import importlib import json import os import re import tempfile import warnings from types import ModuleType from typing import List, Optional import packaging.version from htmltools import HTMLDependency, tags from htmltools._core import HTMLDependencySource from ipywidgets._version import ( __html_manager_version__, # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType] ) from ipywidgets.widgets.domwidget import DOMWidget from ipywidgets.widgets.widget import Widget from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_path # type: ignore from shiny import Session, ui from . import __version__ # TODO: scripts/static_download.R should produce/update these def output_binding_dependency() -> HTMLDependency: # Jupyter Notebook/Lab both come "preloaded" with several @jupyter-widgets packages # (i.e., base, controls, output), all of which are bundled into this extension.js file # provided by the widgetsnbextension package, which is a dependency of ipywidgets. # # # # Unfortunately, I don't think there is a good way for us to "pre-bundle" these dependencies # since they could change depending on the version of ipywidgets (and ipywidgets itself # doesn't include these dependencies in such a way that require("@jupyter-widget/base") would # work robustly when used in other 3rd party widgets). Moreover, I don't think we can simply # have @jupyter-widget/base point to # (or a local version of this) since it appears the lib entry points aren't usable in the browser. # # All this is to say that I think we are stuck with this mega 3.5MB file that contains all of the # stuff we need to render widgets outside of the notebook. return HTMLDependency( name="ipywidget-output-binding", version=__version__, source={"package": "shinywidgets", "subdir": "static"}, script=[ {"src": "libembed-amd.js"}, # Bundle our output.js in the same dependency as libembded since Quarto # has a bug where it doesn't renders dependencies in the order they are defined # (i.e., this way we can ensure the output.js script always comes after the libembed-amd.js script tag) {"src": "output.js"}, ], stylesheet={"href": "shinywidgets.css"}, ) # TODO: this function might have to be recursive since it's technically # possible for a Widget to have traits that are themselves Widgets # (which could have their own npm module), but in practice, I haven't seen any cases # where a 3rd party widget can contain a 3rd party widget. def require_dependency( w: Widget, session: Session, warn_if_missing: bool = True ) -> Optional[HTMLDependency]: """ Obtain an HTMLDependency for a 3rd party ipywidget that points require('widget-npm-package') requests in the browser to the correct local path. """ # The relevant npm package should be specified as an attribute on the widget # instance. If the widget is installed as a jupyter extension, in most cases, that # name will registered at the extension name/directory module_attr = "_view_module" if isinstance(w, DOMWidget) else "_model_module" module_name: str = getattr(w, module_attr, widget_pkg(w)) # ipywidgets (i.e., @jupyter-widgets) come pre-bundled in libembed-amd.js # # (i.e., _core() dependencies) if module_name.startswith("@jupyter-widgets/"): return None # It's technically possible for the npm package name to be different from the actual # extension path (defined by `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` in, but we # also don't have a fool-proof way to discovering the relevant file, # which is why we only use look for it if the npm package isn't installed module_dir = jupyter_extension_path(module_name) if module_dir is None: module_dir = jupyter_extension_path(jupyter_extension_destination(w)) if module_dir is None: if warn_if_missing: warnings.warn( f"Couldn't find local path to widget extension for {type(w)}." + " Since a CDN fallback is provided, the widget will still render if an internet connection is available." + " To avoid depending on a CDN, make sure the widget is installed as a jupyter extension.", stacklevel=2, ) return None version = parse_version_safely(getattr(w, "_model_module_version", "1.0")) source = HTMLDependencySource(subdir=module_dir) dep = HTMLDependency(module_name, version, source=source) # Get the location where the dependency files will be mounted by the shiny app # and use that to inform the requirejs import path href = dep.source_path_map(["href"] config = {"paths": {module_name: os.path.join(href, "index")}} # Basically our equivalent of the extension.js file provided by the cookiecutter # return HTMLDependency( module_name, version, source=source, all_files=True, head=tags.script(f"window.require.config({json.dumps(config)})"), ) def bokeh_dependency() -> HTMLDependency: from bokeh.resources import Resources resources = Resources(mode="inline").render() return ui.head_content(ui.HTML(resources)) def jupyter_extension_path(module_name: str) -> Optional[str]: paths: List[str] = jupyter_path() module_dir = None for x in paths: dir = os.path.join(x, "nbextensions", module_name) if not os.path.exists(dir): continue for f in os.listdir(dir): if f.startswith("index") and f.endswith(".js"): module_dir = dir break return module_dir # Approximates what `jupyter nbextension install` does to discover and copy source files # for the extension. # # # # N.B. for now, we're only supporting the notebook extension (not the lab extension) # model since it's simpler to understand and maps onto the HTMLDependency() model a bit # better (i.e., it doesn't require node and/or widget registry implementation details). # Also, this method isn't foolproof in the sense that it's possible for the widget # instance's __module__ to not point to the right package. An example is # plotly's FigureWidget() pointing to the plotly package, but the actual # dependencies actually live in a separate jupyterlab_plotly package. def jupyter_extension_destination(w: Widget) -> str: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(): mod: ModuleType = importlib.import_module(".", package=widget_pkg(w)) if mod.__file__ is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Module {mod.__name__} has no __file__ attribute") if hasattr(mod, "_jupyter_nbextension_paths"): return mod._jupyter_nbextension_paths()[0]["dest"] else: return widget_pkg(w) def widget_pkg(w: object) -> str: return w.__module__.split(".")[0] def parse_version(v: str) -> str: # version could be in node-semver format # which is not compatible with packaging.version.parse # so we strip out the leading non-numeric characters # e.g., ^1.2.3 -> 1.2.3 ver = re.sub("^\\D+", "", v) return str(packaging.version.parse(ver)) # parsing can fail if the version is something like "*", # but it doesn't seem vital that we obtain the _actual_ version # since this only gets the version of the HTMLManager and module # dependencies, which should be unique within a given session def parse_version_safely(v: str) -> str: try: return parse_version(v) except Exception: return "0.0"