import numpy as np from shapely import lib from shapely._enum import ParamEnum # include ragged array functions here for reference documentation purpose from shapely._ragged_array import from_ragged_array, to_ragged_array from shapely.decorators import requires_geos from shapely.errors import UnsupportedGEOSVersionError __all__ = [ "from_geojson", "from_ragged_array", "from_wkb", "from_wkt", "to_geojson", "to_ragged_array", "to_wkb", "to_wkt", ] # Allowed options for handling WKB/WKT decoding errors # Note: cannot use standard constructor since "raise" is a keyword DecodingErrorOptions = ParamEnum( "DecodingErrorOptions", {"ignore": 0, "warn": 1, "raise": 2} ) WKBFlavorOptions = ParamEnum("WKBFlavorOptions", {"extended": 1, "iso": 2}) def to_wkt( geometry, rounding_precision=6, trim=True, output_dimension=3, old_3d=False, **kwargs, ): """ Converts to the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of a Geometry. The Well-known Text format is defined in the `OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL `__. The following limitations apply to WKT serialization: - for GEOS <= 3.8 a multipoint with an empty sub-geometry will raise an exception - for GEOS <= 3.8 empty geometries are always serialized to 2D - for GEOS >= 3.9 only simple empty geometries can be 3D, collections are still always 2D Parameters ---------- geometry : Geometry or array_like rounding_precision : int, default 6 The rounding precision when writing the WKT string. Set to a value of -1 to indicate the full precision. trim : bool, default True If True, trim unnecessary decimals (trailing zeros). output_dimension : int, default 3 The output dimension for the WKT string. Supported values are 2 and 3. Specifying 3 means that up to 3 dimensions will be written but 2D geometries will still be represented as 2D in the WKT string. old_3d : bool, default False Enable old style 3D/4D WKT generation. By default, new style 3D/4D WKT (ie. "POINT Z (10 20 30)") is returned, but with ``old_3d=True`` the WKT will be formatted in the style "POINT (10 20 30)". **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> from shapely import Point >>> to_wkt(Point(0, 0)) 'POINT (0 0)' >>> to_wkt(Point(0, 0), rounding_precision=3, trim=False) 'POINT (0.000 0.000)' >>> to_wkt(Point(0, 0), rounding_precision=-1, trim=False) 'POINT (0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000)' >>> to_wkt(Point(1, 2, 3), trim=True) 'POINT Z (1 2 3)' >>> to_wkt(Point(1, 2, 3), trim=True, output_dimension=2) 'POINT (1 2)' >>> to_wkt(Point(1, 2, 3), trim=True, old_3d=True) 'POINT (1 2 3)' Notes ----- The defaults differ from the default of the GEOS library. To mimic this, use:: to_wkt(geometry, rounding_precision=-1, trim=False, output_dimension=2) """ if not np.isscalar(rounding_precision): raise TypeError("rounding_precision only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(trim): raise TypeError("trim only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(output_dimension): raise TypeError("output_dimension only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(old_3d): raise TypeError("old_3d only accepts scalar values") return lib.to_wkt( geometry, np.intc(rounding_precision), np.bool_(trim), np.intc(output_dimension), np.bool_(old_3d), **kwargs, ) def to_wkb( geometry, hex=False, output_dimension=3, byte_order=-1, include_srid=False, flavor="extended", **kwargs, ): r""" Converts to the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of a Geometry. The Well-Known Binary format is defined in the `OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL `__. The following limitations apply to WKB serialization: - linearrings will be converted to linestrings - a point with only NaN coordinates is converted to an empty point - for GEOS <= 3.7, empty points are always serialized to 3D if output_dimension=3, and to 2D if output_dimension=2 - for GEOS == 3.8, empty points are always serialized to 2D Parameters ---------- geometry : Geometry or array_like hex : bool, default False If true, export the WKB as a hexadecimal string. The default is to return a binary bytes object. output_dimension : int, default 3 The output dimension for the WKB. Supported values are 2 and 3. Specifying 3 means that up to 3 dimensions will be written but 2D geometries will still be represented as 2D in the WKB representation. byte_order : int, default -1 Defaults to native machine byte order (-1). Use 0 to force big endian and 1 for little endian. include_srid : bool, default False If True, the SRID is be included in WKB (this is an extension to the OGC WKB specification). Not allowed when flavor is "iso". flavor : {"iso", "extended"}, default "extended" Which flavor of WKB will be returned. The flavor determines how extra dimensionality is encoded with the type number, and whether SRID can be included in the WKB. ISO flavor is "more standard" for 3D output, and does not support SRID embedding. Both flavors are equivalent when ``output_dimension=2`` (or with 2D geometries) and ``include_srid=False``. The `from_wkb` function can read both flavors. **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> from shapely import Point >>> point = Point(1, 1) >>> to_wkb(point, byte_order=1) b'\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?' >>> to_wkb(point, hex=True, byte_order=1) '0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F' """ if not np.isscalar(hex): raise TypeError("hex only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(output_dimension): raise TypeError("output_dimension only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(byte_order): raise TypeError("byte_order only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(include_srid): raise TypeError("include_srid only accepts scalar values") if not np.isscalar(flavor): raise TypeError("flavor only accepts scalar values") if lib.geos_version < (3, 10, 0) and flavor == "iso": raise UnsupportedGEOSVersionError( 'The "iso" option requires at least GEOS 3.10.0' ) if flavor == "iso" and include_srid: raise ValueError('flavor="iso" and include_srid=True cannot be used together') flavor = WKBFlavorOptions.get_value(flavor) return lib.to_wkb( geometry, np.bool_(hex), np.intc(output_dimension), np.intc(byte_order), np.bool_(include_srid), np.intc(flavor), **kwargs, ) @requires_geos("3.10.0") def to_geojson(geometry, indent=None, **kwargs): """Converts to the GeoJSON representation of a Geometry. The GeoJSON format is defined in the `RFC 7946 `__. NaN (not-a-number) coordinates will be written as 'null'. The following are currently unsupported: - Geometries of type LINEARRING: these are output as 'null'. - Three-dimensional geometries: the third dimension is ignored. Parameters ---------- geometry : str, bytes or array_like indent : int, optional If indent is a non-negative integer, then GeoJSON will be formatted. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None (the default) selects the most compact representation. **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> from shapely import Point >>> point = Point(1, 1) >>> to_geojson(point) '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.0,1.0]}' >>> print(to_geojson(point, indent=2)) { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] } """ # GEOS Tickets: # - handle linearrings: # - support 3D: if indent is None: indent = -1 elif not np.isscalar(indent): raise TypeError("indent only accepts scalar values") elif indent < 0: raise ValueError("indent cannot be negative") return lib.to_geojson(geometry, np.intc(indent), **kwargs) def from_wkt(geometry, on_invalid="raise", **kwargs): """ Creates geometries from the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation. The Well-known Text format is defined in the `OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL `__. Parameters ---------- geometry : str or array_like The WKT string(s) to convert. on_invalid : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default "raise" - raise: an exception will be raised if WKT input geometries are invalid. - warn: a warning will be raised and invalid WKT geometries will be returned as ``None``. - ignore: invalid WKT geometries will be returned as ``None`` without a warning. **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> from_wkt('POINT (0 0)') """ if not np.isscalar(on_invalid): raise TypeError("on_invalid only accepts scalar values") invalid_handler = np.uint8(DecodingErrorOptions.get_value(on_invalid)) return lib.from_wkt(geometry, invalid_handler, **kwargs) def from_wkb(geometry, on_invalid="raise", **kwargs): r""" Creates geometries from the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation. The Well-Known Binary format is defined in the `OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL `__. Parameters ---------- geometry : str or array_like The WKB byte object(s) to convert. on_invalid : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default "raise" - raise: an exception will be raised if a WKB input geometry is invalid. - warn: a warning will be raised and invalid WKB geometries will be returned as ``None``. - ignore: invalid WKB geometries will be returned as ``None`` without a warning. **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> from_wkb(b'\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0?') """ if not np.isscalar(on_invalid): raise TypeError("on_invalid only accepts scalar values") invalid_handler = np.uint8(DecodingErrorOptions.get_value(on_invalid)) # ensure the input has object dtype, to avoid numpy inferring it as a # fixed-length string dtype (which removes trailing null bytes upon access # of array elements) geometry = np.asarray(geometry, dtype=object) return lib.from_wkb(geometry, invalid_handler, **kwargs) @requires_geos("3.10.1") def from_geojson(geometry, on_invalid="raise", **kwargs): """Creates geometries from GeoJSON representations (strings). If a GeoJSON is a FeatureCollection, it is read as a single geometry (with type GEOMETRYCOLLECTION). This may be unpacked using the ``pygeos.get_parts``. Properties are not read. The GeoJSON format is defined in `RFC 7946 `__. The following are currently unsupported: - Three-dimensional geometries: the third dimension is ignored. - Geometries having 'null' in the coordinates. Parameters ---------- geometry : str, bytes or array_like The GeoJSON string or byte object(s) to convert. on_invalid : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default "raise" - raise: an exception will be raised if an input GeoJSON is invalid. - warn: a warning will be raised and invalid input geometries will be returned as ``None``. - ignore: invalid input geometries will be returned as ``None`` without a warning. **kwargs See :ref:`NumPy ufunc docs ` for other keyword arguments. See also -------- get_parts Examples -------- >>> from_geojson('{"type": "Point","coordinates": [1, 2]}') """ # GEOS Tickets: # - support 3D: # - handle null coordinates: if not np.isscalar(on_invalid): raise TypeError("on_invalid only accepts scalar values") invalid_handler = np.uint8(DecodingErrorOptions.get_value(on_invalid)) # ensure the input has object dtype, to avoid numpy inferring it as a # fixed-length string dtype (which removes trailing null bytes upon access # of array elements) geometry = np.asarray(geometry, dtype=object) return lib.from_geojson(geometry, invalid_handler, **kwargs)