from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function """ Mycarta palettes as described at """ import itertools from . import colordata from .. import utils from ..palette import Palette _PALETTE_TYPE = 'sequential' _NAMES_TO_DATA = { 'Cube1': colordata.CUBE1, 'CubeYF': colordata.CUBEYF, 'LinearL': colordata.LINEARL, } _NAME_MAP = utils.make_name_map(_NAMES_TO_DATA.keys()) _NAMES_AND_LENGTHS = utils.make_names_and_lengths( sorted(_NAMES_TO_DATA.keys())) class MycartaMap(Palette): """ Representation of a color map with matplotlib compatible views of the map. Parameters ---------- name : str palette_type : str colors : list Colors as list of 0-255 RGB triplets. Attributes ---------- name : str type : str number : int Number of colors in color map. colors : list Colors as list of 0-255 RGB triplets. hex_colors : list mpl_colors : list mpl_colormap : matplotlib LinearSegmentedColormap url : str Website with related info. """ url = '' def __init__(self, name, palette_type, colors): super(MycartaMap, self).__init__(name, palette_type, colors) print_maps = utils.print_maps_factory( 'mycarta', _NAMES_AND_LENGTHS, _PALETTE_TYPE) get_map = utils.get_map_factory( 'mycarta', __name__, _NAMES_TO_DATA, _PALETTE_TYPE, MycartaMap)