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H1@HD$H_HL0貥HHId1HHfInH5HfHnflAEAD$`Hl_HHE6}ff.fAVfI1AUATIH1UH1SHPdH%(HD$H1)D$0HHt,HD$HdH+%(HPH[]A\A]A^I4$H|$HL,HHuHT$Ht$ ILH|$jHHuI$Ht-H|$(IHHaDH|$H蛟HuAT$`trA$I$D$8I$HH)H5%H=?1 H1f|H|$(H1BHD$H]HL0责HHIf1HHfInH5HfHnflAE5H5s]1HtkHD$0T$patch == 0fs_version->patch == 0Repository Capability: %s Filesystem Type: %s Filesystem Format: %d FSFS Sharded: yes FSFS Sharded: no FSFS Shard Size: %d FSFS Shards Packed: %ld/%ld FSFS Logical Addressing: yes FSFS Logical Addressing: no FSX Shard Size: %d FSX Shards Packed: %ld/%ld Configuration File: %s 1.14.2helpsubcommand argument required Unknown subcommand: '%s' Repository argument requiredsvn_subrsvn_repossvn_fssvn_delta--versionbuild-repcachecrashtestcreatedelrevpropspecify revision number ARGdeltifydumpdump-revpropsfreeze?hotcopylist-dblogslist-unused-dblogsloadload-revpropslslockslstxnstransaction base revision ARGpackrecoverrev-sizermlocksrmtxnssetlogsetrevpropsetuuidunlockupgradeverifyshow help on a subcommandtransactionspecify transaction name ARGincrementaldump or hotcopy incrementallyuse deltas in dump outputbypass-hooksbypass-prop-validationignore-datesquietignore-uuidforce-uuidparent-dirbdb-log-keepconfig-dirclean-logsuse-pre-commit-hookuse-post-commit-hookuse-pre-revprop-change-hookuse-post-revprop-change-hookwaitkeep-goingmemory-cache-sizefilecheck-normalizationmetadata-onlynormalize-propsexcludeincludepattern../subversion/svnadmin/svnadmin.c* Verifying repository metadata ... * Verifying metadata at revision %ld ... Packing revisions in shard %s...Packing revprops in shard %s... ------- Committed revision %ld >>> ------- Committed new rev %ld (loaded from original rev %ld) >>> * replacing path : %s ...<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision %ld <<< Skipped original revision %ld Repository lock acquired. Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time... Repository lock acquired. Please wait; upgrading the repository may take some time... Packed revision properties in shard %s Removed non-packed revision properties in shard %s Bumped repository format to %ld * Copied revisions from %ld to %ld. svnadmin: Warning - this repository is not sharded. Packing has no effect. Properties set on revision %ld. * Error verifying repository metadata. * Error verifying revision %ld. Revisions must not be greater than the youngest revision (%ld)First revision cannot be higher than second--revision (-r) and --transaction (-t) are mutually exclusive -----Summary of corrupt revisions----- Failed to verify repository '%s'Failed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another process such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open?Waiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open? Upgrade of this repository's underlying versioned filesystem is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereUpgrade of this repository is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereCalling hooks is incompatible with --transaction (-t)The latest repos revision is %ld. %swarning: The "%s" repository back-end is deprecated, consider using "%s" instead. Repositories compatible with 1.0.x must use --fs-type=bdbRepositories compatible with 1.8.x or earlier cannot use --fs-type=%sgeneral usage: svnadmin SUBCOMMAND REPOS_PATH [ARGS & OPTIONS ...] Subversion repository administration tool. Type 'svnadmin help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Type 'svnadmin --version' to see the program version and FS modules. Available subcommands: The following repository back-end (FS) modules are available: Revision size query is not implemented for the filesystem type found in '%s'repos_version->major == SVN_VER_MAJORfs_version->major == SVN_VER_MAJORCompatible With Version: %d.%d.0 Successfully opened repository '%s'. Will now crash to simulate a crashing server process. Multiple revision arguments encountered; try '-r N:M' instead of '-r N -r M'Syntax error in revision argument '%s'Cannot create pre-1.0-compatible repositoriesCannot guarantee compatibility beyond the current running version (%s)'%s' is a URL when it should be a local pathSubcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnadmin help %s' for usage. Try 'svnadmin help' for more infoBuilding rep-cache is not implemented for the filesystem type found in '%s'svnadmin: Warning - this repository has rep-sharing disabled. Building rep-cache has no effect. Invalid revision number (%ld) specifiedNon-numeric revision specifiedA property with invalid line ending found in dumpstream; consider using --normalize-props while loading.Invalid property value found in dumpstream; consider repairing the source or using --bypass-prop-validation while loading.'--exclude' and '--include' options cannot be used simultaneouslyusage: svnadmin build-repcache REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] Add missing entries to the representation cache for the repository at REPOS_PATH. Process data in revisions LOWER through UPPER. If no revision arguments are given, process all revisions. If only LOWER revision argument is given, process only that single revision. usage: svnadmin crashtest REPOS_PATH Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, then abort, thus simulating a process that crashes while holding an open repository handle. usage: svnadmin create REPOS_PATH Create a new, empty repository at REPOS_PATH. usage: 1. svnadmin delrevprop REPOS_PATH -r REVISION NAME 2. svnadmin delrevprop REPOS_PATH -t TXN NAME 1. Delete the property NAME on revision REVISION. Use --use-pre-revprop-change-hook/--use-post-revprop-change-hook to trigger the revision property-related hooks (for example, if you want an email notification sent from your post-revprop-change hook). NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will irreversibly destroy the previous value of the property. 2. Delete the property NAME on transaction TXN. usage: svnadmin deltify [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] REPOS_PATH Run over the requested revision range, performing predecessor delti- fication on the paths changed in those revisions. Deltification in essence compresses the repository by only storing the differences or delta from the preceding revision. If no revisions are specified, this will simply deltify the HEAD revision. usage: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]] Dump the contents of filesystem to stdout in a 'dumpfile' portable format, sending feedback to stderr. Dump revisions LOWER rev through UPPER rev. If no revisions are given, dump all revision trees. If only LOWER is given, dump that one revision tree. If --incremental is passed, the first revision dumped will describe only the paths changed in that revision; otherwise it will describe every path present in the repository as of that revision. (In either case, the second and subsequent revisions, if any, describe only paths changed in those revisions.) Using --exclude or --include gives results equivalent to authz-based path exclusions. In particular, when the source of a copy is excluded, the copy is transformed into an add (unlike in 'svndumpfilter'). write to file ARG instead of stdoutusage: svnadmin dump-revprops REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] Dump the revision properties of filesystem to stdout in a 'dumpfile' portable format, sending feedback to stderr. Dump revisions LOWER rev through UPPER rev. If no revisions are given, dump the properties for all revisions. If only LOWER is given, dump the properties for that one revision. usage: 1. svnadmin freeze REPOS_PATH -- PROGRAM [ARG...] 2. svnadmin freeze -F FILE -- PROGRAM [ARG...] 1. Run PROGRAM passing ARGS while holding a write-lock on REPOS_PATH. Allows safe use of third-party backup tools on a live repository. 2. Like 1 except all repositories listed in FILE are locked. The file format is repository paths separated by newlines. Repositories are locked in the same order as they are listed in the file. The '--' tells svnadmin to stop looking for svnadmin options and pass all later arguments to PROGRAM even if they begin with '-'. read repository paths from file ARGusage: svnadmin help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnadmin hotcopy REPOS_PATH NEW_REPOS_PATH Make a hot copy of a repository. If --incremental is passed, data which already exists at the destination is not copied again. Incremental mode is implemented for FSFS repositories. usage: svnadmin info REPOS_PATH Print information about the repository at REPOS_PATH. usage: svnadmin list-dblogs REPOS_PATH List all Berkeley DB log files. WARNING: Modifying or deleting logfiles which are still in use will cause your repository to be corrupted. usage: svnadmin list-unused-dblogs REPOS_PATH List unused Berkeley DB log files. usage: svnadmin load REPOS_PATH Read a 'dumpfile'-formatted stream from stdin, committing new revisions into the repository's filesystem. If the repository was previously empty, its UUID will, by default, be changed to the one specified in the stream. Progress feedback is sent to stdout. If --revision is specified, limit the loaded revisions to only those in the dump stream whose revision numbers match the specified range. read from file ARG instead of stdinusage: svnadmin load-revprops REPOS_PATH Read a 'dumpfile'-formatted stream from stdin, setting the revision properties in the repository's filesystem. Revisions not found in the repository will cause an error. Progress feedback is sent to stdout. If --revision is specified, limit the loaded revisions to only those in the dump stream whose revision numbers match the specified range. usage: svnadmin lock REPOS_PATH PATH USERNAME COMMENT-FILE [TOKEN] Lock PATH by USERNAME setting comments from COMMENT-FILE. If provided, use TOKEN as lock token. Use --bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the pre-lock and post-lock hook scripts. usage: svnadmin lslocks REPOS_PATH [PATH-IN-REPOS] Print descriptions of all locks on or under PATH-IN-REPOS (which, if not provided, is the root of the repository). usage: svnadmin lstxns REPOS_PATH Print the names of uncommitted transactions. With -rN skip the output of those that have a base revision more recent than rN. Transactions with base revisions much older than HEAD are likely to have been abandoned and are candidates to be removed. usage: svnadmin pack REPOS_PATH Possibly compact the repository into a more efficient storage model. This may not apply to all repositories, in which case, exit. usage: svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH Run the recovery procedure on a repository. Do this if you've been getting errors indicating that recovery ought to be run. Berkeley DB recovery requires exclusive access and will exit if the repository is in use by another process. usage: svnadmin rev-size REPOS_PATH -r REVISION Print the total size in bytes of the representation on disk of revision REVISION. The size includes revision properties and excludes FSFS indexes. print only the size and a newlineusage: svnadmin rmlocks REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH... Unconditionally remove lock from each LOCKED_PATH. usage: svnadmin rmtxns REPOS_PATH TXN_NAME... Delete the named transaction(s). usage: svnadmin setlog REPOS_PATH -r REVISION FILE Set the log-message on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE. Use --bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the revision-property-related hooks (for example, if you do not want an email notification sent from your post-revprop-change hook, or because the modification of revision properties has not been enabled in the pre-revprop-change hook). NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will overwrite the previous log message. usage: 1. svnadmin setrevprop REPOS_PATH -r REVISION NAME FILE 2. svnadmin setrevprop REPOS_PATH -t TXN NAME FILE 1. Set the property NAME on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE. NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will overwrite the previous value of the property. 2. Set the property NAME on transaction TXN to the contents of FILE. usage: svnadmin setuuid REPOS_PATH [NEW_UUID] Reset the repository UUID for the repository located at REPOS_PATH. If NEW_UUID is provided, use that as the new repository UUID; otherwise, generate a brand new UUID for the repository. usage: svnadmin unlock REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH USERNAME TOKEN Unlock LOCKED_PATH (as USERNAME) after verifying that the token associated with the lock matches TOKEN. Use --bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the pre-unlock and post-unlock hook scripts. usage: svnadmin upgrade REPOS_PATH Upgrade the repository located at REPOS_PATH to the latest supported schema version. This functionality is provided as a convenience for repository administrators who wish to make use of new Subversion functionality without having to undertake a potentially costly full repository dump and load operation. As such, the upgrade performs only the minimum amount of work needed to accomplish this while still maintaining the integrity of the repository. It does not guarantee the most optimized repository state as a dump and subsequent load would. usage: svnadmin verify REPOS_PATH Verify the data stored in the repository. show program version informationspecify revision number ARG (or X:Y range)bypass the repository hook systembypass property validation logicignore revision datestamps found in the streamno progress (only errors to stderr)ignore any repos UUID found in the streamset repos UUID to that found in stream, if anytype of repository: 'fsfs' (default), 'bdb' or 'fsx' CAUTION: FSX is for EXPERIMENTAL use only!load at specified directory in repositorydisable fsync at transaction commit [Berkeley DB]disable automatic log file removal [Berkeley DB]read user configuration files from directory ARGremove redundant Berkeley DB log files from source repository [Berkeley DB]call pre-commit hook before committing revisionscall post-commit hook after committing revisionscall hook before changing revision propertycall hook after changing revision propertywait instead of exit if the repository is in use by another processdeprecated; see --compatible-versioncontinue verification after detecting a corruptionsize of the extra in-memory cache in MB used to minimize redundant operations. Default: 16. [used for FSFS repositories only]use repository format compatible with Subversion version ARG ("1.5.5", "1.7", etc.)report any names within the same directory or svn:mergeinfo property value that differ only in character representation, but are otherwise identicalverify metadata only (ignored for BDB), checking against external corruption in Subversion 1.9+ format repositories. disable flushing to disk during the operation (faster, but unsafe on power off)normalize property values found in the dumpstream (currently, only translates non-LF line endings)filter out nodes with given prefix(es) from dumpfilter out nodes without given prefix(es) from dumptreat the path prefixes as file glob patterns. Glob special characters are '*' '?' '[]' and '\'. Character '/' is not treated specially, so pattern /*/foo matches paths /a/foo and /a/b/foo.]^^`[`[X^([^([]H]]]\\\\p\X\(\[[[]^p[ӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕ[ӕIӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕӕ9) d)ٗVF6&֙ƙf6V ;4hGXP hP xPXQHR8XRP8SUV@X[[\X8^(_H``THe8gg,ixi(kXlH8npr4(v(wy, } ~< (t ȅ l H4 `  h 0xtHLzRx O"zRx $hEFJ w?;*3$"D0N\PDK8tPADG@KHHPOXD`I@T AAG `PBBE E(D0D8GP 8A0A(B BBBD v 8A0A(B BBBH LRBJA G(L`v (A ABBD _ (H ABBE pdSaKBA K(G0w (D ABBH D (A ABBF 4 (A ABBN $W)ADG SDAxW3BBB E(D0D8G@A 8A0A(B BBBK @ 8D0A(B BBBK ^8C0A(B BBBH|hXgBBI E(H0D8DP 8D0A(B BBBG 0YAJ H PM I AF \K@HZBEE D(D0G@Q 0A(A BBBD 4@$[\BEA I(G0z(D ABBhxL[BKB J(A0A8LL 8D0A(B BBBH IMJHAX@_BDB I(D0G@} 0D(A BBBD $(,aBARL YADHPTaBJB B(A0G8Lp} 8D0A(B BBBB 0bBIG I@v  AABK TcZBDD G@C  AABH HAPFHA@]HHPHXB`AhFpN@@(d/ALO0v AAD O IAO o JAF HleBBB G(D0G8DpR 8D0A(B BBBE HfBBH E(A0A8IK 8D0A(B BBBD PhBGA I(IP{ (A ABBC [XH`aXBPnXK`TXAP\XjZBBB H(F0D8DZ 8D0A(B BBBE SGVAHmBEB B(A0A8G` 8C0A(B BBBI H@nTBBB E(G0A8Ip[ 8D0A(B BBBD PTp_BBB B(D0D8JPI 8D0A(B BBBH )XM`nXAPXH`QXAP 8H0A(B BBBL  8K0C(B BBBE FA`tBLB D(H0F (A BBBG Y8H@IHAPHXB`I0A (A BBBJ 4`ttfBGD j DIL RABPt_BIG L@z  AABD p  GDBK o  JABL @u%ALO@z AAH \ GHE o JAF p0 vBJB B(A0G8L} 8D0A(B BBBB BBBIoBBBN 0x!p LxBBB B(A0A8D`S 8H0A(B BBBN x 8D0A(B BBBK WhBp]xBN``, yBGB B(I0A8Ipu 8D0A(B BBBF _ 8J0A(B BBBE @ D{BBE A(A0J@z 0D(A BBBF 4 {ZBII P ABI ]FBH {\BGB B(A0I8Ir 8A0A(B BBBD (X AKG0 AAD H BJJ B(D0A8Oi 8D0A(B BBBA L TVBGI F(Du (D ABBF ONBI0 dCAIN N AAH DIALT BBD D(G0u (A ABBB  (H DBBL @ $BGB I(F0D@u 0D(A BBBB P ܑ\BJB G(I0DP} 0D(A BBBF }XR`BhApNPX< BGB I(F0D`u 0D(A BBBB hBpAxCEMj`h #BGB I(F0D`u 0D(A BBBB hBpIxAAIIPFFj`h`BGB I(F0D`u 0D(A BBBB hGpBxABBAABB]`ppėsBKB I(F0Dz 0D(A BBBI ABAFAAABBg0?BAD M0F  AABA ZZq#8xrqM2<@0X  Cs@rtrNjrqMrа@rqMFFwrqFF] 0FF`@q[ X@ PЬxqr  MFF0Xqr FF06p0 q{ rr0qMpyprqMrNq` vqu(q@Pr rN!P@(rtrN,q4@p q;nXC`i(PtrqMhJ?Jrdtp   (qX* 7  BXMav8h/B(M`uF0 X   * = K P D%%o  P X7  ooP ooo6PFPVPfPvPPPPPPPPPQQ&Q6QFQVQfQvQQQQQQQQQRR&R6RFRVRfRvRRRRRRRRRSS&S6SFSVSfSvSSSSSSSSSTT&T6TFTVTfTvTTTTTTTTTUU&U6UFUVUfUvUUUUUUUUUVV&V6VFVVVfVvVVVVVVVVVWW&W6WFWVWfWvWWWWWWWWWXX&X6XFXVXfXvXXXXXXXXXY/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/subversion.debug}b;Y:W)pEccf7dab0d8395733c2df54b963b1760b055212.debugy*<.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debugaltlink.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go$Q Y ao:noP P @} BX7X7P PP P PYY Y Y#ZDD Hh h H%%%%%%0 P  J\4&