from __future__ import annotations import re from enum import Enum from enum import auto from secrets import token_hex from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Any from typing import Iterable from typing import Sequence from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from typing import cast from warnings import warn from narwhals.dependencies import get_cudf from narwhals.dependencies import get_dask_dataframe from narwhals.dependencies import get_modin from narwhals.dependencies import get_pandas from narwhals.dependencies import get_polars from narwhals.dependencies import get_pyarrow from narwhals.dependencies import is_cudf_series from narwhals.dependencies import is_modin_series from narwhals.dependencies import is_pandas_dataframe from narwhals.dependencies import is_pandas_like_dataframe from narwhals.dependencies import is_pandas_like_series from narwhals.dependencies import is_pandas_series from narwhals.dependencies import is_polars_series from narwhals.dependencies import is_pyarrow_chunked_array from narwhals.exceptions import ColumnNotFoundError from narwhals.exceptions import InvalidOperationError from narwhals.translate import to_native if TYPE_CHECKING: from types import ModuleType import pandas as pd from typing_extensions import Self from typing_extensions import TypeGuard from narwhals.dataframe import DataFrame from narwhals.dataframe import LazyFrame from narwhals.series import Series from narwhals.typing import IntoSeriesT FrameOrSeriesT = TypeVar( "FrameOrSeriesT", bound=Union[LazyFrame[Any], DataFrame[Any], Series[Any]] ) class Implementation(Enum): PANDAS = auto() MODIN = auto() CUDF = auto() PYARROW = auto() POLARS = auto() DASK = auto() UNKNOWN = auto() @classmethod def from_native_namespace( cls: type[Self], native_namespace: ModuleType ) -> Implementation: # pragma: no cover """Instantiate Implementation object from a native namespace module. Arguments: native_namespace: Native namespace. Returns: Implementation. """ mapping = { get_pandas(): Implementation.PANDAS, get_modin(): Implementation.MODIN, get_cudf(): Implementation.CUDF, get_pyarrow(): Implementation.PYARROW, get_polars(): Implementation.POLARS, get_dask_dataframe(): Implementation.DASK, } return mapping.get(native_namespace, Implementation.UNKNOWN) def to_native_namespace(self: Self) -> ModuleType: """Return the native namespace module corresponding to Implementation. Returns: Native module. """ mapping = { Implementation.PANDAS: get_pandas(), Implementation.MODIN: get_modin(), Implementation.CUDF: get_cudf(), Implementation.PYARROW: get_pyarrow(), Implementation.POLARS: get_polars(), Implementation.DASK: get_dask_dataframe(), } return mapping[self] # type: ignore[no-any-return] def remove_prefix(text: str, prefix: str) -> str: if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix) :] return text # pragma: no cover def remove_suffix(text: str, suffix: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover if text.endswith(suffix): return text[: -len(suffix)] return text # pragma: no cover def flatten(args: Any) -> list[Any]: if not args: return [] if len(args) == 1 and _is_iterable(args[0]): return args[0] # type: ignore[no-any-return] return args # type: ignore[no-any-return] def tupleify(arg: Any) -> Any: if not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no cover return (arg,) return arg def _is_iterable(arg: Any | Iterable[Any]) -> bool: from narwhals.series import Series if is_pandas_dataframe(arg) or is_pandas_series(arg): msg = f"Expected Narwhals class or scalar, got: {type(arg)}. Perhaps you forgot a `nw.from_native` somewhere?" raise TypeError(msg) if (pl := get_polars()) is not None and isinstance( arg, (pl.Series, pl.Expr, pl.DataFrame, pl.LazyFrame) ): msg = ( f"Expected Narwhals class or scalar, got: {type(arg)}.\n\n" "Hint: Perhaps you\n" "- forgot a `nw.from_native` somewhere?\n" "- used `pl.col` instead of `nw.col`?" ) raise TypeError(msg) return isinstance(arg, Iterable) and not isinstance(arg, (str, bytes, Series)) def parse_version(version: Sequence[str | int]) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Simple version parser; split into a tuple of ints for comparison. Arguments: version: Version string to parse. Returns: Parsed version number. """ # lifted from Polars if isinstance(version, str): # pragma: no cover version = version.split(".") return tuple(int(re.sub(r"\D", "", str(v))) for v in version) def isinstance_or_issubclass(obj: Any, cls: Any) -> bool: from narwhals.dtypes import DType if isinstance(obj, DType): return isinstance(obj, cls) return isinstance(obj, cls) or (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, cls)) def validate_laziness(items: Iterable[Any]) -> None: from narwhals.dataframe import DataFrame from narwhals.dataframe import LazyFrame if all(isinstance(item, DataFrame) for item in items) or ( all(isinstance(item, LazyFrame) for item in items) ): return msg = "The items to concatenate should either all be eager, or all lazy" raise NotImplementedError(msg) def maybe_align_index( lhs: FrameOrSeriesT, rhs: Series[Any] | DataFrame[Any] | LazyFrame[Any] ) -> FrameOrSeriesT: """Align `lhs` to the Index of `rhs`, if they're both pandas-like. Arguments: lhs: Dataframe or Series. rhs: Dataframe or Series to align with. Returns: Same type as input. Notes: This is only really intended for backwards-compatibility purposes, for example if your library already aligns indices for users. If you're designing a new library, we highly encourage you to not rely on the Index. For non-pandas-like inputs, this only checks that `lhs` and `rhs` are the same length. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> import narwhals as nw >>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2]}, index=[3, 4]) >>> s_pd = pd.Series([6, 7], index=[4, 3]) >>> df = nw.from_native(df_pd) >>> s = nw.from_native(s_pd, series_only=True) >>> nw.to_native(nw.maybe_align_index(df, s)) a 4 2 3 1 """ from narwhals._pandas_like.dataframe import PandasLikeDataFrame from narwhals._pandas_like.series import PandasLikeSeries def _validate_index(index: Any) -> None: if not index.is_unique: msg = "given index doesn't have a unique index" raise ValueError(msg) lhs_any = cast(Any, lhs) rhs_any = cast(Any, rhs) if isinstance( getattr(lhs_any, "_compliant_frame", None), PandasLikeDataFrame ) and isinstance(getattr(rhs_any, "_compliant_frame", None), PandasLikeDataFrame): _validate_index(lhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index) _validate_index(rhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index) return lhs_any._from_compliant_dataframe( # type: ignore[no-any-return] lhs_any._compliant_frame._from_native_frame( lhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.loc[ rhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index ] ) ) if isinstance( getattr(lhs_any, "_compliant_frame", None), PandasLikeDataFrame ) and isinstance(getattr(rhs_any, "_compliant_series", None), PandasLikeSeries): _validate_index(lhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index) _validate_index(rhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index) return lhs_any._from_compliant_dataframe( # type: ignore[no-any-return] lhs_any._compliant_frame._from_native_frame( lhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.loc[ rhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index ] ) ) if isinstance( getattr(lhs_any, "_compliant_series", None), PandasLikeSeries ) and isinstance(getattr(rhs_any, "_compliant_frame", None), PandasLikeDataFrame): _validate_index(lhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index) _validate_index(rhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index) return lhs_any._from_compliant_series( # type: ignore[no-any-return] lhs_any._compliant_series._from_native_series( lhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.loc[ rhs_any._compliant_frame._native_frame.index ] ) ) if isinstance( getattr(lhs_any, "_compliant_series", None), PandasLikeSeries ) and isinstance(getattr(rhs_any, "_compliant_series", None), PandasLikeSeries): _validate_index(lhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index) _validate_index(rhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index) return lhs_any._from_compliant_series( # type: ignore[no-any-return] lhs_any._compliant_series._from_native_series( lhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.loc[ rhs_any._compliant_series._native_series.index ] ) ) if len(lhs_any) != len(rhs_any): msg = f"Expected `lhs` and `rhs` to have the same length, got {len(lhs_any)} and {len(rhs_any)}" raise ValueError(msg) return lhs def maybe_get_index(obj: DataFrame[Any] | LazyFrame[Any] | Series[Any]) -> Any | None: """Get the index of a DataFrame or a Series, if it's pandas-like. Arguments: obj: Dataframe or Series. Returns: Same type as input. Notes: This is only really intended for backwards-compatibility purposes, for example if your library already aligns indices for users. If you're designing a new library, we highly encourage you to not rely on the Index. For non-pandas-like inputs, this returns `None`. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> import narwhals as nw >>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [4, 5]}) >>> df = nw.from_native(df_pd) >>> nw.maybe_get_index(df) RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1) >>> series_pd = pd.Series([1, 2]) >>> series = nw.from_native(series_pd, series_only=True) >>> nw.maybe_get_index(series) RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1) """ obj_any = cast(Any, obj) native_obj = to_native(obj_any) if is_pandas_like_dataframe(native_obj) or is_pandas_like_series(native_obj): return native_obj.index return None def maybe_set_index( obj: FrameOrSeriesT, column_names: str | list[str] | None = None, *, index: Series[IntoSeriesT] | list[Series[IntoSeriesT]] | None = None, ) -> FrameOrSeriesT: """Set the index of a DataFrame or a Series, if it's pandas-like. Arguments: obj: object for which maybe set the index (can be either a Narwhals `DataFrame` or `Series`). column_names: name or list of names of the columns to set as index. For dataframes, only one of `column_names` and `index` can be specified but not both. If `column_names` is passed and `df` is a Series, then a `ValueError` is raised. index: series or list of series to set as index. Returns: Same type as input. Raises: ValueError: If one of the following condition happens: - none of `column_names` and `index` are provided - both `column_names` and `index` are provided - `column_names` is provided and `df` is a Series Notes: This is only really intended for backwards-compatibility purposes, for example if your library already aligns indices for users. If you're designing a new library, we highly encourage you to not rely on the Index. For non-pandas-like inputs, this is a no-op. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> import narwhals as nw >>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [4, 5]}) >>> df = nw.from_native(df_pd) >>> nw.to_native(nw.maybe_set_index(df, "b")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE a b 4 1 5 2 """ df_any = cast(Any, obj) native_obj = to_native(df_any) if column_names is not None and index is not None: msg = "Only one of `column_names` or `index` should be provided" raise ValueError(msg) if not column_names and not index: msg = "Either `column_names` or `index` should be provided" raise ValueError(msg) if index is not None: keys = ( [to_native(idx, pass_through=True) for idx in index] if _is_iterable(index) else to_native(index, pass_through=True) ) else: keys = column_names if is_pandas_like_dataframe(native_obj): return df_any._from_compliant_dataframe( # type: ignore[no-any-return] df_any._compliant_frame._from_native_frame(native_obj.set_index(keys)) ) elif is_pandas_like_series(native_obj): if column_names: msg = "Cannot set index using column names on a Series" raise ValueError(msg) if ( df_any._compliant_series._implementation is Implementation.PANDAS and df_any._compliant_series._backend_version < (1,) ): # pragma: no cover native_obj = native_obj.set_axis(keys, inplace=False) else: native_obj = native_obj.set_axis(keys) return df_any._from_compliant_series( # type: ignore[no-any-return] df_any._compliant_series._from_native_series(native_obj) ) else: return df_any # type: ignore[no-any-return] def maybe_reset_index(obj: FrameOrSeriesT) -> FrameOrSeriesT: """Reset the index to the default integer index of a DataFrame or a Series, if it's pandas-like. Arguments: obj: Dataframe or Series. Returns: Same type as input. Notes: This is only really intended for backwards-compatibility purposes, for example if your library already resets the index for users. If you're designing a new library, we highly encourage you to not rely on the Index. For non-pandas-like inputs, this is a no-op. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> import narwhals as nw >>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [4, 5]}, index=([6, 7])) >>> df = nw.from_native(df_pd) >>> nw.to_native(nw.maybe_reset_index(df)) a b 0 1 4 1 2 5 >>> series_pd = pd.Series([1, 2]) >>> series = nw.from_native(series_pd, series_only=True) >>> nw.maybe_get_index(series) RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1) """ obj_any = cast(Any, obj) native_obj = to_native(obj_any) if is_pandas_like_dataframe(native_obj): native_namespace = obj_any.__native_namespace__() if _has_default_index(native_obj, native_namespace): return obj_any # type: ignore[no-any-return] return obj_any._from_compliant_dataframe( # type: ignore[no-any-return] obj_any._compliant_frame._from_native_frame(native_obj.reset_index(drop=True)) ) if is_pandas_like_series(native_obj): native_namespace = obj_any.__native_namespace__() if _has_default_index(native_obj, native_namespace): return obj_any # type: ignore[no-any-return] return obj_any._from_compliant_series( # type: ignore[no-any-return] obj_any._compliant_series._from_native_series( native_obj.reset_index(drop=True) ) ) return obj_any # type: ignore[no-any-return] def _has_default_index( native_frame_or_series: pd.Series | pd.DataFrame, native_namespace: Any ) -> bool: index = native_frame_or_series.index return ( isinstance(index, native_namespace.RangeIndex) and index.start == 0 and index.stop == len(index) and index.step == 1 ) def maybe_convert_dtypes( obj: FrameOrSeriesT, *args: bool, **kwargs: bool | str ) -> FrameOrSeriesT: """Convert columns or series to the best possible dtypes using dtypes supporting ``pd.NA``, if df is pandas-like. Arguments: obj: DataFrame or Series. *args: Additional arguments which gets passed through. **kwargs: Additional arguments which gets passed through. Returns: Same type as input. Notes: For non-pandas-like inputs, this is a no-op. Also, `args` and `kwargs` just get passed down to the underlying library as-is. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> import narwhals as nw >>> import numpy as np >>> df_pd = pd.DataFrame( ... { ... "a": pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.dtype("int32")), ... "b": pd.Series([True, False, np.nan], dtype=np.dtype("O")), ... } ... ) >>> df = nw.from_native(df_pd) >>> nw.to_native(nw.maybe_convert_dtypes(df)).dtypes # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE a Int32 b boolean dtype: object """ obj_any = cast(Any, obj) native_obj = to_native(obj_any) if is_pandas_like_dataframe(native_obj): return obj_any._from_compliant_dataframe( # type: ignore[no-any-return] obj_any._compliant_frame._from_native_frame( native_obj.convert_dtypes(*args, **kwargs) ) ) if is_pandas_like_series(native_obj): return obj_any._from_compliant_series( # type: ignore[no-any-return] obj_any._compliant_series._from_native_series( native_obj.convert_dtypes(*args, **kwargs) ) ) return obj_any # type: ignore[no-any-return] def is_ordered_categorical(series: Series[Any]) -> bool: """Return whether indices of categories are semantically meaningful. This is a convenience function to accessing what would otherwise be the `is_ordered` property from the DataFrame Interchange Protocol, see - For Polars: - Enums are always ordered. - Categoricals are ordered if `dtype.ordering == "physical"`. - For pandas-like APIs: - Categoricals are ordered if ` == True`. - For PyArrow table: - Categoricals are ordered if `dtype.type.ordered == True`. Arguments: series: Input Series. Returns: Whether the Series is an ordered categorical. Examples: >>> import narwhals as nw >>> import pandas as pd >>> import polars as pl >>> data = ["x", "y"] >>> s_pd = pd.Series(data, dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(ordered=True)) >>> s_pl = pl.Series(data, dtype=pl.Categorical(ordering="physical")) Let's define a library-agnostic function: >>> @nw.narwhalify ... def func(s): ... return nw.is_ordered_categorical(s) Then, we can pass any supported library to `func`: >>> func(s_pd) True >>> func(s_pl) True """ from narwhals._interchange.series import InterchangeSeries dtypes = series._compliant_series._dtypes if ( isinstance(series._compliant_series, InterchangeSeries) and series.dtype == dtypes.Categorical ): return series._compliant_series._native_series.describe_categorical[ # type: ignore[no-any-return] "is_ordered" ] if series.dtype == dtypes.Enum: return True if series.dtype != dtypes.Categorical: return False native_series = to_native(series) if is_polars_series(native_series): return native_series.dtype.ordering == "physical" # type: ignore[attr-defined, no-any-return] if is_pandas_series(native_series): return # type: ignore[no-any-return] if is_modin_series(native_series): # pragma: no cover return # type: ignore[no-any-return] if is_cudf_series(native_series): # pragma: no cover return # type: ignore[no-any-return] if is_pyarrow_chunked_array(native_series): return native_series.type.ordered # type: ignore[no-any-return] # If it doesn't match any of the above, let's just play it safe and return False. return False # pragma: no cover def generate_unique_token(n_bytes: int, columns: list[str]) -> str: # pragma: no cover msg = ( "Use `generate_temporary_column_name` instead. `generate_unique_token` is " "deprecated and it will be removed in future versions" ) issue_deprecation_warning(msg, _version="1.13.0") return generate_temporary_column_name(n_bytes=n_bytes, columns=columns) def generate_temporary_column_name(n_bytes: int, columns: list[str]) -> str: """Generates a unique column name that is not present in the given list of columns. It relies on [python secrets token_hex]( function to return a string nbytes random bytes. Arguments: n_bytes: The number of bytes to generate for the token. columns: The list of columns to check for uniqueness. Returns: A unique token that is not present in the given list of columns. Raises: AssertionError: If a unique token cannot be generated after 100 attempts. Examples: >>> import narwhals as nw >>> columns = ["abc", "xyz"] >>> nw.generate_temporary_column_name(n_bytes=8, columns=columns) not in columns True """ counter = 0 while True: token = token_hex(n_bytes) if token not in columns: return token counter += 1 if counter > 100: msg = ( "Internal Error: Narwhals was not able to generate a column name with " f"{n_bytes=} and not in {columns}" ) raise AssertionError(msg) def parse_columns_to_drop( compliant_frame: Any, columns: Iterable[str], strict: bool, # noqa: FBT001 ) -> list[str]: cols = compliant_frame.columns to_drop = list(columns) if strict: missing_columns = [x for x in to_drop if x not in cols] if missing_columns: raise ColumnNotFoundError.from_missing_and_available_column_names( missing_columns=missing_columns, available_columns=cols ) else: to_drop = list(set(cols).intersection(set(to_drop))) return to_drop def is_sequence_but_not_str(sequence: Any) -> TypeGuard[Sequence[Any]]: return isinstance(sequence, Sequence) and not isinstance(sequence, str) def find_stacklevel() -> int: """Find the first place in the stack that is not inside narwhals. Returns: Stacklevel. Taken from: """ import inspect from pathlib import Path import narwhals as nw pkg_dir = str(Path(nw.__file__).parent) # frame = inspect.currentframe() n = 0 try: while frame: fname = inspect.getfile(frame) if fname.startswith(pkg_dir) or ( (qualname := getattr(frame.f_code, "co_qualname", None)) # ignore @singledispatch wrappers and qualname.startswith("singledispatch.") ): frame = frame.f_back n += 1 else: # pragma: no cover break else: # pragma: no cover pass finally: # # > Though the cycle detector will catch these, destruction of the frames # > (and local variables) can be made deterministic by removing the cycle # > in a finally clause. del frame return n def issue_deprecation_warning(message: str, _version: str) -> None: """Issue a deprecation warning. Arguments: message: The message associated with the warning. _version: Narwhals version when the warning was introduced. Just used for internal bookkeeping. """ warn(message=message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=find_stacklevel()) def validate_strict_and_pass_though( strict: bool | None, pass_through: bool | None, *, pass_through_default: bool, emit_deprecation_warning: bool, ) -> bool: if strict is None and pass_through is None: pass_through = pass_through_default elif strict is not None and pass_through is None: if emit_deprecation_warning: msg = ( "`strict` in `from_native` is deprecated, please use `pass_through` instead.\n\n" "Note: `strict` will remain available in `narwhals.stable.v1`.\n" "See for more information.\n" ) issue_deprecation_warning(msg, _version="1.13.0") pass_through = not strict elif strict is None and pass_through is not None: pass else: msg = "Cannot pass both `strict` and `pass_through`" raise ValueError(msg) return pass_through def _validate_rolling_arguments( window_size: int, min_periods: int | None ) -> tuple[int, int]: if window_size < 1: msg = "window_size must be greater or equal than 1" raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(window_size, int): _type = window_size.__class__.__name__ msg = ( f"argument 'window_size': '{_type}' object cannot be " "interpreted as an integer" ) raise TypeError(msg) if min_periods is not None: if min_periods < 1: msg = "min_periods must be greater or equal than 1" raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(min_periods, int): _type = min_periods.__class__.__name__ msg = ( f"argument 'min_periods': '{_type}' object cannot be " "interpreted as an integer" ) raise TypeError(msg) if min_periods > window_size: msg = "`min_periods` must be less or equal than `window_size`" raise InvalidOperationError(msg) else: min_periods = window_size return window_size, min_periods