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If the working directory has uncommitted changes, the operation is aborted unless the --force flag is supplied, in which case changes will be discarded. If a parent of the working directory is stripped, then the working directory will automatically be updated to the most recent available ancestor of the stripped parent after the operation completes. Any stripped changesets are stored in ``.hg/strip-backup`` as a bundle (see :hg:`help bundle` and :hg:`help unbundle`). They can be restored by running :hg:`unbundle .hg/strip-backup/BUNDLE`, where BUNDLE is the bundle file created by the strip. Note that the local revision numbers will in general be different after the restore. Use the --no-backup option to discard the backup bundle once the operation completes. Strip is not a history-rewriting operation and can be used on changesets in the public phase. But if the stripped changesets have been pushed to a remote repository you will likely pull them again. Return 0 on success. 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