include "base.pxi" cimport cython from libc.math cimport ceil, isnan, round from pyproj._compat cimport cstrencode, empty_array import math from collections import namedtuple from pyproj.enums import GeodIntermediateFlag from pyproj.exceptions import GeodError geodesic_version_str = ( f"{GEODESIC_VERSION_MAJOR}.{GEODESIC_VERSION_MINOR}.{GEODESIC_VERSION_PATCH}" ) GeodIntermediateReturn = namedtuple( "GeodIntermediateReturn", ["npts", "del_s", "dist", "lons", "lats", "azis"] ) GeodIntermediateReturn.__doc__ = """ .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 Geod Intermediate Return value (Named Tuple) Parameters ---------- npts: int number of points del_s: float delimiter distance between two successive points dist: float distance between the initial and terminus points out_lons: Any array of the output lons out_lats: Any array of the output lats out_azis: Any array of the output azis """ cdef: int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEFAULT = GeodIntermediateFlag.DEFAULT int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_MASK = ( GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_ROUND | GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_CEIL | GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_TRUNC ) int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_ROUND = GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_ROUND int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_CEIL = GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_CEIL int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_TRUNC = GeodIntermediateFlag.NPTS_TRUNC int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEL_S_MASK = ( GeodIntermediateFlag.DEL_S_RECALC | GeodIntermediateFlag.DEL_S_NO_RECALC ) int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEL_S_RECALC = GeodIntermediateFlag.DEL_S_RECALC int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEL_S_NO_RECALC = GeodIntermediateFlag.DEL_S_NO_RECALC int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_AZIS_MASK = ( GeodIntermediateFlag.AZIS_DISCARD | GeodIntermediateFlag.AZIS_KEEP ) int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_AZIS_DISCARD = GeodIntermediateFlag.AZIS_DISCARD int GEOD_INTER_FLAG_AZIS_KEEP = GeodIntermediateFlag.AZIS_KEEP cdef double _reverse_azimuth(double azi, double factor) nogil: if azi > 0: azi = azi - factor else: azi = azi + factor return azi def reverse_azimuth(object azi, bint radians=False): cdef PyBuffWriteManager azibuff = PyBuffWriteManager(azi) cdef Py_ssize_t iii cdef double factor = 180 if radians: factor = math.pi with nogil: for iii in range(azibuff.len):[iii] = _reverse_azimuth([iii], factor=factor) cdef class Geod: def __init__(self, double a, double f, bint sphere, double b, double es): geod_init(&self._geod_geodesic, a, f) self.a = a self.f = f # convert 'a' only for initstring a_str = int(a) if a.is_integer() else a f_str = int(f) if f.is_integer() else f self.initstring = f"+a={a_str} +f={f_str}" self.sphere = sphere self.b = b = es def __reduce__(self): """special method that allows pyproj.Geod instance to be pickled""" return self.__class__, (self.initstring,) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _fwd( self, object lons, object lats, object az, object dist, bint radians=False, bint return_back_azimuth=True, ): """ forward transformation - determine longitude, latitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given an initial point longitude and latitude, plus forward azimuth and distance. if radians=True, lons/lats are radians instead of degrees. if return_back_azimuth=True, the return azimuth will be the forward azimuth instead of the forward azimuth. """ cdef: PyBuffWriteManager lonbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lons) PyBuffWriteManager latbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lats) PyBuffWriteManager azbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(az) PyBuffWriteManager distbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(dist) # process data in buffer if not lonbuff.len == latbuff.len == azbuff.len == distbuff.len: raise GeodError("Array lengths are not the same.") cdef: double lat1 double lon1 double az1 double s12 double plon2 double plat2 double pazi2 Py_ssize_t iii with nogil: for iii in range(lonbuff.len): if not radians: lon1 =[iii] lat1 =[iii] az1 =[iii] s12 =[iii] else: lon1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lat1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] az1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] s12 =[iii] geod_direct( &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, az1, s12, &plat2, &plon2, &pazi2, ) # by default (return_back_azimuth=True), # forward azimuth needs to be flipped 180 degrees # to match the (back azimuth) output of PROJ geod utilities. if return_back_azimuth: pazi2 = _reverse_azimuth(pazi2, factor=180) if not radians:[iii] = plon2[iii] = plat2[iii] = pazi2 else:[iii] = _DG2RAD * plon2[iii] = _DG2RAD * plat2[iii] = _DG2RAD * pazi2 @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _fwd_point( self, object lon1in, object lat1in, object az1in, object s12in, bint radians=False, bint return_back_azimuth=True, ): """ Scalar optimized function forward transformation - determine longitude, latitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given an initial point longitude and latitude, plus forward azimuth and distance. if radians=True, lons/lats are radians instead of degrees. """ cdef: double plon2 double plat2 double pazi2 double lon1 = lon1in double lat1 = lat1in double az1 = az1in double s12 = s12in # We do the type-checking internally here due to automatically # casting length-1 arrays to float that we don't want to return scalar for. # Ex: float(np.array([0])) works and we don't want to accept numpy arrays for x_in in (lon1in, lat1in, az1in, s12in): if not isinstance(x_in, (float, int)): raise TypeError("Scalar input is required for point based functions") with nogil: if radians: lon1 = _RAD2DG * lon1 lat1 = _RAD2DG * lat1 az1 = _RAD2DG * az1 geod_direct( &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, az1, s12, &plat2, &plon2, &pazi2, ) # back azimuth needs to be flipped 180 degrees # to match what PROJ geod utility produces. if return_back_azimuth: pazi2 =_reverse_azimuth(pazi2, factor=180) if radians: plon2 = _DG2RAD * plon2 plat2 = _DG2RAD * plat2 pazi2 = _DG2RAD * pazi2 return plon2, plat2, pazi2 @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _inv( self, object lons1, object lats1, object lons2, object lats2, bint radians=False, bint return_back_azimuth=True, ): """ inverse transformation - return forward azimuth (azi12) and back azimuths (azi21), plus distance between an initial and terminus lat/lon pair. if radians=True, lons/lats are radians instead of degree if return_back_azimuth=True, azi21 is a back azimuth (180 degrees flipped), otherwise azi21 is also a forward azimuth. """ cdef: PyBuffWriteManager lon1buff = PyBuffWriteManager(lons1) PyBuffWriteManager lat1buff = PyBuffWriteManager(lats1) PyBuffWriteManager lon2buff = PyBuffWriteManager(lons2) PyBuffWriteManager lat2buff = PyBuffWriteManager(lats2) # process data in buffer if not lon1buff.len == lat1buff.len == lon2buff.len == lat2buff.len: raise GeodError("Array lengths are not the same.") cdef: double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double pazi1 double pazi2 double ps12 Py_ssize_t iii with nogil: for iii in range(lon1buff.len): if radians: lon1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lat1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lon2 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lat2 = _RAD2DG *[iii] else: lon1 =[iii] lat1 =[iii] lon2 =[iii] lat2 =[iii] geod_inverse( &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &ps12, &pazi1, &pazi2, ) # by default (return_back_azimuth=True), # forward azimuth needs to be flipped 180 degrees # to match the (back azimuth) output of PROJ geod utilities. if return_back_azimuth: pazi2 = _reverse_azimuth(pazi2, factor=180) if radians:[iii] = _DG2RAD * pazi1[iii] = _DG2RAD * pazi2 else:[iii] = pazi1[iii] = pazi2 # write azimuth data into lon2 buffer[iii] = ps12 @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _inv_point( self, object lon1in, object lat1in, object lon2in, object lat2in, bint radians=False, bint return_back_azimuth=True, ): """ Scalar optimized function inverse transformation - return forward and back azimuth, plus distance between an initial and terminus lat/lon pair. if radians=True, lons/lats are radians instead of degree """ cdef: double pazi1 double pazi2 double ps12 double lon1 = lon1in double lat1 = lat1in double lon2 = lon2in double lat2 = lat2in # We do the type-checking internally here due to automatically # casting length-1 arrays to float that we don't want to return scalar for. # Ex: float(np.array([0])) works and we don't want to accept numpy arrays for x_in in (lon1in, lat1in, lon2in, lat2in): if not isinstance(x_in, (float, int)): raise TypeError("Scalar input is required for point based functions") with nogil: if radians: lon1 = _RAD2DG * lon1 lat1 = _RAD2DG * lat1 lon2 = _RAD2DG * lon2 lat2 = _RAD2DG * lat2 geod_inverse( &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &ps12, &pazi1, &pazi2, ) # back azimuth needs to be flipped 180 degrees # to match what proj4 geod utility produces. if return_back_azimuth: pazi2 =_reverse_azimuth(pazi2, factor=180) if radians: pazi1 = _DG2RAD * pazi1 pazi2 = _DG2RAD * pazi2 return pazi1, pazi2, ps12 @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _inv_or_fwd_intermediate( self, double lon1, double lat1, double lon2_or_azi1, double lat2, int npts, double del_s, bint radians, int initial_idx, int terminus_idx, int flags, object out_lons, object out_lats, object out_azis, bint return_back_azimuth, bint is_fwd, ) -> GeodIntermediateReturn: """ .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 given initial and terminus lat/lon, find npts intermediate points. using given lons, lats buffers """ cdef: Py_ssize_t iii double pazi2 double s12 double plon2 double plat2 geod_geodesicline line bint store_az = ( out_azis is not None or (flags & GEOD_INTER_FLAG_AZIS_MASK) == GEOD_INTER_FLAG_AZIS_KEEP ) PyBuffWriteManager lons_buff PyBuffWriteManager lats_buff PyBuffWriteManager azis_buff if not is_fwd and (del_s == 0) == (npts == 0): raise GeodError("inv_intermediate: " "npts and del_s are mutually exclusive, " "only one of them must be != 0.") with nogil: if radians: lon1 *= _RAD2DG lat1 *= _RAD2DG lon2_or_azi1 *= _RAD2DG if not is_fwd: lat2 *= _RAD2DG if is_fwd: # do fwd computation to set azimuths, distance. geod_lineinit(&line, &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, lon2_or_azi1, 0u) line.s13 = del_s * (npts + initial_idx + terminus_idx - 1) else: # do inverse computation to set azimuths, distance. geod_inverseline(&line, &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2_or_azi1, 0u) if npts == 0: # calc the number of required points by the distance increment # s12 holds a temporary float value of npts (just reusing this var) s12 = line.s13 / del_s - initial_idx - terminus_idx + 1 if (flags & GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_MASK) == \ GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_ROUND: s12 = round(s12) elif (flags & GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_MASK) == \ GEOD_INTER_FLAG_NPTS_CEIL: s12 = ceil(s12) npts = int(s12) if (flags & GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEL_S_MASK) == GEOD_INTER_FLAG_DEL_S_RECALC: # calc the distance increment by the number of required points del_s = line.s13 / (npts + initial_idx + terminus_idx - 1) with gil: if out_lons is None: out_lons = empty_array(npts) if out_lats is None: out_lats = empty_array(npts) if out_azis is None and store_az: out_azis = empty_array(npts) lons_buff = PyBuffWriteManager(out_lons) lats_buff = PyBuffWriteManager(out_lats) if store_az: azis_buff = PyBuffWriteManager(out_azis) if lons_buff.len < npts \ or lats_buff.len < npts \ or (store_az and azis_buff.len < npts): raise GeodError( "Arrays are not long enough (" f"{lons_buff.len}, {lats_buff.len}, " f"{azis_buff.len if store_az else -1}) < {npts}.") # loop over intermediate points, compute lat/lons. for iii in range(0, npts): s12 = (iii + initial_idx) * del_s geod_position(&line, s12, &plat2, &plon2, &pazi2) if radians: plat2 *= _DG2RAD plon2 *= _DG2RAD[iii] = plat2[iii] = plon2 if store_az: # by default (return_back_azimuth=True), # forward azimuth needs to be flipped 180 degrees # to match the (back azimuth) output of PROJ geod utilities. if return_back_azimuth: pazi2 =_reverse_azimuth(pazi2, factor=180)[iii] = pazi2 return GeodIntermediateReturn( npts, del_s, line.s13, out_lons, out_lats, out_azis) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _line_length(self, object lons, object lats, bint radians=False): """ Calculate the distance between points along a line. Parameters ---------- lons: array The longitude points along a line. lats: array The latitude points along a line. radians: bool, default=False If True, the input data is assumed to be in radians. Returns ------- float: The total distance. """ cdef PyBuffWriteManager lonbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lons) cdef PyBuffWriteManager latbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lats) # process data in buffer if lonbuff.len != latbuff.len: raise GeodError("Array lengths are not the same.") if lonbuff.len == 1:[0] = 0 return 0.0 cdef: double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double pazi1 double pazi2 double ps12 double total_distance = 0.0 Py_ssize_t iii with nogil: for iii in range(lonbuff.len - 1): if radians: lon1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lat1 = _RAD2DG *[iii] lon2 = _RAD2DG *[iii + 1] lat2 = _RAD2DG *[iii + 1] else: lon1 =[iii] lat1 =[iii] lon2 =[iii + 1] lat2 =[iii + 1] geod_inverse( &self._geod_geodesic, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &ps12, &pazi1, &pazi2, )[iii] = ps12 total_distance += ps12 return total_distance @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def _polygon_area_perimeter(self, object lons, object lats, bint radians=False): """ A simple interface for computing the area of a geodesic polygon. lats should be in the range [-90 deg, 90 deg]. Only simple polygons (which are not self-intersecting) are allowed. There's no need to "close" the polygon by repeating the first vertex. The area returned is signed with counter-clockwise traversal being treated as positive. Parameters ---------- lons: array An array of longitude values. lats: array An array of latitude values. radians: bool, default=False If True, the input data is assumed to be in radians. Returns ------- (float, float): The area (meter^2) and perimeter (meters) of the polygon. """ cdef PyBuffWriteManager lonbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lons) cdef PyBuffWriteManager latbuff = PyBuffWriteManager(lats) # process data in buffer if not lonbuff.len == latbuff.len: raise GeodError("Array lengths are not the same.") cdef double polygon_area cdef double polygon_perimeter cdef Py_ssize_t iii with nogil: if radians: for iii in range(lonbuff.len):[iii] *= _RAD2DG[iii] *= _RAD2DG geod_polygonarea( &self._geod_geodesic,,, lonbuff.len, &polygon_area, &polygon_perimeter ) return (polygon_area, polygon_perimeter) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.initstring!r})"