// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // Copyright (c) 2010 GeometryFactory Sarl (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Laurent Rineau #ifndef CGAL_MESH_2_CLUSTERS_H #define CGAL_MESH_2_CLUSTERS_H #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Mesh_2 { namespace details { template class Is_edge_constrained { const Tr* tr_; public: typedef Is_edge_constrained Self; typedef typename Tr::Edge_circulator Edge_circulator; Is_edge_constrained(const Tr& tr) : tr_(&tr) {} bool operator()(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return tr_->is_constrained(*ec); } }; } // end namespace details template class Clusters { typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Point Point; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Geom_traits; typedef typename Geom_traits::FT FT; typedef FT Squared_length; /** > Constrained_edge_circulator; public: /** \name Clusters public types */ /** * \c Cluster register several informations about clusters. * A cluster is a set of vertices v_i incident to one vertice * v_0, so that angles between segments [v_0, v_i] is less than 60 * degres. */ struct Cluster { bool reduced ; /**< Is the cluster reduced? */ /** * Smallest_angle gives the two vertices defining the * smallest angle in the cluster. */ std::pair smallest_angle; FT rmin; // @fixme: rmin has no meaning if reduced=false!!! Squared_length minimum_squared_length; /** * The following map tells what vertices are in the cluster and if * the corresponding segment has been splitted once. */ typedef std::map Vertices_map; Vertices_map vertices; bool is_reduced() const { return reduced; } bool is_reduced(const Vertex_handle v) { return vertices[v]; } }; private: /** \name Clusters associated types */ typedef std::multimap Cluster_map; typedef typename Cluster_map::value_type Cluster_map_value_type; template struct Pair_get_first: public std::unary_function { typedef typename Pair::first_type result; const result& operator()(const Pair& p) const { return p.first; } }; typedef typename Cluster::Vertices_map Cluster_vertices_map; private: /* --- protected datas --- */ Tr& tr; /**< The triangulation itself. */ /** * Multimap \c Vertex_handle -> \c Cluster * Each vertex can have several clusters. */ Cluster_map cluster_map; public: typedef typename Cluster_map::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename Cluster_map::iterator iterator; Clusters(Tr& tr_) : tr(tr_) { } /** For all vertices, calls create_clusters_of_vertex(). */ void create_clusters() { create_clusters(typename Tr::Constraint_hierarchy_tag()); } // function that depends of Tr::Constraint_hierarchy_tag template void create_clusters(Constraint_hierarchy_tag) { cluster_map.clear(); for(typename Tr::Finite_vertices_iterator vit = tr.finite_vertices_begin(); vit != tr.finite_vertices_end(); vit++) { create_clusters_of_vertex(vit); } } void create_clusters(Tag_true) { cluster_map.clear(); Unique_hash_map created(false); for(typename Tr::Subconstraint_iterator it = tr.subconstraints_begin(); it != tr.subconstraints_end(); ++it) { Vertex_handle vh = it->first.first; if(!created[vh]){ created[vh] = true; create_clusters_of_vertex(vh); } vh = it->first.second; if(!created[vh]){ created[vh] = true; create_clusters_of_vertex(vh); } } } private: /** * Computes clusters of the vertex \c v, using the auxiliary function * construct_cluster(). */ void create_clusters_of_vertex(const Vertex_handle v); /** * Adds the sequence [\c begin, \c end] to the cluster \c c and adds it * to the clusters of the vertex \c v. */ void construct_cluster(const Vertex_handle v, const Constrained_edge_circulator& begin, const Constrained_edge_circulator& end, Cluster c = Cluster()); public: /** \name Functions to manage clusters during the refinement process. */ /** * Update the cluster of [\c va,\c vb], putting \c vm instead of \c vb. * If reduction=false, the edge [va,vm] is not set reduced. */ void update_cluster(Cluster& c, iterator it, const Vertex_handle va, const Vertex_handle vb, const Vertex_handle vm, bool reduction = true); /** * Returns the cluster of [\c va,\c vb] in \c c and return true * if it is in a cluster. Returns also a const_iterator in \c it. */ bool get_cluster(const Vertex_handle va, const Vertex_handle vb, Cluster& c, iterator& it); /** Const version of get_cluster(). */ bool get_cluster(const Vertex_handle va, const Vertex_handle vb, Cluster& c, const_iterator& it) const; /** \name Auxiliary functions that return a boolean. */ /** * Tells if the angle is less than 60 degres. * Uses squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4() and used by * create_clusters_of_vertex(). */ bool is_small_angle(const Point& pleft, const Point& pmiddle, const Point& pright) const; private: /** \name Helping computing functions */ /** Returns the squared cosine of the angle times 4. */ FT squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4(const Point& pleft, const Point& pmiddle, const Point& pright) const; /** Helper functions to access the two vertices of an Edge source is the vertex around which the circulator turns. */ //@{ Vertex_handle source(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return ec->first->vertex(tr.cw(ec->second)); } Vertex_handle target(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return ec->first->vertex(tr.ccw(ec->second)); } //@} public: /** \name CONST ACCESS FUNCTIONS */ typedef typename boost::transform_iterator< Pair_get_first, typename Cluster_map::const_iterator> Cluster_vertices_iterator; typedef typename boost::transform_iterator< Pair_get_first, typename Cluster_vertices_map::const_iterator> Vertices_in_cluster_iterator; int size() const { return cluster_map.size(); } Cluster_vertices_iterator clusters_vertices_begin() const { return Cluster_vertices_iterator(cluster_map.begin()); } Cluster_vertices_iterator clusters_vertices_end() const { return Cluster_vertices_iterator(cluster_map.end()); } unsigned int number_of_clusters_at_vertex(const Vertex_handle& vh) const { typedef typename Cluster_map::const_iterator Iterator; typedef std::pair Range; Range range = cluster_map.equal_range(vh); return std::distance(range.first, range.second); } // returns the sequence of vertices bellonging to the n-th cluster of vh std::pair vertices_in_cluster_sequence(const Vertex_handle& vh, const unsigned int n) const { typedef typename Cluster_map::const_iterator Iterator; typedef std::pair Range; Range range = cluster_map.equal_range(vh); Iterator first = range.first; std::advance(first, n); const Cluster& c = first->second; return std::make_pair(Vertices_in_cluster_iterator(c.vertices.begin()), Vertices_in_cluster_iterator(c.vertices.end())); } }; // end class Clusters template void Clusters:: update_cluster(Cluster& c, iterator it, Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb, Vertex_handle vm, bool reduction) { typename Geom_traits::Compute_squared_distance_2 squared_distance = tr.geom_traits().compute_squared_distance_2_object(); cluster_map.erase(it); c.vertices.erase(vb); c.vertices[vm] = reduction; if(vb==c.smallest_angle.first) c.smallest_angle.first = vm; if(vb==c.smallest_angle.second) c.smallest_angle.second = vm; FT l = squared_distance(va->point(),vm->point()); if(lfirst)) ++it; // @todo: use std::find and an object class if(it==c.vertices.end()) c.reduced = true; } if(c.is_reduced()) c.rmin = squared_distance(c.smallest_angle.first->point(), c.smallest_angle.second->point())/FT(4); cluster_map.insert(Cluster_map_value_type(va,c)); } template bool Clusters:: get_cluster(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb, Cluster& c, const_iterator& it) const { typedef std::pair Range; Range range = cluster_map.equal_range(va); for(it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) { const Cluster &cl = it->second; if(cl.vertices.find(vb)!=cl.vertices.end()) { c = it->second; return true; } } return false; } template bool Clusters:: get_cluster(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb, Cluster& c, iterator& it) { typedef std::pair Range; Range range = cluster_map.equal_range(va); for(it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) { const Cluster &cl = it->second; if(cl.vertices.find(vb)!=cl.vertices.end()) { c = it->second; return true; } } return false; } template void Clusters:: create_clusters_of_vertex(const Vertex_handle v) { details::Is_edge_constrained test(tr); Constrained_edge_circulator begin(tr.incident_edges(v),test); // This circulator represents all constrained edges around the // vertex v. An edge [v,v'] is represented by the vertex v'. if(begin == 0) return; // if there is only one vertex Constrained_edge_circulator current(begin), next(begin), cluster_begin(begin); ++next; // next is always just after current. if(current == next) return; bool in_a_cluster = false; do { if(is_small_angle(target(current)->point(), v->point(), target(next)->point())) { if(!in_a_cluster) { // at this point, current is the beginning of a cluster in_a_cluster = true; cluster_begin = current; } } else { if(in_a_cluster) { // at this point, current is the end of a cluster and // cluster_begin is its beginning construct_cluster(v, cluster_begin, current); in_a_cluster = false; } } current = next; ++next; } while( current!=begin ); if(in_a_cluster) { Cluster c; iterator it; if(get_cluster(v, target(begin), c, it)) { // get the cluster and erase it from the clusters map cluster_map.erase(it); construct_cluster(v, cluster_begin, begin, c); } else construct_cluster(v, cluster_begin, current); } } template void Clusters:: construct_cluster(Vertex_handle v, const Constrained_edge_circulator& begin, const Constrained_edge_circulator& end, Cluster c) { typename Geom_traits::Compute_squared_distance_2 squared_distance = tr.geom_traits().compute_squared_distance_2_object(); if(c.vertices.empty()) { c.reduced = false; // c.rmin is not initialized because // reduced=false! c.minimum_squared_length = squared_distance(v->point(), target(begin)->point()); Constrained_edge_circulator second(begin); ++second; c.smallest_angle.first = target(begin); c.smallest_angle.second = target(second); } const bool all_edges_in_cluster = (begin == end); // tell if all incident edges // are in the cluster const Point& vp = v->point(); FT greatest_cosine = squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4(c.smallest_angle.first->point(), v->point(), c.smallest_angle.second->point()); bool one_full_loop_is_needed = all_edges_in_cluster; bool stop = false; Constrained_edge_circulator circ(begin); Constrained_edge_circulator next(begin); while(!stop) { c.vertices[target(circ)] = false; Squared_length l = squared_distance(vp, target(circ)->point()); c.minimum_squared_length = (std::min)(l,c.minimum_squared_length); if(circ!=end || one_full_loop_is_needed) { FT cosine = squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4(target(circ)->point(), v->point(), target(next)->point()); if(cosine>greatest_cosine) { greatest_cosine = cosine; c.smallest_angle.first = target(circ); c.smallest_angle.second = target(next); } } if(one_full_loop_is_needed) { one_full_loop_is_needed = false; } else { stop = (circ == end); } ++circ; ++next; } typedef typename Cluster_map::value_type Value_key_pair; cluster_map.insert(Value_key_pair(v,c)); } template bool Clusters:: is_small_angle(const Point& pleft, const Point& pmiddle, const Point& pright) const { typename Geom_traits::Angle_2 angle = tr.geom_traits().angle_2_object(); typename Geom_traits::Orientation_2 orient = tr.geom_traits().orientation_2_object(); if( angle(pleft, pmiddle, pright)==OBTUSE ) return false; if( orient(pmiddle,pleft,pright)==RIGHT_TURN) return false; FT cos_alpha = squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4(pleft, pmiddle, pright); if(cos_alpha > 1) { return true; //the same cluster } else { return false; //another cluster } } template typename Clusters::FT Clusters:: squared_cosine_of_angle_times_4(const Point& pb, const Point& pa, const Point& pc) const { typename Geom_traits::Compute_squared_distance_2 squared_distance = tr.geom_traits().compute_squared_distance_2_object(); const FT a = squared_distance(pb, pc), b = squared_distance(pa, pb), c = squared_distance(pa, pc); const FT num = a-(b+c); return (num*num)/(b*c); } } // end namespace Mesh_2 } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_MESH_2_CLUSTERS_H