# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import sys import pytest import hypothesis as h import hypothesis.strategies as st try: import hypothesis.extra.numpy as npst except ImportError: npst = None try: import hypothesis.extra.pytz as tzst except ImportError: tzst = None try: import zoneinfo except ImportError: zoneinfo = None if sys.platform == 'win32': try: import tzdata # noqa:F401 except ImportError: zoneinfo = None try: import numpy as np except ImportError: np = None import pyarrow as pa # TODO(kszucs): alphanum_text, surrogate_text custom_text = st.text( alphabet=st.characters( min_codepoint=0x41, max_codepoint=0x7E ) ) null_type = st.just(pa.null()) bool_type = st.just(pa.bool_()) binary_type = st.just(pa.binary()) string_type = st.just(pa.string()) large_binary_type = st.just(pa.large_binary()) large_string_type = st.just(pa.large_string()) fixed_size_binary_type = st.builds( pa.binary, st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=16) ) binary_like_types = st.one_of( binary_type, string_type, large_binary_type, large_string_type, fixed_size_binary_type ) signed_integer_types = st.sampled_from([ pa.int8(), pa.int16(), pa.int32(), pa.int64() ]) unsigned_integer_types = st.sampled_from([ pa.uint8(), pa.uint16(), pa.uint32(), pa.uint64() ]) integer_types = st.one_of(signed_integer_types, unsigned_integer_types) floating_types = st.sampled_from([ pa.float16(), pa.float32(), pa.float64() ]) decimal128_type = st.builds( pa.decimal128, precision=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=38), scale=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=38) ) decimal256_type = st.builds( pa.decimal256, precision=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=76), scale=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=76) ) numeric_types = st.one_of(integer_types, floating_types, decimal128_type, decimal256_type) date_types = st.sampled_from([ pa.date32(), pa.date64() ]) time_types = st.sampled_from([ pa.time32('s'), pa.time32('ms'), pa.time64('us'), pa.time64('ns') ]) if tzst and zoneinfo: timezones = st.one_of(st.none(), tzst.timezones(), st.timezones()) elif tzst: timezones = st.one_of(st.none(), tzst.timezones()) elif zoneinfo: timezones = st.one_of(st.none(), st.timezones()) else: timezones = st.none() timestamp_types = st.builds( pa.timestamp, unit=st.sampled_from(['s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns']), tz=timezones ) duration_types = st.builds( pa.duration, st.sampled_from(['s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns']) ) interval_types = st.just(pa.month_day_nano_interval()) temporal_types = st.one_of( date_types, time_types, timestamp_types, duration_types, interval_types ) primitive_types = st.one_of( null_type, bool_type, numeric_types, temporal_types, binary_like_types ) metadata = st.dictionaries(st.text(), st.text()) @st.composite def fields(draw, type_strategy=primitive_types): name = draw(custom_text) typ = draw(type_strategy) if pa.types.is_null(typ): nullable = True else: nullable = draw(st.booleans()) meta = draw(metadata) return pa.field(name, type=typ, nullable=nullable, metadata=meta) def list_types(item_strategy=primitive_types): return ( st.builds(pa.list_, item_strategy) | st.builds(pa.large_list, item_strategy) | st.builds( pa.list_, item_strategy, st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=16) ) | st.builds(pa.list_view, item_strategy) | st.builds(pa.large_list_view, item_strategy) ) @st.composite def struct_types(draw, item_strategy=primitive_types): fields_strategy = st.lists(fields(item_strategy)) fields_rendered = draw(fields_strategy) field_names = [field.name for field in fields_rendered] # check that field names are unique, see ARROW-9997 h.assume(len(set(field_names)) == len(field_names)) return pa.struct(fields_rendered) def dictionary_types(key_strategy=None, value_strategy=None): if key_strategy is None: key_strategy = signed_integer_types if value_strategy is None: value_strategy = st.one_of( bool_type, integer_types, st.sampled_from([pa.float32(), pa.float64()]), binary_type, string_type, fixed_size_binary_type, ) return st.builds(pa.dictionary, key_strategy, value_strategy) @st.composite def map_types(draw, key_strategy=primitive_types, item_strategy=primitive_types): key_type = draw(key_strategy) h.assume(not pa.types.is_null(key_type)) value_type = draw(item_strategy) return pa.map_(key_type, value_type) # union type # extension type def schemas(type_strategy=primitive_types, max_fields=None): children = st.lists(fields(type_strategy), max_size=max_fields) return st.builds(pa.schema, children) all_types = st.deferred( lambda: ( primitive_types | list_types() | struct_types() | dictionary_types() | map_types() | list_types(all_types) | struct_types(all_types) ) ) all_fields = fields(all_types) all_schemas = schemas(all_types) _default_array_sizes = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=20) @st.composite def _pylist(draw, value_type, size, nullable=True): arr = draw(arrays(value_type, size=size, nullable=False)) return arr.to_pylist() @st.composite def _pymap(draw, key_type, value_type, size, nullable=True): length = draw(size) keys = draw(_pylist(key_type, size=length, nullable=False)) values = draw(_pylist(value_type, size=length, nullable=nullable)) return list(zip(keys, values)) @st.composite def arrays(draw, type, size=None, nullable=True): if isinstance(type, st.SearchStrategy): ty = draw(type) elif isinstance(type, pa.DataType): ty = type else: raise TypeError('Type must be a pyarrow DataType') if isinstance(size, st.SearchStrategy): size = draw(size) elif size is None: size = draw(_default_array_sizes) elif not isinstance(size, int): raise TypeError('Size must be an integer') if pa.types.is_null(ty): h.assume(nullable) value = st.none() elif pa.types.is_boolean(ty): value = st.booleans() elif pa.types.is_integer(ty): values = draw(npst.arrays(ty.to_pandas_dtype(), shape=(size,))) return pa.array(values, type=ty) elif pa.types.is_floating(ty): values = draw(npst.arrays(ty.to_pandas_dtype(), shape=(size,))) # Workaround ARROW-4952: no easy way to assert array equality # in a NaN-tolerant way. values[np.isnan(values)] = -42.0 return pa.array(values, type=ty) elif pa.types.is_decimal(ty): # TODO(kszucs): properly limit the precision # value = st.decimals(places=type.scale, allow_infinity=False) h.reject() elif pa.types.is_time(ty): value = st.times() elif pa.types.is_date(ty): value = st.dates() elif pa.types.is_timestamp(ty): if zoneinfo is None: pytest.skip('no module named zoneinfo (or tzdata on Windows)') if ty.tz is None: pytest.skip('requires timezone not None') min_int64 = -(2**63) max_int64 = 2**63 - 1 min_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( min_int64 // 10**9) + datetime.timedelta(hours=12) max_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( max_int64 // 10**9) - datetime.timedelta(hours=12) try: offset = ty.tz.split(":") offset_hours = int(offset[0]) offset_min = int(offset[1]) tz = datetime.timedelta(hours=offset_hours, minutes=offset_min) except ValueError: tz = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(ty.tz) value = st.datetimes(timezones=st.just(tz), min_value=min_datetime, max_value=max_datetime) elif pa.types.is_duration(ty): value = st.timedeltas() elif pa.types.is_interval(ty): value = st.timedeltas() elif pa.types.is_binary(ty) or pa.types.is_large_binary(ty): value = st.binary() elif pa.types.is_string(ty) or pa.types.is_large_string(ty): value = st.text() elif pa.types.is_fixed_size_binary(ty): value = st.binary(min_size=ty.byte_width, max_size=ty.byte_width) elif pa.types.is_list(ty): value = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=size, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_large_list(ty): value = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=size, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_fixed_size_list(ty): value = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=ty.list_size, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_list_view(ty): value = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=size, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_large_list_view(ty): value = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=size, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_dictionary(ty): values = _pylist(ty.value_type, size=size, nullable=nullable) return pa.array(draw(values), type=ty) elif pa.types.is_map(ty): value = _pymap(ty.key_type, ty.item_type, size=_default_array_sizes, nullable=nullable) elif pa.types.is_struct(ty): h.assume(len(ty) > 0) fields, child_arrays = [], [] for field in ty: fields.append(field) child_arrays.append(draw(arrays(field.type, size=size))) return pa.StructArray.from_arrays(child_arrays, fields=fields) else: raise NotImplementedError(ty) if nullable: value = st.one_of(st.none(), value) values = st.lists(value, min_size=size, max_size=size) return pa.array(draw(values), type=ty) @st.composite def chunked_arrays(draw, type, min_chunks=0, max_chunks=None, chunk_size=None): if isinstance(type, st.SearchStrategy): type = draw(type) # TODO(kszucs): remove it, field metadata is not kept h.assume(not pa.types.is_struct(type)) chunk = arrays(type, size=chunk_size) chunks = st.lists(chunk, min_size=min_chunks, max_size=max_chunks) return pa.chunked_array(draw(chunks), type=type) @st.composite def record_batches(draw, type, rows=None, max_fields=None): if isinstance(rows, st.SearchStrategy): rows = draw(rows) elif rows is None: rows = draw(_default_array_sizes) elif not isinstance(rows, int): raise TypeError('Rows must be an integer') schema = draw(schemas(type, max_fields=max_fields)) children = [draw(arrays(field.type, size=rows)) for field in schema] # TODO(kszucs): the names and schema arguments are not consistent with # Table.from_array's arguments return pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(children, schema=schema) @st.composite def tables(draw, type, rows=None, max_fields=None): if isinstance(rows, st.SearchStrategy): rows = draw(rows) elif rows is None: rows = draw(_default_array_sizes) elif not isinstance(rows, int): raise TypeError('Rows must be an integer') schema = draw(schemas(type, max_fields=max_fields)) children = [draw(arrays(field.type, size=rows)) for field in schema] return pa.Table.from_arrays(children, schema=schema) all_arrays = arrays(all_types) all_chunked_arrays = chunked_arrays(all_types) all_record_batches = record_batches(all_types) all_tables = tables(all_types) # Define the same rules as above for pandas tests by excluding certain types # from the generation because of known issues. pandas_compatible_primitive_types = st.one_of( null_type, bool_type, integer_types, st.sampled_from([pa.float32(), pa.float64()]), decimal128_type, date_types, time_types, # Need to exclude timestamp and duration types otherwise hypothesis # discovers ARROW-10210 # timestamp_types, # duration_types interval_types, binary_type, string_type, large_binary_type, large_string_type, ) # Need to exclude floating point types otherwise hypothesis discovers # ARROW-10211 pandas_compatible_dictionary_value_types = st.one_of( bool_type, integer_types, binary_type, string_type, fixed_size_binary_type, ) def pandas_compatible_list_types( item_strategy=pandas_compatible_primitive_types ): # Need to exclude fixed size list type otherwise hypothesis discovers # ARROW-10194 return ( st.builds(pa.list_, item_strategy) | st.builds(pa.large_list, item_strategy) ) pandas_compatible_types = st.deferred( lambda: st.one_of( pandas_compatible_primitive_types, pandas_compatible_list_types(pandas_compatible_primitive_types), struct_types(pandas_compatible_primitive_types), dictionary_types( value_strategy=pandas_compatible_dictionary_value_types ), pandas_compatible_list_types(pandas_compatible_types), struct_types(pandas_compatible_types) ) )