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L L L L M M BS " " $ %T 22      r%)snorepos optionalrepos inferrepoc|D]Q\}}|dfdtD}|s#tjdd|zd|zdS)z4Check if extension commands have required attributesrc>g|]}tj||Sr')r safehasattr).0arIs r# z%_validatecmdtable..s+JJJ43CAq3I3IJ1JJJr%smissing attributes: %ss, s'use @command decorator to register '%s'rfN)r1 _cmdfuncattrsr rojoin)r"cmdtablecemissingrIs @r#_validatecmdtabler~s    1 aDJJJJmJJJ  $ % 7(;(; ;;a?      r%c dD]!}t|t||i"dD]*}t||d}|rt||j+t|t|didS)z=Sanity check for loadable tables provided by extension module)cmdtable colortable configtable)filesetpredicate internalmergerevsetpredicatetemplatefilter templatefunctemplatekeywordNrz)rlr_tabler~)r"r3tos r#_validatetablesrs 9//q'#q"--.... ( ( CD ! !  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If the named extension is already loaded, the callback will be called immediately. If the named extension never loads, the callback will be called after all extensions have been loaded. The callback receives the named argument ``loaded``, which is a boolean indicating whether the dependent extension actually loaded. Nr)r*r setdefaultr) extensioncallbackrs r# afterloadedrsaKY't3""9b1188BBBBBr%c <t|D]\}}t|dd}|s ||&#t$rY}|d|t d|t j|fzYd}~d}~wwxYwdS)aMRun extension hooks on the given ui to populate additional members, extend the class dynamically, etc. This will be called after the configuration is loaded, and/or extensions are loaded. In general, it's once per ui instance, but in command-server and hgweb, this may be called more than once with the same ui. uipopulateNTrs.*** failed to populate ui by extension %s: %s )r,rrr`rrrr])r"rr3hookrs r# populateuirs ^^   csL$//    DHHHH    LLtL $ $ $ GGDEE06678           s 6 BABBc8tsJfd}|S)zPartial function application Returns a new function that is the partial application of args and kwargs to func. For example, f(1, 2, bar=3) === bind(f, 1)(2, bar=3)c|zi|Srr')rvkwargsfuncs r#closurezbind..closurestdQh&2&&&r%)callable)rrrs`` r#rr s= D>>'''''' Nr%c |j|_n#t$rYnwxYwt|d|_t|d|_|jt|di||_||_dS)z.Copy and add some useful attributes to wrapper __module____doc____dict__N) __name__AttributeErrorrrrrr _origfunc_unboundwrapper)wraporigfnunboundwrappers r#_updatewrapperrs       fl33DO69--DLMR88999DN)Ds  ct|sJtj||\}}|D] \}}||ur|} n|d} t jt j|t j| } t| | ||| xj |z c_ t|} | | d<|| dxx|z cc<t| || <|S)a.Wrap the command named `command' in table Replace command in the command table with wrapper. The wrapped command will be inserted into the command table specified by the table argument. The wrapper will be called like wrapper(orig, *args, **kwargs) where orig is the original (wrapped) function, and *args, **kwargs are the arguments passed to it. Optionally append to the command synopsis and docstring, used for help. For example, if your extension wraps the ``bookmarks`` command to add the flags ``--remote`` and ``--all`` you might call this function like so: synopsis = ' [-a] [--remote]' docstring = """ The ``remotenames`` extension adds the ``--remote`` and ``--all`` (``-a``) flags to the bookmarks command. Either flag will show the remote bookmarks known to the repository; ``--remote`` will also suppress the output of the local bookmarks. """ extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, 'bookmarks', exbookmarks, synopsis, docstring) rNr) rr findcmdr1 functoolspartialr checksignaturerrrirk) tablecommandwrappersynopsis docstringaliasesentryaliasr|keyrrnewentrys r# wrapcommandr&s: G  _We44NGUKKMMq ::C E 1XF   G$$d&9&&A&A  D4))) ! E{{HHQK x xE#J Lr%c2tj|}tsJ|jD]H}||jvr=|j|jtsJfd}||j|_nI|t urtd|d|ddS)z[Wraps a filecache property. These can't be wrapped using the normal wrapfunction. cg|Ri|Srr')rkwargsrrs r#rzwrapfilecache..wrapfs#wv7777777r%ztype 'z' has no property ''N)r rQr__mro__rrobjectr)clspropnamercurrclsrrs ` @r# wrapfilecacherZs x((H G  ;   w' ' '%h/4FF## # # # 8 8 8 8 8 8/3G X & + E (&nhhhOPPPr%c$eZdZdZdZdZdZdS)wrappedfunctionz3context manager for temporarily wrapping a functioncRt|sJ||_||_||_dSr)r _container _funcname_wrapper)self containerfuncnamers r#__init__zwrappedfunction.__init__ss/     #! r%cFt|j|j|jdSr) wrapfunctionrrr )r!s r# __enter__zwrappedfunction.__enter__ys T_dndmDDDDDr%cFt|j|j|jdSr)unwrapfunctionrrr )r!exctypeexcvaluer`s r#__exit__zwrappedfunction.__exit__|s t FFFFFr%N)rr __qualname__rr$r'r,r'r%r#rrpsO==   EEEGGGGGr%rc"t|sJt||}t|sJtj|rt j||}nt ||}t|||t||||S)aWrap the function named funcname in container Replace the funcname member in the given container with the specified wrapper. The container is typically a module, class, or instance. The wrapper will be called like wrapper(orig, *args, **kwargs) where orig is the original (wrapped) function, and *args, **kwargs are the arguments passed to it. Wrapping methods of the repository object is not recommended since it conflicts with extensions that extend the repository by subclassing. All extensions that need to extend methods of localrepository should use this subclassing trick: namely, reposetup() should look like def reposetup(ui, repo): class myrepo(repo.__class__): def whatever(self, *args, **kwargs): [...extension stuff...] super(myrepo, self).whatever(*args, **kwargs) [...extension stuff...] repo.__class__ = myrepo In general, combining wrapfunction() with subclassing does not work. Since you cannot control what other extensions are loaded by your end users, you should play nicely with others by using the subclass trick. ) rrinspectismodulerrrrr)r"r#rrrs r#r&r&sB G   Y ) )F F   ""% &11GV$$4))) Ix&&& Mr%ct||}|}||d}||t|||t |D]}t ||||S)a/undo wrapfunction If wrappers is None, undo the last wrap. Otherwise removes the wrapper from the chain of wrappers. Return the removed wrapper. Raise IndexError if wrapper is None and nothing to unwrap; ValueError if wrapper is not None but is not found in the wrapper chain. Nr)getwrapperchainpopremoverreversedr&)r"r#rchainrws r#r)r)s Ix 0 0E YY[[F( LL Ix((( e__--Y!,,,, Nr%cg}t||}|rHt|sJ|t|d|t|dd}|H|S)zget a chain of wrappers of a function Return a list of functions: [newest wrapper, ..., oldest wrapper, origfunc] The wrapper functions are the ones passed to wrapfunction, whose first argument is origfunc. rrN)rrr)r"r#rrs r#r2r2ssF H % %B ,|| gb"3R88999 Rd + + , Mr%cddl}i}tj|dr!tjtjtj|j } tj |}|D]}| dr=| ddd}tj ||}nC|}tj ||d}tj|s||vs|tvs|dkr|||<n#t $rYnwxYwt"D] \}}|r|||< |S) zAfind paths of disabled extensions. returns a dict of {name: path}rN__file__s.pyr.rs __init__.pys__init__)hgextr rtr=r>dirnameabspathr fsencoder:listdirr2rsplitryexistsr)OSErrorrr1)r;extsextpathfilesr|rr>s r#_disabledpathsrFs}LLL D z**"'// L*5>:: ; ;   "Jw''E " "::f%%!88D!,,Q/D7<<33DDD7<<NCCD7>>$//! 4<<46>>T[5H5H!T  "    D  *//11 d  DJ Ks&D.. D;:D;cjg}|}|dddks|s9|}|sn"|dddk%|9|dd}|dks|dkr|dd}|r||r3||d}|r||n/|sdS|||}|ndSd|S) zreturn the top-level python documentation for the given file Loosely inspired by pydoc.source_synopsis(), but rewritten to handle triple quotes and to return the whole text instead of just the synopsisNr#s"""s'''rr%)readlinestriprstripr2r@rry)filerlinestarts r# _moduledocrPsF F ==??D rr(d  $**,, }}   rr(d  $**,,  !HE %6//ABBx #{{}}%%e,, zz%((+(MM$''' t MM$   ==??D #t 88F  r%c t|d5}t|}dddn #1swxYwYn#t$rYdSwxYw|rt|St dS)zBretrieve help synopsis of a disabled extension (without importing)rbN(no help text available))rrPrErr)r>srcdocs r# _disabledhelprVs $   "#S//C " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "  .s||,---s':. :2:2: AAc@ ddlm}d|jDS#tt f$rYnwxYwt }|siSi}|D]3\}}t|}|r|dkrtj |||<4|S)zCfind disabled extensions from hgext. returns a dict of {name: desc}r __index__cFi|]\}}|tv|t|Sr')r)r)rurrLs r# zdisabled..2s9   d6!! '$--!!!r%s __index__) r;rYdocsr1rVrrFrVr firstline)rYpathsrCrr>rUs r#disabledr_-s  ######  'n2244     (        E  Dkkmm33 dD!!  34<''#-c22DJ Ks (+??c(t}||vrt||S ddl}ddlm}t j|drdS|t vrdSt|j |S#ttf$rYdSwxYw)zrTrootrzrmrvrs r#_disabledcmdtablerxps dE  +cyT**+++++++++++++++HT"" ) )y   IaL a ! ! $QS))DD 39 % % 3DD C Os(AA  A cB t|}n#ttf$rYdSwxYw tj|||\}}n"#t jt jf$rYdSwxYw|D]}||r|}n |d}t|} ||| fS)Nr) rxrE SyntaxErrorr rr AmbiguousCommandUnknownCommandrrV) r"cmdrr>strictrzr r r{rUs r#_finddisabledcmdrs$T** [ ! h??  "E$8 9  <<   C E aj   C s s''AA$#A$Fc>t}|stj|d}||d}|rt |||||}|s2|D]\}}t |||||}|rn|r|Stj|)zXfind cmd from disabled extensions without importing. returns (cmdname, extname, doc)N)r~)rFr r|r3rr1)r"r}r~r^extr>rs r# disabledcmdrs   E ("3''' C 99S$  D Br3T&AAA ++--  JD$"2sD$vFFFC     s # ##r%Tc i}tD]r\}}t|jptd}|J|r|dd}t j|||<s|S)z+return a dict of {name: desc} of extensionsrSNr.)r,rrrr@rr]rK)rrCenamerrUs r#r$r$s D ll88 sck""Da(C&D&D  *KK%%b)E *3//5577U Kr%cHdtDS)z4return short names of extensions that failed to loadcg|] \}}|| Srr')rurr3s r#rwznotloaded..s E E EYT3Dr%)r*r1r'r%r# notloadedrs" E E+"3"3"5"5 E E EEr%ctj|drK|]}tj|VdSr)r bytestr)rurs r# z moduleversion..s-AAAH,Q//AAAAAAr%) r rtr getversionr __version__rhrirkryrr])r+rs r# moduleversionrs  .. 8Frs         "   .*       ;     888$0000f      y:y:y:y:x C C CCCC*,    * * *1111hQQQ, G G G G G G G G ///d*"###LB . . .4.$,&$$$$2    FFF *22222r%