2gG LdZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddl Z ddl m Z dd lmZmZddlZddlZddlZddlZgd Z dd lmZej1d d ZeefZdZgdZdZ dZ!Gdde"Z#Gdde#Z$Gdde#Z%Gdde"Z&dZ'dZ(dZ)dZ*dZ+d Z,d!Z-d"Z.d#Z/d$Z0d%Z1d&Z2d'Z3d(Z4d)Z5d*Z6d+Z7d,Z8d-Z9d.Z:d/Z;d0Zd3Z?d4Z@d5ZAd6ZBd7ZCd8ZDd9ZEd:ZFd;ZGdZJd?ZKd@ZLdAZMdBZNdCZOdDZPdEZQdFZRdGZSdHZTdIZUdJZVdKZWdLZXdMZYdNZZdOZ[dPZ\dQZ]eMeWeXeYgZ^dRZ_dSZ`dTZadUZbdVZcdWZddXZedYZfdZZgd[Zhd\Zid]Zjd^Zkd_Zld`ZmejeoDcgc]}ejda|s|c}GdbdcZqGdddeZrdfZsdgZtdhZudiZvewZxGdjdkZyGdldmZzdd ddndoZ{dd ddndpZ|d dqdrddsdtZ}d dqdrddsduZ~ dd lm#Z#m$Z$m%Z%mZmZmZmZmZmZdvZedwk(rddlZejdxyZejdzd{d|}ejd~dddejdddejZejreyejsejyddlZejD]SZedk(ree j$j&Zneed5ZeeZdddej eUyy#e$rdZYwxYwcc}w#e$reyezcZZe{e|e}e~f\ZZZZY:wxYw#1swYOxYw)aCreate portable serialized representations of Python objects. See module copyreg for a mechanism for registering custom picklers. See module pickletools source for extensive comments. Classes: Pickler Unpickler Functions: dump(object, file) dumps(object) -> string load(file) -> object loads(bytes) -> object Misc variables: __version__ format_version compatible_formats ) FunctionType)dispatch_table)_extension_registry_inverted_registry_extension_cache)islice)partialN)maxsize)packunpack) PickleError PicklingErrorUnpicklingErrorPickler Unpicklerdumpdumpsloadloads) PickleBufferrTF4.0)z1.0z1.1z1.2z1.3z2.0z3.0rz5.0ceZdZdZy)r z6A common base class for the other pickling exceptions.N__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__#/usr/local/lib/python3.12/pickle.pyr r Is@r!r ceZdZdZy)rz]This exception is raised when an unpicklable object is passed to the dump() method. Nrr r!r"rrMs  r!rceZdZdZy)raThis exception is raised when there is a problem unpickling an object, such as a security violation. Note that other exceptions may also be raised during unpickling, including (but not necessarily limited to) AttributeError, EOFError, ImportError, and IndexError. Nrr r!r"rrTs  r!rceZdZdZy)_Stopc||_yN)valueselfr)s r"__init__z_Stop.__init__bs  r!N)rrrr,r r!r"r&r&asr!r&(.012FIJKLMNPQRSTUVXabcd}eghijl]opqrst)uGsI01 sI00 BCz[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$c:eZdZdZdZdZdZdZd dZdZ dZ y ) _Framerric ||_d|_yr() file_write current_frame)r+rts r"r,z_Framer.__init__s$!r!c6tj|_yr()ioBytesIOrur+s r" start_framingz_Framer.start_framingsZZ\r!c|jr8|jjdkDr|jdd|_yyy)NrTforce)rutell commit_framerys r" end_framingz_Framer.end_framingsC   $"4"4"9"9";a"?   D  )!%D #@ r!c d|jr|j}|j|jk\s|rx|j}|j}t ||j k\r"|ttdt |z||tj|_yyy)N|jrq|jj|}|dk(r6t|dk7r(d|_t|}|j||dd|S|t|kr t d|St|}|j||dd|SNr$pickle exhausted before end of frame)rureadintorrr)r+bufns r"rz_Unframer.readintos   ""++C0AAv#c(a-%)"H*A3s8|%:<<HCA^^A&CFHr!c|jrU|jj|}|s|dk7rd|_|j|St||kr t d|S|j|Sr)rureadrrrr+rrs r"rz_Unframer.readsp   %%**1-DAF%)"~~a((4y1}%:<<K>>!$ $r!c|jrH|jj}|sd|_|jS|ddk7r td|S|jS)N r)rureadlinerrrs r"rz_Unframer.readline&si   %%..0D%)"))++Bx8#%:<<K%%' 'r!c|jr(|jjdk7r tdtj|j ||_y)Nr!z4beginning of a new frame before end of current frame)rurrrwrxrr+ frame_sizes r" load_framez_Unframer.load_frame3sM   $"4"4"9"9";s"B!FH HZZz(BCr!r()rrrr,rrrrr r!r"rrs" " % (Dr!rc|}|jdD]1}|dk(rtdj|| |}t||}3|fS#t$rtdj||dwxYw)N.zz&Can't get local attribute {!r} on {!r}z Can't get attribute {!r} on {!r})splitAttributeErrorformatgetattr)objnametopsubpathparents r" _getattributer<s C::c? j  !I"(&s"35 5 ?F#w'C # ; ? !C"(&s"35:> ? ?s A  &A2ct|dd}||Stjjj D](\}}|dk(s|dk(s| t ||d|ur|cS*y#t $rY7wxYw)z$Find the module an object belong to.rN__main__ __mp_main__r)rsysmodulescopyitemsrr)rr module_namemodules r" whichmodulerJs#|T2K #{{//1779 V : %m+~  VT*1-4""5 :    sA** A65A6c|dk(ry|jdz dz}|j|dd}|dkr|dkDr|dd k(r|d d zdk7r|d d}|S) aEncode a long to a two's complement little-endian binary string. Note that 0 is a special case, returning an empty string, to save a byte in the LONG1 pickling context. >>> encode_long(0) b'' >>> encode_long(255) b'\xff\x00' >>> encode_long(32767) b'\xff\x7f' >>> encode_long(-256) b'\x00\xff' >>> encode_long(-32768) b'\x00\x80' >>> encode_long(-128) b'\x80' >>> encode_long(127) b'\x7f' >>> rr!littleT byteordersignedrN) bit_lengthto_bytes)xnbytesresults r" encode_longr]sp* Avlln!Q &F ZZ(4Z @F1u! ": 6":#4":CR[F Mr!c2tj|ddS)a\Decode a long from a two's complement little-endian binary string. >>> decode_long(b'') 0 >>> decode_long(b"\xff\x00") 255 >>> decode_long(b"\xff\x7f") 32767 >>> decode_long(b"\x00\xff") -256 >>> decode_long(b"\x00\x80") -32768 >>> decode_long(b"\x80") -128 >>> decode_long(b"\x7f") 127 rTr)int from_bytes)rs r" decode_longr{s$ >>$(4> @@r!ceZdZd$ddddZdZdZdZdZd Zd%d Z d Z d Z d&dd dZ iZ dZee ed<dZee e<dZee e<dZee e<dZdZee e<dZdZee e<erdZee e<dZee e <dZ!e!e e"<dZ#e#e e$<dZ%dZ&dZ'e'e e(<dZ)dZ*e*e e+<d Z,e,e e-<d$d!Z.d"Z/d#Z0e.e e1<e0e e<y)'_PicklerNT fix_importsbuffer_callbackc|t}|dkrt}n#d|cxkr tksntdtz||dkr td||_ |j|_t|j |_ |jj|_|jj|_ i|_ t||_|dk\|_d|_|xr|dk|_y#t $r tdwxYw) a!This takes a binary file for writing a pickle data stream. The optional *protocol* argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol; supported protocols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The default protocol is 4. It was introduced in Python 3.4, and is incompatible with previous versions. Specifying a negative protocol version selects the highest protocol version supported. The higher the protocol used, the more recent the version of Python needed to read the pickle produced. The *file* argument must have a write() method that accepts a single bytes argument. It can thus be a file object opened for binary writing, an io.BytesIO instance, or any other custom object that meets this interface. If *fix_imports* is True and *protocol* is less than 3, pickle will try to map the new Python 3 names to the old module names used in Python 2, so that the pickle data stream is readable with Python 2. If *buffer_callback* is None (the default), buffer views are serialized into *file* as part of the pickle stream. If *buffer_callback* is not None, then it can be called any number of times with a buffer view. If the callback returns a false value (such as None), the given buffer is out-of-band; otherwise the buffer is serialized in-band, i.e. inside the pickle stream. It is an error if *buffer_callback* is not None and *protocol* is None or smaller than 5. Nrzpickle protocol must be <= %drz#buffer_callback needs protocol >= 5z"file must have a 'write' attributerr)DEFAULT_PROTOCOLHIGHEST_PROTOCOL ValueError_buffer_callbackr _file_writer TypeErrorrrframerr_write_large_bytesmemorprotobinfastr)r+fileprotocolrrs r"r,z_Pickler.__init__sF  'H a<'Hh2"22>3J3J!MN N ::? JJutD$**55 6 ::? KK % % ' # 4 !r!c|jryt||jvsJt|j}|j |j |||f|jt|<y)zStore an object in the memo.N)ridrrrput)r+ridxs r"memoizez_Pickler.memoizes[ 99 #wdii'''$))n 488C=! #X "S'r!c|jdk\rtS|jr+|dkrtt d|zSt t d|zSt t|jdzdzS)Nrr?? b#    S" % "e$ @6 IJ J GQ ! !68>!?@ @ 2&S&r!cyr(r rs r"rz_Pickler.persistent_idZsr!c|jr)|j|d|jty |jtt |j dzdzy#t$r tdwxYw)NF)rrr2persistent IDs in protocol 0 must be ASCII strings) rrr BINPERSIDPERSIDrrUnicodeEncodeErrorrr+rs r"rz_Pickler.save_pers^sq 88 IIceI 4 JJy ! J 6CHOOG$< ? JJtd3i..w77&@ Ar!c|jr#|jttd|zy|jtt |j dzdzy)N>drr)rrBINFLOATr FLOATrrrs r" save_floatz_Pickler.save_float sE 88 JJx$tS/1 2 JJutCy//885@ Ar!c|jdk\sJt|}|dkr&|jtt d|z|zy|dkDr3|jdk\r$|j t t d|z|y||jjk\r$|j tt d|z|y|jtt d|z|zy)Nrrrrrr) rrrSHORT_BINBYTESr r BINBYTES8rrBINBYTESr+rrs r"_save_bytes_no_memoz_Pickler._save_bytes_no_memoszzQ H 9 JJ~T1 5; < ^ a  # #IT1 $=s C $++00 0  # #HtD!}$   4   "%c8"4h!?S!J    % Sr!c|jdk\sJt|}||jjk\r$|j t t d|z|y|jt t d|z|zy)Nrr)rrrrr BYTEARRAY8r rr`s r"_save_bytearray_no_memoz _Pickler._save_bytearray_no_memo,sfzzQ H  .. .  # #JdA$> D JJzDqM1C7 8r!c|jdkr>|s|jtd|y|jtt|f|y|j ||j |y)Nrr r()rr bytearrayrdrirrs r"save_bytearrayz_Pickler.save_bytearray6sd ::>  BC 8   U3ZMs C  $$S) Sr!cn|jdkr td|j5}|js tdd}|jt |j |}|r|j }t||jv}|jr&|r|j|nn|j|n\|r|j|nH|j|n6|jt|jr|jt dddy#1swYyxYw)Nrz3PickleBuffer can only be pickled with protocol >= 5zHPickleBuffer can not be pickled when pointing to a non-contiguous bufferT)rrraw contiguousrbooltobytesrrreadonlyrarfrirlr NEXT_BUFFERREADONLY_BUFFER)r+rmin_bandrin_memos r"save_picklebufferz_Pickler.save_picklebufferBszzA~#%455a||')NOO((4"4#8#8#=>G))+C g2Gzz" 44S9 OOC0" 88= //4JJ{+zz ?35s C7D++D4c,|jr|jdd}t|}|dkr6|jdk\r'|j t t d|z|zn|dkDr3|jdk\r$|jtt d|z|n||jjk\r$|jtt d|z|n|j tt d|z|zn|jd d }|jd d }|jd d}|jdd}|jdd}|j t|jdzdz|j|y)Nutf-8 surrogatepassrrrr\rr\z\u005cz\u0000 z\u000a z\u000dz\u001araw-unicode-escaper)rrrrrSHORT_BINUNICODEr r BINUNICODE8rr BINUNICODEreplaceUNICODEr)r+rrTrtmps r"save_strz_Pickler.save_strdsC 88jj/:GG ADyTZZ1_ +d4m;gEFZDJJ!O'' d4m(CWMdkk444'' T$](BGL :T1 5?@++dI.C++dI.C++dI.C++dI.C++fi0C JJw,@!AAEI J Sr!c>|s?|jr|jty|jttzyt |}|j }|j}|dkr|jdk\r|D] }|| t||vr<|j|t|d}|jt|z|zy|jt||j|y|j}|t|D] }|| t||vrR|j|t|d}|jr|t|zy|t|dzz|zy|t|j|y)Nrrrr)rr EMPTY_TUPLEMARKTUPLErrrrrr r2_tuplesize2coderPOP_MARK)r+rrrrelementr rs r" save_tuplez_Pickler.save_tuple{sfxx ;'  4%<(  Hyyyy 6djjAoW #w$hhtBsG}Q/0 37S=)  ?1-. S!   d G M c7d?((43=+,Cxxhn% cQqSkC'(  e  Sr!c|jr|jtn|jttz|j ||j |yr()rr EMPTY_LISTrLISTrr3rs r" save_listz_Pickler.save_lists? 88 JJz " JJtd{ # S C r!ic|j}|j}|js|D]}|||tyt |} t t ||j}t|}|dkDr(|t|D] }|| |tn|r||d|t||jkryNrr) rrrAPPENDiterlistr _BATCHSIZErrAPPENDS)r+rrrritrrs r"r3z_Pickler._batch_appendssyy xxQf   %[vb$//23CCA1ud AGgSV f 4??"r!c|jr|jtn|jttz|j ||j |jyr()rr EMPTY_DICTrDICTrr4rrs r" save_dictz_Pickler.save_dictsE 88 JJz " JJtd{ # S SYY[)r!c|j}|j}|js'|D]!\}}|||||t#yt |} t t ||j}t|}|dkDr3|t|D]\}}|||||tn&|r$|d\}}|||||t||jkryr) rrrSETITEMrrrrrrSETITEMS) r+rrrkvrrrs r"r4z_Pickler._batch_setitemssyy xx1QQg  %[vb$//23CCA1ud DAqGG h1v1QQg4??"!r!c|j}|j}|jdkr#|jtt |f|y|t |j|t|} t t||j}t|}|dkDr'|t|D] }|| |t||jkrygNrr(r)rrrrsetr EMPTY_SETrrrrrrADDITEMS)r+rrrrbatchritems r"save_setz_Pickler.save_setsyy  ::>   S49,C  8  i S #YDOO45EE A1ud !DJ"h4??"r!c |j}|j}|jdkr#|jtt |f|y|t |D] }|| t||jvr8|t|j|jt|dzy|t|j|yr) rrrr frozensetrrrrrr  FROZENSETr)r+rrrrs r"save_frozensetz_Pickler.save_frozensetsyy  ::>   Yc #  >  d D J c7dii  (TXXdii3&8&;<< =  i Sr!c |j}|j}| t|dd}| |j}t ||} t |dt j|}t||\}}||urtd|d|d||jdk\rtj||ft } | t urj| d kr,t#d | } | d k(r t%d |t&| zy| d kr|t(t#d| zy|t*t#d| zy|j-dd} ||ur| }|jdk\r/|j/||j/||t0nd|vr|j3d} | j5d}|j.} | D]*}| t|jdks|t6,|j9||| D]>}| ||jdkr |t:n |t<|t>@n|j9|||jA|y#tttf$rtd|d|d|dwxYw)Nrrlevelrz: it's not the same object as rz: it's not found as rrrz extension code 0 is out of rangerJrKrLr)!rrrrr __import__rrrr ImportErrorKeyErrorrrrr _NoValuer RuntimeErrorEXT1EXT2EXT4 rpartitionr STACK_GLOBALrpopr_save_toplevel_by_namerr6r0r)r+rrrrrrobj2rcoderlastname dotted_pathrattrnames r"rz_Pickler.save_global/s` yy <35D <<ID8#4<d+Du}++MNN$+&  V^$dD!112$dD!112??3'* V D ::? IIk " IIdO ,  D[**S/K??1%D99D'W ::>$K(  ' ' T :'X::>%L&Mf (  ' ' T : SqX~6 4k4)*/3 4 4s /I*Jc|jdk\r6|jtt|dzdzt|dzdzy|jr:t j }t j}||f|vr |||f\}}n ||vr||} |jtt|dzdzt|dzdzy#t$rtd|||jfzdwxYw)Nrrzrrz?can't pickle global identifier '%s.%s' using pickle protocol %i) rrGLOBALrdr_compat_pickleREVERSE_NAME_MAPPINGREVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPINGr&r)r+rrr_name_mappingr_import_mappings r"rz_Pickler._save_toplevel_by_namews ::? JJvk7 ;;eCT7+,.34 5!/!D!D#1#H#H &.8(6 T7J(K%K $44"2;"?K V 6E+w$??%G w/02789% V#),7tzz+JKLQUV Vs 5C&C)c|tdur|jtd|S|ttur|jttf|S|tdur|jtd|S|j|S)Nr(r(.).)rrrrrs r" save_typez_Pickler.save_types $t* ##D's#; ; D( (##D>*;#E E DI ##D&c#: :$$r!r()T)NNNN)2rrrr,rrrrr rrrrrrBrrHrprUrrZfloatrarfrdrirlrk_HAVE_PICKLE_BUFFERrxrrrrrrrrr3rdictr4rrrrrrrrr r!r"rrsz784!%78r "&. ;5D'L J=A15q>BqjH$HT$Z/ HTNB:HSMB !HUO 7 !HUO9)HY 4@"3*HSM/b!HUO!HTNJ6*HTN>,HSM*)HYFPV*%)H\HTNr!rc$eZdZddddddZdZdZd ZiZd Zeee d <d Z e ee d <d Z e ee d <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZeeed <dZ e ee!d <dZ"e"ee#d <dZ$e$ee%d <dZ&e&ee'd <dZ(dZ)e)ee*d <dZ+e+ee,d <dZ-e-ee.d <dZ/e/ee0d <d Z1e1ee2d <d!Z3e3ee4d <d"Z5e5ee6d <d#Z7e7ee8d <d$Z9e9ee:d <d%Z;e;eed <d'Z?e?ee@d <d(ZAeAeeBd <d)ZCeCeeDd <d*ZEeEeeFd <d+ZGeGeeHd <d,ZIeIeeJd <d-ZKeKeeLd <d.ZMeMeeNd <d/ZOeOeePd <d0ZQeQeeRd <d1ZSeSeeTd <d2ZUeUeeVd <d3ZWeWeeXd <d4ZYd5ZZeZee[d <d6Z\e\ee]d <d7Z^e^ee_d <d8Z`e`eead <d9Zbebeecd <d:Zdedeeed <d;Zfefeegd <d<Zheheeid <d=Zjejeekd <d>Zld?Zmd@Zneneeod <dAZpepeeqd <dBZrereesd <dCZteteeud <dDZveveewd <dEZxexeeyd <dFZzezee{d <dGZ|e|ee}d <dHZ~e~eed <dIZeeed <dJZeeed <dKZeeed <dLZeeed <dMZeeed <dNZeeed <dOZeeed <dPZeeed <dQZeeed <dRZeeed <y)S _UnpicklerTASCIIstrictNrencodingerrorsbuffersc| t|nd|_|j|_|j|_i|_||_||_d|_ ||_ y)aThis takes a binary file for reading a pickle data stream. The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no proto argument is needed. The argument *file* must have two methods, a read() method that takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no arguments. Both methods should return bytes. Thus *file* can be a binary file object opened for reading, an io.BytesIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. The file-like object must have two methods, a read() method that takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no arguments. Both methods should return bytes. Thus file-like object can be a binary file object opened for reading, a BytesIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. If *buffers* is not None, it should be an iterable of buffer-enabled objects that is consumed each time the pickle stream references an out-of-band buffer view. Such buffers have been given in order to the *buffer_callback* of a Pickler object. If *buffers* is None (the default), then the buffers are taken from the pickle stream, assuming they are serialized there. It is an error for *buffers* to be None if the pickle stream was produced with a non-None *buffer_callback*. Other optional arguments are *fix_imports*, *encoding* and *errors*, which are used to control compatibility support for pickle stream generated by Python 2. If *fix_imports* is True, pickle will try to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in Python 3. The *encoding* and *errors* tell pickle how to decode 8-bit string instances pickled by Python 2; these default to 'ASCII' and 'strict', respectively. *encoding* can be 'bytes' to read these 8-bit string instances as bytes objects. Nr) r_buffersr_file_readliner _file_readrrrrr)r+rrrrrs r"r,z_Unpickler.__init__sRN*1)<W $ "mm))     &r!ct|ds#td|jjdt |j |j |_|jj|_|jj|_ |jj|_ g|_ g|_ |jj|_ d|_|j}|j} |d}|st t#|t$sJ||d|1#t&$r}|j(cYd}~Sd}~wwxYw)zRead a pickled object representation from the open file. Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file. rz'Unpickler.__init__() was not called by rrrN)rrrrrrr _unframerrrr metastackstackappendrrEOFErrorr bytes_typesr&r))r+rrkeystopinsts r"rz_Unpickler.loadst\*!59^^5L5L#OP P"4??D4G4GHNN'' // //  jj''  yy== "1g"N!#{333 Q &   ">> ! "s/2D!! E* D;5E;Ec|j}|jj|_|jj|_|Sr()rrrrr+rs r"pop_markz_Unpickler.pop_marks5 ^^'') jj''  r!ctd)Nz%unsupported persistent id encountered)rr's r"persistent_loadz_Unpickler.persistent_loadsEFFr!cx|jdd}d|cxkr tksntd|z||_y)Nrrzunsupported pickle protocol: %d)rrrr)r+rs r" load_protoz_Unpickler.load_protos9 ! QE--->FG G r!rctd|jd\}|tjkDrt d|z|j j |y)Nrzframe size > sys.maxsize: %d)r rrr rrrrs r"rz_Unpickler.load_framesGT499Q<0  #;jHI I !!*-r!c |jddjd}|j |j |y#t$r tdwxYw)Nrrr#)rdecodeUnicodeDecodeErrorrrrr's r" load_persidz_Unpickler.load_persidsc F--/#2&--g6C D((-." 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