^cddlmZdZdZdS))encodingcH|tjdkS)z[return whether 'root' may have pending changes, which are visible to this process. s HG_PENDING)renvironget)roots 3/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mercurial/txnutil.pymayhavependingr s  8#'' 66 66c tt|r |d|zfi|dfS#t$rYnwxYw||fi|dfS)zOpen file to be read according to HG_PENDING environment variable This opens '.pending' of specified 'filename' only when HG_PENDING is equal to 'root'. This returns '(fp, is_pending_opened)' tuple. s %s.pendingTF)r FileNotFoundError)rvfsfilenamekwargss r trypendingrsxd C 0;;F;;TB B     D  C # #F # #U ++s  ,,N)rr rr rrsA777 , , , , ,r