from __future__ import annotations import math from io import BytesIO from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union, overload import arro3.compute as ac from arro3.core import ( Array, ChunkedArray, DataType, RecordBatch, Scalar, Table, list_array, list_flatten, list_offsets, ) from traitlets import TraitError from lonboard._utils import timestamp_start_offset from lonboard.models import ViewState if TYPE_CHECKING: from lonboard._layer import BaseArrowLayer from lonboard.experimental._layer import TripsLayer DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION = "ZSTD" DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 7 DEFAULT_PARQUET_CHUNK_SIZE = 2**16 # Target chunk size for Arrow (uncompressed) per Parquet chunk DEFAULT_ARROW_CHUNK_BYTES_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024 # 5MB # Maximum number of separate chunks/row groups to allow splitting an input layer into # can pick from a maximum of 256 layers, and a user could have many layers, so # we don't want to use too many layers per data file. DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_CHUNKS = 32 def write_parquet_batch(record_batch: RecordBatch) -> bytes: """Write a RecordBatch to a Parquet file We still use pyarrow.parquet.ParquetWriter if pyarrow is installed because pyarrow has better encoding defaults. So Parquet files written by pyarrow are smaller by default than files written by """ # Occasionally it's possible for there to be empty batches in the # pyarrow table. This will error when writing to parquet. We want to # give a more informative error. if record_batch.num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("Batch with 0 rows.") try: import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq bio = BytesIO() with pq.ParquetWriter( bio, schema=pa.schema(record_batch.schema), compression=DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION, compression_level=DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, ) as writer: writer.write_batch( pa.record_batch(record_batch), row_group_size=record_batch.num_rows ) return bio.getvalue() except ImportError: from import write_parquet compression_string = ( f"{DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION}({DEFAULT_PARQUET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL})" ) bio = BytesIO() write_parquet( record_batch, bio, compression=compression_string, max_row_group_size=record_batch.num_rows, ) return bio.getvalue() def serialize_table_to_parquet(table: Table, *, max_chunksize: int) -> List[bytes]: buffers: List[bytes] = [] assert max_chunksize > 0 for record_batch in table.rechunk(max_chunksize=max_chunksize).to_batches(): buffers.append(write_parquet_batch(record_batch)) return buffers def serialize_pyarrow_column( data: Array | ChunkedArray, *, max_chunksize: int ) -> List[bytes]: """Serialize a pyarrow column to a Parquet file with one column""" pyarrow_table = Table.from_pydict({"value": data}) return serialize_table_to_parquet(pyarrow_table, max_chunksize=max_chunksize) @overload def serialize_accessor( data: ChunkedArray, obj: BaseArrowLayer, ) -> List[bytes]: ... @overload def serialize_accessor( data: Union[str, int, float, list, tuple, bytes], obj: BaseArrowLayer, ) -> Union[str, int, float, list, tuple, bytes]: ... def serialize_accessor( data: Union[str, int, float, list, tuple, bytes, ChunkedArray], obj: BaseArrowLayer, ): if data is None: return None # We assume data has already been validated to the right type for this accessor # Allow any json-serializable type through if isinstance(data, (str, int, float, list, tuple, bytes)): return data assert isinstance(data, ChunkedArray) validate_accessor_length_matches_table(data, obj.table) return serialize_pyarrow_column(data, max_chunksize=obj._rows_per_chunk) def serialize_table(data: Table, obj: BaseArrowLayer): assert isinstance(data, Table), "expected Arrow table" return serialize_table_to_parquet(data, max_chunksize=obj._rows_per_chunk) def infer_rows_per_chunk(table: Table) -> int: # At least one chunk num_chunks = max(round(table.nbytes / DEFAULT_ARROW_CHUNK_BYTES_SIZE), 1) # Clamp to the maximum number of chunks num_chunks = min(num_chunks, DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_CHUNKS) rows_per_chunk = math.ceil((table.num_rows / num_chunks)) return rows_per_chunk def validate_accessor_length_matches_table( accessor: Array | ChunkedArray, table: Table ): if len(accessor) != len(table): raise TraitError("accessor must have same length as table") def serialize_view_state(data: Optional[ViewState], obj): if data is None: return None return data._asdict() def serialize_timestamp_accessor( timestamps: ChunkedArray, obj: TripsLayer ) -> List[bytes]: """ Subtract off min timestamp to fit into f32 integer range. Then cast to float32. """ # Note: this has some overlap with `timestamp_max_physical_value` in utils. # Cast to int64 type timestamps = timestamps.cast(DataType.list(DataType.int64())) start_offset_adjustment = Scalar( timestamp_start_offset(timestamps), type=DataType.int64() ) list_offsets_iter = list_offsets(timestamps) inner_values_iter = list_flatten(timestamps) offsetted_chunks = [] for offsets, inner_values in zip(list_offsets_iter, inner_values_iter): offsetted_values = ac.add(inner_values, start_offset_adjustment) f32_values = offsetted_values.cast(DataType.int64()).cast(DataType.float32()) offsetted_chunks.append(list_array(offsets, f32_values)) f32_timestamps_col = ChunkedArray(offsetted_chunks) return serialize_accessor(f32_timestamps_col, obj) ACCESSOR_SERIALIZATION = {"to_json": serialize_accessor} TIMESTAMP_ACCESSOR_SERIALIZATION = {"to_json": serialize_timestamp_accessor} TABLE_SERIALIZATION = {"to_json": serialize_table}