from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import importlib import os import re import tempfile from contextlib import closing from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler from socket import socket from socketserver import TCPServer from threading import Thread from typing import Any, Hashable, Iterable, NamedTuple, Optional, TypeVar, Union T = TypeVar("T") HashableT = TypeVar("HashableT", bound=Hashable) __all__ = ( "css", "html_escape", ) def css( collapse_: str | float | None = "", **kwargs: str | float | None, ) -> Optional[str]: """ CSS string helper Convenience function for building CSS style declarations (i.e. the string that goes into a style attribute, or the parts that go inside curly braces in a full stylesheet). Parameters ---------- collapse_ String to use to collapse properties into a single string; likely ``""`` (the default) for style attributes, and either ``"\n"`` or ``None`` for style blocks. **kwargs Named style properties, where the name is the property name and the argument is the property value. Returns ------- : A string of CSS style declarations, or ``None`` if no properties were given. Example ------- >>> from htmltools import css >>> css(font_size = "12px", backgroundColor = "red") 'font-size:12px;background-color:red;' Note ---- CSS uses '-' (minus) as a separator character in property names, which isn't allowed in Python's keyword arguments. This function allows you to use '_' (underscore) as a separator and/or camelCase notation instead. """ # Note that _add_ws is marked as a TagAttrValue for the sake of static type # checking, but it must in fact be a bool. This is due to limitations in # Python's type system when passing along **kwargs. # Similar to if not isinstance(collapse_, str): raise TypeError("`collapse_` must be of type `str`") res = "" for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: continue v = " ".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else str(v) k = re.sub("_", "-", re.sub("([A-Z])", "-\\1", k).lower()) res += k + ":" + v + ";" + collapse_ return None if res == "" else res # Flatten a arbitrarily nested list and remove None. Does not alter input object. def flatten(x: Iterable[Union[T, None]]) -> list[T]: result: list[T] = [] _flatten_recurse(x, result) return result # Having this separate function and passing along `result` is faster than defining # a closure inside of `flatten()` (and not passing `result`). def _flatten_recurse(x: Iterable[T | None], result: list[T]) -> None: from ._core import TagList for item in x: if isinstance(item, (list, tuple, TagList)): # Don't yet know how to specify recursive generic types, so we'll tell # the type checker to ignore this line. _flatten_recurse( item, # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] result, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] ) elif item is not None: result.append(item) # similar to unique() in R (set() doesn't preserve order) def unique(x: list[HashableT]) -> list[HashableT]: # This implementation requires Python 3.7+. Starting with that version, dict # order is guaranteed to be the same as insertion order. return list(dict.fromkeys(x)) HTML_ESCAPE_TABLE = { "&": "&", ">": ">", "<": "<", } HTML_ATTRS_ESCAPE_TABLE = { **HTML_ESCAPE_TABLE, '"': """, "'": "'", "\r": " ", "\n": " ", } def html_escape(text: str, attr: bool = False) -> str: table = HTML_ATTRS_ESCAPE_TABLE if attr else HTML_ESCAPE_TABLE if not"|".join(table), text): return text for key, value in table.items(): text = text.replace(key, value) return text # Backwards compatibility with faicons 0.2.1 _html_escape = html_escape # similar to base::system.file() def package_dir(package: str) -> str: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(): pkg_file = importlib.import_module(".", package=package).__file__ if pkg_file is None: raise ImportError(f"Couldn't load package {package}") return os.path.dirname(pkg_file) # Backwards compatibility with shinywidgets 0.1.4 _package_dir = package_dir def hash_deterministic(s: str) -> str: """ Returns a deterministic hash of the given string. """ return hashlib.sha1(s.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() class _HttpServerInfo(NamedTuple): port: int thread: Thread _http_servers: dict[str, _HttpServerInfo] = {} def ensure_http_server(path: str) -> int: server = _http_servers.get(path) if server: return server.port _http_servers[path] = start_http_server(path) return _http_servers[path].port def start_http_server(path: str) -> _HttpServerInfo: port: int = get_open_port() th: Thread = Thread(target=http_server, args=(port, path), daemon=True) th.start() return _HttpServerInfo(port=port, thread=th) def http_server(port: int, path: str): class Handler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(*args, directory=path, **kwargs) def log_message( self, format, *args # pyright: ignore[reportMissingParameterType] ): pass with TCPServer(("", port), Handler) as httpd: httpd.serve_forever() def get_open_port() -> int: with closing(socket()) as sock: sock.bind(("", 0)) return sock.getsockname()[1]