named ".hgtags" which is managed similarly to other project files and can be hand-edited if necessary. This also means that tagging creates a new commit. The file ".hg/localtags" is used for local tags (not shared among repositories). Tag commits are usually made at the head of a branch. If the parent of the working directory is not a branch head, :hg:`tag` aborts; use -f/--force to force the tag commit to be based on a non-head changeset. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. Since tag names have priority over branch names during revision lookup, using an existing branch name as a tag name is discouraged. Returns 0 on success. rrrmc6g|]}|Sr)r)rrs rYrztag..s 555q555r=stag names must be uniquers/tag names cannot consist entirely of whitespacerprr+rtrwrstag '%s' is already removedstag '%s' does not existstag '%s' is not a global tagstag '%s' is not a local tagrmsRemoved tag %srrs)tag '%s' already exists (use -f to force)suncommitted merges;working directory is not at a branch head (use -f to force)Nscannot tag working directorysAdded tag %s for changeset %srys tag.removestag.addr0scannot tag null revisionrur2r)#rr>r(rar r!rrrrRrr.rrNtagtypetagsmodfindglobaltagsrErr3rBrCrPrHr rrrr9r?r4r5rrr)r4rUname1rrVrev_rr6 expectedtypealltagsrrVrWrrr0r3s rYrrs ^ (x%AAA   % %D d d tyy{{d d 55UHu$4555 u::SZZ ( ("1%@#A#ABB B  A  !$6 2 2 2 &HII  88F   >Gqz!} 33#.<==A||AN*1-G+H+H1+LMMM<<??l22#y00#.=>>B$.<==A 3D @+ejj.?.??(##    ##*FGG!K$xx!! ]**,,FBT[  &q)='>'>???%%''F88H%% & Rv5E5E&- #D$//4466 <"1%D#E#EFF F 6 5!!d :G xx    ,%d++D 88I   "$HH!H(   !)!3D!9!9   ## C$T4004466'AA"1%@#A#ABB B     HHX   HHW    wd d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s7T-R4T T-T T-T T--T14T1c tj|}|d|d|}|j}t |D]\}}||}d}||} | r| dkrd} nd| z}|| || dd|| d d tj |z zd z} | |j d | |j||| | |jo| dd| | |d |dS)alist repository tags This lists both regular and local tags. When the -v/--verbose switch is used, a third column "local" is printed for local tags. When the -q/--quiet switch is used, only the tag name is printed. .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported in addition to the common template keywords and functions such as ``{tag}``. See also :hg:`help templates`. :type: String. ``local`` for local tags. Returns 0 on success. rs tags.normalrwr=stags.rrrrrs %5d:%srrs %srN)r(rarrrreversedtagslistr.rrrrrrrr;rrrr) r4rUrVrrrrhnrr.rs rYr3r3\s6   % %DHHW gt $ $BjG))1 WQZZ,,q// ''Y..GGw&E    ///b8,Q///0:= L   N  q ! !      J "7GVWE     FFHHHHHr=r=s show patchsgitsuse git extended diff formats [-p] [-g]c tj|}tj|||}||d|dS)a6show the tip revision (DEPRECATED) The tip revision (usually just called the tip) is the changeset most recently added to the repository (and therefore the most recently changed head). If you have just made a commit, that commit will be the tip. If you have just pulled changes from another repository, the tip of that repository becomes the current tip. The "tip" tag is special and cannot be renamed or assigned to a different changeset. This command is deprecated, please use :hg:`heads` instead. Returns 0 on success. r=N)r(rar r~rur)r4rUrVrs rYrRrRsT4   % %D-b$==I NN4<    OOr=unbundles6update to new branch head if changesets were unbundleds [-u] FILE...c v|f|z}|5|D]X}tj||}tj|||}t |t jr0tj tdtdd|z} d} t |tj sdtj|z} || 5} tj||| d|} dddn #1swxYwYnL#tj$r:} tjtd || fztd d} ~ wwxYwtj| } Z dddn #1swxYwYt)||| |d ddrd Sd S)zapply one or more bundle files Apply one or more bundle files generated by :hg:`bundle`. Returns 0 on success, 1 if an update has unresolved files. s3packed bundles cannot be applied with "hg unbundle"s$use "hg debugapplystreamclonebundle"rLsbundle:r;s unbundle %s)rLurlNs%s: unknown bundle feature, %ssEsee https://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/BundleFeature for more informationrrr)r!rrr readbundlerr2streamcloneapplierrrRrr unbundle20r;rr applybundleBundleUnknownFeatureErrorrcombinechangegroupresultsrBrN)r4rUfname1fnamesrVrrgenr=txnnameroprYr>s rYunbundlerIsp(Y F == = =E B&&A%b!U33C#{=>> &)BCC u$C %!#w'9::J-0DS0I0IIG%%g.." ,c2ksB2   k788E3<G' 8< D D DD DFE%5EEFF  F sunshelves&abort an incomplete unshelve operations)continue an incomplete unshelve operations#use interactive mode (EXPERIMENTAL)skeep shelve after unshelvings&restore shelved change with given namer*sspecify merge tools+set date for temporary commits (DEPRECATED)s&hg unshelve [OPTION]... [[-n] SHELVED]c|5tj||g|Ri|cdddS#1swxYwYdS)arestore a shelved change to the working directory This command accepts an optional name of a shelved change to restore. If none is given, the most recent shelved change is used. If a shelved change is applied successfully, the bundle that contains the shelved changes is moved to a backup location (.hg/shelve-backup). Since you can restore a shelved change on top of an arbitrary commit, it is possible that unshelving will result in a conflict between your changes and the commits you are unshelving onto. If this occurs, you must resolve the conflict, then use ``--continue`` to complete the unshelve operation. (The bundle will not be moved until you successfully complete the unshelve.) (Alternatively, you can use ``--abort`` to abandon an unshelve that causes a conflict. This reverts the unshelved changes, and leaves the bundle in place.) If bare shelved change (without interactive, include and exclude option) was done on newly created branch it would restore branch information to the working directory. After a successful unshelve, the shelved changes are stored in a backup directory. Only the N most recent backups are kept. N defaults to 10 but can be overridden using the ``shelve.maxbackups`` configuration option. .. container:: verbose Timestamp in seconds is used to decide order of backups. More than ``maxbackups`` backups are kept, if same timestamp prevents from deciding exact order of them, for safety. Selected changes can be unshelved with ``--interactive`` flag. The working directory is updated with the selected changes, and only the unselected changes remain shelved. Note: The whole shelve is applied to working directory first before running interactively. So, this will bring up all the conflicts between working directory and the shelve, irrespective of which changes will be unshelved. N)r r unshelvecmd)r4rUshelvedrVs rYunshelverMsV AA$R@@@@4@@AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs 8<<s shelvedstatesunshelve already in progress)rr*rQrr supdate|up|checkout|cos'discard uncommitted changes (no backup)schecksrequire clean working directorysmerge uncommitted changessrevisions[-C|-c|-m] [-d DATE] [[-r] REV]c tj|ddd|d}|d}|d}|d}|d}|r#|r!tjt d|ddr6|s4|s2|s0tjt d t d  ||d kr|}|r#|!tjt dd } |s||sd} n|s||sd} |5tj||rtj |||}|} |rtj ||gd}tj ||d } | }| } d|dd i} || d5t#j|||| || }d d d n #1swxYwY| r| d d}|t d|z| r.t-j||| }|d|z|cd d d S#1swxYwYd S)aupdate working directory (or switch revisions) Update the repository's working directory to the specified changeset. If no changeset is specified, update to the tip of the current named branch and move the active bookmark (see :hg:`help bookmarks`). Update sets the working directory's parent revision to the specified changeset (see :hg:`help parents`). If the changeset is not a descendant or ancestor of the working directory's parent and there are uncommitted changes, the update is aborted. With the -c/--check option, the working directory is checked for uncommitted changes; if none are found, the working directory is updated to the specified changeset. .. container:: verbose The -C/--clean, -c/--check, and -m/--merge options control what happens if the working directory contains uncommitted changes. At most of one of them can be specified. 1. If no option is specified, and if the requested changeset is an ancestor or descendant of the working directory's parent, the uncommitted changes are merged into the requested changeset and the merged result is left uncommitted. If the requested changeset is not an ancestor or descendant (that is, it is on another branch), the update is aborted and the uncommitted changes are preserved. 2. With the -m/--merge option, the update is allowed even if the requested changeset is not an ancestor or descendant of the working directory's parent. 3. With the -c/--check option, the update is aborted and the uncommitted changes are preserved. 4. With the -C/--clean option, uncommitted changes are discarded and the working directory is updated to the requested changeset. To cancel an uncommitted merge (and lose your changes), use :hg:`merge --abort`. Use null as the changeset to remove the working directory (like :hg:`clone -U`). If you want to revert just one file to an older revision, use :hg:`revert [-r REV] NAME`. See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date. Returns 0 on success, 1 if there are unresolved files. rOcheckr!rrr'rar;syou must specify a destinationsfor example: hg update ".::"rLNr=s'you can't specify a revision and a daterFrr)rr(r rC)rO updatecheckrsupdated to hidden changeset %s s(%s) )rrrNrrRrrr clearunfinishedrr.rr rrhiddenrIrr<rrvr$r%_getfilteredreason)r4rUrrVrrrOrOr!rPr@rrRrYroctxstr obsfatemsgs rYrrMsJ !$'BBB ((5//C 88F  D HHW  E HHW  E HHW  E GtGq!DEEFFF }}["788 C  "344677   {cSjj Nq!KLLMMMK !%! %#E# %%%  3"2tT22C  F-dSE9EED"4d;;;ggii+TXXfc-B-BC   y) 4 4  "D#t5kC                 0WWYYss^F GGA9::VC D D D||~~ 0$7fcJJ  J.///1s8B5K=H$ K$H( (K+H( ,B KK Kr)r=fullFs"perform more checks (EXPERIMENTAL)c tj|}d}|dr tj}t j||S)averify the integrity of the repository Verify the integrity of the current repository. This will perform an extensive check of the repository's integrity, validating the hashes and checksums of each entry in the changelog, manifest, and tracked files, as well as the integrity of their crosslinks and indices. Please see https://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/RepositoryCorruption for more information about recovery from corruption of the repository. Returns 0 on success, 1 if errors are encountered. NrV)r(ra verifymod VERIFY_FULLrr6)r4rUrVlevels rYr6r6s?*   % %D E G}&% 9T5 ! !!r=c btj|}|jr|d|d|}||dtdtj td}|j s| ||jr"| tdg}g}g}ttj D]j\}}|||tj|pd|tj|k|dd } |rd t%d |Dz} td td g} t'|||D]\} } }| | |jd| | |jr| d| |z| || |jo| dd| |jr| d| |dS)aoutput version and copyright information .. container:: verbose Template: The following keywords are supported. See also :hg:`help templates`. :extensions: List of extensions. :ver: String. Version number. And each entry of ``{extensions}`` provides the following sub-keywords in addition to ``{ver}``. :bundled: Boolean. True if included in the release. :name: String. Extension name. rCsvers'Mercurial Distributed SCM (version %s) s(see https://mercurial-scm.org for more information) Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Olivia Mackall and others This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. s Enabled extensions: Ns extensionss{name} rs %%-%ds c34K|]}t|VdSr)r)rrs rYrzversion_..s(%<%<c!ff%<%<%<%<%<%>  OG 8  z2 /00111 E DKz46677@@ f T J,V44<===:6v>>???? ={ 3 3B  #%<%..s999C5LLLLLr=s&extension '%s' overrides commands: %s rN)rvrrrr)r4rcmdtablerYs rY loadcmdtablerj,sr99999I   8 9 9TYYy))* +    LLr=rA) NNNNNNNNNrrr8)NNNNNNN)rr)rrVri18nrrrrrrr(r r r r r rrrrdebugcommandsmodrrrrrrrrrrrr:rrrr r!rJr"rr#r$r%r&r'r)r*r+r,r-r.r/r0rr1rr2r3r/r4rr5r6rXr7rr8utilsr9r:r;rrr_tableINTENT_READONLY encodingmoder dryrunopts remoteoptsr] commitopts commitopts2 commitopts3 formatteropts templateoptslogoptsr diffwsopts diffopts2 mergetooloptssimilarityopts subrepooptsdebugrevlogoptsCATEGORY_CHANGE_MANAGEMENTrZCATEGORY_WORKING_DIRECTORYrcrlCATEGORY_FILE_CONTENTSrCATEGORY_IMPORT_EXPORTrr#r"CATEGORY_CHANGE_NAVIGATIONrCATEGORY_CHANGE_ORGANIZATIONrrGrr0r8CATEGORY_REPO_CREATIONrKCATEGORY_COMMITTINGr&rT CATEGORY_HELPrrrrrrrrrrr addunfinished hgabortgraftrrrrCATEGORY_REMOTE_REPO_MANAGEMENTrrrrCATEGORY_MAINTENANCErrr rCrr4rBrDrerwrrrrrQrrrrrTrrrRrIrMhgabortunshelvehgcontinueunshelverfrjrr=rYrs>  00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b   % ,--- ) E " "+    EFF '  &#qq455qqyyA    Q   8T11/001 :tQQ:;;<    FGG '     DEE )  (D!!6778+tQQ0112   %&& )    *++ '  ,aa HIIJ'4=>>?*dAA@AAB*dAADEEF 7D!!4556)UAA;<<=   ?@@ ' s@ D        ! ! % # /       % '! )   3  **  *8   {Z'A3 ...b [ 8+j8A3 DADADAN  vsAA@AA11V99M    AI J J  lD!!$F"G"GH waa :;;< waa ABBC waa 4556 waa @AAB y$"G H HI |T11%:#;#;<    A9 : :      A5 6 6 AfII  +:;<=>?@A<==/K&&&NLLO&&NL^  lD!!$I"J"JK    A6 7 7 AiLL   vsAA788!!F))D wQQ@AA11W::N   A/#&MM'&M`     A= > >      AE F F  lD!!$4"5"56    AE F F AfII   vsAA455qqyyA wqq!DEEF-012345678A3?   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