// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_SPHERE_PREDICATES_H #define CGAL_SPHERE_PREDICATES_H #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 23 #include #include #undef CGAL_forall_iterators #define CGAL_forall_iterators(x,L)\ for(x = (L).begin(); x != (L).end(); ++x) namespace CGAL { /* |spherical_orientation| takes three points of one hemisphere and returns the orientation of $p_3$ with respect to the halfcircle through $p_1$ and $p_2$. We map this to the 3d orientation predicate of the origin, $p_1$, $p_2$, and $p_3$ */ template int spherical_orientation(const Sphere_point& p1, const Sphere_point& p2, const Sphere_point& p3) { return CGAL::orientation(typename R::Point_3(0,0,0), (typename R::Point_3)p1, (typename R::Point_3)p2, (typename R::Point_3)p3); } /* |spherical_compare| codes our order of points during the sweep. The south pole is the first point, the north pole is the last point, then we order lexicographically. We cover the special case where both points are part of the equator first. Otherwise we sort according to the angle of the halfcircle through $S$, $N$, and the points with respect to the xy-plane. If both lie on the same halfcircle then the angle with respect to $OS$ decides. The parameter $pos=1$ does everthing in the positive halfsphere. If $pos=-1$ then we rotate the whole scenery around the y-axis by $\pi$. Then the x-axis points left and the z-axis into the equatorial plane. */ template bool is_south(const Sphere_point& p, int axis) { if(axis==1) return (p.hz() > 0 && p.hx() == 0 && p.hy() == 0); return (p.hy() < 0 && p.hx() == 0 && p.hz() == 0); } template bool is_north(const Sphere_point& p, int axis) { if(axis==1) return (p.hz() < 0 && p.hx() == 0 && p.hy() == 0); return (p.hy() > 0 && p.hx() == 0 && p.hz() == 0); } template int spherical_compare(const Sphere_point& p1, const Sphere_point& p2, int axis, int pos) { Sphere_point pS, pN; CGAL_assertion(axis>=0 && axis<=2); switch(axis) { case 0: pS=Sphere_point(0,-1,0); // pN=Sphere_point(0,1,0); break; case 1: pS=Sphere_point(0,0,1); // pN=Sphere_point(0,0,-1); break; case 2: pS=Sphere_point(0,-1,0); // pN=Sphere_point(0,1,0); break; } typename R::Direction_3 d1(p1-CGAL::ORIGIN), d2(p2-CGAL::ORIGIN); if (d1 == d2) return 0; if(is_south(p1,axis) || is_north(p2,axis)) return -1; if(is_south(p2,axis) || is_north(p1,axis)) return 1; // if (d1 == dS || d2 == dN) return -1; // if (d1 == dN || d2 == dS) return 1; // now no more special cases if (axis==0 && (p1.hx()==static_cast(0) && p2.hx()==static_cast(0))) { int s1 = CGAL_NTS sign(p1.hz()); int s2 = CGAL_NTS sign(p2.hz()); if ( s1 != s2 ) return pos * -s1; // now s1 == s2 return -s1 * CGAL::spherical_orientation(p1,Sphere_point(1,0,0),p2); } else if (axis==1 && (p1.hy()==static_cast(0) && p2.hy()==static_cast(0))) { int s1 = CGAL_NTS sign(p1.hx()); int s2 = CGAL_NTS sign(p2.hx()); if ( s1 != s2 ) return pos * s1; // now s1 == s2 return s1 * CGAL::spherical_orientation(p1,Sphere_point(0,1,0),p2); } else if (axis==2 && (p1.hz()==static_cast(0) && p2.hz()==static_cast(0))) { int s1 = CGAL_NTS sign(p1.hx()); int s2 = CGAL_NTS sign(p2.hx()); if ( s1 != s2 ) return pos * s1; // now s1 == s2 return s1 * CGAL::spherical_orientation(p1,Sphere_point(0,0,1),p2); } int sor = CGAL::spherical_orientation(pS,p1,p2); if ( sor ) return sor; if(axis==0) return CGAL::spherical_orientation(Sphere_point(0,0,pos),p2,p1); return CGAL::spherical_orientation(Sphere_point(-pos,0,0),p2,p1); } /* the next two functions partition the segments in a list into a list that carries the segment parts that are only part of a halfspace. Halfcircles are again divided into two equally sized pieces. */ template void partition(const Sphere_circle& c, I start, I beyond, std::list< Sphere_segment >& Lpos) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("partition "); Sphere_segment s1,s2,s3; while ( start != beyond ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "<<*start); int i = start->intersection(c,s1,s2); if (i>1) Lpos.push_back(s2); if (i>0) Lpos.push_back(s1); ++start; } } template void partition_xy(I start, I beyond, std::list< Sphere_segment >& L, int pos) { Sphere_circle xy_circle(0,0,1), yz_circle(1,0,0); Sphere_point S(0,-1,0),N(0,1,0); Sphere_segment s1,s2; if (pos > 0) partition(xy_circle,start,beyond,L); else partition(xy_circle.opposite(),start,beyond,L); typename std::list< Sphere_segment >::iterator it,itl; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("partition_xy "); CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "<<*it); if ( equal_as_sets(it->sphere_circle(),xy_circle) ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" splitting xy seg "<<*it); int n1 = it->intersection(yz_circle,s1,s2); if (n1 > 1 && !s2.is_degenerate()) L.insert(it,s2); if (n1 > 0 && !s1.is_degenerate()) L.insert(it,s1); int n2 = it->intersection(yz_circle.opposite(),s1,s2); if (n2 > 1 && !s2.is_degenerate()) L.insert(it,s2); if (n2 > 0 && !s1.is_degenerate()) L.insert(it,s1); itl = it; --it; L.erase(itl); // at least one item was appended } } CGAL_forall_iterators(it,L) { if ( it->is_halfcircle() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" splitting halfcircle "<<*it); Sphere_segment s1,s2; it->split_halfcircle(s1,s2); *it = s2; L.insert(it,s1); } } // append 4 xy-equator segments: Sphere_segment sp(S,N,xy_circle); Sphere_segment sm(S,N,xy_circle.opposite()); Sphere_segment s[4]; sp.split_halfcircle(s[0],s[1]); sm.split_halfcircle(s[2],s[3]); L.insert(L.end(),s,s+4); } /* |intersection| calculates the intersection of a halfspace $h$ (defined via a great circle $c$) with a sphere segment $s$. Interesting are the boundary cases. If an endpoint is part of $h^0$, but the part of $s$ incident to the endpoint is not part of $h^{0+}$ then we return a trivial segment. */ /* template int Sphere_segment:: intersection(const CGAL::Sphere_circle& c, std::vector >& s) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" intersection "<<*this<<" "< i1 = CGAL::intersection(ptr()->c_,c); if ( !has_on(i1) ) i1 = i1.antipode(); s.push_back(Sphere_segment(source(),i1,sphere_circle())); s.push_back(Sphere_segment(i1,target(),sphere_circle())); return 2; } else if ( or1 == CGAL::ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY && or2 == CGAL::ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY ) { // if both ends of $s$ are part of $h$ then $s$ is a halfcircle or // $s$ is fully part of $h$. In this case we have to check if the // halfcircle is not part of $h^-$. This can be formulated by an // orientation test of the point $p$ at the tip of the normal of // |s.sphere_circle()| with respect to the plane through the // endpoints of $s$ and the tip of the normal of $h$. CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both in plane"); s.push_back(*this); return 1; } else if ( or1 != CGAL::ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE && or2 != CGAL::ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE ) { // this case covers the endpoints of $s$ as part of the closed // oriented halfspace $h^{0+}$. At least one is part of // $h^{+}$. If $s$ is not long then the segment must be fully part // of $h^{0+}$. Otherwise if $s$ is long, then we at both ends // there are subsegments as part of $h^{0+}$ (one might be // degenerate). if ( is_long() ) { Sphere_point i1 = CGAL::intersection(ptr()->c_,c); Sphere_point i2 = i1.antipode(); Sphere_segment so(i1,i2,sphere_circle()); if ( so.has_on(source()) && so.has_on(target()) ) std::swap(i1,i2); // now source(),i1,i2,target() are circularly ordered s.push_back(Sphere_segment(source(),i1,sphere_circle())); s.push_back(Sphere_segment(i1,i2,sphere_circle())); s.push_back(Sphere_segment(i2,target(),sphere_circle())); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both >= plane, long "<= plane, short "); s.push_back(*this); return 1; } else if ( or1 != CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE && or2 != CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE ) { // either both endpoints of $s$ are in $h^-$ or one is in $h^-$ // and one on $h^0$. if ( is_long() ) { Sphere_point i1 = CGAL::intersection(ptr()->c_,c); Sphere_point i2 = i1.antipode(); Sphere_segment so(i1,i2,sphere_circle()); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both <= plane, long"< int Sphere_segment:: intersection(const CGAL::Sphere_circle& c, Sphere_segment& s1, Sphere_segment& s2) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" intersection "<<*this<<" "< i1 = CGAL::intersection(this->ptr()->c_,c); if ( !has_on(i1) ) i1 = i1.antipode(); if ( or1 == CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE ) s1 = Sphere_segment(source(),i1,sphere_circle()); else if ( or2 == CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE ) s1 = Sphere_segment(i1,target(),sphere_circle()); else CGAL_error_msg("no intersection."); return 1; } else if ( or1 == CGAL::ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY && or2 == CGAL::ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY ) { // if both ends of $s$ are part of $h$ then $s$ is a halfcircle or // $s$ is fully part of $h$. In this case we have to check if the // halfcircle is not part of $h^-$. This can be formulated by an // orientation test of the point $p$ at the tip of the normal of // |s.sphere_circle()| with respect to the plane through the // endpoints of $s$ and the tip of the normal of $h$. CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both in plane"); if ( source() != target().antipode() ) { s1 = *this; return 1; } // now this is a halfcircle bool halfcircle_notin_hminus = (CGAL::orientation(source(),target(), CGAL::ORIGIN + c.orthogonal_vector(), CGAL::ORIGIN + sphere_circle().orthogonal_vector()) != CGAL::POSITIVE); CGAL_NEF_TRACE(" ");CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(halfcircle_notin_hminus); if ( halfcircle_notin_hminus ) { s1 = *this; return 1; } else { s1 = Sphere_segment(source(),source(),sphere_circle()); s2 = Sphere_segment(target(),target(),sphere_circle()); return 2; } } else if ( or1 != CGAL::ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE && or2 != CGAL::ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE ) { // this case covers the endpoints of $s$ as part of the closed // oriented halfspace $h^{0+}$. At least one is part of // $h^{+}$. If $s$ is not long then the segment must be fully part // of $h^{0+}$. Otherwise if $s$ is long, then we at both ends // there are subsegments as part of $h^{0+}$ (one might be // degenerate). if ( is_long() ) { Sphere_point i1 = CGAL::intersection(this->ptr()->c_,c); Sphere_point i2 = i1.antipode(); Sphere_segment so(i1,i2,sphere_circle()); if ( so.has_on(source()) && so.has_on(target()) ) std::swap(i1,i2); // now source(),i1,i2,target() are circularly ordered s1 = Sphere_segment(source(),i1,sphere_circle()); s2 = Sphere_segment(i2,target(),sphere_circle()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both >= plane, long "<= plane, short "); s1=*this; return 1; } else if ( or1 != CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE && or2 != CGAL::ON_POSITIVE_SIDE ) { // either both endpoints of $s$ are in $h^-$ or one is in $h^-$ // and one on $h^0$. if ( is_long() ) { Sphere_point i1 = CGAL::intersection(this->ptr()->c_,c); Sphere_point i2 = i1.antipode(); Sphere_segment so(i1,i2,sphere_circle()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" both <= plane, long"<(source(),source(),sphere_circle()); return 1; } if ( or2 == CGAL::ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY ) { s1 = Sphere_segment(target(),target(),sphere_circle()); return 1; } return 0; } CGAL_error_msg("Oops, forgot some case."); return -1; } } //namespace CGAL #endif //CGAL_SPHERE_PREDICATES_H