// Copyright (c) 2015 Università della Svizzera italiana. // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Panagiotis Cheilaris, Sandeep Kumar Dey, Evanthia Papadopoulou //philaris@gmail.com, sandeep.kr.dey@gmail.com, evanthia.papadopoulou@usi.ch #ifndef CGAL_POLYCHAIN_2_H #define CGAL_POLYCHAIN_2_H #include #include #include // Polychainsegment_2 namespace CGAL { namespace Qt { template class PainterOstream; } template > class Polychainsegment_2 : public Polygon_2 { public: typedef Traits_P Traits; typedef Polygon_2 Base; // constructors Polychainsegment_2() : Base() {} Polychainsegment_2( const Polychainsegment_2& pc) : Base((Base) pc) {} template Polychainsegment_2(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Traits p_traits = Traits()) : Base(first, last, p_traits) {} template< class K > void draw(CGAL::Qt::PainterOstream& stream) const { typedef typename K::Segment_2 K_Segment_2; typedef typename Polychainsegment_2< Traits_P,Container_P>::Vertex_const_iterator VI; if (this->size() > 1) { VI source = this->vertices_begin(); VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { stream << K_Segment_2(*source, *target); } } } template< class Stream > void draw(Stream & str) const { typedef typename Traits_P::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Polychainsegment_2< Traits_P,Container_P>::Vertex_const_iterator VI; if (this->size() > 1) { VI source = this->vertices_begin(); VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { str << Segment_2(*source, *target); } } } } ; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Polychainsegment_2& p) { typename Polychainsegment_2 ::Vertex_const_iterator i; switch(get_mode(os)) { case IO::ASCII : os << p.size() << ' '; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i << ' '; } return os; case IO::BINARY : os << p.size(); for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i; } return os; default: os << "Polychainsegment_2(" << std::endl; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << " " << *i << std::endl; } os << ")" << std::endl; return os; } } /* the following not allowed in some compilers: */ /* template< class Stream, class Traits_P, class Container_P = std::vector > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainsegment_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } */ /* instead, we use overloading */ /* template< class Stream, class Traits_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainsegment_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } template< class Stream, class Traits_P, class Container_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainsegment_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } */ // Polychainray_2 template > class Polychainray_2 : public Polychainsegment_2 { public: typedef Traits_P Traits; private: typedef typename Traits_P::Direction_2 OutgoingDirection; typedef Polychainsegment_2 Base; OutgoingDirection outgoing; public: // constructors Polychainray_2(): Base(), outgoing() {} Polychainray_2(const Polychainray_2& pcr) : Base((Base) pcr), outgoing(pcr.outgoing) {} template Polychainray_2(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutgoingDirection d, Traits p_traits = Traits()) : Base(first, last, p_traits), outgoing(d) { } // get_outgoing OutgoingDirection get_outgoing() const { return outgoing; } // drawing template< class K > void draw(CGAL::Qt::PainterOstream& stream) const { typedef typename K::Segment_2 K_Segment_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 K_Ray_2; typedef typename Polychainray_2::Vertex_const_iterator VI; CGAL_assertion( this->size() > 0 ); VI source = this->vertices_begin(); if (this->size() > 1) { VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { stream << K_Segment_2(*source, *target); } } // now source contains the last point; // draw outgoing ray from this point stream << K_Ray_2(*source, this->get_outgoing()); } template< class Stream > void draw(Stream & stream) const { typedef typename Traits_P::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Traits_P::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename Polychainray_2::Vertex_const_iterator VI; CGAL_assertion( this->size() > 0 ); VI source = this->vertices_begin(); if (this->size() > 1) { VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { stream << Segment_2(*source, *target); } } // now source contains the last point; // draw outgoing ray from this point stream << Ray_2(*source, this->get_outgoing()); } } ; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Polychainray_2& p) { typename Polychainray_2::Vertex_const_iterator i; switch(get_mode(os)) { case IO::ASCII : os << p.size() << ' '; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i << ' '; } os << ", dout=" << p.get_outgoing() << ' '; return os; case IO::BINARY : os << p.size(); for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i; } os << p.get_outgoing(); return os; default: os << "Polychainray_2(" << std::endl; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << " " << *i << std::endl; } os << "dout=" << p.get_outgoing() << std::endl; os << ")" << std::endl; return os; } } /* template< class Stream, class Traits_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainray_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } template< class Stream, class Traits_P, class Container_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainray_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } */ // Polychainline_2 template > class Polychainline_2 : public Polychainray_2 { public: private: typedef Traits_P Traits; typedef typename Traits_P::Direction_2 IncomingDirection; typedef typename Traits_P::Direction_2 OutgoingDirection; typedef typename Traits_P::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Traits_P::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename Traits_P::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Traits_P::Point_2 Point_2; typedef Polychainray_2 Base; typedef Polychainline_2 Self; IncomingDirection incoming; bool is_line_optimization; public: // constructors Polychainline_2() : Base(), incoming(), is_line_optimization(false) {} Polychainline_2(const Self& pcl) : Base((Base) pcl), incoming(pcl.incoming), is_line_optimization(pcl.is_line_optimization) {} template Polychainline_2(IncomingDirection dinc, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutgoingDirection dout, Traits p_traits = Traits()) : Base(first, last, dout, p_traits), incoming(dinc), is_line_optimization(false) { } void set_line_optimization() { CGAL_assertion(this->size() == 1); CGAL_assertion(this->incoming == - this->get_outgoing()); is_line_optimization = true; } // get_incoming IncomingDirection get_incoming() const { return incoming; } // unary minus operator // that reverses the orientation of the polychainline Self operator-() const { // first reverse list of points of polychainline std::vector reverse; unsigned int npts = this->size(); CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "pcl_reverse npts=" << npts << std::endl;); reverse.resize(npts); //std::reverse_copy(this->vertices_begin(), // this->vertices_end(), // reverse); typedef typename Polychainline_2< Traits_P,Container_P>::Vertex_const_iterator VI; unsigned int i = npts - 1; for (VI vi = this->vertices_begin(); vi != this->vertices_end(); ++vi) { //CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug pcl_reverse setting at " << i // << " value " << *vi << std::endl;); reverse[i] = *vi; --i; } // then also swap incoming and outgoing directions //return Self(this->get_outgoing(), // reverse.begin(), // reverse.end(), // this->get_incoming()); Self pclreverse(this->get_outgoing(), reverse.begin(), reverse.end(), this->get_incoming()); if (is_line_optimization) { pclreverse.set_line_optimization(); } return pclreverse; } // line_first_intersection_point_with typename Traits_P::Point_2 line_first_intersection_point_with( const Polychainline_2& pcl) { CGAL_assertion(is_line_optimization); Line_2 line((*this)[0], this->get_outgoing()); typedef typename Polychainline_2:: Vertex_const_iterator VI; CGAL::Object result; VI sourcepcl = pcl.vertices_begin(); Ray_2 rayincpcl (*sourcepcl, pcl.get_incoming()); result = CGAL::intersection(line, rayincpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } if (pcl.size() > 1) { VI targetpcl = sourcepcl+1; for( ; targetpcl != pcl.vertices_end(); ++sourcepcl, ++targetpcl) { Segment_2 testseg(*sourcepcl, *targetpcl); result = CGAL::intersection(line, testseg); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } } } Ray_2 rayoutpcl(*sourcepcl, pcl.get_outgoing()); result = CGAL::intersection(line, rayoutpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug error: no intersection found for " << "this=" << *this << " pcl=" << pcl << std::endl;); CGAL_assertion(false); return Point_2(); } // end of line_first_intersection_point_with // first_intersection_point_with typename Traits_P::Point_2 first_intersection_point_with( const Polychainline_2& pcl) { // for every piece of object, // try intersecting with every piece of pcl CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection entering this=" << *this << " pcl=" << pcl << std::endl;); typedef typename Polychainline_2:: Vertex_const_iterator VI; typedef typename std::vector:: const_iterator SI; CGAL_assertion( this->size() > 0 ); CGAL_assertion( pcl.size() > 0 ); if (this->is_line_optimization) { return line_first_intersection_point_with(pcl); } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "creating empty vectors" << std::endl;); #endif // create two empty vectors for storing the segments std::vector segmentsthis; std::vector segmentspcl; VI sourcethis = this->vertices_begin(); Ray_2 rayincthis(*sourcethis, this->get_incoming()); if (this->size() > 1) { VI targetthis = sourcethis+1; for( ; targetthis != this->vertices_end(); ++sourcethis, ++targetthis) { segmentsthis.push_back(Segment_2(*sourcethis, *targetthis)); } } Ray_2 rayoutthis(*sourcethis, this->get_outgoing()); CGAL_assertion(this->size() == (segmentsthis.size() + 1)); #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "segmentsthis computed" << std::endl;); #endif VI sourcepcl = pcl.vertices_begin(); Ray_2 rayincpcl (*sourcepcl, pcl.get_incoming()); if (pcl.size() > 1) { VI targetpcl = sourcepcl+1; for( ; targetpcl != pcl.vertices_end(); ++sourcepcl, ++targetpcl) { segmentspcl.push_back(Segment_2(*sourcepcl, *targetpcl)); } } Ray_2 rayoutpcl(*sourcepcl, pcl.get_outgoing()); CGAL_assertion(pcl.size() == (segmentspcl.size() + 1)); #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "segmentspcl computed" << std::endl;); #endif CGAL::Object result; #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying rayincthis with pcl" << std::endl;); #endif #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayincthis << " with ray " << rayincpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayincthis, rayincpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } for (SI sipcl = segmentspcl.begin(); sipcl != segmentspcl.end(); ++sipcl) { #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayincthis << " with segment " << *sipcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayincthis, *sipcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayincthis << " with ray " << rayoutpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayincthis, rayoutpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying segmentsthis with pcl" << std::endl;); #endif for (SI sithis = segmentsthis.begin(); sithis != segmentsthis.end(); ++sithis) { #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying segment " << *sithis << " with ray " << rayincpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(*sithis, rayincpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } for (SI sipcl = segmentspcl.begin(); sipcl != segmentspcl.end(); ++sipcl) { #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying segment " << *sithis << " with segment " << *sipcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(*sithis, *sipcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying segment " << *sithis << " with ray " << rayoutpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(*sithis, rayoutpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying rayoutthis with pcl" << std::endl;); #endif #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayoutthis << " with ray " << rayincpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayoutthis, rayincpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } for (SI sipcl = segmentspcl.begin(); sipcl != segmentspcl.end(); ++sipcl) { #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayoutthis << " with segment " << *sipcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayoutthis, *sipcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } } #if 0 CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug first_intersection " << "trying ray " << rayoutthis << " with ray " << rayoutpcl << std::endl;); #endif result = CGAL::intersection(rayoutthis, rayoutpcl); if (const Point_2 *ipoint = CGAL::object_cast(&result)) { return *ipoint; } CGAL_SDG_DEBUG(std::cout << "debug error: no intersection found for " << "this=" << *this << " pcl=" << pcl << std::endl;); CGAL_assertion(false); // philaris: added to avoid complaining from some compilers return Point_2(); } // drawing template< class K > void draw(CGAL::Qt::PainterOstream& stream) const { typedef typename K::Segment_2 K_Segment_2; typedef typename K::Ray_2 K_Ray_2; typedef typename Polychainline_2::Vertex_const_iterator VI; CGAL_assertion( this->size() > 0 ); VI source = this->vertices_begin(); // draw outgoing ray from first point stream << K_Ray_2(*source, this->get_incoming()); if (this->size() > 1) { VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { stream << K_Segment_2(*source, *target); } } // now source contains the last point; // draw outgoing ray from this point stream << K_Ray_2(*source, this->get_outgoing()); } template< class Stream > void draw(Stream & stream) const { typedef typename Polychainline_2::Vertex_const_iterator VI; CGAL_assertion( this->size() > 0 ); VI source = this->vertices_begin(); // draw outgoing ray from first point stream << Ray_2(*source, this->get_incoming()); if (this->size() > 1) { VI target = source+1; for( ; target!=this->vertices_end(); ++source, ++target) { stream << Segment_2(*source, *target); } } // now source contains the last point; // draw outgoing ray from this point stream << Ray_2(*source, this->get_outgoing()); } } ; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Polychainline_2& p) { typename Polychainline_2::Vertex_const_iterator i; switch(get_mode(os)) { case IO::ASCII : os << p.size() << ' '; os << ", dinc=" << p.get_incoming() << ", "; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i << ' '; } os << ", dout=" << p.get_outgoing() << ' '; return os; case IO::BINARY : os << p.size(); os << p.get_incoming(); for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << *i; } os << p.get_outgoing(); return os; default: os << "Polychainline_2(" << std::endl; os << "dinc=" << p.get_incoming() << std::endl; for (i = p.vertices_begin(); i != p.vertices_end(); ++i) { os << " " << *i << std::endl; } os << "dout=" << p.get_outgoing() << std::endl; os << ")" << std::endl; return os; } } /* template< class Stream, class Traits_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainline_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } template< class Stream, class Traits_P, class Container_P > inline Stream& operator<<(Stream &s, const Polychainline_2 &P) { P.draw(s); return s; } */ } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_POLYCHAIN_2_H