import warnings from functools import partial from typing import Optional import numpy as np import pandas as pd from geopandas import GeoDataFrame from geopandas._compat import PANDAS_GE_30 from geopandas.array import _check_crs, _crs_mismatch_warn def sjoin( left_df, right_df, how="inner", predicate="intersects", lsuffix="left", rsuffix="right", distance=None, on_attribute=None, **kwargs, ): """Spatial join of two GeoDataFrames. See the User Guide page :doc:`../../user_guide/mergingdata` for details. Parameters ---------- left_df, right_df : GeoDataFrames how : string, default 'inner' The type of join: * 'left': use keys from left_df; retain only left_df geometry column * 'right': use keys from right_df; retain only right_df geometry column * 'inner': use intersection of keys from both dfs; retain only left_df geometry column predicate : string, default 'intersects' Binary predicate. Valid values are determined by the spatial index used. You can check the valid values in left_df or right_df as ``left_df.sindex.valid_query_predicates`` or ``right_df.sindex.valid_query_predicates`` Replaces deprecated ``op`` parameter. lsuffix : string, default 'left' Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (left GeoDataFrame). rsuffix : string, default 'right' Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (right GeoDataFrame). distance : number or array_like, optional Distance(s) around each input geometry within which to query the tree for the 'dwithin' predicate. If array_like, must be one-dimesional with length equal to length of left GeoDataFrame. Required if ``predicate='dwithin'``. on_attribute : string, list or tuple Column name(s) to join on as an additional join restriction on top of the spatial predicate. These must be found in both DataFrames. If set, observations are joined only if the predicate applies and values in specified columns match. Examples -------- >>> import geodatasets >>> chicago = geopandas.read_file( ... geodatasets.get_path("geoda.chicago_health") ... ) >>> groceries = geopandas.read_file( ... geodatasets.get_path("geoda.groceries") ... ).to_crs( >>> chicago.head() # doctest: +SKIP ComAreaID ... geometry 0 35 ... POLYGON ((-87.60914 41.84469, -87.60915 41.844... 1 36 ... POLYGON ((-87.59215 41.81693, -87.59231 41.816... 2 37 ... POLYGON ((-87.62880 41.80189, -87.62879 41.801... 3 38 ... POLYGON ((-87.60671 41.81681, -87.60670 41.816... 4 39 ... POLYGON ((-87.59215 41.81693, -87.59215 41.816... [5 rows x 87 columns] >>> groceries.head() # doctest: +SKIP OBJECTID Ycoord ... Category geometry 0 16 41.973266 ... NaN MULTIPOINT (-87.65661 41.97321) 1 18 41.696367 ... NaN MULTIPOINT (-87.68136 41.69713) 2 22 41.868634 ... NaN MULTIPOINT (-87.63918 41.86847) 3 23 41.877590 ... new MULTIPOINT (-87.65495 41.87783) 4 27 41.737696 ... NaN MULTIPOINT (-87.62715 41.73623) [5 rows x 8 columns] >>> groceries_w_communities = geopandas.sjoin(groceries, chicago) >>> groceries_w_communities.head() # doctest: +SKIP OBJECTID community geometry 0 16 UPTOWN MULTIPOINT ((-87.65661 41.97321)) 1 18 MORGAN PARK MULTIPOINT ((-87.68136 41.69713)) 2 22 NEAR WEST SIDE MULTIPOINT ((-87.63918 41.86847)) 3 23 NEAR WEST SIDE MULTIPOINT ((-87.65495 41.87783)) 4 27 CHATHAM MULTIPOINT ((-87.62715 41.73623)) [5 rows x 95 columns] See also -------- overlay : overlay operation resulting in a new geometry GeoDataFrame.sjoin : equivalent method Notes ----- Every operation in GeoPandas is planar, i.e. the potential third dimension is not taken into account. """ if kwargs: first = next(iter(kwargs.keys())) raise TypeError(f"sjoin() got an unexpected keyword argument '{first}'") on_attribute = _maybe_make_list(on_attribute) _basic_checks(left_df, right_df, how, lsuffix, rsuffix, on_attribute=on_attribute), indices = _geom_predicate_query( left_df, right_df, predicate, distance, on_attribute=on_attribute ) joined, _ = _frame_join( left_df, right_df, indices, None, how, lsuffix, rsuffix, predicate, on_attribute=on_attribute, ) return joined def _maybe_make_list(obj): if isinstance(obj, tuple): return list(obj) if obj is not None and not isinstance(obj, list): return [obj] return obj def _basic_checks(left_df, right_df, how, lsuffix, rsuffix, on_attribute=None): """Checks the validity of join input parameters. `how` must be one of the valid options. `'index_'` concatenated with `lsuffix` or `rsuffix` must not already exist as columns in the left or right data frames. Parameters ------------ left_df : GeoDataFrame right_df : GeoData Frame how : str, one of 'left', 'right', 'inner' join type lsuffix : str left index suffix rsuffix : str right index suffix on_attribute : list, default None list of column names to merge on along with geometry """ if not isinstance(left_df, GeoDataFrame): raise ValueError( "'left_df' should be GeoDataFrame, got {}".format(type(left_df)) ) if not isinstance(right_df, GeoDataFrame): raise ValueError( "'right_df' should be GeoDataFrame, got {}".format(type(right_df)) ) allowed_hows = ["left", "right", "inner"] if how not in allowed_hows: raise ValueError( '`how` was "{}" but is expected to be in {}'.format(how, allowed_hows) ) if not _check_crs(left_df, right_df): _crs_mismatch_warn(left_df, right_df, stacklevel=4) if on_attribute: for attr in on_attribute: if (attr not in left_df) and (attr not in right_df): raise ValueError( f"Expected column {attr} is missing from both of the dataframes." ) if attr not in left_df: raise ValueError( f"Expected column {attr} is missing from the left dataframe." ) if attr not in right_df: raise ValueError( f"Expected column {attr} is missing from the right dataframe." ) if attr in (, raise ValueError( "Active geometry column cannot be used as an input " "for on_attribute parameter." ) def _geom_predicate_query(left_df, right_df, predicate, distance, on_attribute=None): """Compute geometric comparisons and get matching indices. Parameters ---------- left_df : GeoDataFrame right_df : GeoDataFrame predicate : string Binary predicate to query. on_attribute: list, default None list of column names to merge on along with geometry Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame with matching indices in columns named `_key_left` and `_key_right`. """ original_predicate = predicate if predicate == "within": # within is implemented as the inverse of contains # contains is a faster predicate # see discussion at predicate = "contains" sindex = left_df.sindex input_geoms = right_df.geometry else: # all other predicates are symmetric # keep them the same sindex = right_df.sindex input_geoms = left_df.geometry if sindex: l_idx, r_idx = sindex.query( input_geoms, predicate=predicate, sort=False, distance=distance ) else: # when sindex is empty / has no valid geometries l_idx, r_idx = np.array([], dtype=np.intp), np.array([], dtype=np.intp) if original_predicate == "within": # within is implemented as the inverse of contains # flip back the results r_idx, l_idx = l_idx, r_idx indexer = np.lexsort((r_idx, l_idx)) l_idx = l_idx[indexer] r_idx = r_idx[indexer] if on_attribute: for attr in on_attribute: (l_idx, r_idx), _ = _filter_shared_attribute( left_df, right_df, l_idx, r_idx, attr ) return l_idx, r_idx def _reset_index_with_suffix(df, suffix, other): """ Equivalent of df.reset_index(), but with adding 'suffix' to auto-generated column names. """ index_original = df.index.names if PANDAS_GE_30: df_reset = df.reset_index() else: # we already made a copy of the dataframe in _frame_join before getting here df_reset = df df_reset.reset_index(inplace=True) column_names = df_reset.columns.to_numpy(copy=True) for i, label in enumerate(index_original): # if the original label was None, add suffix to auto-generated name if label is None: new_label = column_names[i] if "level" in new_label: # reset_index of MultiIndex gives "level_i" names, preserve the "i" lev = new_label.split("_")[1] new_label = f"index_{suffix}{lev}" else: new_label = f"index_{suffix}" # check new label will not be in other dataframe if new_label in df.columns or new_label in other.columns: raise ValueError( "'{0}' cannot be a column name in the frames being" " joined".format(new_label) ) column_names[i] = new_label return df_reset, pd.Index(column_names) def _process_column_names_with_suffix( left: pd.Index, right: pd.Index, suffixes, left_df, right_df ): """ Add suffixes to overlapping labels (ignoring the geometry column). This is based on pandas' merge logic at a0779adb183345a8eb4be58b3ad00c223da58768/pandas/core/reshape/ """ to_rename = left.intersection(right) if len(to_rename) == 0: return left, right lsuffix, rsuffix = suffixes if not lsuffix and not rsuffix: raise ValueError(f"columns overlap but no suffix specified: {to_rename}") def renamer(x, suffix, geometry): if x in to_rename and x != geometry and suffix is not None: return f"{x}_{suffix}" return x lrenamer = partial( renamer, suffix=lsuffix, geometry=getattr(left_df, "_geometry_column_name", None), ) rrenamer = partial( renamer, suffix=rsuffix, geometry=getattr(right_df, "_geometry_column_name", None), ) # TODO retain index name? left_renamed = pd.Index([lrenamer(lab) for lab in left]) right_renamed = pd.Index([rrenamer(lab) for lab in right]) dups = [] if not left_renamed.is_unique: # Only warn when duplicates are caused because of suffixes, already duplicated # columns in origin should not warn dups = left_renamed[(left_renamed.duplicated()) & (~left.duplicated())].tolist() if not right_renamed.is_unique: dups.extend( right_renamed[(right_renamed.duplicated()) & (~right.duplicated())].tolist() ) # TODO turn this into an error (pandas has done so as well) if dups: warnings.warn( f"Passing 'suffixes' which cause duplicate columns {set(dups)} in the " f"result is deprecated and will raise a MergeError in a future version.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=4, ) return left_renamed, right_renamed def _restore_index(joined, index_names, index_names_original): """ Set back the the original index columns, and restoring their name as `None` if they didn't have a name originally. """ if PANDAS_GE_30: joined = joined.set_index(list(index_names)) else: joined.set_index(list(index_names), inplace=True) # restore the fact that the index didn't have a name joined_index_names = list(joined.index.names) for i, label in enumerate(index_names_original): if label is None: joined_index_names[i] = None joined.index.names = joined_index_names return joined def _adjust_indexers(indices, distances, original_length, how, predicate): """ The left/right indexers from the query represents an inner join. For a left or right join, we need to adjust them to include the rows that would not be present in an inner join. """ # the indices represent an inner join, no adjustment needed if how == "inner": return indices, distances l_idx, r_idx = indices if how == "right": # re-sort so it is sorted by the right indexer indexer = np.lexsort((l_idx, r_idx)) l_idx, r_idx = l_idx[indexer], r_idx[indexer] if distances is not None: distances = distances[indexer] # switch order r_idx, l_idx = l_idx, r_idx # determine which indices are missing and where they would need to be inserted idx = np.arange(original_length) l_idx_missing = idx[~np.isin(idx, l_idx)] insert_idx = np.searchsorted(l_idx, l_idx_missing) # for the left indexer, insert those missing indices l_idx = np.insert(l_idx, insert_idx, l_idx_missing) # for the right indexer, insert -1 -> to get missing values in pandas' reindexing r_idx = np.insert(r_idx, insert_idx, -1) # for the indices, already insert those missing values manually if distances is not None: distances = np.insert(distances, insert_idx, np.nan) if how == "right": # switch back l_idx, r_idx = r_idx, l_idx return (l_idx, r_idx), distances def _frame_join( left_df, right_df, indices, distances, how, lsuffix, rsuffix, predicate, on_attribute=None, ): """Join the GeoDataFrames at the DataFrame level. Parameters ---------- left_df : GeoDataFrame right_df : GeoDataFrame indices : tuple of ndarray Indices returned by the geometric join. Tuple with with integer indices representing the matches from `left_df` and `right_df` respectively. distances : ndarray, optional Passed trough and adapted based on the indices, if needed. how : string The type of join to use on the DataFrame level. lsuffix : string Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (left GeoDataFrame). rsuffix : string Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (right GeoDataFrame). on_attribute: list, default None list of column names to merge on along with geometry Returns ------- GeoDataFrame Joined GeoDataFrame. """ if on_attribute: # avoid renaming or duplicating shared column right_df = right_df.drop(on_attribute, axis=1) if how in ("inner", "left"): right_df = right_df.drop(, axis=1) else: # how == 'right': left_df = left_df.drop(, axis=1) left_df = left_df.copy(deep=False) left_nlevels = left_df.index.nlevels left_index_original = left_df.index.names left_df, left_column_names = _reset_index_with_suffix(left_df, lsuffix, right_df) right_df = right_df.copy(deep=False) right_nlevels = right_df.index.nlevels right_index_original = right_df.index.names right_df, right_column_names = _reset_index_with_suffix(right_df, rsuffix, left_df) # if conflicting names in left and right, add suffix left_column_names, right_column_names = _process_column_names_with_suffix( left_column_names, right_column_names, (lsuffix, rsuffix), left_df, right_df, ) left_df.columns = left_column_names right_df.columns = right_column_names left_index = left_df.columns[:left_nlevels] right_index = right_df.columns[:right_nlevels] # perform join on the dataframes original_length = len(right_df) if how == "right" else len(left_df) (l_idx, r_idx), distances = _adjust_indexers( indices, distances, original_length, how, predicate ) # the `take` method doesn't allow introducing NaNs with -1 indices # left = left_df.take(l_idx) # therefore we are using the private _reindex_with_indexers as workaround new_index = pd.RangeIndex(len(l_idx)) left = left_df._reindex_with_indexers({0: (new_index, l_idx)}) right = right_df._reindex_with_indexers({0: (new_index, r_idx)}) if PANDAS_GE_30: kwargs = {} else: kwargs = dict(copy=False) joined = pd.concat([left, right], axis=1, **kwargs) if how in ("inner", "left"): joined = _restore_index(joined, left_index, left_index_original) else: # how == 'right': joined = joined.set_geometry( joined = _restore_index(joined, right_index, right_index_original) return joined, distances def _nearest_query( left_df: GeoDataFrame, right_df: GeoDataFrame, max_distance: float, how: str, return_distance: bool, exclusive: bool, on_attribute: Optional[list] = None, ): # use the opposite of the join direction for the index use_left_as_sindex = how == "right" if use_left_as_sindex: sindex = left_df.sindex query = right_df.geometry else: sindex = right_df.sindex query = left_df.geometry if sindex: res = sindex.nearest( query, return_all=True, max_distance=max_distance, return_distance=return_distance, exclusive=exclusive, ) if return_distance: (input_idx, tree_idx), distances = res else: (input_idx, tree_idx) = res distances = None if use_left_as_sindex: l_idx, r_idx = tree_idx, input_idx sort_order = np.argsort(l_idx, kind="stable") l_idx, r_idx = l_idx[sort_order], r_idx[sort_order] if distances is not None: distances = distances[sort_order] else: l_idx, r_idx = input_idx, tree_idx else: # when sindex is empty / has no valid geometries l_idx, r_idx = np.array([], dtype=np.intp), np.array([], dtype=np.intp) if return_distance: distances = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) else: distances = None if on_attribute: for attr in on_attribute: (l_idx, r_idx), shared_attribute_rows = _filter_shared_attribute( left_df, right_df, l_idx, r_idx, attr ) distances = distances[shared_attribute_rows] return (l_idx, r_idx), distances def _filter_shared_attribute(left_df, right_df, l_idx, r_idx, attribute): """ Returns the indices for the left and right dataframe that share the same entry in the attribute column. Also returns a Boolean `shared_attribute_rows` for rows with the same entry. """ shared_attribute_rows = ( left_df[attribute].iloc[l_idx].values == right_df[attribute].iloc[r_idx].values ) l_idx = l_idx[shared_attribute_rows] r_idx = r_idx[shared_attribute_rows] return (l_idx, r_idx), shared_attribute_rows def sjoin_nearest( left_df: GeoDataFrame, right_df: GeoDataFrame, how: str = "inner", max_distance: Optional[float] = None, lsuffix: str = "left", rsuffix: str = "right", distance_col: Optional[str] = None, exclusive: bool = False, ) -> GeoDataFrame: """Spatial join of two GeoDataFrames based on the distance between their geometries. Results will include multiple output records for a single input record where there are multiple equidistant nearest or intersected neighbors. Distance is calculated in CRS units and can be returned using the `distance_col` parameter. See the User Guide page for more details. Parameters ---------- left_df, right_df : GeoDataFrames how : string, default 'inner' The type of join: * 'left': use keys from left_df; retain only left_df geometry column * 'right': use keys from right_df; retain only right_df geometry column * 'inner': use intersection of keys from both dfs; retain only left_df geometry column max_distance : float, default None Maximum distance within which to query for nearest geometry. Must be greater than 0. The max_distance used to search for nearest items in the tree may have a significant impact on performance by reducing the number of input geometries that are evaluated for nearest items in the tree. lsuffix : string, default 'left' Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (left GeoDataFrame). rsuffix : string, default 'right' Suffix to apply to overlapping column names (right GeoDataFrame). distance_col : string, default None If set, save the distances computed between matching geometries under a column of this name in the joined GeoDataFrame. exclusive : bool, default False If True, the nearest geometries that are equal to the input geometry will not be returned, default False. Examples -------- >>> import geodatasets >>> groceries = geopandas.read_file( ... geodatasets.get_path("geoda.groceries") ... ) >>> chicago = geopandas.read_file( ... geodatasets.get_path("geoda.chicago_health") ... ).to_crs( >>> chicago.head() # doctest: +SKIP ComAreaID ... geometry 0 35 ... POLYGON ((-87.60914 41.84469, -87.60915 41.844... 1 36 ... POLYGON ((-87.59215 41.81693, -87.59231 41.816... 2 37 ... POLYGON ((-87.62880 41.80189, -87.62879 41.801... 3 38 ... POLYGON ((-87.60671 41.81681, -87.60670 41.816... 4 39 ... POLYGON ((-87.59215 41.81693, -87.59215 41.816... [5 rows x 87 columns] >>> groceries.head() # doctest: +SKIP OBJECTID Ycoord ... Category geometry 0 16 41.973266 ... NaN MULTIPOINT ((-87.65661 41.97321)) 1 18 41.696367 ... NaN MULTIPOINT ((-87.68136 41.69713)) 2 22 41.868634 ... NaN MULTIPOINT ((-87.63918 41.86847)) 3 23 41.877590 ... new MULTIPOINT ((-87.65495 41.87783)) 4 27 41.737696 ... NaN MULTIPOINT ((-87.62715 41.73623)) [5 rows x 8 columns] >>> groceries_w_communities = geopandas.sjoin_nearest(groceries, chicago) >>> groceries_w_communities[["Chain", "community", "geometry"]].head(2) Chain community geometry 0 VIET HOA PLAZA UPTOWN MULTIPOINT ((1168268.672 1933554.35)) 1 COUNTY FAIR FOODS MORGAN PARK MULTIPOINT ((1162302.618 1832900.224)) To include the distances: >>> groceries_w_communities = geopandas.sjoin_nearest(groceries, chicago, \ distance_col="distances") >>> groceries_w_communities[["Chain", "community", \ "distances"]].head(2) Chain community distances 0 VIET HOA PLAZA UPTOWN 0.0 1 COUNTY FAIR FOODS MORGAN PARK 0.0 In the following example, we get multiple groceries for Uptown because all results are equidistant (in this case zero because they intersect). In fact, we get 4 results in total: >>> chicago_w_groceries = geopandas.sjoin_nearest(groceries, chicago, \ distance_col="distances", how="right") >>> uptown_results = \ chicago_w_groceries[chicago_w_groceries["community"] == "UPTOWN"] >>> uptown_results[["Chain", "community"]] Chain community 30 VIET HOA PLAZA UPTOWN 30 JEWEL OSCO UPTOWN 30 TARGET UPTOWN 30 Mariano's UPTOWN See also -------- sjoin : binary predicate joins GeoDataFrame.sjoin_nearest : equivalent method Notes ----- Since this join relies on distances, results will be inaccurate if your geometries are in a geographic CRS. Every operation in GeoPandas is planar, i.e. the potential third dimension is not taken into account. """ _basic_checks(left_df, right_df, how, lsuffix, rsuffix) left_df.geometry.values.check_geographic_crs(stacklevel=1) right_df.geometry.values.check_geographic_crs(stacklevel=1) return_distance = distance_col is not None indices, distances = _nearest_query( left_df, right_df, max_distance, how, return_distance, exclusive, ) joined, distances = _frame_join( left_df, right_df, indices, distances, how, lsuffix, rsuffix, None, ) if return_distance: joined[distance_col] = distances return joined