// Copyright (c) 1999-2005 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Stefan Schirra, Sylvain Pion, Michael Hoffmann #ifndef CGAL_CARTESIAN_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H #define CGAL_CARTESIAN_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace CartesianKernelFunctors { using namespace CommonKernelFunctors; template class Angle_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef typename K::Angle result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_2& u, const Vector_2& v) const { return angleC2(u.x(), u.y(), v.x(), v.y()); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return angleC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r, const Point_2& s) const { return angleC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), s.x(), s.y()); } }; template class Angle_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef typename K::Angle result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_3& u, const Vector_3& v) const { return angleC3(u.x(), u.y(), u.z(), v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return angleC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { return angleC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z()); } }; template class Are_parallel_2 { typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2) const { return parallelC2(l1.a(), l1.b(), l2.a(), l2.b()); } result_type operator()(const Segment_2& s1, const Segment_2& s2) const { return parallelC2(s1.source().x(), s1.source().y(), s1.target().x(), s1.target().y(), s2.source().x(), s2.source().y(), s2.target().x(), s2.target().y()); } result_type operator()(const Ray_2& r1, const Ray_2& r2) const { return parallelC2(r1.source().x(), r1.source().y(), r1.second_point().x(), r1.second_point().y(), r2.source().x(), r2.source().y(), r2.second_point().x(), r2.second_point().y()); } }; template class Are_parallel_3 { typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Line_3& l1, const Line_3& l2) const { return parallelC3( l1.to_vector().x(), l1.to_vector().y(), l1.to_vector().z(), l2.to_vector().x(), l2.to_vector().y(), l2.to_vector().z()); } result_type operator()(const Plane_3& h1, const Plane_3& h2) const { return parallelC3(h1.a(), h1.b(), h1.c(), h2.a(), h2.b(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()(const Segment_3& s1, const Segment_3& s2) const { return parallelC3(s1.source().x(), s1.source().y(), s1.source().z(), s1.target().x(), s1.target().y(), s1.target().z(), s2.source().x(), s2.source().y(), s2.source().z(), s2.target().x(), s2.target().y(), s2.target().z()); } result_type operator()(const Ray_3& r1, const Ray_3& r2) const { return parallelC3(r1.source().x(), r1.source().y(), r1.source().z(), r1.second_point().x(), r1.second_point().y(), r1.second_point().z(), r2.source().x(), r2.source().y(), r2.source().z(), r2.second_point().x(), r2.second_point().y(), r2.second_point().z()); } }; template class Bounded_side_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; public: typedef typename K::Bounded_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Circle_2& c, const Point_2& p) const { typename K::Compute_squared_distance_2 squared_distance; return enum_cast(CGAL::compare(c.squared_radius(), squared_distance(c.center(),p))); } result_type operator()( const Triangle_2& t, const Point_2& p) const { typename K::Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2 collinear_are_ordered_along_line; typename K::Orientation_2 orientation; typename K::Orientation o1 = orientation(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), p), o2 = orientation(t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2), p), o3 = orientation(t.vertex(2), t.vertex(3), p); if (o2 == o1 && o3 == o1) return ON_BOUNDED_SIDE; return (o1 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(0), p, t.vertex(1))) || (o2 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(1), p, t.vertex(2))) || (o3 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(2), p, t.vertex(3))) ? ON_BOUNDARY : ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; } result_type operator()( const Iso_rectangle_2& r, const Point_2& p) const { bool x_incr = (r.xmin() < p.x()) && (p.x() < r.xmax()), y_incr = (r.ymin() < p.y()) && (p.y() < r.ymax()); if (x_incr) { if (y_incr) return ON_BOUNDED_SIDE; if ( (p.y() == r.ymin()) || (r.ymax() == p.y()) ) return ON_BOUNDARY; } if ( (p.x() == r.xmin()) || (r.xmax() == p.x()) ) if ( y_incr || (p.y() == r.ymin()) || (r.ymax() == p.y()) ) return ON_BOUNDARY; return ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; } }; template class Bounded_side_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename K::Iso_cuboid_3 Iso_cuboid_3; public: typedef typename K::Bounded_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Sphere_3& s, const Point_3& p) const { return s.rep().bounded_side(p); } result_type operator()( const Circle_3& s, const Point_3& p) const { return s.rep().bounded_side(p); } result_type operator()( const Tetrahedron_3& t, const Point_3& p) const { FT alpha, beta, gamma; Cartesian_internal::solve(t.vertex(1)-t.vertex(0), t.vertex(2)-t.vertex(0), t.vertex(3)-t.vertex(0), p - t.vertex(0), alpha, beta, gamma); if ( (alpha < 0) || (beta < 0) || (gamma < 0) || (alpha + beta + gamma > 1) ) return ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; if ( (alpha == 0) || (beta == 0) || (gamma == 0) || (alpha+beta+gamma == 1) ) return ON_BOUNDARY; return ON_BOUNDED_SIDE; } result_type operator()( const Iso_cuboid_3& c, const Point_3& p) const { return c.rep().bounded_side(p); } }; template class Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( collinear(p, q, r) ); return collinear_are_ordered_along_lineC2 (p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } }; template class Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( collinear(p, q, r) ); return collinear_are_ordered_along_lineC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } }; template class Collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( collinear(p, q, r) ); return collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_lineC2 (p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } }; template class Collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( collinear(p, q, r) ); return collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_lineC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } }; template class Collinear_has_on_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Ray_2& r, const Point_2& p) const { const Point_2 & source = r.source(); const Point_2 & second = r.second_point(); switch(make_certain(compare_x(source, second))) { case SMALLER: return compare_x(source, p) != LARGER; case LARGER: return compare_x(p, source) != LARGER; default: switch(make_certain(compare_y(source, second))){ case SMALLER: return compare_y(source, p) != LARGER; case LARGER: return compare_y(p, source) != LARGER; default: return true; // p == source } } // switch } result_type operator()( const Segment_2& s, const Point_2& p) const { return collinear_are_ordered_along_line(s.source(), p, s.target()); } }; template class Collinear_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Orientation_2 Orientation_2; Orientation_2 o; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; Collinear_2() {} Collinear_2(const Orientation_2 o_) : o(o_) {} result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return o(p, q, r) == COLLINEAR; } }; template class Collinear_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return collinearC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } }; template class Compare_angle_with_x_axis_2 { typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_2& d1, const Direction_2& d2) const { return compare_angle_with_x_axisC2(d1.dx(), d1.dy(), d2.dx(), d2.dy()); } }; template class Compare_distance_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return cmp_dist_to_pointC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } template result_type operator()(const T1& p, const T2& q, const T3& r) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_distance(p, q), squared_distance(p, r)); } template result_type operator()(const T1& p, const T2& q, const T3& r, const T4& s) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_distance(p, q), squared_distance(r, s)); } }; template class Compare_distance_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return cmp_dist_to_pointC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const Segment_3& s1, const Segment_3& s2) const { return CGAL::internal::compare_distance_pssC3(p1,s1,s2, K()); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const Point_3& p2, const Segment_3& s2) const { return CGAL::internal::compare_distance_ppsC3(p1,p2,s2, K()); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const Segment_3& s2, const Point_3& p2) const { return opposite(CGAL::internal::compare_distance_ppsC3(p1,p2,s2, K())); } template result_type operator()(const T1& p, const T2& q, const T3& r) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_distance(p, q), squared_distance(p, r)); } template result_type operator()(const T1& p, const T2& q, const T3& r, const T4& s) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_distance(p, q), squared_distance(r, s)); } }; template class Compare_squared_radius_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s, const FT& ft) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z() ), ft); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const FT& ft) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()), ft); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const FT& ft) const { return CGAL::compare(squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z() ), ft); } result_type operator()(const Point_3&, const FT& ft) const { return - CGAL_NTS sign(ft); } }; template class Compare_slope_2 { typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()(const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2) const { return compare_slopesC2(l1.a(), l1.b(), l2.a(), l2.b()); } result_type operator()(const Segment_2& s1, const Segment_2& s2) const { return compare_slopesC2(s1.source().x(), s1.source().y(), s1.target().x(), s1.target().y(), s2.source().x(), s2.source().y(), s2.target().x(), s2.target().y()); } }; template class Compare_x_at_y_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& h) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(p.y(), p.x(), h.b(), h.a(), h.c()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(p.y(), h1.b(), h1.a(), h1.c(), h2.b(), h2.a(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(l1.b(), l1.a(), l1.c(), l2.b(), l2.a(), l2.c(), h.b(), h.a(), h.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(l1.b(), l1.a(), l1.c(), l2.b(), l2.a(), l2.c(), h1.b(), h1.a(), h1.c(), h2.b(), h2.a(), h2.c()); } }; template class Compare_xyz_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return compare_lexicographically_xyzC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); } }; template class Compare_xy_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return compare_lexicographically_xyC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y()); } }; template class Compare_xy_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return compare_lexicographically_xyC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y()); } }; template class Compare_x_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return CGAL::compare(p.x(), q.x()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& l, const Line_2& h) const { return compare_xC2(p.x(), l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), h.a(), h.b(), h.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_xC2(l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), h1.a(), h1.b(), h1.c(), h2.a(), h2.b(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_xC2(l1.a(), l1.b(), l1.c(), l2.a(), l2.b(), l2.c(), h1.a(), h1.b(), h1.c(), h2.a(), h2.b(), h2.c()); } }; template class Compare_x_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return CGAL::compare(p.x(), q.x()); } }; template class Compare_yx_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return compare_lexicographically_xyC2(p.y(), p.x(), q.y(), q.x()); } }; template class Compare_y_at_x_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& h) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(p.x(), p.y(), h.a(), h.b(), h.c()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(p.x(), h1.a(), h1.b(), h1.c(), h2.a(), h2.b(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(l1.a(), l1.b(), l1.c(), l2.a(), l2.b(), l2.c(), h.a(), h.b(), h.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(l1.a(), l1.b(), l1.c(), l2.a(), l2.b(), l2.c(), h1.a(), h1.b(), h1.c(), h2.a(), h2.b(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Segment_2& s) const { return compare_y_at_xC2(p.x(), p.y(), s.source().x(), s.source().y(), s.target().x(), s.target().y()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Segment_2& s1, const Segment_2& s2) const { return compare_y_at_x_segment_C2(p.x(), s1.source().x(), s1.source().y(), s1.target().x(), s1.target().y(), s2.source().x(), s2.source().y(), s2.target().x(), s2.target().y()); } }; template class Compare_y_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return CGAL::compare(p.y(), q.y()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2) const { return compare_xC2(p.y(), l1.b(), l1.a(), l1.c(), l2.b(), l2.a(), l2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_xC2(l.b(), l.a(), l.c(), h1.b(), h1.a(), h1.c(), l.b(), l.a(), l.c(), h2.b(), h2.a(), h2.c()); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l1, const Line_2& l2, const Line_2& h1, const Line_2& h2) const { return compare_xC2(l1.b(), l1.a(), l1.c(), l2.b(), l2.a(), l2.c(), h1.b(), h1.a(), h1.c(), h2.b(), h2.a(), h2.c()); } }; template class Compare_y_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return CGAL::compare(p.y(), q.y()); } }; template class Compare_z_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Comparison_result result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return CGAL::compare(p.z(), q.z()); } }; template class Compute_approximate_area_3 { typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef double result_type; result_type operator() (const Circle_3 & c) const // { return c.rep().approximate_area(); } { return CGAL_PI * to_double(c.squared_radius()); } }; template class Compute_approximate_squared_length_3 { typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef double result_type; result_type operator() (const Circle_3 & c) const // { return c.rep().approximate_squared_length(); } { return CGAL_PI * CGAL_PI * 4.0 * to_double(c.squared_radius()); } }; template class Compute_area_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r ) const { FT v1x = q.x() - p.x(); FT v1y = q.y() - p.y(); FT v2x = r.x() - p.x(); FT v2y = r.y() - p.y(); return determinant(v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y)/2; } result_type operator()( const Iso_rectangle_2& r ) const { return (r.xmax()-r.xmin()) * (r.ymax()-r.ymin()); } result_type operator()( const Triangle_2& t ) const { return t.area(); } }; template class Compute_area_divided_by_pi_3 { typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Circle_3 & c) const { return c.rep().area_divided_by_pi(); } }; template class Compute_determinant_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v, const Vector_2& w) const { return determinant(v.x(), v.y(), w.x(), w.y()); } }; template class Compute_determinant_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w, const Vector_3& t) const { return determinant(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), w.x(), w.y(), w.z(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z()); } }; template class Compute_scalar_product_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v, const Vector_2& w) const { return v.x() * w.x() + v.y() * w.y(); } }; template class Compute_scalar_product_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w) const { return v.x() * w.x() + v.y() * w.y() + v.z() * w.z(); } }; template class Compute_squared_area_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()( const Triangle_3& t ) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r ) const { return squared_areaC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } }; // FIXME template class Compute_squared_distance_Point_Point_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return squared_distanceC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y()); } }; template class Compute_squared_length_divided_by_pi_square_3 { typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator() (const Circle_3 & c) const { return c.rep().squared_length_divided_by_pi_square(); } }; // TODO ... template class Compute_squared_radius_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; public: template struct result { typedef FT type; }; template struct result { typedef const FT& type; }; const FT& operator()( const Circle_2& c) const { return c.rep().squared_radius(); } FT operator()( const Point_2& /*p*/) const { return FT(0); } FT operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return squared_radiusC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y()); } FT operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return squared_radiusC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } }; } //namespace CartesianKernelFunctors // For the non specialized template will do the right thing, // namely return a copy of an FT namespace CartesianKernelFunctors { template class Compute_squared_radius_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()( const Sphere_3& s) const { return s.rep().squared_radius(); } result_type operator()( const Circle_3& c) const { return c.rep().squared_radius(); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& /*p*/) const { return FT(0); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { return squared_radiusC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z()); } }; template class Compute_volume_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename K::Iso_cuboid_3 Iso_cuboid_3; public: typedef FT result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p0, const Point_3& p1, const Point_3& p2, const Point_3& p3) const { return determinant(p1.x()-p0.x(), p1.y()-p0.y(), p1.z()-p0.z(), p2.x()-p0.x(), p2.y()-p0.y(), p2.z()-p0.z(), p3.x()-p0.x(), p3.y()-p0.y(), p3.z()-p0.z())/6; } result_type operator()( const Tetrahedron_3& t ) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2), t.vertex(3)); } result_type operator()( const Iso_cuboid_3& c ) const { return c.rep().volume(); } }; template class Compute_x_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { return p.rep().x(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return v.rep().x(); } }; template class Compute_x_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().x(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().x(); } }; template class Compute_y_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { return p.rep().y(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return v.rep().y(); } }; template class Compute_y_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().y(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().y(); } }; template class Compute_z_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().z(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().z(); } }; template class Compute_dx_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_2& d) const { return d.rep().dx(); } }; template class Compute_dx_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_3& d) const { return d.rep().dx(); } }; template class Compute_dy_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_2& d) const { return d.rep().dy(); } }; template class Compute_dy_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_3& d) const { return d.rep().dy(); } }; template class Compute_dz_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Direction_3& d) const { return d.rep().dz(); } }; template class Compute_hx_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { return p.rep().hx(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return v.rep().hx(); } }; template class Compute_hx_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().hx(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().hx(); } }; template class Compute_hy_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { return p.rep().hy(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return v.rep().hy(); } }; template class Compute_hy_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().hy(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().hy(); } }; template class Compute_hz_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().hz(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().hz(); } }; template class Compute_hw_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { return p.rep().hw(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return v.rep().hw(); } }; template class Compute_hw_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p) const { return p.rep().hw(); } result_type operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return v.rep().hw(); } }; template class Compute_xmin_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Iso_rectangle_2& r) const { return (r.min)().x(); } }; template class Compute_xmax_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Iso_rectangle_2& r) const { return (r.max)().x(); } }; template class Compute_ymin_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Iso_rectangle_2& r) const { return (r.min)().y(); } }; template class Compute_ymax_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; public: typedef const FT& result_type; result_type operator()(const Iso_rectangle_2& r) const { return (r.max)().y(); } }; template class Construct_barycenter_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT&w1, const Point_2& p2) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_2& p2, const FT& w2) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), w2, x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_2& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_2& p3) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_2& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_2& p3, const FT& w3) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), w3, x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_2& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_2& p3, const FT& w3, const Point_2& p4) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), w3, p4.x(), p4.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_2& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_2& p3, const FT& w3, const Point_2& p4, const FT& w4) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; barycenterC2(p1.x(), p1.y(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), w3, p4.x(), p4.y(), w4, x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } }; template class Construct_barycenter_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT&w1, const Point_3& p2) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_3& p2, const FT& w2) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), w2, x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_3& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_3& p3) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_3& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_3& p3, const FT& w3) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(), w3, x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_3& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_3& p3, const FT& w3, const Point_3& p4) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(), w3, p4.x(), p4.y(), p4.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p1, const FT& w1, const Point_3& p2, const FT& w2, const Point_3& p3, const FT& w3, const Point_3& p4, const FT& w4) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; barycenterC3(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z(), w1, p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z(), w2, p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(), w3, p4.x(), p4.y(), p4.z(), w4, x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } }; template class Construct_base_vector_3 { typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Construct_cross_product_vector_3 Construct_cross_product_vector_3; typedef typename K::Construct_orthogonal_vector_3 Construct_orthogonal_vector_3; Construct_cross_product_vector_3 cp; Construct_orthogonal_vector_3 co; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Construct_base_vector_3() {} Construct_base_vector_3(const Construct_cross_product_vector_3& cp_, const Construct_orthogonal_vector_3& co_) : cp(cp_), co(co_) {} result_type operator()( const Plane_3& h, int index ) const { if (index == 1) { if ( CGAL_NTS is_zero(h.a()) ) // parallel to x-axis return Vector_3(FT(1), FT(0), FT(0)); if ( CGAL_NTS is_zero(h.b()) ) // parallel to y-axis return Vector_3(FT(0), FT(1), FT(0)); if ( CGAL_NTS is_zero(h.c()) ) // parallel to z-axis return Vector_3(FT(0), FT(0), FT(1)); return Vector_3(-h.b(), h.a(), FT(0)); } else { return cp(co(h), this->operator()(h,1)); } } }; template class Construct_bbox_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; public: typedef Bbox_2 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p) const { std::pair xp = CGAL_NTS to_interval(p.x()); std::pair yp = CGAL_NTS to_interval(p.y()); return Bbox_2(xp.first, yp.first, xp.second, yp.second); } result_type operator()(const Segment_2& s) const { return s.source().bbox() + s.target().bbox(); } result_type operator()(const Triangle_2& t) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_2 construct_bbox_2; return construct_bbox_2(t.vertex(0)) + construct_bbox_2(t.vertex(1)) + construct_bbox_2(t.vertex(2)); } result_type operator()(const Iso_rectangle_2& r) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_2 construct_bbox_2; return construct_bbox_2((r.min)()) + construct_bbox_2((r.max)()); } result_type operator()(const Circle_2& c) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_2 construct_bbox_2; Bbox_2 b = construct_bbox_2(c.center()); Interval_nt<> x (b.xmin(), b.xmax()); Interval_nt<> y (b.ymin(), b.ymax()); Interval_nt<> sqr = CGAL_NTS to_interval(c.squared_radius()); Interval_nt<> r = CGAL::sqrt(sqr); Interval_nt<> minx = x-r; Interval_nt<> maxx = x+r; Interval_nt<> miny = y-r; Interval_nt<> maxy = y+r; return Bbox_2(minx.inf(), miny.inf(), maxx.sup(), maxy.sup()); } }; template class Construct_bbox_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::Iso_cuboid_3 Iso_cuboid_3; typedef typename K::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; public: typedef Bbox_3 result_type; Bbox_3 operator()(const Point_3& p) const { std::pair xp = CGAL_NTS to_interval(p.x()); std::pair yp = CGAL_NTS to_interval(p.y()); std::pair zp = CGAL_NTS to_interval(p.z()); return Bbox_3(xp.first, yp.first, zp.first, xp.second, yp.second, zp.second); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Segment_3& s) const { return s.source().bbox() + s.target().bbox(); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Triangle_3& t) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_3 construct_bbox_3; return construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(0)) + construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(1)) + construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(2)); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Iso_cuboid_3& r) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_3 construct_bbox_3; return construct_bbox_3((r.min)()) + construct_bbox_3((r.max)()); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Tetrahedron_3& t) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_3 construct_bbox_3; return construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(0)) + construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(1)) + construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(2)) + construct_bbox_3(t.vertex(3)); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Sphere_3& s) const { typename K::Construct_bbox_3 construct_bbox_3; Bbox_3 b = construct_bbox_3(s.center()); Interval_nt<> x (b.xmin(), b.xmax()); Interval_nt<> y (b.ymin(), b.ymax()); Interval_nt<> z (b.zmin(), b.zmax()); Interval_nt<> sqr = CGAL_NTS to_interval(s.squared_radius()); Interval_nt<> r = CGAL::sqrt(sqr); Interval_nt<> minx = x-r; Interval_nt<> maxx = x+r; Interval_nt<> miny = y-r; Interval_nt<> maxy = y+r; Interval_nt<> minz = z-r; Interval_nt<> maxz = z+r; return Bbox_3(minx.inf(), miny.inf(), minz.inf(), maxx.sup(), maxy.sup(), maxz.sup()); } Bbox_3 operator()(const Circle_3& c) const { return c.rep().bbox(); } }; template class Construct_bisector_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; public: typedef Line_2 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { FT a, b, c; bisector_of_pointsC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), a, b, c); return Line_2(a, b, c); } result_type operator()(const Line_2& p, const Line_2& q) const { FT a, b, c; bisector_of_linesC2(p.a(), p.b(), p.c(), q.a(), q.b(), q.c(), a, b, c); return Line_2(a, b, c); } }; template class Construct_bisector_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; public: typedef Plane_3 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { FT a, b, c, d; bisector_of_pointsC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), a, b, c, d); return Plane_3(a, b, c, d); } result_type operator()(const Plane_3& p, const Plane_3& q) const { FT a, b, c, d; bisector_of_planesC3(p.a(), p.b(), p.c(), p.d(), q.a(), q.b(), q.c(), q.d(), a, b, c, d); return Plane_3(a, b, c, d); } }; template class Construct_centroid_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; centroidC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Triangle_2& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r, const Point_2& s) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; centroidC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), s.x(), s.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } }; template class Construct_centroid_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; centroidC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; centroidC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } result_type operator()(const Triangle_3& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); } result_type operator()(const Tetrahedron_3& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2), t.vertex(3)); } }; template class Construct_circumcenter_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; Point_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { typename K::Construct_midpoint_2 construct_midpoint_2; return construct_midpoint_2(p, q); } result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; typedef typename K::FT FT; FT x, y; circumcenterC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } result_type operator()(const Triangle_2& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); } }; template class Construct_circumcenter_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename K::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Point_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { typename K::Construct_midpoint_3 construct_midpoint_3; return construct_midpoint_3(p, q); } Point_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& s) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; // Translate s to origin to simplify the expression. FT psx = p.x()-s.x(); FT psy = p.y()-s.y(); FT psz = p.z()-s.z(); FT ps2 = CGAL_NTS square(psx) + CGAL_NTS square(psy) + CGAL_NTS square(psz); FT qsx = q.x()-s.x(); FT qsy = q.y()-s.y(); FT qsz = q.z()-s.z(); FT qs2 = CGAL_NTS square(qsx) + CGAL_NTS square(qsy) + CGAL_NTS square(qsz); FT rsx = psy*qsz-psz*qsy; FT rsy = psz*qsx-psx*qsz; FT rsz = psx*qsy-psy*qsx; // The following determinants can be developped and simplified. // // FT num_x = determinant(psy,psz,ps2, // qsy,qsz,qs2, // rsy,rsz,0); // FT num_y = determinant(psx,psz,ps2, // qsx,qsz,qs2, // rsx,rsz,0); // FT num_z = determinant(psx,psy,ps2, // qsx,qsy,qs2, // rsx,rsy,0); FT num_x = ps2 * determinant(qsy,qsz,rsy,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psy,psz,rsy,rsz); FT num_y = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsz,rsx,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psz,rsx,rsz); FT num_z = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsy,rsx,rsy) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psy,rsx,rsy); FT den = determinant(psx,psy,psz, qsx,qsy,qsz, rsx,rsy,rsz); CGAL_kernel_assertion( den != 0 ); FT inv = 1 / (2 * den); FT x = s.x() + num_x*inv; FT y = s.y() - num_y*inv; FT z = s.z() + num_z*inv; return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } Point_3 operator()(const Triangle_3& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); } Point_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; // Translate p to origin to simplify the expression. FT qpx = q.x()-p.x(); FT qpy = q.y()-p.y(); FT qpz = q.z()-p.z(); FT qp2 = CGAL_NTS square(qpx) + CGAL_NTS square(qpy) + CGAL_NTS square(qpz); FT rpx = r.x()-p.x(); FT rpy = r.y()-p.y(); FT rpz = r.z()-p.z(); FT rp2 = CGAL_NTS square(rpx) + CGAL_NTS square(rpy) + CGAL_NTS square(rpz); FT spx = s.x()-p.x(); FT spy = s.y()-p.y(); FT spz = s.z()-p.z(); FT sp2 = CGAL_NTS square(spx) + CGAL_NTS square(spy) + CGAL_NTS square(spz); FT num_x = determinant(qpy,qpz,qp2, rpy,rpz,rp2, spy,spz,sp2); FT num_y = determinant(qpx,qpz,qp2, rpx,rpz,rp2, spx,spz,sp2); FT num_z = determinant(qpx,qpy,qp2, rpx,rpy,rp2, spx,spy,sp2); FT den = determinant(qpx,qpy,qpz, rpx,rpy,rpz, spx,spy,spz); CGAL_kernel_assertion( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero(den) ); FT inv = 1 / (2 * den); FT x = p.x() + num_x*inv; FT y = p.y() - num_y*inv; FT z = p.z() + num_z*inv; return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } Point_3 operator()(const Tetrahedron_3& t) const { return this->operator()(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2), t.vertex(3)); } }; template class Construct_cross_product_vector_3 { typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()(const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w) const { return Vector_3(v.y() * w.z() - v.z() * w.y(), v.z() * w.x() - v.x() * w.z(), v.x() * w.y() - v.y() * w.x()); } }; template class Construct_lifted_point_3 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::Construct_base_vector_3 Construct_base_vector_3; typedef typename K::Construct_point_on_3 Construct_point_on_3; typedef typename K::Construct_scaled_vector_3 Construct_scaled_vector_3; typedef typename K::Construct_translated_point_3 Construct_translated_point_3; Construct_base_vector_3 cb; Construct_point_on_3 cp; Construct_scaled_vector_3 cs; Construct_translated_point_3 ct; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Construct_lifted_point_3() {} Construct_lifted_point_3(const Construct_base_vector_3& cb_, const Construct_point_on_3& cp_, const Construct_scaled_vector_3& cs_, const Construct_translated_point_3& ct_) : cb(cb_), cp(cp_), cs(cs_), ct(ct_) {} Point_3 operator()(const Plane_3& h, const Point_2& p) const { return ct(ct(cp(h), cs(cb(h,1), p.x())), cs(cb(h,2), p.y())); } }; template class Construct_direction_2 { typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Direction_2::Rep Rep; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::RT RT; public: typedef Direction_2 result_type; Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return Rep(x, y); } Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Vector_2& v) const { return Rep(v.x(),v.y()); } Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Line_2& l) const { return Rep(l.b(), -l.a()); } Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return Rep(q.x() - p.x(), q.y() - p.y()); } Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_2& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r.source(), r.second_point()); } Rep // Direction_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_2& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s.source(), s.target()); } Direction_2 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y); } Direction_2 operator()(const Vector_2& v) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), v); } Direction_2 operator()(const Line_2& l) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), l); } Direction_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Direction_2 operator()(const Ray_2& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } Direction_2 operator()(const Segment_2& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } }; template class Construct_direction_3 { typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename Direction_3::Rep Rep; public: typedef Direction_3 result_type; Rep // Direction_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return Rep(x, y, z); } Rep // Direction_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Vector_3& v) const { return Rep(v); } Rep // Direction_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Line_3& l) const { return Rep(l); } Rep // Direction_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_3& r) const { return Rep(r); } Rep // Direction_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_3& s) const { return Rep(s); } Direction_3 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y, z); } Direction_3 operator()(const Vector_3& v) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), v); } Direction_3 operator()(const Line_3& l) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), l); } Direction_3 operator()(const Ray_3& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } Direction_3 operator()(const Segment_3& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } }; template class Construct_equidistant_line_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename Line_3::Rep Rep; public: typedef Line_3 result_type; Line_3 operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& s) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition(! collinear(p, q, s)); // Translate s to origin to simplify the expression. FT psx = p.x()-s.x(); FT psy = p.y()-s.y(); FT psz = p.z()-s.z(); FT ps2 = CGAL_NTS square(psx) + CGAL_NTS square(psy) + CGAL_NTS square(psz); FT qsx = q.x()-s.x(); FT qsy = q.y()-s.y(); FT qsz = q.z()-s.z(); FT qs2 = CGAL_NTS square(qsx) + CGAL_NTS square(qsy) + CGAL_NTS square(qsz); FT rsx = psy*qsz-psz*qsy; FT rsy = psz*qsx-psx*qsz; FT rsz = psx*qsy-psy*qsx; // The following determinants can be developped and simplified. // // FT num_x = determinant(psy,psz,ps2, // qsy,qsz,qs2, // rsy,rsz,0); // FT num_y = determinant(psx,psz,ps2, // qsx,qsz,qs2, // rsx,rsz,0); // FT num_z = determinant(psx,psy,ps2, // qsx,qsy,qs2, // rsx,rsy,0); FT num_x = ps2 * determinant(qsy,qsz,rsy,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psy,psz,rsy,rsz); FT num_y = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsz,rsx,rsz) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psz,rsx,rsz); FT num_z = ps2 * determinant(qsx,qsy,rsx,rsy) - qs2 * determinant(psx,psy,rsx,rsy); FT den = determinant(psx,psy,psz, qsx,qsy,qsz, rsx,rsy,rsz); CGAL_kernel_assertion( den != 0 ); FT inv = 1 / (2 * den); FT x = s.x() + num_x*inv; FT y = s.y() - num_y*inv; FT z = s.z() + num_z*inv; return Rep(Point_3(x, y, z), Vector_3(rsx, rsy, rsz)); } }; template class Construct_iso_rectangle_2 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Iso_rectangle_2::Rep Rep; public: typedef Iso_rectangle_2 result_type; Rep // Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, int) const { // I have to remove the assertions, because of Cartesian_converter. // CGAL_kernel_assertion(p.x()<=q.x()); // CGAL_kernel_assertion(p.y()<=q.y()); return Rep(p, q, 0); } Rep // Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { FT minx, maxx, miny, maxy; if (p.x() < q.x()) { minx = p.x(); maxx = q.x(); } else { minx = q.x(); maxx = p.x(); } if (p.y() < q.y()) { miny = p.y(); maxy = q.y(); } else { miny = q.y(); maxy = p.y(); } return Rep(Point_2(minx, miny), Point_2(maxx, maxy), 0); } Rep // Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2 &left, const Point_2 &right, const Point_2 &bottom, const Point_2 &top) const { CGAL_kernel_assertion_code(typename K::Less_x_2 less_x;) CGAL_kernel_assertion_code(typename K::Less_y_2 less_y;) CGAL_kernel_assertion(!less_x(right, left)); CGAL_kernel_assertion(!less_y(top, bottom)); return Rep(Point_2(left.x(), bottom.y()), Point_2(right.x(), top.y()), 0); } Rep // Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& min_hx, const RT& min_hy, const RT& max_hx, const RT& max_hy) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition(min_hx <= max_hx); CGAL_kernel_precondition(min_hy <= max_hy); return Rep(Point_2(min_hx, min_hy), Point_2(max_hx, max_hy), 0); } Rep // Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& min_hx, const RT& min_hy, const RT& max_hx, const RT& max_hy, const RT& hw) const { if (hw == 1) return Rep(Point_2(min_hx, min_hy), Point_2(max_hx, max_hy), 0); return Rep(Point_2(min_hx/hw, min_hy/hw), Point_2(max_hx/hw, max_hy/hw), 0); } Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, int i) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q, i); } Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(const Point_2 &left, const Point_2 &right, const Point_2 &bottom, const Point_2 &top) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), left, right, bottom, top); } Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(const RT& min_hx, const RT& min_hy, const RT& max_hx, const RT& max_hy) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), min_hx, min_hy, max_hx, max_hy); } Iso_rectangle_2 operator()(const RT& min_hx, const RT& min_hy, const RT& max_hx, const RT& max_hy, const RT& hw) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), min_hx, min_hy, max_hx, max_hy, hw); } }; template class Construct_line_2 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Line_2::Rep Rep; typedef typename K::Construct_point_on_2 Construct_point_on_2; Construct_point_on_2 c; public: typedef Line_2 result_type; Construct_line_2() {} Construct_line_2(const Construct_point_on_2& c_) : c(c_) {} Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& a, const RT& b, const RT& cc) const { return Rep(a, b, cc); } Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { FT a, b, cc; line_from_pointsC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), a, b, cc); return Rep(a, b, cc); } Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Direction_2& d) const { FT a, b, cc; line_from_point_directionC2(p.x(), p.y(), d.dx(), d.dy(), a, b, cc); return Rep(a, b, cc); } Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Vector_2& v) const { FT a, b, cc; line_from_point_directionC2(p.x(), p.y(), v.x(), v.y(), a, b, cc); return Rep(a, b, cc); } Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_2& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), c(s, 0), c(s, 1)); } Rep // Line_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_2& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), c(r, 0), c(r, 1)); } Line_2 operator()(const RT& a, const RT& b, const RT& cc) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), a, b, cc); } Line_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Line_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Direction_2& d) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, d); } Line_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Vector_2& v) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, v); } Line_2 operator()(const Segment_2& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } Line_2 operator()(const Ray_2& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } }; template class Construct_line_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Line_3::Rep Rep; public: typedef Line_3 result_type; Rep // Line_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return Rep(p, Vector_3(p, q)); } Rep // Line_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_3& p, const Direction_3& d) const { return operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, Vector_3(d.dx(), d.dy(), d.dz())); } Rep // Line_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_3& p, const Vector_3& v) const { return Rep(p, v); } Rep // Line_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_3& s) const { return Rep(s.source(), Vector_3(s.source(), s.target())); } Rep // Line_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_3& r) const { return Rep(r.source(), Vector_3(r.source(), r.second_point())); } Line_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Line_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Direction_3& d) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, d); } Line_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Vector_3& v) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, v); } Line_3 operator()(const Segment_3& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } Line_3 operator()(const Ray_3& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } }; template class Construct_midpoint_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; Point_2 operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; FT x, y; midpointC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } }; template class Construct_midpoint_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Point_3 operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; FT x, y, z; midpointC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), x, y, z); return construct_point_3(x, y, z); } }; template class Construct_opposite_vector_2 { typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v) const { return Vector_2(-v.x(), -v.y()); } }; template class Construct_difference_of_vectors_2 { typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v, const Vector_2& w) const { return Vector_2(v.x()-w.x(), v.y()-w.y()); } }; template class Construct_difference_of_vectors_3 { typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w) const { return Vector_3(v.x()-w.x(), v.y()-w.y(), v.z()-w.z()); } }; template class Construct_sum_of_vectors_2 { typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v, const Vector_2& w) const { return Vector_2(v.x()+w.x(), v.y()+w.y()); } }; template class Construct_sum_of_vectors_3 { typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w) const { return Vector_3(v.x()+w.x(), v.y()+w.y(), v.z()+w.z()); } }; template class Construct_opposite_vector_3 { typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Vector_3& v) const { return Vector_3(-v.x(), -v.y(), -v.z()); } }; template class Construct_orthogonal_vector_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Plane_3& p ) const { return Vector_3(p.a(), p.b(), p.c()); } Vector_3 operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r ) const { FT rpx = p.x()-r.x(); FT rpy = p.y()-r.y(); FT rpz = p.z()-r.z(); FT rqx = q.x()-r.x(); FT rqy = q.y()-r.y(); FT rqz = q.z()-r.z(); // Cross product rp * rq FT vx = rpy*rqz - rqy*rpz; FT vy = rpz*rqx - rqz*rpx; FT vz = rpx*rqy - rqx*rpy; typename K::Construct_vector_3 construct_vector; return construct_vector(vx, vy, vz); } }; template class Construct_perpendicular_vector_2 { typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v, Orientation o) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition( o != COLLINEAR ); if (o == COUNTERCLOCKWISE) return K().construct_vector_2_object()(-v.y(), v.x()); else return K().construct_vector_2_object()(v.y(), -v.x()); } }; template class Construct_perpendicular_direction_2 { typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; public: typedef Direction_2 result_type; Direction_2 operator()( const Direction_2& d, Orientation o) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition( o != COLLINEAR ); if (o == COUNTERCLOCKWISE) return K().construct_direction_2_object()(-d.dy(), d.dx()); else return K().construct_direction_2_object()(d.dy(), -d.dx()); } }; template class Construct_perpendicular_line_2 { typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef Line_2 result_type; Line_2 operator()( const Line_2& l, const Point_2& p) const { typename K::FT fta, ftb, ftc; perpendicular_through_pointC2(l.a(), l.b(), p.x(), p.y(), fta, ftb, ftc); return Line_2(fta, ftb, ftc); } }; template class Construct_point_2 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Point_2::Rep Rep; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; Rep // Point_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, Origin o) const { return Rep(o); } Rep // Point_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return Rep(x, y); } Rep // Point_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& w) const { return Rep(x, y, w); } Point_2 operator()(const Line_2& l) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; typename K::FT x, y; line_get_pointC2(l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), 0, x, y); return construct_point_2(x,y); } Point_2 operator()(const Line_2& l, int i) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; typename K::FT x, y; line_get_pointC2(l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), i, x, y); return construct_point_2(x,y); } Point_2 operator()(Origin o) const { return Point_2(o); } Point_2 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return Point_2(x, y); } Point_2 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& w) const { return Point_2(x, y, w); } }; template class Construct_point_3 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Point_3::Rep Rep; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Rep // Point_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, Origin o) const { return Rep(o); } Rep // Point_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return Rep(x, y, z); } Rep // Point_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z, const RT& w) const { return Rep(x, y, z, w); } Point_3 operator()(Origin o) const { return Point_3(o); } Point_3 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return Point_3(x, y, z); } Point_3 operator()(const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z, const RT& w) const { return Point_3(x, y, z, w); } }; template class Construct_projected_point_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; Point_2 operator()( const Line_2& l, const Point_2& p ) const { typename K::FT x, y; typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; line_project_pointC2(l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), p.x(), p.y(), x, y); return construct_point_2(x, y); } }; template class Construct_projected_point_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Point_3 operator()( const Line_3& l, const Point_3& p ) const { // projects p on the line l FT lpx = l.point().x(); FT lpy = l.point().y(); FT lpz = l.point().z(); FT ldx = l.direction().dx(); FT ldy = l.direction().dy(); FT ldz = l.direction().dz(); FT dpx = p.x()-lpx; FT dpy = p.y()-lpy; FT dpz = p.z()-lpz; FT lambda = (ldx*dpx+ldy*dpy+ldz*dpz) / (ldx*ldx+ldy*ldy+ldz*ldz); return Point_3(lpx + lambda * ldx, lpy + lambda * ldy, lpz + lambda * ldz); } Point_3 operator()( const Plane_3& h, const Point_3& p ) const { return h.rep().projection(p); } }; template class Construct_radical_line_2 { typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef Line_2 result_type; result_type operator() (const Circle_2 & c1, const Circle_2 & c2) const { // Concentric Circles don't have radical line CGAL_kernel_precondition (c1.center() != c2.center()); const FT a = 2*(c2.center().x() - c1.center().x()); const FT b = 2*(c2.center().y() - c1.center().y()); const FT c = CGAL::square(c1.center().x()) + CGAL::square(c1.center().y()) - c1.squared_radius() - CGAL::square(c2.center().x()) - CGAL::square(c2.center().y()) + c2.squared_radius(); return Line_2(a, b, c); } }; template class Construct_radical_plane_3 { typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; typedef typename K::FT FT; public: typedef Plane_3 result_type; result_type operator() (const Sphere_3 & s1, const Sphere_3 & s2) const { // Concentric Spheres don't have radical plane CGAL_kernel_precondition (s1.center() != s2.center()); const FT a = 2*(s2.center().x() - s1.center().x()); const FT b = 2*(s2.center().y() - s1.center().y()); const FT c = 2*(s2.center().z() - s1.center().z()); const FT d = CGAL::square(s1.center().x()) + CGAL::square(s1.center().y()) + CGAL::square(s1.center().z()) - s1.squared_radius() - CGAL::square(s2.center().x()) - CGAL::square(s2.center().y()) - CGAL::square(s2.center().z()) + s2.squared_radius(); return Plane_3(a, b, c, d); } }; template class Construct_scaled_vector_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v, const FT& c) const { return Vector_2(c * v.x(), c * v.y()); } }; template class Construct_divided_vector_2 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Vector_2 operator()( const Vector_2& v, const FT& c) const { return Vector_2(v.x()/c, v.y()/c); } }; template class Construct_divided_vector_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Vector_3& v, const FT& c) const { return Vector_3(v.x()/c, v.y()/c, v.z()/c); } }; template class Construct_scaled_vector_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Vector_3 operator()( const Vector_3& w, const FT& c) const { return Vector_3(c * w.x(), c * w.y(), c * w.z()); } }; template class Construct_translated_point_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; public: typedef Point_2 result_type; Point_2 operator()( const Point_2& p, const Vector_2& v) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; return construct_point_2(p.x() + v.x(), p.y() + v.y()); } Point_2 operator()( const Origin& , const Vector_2& v) const { typename K::Construct_point_2 construct_point_2; return construct_point_2(v.x(), v.y()); } }; template class Construct_translated_point_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; public: typedef Point_3 result_type; Point_3 operator()( const Point_3& p, const Vector_3& v) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; return construct_point_3(p.x() + v.x(), p.y() + v.y(), p.z() + v.z()); } Point_3 operator()( const Origin& , const Vector_3& v) const { typename K::Construct_point_3 construct_point_3; return construct_point_3(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); } }; template class Construct_vector_2 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Vector_2::Rep Rep; public: typedef Vector_2 result_type; Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return Rep(q.x() - p.x(), q.y() - p.y()); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Origin&, const Point_2& q) const { return Rep(q.x(), q.y()); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_2& p, const Origin& ) const { return Rep(-p.x(), -p.y()); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Direction_2& d ) const { return Rep(d.dx(), d.dy()); } Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_2& s) const { return s.to_vector(); } Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_2& r) const { return r.to_vector(); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Line_2& l) const { return Rep(l.b(), -l.a()); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, Null_vector) const { return Rep(FT(0), FT(0)); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return Rep(x, y); } Rep // Vector_2 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& w) const { return Rep(x, y, w); } Vector_2 operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Vector_2 operator()( const Origin& o, const Point_2& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), o, q); } Vector_2 operator()( const Point_2& p, const Origin& o) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, o); } Vector_2 operator()( const Direction_2& d ) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), d); } Vector_2 operator()( const Segment_2& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } Vector_2 operator()( const Ray_2& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } Vector_2 operator()( const Line_2& l) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), l); } Vector_2 operator()( Null_vector n) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), n); } Vector_2 operator()( const RT& x, const RT& y) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y); } Vector_2 operator()( const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& w) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y, w); } }; template class Construct_vector_3 { typedef typename K::RT RT; typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::Direction_3 Direction_3; typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Vector_3::Rep Rep; public: typedef Vector_3 result_type; Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return Rep(q.x() - p.x(), q.y() - p.y(), q.z() - p.z()); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Origin&, const Point_3& q) const { return Rep(q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Point_3& p, const Origin&) const { return Rep(- p.x(), - p.y(), - p.z()); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Direction_3& d) const { return d.rep().to_vector(); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Segment_3& s) const { return s.rep().to_vector(); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Ray_3& r) const { return r.rep().to_vector(); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Line_3& l) const { return l.rep().to_vector(); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const Null_vector&) const { return Rep(FT(0), FT(0), FT(0)); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return Rep(x, y, z); } Rep // Vector_3 operator()(Return_base_tag, const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z, const RT& w) const { return Rep(x, y, z, w); } Vector_3 operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Vector_3 operator()( const Origin& o, const Point_3& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), o, q); } Vector_3 operator()( const Point_3& p, const Origin& q) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), p, q); } Vector_3 operator()( const Direction_3& d) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), d); } Vector_3 operator()( const Segment_3& s) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), s); } Vector_3 operator()( const Ray_3& r) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), r); } Vector_3 operator()( const Line_3& l) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), l); } Vector_3 operator()( const Null_vector& n) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), n); } Vector_3 operator()( int x, int y, int z) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y, z); } Vector_3 operator()( const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y, z); } Vector_3 operator()( const RT& x, const RT& y, const RT& z, const RT& w) const { return this->operator()(Return_base_tag(), x, y, z, w); } }; template class Construct_vertex_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename K::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; public: template struct result { typedef const Point_2& type; }; template struct result { typedef Point_2 type; }; const Point_2 & operator()( const Segment_2& s, int i) const { return s.vertex(i); } const Point_2 & operator()( const Triangle_2& t, int i) const { return t.rep().vertex(i); } Point_2 operator()( const Iso_rectangle_2& r, int i) const { switch (i%4) { case 0: return (r.min)(); case 1: return Point_2(r.xmax(), r.ymin()); case 2: return (r.max)(); default: return Point_2(r.xmin(), r.ymax()); } } }; } //namespace CartesianKernelFunctors namespace CartesianKernelFunctors { template class Coplanar_orientation_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; #ifdef CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions typedef typename K::Coplanar_3 Coplanar_3; typedef typename K::Collinear_3 Collinear_3; Coplanar_3 cp; Collinear_3 cl; #endif // CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions public: typedef typename K::Orientation result_type; #ifdef CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions Coplanar_orientation_3() {} Coplanar_orientation_3(const Coplanar_3& cp_, const Collinear_3& cl_) : cp(cp_), cl(cl_) {} #endif // CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return coplanar_orientationC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { // p,q,r,s supposed to be coplanar // p,q,r supposed to be non collinear // tests whether s is on the same side of p,q as r // returns : // COLLINEAR if pqr collinear // POSITIVE if qrp and qrs have the same orientation // NEGATIVE if qrp and qrs have opposite orientations CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( ! cl(p, q, r) ); CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( cp(p, q, r, s) ); return coplanar_orientationC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z()); } }; template class Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; #ifdef CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions typedef typename K::Coplanar_3 Coplanar_3; typedef typename K::Collinear_3 Collinear_3; Coplanar_3 cp; Collinear_3 cl; #endif // CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions public: typedef typename K::Bounded_side result_type; #ifdef CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3() {} Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3(const Coplanar_3& cp_, const Collinear_3& cl_) : cp(cp_), cl(cl_) {} #endif // CGAL_kernel_exactness_preconditions result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& t) const { // p,q,r,t are supposed to be coplanar. // p,q,r determine an orientation of this plane (not collinear). // returns the equivalent of side_of_bounded_circle(p,q,r,t) // in this plane CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( cp(p,q,r,t) ); CGAL_kernel_exactness_precondition( !cl(p,q,r) ); return coplanar_side_of_bounded_circleC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z()); } }; template class Equal_xy_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return CGAL_AND( p.x() == q.x() , p.y() == q.y() ); } }; template class Equal_x_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return p.x() == q.x(); } }; template class Equal_x_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.x() == q.x(); } }; template class Equal_y_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return p.y() == q.y(); } }; template class Equal_y_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.y() == q.y(); } }; template class Equal_z_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.z() == q.z(); } }; template class Has_on_3 { typedef typename K::FT FT; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line_3; typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; typedef typename K::Circle_3 Circle_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Line_3& l, const Point_3& p) const { return l.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()( const Ray_3& r, const Point_3& p) const { return r.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()( const Segment_3& s, const Point_3& p) const { return s.has_on(p); } result_type operator()( const Plane_3& pl, const Point_3& p) const { return pl.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()( const Plane_3& pl, const Line_3& l) const { return pl.rep().has_on(l); } result_type operator()( const Triangle_3& t, const Point_3& p) const { Point_3 o = t.vertex(0) + t.supporting_plane().orthogonal_vector(); Vector_3 v0 = t.vertex(0)-o, v1 = t.vertex(1)-o, v2 = t.vertex(2)-o; FT alpha, beta, gamma; Cartesian_internal::solve(v0, v1, v2, p-o, alpha, beta, gamma); return (alpha >= FT(0)) && (beta >= FT(0)) && (gamma >= FT(0)) && ((alpha+beta+gamma == FT(1))); } result_type operator()(const Circle_3 &a, const Point_3 &p) const { return a.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()(const Sphere_3 &a, const Circle_3 &p) const { return a.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()(const Sphere_3 &a, const Point_3 &p) const { return a.rep().has_on(p); } result_type operator()(const Plane_3 &a, const Circle_3 &p) const { return a.rep().has_on(p); } }; template class Less_distance_to_point_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return has_smaller_dist_to_pointC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } }; template class Less_distance_to_point_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r) const { return has_smaller_dist_to_pointC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z()); } }; // TODO ... template class Less_signed_distance_to_line_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Equal_2 Equal_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& a, const Point_2& b, const Point_2& c, const Point_2& d) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition_code(Equal_2 equal;) CGAL_kernel_precondition(! equal(a,b)); return cmp_signed_dist_to_lineC2( a.x(), a.y(), b.x(), b.y(), c.x(), c.y(), d.x(), d.y()) == SMALLER; } result_type operator()(const Line_2& l, const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return has_smaller_signed_dist_to_directionC2(l.a(), l.b(), p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y()); } }; template class Less_signed_distance_to_plane_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename K::Collinear_3 Collinear_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Plane_3& h, const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return has_smaller_signed_dist_to_directionC3(h.a(), h.b(), h.c(), p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& hp, const Point_3& hq, const Point_3& hr, const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { CGAL_kernel_precondition_code(Collinear_3 collinear_3;) CGAL_kernel_precondition(! collinear_3(hp, hq, hr)); return has_smaller_signed_dist_to_planeC3(hp.x(), hp.y(), hp.z(), hq.x(), hq.y(), hq.z(), hr.x(), hr.y(), hr.z(), p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z());; } }; template class Less_xyz_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Compare_xyz_3 Compare_xyz_3; Compare_xyz_3 c; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; Less_xyz_3() {} Less_xyz_3(const Compare_xyz_3& c_) : c(c_) {} result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return c(p, q) == SMALLER; } }; template class Less_xy_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Compare_xy_2 Compare_xy_2; Compare_xy_2 c; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; Less_xy_2() {} Less_xy_2(const Compare_xy_2& c_) : c(c_) {} result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return c(p, q) == SMALLER; } }; template class Less_xy_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Compare_xy_3 Compare_xy_3; Compare_xy_3 c; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; Less_xy_3() {} Less_xy_3(const Compare_xy_3& c_) : c(c_) {} result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return c(p, q) == SMALLER; } }; template class Less_x_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return p.x() < q.x(); } }; template class Less_x_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.x() < q.x(); } }; template class Less_yx_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return compare_lexicographically_xyC2(p.y(), p.x(), q.y(), q.x()) == SMALLER; } }; template class Less_y_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q) const { return p.y() < q.y(); } }; template class Less_y_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.y() < q.y(); } }; template class Less_z_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Boolean result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q) const { return p.z() < q.z(); } }; template class Orientation_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; public: typedef typename K::Orientation result_type; result_type operator()(const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r) const { return orientationC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y()); } result_type operator()(const Vector_2& u, const Vector_2& v) const { return orientationC2(u.x(), u.y(), v.x(), v.y()); } result_type operator()(const Circle_2& c) const { return c.rep().orientation(); } }; template class Orientation_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename K::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename K::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; public: typedef typename K::Orientation result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s) const { return orientationC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z()); } result_type operator()( const Vector_3& u, const Vector_3& v, const Vector_3& w) const { return orientationC3(u.x(), u.y(), u.z(), v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), w.x(), w.y(), w.z()); } result_type operator()( const Tetrahedron_3& t) const { return t.rep().orientation(); } result_type operator()(const Sphere_3& s) const { return s.rep().orientation(); } }; template class Oriented_side_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename K::Circle_2 Circle_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename K::Triangle_2 Triangle_2; public: typedef typename K::Oriented_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Circle_2& c, const Point_2& p) const { return enum_cast(c.bounded_side(p)) * c.orientation(); } result_type operator()( const Line_2& l, const Point_2& p) const { return side_of_oriented_lineC2(l.a(), l.b(), l.c(), p.x(), p.y()); } result_type operator()( const Triangle_2& t, const Point_2& p) const { typename K::Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_2 collinear_are_ordered_along_line; typename K::Orientation_2 orientation; // depends on the orientation of the vertices typename K::Orientation o1 = orientation(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), p), o2 = orientation(t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2), p), o3 = orientation(t.vertex(2), t.vertex(3), p), ot = orientation(t.vertex(0), t.vertex(1), t.vertex(2)); if (o1 == ot && o2 == ot && o3 == ot) // ot cannot be COLLINEAR return ot; return (o1 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(0), p, t.vertex(1))) || (o2 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(1), p, t.vertex(2))) || (o3 == COLLINEAR && collinear_are_ordered_along_line(t.vertex(2), p, t.vertex(3))) ? result_type(ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) : opposite(ot); } }; template class Side_of_bounded_circle_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Bounded_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& t) const { return side_of_bounded_circleC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), t.x(), t.y()); } result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r, const Point_2& t) const { return side_of_bounded_circleC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), t.x(), t.y()); } }; template class Side_of_bounded_sphere_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Bounded_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& test) const { return side_of_bounded_sphereC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), test.x(), test.y(), test.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& test) const { return side_of_bounded_sphereC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), test.x(), test.y(), test.z()); } result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s, const Point_3& test) const { return side_of_bounded_sphereC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z(), test.x(), test.y(), test.z()); } }; template class Side_of_oriented_circle_2 { typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2; public: typedef typename K::Oriented_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_2& p, const Point_2& q, const Point_2& r, const Point_2& t) const { return side_of_oriented_circleC2(p.x(), p.y(), q.x(), q.y(), r.x(), r.y(), t.x(), t.y()); } }; template class Side_of_oriented_sphere_3 { typedef typename K::Point_3 Point_3; public: typedef typename K::Oriented_side result_type; result_type operator()( const Point_3& p, const Point_3& q, const Point_3& r, const Point_3& s, const Point_3& test) const { return side_of_oriented_sphereC3(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), s.x(), s.y(), s.z(), test.x(), test.y(), test.z()); } }; } // namespace CartesianKernelFunctors } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_CARTESIAN_FUNCTION_OBJECTS_H