include "proj.pxi" import warnings from collections import namedtuple from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc from pyproj._compat cimport cstrdecode, cstrencode from pyproj._context cimport pyproj_context_create from pyproj.aoi import AreaOfUse from pyproj.enums import PJType cdef dict _PJ_TYPE_MAP = { PJType.UNKNOWN: PJ_TYPE_UNKNOWN, PJType.ELLIPSOID: PJ_TYPE_ELLIPSOID, PJType.PRIME_MERIDIAN: PJ_TYPE_PRIME_MERIDIAN, PJType.GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME: PJ_TYPE_GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJType.DYNAMIC_GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME: PJ_TYPE_DYNAMIC_GEODETIC_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJType.VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME: PJ_TYPE_VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJType.DYNAMIC_VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME: PJ_TYPE_DYNAMIC_VERTICAL_REFERENCE_FRAME, PJType.DATUM_ENSEMBLE: PJ_TYPE_DATUM_ENSEMBLE, PJType.CRS: PJ_TYPE_CRS, PJType.GEODETIC_CRS: PJ_TYPE_GEODETIC_CRS, PJType.GEOCENTRIC_CRS: PJ_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CRS, PJType.GEOGRAPHIC_CRS: PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_CRS, PJType.GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS: PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS, PJType.GEOGRAPHIC_3D_CRS: PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_3D_CRS, PJType.VERTICAL_CRS: PJ_TYPE_VERTICAL_CRS, PJType.PROJECTED_CRS: PJ_TYPE_PROJECTED_CRS, PJType.COMPOUND_CRS: PJ_TYPE_COMPOUND_CRS, PJType.TEMPORAL_CRS: PJ_TYPE_TEMPORAL_CRS, PJType.ENGINEERING_CRS: PJ_TYPE_ENGINEERING_CRS, PJType.BOUND_CRS: PJ_TYPE_BOUND_CRS, PJType.OTHER_CRS: PJ_TYPE_OTHER_CRS, PJType.CONVERSION: PJ_TYPE_CONVERSION, PJType.TRANSFORMATION: PJ_TYPE_TRANSFORMATION, PJType.CONCATENATED_OPERATION: PJ_TYPE_CONCATENATED_OPERATION, PJType.OTHER_COORDINATE_OPERATION: PJ_TYPE_OTHER_COORDINATE_OPERATION, PJType.DERIVED_PROJECTED_CRS: PJ_TYPE_DERIVED_PROJECTED_CRS, } cdef dict _INV_PJ_TYPE_MAP = {value: key for key, value in _PJ_TYPE_MAP.items()} cdef PJ_TYPE get_pj_type(pj_type) except *: if not isinstance(pj_type, PJType): pj_type = PJType.create(pj_type) return _PJ_TYPE_MAP[pj_type] def get_authorities(): """ .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 See: :c:func:`proj_get_authorities_from_database` Returns ------- list[str]: Authorities in PROJ database. """ cdef PJ_CONTEXT* context = pyproj_context_create() cdef PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_auth_list = NULL with nogil: proj_auth_list = proj_get_authorities_from_database(context) if proj_auth_list == NULL: return [] cdef int iii = 0 try: auth_list = [] while proj_auth_list[iii] != NULL: auth_list.append(proj_auth_list[iii]) iii += 1 finally: proj_string_list_destroy(proj_auth_list) return auth_list def get_codes(str auth_name not None, pj_type not None, bint allow_deprecated=False): """ .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 See: :c:func:`proj_get_codes_from_database` Parameters ---------- auth_name: str The name of the authority. pj_type: pyproj.enums.PJType The type of object to get the authorities. allow_deprecated: bool, default=False Allow a deprecated code in the return. Returns ------- list[str]: Codes associated with authorities in PROJ database. """ cdef PJ_TYPE cpj_type = get_pj_type(pj_type) cdef PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_code_list = NULL cdef PJ_CONTEXT* context = pyproj_context_create() cdef const char* c_auth_name = NULL b_auth_name = cstrencode(auth_name) c_auth_name = b_auth_name with nogil: proj_code_list = proj_get_codes_from_database( context, c_auth_name, cpj_type, allow_deprecated, ) if proj_code_list == NULL: return [] cdef int iii = 0 try: code_list = [] while proj_code_list[iii] != NULL: code_list.append(proj_code_list[iii]) iii += 1 finally: proj_string_list_destroy(proj_code_list) return code_list CRSInfo = namedtuple( "CRSInfo", [ "auth_name", "code", "name", "type", "deprecated", "area_of_use", "projection_method_name", ], ) CRSInfo.__doc__ = """ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 CRS Information Parameters ---------- auth_name: str Authority name. code: str Object code. name: str Object name. type: PJType The type of CRS deprecated: bool Whether the object is deprecated. area_of_use: AreaOfUse | None The area of use for the CRS if valid. projection_method_name: str | None Name of the projection method for a projected CRS. """ def query_crs_info( str auth_name=None, pj_types=None, area_of_interest=None, bint contains=False, bint allow_deprecated=False, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 Query for CRS information from the PROJ database. See: :c:func:`proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database` Parameters ---------- auth_name: str, optional The name of the authority. Default is all authorities. pj_types: pyproj.enums.PJType | list[pyproj.enums.PJType | None, optional The type(s) of CRS to get the information (i.e. the types with CRS in the name). If None is provided, it will use all of types (i.e. PJType.CRS). area_of_interest: AreaOfInterest, optional Filter returned CRS by the area of interest. Default method is intersection. contains: bool, default=False Only works if the area of interest is passed in. If True, then only CRS whose area of use entirely contains the specified bounding box will be returned. If False, then only CRS whose area of use intersects the specified bounding box will be returned. allow_deprecated: bool, default=False Allow a deprecated code in the return. Returns ------- list[CRSInfo]: CRS information from the PROJ database. """ cdef PJ_TYPE *pj_type_list = NULL cdef PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS *query_params = NULL cdef PROJ_CRS_INFO **crs_info_list = NULL cdef const char* c_auth_name = NULL cdef int result_count = 0 cdef int pj_type_count = 0 cdef int iii = 0 cdef bytes b_auth_name cdef PJ_CONTEXT* context = pyproj_context_create() if auth_name is not None: b_auth_name = cstrencode(auth_name) c_auth_name = b_auth_name try: if pj_types is not None: if isinstance(pj_types, (PJType, str)): pj_types = (pj_types,) pj_type_count = len(pj_types) pj_type_list = malloc( pj_type_count * sizeof(PJ_TYPE) ) for iii in range(pj_type_count): pj_type_list[iii] = get_pj_type(pj_types[iii]) query_params = proj_get_crs_list_parameters_create() query_params.types = pj_type_list query_params.typesCount = pj_type_count query_params.allow_deprecated = bool(allow_deprecated) if area_of_interest: query_params.crs_area_of_use_contains_bbox = bool(contains) query_params.bbox_valid = True query_params.west_lon_degree = area_of_interest.west_lon_degree query_params.south_lat_degree = area_of_interest.south_lat_degree query_params.east_lon_degree = area_of_interest.east_lon_degree query_params.north_lat_degree = area_of_interest.north_lat_degree with nogil: crs_info_list = proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database( context, c_auth_name, query_params, &result_count) finally: if query_params != NULL: proj_get_crs_list_parameters_destroy(query_params) if pj_type_list != NULL: free(pj_type_list) if crs_info_list == NULL: return [] try: code_list = [] iii = 0 while crs_info_list[iii] != NULL: area_of_use = None if crs_info_list[iii].bbox_valid: area_of_use = AreaOfUse( west=crs_info_list[iii].west_lon_degree, south=crs_info_list[iii].south_lat_degree, east=crs_info_list[iii].east_lon_degree, north=crs_info_list[iii].north_lat_degree, name=cstrdecode(crs_info_list[iii].area_name), ) code_list.append(CRSInfo( auth_name=crs_info_list[iii].auth_name, code=crs_info_list[iii].code, name=crs_info_list[iii].name, type=_INV_PJ_TYPE_MAP[crs_info_list[iii].type], deprecated=bool(crs_info_list[iii].deprecated), area_of_use=area_of_use, projection_method_name=cstrdecode( crs_info_list[iii].projection_method_name ) )) iii += 1 finally: proj_crs_info_list_destroy(crs_info_list) return code_list def query_utm_crs_info( str datum_name=None, area_of_interest=None, bint contains=False, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 Query for EPSG UTM CRS information from the PROJ database. See: :c:func:`proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database` Parameters ---------- datum_name: str, optional The name of the datum in the CRS name ('NAD27', 'NAD83', 'WGS 84', ...). area_of_interest: AreaOfInterest, optional Filter returned CRS by the area of interest. Default method is intersection. contains: bool, default=False Only works if the area of interest is passed in. If True, then only CRS whose area of use entirely contains the specified bounding box will be returned. If False, then only CRS whose area of use intersects the specified bounding box will be returned. Returns ------- list[CRSInfo]: UTM CRS information from the PROJ database. """ projected_crs = query_crs_info( auth_name="EPSG", pj_types=PJType.PROJECTED_CRS, area_of_interest=area_of_interest, contains=contains, ) utm_crs = [crs for crs in projected_crs if "UTM zone" in] if datum_name is None: return utm_crs datum_name = datum_name.replace(" ", "") return [ crs for crs in utm_crs if datum_name =="/")[0].replace(" ", "") ] Unit = namedtuple( "Unit", [ "auth_name", "code", "name", "category", "conv_factor", "proj_short_name", "deprecated", ], ) Unit.__doc__ = """ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 Parameters ---------- auth_name: str Authority name. code: str Object code. name: str Object name. For example "metre", "US survey foot", etc. category: str Category of the unit: one of "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time" or "time". conv_factor: float Conversion factor to apply to transform from that unit to the corresponding SI unit (metre for "linear", radian for "angular", etc.). It might be 0 in some cases to indicate no known conversion factor. proj_short_name: str, optional PROJ short name, like "m", "ft", "us-ft", etc... Might be None. deprecated: bool Whether the object is deprecated. """ def get_units_map(str auth_name=None, str category=None, bint allow_deprecated=False): """ .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 query PROJ database. Get the units available in the PROJ database. See: :c:func:`proj_get_units_from_database` Parameters ---------- auth_name: str, optional The authority name to filter by (e.g. EPSG, PROJ). Default is all. category: str, optional Category of the unit: one of "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time" or "time". Default is all. allow_deprecated: bool, default=False Whether or not to allow deprecated units. Returns ------- dict[str, Unit] """ cdef const char* c_auth_name = NULL cdef const char* c_category = NULL cdef bytes b_auth_name cdef bytes b_category if auth_name is not None: b_auth_name = cstrencode(auth_name) c_auth_name = b_auth_name if category is not None: b_category = cstrencode(category) c_category = b_category cdef int num_units = 0 cdef PJ_CONTEXT* context = pyproj_context_create() cdef PROJ_UNIT_INFO** db_unit_list = NULL with nogil: db_unit_list = proj_get_units_from_database( context, c_auth_name, c_category, bool(allow_deprecated), &num_units, ) units_map = {} try: for iii in range(num_units): proj_short_name = None if db_unit_list[iii].proj_short_name != NULL: proj_short_name = db_unit_list[iii].proj_short_name name = db_unit_list[iii].name units_map[name] = Unit( auth_name=db_unit_list[iii].auth_name, code=db_unit_list[iii].code, name=name, category=db_unit_list[iii].category, conv_factor=db_unit_list[iii].conv_factor, proj_short_name=proj_short_name, deprecated=bool(db_unit_list[iii].deprecated), ) finally: proj_unit_list_destroy(db_unit_list) return units_map def get_database_metadata(str key not None): """ Return metadata from the database. See: :c:func:`proj_context_get_database_metadata` Available keys: - DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MAJOR - DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR - EPSG.VERSION - EPSG.DATE - ESRI.VERSION - ESRI.DATE - IGNF.SOURCE - IGNF.VERSION - IGNF.DATE - NKG.SOURCE - NKG.VERSION - NKG.DATE - PROJ.VERSION - PROJ_DATA.VERSION : PROJ-data version most compatible with this database. Parameters ---------- key: str The name of the metadata item to get data for. Returns ------- str | None: The metatada information if available. """ cdef const char* metadata = NULL metadata = proj_context_get_database_metadata( pyproj_context_create(), cstrdecode(key), ) if metadata == NULL: return None return metadata