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%sdigitmouse-modesswitch-moderecent-filesquit-confirmprintincremental-findfind-nextgoto-pageuse-tex-pagesforward-pageback-pagetoggle-markdeclare-page-numberhomehome-or-topend-or-bottomcenterset-keep-flagup-or-previousdown-or-nextset-marginsshow-display-attributesset-shrink-factorshrink-to-dpiset-densitychange-densityset-greyscalingset-colorset-pshtex-backhtex-forwardhtex-anchorinfoset-gs-alphaset-expert-modereread-dvi-fileselect-dvi-filediscard-numberdraghwheelreleasetoggle-grid-modesource-specialshow-source-specialssource-what-specialunpause-or-nextuser-execload-urlscroll-list-upscroll-list-downpagehistory-clearpagehistory-backpagehistory-forwardpagehistory-delete-backwardpagehistory-delete-forwardmagnifierrulerruler-snap-origintext-selectiondo-hrefdo-href-newwindowswitch-magnifier-unitsXtDefaultForegroundXtDefaultBackgroundHighlightCursorColorregressionRegressionwindowSizerememberWindowSizeRememberWindowSizeappDefaultsFileVersionAppDefaultsFileVersionShrinkFactordelayRulersDelayRulersUseTeXPagesDensityPercentmainTranslationsMainTranslationsmouseTranslationsMouseTranslationsWheelUnitMouseModemouseMode1NameMouseMode1NameMagnifiermouseMode1DescriptionMouseMode1Descriptionclick to enlarge textmouseMode1CursorMouseMode1CursormouseMode2NameMouseMode2NameText SelectionmouseMode2DescriptionMouseMode2DescriptionmouseMode2CursorMouseMode2CursormouseMode3NameMouseMode3NameRulermouseMode3DescriptionMouseMode3DescriptionmouseMode3CursorMouseMode3CursorGammaPixelsPerInchtickLengthTickLengthtickUnitsTickUnitsuseCurrentOffsetUseCurrentOffsetPaperpaperLandscapePaperLandscapeAltFontcmr10MakePkMfModeEditorType1Xi2ScrollingSourcePositionFindStringTextEncodingForknoFileArgUseHistoryNoFileArgUseHistoryfileHistoryFileHistoryfileHistorySizeFileHistorySizeUniqueListFontsreverseVideoReverseVideoWarnSpecialsHushLostCharsHushChecksumsHushStdoutHushBellIconGeometryKeepPositionPostscriptAllowShellGhostscriptInterpreterPalettegsTimeoutGSTimeoutPrescanTempFileThoroughFullscreenPausePauseSpecialxdvi:pauseDebugLevelmenuTranslationsMenuTranslationsWatchFileExpertExpertModebuttonSideSpacingButtonSpacingbuttonTopSpacingbuttonBetweenSpacingbuttonBetweenExtrabuttonBorderWidthStatuslinepageListHighlightCurrentPageListHighlightCurrentpageListWidthPageListWidthMagnifierSizeDvipsPathPs2PdfPathps2pdfdvipsHangTimeDvipsHangTimedvipsFailHangTimeDvipsFailHangTimedvipsPrinterStringDvipsPrinterStringdvipsOptionsStringDvipsOptionsStringdefaultSavingFormatDefaultSavingFormatdefaultPrintingTargetDefaultPrintingTargetGreyInstallMatchInvertedRuleColorLinkStyleBLUE2VisitedLinkColorPurple4WWWBrowserunknownMimeSuffixUnknownMimeSuffixapplication/x-unknownnoMimeSuffixNoMimeSuffixAnchorPositionsearchWindowDefaultsSearchWindowDefaultsfileselOpenNewWindowFileselOpenNewWindowhelpGeneralHelpGeneralhelpHypertexHelpHypertexhelpOthercommandsHelpOthercommandshelpMarkingHelpMarkinghelpPagemotionHelpPagemotionhelpMousebuttonsHelpMousebuttonshelpModesHelpModeshelpSearchHelpSearchhelpSourcespecialsHelpSoucespecialspageHistorySizePageHistorySizeXDVI_WINDOWSDVI_NAMESRC_GOTORELOADNEWDOCNEWPAGERAISEFIND_STRINGREREAD_PREFS8.5x11inletterledger17x11intabloid11x17inusr11x8.5inlegal8.5x14inlegalr14x8.5infoolscap13.5x17.0infoolscapr17.0x13.5ina0841x1189mm594x841mma2420x594mma3297x420mm210x297mma5148x210mma6105x148mma774x105mma852x74mma937x52mma1026x37mma0r1189x841mma1r841x594mma2r594x420mma3r420x297mma4r297x210mma5r210x148mma6r148x105mma7r105x74mma8r74x52mma9r52x37mma10r37x26mmb01000x1414mmb1707x1000mmb2500x707mmb3353x500mmb4250x353mmb5176x250mmb6125x176mmb788x125mmb862x88mmb944x62mmb1031x44mmb0r1414x1000mmb1r1000x707mmb2r707x500mmb3r500x353mmb4r353x250mmb5r250x176mmb6r176x125mmb7r125x88mmb8r88x62mmb9r62x44mmb10r44x31mmc0917x1297mmc1648x917mmc2458x648mmc3324x458mmc4229x324mmc5162x229mmc6114x162mmc781x114mmc857x81mmc940x57mmc1028x40mmc0r1297x917mmc1r917x648mmc2r648x458mmc3r458x324mmc4r324x229mmc5r229x162mmc6r162x114mmc7r114x81mmc8r81x57mmc9r57x40mmc10r40x28mmXdvi: Open fileOpen file:*.dviNoInitFileNo ErrorDVI file corruptedNot a DVI file-mgs[n] shrinkfloatpixelsdimenpapertypemode-deflinenumber[ ]*filenamecharset^-l-rvsecs^-cr-display -geometry ^-icongeometry-iconic-font 0|1|2monochrome|grayscale|colorbitmask|string[,string ...]0|1|2|3WWWbrowseranchor-q.noInitFile+q-geometry.geometry-s.shrinkFactor-S.densityPercent-noomega.omega+noomega-nocolor.color+nocolor-nogrey.grey+nogrey-gamma.gamma-nomatchinverted.matchInverted+nomatchinverted-install.install-noinstall-rulecolor.ruleColor.pixelsPerInch.Margin-sidemargin.sideMargin-topmargin.topMargin-offsets.Offset-xoffset.xOffset-yoffset.yOffset-paper.paper-altfont.altFont-nomakepk.makePk+nomakepk-mfmode.mfMode-editor.editor-notype1fonts.type1+notype1fonts-noxi2scrolling.xi2Scrolling+noxi2scrolling-sourceposition.sourcePosition-findstring.findString-text-encoding.textEncoding-unique.unique+unique-nofork.fork+nofork.listFonts+l-watchfile.watchFile-expertmode.expertMode-expert.expert+expert+statusline.statusline-statusline+useTeXpages.useTeXPages-useTeXpages-mgs.magnifierSize1-mgs1-mgs2.magnifierSize2-mgs3.magnifierSize3-mgs4.magnifierSize4-mgs5.magnifierSize5-warnspecials.warnSpecials+warnspecials-hush.Hush+hush-hushchars.hushLostChars+hushchars-hushchecksums.hushChecksums+hushchecksums-hushstdout.hushStdout+hushstdout-hushbell.hushBell+hushbell-safer.safer+safer-fg.foreground-foreground-bg.background-background-hl.highlight.cursorColor.iconGeometry-keep.keepPosition+keep-copy.copy+copy-thorough.thorough+thorough-fullscreen.fullscreen+fullscreen-pause.pause+pause-pausespecial.pauseSpecial-wheelunit.wheelUnit-mousemode.mouseMode-postscript.postscript-allowshell.allowShell+allowshell-noghostscript.ghostscript+noghostscript-nogssafer.gsSafer+nogssafer-gsalpha.gsAlpha+gsalpha-interpreter.interpreter-gspalette.palette-noscan.prescan+noscan-notempfile.tempFile+notempfile-dvipspath.dvipsPath-ps2pdfpath.ps2pdfPath-debug.debugLevel-linkstyle.linkStyle-linkcolor.linkColor-visitedlinkcolor.visitedLinkColor-browser.wwwBrowser-anchorposition.anchorPositioncalling action with param: %s TODO: check_toggle: arg |%s|, curr: %d ************************************************************ XDvi %s: Failed assertion: %s:%d: "%s": %s Aborting now. Please report this as a bug to: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=23164&atid=377580 If a core dump has been produced, please invoke: gdb %s core Then type "bt", and include the resulting output in your bug report. ************************************************************ Too few elements in usageptr[]*usageptr != USAGESTR_END_MARKERToo many elements in usageptr[]*usageptr == USAGESTR_END_MARKER [+[]] [-h | --help] [-v | --version] [-license]X protocol error: %s X Request %d (%s), Value=0x%x.X protocol error: %s X Request %d (%s).../../../texk/xdvik/dvi-init.cFilename argument in find_dvi_file() musn't be NULL|%s| doesn't have .dvi extension, appending ...%s: %s, and %s.dvi doesn't exist either.allocating list with %d pages WM_PROTOCOLS: WM_popdown(%p)text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text#override q:close-topic-window(%p) Escape:close-topic-window(%p) Return:close-topic-window(%p)Shouldn't happen: Could not find topic `%s' in help list! Please report this as a bug to: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=23164&atid=377580 Only %d parameters in X resource 'mouse-modes', should be %dAction %d for mode %lu: '%s', %d args |%s| maps to proc |%p|process_preamble: fp = %p, errflag = %dprocess_preamble: fp = %p, errflag = %d, returning Falseprocess_preamble: fp = %p, errflag = %d, returning Truefind_postamble: returning FALSEfind_postamble: returning TRUEinit_page: setting globals.page.w = %d, globals.page.h = %devent in text_change_region() musn't be NULL for TEXT_SEL_MOVE../../../texk/xdvik/font-open.cFreetype version of font %s not found, trying pixel version next, then fallbackFound pixel version: %s at %d dpifound fallback font for %s: %sFreetype version of fallback font %s not found, trying pixel versionSuccess for PK version of fallbackFailure for PK version of fallbackError: Can't find font %s; using %s instead. Expect ugly output.Can't find pixel font %s; using %s instead at %d dpi.Can't find pixel font %s at %d dpi; using %d dpi instead.Checksum mismatch (dvi = %lu, pk = %lu) in font file %sFont has non-square aspect ratio %d:%d Checksum mismatch (dvi = %lu, gf = %lu) in font file %sNon-char_loc command found in GF preamble: %dRead GF glyph for character %d; dy = %ld, addr = %x Cannot recognize format for font file %sxdvi: Define font "%s" scale=%d design=%d number=%d read_postamble: reading %p (%d)read_postamble: returning FALSEread_postamble: returning TRUExdvi: Discarding font "%s" at %d dpi watching: new file opened successfully.A DVI file previewer for the X window system. Licenses: X Consortium license, GNU Library General Public License, GNU General Public License (use option `-license' for more details). There is NO WARRANTY of anything. Please send bug reports, feature requests etc. to one of: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=23164&atid=377580 tex-k@tug.org (http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/tex-k) The major parts of Xdvik are licensed under the X Consortium license. Parts (encoding.c) are licensed under the GNU General Public License. Xdvik uses the following libraries: - The kpathsea library, licensed in part under the GNU General Public License, in part under the GNU Library General Public License. - FreeType2, licensed under the GNU General Public License. There is NO WARRANTY of anything. Libraries: %s, freetype version %d.%d.%d Return:set()notify()unset() q:set()notify()unset() Escape: set()notify()unset()Initializing kpathsearch with program name '%s'Unrecognized value %d for resource "linkstyle" (valid range is 0 - 3); assuming 3.Possible paper types are: (the names ending with `r' are `rotated' or `landscape' variants). Alternatively, you can specify the dimensions as `WIDTHxHEIGHT', followed by a dimension unit (one of: pt pc in bp cm mm dd cc sp).Unrecognized value `%s' for paper type option; using %s instead. %s Unrecognized value `%s' for paper type option; using a4 instead.Invalid value %s for gs palette option../../../texk/xdvik/filehist.cMissing page number in resource line `%s'! error creating temporary file - disabling `useTempFp'.error opening temporary file (%s) - disabling `useTempFp'.Couldn't truncate file %s: %s - disabling `useTempFp'; target_fp: %p.Error creating temporary file: %s - disabling `useTempFp'.internal_init_dvi, globals.dvi_file.bak_fp = %ppageinfo_allocate for %d pages../../../texk/xdvik/gui/pagesel.cindex >= 0 && index < (int)page_info.index_sizeinit_prescan: scanned_page = %dfilename |%s| %p from commandline; dvi_name: |%s|, filename: |%s|%pis_dvi_file: full_pathname: |%s|../../../texk/xdvik/hypertex.claunch_program called with |%s|Couldn't canonicalize %s to full path - returning unexpanded.Couldn't find file %s; passing to application unchanged.$HOME/.mime.types:/etc/mime.types:/usr/etc/mime.types:/usr/local/etc/mime.types$HOME/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcapfigure_mime_type: Called to find type of %s It's a directory, returning unknownExtensionMimeType: %s No extension, defaulting to noExtensionMimeType: %s Empty extension for file name or URL `%s' Unknown extension, defaulting to unknownExtensionMimeType: %sfigure_mime_type() should have returned a valid type (eventually a fallback)Please assign an application to the MIME type `%s' in your ~/.mailcap file. E.g. if you want to view the file with firefox, add the following line to your ~/.mailcap: %s; firefox '%%s' Could not determine an application for the file %s, MIME type `%s'.type |%s| viewer |%s| needsterminal=%s testcmd |%s| Malformed content-type "%s" (should be "type/subtype")Execution of test command `%s' returned value %dSelection too large (%d bytes, maximum %d bytes)Could not set primary selection!Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %dStat failed, or different timestamp ...File corrupted (click on window to reload) ...File corrupted (will try to reload) ...Not using temp fp, reloading...No magnification available at shrink factor 1numerical prefix: %s%d: no larger value possibleUsing TeX page numbers for "g", goto-page()Using physical page numbers for "g", goto-page()Expert mode: Page list not available.Possible arguments: none (toggle current), -1 (mark all), 0 (unmark all), 1 (toggle odd), 2 (toggle even)Keeping position when switching pagesNot keeping position when switching pagesMargins set to cursor position (%d, %d)Shrink factor %d too large (maximum: %d)shrink-to-dpi requires a positive argumentOption ``-noghostscript'' is active; cannot enable Postscript rendering without ghostscript.This version of xdvi depends on ghostscript for rendering Postscript images. Postscript rendering cannot be activated if the option ``-noghostscript'' is used or if the resource ``Ghostscript'' is set to false.Postscript rendering on (with bounding box)Postscript rendering off; displaying bounding box insteadnetscape-raise -remote 'openURL(%s,new-window)'click and drag to select a region of textclick and drag to set/move rulerWrong version of DVI output for this programPostamble doesn't begin with POSTPostamble doesn't match preambleNon-fntdef command found in postambleNot all pixel files were foundPage description doesn't begin with BOPFile|F > Open ...|O :PUSH :Ctrl-o :select-dvi-file() File|F > Open Recent|R :PUSH : :recent-files() File|F > Reload|l :PUSH :R :reread-dvi-file() File|F :SEP :: File|F > Find ...|F :PUSH :Ctrl-f :find() File|F > Find Next ...|N :PUSH :Ctrl-g :find-next() File|F :SEP :: File|F > Print ...|P :PUSH :Ctrl-p :print() File|F > Save As ...|S :PUSH :Ctrl-s :save() File|F :SEP :: File|F > Quit|Q :PUSH :q :quit() Navigate|N > Page-10| :PUSH :10 p :back-page(10) Navigate|N > Page-5| :PUSH :5 p :back-page(5) Navigate|N > Prev|P :PUSH :p :back-page(1) Navigate|N > Next|N :PUSH :n :forward-page(1) Navigate|N > Page+5| :PUSH :5 n :forward-page(5) Navigate|N > Page+10| :PUSH :10 n :forward-page(10) Navigate|N :SEP :: Navigate|N > First Page|F :PUSH :1 g :goto-page(1) Navigate|N > Last Page|L :PUSH :g :goto-page() Navigate|N :SEP :: Navigate|N > Page History Back| :PUSH :[ :pagehistory-back() Navigate|N > Page History Forward| :PUSH :] :pagehistory-forward() Navigate|N :SEP :: Navigate|N > Back Hyperlink|B :PUSH :B :htex-back() Navigate|N > Forward Hyperlink|F :PUSH :F :htex-forward() Zoom|Z > 1|1 :RADIO :1 s :set-shrink-factor(1) Zoom|Z > 2|2 :RADIO :2 s :set-shrink-factor(2) Zoom|Z > 3|3 :RADIO :3 s :set-shrink-factor(3) Zoom|Z > 4|4 :RADIO :4 s :set-shrink-factor(4) Zoom|Z > 5|5 :RADIO :5 s :set-shrink-factor(5) Zoom|Z > 6|6 :RADIO :6 s :set-shrink-factor(6) Zoom|Z > 7|7 :RADIO :7 s :set-shrink-factor(7) Zoom|Z > 8|8 :RADIO :8 s :set-shrink-factor(8) Zoom|Z > 9|9 :RADIO :9 s :set-shrink-factor(9) Zoom|Z :SEP :: Zoom|Z > Fit in Window|F :PUSH :s :set-shrink-factor(a) Zoom|Z :SEP :: Zoom|Z > Zoom In|I :PUSH :Ctrl-+ :set-shrink-factor(+) Zoom|Z > Zoom Out|O :PUSH :Ctrl-- :set-shrink-factor(-) Mark|M > Mark All Pages|M :PUSH :-1 m :toggle-mark(-1) Mark|M > Unmark All Pages|U :PUSH :0 m :toggle-mark(0) Mark|M :SEP :: Mark|M > Toggle Odd Pages|O :PUSH :1 m :toggle-mark(1) Mark|M > Toggle Even Pages|E :PUSH :2 m :toggle-mark(2) Mark|M > Toggle Current Page|C :PUSH :m :toggle-mark() Modes|M > Magnifier|M :RADIO :Ctrl-m :switch-mode(0) Modes|M > Text Selection|T :RADIO :Ctrl-m :switch-mode(1) Modes|M > Ruler|R :RADIO :Ctrl-m :switch-mode(2) Options|O > Keep Position|K :CHECK :k :set-keep-flag(toggle) Options|O > Use TeX Page Numbers|T :CHECK :T :use-tex-pages(toggle) Options|O :SEP :: Options|O > Show PS|S :RADIO :1 v :set-ps(1) Options|O > Show PS and Bounding Boxes|B :RADIO :2 v :set-ps(2) Options|O > Show Bounding Boxes Only|O :RADIO :0 v :set-ps(0) Options|O :SEP :: Options|O > Use PS Anti-Aliasing|A :CHECK :V :set-gs-alpha(toggle) Options|O :SEP :: Options|O > Fonts Darker|D :PUSH :Alt-Ctrl-+:change-density(5) Options|O > Fonts Lighter|L :PUSH :Alt-Ctrl--:change-density(-5) Help|H > Introduction ...|I :PUSH : :help(Introduction) Help|H > Page Motion ...|P :PUSH : :help(Page Motion) Help|H > Other Commands ...|O :PUSH : :help(Other Commands) Help|H > Hyperlinks ...|H :PUSH : :help(Hyperlinks) Help|H > Mouse Buttons ...|M :PUSH : :help(Mouse Buttons) Help|H > Mouse Modes ...|d :PUSH : :help(Mouse Modes) Help|H > String Search ...|e :PUSH : :help(String Search) Help|H > Printing and Saving ...|S :PUSH : :help(Printing and Saving) Help|H > Source Specials ...|r :PUSH : :help(Source Specials) Help|H :SEP :: Help|H > New Features in this Version|F:PUSH::load-url(http\://xdvi.sourceforge.net/releases.html#22.87.04) Help|H > Submit a Bug Report|B :PUSH ::load-url(http\://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=23164&atid=377580) x __USAGE_END_MARKER__L&d2???Y@@@A.AMbP?zG@Mb`?BL=6?t?>>IGNORE SIGUSR1! =======%s; timers: timer %p: %lu ======= xt_alarm%s mode; %sXDVI_FILE new filename: |%s|XFreexdvi: waitpidxdvi: pollCursor: %ldfile openedgs_try_fopen: %s: %sMap file: %s %s:%d: set_timer after set_timerbeginning of cancel_timer%s:%d: BUG? timers == NULL! timers != NULLsigalarm_initializedXtAppAddTimeOut: %lu msecs XtAppAddTimeOutid != 0XtRemoveTimeOut Param %d: `%s'EnablingDisabling%s:%d: read_events %u %s:%d: have_poll! XIMasterAdded XIMasterRemoved XISlaveAdded XISlaveRemoved XISlaveAttached XISlaveDetached XIDeviceEnabled XIDeviceDisabledno flags(?) %s %d->%d Removing from master deviceignoring (device not found) (new device)Activating XI2 now.Received XI_Enter event%s %d->%d ENTER: %d, %d, %d; %d, %dLEAVE!resizableGrid mode %dGrid mode onGrid mode offRedraw page on %pNEW SIZE: %dx%dResuming prescanpage_colors.size too small======= File history: item %d is NULL! item %d: %d:%s Pushing: |%s|current length: %d, max: %dRe-using item: |%s| -> |%s|Re-using item: |%s| NEW item: |%s| returning: %d < %dSETTING HEAD to %dSetting page of |%s| to %dgot back atom_src_goto: |%s|%s:%d: FIND: atom_reload()got back atom_newdoc: |%s|Loading %s failed: %s../../../texk/xdvik/util.cnew_filename != NULLgot back atom_newpage: |%s|Invalid page number: `%s'..xdvirc.tmpEV_NEWPAGE | ...File reloaded.EV_NEWDOC!current page: %dOpened "%s"Opened Adding to history: |%s| New entry!filehist_pullrightleftMargin_filehistExisting entry! redraw_page()dvi_file_changed()got page: %dGetting page of |%s|: %dLoading gf char %dBad BOC code: %d, size=%dx%d, dvi_adv=%ld Bad command in GF file: %dCould not open `%s': %s. Couldn't reopen `%s': %s. config.pscould not open file %s: %sDVIPSRCconfig.xdviFontmap.runlibfileifexists.runlibfileFontmap .runlibfile: %s: %sFound alias %s --> %sAlias %s not found.Checking file %smore than one font file givencannot identify file typeENCPFAPFBmap file %s, font %.*s: %s )<>[]{}%Reading encoding file %spsfonts.mapxdvik: Open FileArgument for Act_switch_mode outside of range from %d to %dresource.mouse_mode larger than %d!Cannot drag page when selection is activedrag() requires 1 argument (got %d)drag(): Valid arguments are `+', `|' or `-'wheel() requires 1 argument (got %d)Ignoring button %d press (XI 2.1 active)No arguments supplied to the user-exec() action.Too many arguments supplied to the user-exec() action.The user-exec() action lets you run a child process. It takes a single string, which is tokenized on whitespace.Sorry - cannot toggle scrollbars with this X Version. This version of XFree has a broken implementation of the viewportWidget, which would break the layout if the scrollbars are toggled. Versions that are known to work have a VendorRelease version below 4000 or above 4002. You will need to update your XFree server to fix this.Number %d too large for `set-expert-mode', using 0 (= toggle) instead.%s %s: %s:%d: Shouldn't happen: Segmentation fault - trying to clean up and aborting ...Redraw %d x %d at (%d, %d) (base=%d,%d)could not find dvips map file %s; skipping could not open dvips map file %s: %s unterminated string in %s file; giving up.invalid character `%c' encountered in %s file; giving up.%s:%d: cancel_timer %p from %p timers in cancel_timer() mustn't be NULLShouldn't invoke XtAppAddTimeOut() before setup_sigalarm()XtIntervalId argument in XtRemoveTimeOut() mustn't be NULLAdjusted for pointer overflow; lastval = %g, new = %g X action 'mouse-modes' called with only %d parameters, should be %dMouse_translations action is neither wheel() nor hwheel(); ignoring.Implicit switch in XI_Enter toReceived out-of-turn XI_Enter event forImplicit switch in XI_Motion toReceived out-of-turn XI_Motion event for%s:%d: (flaky) sig_flags = %d Received XI2 event, of type %d, with no cookie%s:%d: XI_HierarchyChanged event: Ignoring enable request for %d->%d (not found)Received XI_DeviceChanged event, XISlaveSwitch, device = %d->%dCannot switch slave (master device not found)Caution: slave device is not enabled.Received XI_DeviceChanged event, XIDeviceChange, device = %d->%dIgnoring XI_DeviceChanged event with unknown reason %x, device = %d->%dIgnoring XI_Enter event as spurious.Ignoring XI_Enter event: master device %d not foundIgnoring XI_Enter event for master device.Ignoring XI_Enter event: device %d->%d not found.Caution: slave is not enabled.xi2_ev_enter: XIQueryDevice failed for %dIgnoring XI_Motion event: master device %d not foundIgnoring XI_Motion event: device %d->%d not found.Vertical valuator in EnterEvent was outdated (%lu < %lu)Horizontal valuator in EnterEvent was outdatedReceived XI2 event of unknown type %d../../../texk/xdvik/gui/xaw_menu.cglobals.widgets.draw_widget: w %d, h %dValid arguments for grid mode are: none (toggles), 1, 2, 3redraw_page: scanned_page = %d, current_page = %d, prescanning %p redraw_page: current_page = %dcurrent_page < (int)page_colors.sizeChanging background color to %5d %5d %5d property_get_data() failed for atom_src_goto()!property_get_data() failed for atom_find_string()!got back atom_find_string: |%s|property_get_data() returned zero length for atom_newdoc()dvi_name should be a path with dir componentglobals.dvi_file.dirname != NULLproperty_get_data() failed for atom_newpage(): |%s|globals.ev.flags: %d; ev_newpage: %d, ev_newdoc: %d, ev_reload: %d Too many bits found when loading character %dAsked for file at position %d, but only %d elements in listError: File history number must be >= 1No file number %d in history (history size: %lu)could not find file config.ps; skippingcould not open dvipsrc file %s: %s; skippingcould not find file config.xdvi; skipping/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts:/var/lib/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/share/cups/fonts:/usr/share/fontsunexpected end of Fontmap file; giving up.invalid token following "(%.*s)" in Fontmap file; giving up.Fontmap .runlibfileifexists: %s: %s invalid token following "%.*s" in Fontmap file; giving up.invalid token "%s" in Fontmap file; giving up.Alias loop for %s detected; ignoring.more than one encoding file givenmore than two non-download words givenmap file %s: line "%s" does not give a font name.map file %s, font %.*s: duplicate record; using first oneFont %s is marked as bad: skipping scalable versioncannot find encoding file %s; ignoring encodingcannot open encoding file %s: %sinvalid format in encoding file %s; giving up.Bad GF file: %d expected, %d received.????zD_AAhtex_erase_anchormarker called! %s, line %d: skipping malformed line "%s" (no command specified)%s, line %d: skipping malformed line "%s" (empty command)loading pk char %d, char type %d Character %d too large (%ld x %ld, max is %d x %d) in file %sWrong number of bits stored: char. %d, font %sBad pk file (%s), too many bitsShouldn't happen: search term `%s' is too long (> %d)../../../texk/xdvik/search-internal.cUTF-8 search term after normalizing newline: |%s|Error in utf8_lowercase: Illegal UTF-8 sequenceError in utf8_lowercase: length after UCS4 conversion (%lu) differs from length after utf8 conversion(%lu) (string: %s) Lowercased UTF-8 search term: |%s|inconsistency in info structureinfo->curr_cnt == 0 || info->anchors != NULL----- resetting info for anchor %d---------------- setting curr_cnt to 0, and emptying stackIgnoring unknown hyperref special `%s'Skipping unimplemented htex special `%s'filename argument to launch_xdvi() mustn't be NULLCouldn't find wrapped anchor for idx %d, page %d!info->anchors should have been allocated beforeset_visited: setting prev_wrapped %d to visited tooset_visited: setting next_wrapped %d to visited tooInternal error in beginheader_gs().Couldn't canonicalize path "%s": %s. Sending to gs unchanged.Hit PS header in early prescan; postponing.Internal error in gs_erase_page().-- EXPOSED region: x %d, y %d, w %d, h %dDRAWING box: x %d, y %d, w %d, h %d; shrink: %dCLIPPED box: x %d, y %d, w %d, h %dERASING box: x %d, y %d, w %d, h %dinvalid format for dotted/dashed line: %sinvalid conditions for dotted/dashed linedrawbegin at %d,%d: sending `%s' Warning: PS code on page %d may contain rotation, which is not supported by xdvi../../../texk/xdvik/pagehist.csearch ended; current_page: %dStill open message windows to deal with, returning ...settings->term mustn't be NULL!dvi_search: Searching for |%s| from page %d settings: down = %d, re = %d, case = %dSearch term is empty after UTF-8 conversion!changed direction! from_pos: %dsearching for |%s| at offset %lusearching again for |%s| at offset %lucurrent locale: |%s|, utf8 version: |%s|curr_page: %d, pageno 0: %d, pageno1: %dnew index mustn't be negative! new val at 0: %d; curr_idx: %lu, len: %luinfo->curr_buf_idx mustn't become negative!info->curr_buf_idx >= initial_offsetUP; trying to match |%s| from %lu, %lubackup values: %d, %d; curr_pos: %luupdating pos: %lu -> %lu; from_pos: %luinfo->curr_buf_idx == strlen(info->txt_buf)buffer index: %lu, len: %lu; from: %lutrying to match |%s| from %lu; total: %luto_pos (%d) should be smaller than page_mapping[1].offset (%d)!to_pos should be smaller than page_mapping[1].offset!searchinfo->from_pos < page_mapping[1].offset*** match_page: %d, adding: %d %s I-search (ESC to exit, RET to restart): %sCouldn't find "find_popup" widget!Searched %s of file without finding the pattern. Start again from the %s of the file?Got NULL searchterm in search_restart()!i mustn't be negativei >= 0Toggling GS to %dreading mime file "%s"reading mailcap file "%s"test=needsterminalcopiousoutputcomposetyped=print=edit=x11-bitmap=description=Too many arc points, size=%dx%d, dvi_adv=%ldxdvik: read_from_gsRead_from_gs returned 0 bytesGot GS ack; %d pending. gs: %s xdvik: write_to_gsGS timeout expiredprocess %s died %s: %s Destroying GS processxdvik: destroy_gschild_recs: %p Setting timeout in waitack().utf8iso-8859-1iso8859-1*find_popuputf-8UTF-8 search term: |%s|//localhosthttp:%s uses file scheme%s is a remote scheme%s is an ordinary filenametypes != NULLH.S endcheck_relative_name: |%s|-nameInvoking: %s: Execution of %s failed.Index out of rangeidx >= 0__WRAPPED__prev >= 0info->anchors != NULLSetting timeout in gs_send()Running interrupt_gs()Running endpage_gs()raw ps sent to context: %s end ps: %s Running beginheader_gs()Running endheader_gs()Running newdoc_gs()original path: |%s| expanded path: |%s| )run -sDEVICE=x11alpha-sDEVICE=x11GHOSTVIEWRunning initGS ...%ld %d 0 0 %u %u 72 72GHOSTVIEW_COLORS%s %ld %ld-dSAFERExecvp of %s failed: %s[xdvik] vfork[xdvik] pipeErasing gs pagebboxes_idx: %luskipping box: x %d, y %dresetting info! %d %d %d %d %f %f invalid arc specification: %s%d neg rotate scale %d %d moveto RotBegin%d == %d + 1 [%d]%s %s - at begin of page history. - at end of page history.Re-opening file "%s" failed!Re-opening fileSearch stopped.\wWrapped FailedFailed wrappedto endto beginningLOCKEDsettings->term != NULLEmpty search termDOWN; new from_pos: %dUP; new from_pos: %dre-initializing scan info!from_pos initialized with: %dcompiling regexp ...freeing old regexp ...Regexp: mapping %s to %sExpanded regex: |%s|%sI-search (ESC to exit): %sSearching on page %dcurrent page_mapping: %d: %d initial offset: %lupage_mapping[0].offset >= 0new index: %lunew offsets: from=%d, to=%dpage_mapping[0].offset > 0- cancelled.page mapping: %d: %d %d: %dadjusting offset by %dNEW from_pos: %d; to_pos: %dmatch from %d to %dremembering from-to: %d - %dbuf: |%s|MATCH from pos %d to %d:to_pos: %d, %dMatch from page %d to %dMatch on page %d (wrapped) >><< continuing on page %dreached end with wrapcnt: %d Pattern `%s' not found.... searched to end of file.do-search-restartYesrestart search!searchbox_inputI-search stopped.I-search (ESC to exit): restarting search: %skeysym %ld: Modifier %s keysym %ld: %s is not handled[[:alnum:]]\W[^[:alnum:]]\d[[:digit:]]\D[^[:digit:]]\s[[:space:]]\S[^[:space:]]-dNOPAUSE-dDEVICEXRESOLUTION=72-dDEVICEYRESOLUTION=72-dNOSAFER-dNOEPSftp:https:mailto:news:nntp:telnet:nfs:gopher:wais:prospero:z39.50sz39.50rcid:mid:vemmi:service:imap:acap:rtsp:tip:pop:data:dav:opaquelocktoken:sip:tel:fax:modem:ldap:soap.beep:soap.beeps:afs:tn3270:mailserver::release()Shift: mouse-modes("drag(+)") Shift: mouse-modes("drag(|)") Shift: mouse-modes("drag(-)") Ctrl: mouse-modes("source-special()", "source-special()", "source-special()") : mouse-modes("do-href()magnifier(*2)", "text-selection()", "ruler()") : mouse-modes("do-href-newwindow()magnifier(*2)", "text-selection()", "ruler()") : mouse-modes("magnifier(*3)") : mouse-modes("wheel(-0.2)") : mouse-modes("wheel(0.2)") : mouse-modes("hwheel(-0.2)") : mouse-modes("hwheel(0.2)") "0":digit(0) "1":digit(1) "2":digit(2) "3":digit(3) "4":digit(4) "5":digit(5) "6":digit(6) "7":digit(7) "8":digit(8) "9":digit(9) :motion() 0: digit(0) 1: digit(1) 2: digit(2) 3: digit(3) 4: digit(4) 5: digit(5) 6: digit(6) 7: digit(7) 8: digit(8) 9: digit(9) Ctrl]: pagehistory-delete-forward() Ctrl[: pagehistory-delete-backward() Ctrl Mod2]: pagehistory-delete-forward() Ctrl Mod2[: pagehistory-delete-backward() Mod2]: pagehistory-forward() Mod2[: pagehistory-back() ]: pagehistory-forward() [: pagehistory-back() Alt Ctrl+: change-density(10) :Alt Ctrl-: change-density(-10) Ctrl+: set-shrink-factor(+) :Ctrl-: set-shrink-factor(-) :-: minus() :?: help() :>: goto-page() :<: goto-page(1) :^: home() space: unpause-or-next() :B: htex-back() :b: back-page() :C: set-color() :c: center() :D: toggle-grid-mode() :d: down() Ctrlf: find() :F: htex-forward() :~Altf: forward-page() Ctrlg: find-next() :G: set-greyscaling() :g: goto-page() Ctrlh: back-page() :~Alth: help() :i: htex-anchorinfo() Ctrlj: forward-page() :k: set-keep-flag() Ctrll: fullscreen() :l: left() Ctrlm: switch-mode() :M: set-margins() :~Altm: toggle-mark() ~Alt Ctrln: toggle-mark()forward-page() :~Altn: forward-page() Ctrlo: select-dvi-file() :~Alto: ruler-snap-origin() Ctrlp: print() :P: declare-page-number() :p: back-page() :q: quit() Ctrlr: forward-page(0) :R: reread-dvi-file() :r: right() Ctrls: save() :S: set-density() :s: set-shrink-factor() :T: use-tex-pages(toggle) :t: switch-magnifier-units() Ctrlu: back-page()toggle-mark() :u: up() Ctrlv: show-source-specials() :V: set-gs-alpha() :v: set-ps() Ctrlx: source-what-special() :x: set-expert-mode() Return: forward-page() Delete: up-or-previous() BackSpace: back-page() CtrlHome: goto-page(1) CtrlEnd: goto-page() Home: home-or-top() End: end-or-bottom() Left: left(0.015) Up: up(0.015) Right: right(0.015) Down: down(0.015) Prior: back-page() Next: forward-page() Escape: discard-number() ~@Num_LockKP_Home:home() ~@Num_LockKP_Left:left(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Begin:center() ~@Num_LockKP_Up:up(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Right:right(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Down:down(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Prior:back-page() ~@Num_LockKP_Next:forward-page() KP_Enter:forward-page() KP_Delete:up-or-previous() KP_1:digit(1) KP_2:digit(2) KP_3:digit(3) KP_4:digit(4) KP_5:digit(5) KP_6:digit(6) KP_7:digit(7) KP_8:digit(8) KP_9:digit(9) KP_0:digit(0) Hxdvi$doc restore stop %%xdvimark Hsave /xdvi$doc exch def TeXDict begin stop %%xdvimark erasepage stop %%xdvimark [0 1 1 0 0 0] concat stop %%xdvimark /TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N /X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /vsize 11 72 mul N end TeXDict begin /SDict 200 dict N SDict begin /@SpecialDefaults{/hs 612 N /vs 792 N /ho 0 N /vo 0 N /hsc 1 N /vsc 1 N /ang 0 N /CLIP 0 N /rwiSeen false N /rhiSeen false N /letter{}N /note{}N /a4{}N /legal{}N}B /@scaleunit 100 N /@hscale{ @scaleunit div /hsc X}B /@vscale{@scaleunit div /vsc X}B /@hsize{/hs X /CLIP 1 N}B /@vsize{/vs X /CLIP 1 N}B /@clip{/CLIP 2 N}B /@hoffset{/ho X }B /@voffset{/vo X}B /@angle{/ang X}B /@rwi{10 div /rwi X /rwiSeen true N}B /@rhi{10 div /rhi X /rhiSeen true N}B /@llx{/llx X}B /@lly{/lly X}B /@urx{/urx X}B /@ury{/ury X}B /magscale true def end /@MacSetUp{ userdict /md known{userdict /md get type /dicttype eq{userdict begin md length 10 add md maxlength ge{/md md dup length 20 add dict copy def}if end md begin /letter{}N /note{}N /legal{}N /od{txpose 1 0 mtx defaultmatrix dtransform S atan/pa X newpath clippath mark{transform{ itransform moveto}}{transform{itransform lineto}}{6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform{itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll curveto}}{{closepath}}pathforall newpath counttomark array astore /gc xdf pop ct 39 0 put 10 fz 0 fs 2 F/|______Courier fnt invertflag{PaintBlack}if}N /txpose{pxs pys scale ppr aload pop por{noflips{pop S neg S TR pop 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{pop S neg S TR 180 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not and{pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip not and{ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR}if}{noflips{TR pop pop 270 rotate 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{TR pop pop 90 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not and{TR pop pop 90 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip not and{TR pop pop 270 rotate ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR}if}ifelse scaleby96{ppr aload pop 4 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div 2 copy TR .96 dup scale neg S neg S TR}if}N /cp{pop pop showpage pm restore}N end}if}if}N /normalscale{Resolution 72 div VResolution 72 div neg scale magscale{DVImag dup scale}if 0 setgray}N /@beginspecial{/SpecialSave save N SDict begin gsave normalscale currentpoint TR @SpecialDefaults count /ocount X /dcount countdictstack N}N /@setspecial{CLIP 1 eq{newpath 0 0 moveto hs 0 rlineto 0 vs rlineto hs neg 0 rlineto closepath clip}if ho vo TR hsc vsc scale ang rotate rwiSeen{rwi urx llx sub div rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div}{dup}ifelse scale llx neg lly neg TR}{rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div dup scale llx neg lly neg TR}if}ifelse CLIP 2 eq{newpath llx lly moveto urx lly lineto urx ury lineto llx ury lineto closepath clip}if /showpage{}N /erasepage{}N /copypage{}N /setpagedevice{pop}def newpath}N /@endspecial{count ocount sub{pop}repeat countdictstack dcount sub{end}repeat grestore SpecialSave restore end}N /@xdvisavestate{userdict /xdvi$sav save put}N /@defspecial {SDict begin}N /@fedspecial{end @xdvisavestate}B end /xdvi$run {$error /newerror false put currentfile cvx stopped {handleerror} if} def /xdvi$ack () def /xdvi$dslen countdictstack def {currentfile read pop 72 eq {xdvi$run} {/xdvi$sav save def xdvi$run clear countdictstack xdvi$dslen sub {end} repeat xdvi$sav restore} ifelse {(%%xdvimark) currentfile =string {readline} stopped {clear} {pop eq {exit} if} ifelse }loop flushpage xdvi$ack print flush }loop H{ << /PermitFileReading [ (*) ] /PermitFileWriting [ ] /PermitFileControl [ ] >> setuserparams .locksafe } stopped pop T㥛 @.DT!@k1(??Page history emp============== dummy_write_proc called for fd %d Command "%s" exited with error code %d %s Xdvi tries to collect all messages from STDERR. When no useful error message is available (e.g. because the program has written to STDOUT instead), try to run the command again from the command line to find out what the problem was._NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN not supported by this window manager.%lf %lf %lf %lf setcmykcolor %7sIgnoring invalid color name in special `%s'Malformed hostname part in filename `%s'; not expanding file name../../../texk/xdvik/string-utils.cappending .dvi extension to filename |%s|Unmatched quote character in string `%s'get_dir_component of |%s| is |%s| strtod: incomplete conversion of %s to %fBackground color not initializedChanging fg color to %5d %5d %5d handle_delete_message doesn't accept a non-NULL closure argumentExpanding filename |%s| with CWD gives |%s|globals.dvi_file.dirname should have been initialized beforeExpanding filename |%s| with globals.dvi_file.dirname |%s| gives |%s|Can't find an open pixel file to closeProcess `%s' terminated abnormally with signal %d.Process `%s' stopped by signal %d.Process `%s' terminated with unknown status.Cannot create temporary file for PostScript figure file: %sDirectory of running `%s': `%s' Debugging option: "%s" = "%s", debug: %d Ignoring unknown debugging option "%s". Valid options are: Can't stat absolute filename "%s" globals.dvi_file.dirname should have been initializedTrying globals.dvi_file.dirname: "%s"Found file "%s" in current dirtrying kpathsearch for filename "%s" from %strying kpathsearch for filename "%s" from CWDtrying kpathsearch for pathname "%s"iconv_open() error: Encoding "%s" is not supported by this version of iconv. Please check the output of "iconv -l" and set the X resource "XDvi.textEncoding" to an appropriate value.iconv_convert_string: from `%s', to `%s'iconv_convert_string(): Could not convert %s to %s: %s.after iconv conversion: |%s| %lu bytes getpwnam returned NULL for entry->pw_dir: %sseparator is: |%s|, len of username: %dCall to setlocale() returned NULL; assuming ISO-8859-1 charset.nl_langinfo returned: |%s| for locale |%s|Checksum mismatch (dvi = %lu, vf = %lu) in font file %sVirtual character %lu in font %s ignored.Read VF macro for character %lu; dy = %ld, length = %d Wrong command byte found in VF macro list: %dNo "xdvi windows" property found"XDVI_WINDOWS" property had incorrect size; deleting it.XtNameToWidget failed for `%s', parent `%s'Please report this as a bug to: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=23164&atid=377580 ~/.xdvirc exists, checking file contents ...!!! ~/.xdvirc, used by xdvi(1) to save user preferences. The file `%s' was apparently not written by xdvi(k). Please move or delete this file first, then try to exit xdvi again. Xdvi uses the file ~/.xdvirc to save the preferences set via the menu bar or the preferences dialog (in the Motif version only). To avoid overwriting files created by the user, the first line of the file is compared with a special signature line. If that signature line is not found, the preferences won't be written. Your file doesn't seem to contain that signature line. You should move the file to a safe location, and then try to quit xdvi again.Could not save preferences! Opening %s for writing failed: %sCould not save preferences! Opening %s for reading failed: %sCould not save preferences! fdopen for %s for writing failed: %sCould not save preferences! Error writing to %s: %s!!! !!! Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten by xdvi. !!! This file contains resources that have been set via the !!! menus/dialogs. The contents of this file will override !!! the entries in your ~/.Xdefaults file (but not the command !!! line arguments passed to xdvi). Remove this file !!! if you want to get rid of all these customizations, !!! or start xdvi with the `-q' option to ignore this file. !!! need_v_scroll up: %d (%d > %d; %d)Filename missing in -sourceposition argument (%s)!got data: line %d, col %d, file |%s|, len %lu geometry: |%s|; remember: %d, windowsize: %sw: %d, h: %d, add_h: %d, reply: %d x %dwidth: %u, bwidth: %hu, add_w: %dheight: %u, bwidth: %hu, add_h: %dXLookupColor failed for resource.link_color "%s" - using fallback color "%s".XLookupColor failed for resource.visited_link_color "%s" - using fallback color "%s".String to pixel conversion failed for resource.link_color "%s" - using fallback color "%s".String to pixel conversion failed for resource.visited_link_color "%s" - using fallback color "%s".Filename missing in `-sourceposition' argument "%s". Could not perform forward search.The format of the -sourceposition argument should be: -sourceposition '[ ]* = linenumber, [ ]* = an arbitrary number of spaces, and = TeX source file.expanded source_position: |%s| syntax error in wheel translationsNo scroll valuators found for slave device %dFound XI2 device %d with one or more scroll valuators: Vertical valuator %d has increment %.2f Horizontal valuator %d has increment %.2fFor slave device %d, valuator class(es) missing (%x vs. %x)To enable shell specials, use the "-allowshell" command line option. WARNING: You should NOT use shell specials like `gunzip -c file.eps.gz (e.g. via \DeclareGraphicsRule{...}) to uncompress .eps.gz files, even though some obsolete LaTeX documentation might suggest it. Current versions of xdvi and dvips will handle .eps.gz files just fine without this trick. This page contains a shell special "%s", but execution of shell specials is disabled. You can now click "Enable" to enable shell specials for this session only, "Cancel" to leave the specials disabled, or "Help" for more help on this topic. Please note that shell specials are a security risk, since they allow execution of arbitrary shell commands from the TeX file. You should enable them only for DVI files that you created yourself.Info: Shell special "%s" disabled.Could not find graphics or temporary file "%s"Warning: Could not find graphics or temporary file "%s"Could not find graphics file "%s"Warning: Could not find graphics file "%s"Could not open graphics file "%s": %sWarning: Could not open graphics file "%s": %sShell specials enabled for this session.Must pass a data pointer when using HTEXscanned_page < (int)page_colors.sizeColor pop occurred with empty color stack.Global color change occurred with non-empty color stack! Trying to recover by setting all stack entries to that color.Invalid papersize special `%s'%s/%swhiteblack_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN_NET_WM_STATE%s: Info: %lf %lf %lf setrgbcolor %7s%lf %lf %lf sethsbcolor %7s%lf setgray %7srgb gray cmyk hsb %lf %lf %lf %lf//'"*path == '/'bg_current != NULLpush arg != NULL../../../texk/xdvik/xdvi.cclosure == NULLCalling close_a_file().too many open filesFILE: %s sending file: %s, %p /tmpTMPDIRargv: |%s|forking: |%s|pipe errorsetsiddup2 for stderrdup2 for stdout%s: Execution of %s failed. xdvi: fcntl F_SETOWNxdvi: fcntl F_SETFL`%s'%s%s:%d: SRC: checking filename "%s"Found absolute filename "%s"Found file: `%s'getpwnam failed: %sresolved: |%s|username is: |%s|homedir of user is: |%s|ISO-8859-1POSIXAssuming |%s| for locale |%s|Reading VF file %s Reading resources from `%s'geometry: %dx%d+%d+%dtest_scroll vertically: %dneed_v_scroll down: %dtest_scroll horizontally: %dneed_h_scroll right: %dneed_h_scroll left: %d%.*s%c%cexpanded1: |%s| %d:%d %smatched!%s: %s (%d page%s)setting geometry: %dx%dreturning: w=%d, h=%d_MOTIF_WM_HINTSpush rgb %.2f %.2f %.2fAnyBtnuncompressgunzipbunzip2Enable%s > %s%s:%d: |%s| expanded to |%s| .gz.bz2[xdvik] waitpidsdict begin background data != NULLScanning special `%s'. xdvi:H.SH.RH.BH.AH.L/Action/Link/Viewhtml:header.pfa.pfb.enccolor papersizeHyperStartsuAltCtrlLockMetaMod1Mod2Mod3Mod4Mod5HyperShiftSuperButton1Button2Button3Button4Button5, batcheventsstathashopenpathsexpandkpathseaclientft_verboseguiTanCyanPlumBlackBrownMelonPeachSepiaWhiteMaroonSalmonApricotEmeraldFuchsiaMagentaSkyBlueThistleBrickRedCeruleanLavenderMahoganyMulberryNavyBlueSeaGreenTealBlueBlueGreenCadetBlueDandelionGoldenrodLimeGreenOrangeRedPineGreenRawSiennaRedOrangeRedVioletRhodamineRoyalBlueRubineRedTurquoiseVioletRedAquamarineBlueVioletDarkOrchidOliveGreenPeriwinkleBittersweetBurntOrangeForestGreenGreenYellowJungleGreenProcessBlueRoyalPurpleSpringGreenYellowGreenMidnightBlueYellowOrangeCarnationPinkCornflowerBlueWildStrawberry.s\Ec5LShift: mouse-modes("drag(+)") Shift: mouse-modes("drag(|)") Shift: mouse-modes("drag(-)") Ctrl: mouse-modes("source-special()", "source-special()", "source-special()") : mouse-modes("do-href()magnifier(*2)", "text-selection()", "ruler()") : mouse-modes("do-href-newwindow()magnifier(*2)", "text-selection()", "ruler()") : mouse-modes("magnifier(*3)") : mouse-modes("wheel(-0.2)") : mouse-modes("wheel(0.2)") : mouse-modes("hwheel(-0.2)") : mouse-modes("hwheel(0.2)") /xdvi-XXXXXXcanonicalize_path@@RFߑ?0C BP(?RhV?>j @?qq?tR?ϊ׽?RhV>--- G_depth: %d --- checking %d --- best depth: %d XDvi*visualXDvi*colormap--- using depth 1 --- not using copy Title, Summary: |%s|%s|help_formSEPPUSHRADIOCHECK*num_params == 1idx >= 0 && idx < MAX_POPUPS*num_params > 0*params != NULLPointer string value: |%s|item != NULLWidget for menu `%s' is null!message_popupfile_textformat_selection_buttondvips_options_nameprinter_textto_printerto_filepages_allpages_markedpages_range*.ps*.pdf*.txtinfo != NULLPage number out of rangegot: button-1 for `%d' font != NULL%c %*d i < (int)page_info.index_sizexdvik: Save Filesave_popupxdvik: Print Fileprint_popupof %d physical pagesof %d to %d pagesallowResizesave_or_print_formdummy_print_to_label_formPrint to: print_toprint_to_printer_formPrinter: stateradioDatahighlightThicknessdataCompressionprint_to_file_formradioGroupPS File: dummy_save_as_formSave as: save_assave_to_file_formFormat: format_selection_labelformat_selection_popupmenuNameformat_selection_pulldown_%dFile name: horizDistanceBrowse ...file_buttondvips_options_formDvips Options:dvips_options_textdummy_pages_formPages:range_labpage_range_formAll range_marked_formMarked range_from_to_formFrom: range_from_textrange_to_labrange_to_textrange_of_labSavesave_buttonPrintprint_buttonExit XdviLSBFirstMSBFirstYESNOWHEN MAPPEDStaticGrayGrayScaleStaticColorPseudoColorTrueColorDirectColorglobals.dvi_name is: |%s| %p DISPLAY%s %s, kpathsea: %s name of display: %s version number: %d.%d vendor string: %s vendor release number: %d unknown order %dimage byte order: %d (%s) supported pixmap formats:focus: PointerRootwindow 0x%lx, revert to Parentdefault screen number: %d number of screens: %d screen #%d: depths (%d): root window id: 0x%lx default colormap: 0x%lx largest cursor: %dx%d number of visuals: %d default visual id: 0x%lx unknown class %d visual: visual id: 0x%lx class: %s depth: %d plane%s Could not open %s: %s.vportclipdrawing#augment :panelrightBitmaprightMarginadd_w = %d, add_h = %d WM_PROTOCOLSrootWindow != 0XInputExtensionXI2 not available.isRadioIsRadiounhighlightxaw_print_or_saveWM_cancelxdvik: Save to fileSave to file:xdvik: Print to filePrint to file:PDFPlain Text (ISO_8859-1)Plain Text (UTF-8)leftBitmapand examples. do the same. Ctrl-Mouse1 Ctrl-v Ctrl-x methods: to mark a range of pages. 0m: unmark all pages, jumps to the next match. dialog). sub string. e.g.: (a|b)|c. of a line, respectively. the magnifier() action. Magnifier Mode tick marks. Text Selection Mode Mouse-2. iconv error messages. Ruler Mode statusline. mouse. by default). output. Buttons 1-3 Ctrl-Button1 information on this). Hyperlinks Navigating links Mouse-1 Mouse-2 B F 1: underline links, 2: color links, Ctrl-f in the DVI file. Ctrl-g Ctrl-l Ctrl-o is opened instead. Ctrl-pCtrl-r or Clear Ctrl-s G k -keep option. M P `T' keystroke). S section `Modes'). V -gsalpha option. the menu buttons, Alt-Ctrl-+Alt-Ctrl-- value). [Ctr-[ Ctr-] number is given). Space key Del key Up-arrow Scrolls page up. Down-arrow Scrolls page down. Left-arrow Scrolls page left. Right-arrow Scrolls page right. T <, Ctrl-Home>, Ctrl-End^ Home flag is set. End `keep' flag is set. c This is xdvik, version in the left window. - Athena toolkit - paper: a4, units cm - Iconv support compiled in - gf file support enabled popdown-submenusDraw16 16 81 1 c None. c #616060+ c #161311@ c #7B7A7B# c #0F0C0A$ c #6F7178% c #FFD549& c #D39A2D* c #C4BBB6= c #000006- c #6B6D72; c #7C5A20> c #8B621A, c #D79C2E' c #FFCC41) c #DCD0BF! c #D8D1C9~ c #FFFFFF{ c #FCB529] c #DA9E2E^ c #CE9834/ c #8C5B0B( c #96702C_ c #626874: c #D3B276< c #F4B73C[ c #FDBF42} c #8B6727| c #C5A4691 c #AD915D2 c #D19F3C3 c #D7A5424 c #FFC6405 c #7E4C006 c #CBA1537 c #ECB03B8 c #F4BB489 c #FFC54A0 c #785A2Ba c #CCA25Eb c #A8874Ec c #FABD41d c #CEA55Ae c #845E1Df c #D8A23Dg c #F5BB48h c #DBA339i c #DEA53Aj c #EBB345k c #856226l c #A28352m c #F3B63Cn c #F9BF4Bo c #EAB345p c #382205q c #785820r c #DEA539s c #987C51t c #8C6625u c #F9BA3Dv c #9B8769w c #FFD049x c #8E6826y c #BA8A30z c #D9A139A c #A77C2DB c #F8BB41C c #FDC24CD c #FFC646E c #FFBF40F c #6E5128G c #FEC24CH c #707279I c #5E6678J c #596276K c #482E09L c #AD894CM c #777777N c #090503O c #04050AP c #636976.+++. .+. @###$%% & *=- @##=;>,';&=;) @#=!~{;]%^%/( _#!=~~:<;[} |12345~=678;90 a%b%%ccdefghi;j %k%lmccggg8;gn; opqrsccctc;8;uv wxyccccxccz;n;j wyAxAyccBC8;n; '''wDEEFp%G;j H=I hJ==K%;L MNM @#O=P .NM @###.+. .+++32 32 20 1. c #767A87X c #030203o c #626162O c #2F1C0F+ c #160807@ c #4D310F# c #FDCB4F$ c #FEE75B% c #EFB647& c #94681D* c #775117= c #DCA234- c #FEFEFE; c #B0A799: c #937B54> c #B4852E, c #A48B69< c #D8D3CA1 c #D8A84748 48 35 1. c #848484+ c #080808@ c #343434# c #808080$ c #3C3B3C% c #7D7D7D& c #505050* c #946924= c #FDC54E- c #523611; c #2F261C> c #6D4E1E, c #665641' c #EBB345) c #9F896C! c #B78833~ c #626262{ c #A9A5A2] c #FEFEFE^ c #DAD6D1/ c #D7A03A( c #C7BFB5_ c #493415: c #64471A< c #E9B345[ c #8D7757} c #696159| c #EFEEEE1 c #8F7C5A2 c #65513A3 c #9C9C9B4 c #D59E395 c #4444446 c #4C4C4C../../../texk/xdvik/gui/menu.c%*c-->%s; type=%d; mnemonic=%c; accel=%s; submenu=%p; w=%lu; action: %p--- looking for a better TrueColor visual --- PseudoColor, trying to install colormap --- using grey, but not TrueColor no other instance of xdvi found, forking ...Help resource label `%s' doesn't contain a tab character - ignoring it.../../../texk/xdvik/gui/help-window.cHelp resource text `%s' doesn't contain a newline character.Shouldn't happen: items == NULL!Missing Mnemonic in button info `%s'Xdvik doesn't support format characters in button labels; skipping button "%s"Invalid action "%s" for button "%s" (skipping this line).Invalid type "%s" for button "%s" (skipping this line).../../../texk/xdvik/gui/message-window.cWrong number of parameters in callbackInvalid widget index in ok_action()Invalid widget index in cancel_action()../../../texk/xdvik/gui/print-dialog.cparams in xaw_print_save_act_go must be > 0!params in xaw_print_save_act_go mustn't be NULL!Unrecognized tickUnits [%s]: defaulting to TeX points [pt]Ruler/Point: %d,%d, dx: %.*f %s, dy: %.*f %s, dr: %.*f %sRuler/Point: %d,%d, dx: %.*f %s, dy: %.*f %s, dt: %.*f %sRuler: %d,%d, Point: %d,%d, dx: %.*f %s, dy: %.*f %s, dr: %.*f %sRuler tick interval adjusted to represent %.2f%s Ruler tick interval represents 1%s item in set_menu_info musn't be NULL!Unrecognized string in format selector: |%s|client_data in cb_popdown musn't be NULL!params in wm_cancel must be > 0!params in wm_cancel mustn't be NULL!page >= 0 && page < (int)page_info.index_sizetotal_pages <= (int)page_info.index_sizeidx < (int)page_info.index_sizeWM_PROTOCOLS: WM_cancel(%p) Escape:WM_cancel(%p) q:WM_cancel(%p):highlight(Always) :unhighlight() ,:set()notify()Return:xaw_print_or_save(%p),:set()notify()Loading %s (may take some time creating fonts ...)filename must have been initialized here!globals.dvi_name (%s) must contain a dir componentMatch; changing property of client and exiting ...configured with: ppi=%d shrink=%d mfmode=%s alt_font=%s paper=%s ========== Xserver properties info begin ========== bitmap unit: %d, bit order: %d (%s), padding: %d number of supported pixmap formats: %d depth %d, bits_per_pixel %d, scanline_pad %d keycode range: minimum %d, maximum %d ========== Xserver properties info end ========== dimensions: %dx%d pixels (%dx%d millimeters) resolution: %dx%d dots per inch depth of root window: %d plane%s number of colormaps: minimum %d, maximum %d default number of colormap cells: %d preallocated pixels: black %lu, white %lu options: backing-store %s, save-unders %s largest cursor: unlimited current input event mask: 0x%lx available colormap entries: %d per subfield available colormap entries: %d red, green, blue masks: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx significant bits in color specification: %d bits Could not load any of the map files listed in xdvi.cfg - disabling FreeType.Direct Type 1 font rendering via FreeType gives you many benefits, such as: - quicker startup time, since no bitmap fonts need to be generated; - saving disk space for storing the bitmap fonts. To fix this error, check that the file `ps2pk.map' is located somewhere in your XDVIINPUTS path. Have a look at the xdvi wrapper shell script (type "which xdvi" to locate that shell script) for the current setting of XDVIINPUTS.Backup file pointer must have been initialized hereglobals.dvi_file.bak_fp != NULLglobals.page.unshrunk_w: %d, h: %d; window: %d, %dThe option/X resource `statusline' is obsolete; use `-expertmode ' instead, e.g. `-expertmode 1' to switch on the status line, or `-expertmode 6' to switch it off. See the xdvi man page for details.: press() : motion() : release() Wrong number of items (%lu) in translations line: "%.*s" (skipping this line). Menu description (first item) mustn't be empty: "%.*s" (skipping this line). Cannot have a separator on a toplevel Xaw menu (ignoring):MenuPopdown()notify()unhighlight()popdown-submenus()Xaw menus don't support nested pulldown menus (ignoring)../../../texk/xdvik/gui/xicon.cX Input extension turned off at user request.X Input extension not available.XI2 version 2.1 is not supported.Found XI2 extension version %d.%d.No master pointers found (!!); not using XI2.No scroll valuators found; not using XI2 (for now).Source Specials Navigating between the TeX and the DVI file Some TeX implementations have an option to automatically include so-called `source specials' into a DVI file. These contain the line number and the filename of the TeX source and make it possible to go from a DVI file to the (roughly) corresponding place in the TeX source and back (this is also called `reverse search' and `forward search'). On the TeX side, you need a TeX version that supports the `-src' option (e.g. teTeX >= 2.0) or a macro package like srcltx.sty to insert the specials into the DVI file. Source special mode can be customized for various editors by using the command line option "-editor" or one of the environment variables "XEDITOR", "VISUAL" or "EDITOR". See the xdvi man page on the "-editor" option for details Forward search can be performed by a program (i.e. your editor) invoking xdvi with the "-sourceposition" option like this: xdvi -sourceposition " "
If there is already an instance of xdvi running that displays
, it will try to open the page specified by and an highlight this location on the page. Else, a new instance of xdvi will be started that will try to The following keybindings are pre-configured: [source-special()] Invoke the editor (the value of the "editor" resource ) to display the line in the TeX file corresponding to special at cursor position. [show-source-specials()] Show bounding boxes for every source special on the current page, and print the strings contained in these specials to stderr. With prefix 1, show every bounding box on the page (for debugging purposes). [source-what-special()] Display information about the source special next to the cursor, similar to "source-special()", but without actually invoking the editor (for debugging purposes). Printing and Saving Marking, printing and saving pages The `Save' and `Print' dialogs allow you to save or print all, pages, a range of pages, or all marked pages from a DVI file. Note that the page numbers for the `From ... to ...' range refer to physical pages, not TeX pages (compare the option `Use TeX Page Numbers' and the `T' keystroke). To mark a page or a range of pages, use one of the folllowing - Click on the page in the page list with Mouse Button 2 to mark a single page, or drag the mouse while holding down Button 2 - Use one of the following key combinations: m: toggle the mark of the current page, 1m toggle the marks of all odd pages, 2m toggle the marks of all even pages, Ctrl-n: toggle mark of current page, then move one page forward, Ctrl-u: move one page back, then toggle mark of that page. If the X resource or command line option `paper' has been used, its value is inserted into the `Dvips Options' field of the printing dialog so that the appropriate options can be passed to dvips. This doesn't happen if the paper size has been specified explicitly in the DVI file (e.g. by using the LaTeX `geometry' package). Note that not all of the paper options used by xdvi may be understood by dvips; dvips will ignore the option in that case, and will use its default paper setting. String Search Searching for strings in the DVI file The keystroke Ctrl-f or the menu entry File->Find ... opens a dialog window to search for a text string or a regular expression in the DVI file. The keystroke Ctrl-g The search term is converted from the character set specified by the current locale into UTF-8. (See the output of `locale -a' for a list of locale settings available on your system). Internally, the text in the DVI file is represented in UTF-8 encoding (you can view the text by saving the DVI file to a text file in UTF-8 encoding via the `File -> Save As ...' Ideographic characters from CJKV fonts are treated specially: All white space (spaces and newlines) before and after such characters is ignored in the search string and in the DVI file. To match a newline character, use `\n' in the search string; to match the string `\n', use `\\n'. If the checkbox Regular Expression is activated, the string is teated as a regular expression in extended POSIX format, with the following properties: a? matches a zero or one times a* matches a zero or more times a+ matches a one or more times. Note that * and + are greedy, i.e. they match the longest possible a{n} matches a exactly n times a{n,m} matches a at least n and no more than m times a|b matches a or b. Brackets can be used for grouping, The string matched by the nth group can be referenced by \n, e.g. \1 refers to the first match. The characters ^ and $ match the beginning and the end [abc] matches any of the letters a, b, c, and [a-z] matches all characters from a to z. The patterns . and [...] without an explicit newline don't match a newline character. Each item in a regular expression can also be one of the following POSIX character classes: [[:alnum:]] [[:alpha:]] [[:blank:]] [[:cntrl:]] [[:digit:]] [[:graph:]] [[:lower:]] [[:print:]] [[:space:]] [[:upper:]] These can be negated by inserting a ^ symbol after the first bracket: [^[:alpha:]] For more details on POSIX regular expressions, see e.g. the IEEE Std 1003.1 available online from: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html As a non-standard extension, the following Perl-like abbreviations can be used instead of the POSIX classes: Symbol Meaning POSIX Class \w an alphanumeric character [[:alnum:]] \W a non-alphanumeric character [^[:alnum:]] \d a digit character [[:digit:]] \D a non-digit character [^[:digit:]] \s a whitespace character [[:space:]] \S a non-whitespace character [^[:space:]] The following characters are special symbols; they need to be escaped with \ in order to match them literally: ( ) [ ] . * ? + ^ $ \. The dialog also provides checkboxes to search backwards, to match in a case-sensitive manner (the default is to ignore case, i.e. a search string Test will match both the strings test and TEST in the DVI file) and to ignore newlines and hyphens in the DVI file. Mouse Modes Magnifier Mode, Ruler Mode and Text Selection Mode The keystroke Ctrl-m [switch-mode()] switches between three different bindings for Mouse-1, which can also be activated via the Modes menu (in Motif, this is a submenu of the Options menu). The default mode at startup can be customized via the X resource `mouseMode' or the command-line option `-mousemode'. The default startup mode is Magnifier Mode. Note: The modes are activated by changing the magnifier() action. Switching the mode will not work if Mouse-1 has been customized to an action sequence that does not contain In this mode, the mouse buttons 1 to 5 will pop up a ``magnifying glass'' that shows an unshrunken image of the page (i.e. an image at the resolution determined by the option/X resource pixels or mfmode) at varying sizes. When the magnifier is moved, small ruler-like tick marks are displayed at the edges of the magnifier (unless the X resource delayRulers is set to false, in which case the tick marks are always displayed). The unit of the marks is determined by the X resource `tickUnits' (mm by default). This unit can be changed at runtime via the action `switch-magnifier-units()', by default bound to the keystroke `t' (see the description of that key, and of `switch-magnifier-units()' for more details on the units available). The length of the tick marks can be changed via the X resource `tickLength' (4 by default). A zero or negative value suppresses the This mode allows you to select a rectangular region of text in the DVI file by holding down Mouse-1 and moving the mouse. The text is put into the X primary selection so that it can be pasted into other X applications with If xdvi has been compiled with locale, nl_langinfo() and iconv support, the selected text is converted into the character set of the current locale (see the output of `locale -a' for a list of locale settings available on your system). If nl_langinfo() is not available, but iconv is, you can specify the input encoding for iconv via the X resource `textEncoding' (see the output of `iconv -l' for a list of valid encodings). If iconv support is not available, only the encodings ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 are supported (these names are case-insensitive). Note that UTF-8 is the only encoding that can render all characters (e.g. mathematical symbols). If ISO-8859-1 is active, characters that cannot be displayed are replaced by `' followed by the hexadecimal character code. If a character is not recognized at all, it is replaced by `?'. For other encodings, such characters may trigger If you want to extract larger portions of text, you can also save selected pages or the entire file in text format from the `File > Save as ...' menu. This mode provides a simple way of measuring distances on the page. When this mode is activated, the mouse cursor changes into a thin cross, and a larger, cross- shaped ruler is drawn in the highlight color at the mouse location. The ruler doesn't have units attached to it; instead, the current distance between the ruler and the mouse cursor is continously printed to the When activating Ruler Mode, the ruler is at first attached to the mouse and can be moved around. It can then be positioned at a fixed place by clicking Mouse-1. After that, the mouse cursor can be moved to measure the horizontal (dx), vertical (dy) and direct (shortest) (dr) distance between the ruler center point and the Clicking Mouse-1 again will move the ruler to the current mouse position, and holding down Mouse-1 will drag the ruler around. In Ruler Mode, the following special keybindings extend or replace the default bindings: o [ruler-snap-origin()] Snap the ruler back to the origin coordinate (0,0). t [overrides switch-magnifier-units()] Toggle between various ruler units, which can be specified by the X resource tickUnits (`mm' P [overrides declare-page-number()] Print the distances shown in the statusline to standard Mouse Buttons Actions bound to the mouse buttons The mouse buttons can be customized just like the keys; however the bindings cannot be intermixed (since a mouse event always requires the cursor location to be present, which a key event doesn't). The default bindings are as follows: Pops up magnifier windows of different sizes. When the mouse is over a hyperlink, the link overrides the magnifier. In that case, Button 1 jumps to the link in the current xdvi window, Button 2 opens the link target in a new instance of xdvi. In `Ruler Mode', Button1 shows/drags the ruler instead; in `Text Selection Mode', Button1 can be used to select a rectangular region of text from the DVI file. Shift-Button1 to Shift-Button3 Drag the page in each direction (Button 1), vertically only (Button 2) or horizontally only (Button 3). Invoke a reverse search for the text on the cursor location (see the section SOURCE SPECIALS for more The buttons 4 and 5 (wheel up and down for wheel mice) scroll the page up and down respectively, or jump to the next/previous page when the mouse is over the page list.In the page list, Button 2 toggles the mark a page (see section `Marking Pages'); moving the mouse while holding Button 2 lets you toggle a range of pages. Whenever the mouse is positioned on a link, the cursor changes to a `hand' shape and the target of the link is displayed in the statusline at the bottom of the window. Follow the link at the cursor position. If the link target is not a DVI file, try to launch an application to view the file. Open a new xdvi window displaying the link at the cursor position if the link is a DVI file; else, try to launch an application to view the file. Go back to the previous hyperlink in the history. Go forward to the next hyperlink in the history. By default, the hyperlinks are displayed in the colors `linkColor' and `visitedLinkColor' (for visited links) and underlined in the same colors. This can be customized by setting the resource or command-line option `linkstyle' to a value between 0 and 3, which have the following meaning: 0: no highlighting of links, 3: color and underline links. Other Commands Miscellaneous other commands Opens a dialog window to search for a text string Search for the next string match. Toggles fullscreen mode (which may not work with your window manager/desktop). Opens a popup window to select another DVI file. With a prefix argument `n', the `n'th file from the file history Opens a popup window for printing the DVI file, or parts of it. Redisplays the current page. Opens a popup window for saving the DVI file, or parts of it. Toggles the use of greyscale anti-aliasing for displaying shrunken bitmaps. In addition, the key sequences `0G' and `1G' clear and set this flag, respectively. See also the -nogrey option. Normally when xdvi switches pages, it moves to the home position as well. The `k' keystroke toggles a `keep- position' flag which, when set, will keep the same position when moving between pages. Also `0k' and `1k' clear and set this flag, respectively. See also the Sets the margins so that the point currently under the cursor is the upper left-hand corner of the text in the page. Note that this command itself does not move the image at all. For details on how the margins are used, see the -margins option. ``This is page number n.'' This can be used to make the `g' keystroke refer to a different page number. (See also `Options->Use TeX Page Numbers' and the Forces the DVI file to be reread. Changes the shrink factor to the given number. If no number is given, the smallest factor that makes the entire page fit in the window will be used. (Margins are ignored in this computation.) Sets the density factor to be used when shrinking bitmaps. This should be a number between 0 and 100; higher numbers produce lighter characters. Switches to the next unit in a sorted list of TeX dimension units for the popup magnifier ruler and `Ruler mode' (see the Toggles Ghostscript anti-aliasing. Also `0V' and `1V' clear and enables this mode, respectively. See also the the Toggles between several modes of displaying postscript specials: Display specials, display specials with their bounding box (if available), and display bounding boxes only (if available). The prefix arguments 1, 2 and 0 also allow you to select one of these states directly. Toggles expert mode (in which the page list and the statusline do not appear). `1x' toggles the display of the statusline at the bottom of the window. `2x' toggles the scrollbars, `3x' toggles the page list and menu buttons. Makes the display of the page larger (zooms in). Makes the display of the page smaller (zooms out). Makes the fonts darker (by adding to the gamma value). Makes the fonts lighter (by subtracting from the gamma Page Motion Moving around in the document Moves back one item in the page history. With a prefix argument n, move back n history items. Moves forward one item in the page history. With a prefix argument n, move forward n history items. Deletes current item in the page history and move to the history item before the deleted one. With a prefix argument n, delete n previous history items. to the history item after the deleted one. With a prefix argument n, delete n next history items. n or f or Return or LineFeed or PgDn Moves to the next page (or to the nth next page if a Moves down or to the next page.p or b or Ctrl-h or BackSpace or PgUp Moves to the previous page (or back n pages). Moves up on the page or to the previous page. Moves page up two thirds of a window-full. Moves page down two thirds of a window-full. Moves page left two thirds of a window-full. Moves page right two thirds of a window-full. Toggle the use of TeX page numbers instead of physical pages for the page list and the `g' command. (See also the `Options -> Use TeX Pages' menu.) Moves to the page with the given number. Initially, the first page is assumed to be page number 1, but this can be changed with the `P' keystroke, described in the section `Other Commands'. If no page number is given, it moves to the last page. Moves to first page in the document. Moves to last page in the document. Move to the ``home'' position of the page. This is normally the upper left-hand corner of the page, depending on the margins set via the -margins option. Move to the ``home'' position of the page (the upper left-hand corner), or to the top of the page if the `keep' Move to the end position of the page (the lower right-hand corner), or to the bottom of the page if the Moves the page so that the point currently beneath the cursor is moved to the middle of the window. It also warps the cursor to the same place. Introduction About this version of xdvi 22.87.04. The program's homepage is located at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdvi where you can find updates, report bugs and submit feature requests. Xdvi has many command-line options, too numerous to be listed here; see the man page for a full description. The most important key bindings are listed in the help sections shown Note: Unless a key binding also has an uppercase version, all bindings are case-insensitive. The major parts of Xdvik are licensed under the X Consortium license. Parts (encoding.c) are licensed under the GNU General Public License. Xdvik uses the following libraries: - The kpathsea library, licensed in part under the GNU General Public License, in part under the GNU Library General Public License. - freetype2, licensed under the GNU General Public License. There is NO WARRANTY of anything. Built using these configure options: - anti-aliasing (grey) enabled - freetype2 (direct rendering of PS fonts) enabled - Langinfo support compiled in .XXXXXXX. .XXXo OXXXXXX+ @@@ .OXXO +XXXXXX.@###O X X oXXX XXXXXXX.#+##@O$@%O&.XXX. .XXXXXXX%&+#&##O#O#*O+@ OXXXXXX&@&###O#O##O&#++ & XXXXXXX@@@##%###O####+&=@ XXXXX@--;@:@=#O##&O#+@%> XXXX@--;:&--@=##&+##+#X **:,@-XX;----@#*X##X&#O* ,&######=@+&--<<-@##%#X&#O& ,##########=@--++@=######+#&O o&#>##>######=@-OO=####+++&&#& #@&#>###@####%=@@==#######$++@ #*X&#@>@#################++#$@ ##X@@@###############%++###+% #@##@>@##############*+++##O *@#############+###O####@O@* ##+###########+#####+++###O&+ ###++#######++###+&###++###=& &###+++++++#####%+++##++++&@ ,#############O%%##+#####& >*&#%1#%#%#==1@%%%%+#&+%#O .+X&%=>=*= O@@+%+##+#+@& OXX+.,= % XXX@X&#+##+= oXXX. XXXX>#+&#+=* .X+X. o+XXO+X;@& XXXo OXXXXXX XXXO XXXX+Xo oXXX o+XXXXX .XXX. XX+XXX+ .XXXo XXXXXXo .+++++++++++@ @++@ #++++++++++++ +++$ $+++++++++++@ @+++ @+++++++++++% +++++ ++ ++ &+++ ++++++++++++ +*===+ +==+ +==+ -.+++. +++++++++++@ +==;>=+===+ +==++++++, #+++++++++++& +'>;==+===+==+=+==+=+ ++ @+++++++++++ +'*>=+==+==+==+=+'+++''+ ++++++++++++ )+========+==+===-''+''+ +++++++++++@ ----!========+===-=+''+'+ @+++++++++++~-{]]^-=/========!-=++++='+ +++++++++++-{]]]]-)---!======!+!''*++ ++++++++++-]);](-(]]^-!====!+=====+- +++++;-->-];;)-^]]]]^-===/+==*-*=+=+ *-_:!/===<-^(--^]]]]]]-===+=!>++/=+'+ **==========!---[]]]^^](-=====+++!=+''+ *==============/*}]]^;;|-/===/+-!==+!++* *==**/===========/-^]^;;}-=========+!'''- *+=*===============!-^]^^-======++++!=+'='- ='+===*/============/----==============+++ !*--=*====+*/=====================++++===+} ''>+>===++/==========================++===+ '''++++>=======================++=====+=++ '*-*+''++======================+++====+ +'*==++''+!======================+++===+ =;+====+!============-==============++=++ /==+================-+=====+++========+=> !==+==============-+========+++=======++} ===+-/==========-+======+====+++======+ !===>++*======-+-=======-+======++++=+ !=====++++++++=====-=====+++======++= !=================+======++======++- 1#/============+-====+==+++======+ .+++/=/====++++++++==+====+==-==+2 .+++@>=>=-=- @++++'-==+===+===-=+ @+++3[>->4- @++++'-=+===+===-=+ ~+++. +++++===++==+===-=+ .+++# ++++++==++++===-+ +++5 #+++++++++++++++ @+++. @++++++++++- 6+++ +++++++++++& .+++# +++++++++++. +++# @+++++++++++ +++5 +++++++++++@ @+++. +++++++++++~ 6+++. +++++++++++# #+++# +++++++++++& +++++++++++.213222get_avg_font_width0: digit(0) 1: digit(1) 2: digit(2) 3: digit(3) 4: digit(4) 5: digit(5) 6: digit(6) 7: digit(7) 8: digit(8) 9: digit(9) Ctrl]: pagehistory-delete-forward() Ctrl[: pagehistory-delete-backward() Ctrl Mod2]: pagehistory-delete-forward() Ctrl Mod2[: pagehistory-delete-backward() Mod2]: pagehistory-forward() Mod2[: pagehistory-back() ]: pagehistory-forward() [: pagehistory-back() Alt Ctrl+: change-density(10) :Alt Ctrl-: change-density(-10) Ctrl+: set-shrink-factor(+) :Ctrl-: set-shrink-factor(-) :-: minus() :?: help() :>: goto-page() :<: goto-page(1) :^: home() space: unpause-or-next() :B: htex-back() :b: back-page() :C: set-color() :c: center() :D: toggle-grid-mode() :d: down() Ctrlf: find() :F: htex-forward() :~Altf: forward-page() Ctrlg: find-next() :G: set-greyscaling() :g: goto-page() Ctrlh: back-page() :~Alth: help() :i: htex-anchorinfo() Ctrlj: forward-page() :k: set-keep-flag() Ctrll: fullscreen() :l: left() Ctrlm: switch-mode() :M: set-margins() :~Altm: toggle-mark() ~Alt Ctrln: toggle-mark()forward-page() :~Altn: forward-page() Ctrlo: select-dvi-file() :~Alto: ruler-snap-origin() Ctrlp: print() :P: declare-page-number() :p: back-page() :q: quit() Ctrlr: forward-page(0) :R: reread-dvi-file() :r: right() Ctrls: save() :S: set-density() :s: set-shrink-factor() :T: use-tex-pages(toggle) :t: switch-magnifier-units() Ctrlu: back-page()toggle-mark() :u: up() Ctrlv: show-source-specials() :V: set-gs-alpha() :v: set-ps() Ctrlx: source-what-special() :x: set-expert-mode() Return: forward-page() Delete: up-or-previous() BackSpace: back-page() CtrlHome: goto-page(1) CtrlEnd: goto-page() Home: home-or-top() End: end-or-bottom() Left: left(0.015) Up: up(0.015) Right: right(0.015) Down: down(0.015) Prior: back-page() Next: forward-page() Escape: discard-number() ~@Num_LockKP_Home:home() ~@Num_LockKP_Left:left(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Begin:center() ~@Num_LockKP_Up:up(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Right:right(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Down:down(0.015) ~@Num_LockKP_Prior:back-page() ~@Num_LockKP_Next:forward-page() KP_Enter:forward-page() KP_Delete:up-or-previous() KP_1:digit(1) KP_2:digit(2) KP_3:digit(3) KP_4:digit(4) KP_5:digit(5) KP_6:digit(6) KP_7:digit(7) KP_8:digit(8) KP_9:digit(9) KP_0:digit(0) zGR@R@RQ@ffffff9@;ڨP@͋ϊ@ףp= @zGRA$@ϊ׽?@>@../../../texk/xdvik/gui/search-dialog.c%s: settings: str=|%s|, down = %d, re = %d, case = %d, ignore_hyphens = %d, ignore_linebreaks = %d, wrap = %d client_data cb_search_go mustn't be NULL!shouldn't happen: settings->direction is neither SEARCH_UP nor SEARCH_DOWN!Escape:WM_cancel_or_destroy(%p)WM_PROTOCOLS: WM_cancel_or_destroy()Escape:WM_cancel_or_destroy(%p) Return:printlogIntClose(%p) ^c:printlogIntCancel(%p) ^s:printlogIntKeep(%p) ^q:printlogIntUnkeep(%p) q:printlogIntClose(%p)DVI input FILE * must have been set!../../../texk/xdvik/print-internal.cTemporary file pointer musn't be NULL!info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULLTemporary filename musn't be NULL!info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULLAutomatically close this window when printing finishesNo valid output format selected!Could not save DVI file to %s: %s.opening %s for reading failed: %sopening %s for writing failed: %sCreated %s. Please note that the following files are referenced by this file, and are needed for displaying or printing it correctly: %s The files listed in the message (probably images) are not part of the newly created DVI file; they are only referenced by that file. Therefore, if you want to distribute this file or use it on a different computer,you will need to distribute all the referenced files, too. Tip: A better format for distributing files is Postscript or PDF. To create a Postscript file, use the `File->Print' menu, then select `Print to file' in the dialog window.Couldn't create temporary PS file for conversion to PDF: %sname of temporary PS file: |%s|Automatically close this window after file has been savedCould not open %s for writing: %s.Extracting text from DVI file failed!Couldn't expand filename "%s" to a full path.Please specify either a filename or a full path, without using "~" or "~user".Cannot overwrite the current DVI file (%s). Please choose a different file name.The file %s already exists. Do you want to replace it?Wrong argument number (%d) in callback!../../../texk/xdvik/gui/print-log.cinfo->callbacks != NULL && info->callbacks->cb_close != NULLinfo->callbacks != NULL && info->callbacks->cb_keep != NULLinfo->callbacks != NULL && info->callbacks->cb_cancel != NULLinfo->callbacks != NULL && info->callbacks->cb_destroy != NULL../../../texk/xdvik/gui/topic-window.cparams in search_cancel must be > 0!params in search_cancel mustn't be NULL!Shouldn't happen: Couldn't get string representation of argument pointer.Parent of button widget mustn't be NULL!Parent of box widget mustn't be NULL!Searchterm in cb_search_get_term callback shouldn't be NULL!cb_search_go: settings: searchterm=|%s|, down = %d, re = %d, case = %d, wrap = %dparams in xaw_search_restart must be > 0!params in xaw_search_restart mustn't be NULL!No button found for widget %p! ../../../texk/xdvik/gui/xlwradio.cCommand `%s' exited with error status %d Invalid page range: start (%d) < 1.Please specify a valid page range.Invalid page range: start (%d) > end (%d).Invalid page range: end (%d) > total_pages (%d).Couldn't create temporary DVI file for printing: %sCould not open temp file for writing: %s. Xdvi needs to create a temporary file containing the currently marked pages, but creating that file failed. Try to fix the cause of the problem, or choose "Print selected pages" as a workaround.Could not copy DVI file %s: The file %sSomething's very wrong here - opening of both the original DVI file and the cached copy failed!Shouldn't happen: Cached copy of the DVI file seems corrupted!The DVI file %s %s. Do you want to %s a cached copy of the file?Empty or incomplete DVI file. Please select a new DVI file via File -> Open.Using dvips arguments: `%s', %sWM_PROTOCOLS: SelFileDismiss() XsraSelFile: can't get font %s../../../texk/xdvik/gui/sfDraw.cUsing font measures: charwidth %d, ascent %d, height %dReturn: redraw-display() CtrlM: redraw-display() ../../../texk/xdvik/gui/statusline.c,: scroll-list-up() ,: scroll-list-down() Error accessing element %d of file historySearchterm in xaw_search_go callback shouldn't be NULL!num_params in xaw_search_go should be 1 if *params != NULLWM_PROTOCOLS: cancel-search(%p) Ctrlg:find-next()Escape:cancel-search(%p) Return:do-search(%p) Ctrlg:find-next()XsraSelFile: can't return to current directoryXsraSelFile: can't get current directory../../../texk/xdvik/gui/selection.cSelection type: XA_COMPOUND_TEXTXmbTextListToTextProperty failed: %dSelection type: standard selectionSelection type unsupported: %lu (%s)X client asked for an unsupported selection target type: %lu (%s)xdg-open %s:htmlview %s:firefox -remote "openURL(%s,new-window)":mozilla -remote "openURL(%s,new-window)":netscape -remote "openURL(%s,new-window)":xterm -e w3m %s:xterm -e lynx %s:xterm -e wget %sBrowser not set (xdvi.wwwBrowser, -browser or $BROWSER environment variable).Ignoring lonesome quote in string %sNone of the browser commands in the `browser' resource (%s) worked Trying to launch browser ... done.settings != NULLcb_backwards_searchcb_regexp_searchcb_wrap_searchcb_match_casecb_linebreaksprintlogscrollVerticalscrollHorizontalcloseNo active DVI fileinfo->finfo->in_fp != NULLCallback musn't be NULL!info->pinfo->callback != NULLXdvik: Printinginfo->fmt != FMT_NONEfilename mustn't be NULLfinfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULLwbCreating %s failed: %srenamed %s to %s Created DVI file: %s.finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULLXdvik: SavingCreated text file %s.\%.4lXNo filename specified!ReplaceCallback not initializedSensitive: %d No info passed to callback!kill_message_window: %p Pointer address: |%p|box != 0paned != 0searchterm1: |%s|SHELL: %ld; x: %d, y: %dstarting search from page: %dunsethiddenshownUser selected: %d, `%s'Creating menu `%s'Popping up at %d, %d, %d, %dunselected != NoneExecution of %s failed: %s../../../texk/xdvik/browser.cwaiting for %d: %dChild exited OK.doesn't exist any moreseems to be corruptedSave CopyPrint Copyportrait -t -t landscapePRINTERlpr -POUTFILE: |%s| XdviSelFilexdviSelFileselFileFormselFilePrompt9x15FONT: width %d, %d wrapuseStringInPlaceselFileFieldselFileHScrollselFileList1selFileList2selFileList3selFileVScrollnew_window_radioOpen file in new windowselFileLabelFile Mask:selFileMaskDot files are:selFileHideselFileOKselFileCancelstatusline: w %d, h %dafter statuslineviewportlongestreportCallbackchild %d: `%s'h_bar: h %dv_bar: w %dX(%d,%d) find_buttonnotifyxdvik: Find in Filetoplevel: %ldfind_panedsearchbox_formFind:searchbox_labeloptions_left_formoptions_right_formRegular expressionregexp_checkboxFind backwardsbackwards_checkboxWrap searchCase sensitivematchcase_checkboxIgnore newlines/hyphenslinebreaks_checkboxFindcancel_buttonPathname:xdvik: select filenameCould not open %s: %s. Error opening %s: %s.xdvi: %s:%d: removing timeout %ld TARGETSselection target = %lu (%s)Selection type: targetsSelection type: UTF8_STRINGSelection type: XA_STRINGWWWBROWSERUsing built-in default: `%s'Trying to launch browser ...trying browser |%s|arg[%d]: |%s|SelFileDismissdo-searchcancel-searchprintlogIntCloseprintlogIntKeepprintlogIntUnkeepprintlogIntCancelWM_cancel_or_destroy ../../../texk/xdvik/dvi-draw.cw = %d, h = %d, bytes wide = %d No procedure to set font %ld, %sFont %s is not loadable; reverting to non-scalable fontError loading font %s: Neither a Type 1 version nor a pixel version could be found. The character(s) will be left blank.Xdvi tries all of the following possibilities in turn, and all of them have failed: (1) If the resource type1 is set, try a PostScript Type 1 version of a font. (2) Otherwise, or if the Type 1 version hasn't been found, try to locate, or generate via mktexpk, a TeX Pixel (PK) version of the font. (3) Use the fallback font defined via the "altfont" resource (cmr10 by default), both as Type 1 and as PK version, at various resolutions. It seems that your font setup is defective. I'll abort now, to help you debugging this.set_no_char: attempt to set character of unknown fontCouldn't re-locate font file `%s'Couldn't allocate enough colors - expect low display quality.Greyscaling is running in copy mode; this will cause overstrike characters to appear incorrectly, and may result in poor display quality. Possible fixes are: - Use the ``-thorough'' command-line option. - Quit some other color-hungry applications (e.g. Netscape). - Use the ``-install'' command-line option. See the section ``GREYSCALING AND COLORMAPS'' in the xdvi manual page for more details.alloc_color%6d%6d%6d --> failed Cannot allocate colormap entry, displayed colors will not be exact.Either this document is using too many colors, or some other application is. In the latter case, try to close that application and re-read the DVI file.Current foreground mustn't be NULLCurrent background mustn't be NULLdo_color_change: fg = %lx, bg = %lx, with%s globals.gc.fore2 do_color_change: fg = %ld, bg = %ld, using_planes = %d do_color_change: fg = %lx, bg = %lx Character %d not defined in font %sspcl_scan: shouldn't happen: %s encountereddepth too large for lookup listdepth <= m_prescan_info.anchor_list_sizeold_page < (int)m_prescan_info.pagelist_lenm_prescan_info.pagelist not properly allocatedm_prescan_info.pagelist != NULLscanned_page + 1 < (int)page_colors.size%s:%d: draw_part: op-code %d only works with the "-omega" option%s:%d: draw_part: stack not empty at EOP%s:%d: draw_part: more POPs than PUSHesThis DVI was created with a too old version of the `dvips' hyperref driver - disabling hyperlinks. To fix this, you should either upgrade to a current version of hyperref (see http://www.tug.org/applications/hyperref/), or use the `hypertex' package option, like this: \usepackage[hypertex]{hyperref} (Be aware though that this option won't work for PS->PDF conversion!)Ignoring unknown keyword (%.*s) in \specialinvalid .ps command format: %s%s:%d: draw_part: shouldn't happen: %s encountered%s:%d: draw_part: unknown op-code %dvirtual character macro does not end correctlycolor_bot_size mustn't become negative!color_bottom mustn't become negative!Raw Postscript commands on page %d may be rendered incorrectly.drawing bbox %lu at %d %d, %d x %d, angle %d Font must have been loaded at this point!guess_encoding: font index %lu too largeguess_encoding(): nothing suitable for "%s", assuming Cork encoding. (Please tell us about this at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=23164&atid=377580)FreeType2 not enabled, assuming Cork encoding for font "%s". erasing hyphen %lu at pos %lu with char %c; hyphen_delta is: %dupdating delta: %d at pos %d, curr_idx %d, offset: %lu../../../texk/xdvik/encodings.cexpand_ligature: 0x%X --> `%s'currinf.set_char_p is not a registered routine!Entering source_forward_search(%s)Ignoring malformed source special "%s"File = "%s", line = %d, col = %dNo source specials in this DVI file - couldn't do reverse search.Forward/reverse search allows you to jump from a point in the DVI file to the corresponding location in the .tex source file, and vice versa. To make this possible, the .tex file needs to be compiled with source special support. This can be done by using either a package like "srcltx.sty" or "srctex.sty", or a command-line switch like "-src" for the TeX executable. See the xdvi man page (section SOURCE SPECIALS) for more information about this.No references to source file "%s" in DVI file.To enable reverse search, the TeX file has to be compiled with source specials. See the xdvi man page (section SOURCE SPECIALS) for details.Match: line %d on page %d, offset %lu%s:%d: shouldn't happen: geom_scan_part() failed to re-find the special.No source specials on this page - nearest on page %dNo custom editor set - using vi as default.Use the "-editor" command-line opion, the X resource "xdvi.editor" or one of the following environment variables to select the editor for source specials: "XEDITOR", "VISUAL" or "EDITOR". See the xdvi man page for more information on source specials and the editor options.File "%s" not found, couldn't jump to special "%s:%d" source file "%s" expanded to "%s" Warning: TeX file is newer than dvi file - source special information might be wrong.nearest special at (%d,%d): "%s:%d"Argument to anchor_search() musn't be NULL%s:%d: shouldn't happen: geom_scan_part() failed to re-find the link.index must be > 0*from >= 0*to >= 0Invalid bitmap bitsptr != NULL (%c)x = %d, y = %d, dvi = %ld Non-existent font number %ldspecial: %s %ld fg_current != NULL,..,%.2xprescan on %pprescan on page 1prescan on page %dold_page out of rangeEOP%4d %4d SETCHAR%-3dFNTNUM%d print_dvi: unknown op-code %d `%s' @beginspecial @setspecial @endspecial%d %d plotfile :[end]psfileToo many points %d %d Malformed path commandSpecial "%s" not implemented. @setspecial ******* visited ****** not visitedcolor_bot_size > 0color_bottom != NULLpagelist_size too smallpagelist_size > current_pageUNDERLINE: %d, %s is %sps::[begin]more POPs than PUSHes%ld %ld }ffifflij---<``''{w_info->page_mapping != NULLface != NULLcjkgbkxccsyxccmixccexccrlcmssygothyinitbbmysmfrakyswablcirclefmvr8xfeymrbboldgligljglmgltglwglxgmmgmtgmxgomgoxgrbgrmgrxgsmgsxgttunknown glyph `%lu' get_accented_glyph: %lu, %lushouldn't happen: %d >= %d! XEDITORVISUALflcstr != NULLEntering anchor_search(%s)Found anchor on page %dAnchor not foundError: Anchor "%s" not found.Found anchor on position 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Please see the FreeType documentation for details about this.Looking for font %.*s using gs method (PS name %s) --cannot find Type 1 font file %s (will try PK version instead).cannot open Type 1 font file %s: %sCould not initialize FreeType library: FreeType FT_Init_FreeType error = %d. Turning off use of FreeType. Please see the FreeType documentation for details about this.Could not load FreeType font %s: FreeType FT_Open_Face error = %d. Will try pixel version instead. Please see the FreeType documentation for details about this.Choosing the first of %d charmaps. 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