o ½w[eG ã@sdZdd„Zdd„ZdS)z˜Convert a NT pathname to a file URL and vice versa. This module only exists to provide OS-specific code for urllib.requests, thus do not use directly. cCsüddl}ddl}| dd¡}d|vr.|dd…dkr |dd…}| d¡}|j d  |¡¡S| d¡}t|ƒdksB|dd |jvrJd |}t |ƒ‚|dd   ¡}|d  d¡}|d}|D]}|rm|d |j |¡}q_|  d¡r||  d¡r||d 7}|S) z{OS-specific conversion from a relative URL of the 'file' scheme to a file system path; not recommended for general use.éNú:ú|éz////éú/ú\éÿÿÿÿz Bad URL: é) ÚstringÚ urllib.parseÚreplaceÚsplitÚparseÚunquoteÚjoinÚlenÚ ascii_lettersÚOSErrorÚupperÚendswith)Úurlr ÚurllibÚ componentsÚcompÚerrorÚdriveÚpath©rú!/usr/lib/python3.10/nturl2path.pyÚ url2pathnames*    €rcCs0ddl}|dd…dkr3|dd…}|dd… ¡dkr%d|dd…}n|dd…d kr3td |ƒ‚d |vrQ|dd…d krCd |}| d¡}|j d  |¡¡S|jd dd }t|ƒdksft|dƒdkrnd |}t|ƒ‚|j |d ¡¡}|d d¡}d|d }|D]}|r•|d |j |¡}q‡|S)z{OS-specific conversion from a file system path to a relative URL of the 'file' scheme; not recommended for general use.rNrz\\?\zUNC\rr rrz Bad path: z\\r)Úmaxsplitz///)r rrr rÚquoterr)ÚprrrrrrrrrÚ pathname2url-s0    €r#N)Ú__doc__rr#rrrrÚs %