# Copyright © 2012 Piotr Ożarowski # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import logging import os import re from os.path import join, split from debpython import execute from debpython.version import Version SHEBANG_RE = re.compile(r''' (?:\#!\s*){0,1} # shebang prefix (?P .*?/bin/.*?)? (?P python|pypy) (?P \d[\.\d]*)? (?P -dbg)? (?P.*) ''', re.VERBOSE) EXTFILE_RE = re.compile(r''' (?P.*?) (?:\. (?Pabi\d+) |(?:\. (?P (?Pcpython|pypy) - (?P\d{2}) (?P[a-z]*?) ) (?: -(?P[^/]*?) )? ))? (?P_d)? \.so$''', re.VERBOSE) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Interpreter: path = None name = 'python' version = None debug = False impl = 'cpython' # implementation options = () _cache = {} def __init__(self, value=None, path=None, name=None, version=None, debug=None, impl=None, options=None): params = locals() del params['self'] del params['value'] if isinstance(value, Interpreter): for key in params.keys(): if params[key] is None: params[key] = getattr(value, key) elif value: if value.replace('.', '').isdigit() and not version: params['version'] = Version(value) else: for key, val in self.parse(value).items(): if params[key] is None: params[key] = val for key, val in params.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'name' and value: if value.startswith('python'): self.__dict__['impl'] = 'cpython' elif value.startswith('pypy'): self.__dict__['impl'] = 'pypy' if '-dbg' in value: self.__dict__['debug'] = True elif name == 'version' and value is not None: value = Version(value) if name in ('name', 'impl', 'debug', 'options') and value is None: # get the class default instead self.__dict__[name] = getattr(Interpreter, name) else: self.__dict__[name] = value def __repr__(self): result = self.path or '' result += self._vstr(self.version) if self.options: result += ' ' + ' '.join(self.options) return result def __str__(self): return self._vstr(self.version) def _vstr(self, version): if self.impl == 'pypy': # TODO: will Debian support more than one PyPy version? return self.name if version and str(version) not in self.name: if self.debug: return 'python{}-dbg'.format(version) return self.name + str(version) return self.name @staticmethod def parse(shebang): """Return dict with parsed shebang >>> sorted(Interpreter.parse('pypy').items()) [('debug', None), ('name', 'pypy'), ('options', ()), ('path', None), ('version', None)] >>> sorted(Interpreter.parse('/usr/bin/python3.3-dbg').items()) [('debug', '-dbg'), ('name', 'python'), ('options', ()), ('path', '/usr/bin/'), ('version', '3.3')] >>> sorted(Interpreter.parse('#! /usr/bin/pypy --foo').items()) [('debug', None), ('name', 'pypy'), ('options', ('--foo',)), ('path', '/usr/bin/'), ('version', None)] >>> sorted(Interpreter.parse('#! /usr/bin/python3.2').items()) [('debug', None), ('name', 'python'), ('options', ()), ('path', '/usr/bin/'), ('version', '3.2')] >>> sorted(Interpreter.parse('/usr/bin/python3.2-dbg --foo --bar').items()) [('debug', '-dbg'), ('name', 'python'), ('options', ('--foo', '--bar')),\ ('path', '/usr/bin/'), ('version', '3.2')] """ result = SHEBANG_RE.search(shebang) if not result: return {} result = result.groupdict() if 'options' in result: # TODO: do we need "--key value" here? result['options'] = tuple(result['options'].split()) return result def sitedir(self, gdb=False, package=None, version=None): """Return path to site-packages directory. Note that returned path is not the final location of .py files >>> i = Interpreter('python') >>> i.sitedir(version='3.1') '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/' >>> i.sitedir(version='2.5') '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/' >>> i.sitedir(version=Version('2.7')) '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/' >>> i.sitedir(version='3.1', gdb=True, package='python3-foo') 'debian/python3-foo/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/' >>> i.sitedir(version=Version('3.2')) '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/' >>> Interpreter('pypy').sitedir(version='2.0') '/usr/lib/pypy/dist-packages/' """ version = Version(version or self.version) #if not version: # version = Version(DEFAULT) if self.impl == 'pypy': path = '/usr/lib/pypy/dist-packages/' elif version << Version('2.6'): path = "/usr/lib/python%s/site-packages/" % version elif version << Version('3.0'): path = "/usr/lib/python%s/dist-packages/" % version else: path = '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/' if gdb: path = "/usr/lib/debug%s" % path if package: path = "debian/%s%s" % (package, path) return path def cache_file(self, fpath, version=None): """Given path to a .py file, return path to its .pyc/.pyo file. This function is inspired by Python 3.2's imp.cache_from_source. :param fpath: path to file name :param version: Python version >>> i = Interpreter('python') >>> i.cache_file('foo.py', Version('3.1')) 'foo.pyc' >>> i.cache_file('bar/foo.py', '3.2') 'bar/__pycache__/foo.cpython-32.pyc' """ version = Version(version or self.version) last_char = 'o' if '-O' in self.options else 'c' if version <= Version('3.1'): return fpath + last_char fdir, fname = split(fpath) if not fname.endswith('.py'): fname += '.py' return join(fdir, '__pycache__', "%s.%s.py%s" % (fname[:-3], self.magic_tag(version), last_char)) def ext_file(self, name, version=None): """Return extension name with soname and multiarch tags.""" version = Version(version or self.version) soabi, multiarch = self._get_config(version) result = name.split('.', 1)[0] if soabi: result += '.{}'.format(soabi) if multiarch: result += '-{}'.format(multiarch) if self.debug and self.impl == 'cpython'\ and version << Version('3'): result += '_d' return '{}.so'.format(result) def magic_number(self, version=None): """Return magic number.""" version = Version(version or self.version) if self.impl == 'cpython' and version << Version('3'): return '' result = self._execute('import imp; print(imp.get_magic())', version) return eval(result) def magic_tag(self, version=None): """Return Python magic tag (used in __pycache__ dir to tag files). >>> i = Interpreter('python') >>> i.magic_tag(version='3.2') 'cpython-32' """ version = Version(version or self.version) if self.impl == 'cpython' and version << Version('3.2'): return '' return self._execute('import imp; print(imp.get_tag())', version) def multiarch(self, version=None): """Return multiarch tag.""" version = Version(version or self.version) try: soabi, multiarch = self._get_config(version) except Exception: log.debug('cannot get multiarch', exc_info=True) # interpreter without multiach support return '' return multiarch def stableabi(self, version=None): version = Version(version or self.version) # stable ABI was introduced in Python 3.3 if self.impl == 'cpython' and version >> Version('3.2'): return 'abi{}'.format(version.major) def soabi(self, version=None): """Return SOABI flag (used to in .so files). >>> i = Interpreter('python') >>> i.soabi(version=Version('3.3')) 'cpython-33m' """ version = Version(version or self.version) # NOTE: it's not the same as magic_tag try: soabi, multiarch = self._get_config(version) except Exception: log.debug('cannot get soabi', exc_info=True) # interpreter without soabi support return '' return soabi def check_extname(self, fname, version=None): """Return extension file name if file can be renamed. >>> i = Interpreter('python') >>> i.check_extname('foo.so', version='3.3') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'foo.cpython-33m-....so' >>> i.check_extname('foo.abi3.so', version='3.3') >>> i.check_extname('foo/bar/bazmodule.so', version='3.3') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'foo/bar/baz.cpython-33m-....so' """ version = Version(version or self.version) if '/' in fname: fdir, fname = fname.rsplit('/', 1) # in case full path was passed else: fdir = '' info = EXTFILE_RE.search(fname) if not info: return info = info.groupdict() if info['stableabi']: # files with stable ABI in name don't need changes return i = Interpreter(self, version=version) if info['ver']: i.version = "{}.{}".format(info['ver'][0], info['ver'][1]) if not i.debug and (info['debug'] or 'd' in (info['flags'] or '')): i.debug = True try: soabi, multiarch = i._get_config() except Exception: log.debug('cannot get soabi/multiarch', exc_info=True) return result = info['name'] if i.impl == 'cpython' and i.version >> '3.2' and result.endswith('module'): result = result[:-6] if info['soabi'] or soabi: result = "{}.{}".format(result, info['soabi'] or soabi) if info['multiarch'] or multiarch: result = "{}-{}".format(result, info['multiarch'] or multiarch) result += '.so' if fname == result: return return join(fdir, result) def _get_config(self, version=None): version = Version(version or self.version) # sysconfig module is available since Python 3.2 # (also backported to Python 2.7) if self.impl == 'pypy' or self.impl == 'cpython' and ( version >> '2.6' and version << '3' or version >> '3.1' or version == '3'): cmd = 'import sysconfig as s;' else: cmd = 'from distutils import sysconfig as s;' cmd += 'print("__SEP__".join(i or "" ' \ 'for i in s.get_config_vars("SOABI", "MULTIARCH")))' conf_vars = self._execute(cmd, version).split('__SEP__') try: conf_vars[1] = os.environ['DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH'] except KeyError: pass return conf_vars def _execute(self, command, version=None, cache=True): version = Version(version or self.version) command = (self._vstr(version), "-c", command) if cache and command in self.__class__._cache: return self.__class__._cache[command] output = execute(command) if output['returncode'] != 0: log.debug(output['stderr']) raise Exception('{} failed with status code {}'.format(command, output['returncode'])) result = output['stdout'].splitlines() if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] if cache: self.__class__._cache[command] = result return result