# -*- makefile -*- # # This file is autogenerated from Modules/Setup.stdlib.in. # # The file is not used by default yet. For testing do: # # ln -sfr Modules/Setup.stdlib Modules/Setup.local # # * @MODULE_{NAME}_TRUE@ is removed when configure detects all build # dependencies for a module. Otherwise the template variable is replaced # by a comment "#" and the module is skipped. # * Module lines without any compiler and linker flags automatically use # $(MODULE_{NAME}_CFLAGS) and $(MODULE_{NAME}_LDFLAGS). These flags are # generated by PY_STDLIB_MOD macro. # * All source files automatically depend on $(PYTHON_HEADERS) and # $(MODULE_{NAME}_DEPS). # # See Modules/Setup and Modules/makesetup # # Build modules statically or as shared extensions # *shared* / *static* *shared* ############################################################################ # Modules that should always be present (POSIX and Windows): array arraymodule.c _asyncio _asynciomodule.c _bisect _bisectmodule.c _contextvars _contextvarsmodule.c _csv _csv.c _heapq _heapqmodule.c _json _json.c _lsprof _lsprof.c rotatingtree.c _opcode _opcode.c _pickle _pickle.c _queue _queuemodule.c _random _randommodule.c _struct _struct.c _xxsubinterpreters _xxsubinterpretersmodule.c _xxinterpchannels _xxinterpchannelsmodule.c _zoneinfo _zoneinfo.c # needs libm audioop audioop.c math mathmodule.c cmath cmathmodule.c _statistics _statisticsmodule.c # needs libm and on some platforms librt _datetime _datetimemodule.c # _decimal uses libmpdec # either static libmpdec.a from Modules/_decimal/libmpdec or libmpdec.so # with ./configure --with-system-libmpdec _decimal _decimal/_decimal.c # compression libs and binascii (optional CRC32 from zlib) # bindings need -lbz2, -lz, or -llzma, respectively binascii binascii.c _bz2 _bz2module.c _lzma _lzmamodule.c zlib zlibmodule.c # dbm/gdbm # dbm needs either libndbm, libgdbm_compat, or libdb 5.x _dbm _dbmmodule.c # gdbm module needs -lgdbm _gdbm _gdbmmodule.c # needs -lreadline or -ledit, sometimes termcap, termlib, or tinfo readline readline.c # hashing builtins, can be disabled with --without-builtin-hashlib-hashes _md5 md5module.c -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_hacl/include _hacl/Hacl_Hash_MD5.c -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE _sha1 sha1module.c -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_hacl/include _hacl/Hacl_Hash_SHA1.c -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE _sha2 sha2module.c -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_hacl/include Modules/_hacl/libHacl_Hash_SHA2.a _sha3 sha3module.c -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_hacl/include _hacl/Hacl_Hash_SHA3.c -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE _blake2 _blake2/blake2module.c _blake2/blake2b_impl.c _blake2/blake2s_impl.c ############################################################################ # XML and text # pyexpat module uses libexpat # either static libexpat.a from Modules/expat or libexpat.so with # ./configure --with-system-expat pyexpat pyexpat.c # _elementtree libexpat via CAPI hook in pyexpat. _elementtree _elementtree.c _codecs_cn cjkcodecs/_codecs_cn.c _codecs_hk cjkcodecs/_codecs_hk.c _codecs_iso2022 cjkcodecs/_codecs_iso2022.c _codecs_jp cjkcodecs/_codecs_jp.c _codecs_kr cjkcodecs/_codecs_kr.c _codecs_tw cjkcodecs/_codecs_tw.c _multibytecodec cjkcodecs/multibytecodec.c unicodedata unicodedata.c ############################################################################ # Modules with some UNIX dependencies # # needs -lcrypt on some systems _crypt _cryptmodule.c fcntl fcntlmodule.c grp grpmodule.c mmap mmapmodule.c # FreeBSD: nis/yp APIs are in libc # Linux: glibc has deprecated SUN RPC, APIs are in libnsl and libtirpc (bpo-32521) nis nismodule.c # needs sys/soundcard.h or linux/soundcard.h (Linux, FreeBSD) ossaudiodev ossaudiodev.c _posixsubprocess _posixsubprocess.c resource resource.c select selectmodule.c _socket socketmodule.c # AIX has shadow passwords, but does not provide getspent API spwd spwdmodule.c syslog syslogmodule.c termios termios.c # multiprocessing _posixshmem _multiprocessing/posixshmem.c _multiprocessing _multiprocessing/multiprocessing.c _multiprocessing/semaphore.c ############################################################################ # Modules with third party dependencies # # needs -lffi and -ldl _ctypes _ctypes/_ctypes.c _ctypes/callbacks.c _ctypes/callproc.c _ctypes/stgdict.c _ctypes/cfield.c # needs -lncurses[w], sometimes -ltermcap/tinfo _curses _cursesmodule.c # needs -lncurses[w] and -lpanel[w] _curses_panel _curses_panel.c _sqlite3 _sqlite/blob.c _sqlite/connection.c _sqlite/cursor.c _sqlite/microprotocols.c _sqlite/module.c _sqlite/prepare_protocol.c _sqlite/row.c _sqlite/statement.c _sqlite/util.c # needs -lssl and -lcrypt _ssl _ssl.c # needs -lcrypt _hashlib _hashopenssl.c # Linux: -luuid, BSD/AIX: libc's uuid_create() _uuid _uuidmodule.c _tkinter _tkinter.c tkappinit.c ############################################################################ # macOS specific modules # _scproxy needs SystemConfiguration and CoreFoundation framework #_scproxy _scproxy.c ############################################################################ # Test modules xxsubtype xxsubtype.c _xxtestfuzz _xxtestfuzz/_xxtestfuzz.c _xxtestfuzz/fuzzer.c _testbuffer _testbuffer.c _testinternalcapi _testinternalcapi.c _testcapi _testcapimodule.c _testcapi/vectorcall.c _testcapi/vectorcall_limited.c _testcapi/heaptype.c _testcapi/abstract.c _testcapi/bytearray.c _testcapi/bytes.c _testcapi/unicode.c _testcapi/dict.c _testcapi/set.c _testcapi/list.c _testcapi/tuple.c _testcapi/getargs.c _testcapi/pytime.c _testcapi/datetime.c _testcapi/docstring.c _testcapi/mem.c _testcapi/watchers.c _testcapi/long.c _testcapi/float.c _testcapi/complex.c _testcapi/numbers.c _testcapi/structmember.c _testcapi/exceptions.c _testcapi/code.c _testcapi/buffer.c _testcapi/pyos.c _testcapi/run.c _testcapi/file.c _testcapi/codec.c _testcapi/immortal.c _testcapi/heaptype_relative.c _testcapi/gc.c _testcapi/sys.c _testclinic _testclinic.c # Some testing modules MUST be built as shared libraries. *shared* _testimportmultiple _testimportmultiple.c _testmultiphase _testmultiphase.c _testsinglephase _testsinglephase.c _ctypes_test _ctypes/_ctypes_test.c # Limited API template modules; must be built as shared modules. xxlimited xxlimited.c xxlimited_35 xxlimited_35.c