// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 CNRS and LIRIS' Establishments (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Guillaume Damiand // #ifndef CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_INSERTIONS_H #define CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_INSERTIONS_H #include namespace CGAL { /** @file Combinatorial_map_insertions.h * Insertion operations on combinatorial map. */ #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /** Insert a vertex in a given edge. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the edge (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle). * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return a dart of the new vertex. */ template CGAL_DEPRECATED typename CMap::Dart_handle insert_cell_0_in_cell_1( CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, typename CMap::template Attribute_handle<0>::type ah=CMap::null_handle, bool update_attributes=true ) { return amap.insert_cell_0_in_cell_1(adart, ah, update_attributes); } /** Insert a vertex in the given 2-cell which is splitted in triangles, * once for each inital edge of the facet. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the facet to triangulate. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return A dart incident to the new vertex. */ template < class CMap > CGAL_DEPRECATED typename CMap::Dart_handle insert_cell_0_in_cell_2( CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, typename CMap::template Attribute_handle<0>::type ah=CMap::null_handle, bool update_attributes=true ) { return amap.insert_cell_0_in_cell_2(adart, ah, update_attributes); } /** Insert a dangling edge in a 2-cell between given by a dart. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart1 a first dart of the facet (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle). * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return a dart of the new edge, not incident to the vertex of adart1. */ template CGAL_DEPRECATED typename CMap::Dart_handle insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2( CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart1, typename CMap::template Attribute_handle<0>::type ah=CMap::null_handle, bool update_attributes=true ) { return amap.insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2(adart1, ah, update_attributes); } /** Test if an edge can be inserted onto a 2-cell between two given darts. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart1 a first dart. * @param adart2 a second dart. * @return true iff an edge can be inserted between adart1 and adart2. */ template < class CMap > CGAL_DEPRECATED bool is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2 (const CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart1, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart2) { return amap.is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2(adart1, adart2); } /** Insert an edge in a 2-cell between two given darts. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart1 a first dart of the facet (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle). * @param adart2 a second dart of the facet. If NULL insert a dangling edge. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return a dart of the new edge, and not incident to the * same vertex than adart1. */ template CGAL_DEPRECATED typename CMap::Dart_handle insert_cell_1_in_cell_2(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart1, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart2, bool update_attributes=true) { return amap.insert_cell_1_in_cell_2(adart1, adart2, update_attributes); } /** Test if a 2-cell can be inserted onto a given 3-cell along * a path of edges. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param afirst iterator on the begining of the path. * @param alast iterator on the end of the path. * @return true iff a 2-cell can be inserted along the path. */ template CGAL_DEPRECATED bool is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3 (const CMap& amap, InputIterator afirst, InputIterator alast) { return amap.is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3(afirst, alast); } /** Insert a 2-cell in a given 3-cell along a path of darts. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param afirst iterator on the begining of the path. * @param alast iterator on the end of the path. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return a dart of the new 2-cell. */ template CGAL_DEPRECATED typename CMap::Dart_handle insert_cell_2_in_cell_3(CMap& amap, InputIterator afirst, InputIterator alast, bool update_attributes=true) { return amap.insert_cell_2_in_cell_3(afirst, alast, update_attributes); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_INSERTIONS_H