# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # cython: profile = False # cython: nonecheck = True # distutils: language = c++ import datetime import decimal as _pydecimal try: import numpy as np except ImportError: np = None import os import sys from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref from pyarrow.includes.libarrow cimport * from pyarrow.includes.libarrow_python cimport * from pyarrow.includes.common cimport PyObject_to_object cimport pyarrow.includes.libarrow_python as libarrow_python cimport cpython as cp # Initialize NumPy C API only if numpy was able to be imported if np is not None: arrow_init_numpy() # Initialize PyArrow C++ API # (used from some of our C++ code, see e.g. ARROW-5260) import_pyarrow() MonthDayNano = NewMonthDayNanoTupleType() def cpu_count(): """ Return the number of threads to use in parallel operations. The number of threads is determined at startup by inspecting the ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` and ``OMP_THREAD_LIMIT`` environment variables. If neither is present, it will default to the number of hardware threads on the system. It can be modified at runtime by calling :func:`set_cpu_count()`. See Also -------- set_cpu_count : Modify the size of this pool. io_thread_count : The analogous function for the I/O thread pool. """ return GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity() def set_cpu_count(int count): """ Set the number of threads to use in parallel operations. Parameters ---------- count : int The number of concurrent threads that should be used. See Also -------- cpu_count : Get the size of this pool. set_io_thread_count : The analogous function for the I/O thread pool. """ if count < 1: raise ValueError("CPU count must be strictly positive") check_status(SetCpuThreadPoolCapacity(count)) def is_threading_enabled() -> bool: """ Returns True if threading is enabled in libarrow. If it isn't enabled, then python shouldn't create any threads either, because we're probably on a system where threading doesn't work (e.g. Emscripten). """ return libarrow_python.IsThreadingEnabled() Type_NA = _Type_NA Type_BOOL = _Type_BOOL Type_UINT8 = _Type_UINT8 Type_INT8 = _Type_INT8 Type_UINT16 = _Type_UINT16 Type_INT16 = _Type_INT16 Type_UINT32 = _Type_UINT32 Type_INT32 = _Type_INT32 Type_UINT64 = _Type_UINT64 Type_INT64 = _Type_INT64 Type_HALF_FLOAT = _Type_HALF_FLOAT Type_FLOAT = _Type_FLOAT Type_DOUBLE = _Type_DOUBLE Type_DECIMAL128 = _Type_DECIMAL128 Type_DECIMAL256 = _Type_DECIMAL256 Type_DATE32 = _Type_DATE32 Type_DATE64 = _Type_DATE64 Type_TIMESTAMP = _Type_TIMESTAMP Type_TIME32 = _Type_TIME32 Type_TIME64 = _Type_TIME64 Type_DURATION = _Type_DURATION Type_INTERVAL_MONTH_DAY_NANO = _Type_INTERVAL_MONTH_DAY_NANO Type_BINARY = _Type_BINARY Type_STRING = _Type_STRING Type_LARGE_BINARY = _Type_LARGE_BINARY Type_LARGE_STRING = _Type_LARGE_STRING Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY = _Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY Type_BINARY_VIEW = _Type_BINARY_VIEW Type_STRING_VIEW = _Type_STRING_VIEW Type_LIST = _Type_LIST Type_LARGE_LIST = _Type_LARGE_LIST Type_LIST_VIEW = _Type_LIST_VIEW Type_LARGE_LIST_VIEW = _Type_LARGE_LIST_VIEW Type_MAP = _Type_MAP Type_FIXED_SIZE_LIST = _Type_FIXED_SIZE_LIST Type_STRUCT = _Type_STRUCT Type_SPARSE_UNION = _Type_SPARSE_UNION Type_DENSE_UNION = _Type_DENSE_UNION Type_DICTIONARY = _Type_DICTIONARY Type_RUN_END_ENCODED = _Type_RUN_END_ENCODED UnionMode_SPARSE = _UnionMode_SPARSE UnionMode_DENSE = _UnionMode_DENSE __pc = None __pac = None __cuda_loaded = None def _pc(): global __pc if __pc is None: import pyarrow.compute as pc __pc = pc return __pc def _pac(): global __pac if __pac is None: import pyarrow.acero as pac __pac = pac return __pac def _ensure_cuda_loaded(): # Try importing the cuda module to ensure libarrow_cuda gets loaded # to register the CUDA device for the C Data Interface import global __cuda_loaded if __cuda_loaded is None: try: import pyarrow.cuda # no-cython-lint __cuda_loaded = True except ImportError as exc: __cuda_loaded = str(exc) if __cuda_loaded is not True: raise ImportError( "Trying to import data on a CUDA device, but PyArrow is not built with " f"CUDA support.\n(importing 'pyarrow.cuda' resulted in \"{__cuda_loaded}\")." ) def _gdb_test_session(): GdbTestSession() # Assorted compatibility helpers include "compat.pxi" # Exception types and Status handling include "error.pxi" # Configuration information include "config.pxi" # pandas API shim include "pandas-shim.pxi" # Memory pools and allocation include "memory.pxi" # Device type and memory manager include "device.pxi" # DataType, Field, Schema include "types.pxi" # Array scalar values include "scalar.pxi" # Array types include "array.pxi" # Builders include "builder.pxi" # Column, Table, Record Batch include "table.pxi" # Tensors include "tensor.pxi" # DLPack include "_dlpack.pxi" # File IO include "io.pxi" # IPC / Messaging include "ipc.pxi" # Micro-benchmark routines include "benchmark.pxi" # Public API include "public-api.pxi"