import re from textwrap import dedent from inspect import Parameter from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes from parso.python import tree from parso.tree import search_ancestor, Leaf from parso import split_lines from jedi import debug from jedi import settings from jedi.api import classes from jedi.api import helpers from jedi.api import keywords from jedi.api.strings import complete_dict from jedi.api.file_name import complete_file_name from jedi.inference import imports from jedi.inference.base_value import ValueSet from jedi.inference.helpers import infer_call_of_leaf, parse_dotted_names from jedi.inference.context import get_global_filters from jedi.inference.value import TreeInstance from jedi.inference.docstring_utils import DocstringModule from jedi.inference.names import ParamNameWrapper, SubModuleName from jedi.inference.gradual.conversion import convert_values, convert_names from jedi.parser_utils import cut_value_at_position from jedi.plugins import plugin_manager class ParamNameWithEquals(ParamNameWrapper): def get_public_name(self): return self.string_name + '=' def _get_signature_param_names(signatures, positional_count, used_kwargs): # Add named params for call_sig in signatures: for i, p in enumerate(call_sig.params): kind = p.kind if i < positional_count and kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: continue if kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) \ and not in used_kwargs: yield ParamNameWithEquals(p._name) def _must_be_kwarg(signatures, positional_count, used_kwargs): if used_kwargs: return True must_be_kwarg = True for signature in signatures: for i, p in enumerate(signature.params): kind = p.kind if kind is Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: # In case there were not already kwargs, the next param can # always be a normal argument. return False if i >= positional_count and kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY): must_be_kwarg = False break if not must_be_kwarg: break return must_be_kwarg def filter_names(inference_state, completion_names, stack, like_name, fuzzy, imported_names, cached_name): comp_dct = set() if settings.case_insensitive_completion: like_name = like_name.lower() for name in completion_names: string = name.string_name if string in imported_names and string != like_name: continue if settings.case_insensitive_completion: string = string.lower() if helpers.match(string, like_name, fuzzy=fuzzy): new = classes.Completion( inference_state, name, stack, len(like_name), is_fuzzy=fuzzy, cached_name=cached_name, ) k = (, new.complete) # key if k not in comp_dct: comp_dct.add(k) tree_name = name.tree_name if tree_name is not None: definition = tree_name.get_definition() if definition is not None and definition.type == 'del_stmt': continue yield new def _remove_duplicates(completions, other_completions): names = { for d in other_completions} return [c for c in completions if not in names] def get_user_context(module_context, position): """ Returns the scope in which the user resides. This includes flows. """ leaf = module_context.tree_node.get_leaf_for_position(position, include_prefixes=True) return module_context.create_context(leaf) def get_flow_scope_node(module_node, position): node = module_node.get_leaf_for_position(position, include_prefixes=True) while not isinstance(node, (tree.Scope, tree.Flow)): node = node.parent return node @plugin_manager.decorate() def complete_param_names(context, function_name, decorator_nodes): # Basically there's no way to do param completion. The plugins are # responsible for this. return [] class Completion: def __init__(self, inference_state, module_context, code_lines, position, signatures_callback, fuzzy=False): self._inference_state = inference_state self._module_context = module_context self._module_node = module_context.tree_node self._code_lines = code_lines # The first step of completions is to get the name self._like_name = helpers.get_on_completion_name(self._module_node, code_lines, position) # The actual cursor position is not what we need to calculate # everything. We want the start of the name we're on. self._original_position = position self._signatures_callback = signatures_callback self._fuzzy = fuzzy # Return list of completions in this order: # - Beginning with what user is typing # - Public (alphabet) # - Private ("_xxx") # - Dunder ("__xxx") def complete(self): leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position( self._original_position, include_prefixes=True ) string, start_leaf, quote = _extract_string_while_in_string(leaf, self._original_position) prefixed_completions = complete_dict( self._module_context, self._code_lines, start_leaf or leaf, self._original_position, None if string is None else quote + string, fuzzy=self._fuzzy, ) if string is not None and not prefixed_completions: prefixed_completions = list(complete_file_name( self._inference_state, self._module_context, start_leaf, quote, string, self._like_name, self._signatures_callback, self._code_lines, self._original_position, self._fuzzy )) if string is not None: if not prefixed_completions and '\n' in string: # Complete only multi line strings prefixed_completions = self._complete_in_string(start_leaf, string) return prefixed_completions cached_name, completion_names = self._complete_python(leaf) imported_names = [] if leaf.parent is not None and leaf.parent.type in ['import_as_names', 'dotted_as_names']: imported_names.extend(extract_imported_names(leaf.parent)) completions = list(filter_names(self._inference_state, completion_names, self.stack, self._like_name, self._fuzzy, imported_names, cached_name=cached_name)) return ( # Removing duplicates mostly to remove False/True/None duplicates. _remove_duplicates(prefixed_completions, completions) + sorted(completions, key=lambda x: (not,'__'),'_'), ) def _complete_python(self, leaf): """ Analyzes the current context of a completion and decides what to return. Technically this works by generating a parser stack and analysing the current stack for possible grammar nodes. Possible enhancements: - global/nonlocal search global - yield from / raise from <- could be only exceptions/generators - In args: */**: no completion - In params (also lambda): no completion before = """ grammar = self._inference_state.grammar self.stack = stack = None self._position = ( self._original_position[0], self._original_position[1] - len(self._like_name) ) cached_name = None try: self.stack = stack = helpers.get_stack_at_position( grammar, self._code_lines, leaf, self._position ) except helpers.OnErrorLeaf as e: value = e.error_leaf.value if value == '.': # After ErrorLeaf's that are dots, we will not do any # completions since this probably just confuses the user. return cached_name, [] # If we don't have a value, just use global completion. return cached_name, self._complete_global_scope() allowed_transitions = \ list(stack._allowed_transition_names_and_token_types()) if 'if' in allowed_transitions: leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position, include_prefixes=True) previous_leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf() indent = self._position[1] if not (leaf.start_pos <= self._position <= leaf.end_pos): indent = leaf.start_pos[1] if previous_leaf is not None: stmt = previous_leaf while True: stmt = search_ancestor( stmt, 'if_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'while_stmt', 'try_stmt', 'error_node', ) if stmt is None: break type_ = stmt.type if type_ == 'error_node': first = stmt.children[0] if isinstance(first, Leaf): type_ = first.value + '_stmt' # Compare indents if stmt.start_pos[1] == indent: if type_ == 'if_stmt': allowed_transitions += ['elif', 'else'] elif type_ == 'try_stmt': allowed_transitions += ['except', 'finally', 'else'] elif type_ == 'for_stmt': allowed_transitions.append('else') completion_names = [] kwargs_only = False if any(t in allowed_transitions for t in (PythonTokenTypes.NAME, PythonTokenTypes.INDENT)): # This means that we actually have to do type inference. nonterminals = [stack_node.nonterminal for stack_node in stack] nodes = _gather_nodes(stack) if nodes and nodes[-1] in ('as', 'def', 'class'): # No completions for ``with x as foo`` and ``import x as foo``. # Also true for defining names as a class or function. return cached_name, list(self._complete_inherited(is_function=True)) elif "import_stmt" in nonterminals: level, names = parse_dotted_names(nodes, "import_from" in nonterminals) only_modules = not ("import_from" in nonterminals and 'import' in nodes) completion_names += self._get_importer_names( names, level, only_modules=only_modules, ) elif nonterminals[-1] in ('trailer', 'dotted_name') and nodes[-1] == '.': dot = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position) if dot.type == "endmarker": # This is a bit of a weird edge case, maybe we can somehow # generalize this. dot = leaf.get_previous_leaf() cached_name, n = self._complete_trailer(dot.get_previous_leaf()) completion_names += n elif self._is_parameter_completion(): completion_names += self._complete_params(leaf) else: # Apparently this looks like it's good enough to filter most cases # so that signature completions don't randomly appear. # To understand why this works, three things are important: # 1. trailer with a `,` in it is either a subscript or an arglist. # 2. If there's no `,`, it's at the start and only signatures start # with `(`. Other trailers could start with `.` or `[`. # 3. Decorators are very primitive and have an optional `(` with # optional arglist in them. if nodes[-1] in ['(', ','] \ and nonterminals[-1] in ('trailer', 'arglist', 'decorator'): signatures = self._signatures_callback(*self._position) if signatures: call_details = signatures[0]._call_details used_kwargs = list(call_details.iter_used_keyword_arguments()) positional_count = call_details.count_positional_arguments() completion_names += _get_signature_param_names( signatures, positional_count, used_kwargs, ) kwargs_only = _must_be_kwarg(signatures, positional_count, used_kwargs) if not kwargs_only: completion_names += self._complete_global_scope() completion_names += self._complete_inherited(is_function=False) if not kwargs_only: current_line = self._code_lines[self._position[0] - 1][:self._position[1]] completion_names += self._complete_keywords( allowed_transitions, only_values=not (not current_line or current_line[-1] in ' \t.;' and current_line[-3:] != '...') ) return cached_name, completion_names def _is_parameter_completion(self): tos = self.stack[-1] if tos.nonterminal == 'lambdef' and len(tos.nodes) == 1: # We are at the position `lambda `, where basically the next node # is a param. return True if tos.nonterminal in 'parameters': # Basically we are at the position `foo(`, there's nothing there # yet, so we have no `typedargslist`. return True # var args is for lambdas and typed args for normal functions return tos.nonterminal in ('typedargslist', 'varargslist') and tos.nodes[-1] == ',' def _complete_params(self, leaf): stack_node = self.stack[-2] if stack_node.nonterminal == 'parameters': stack_node = self.stack[-3] if stack_node.nonterminal == 'funcdef': context = get_user_context(self._module_context, self._position) node = search_ancestor(leaf, 'error_node', 'funcdef') if node is not None: if node.type == 'error_node': n = node.children[0] if n.type == 'decorators': decorators = n.children elif n.type == 'decorator': decorators = [n] else: decorators = [] else: decorators = node.get_decorators() function_name = stack_node.nodes[1] return complete_param_names(context, function_name.value, decorators) return [] def _complete_keywords(self, allowed_transitions, only_values): for k in allowed_transitions: if isinstance(k, str) and k.isalpha(): if not only_values or k in ('True', 'False', 'None'): yield keywords.KeywordName(self._inference_state, k) def _complete_global_scope(self): context = get_user_context(self._module_context, self._position) debug.dbg('global completion scope: %s', context) flow_scope_node = get_flow_scope_node(self._module_node, self._position) filters = get_global_filters( context, self._position, flow_scope_node ) completion_names = [] for filter in filters: completion_names += filter.values() return completion_names def _complete_trailer(self, previous_leaf): inferred_context = self._module_context.create_context(previous_leaf) values = infer_call_of_leaf(inferred_context, previous_leaf) debug.dbg('trailer completion values: %s', values, color='MAGENTA') # The cached name simply exists to make speed optimizations for certain # modules. cached_name = None if len(values) == 1: v, = values if v.is_module(): if len(v.string_names) == 1: module_name = v.string_names[0] if module_name in ('numpy', 'tensorflow', 'matplotlib', 'pandas'): cached_name = module_name return cached_name, self._complete_trailer_for_values(values) def _complete_trailer_for_values(self, values): user_context = get_user_context(self._module_context, self._position) return complete_trailer(user_context, values) def _get_importer_names(self, names, level=0, only_modules=True): names = [n.value for n in names] i = imports.Importer(self._inference_state, names, self._module_context, level) return i.completion_names(self._inference_state, only_modules=only_modules) def _complete_inherited(self, is_function=True): """ Autocomplete inherited methods when overriding in child class. """ leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(self._position, include_prefixes=True) cls = tree.search_ancestor(leaf, 'classdef') if cls is None: return # Complete the methods that are defined in the super classes. class_value = self._module_context.create_value(cls) if cls.start_pos[1] >= leaf.start_pos[1]: return filters = class_value.get_filters(is_instance=True) # The first dict is the dictionary of class itself. next(filters) for filter in filters: for name in filter.values(): # TODO we should probably check here for properties if (name.api_type == 'function') == is_function: yield name def _complete_in_string(self, start_leaf, string): """ To make it possible for people to have completions in doctests or generally in "Python" code in docstrings, we use the following heuristic: - Having an indented block of code - Having some doctest code that starts with `>>>` - Having backticks that doesn't have whitespace inside it """ def iter_relevant_lines(lines): include_next_line = False for l in code_lines: if include_next_line or l.startswith('>>>') or l.startswith(' '): yield re.sub(r'^( *>>> ?| +)', '', l) else: yield None include_next_line = bool(re.match(' *>>>', l)) string = dedent(string) code_lines = split_lines(string, keepends=True) relevant_code_lines = list(iter_relevant_lines(code_lines)) if relevant_code_lines[-1] is not None: # Some code lines might be None, therefore get rid of that. relevant_code_lines = ['\n' if c is None else c for c in relevant_code_lines] return self._complete_code_lines(relevant_code_lines) match ='`([^`\s]+)', code_lines[-1]) if match: return self._complete_code_lines([]) return [] def _complete_code_lines(self, code_lines): module_node = self._inference_state.grammar.parse(''.join(code_lines)) module_value = DocstringModule( in_module_context=self._module_context, inference_state=self._inference_state, module_node=module_node, code_lines=code_lines, ) return Completion( self._inference_state, module_value.as_context(), code_lines=code_lines, position=module_node.end_pos, signatures_callback=lambda *args, **kwargs: [], fuzzy=self._fuzzy ).complete() def _gather_nodes(stack): nodes = [] for stack_node in stack: if stack_node.dfa.from_rule == 'small_stmt': nodes = [] else: nodes += stack_node.nodes return nodes _string_start = re.compile(r'^\w*(\'{3}|"{3}|\'|")') def _extract_string_while_in_string(leaf, position): def return_part_of_leaf(leaf): kwargs = {} if leaf.line == position[0]: kwargs['endpos'] = position[1] - leaf.column match = _string_start.match(leaf.value, **kwargs) if not match: return None, None, None start = if leaf.line == position[0] and position[1] < leaf.column + match.end(): return None, None, None return cut_value_at_position(leaf, position)[match.end():], leaf, start if position < leaf.start_pos: return None, None, None if leaf.type == 'string': return return_part_of_leaf(leaf) leaves = [] while leaf is not None: if leaf.type == 'error_leaf' and ('"' in leaf.value or "'" in leaf.value): if len(leaf.value) > 1: return return_part_of_leaf(leaf) prefix_leaf = None if not leaf.prefix: prefix_leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf() if prefix_leaf is None or prefix_leaf.type != 'name' \ or not all(c in 'rubf' for c in prefix_leaf.value.lower()): prefix_leaf = None return ( ''.join(cut_value_at_position(l, position) for l in leaves), prefix_leaf or leaf, ('' if prefix_leaf is None else prefix_leaf.value) + cut_value_at_position(leaf, position), ) if leaf.line != position[0]: # Multi line strings are always simple error leaves and contain the # whole string, single line error leaves are atherefore important # now and since the line is different, it's not really a single # line string anymore. break leaves.insert(0, leaf) leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf() return None, None, None def complete_trailer(user_context, values): completion_names = [] for value in values: for filter in value.get_filters(origin_scope=user_context.tree_node): completion_names += filter.values() if not value.is_stub() and isinstance(value, TreeInstance): completion_names += _complete_getattr(user_context, value) python_values = convert_values(values) for c in python_values: if c not in values: for filter in c.get_filters(origin_scope=user_context.tree_node): completion_names += filter.values() return completion_names def _complete_getattr(user_context, instance): """ A heuristic to make completion for proxy objects work. This is not intended to work in all cases. It works exactly in this case: def __getattr__(self, name): ... return getattr(any_object, name) It is important that the return contains getattr directly, otherwise it won't work anymore. It's really just a stupid heuristic. It will not work if you write e.g. `return (getatr(o, name))`, because of the additional parentheses. It will also not work if you move the getattr to some other place that is not the return statement itself. It is intentional that it doesn't work in all cases. Generally it's really hard to do even this case (as you can see below). Most people will write it like this anyway and the other ones, well they are just out of luck I guess :) ~dave. """ names = (instance.get_function_slot_names('__getattr__') or instance.get_function_slot_names('__getattribute__')) functions = ValueSet.from_sets( name.infer() for name in names ) for func in functions: tree_node = func.tree_node if tree_node is None or tree_node.type != 'funcdef': continue for return_stmt in tree_node.iter_return_stmts(): # Basically until the next comment we just try to find out if a # return statement looks exactly like `return getattr(x, name)`. if return_stmt.type != 'return_stmt': continue atom_expr = return_stmt.children[1] if atom_expr.type != 'atom_expr': continue atom = atom_expr.children[0] trailer = atom_expr.children[1] if len(atom_expr.children) != 2 or atom.type != 'name' \ or atom.value != 'getattr': continue arglist = trailer.children[1] if arglist.type != 'arglist' or len(arglist.children) < 3: continue context = func.as_context() object_node = arglist.children[0] # Make sure it's a param: foo in __getattr__(self, foo) name_node = arglist.children[2] name_list = context.goto(name_node, name_node.start_pos) if not any(n.api_type == 'param' for n in name_list): continue # Now that we know that these are most probably completion # objects, we just infer the object and return them as # completions. objects = context.infer_node(object_node) return complete_trailer(user_context, objects) return [] def search_in_module(inference_state, module_context, names, wanted_names, wanted_type, complete=False, fuzzy=False, ignore_imports=False, convert=False): for s in wanted_names[:-1]: new_names = [] for n in names: if s == n.string_name: if n.tree_name is not None and n.api_type in ('module', 'namespace') \ and ignore_imports: continue new_names += complete_trailer( module_context, n.infer() ) debug.dbg('dot lookup on search %s from %s', new_names, names[:10]) names = new_names last_name = wanted_names[-1].lower() for n in names: string = n.string_name.lower() if complete and helpers.match(string, last_name, fuzzy=fuzzy) \ or not complete and string == last_name: if isinstance(n, SubModuleName): names = [ for v in n.infer()] else: names = [n] if convert: names = convert_names(names) for n2 in names: if complete: def_ = classes.Completion( inference_state, n2, stack=None, like_name_length=len(last_name), is_fuzzy=fuzzy, ) else: def_ = classes.Name(inference_state, n2) if not wanted_type or wanted_type == def_.type: yield def_ def extract_imported_names(node): imported_names = [] if node.type in ['import_as_names', 'dotted_as_names', 'import_as_name']: for index, child in enumerate(node.children): if child.type == 'name': if (index > 0 and node.children[index - 1].type == "keyword" and node.children[index - 1].value == "as"): continue imported_names.append(child.value) elif child.type == 'import_as_name': imported_names.extend(extract_imported_names(child)) return imported_names