§ ^µcÒãó—dd„ZdS)Ncóf—|€d}d}| ||¦«}| ¦«|S)zôreturn a sorted smartrev of the stack containing either rev if it is not None or the current working directory parent. The stack will always contain all drafts changesets which are ancestors to the revision and are not merges. Nó.s+only(%s) and not public() and not ::merge())ÚrevsÚsort)ÚrepoÚrevÚrevspecÚ revisionss ú1/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mercurial/stack.pyÚgetstackr s<€ð €{؈à<€GØ— ’ ˜' 3Ñ'Ô'€IØ ‡N‚NÑÔÐØ Ðó)N)r ©r r úrs#ðð ð ð ð ð ð r