// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Fernando Cacciola #ifndef CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_TRAITS_2_H #define CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_TRAITS_2_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace CGAL_SS_i { template struct Compare_offset_against_event_time_2 : Functor_base_2 { typedef Functor_base_2 Base ; typedef typename Base::FT FT ; typedef typename Base::Segment_2 Segment_2 ; typedef typename Base::Trisegment_2_ptr Trisegment_2_ptr ; typedef Uncertain result_type ; Uncertain operator() ( FT const& aT, Trisegment_2_ptr const& aE ) const { return compare_offset_against_isec_timeC2(aT,aE) ; } }; template struct Construct_offset_point_2 : Functor_base_2 { typedef Functor_base_2 Base ; typedef typename Base::FT FT ; typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point_2 ; typedef typename Base::Segment_2 Segment_2 ; typedef typename Base::Trisegment_2_ptr Trisegment_2_ptr ; typedef boost::optional result_type ; result_type operator() ( FT const& aT , Segment_2 const& aE0 , Segment_2 const& aE1 , Trisegment_2_ptr const& aNode ) const { typename Has_inexact_constructions::type has_inexact_constructions CGAL_SUNPRO_INITIALIZE( = typename Has_inexact_constructions::type()) ; return calc(aT, aE0, aE1, aNode, has_inexact_constructions); } result_type calc ( FT const& aT , Segment_2 const& aE0 , Segment_2 const& aE1 , Trisegment_2_ptr const& aNode , Tag_false // kernel already has exact constructions ) const { result_type p = construct_offset_pointC2(aT,aE0,aE1,aNode); CGAL_stskel_intrinsic_test_assertion(!p || (p && !is_point_calculation_clearly_wrong(aT,*p,aE0,aE1))); return p ; } result_type calc ( FT const& aT , Segment_2 const& aE0 , Segment_2 const& aE1 , Trisegment_2_ptr const& aNode , Tag_true // kernel does not provides exact constructions ) const { typedef Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel EK ; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseC2E; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseE2C; SS_converter C2E ; SS_converter E2C ; result_type p = E2C(construct_offset_pointC2(C2E(aT),C2E(aE0),C2E(aE1),C2E(aNode))); CGAL_stskel_intrinsic_test_assertion(!p || (p && !is_point_calculation_clearly_wrong(aT,*p,aE0,aE1))); return p ; } bool is_point_calculation_clearly_wrong( FT const& t, Point_2 const& p, Segment_2 const& aE0, Segment_2 const& aE1 ) const { bool rR = false ; if ( is_possibly_inexact_time_clearly_not_zero(t) ) { Point_2 const& e0s = aE0.source(); Point_2 const& e0t = aE0.target(); Point_2 const& e1s = aE1.source(); Point_2 const& e1t = aE1.target(); FT const very_short(0.1); FT const very_short_squared = CGAL_NTS square(very_short); FT l0 = squared_distance(e0s,e0t) ; FT l1 = squared_distance(e1s,e1t) ; bool e0_is_not_very_short = l0 > very_short_squared ; bool e1_is_not_very_short = l1 > very_short_squared ; FT d0 = squared_distance_from_point_to_lineC2(p.x(),p.y(),e0s.x(),e0s.y(),e0t.x(),e0t.y()).to_nt(); FT d1 = squared_distance_from_point_to_lineC2(p.x(),p.y(),e1s.x(),e1s.y(),e1t.x(),e1t.y()).to_nt(); FT tt = CGAL_NTS square(t) ; bool e0_is_clearly_wrong = e0_is_not_very_short && is_possibly_inexact_distance_clearly_not_equal_to(d0,tt) ; bool e1_is_clearly_wrong = e1_is_not_very_short && is_possibly_inexact_distance_clearly_not_equal_to(d1,tt) ; rR = e0_is_clearly_wrong || e1_is_clearly_wrong ; CGAL_stskel_intrinsic_test_trace_if(rR , "\nOffset point calculation is clearly wrong:" << "\ntime=" << t << " p=" << p2str(p) << " e0=" << s2str(aE0) << " e1=" << s2str(aE1) << "\nl0=" << inexact_sqrt(l0) << " l1=" << inexact_sqrt(l1) << "\nd0=" << d0 << " d1=" << d1 << " tt=" << tt ) ; } return rR ; } }; } // namespace CGAL_SS_i template struct Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_functors { typedef CGAL_SS_i::Compare_offset_against_event_time_2 Compare_offset_against_event_time_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Compare_ss_event_times_2 Compare_ss_event_times_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Construct_offset_point_2 Construct_offset_point_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Construct_ss_trisegment_2 Construct_ss_trisegment_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 ; } ; template struct Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_base { typedef K Kernel ; typedef typename K::FT FT ; typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2 ; typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Trisegment_2 Trisegment_2 ; typedef typename Trisegment_2::Self_ptr Trisegment_2_ptr ; template F get( F const* = 0 ) const { return F(); } } ; template class Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_impl ; template class Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_impl : public Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_base { typedef Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_functors Unfiltering ; public: typedef Unfiltered_predicate_adaptor Compare_offset_against_event_time_2 ; typedef Unfiltered_predicate_adaptor Compare_ss_event_times_2 ; typedef typename Unfiltering::Construct_offset_point_2 Construct_offset_point_2 ; typedef typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_trisegment_2 Construct_ss_trisegment_2 ; typedef typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 ; } ; template class Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_impl : public Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_base { typedef typename K::Exact_kernel EK ; typedef typename K::Approximate_kernel FK ; typedef Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_functors Exact ; typedef Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_functors Filtering ; typedef Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_functors Unfiltering ; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseC2E; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseC2F; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseE2C; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseF2C; typedef Cartesian_converter BaseC2C; typedef CGAL_SS_i::SS_converter C2E ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::SS_converter C2F ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::SS_converter E2C ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::SS_converter F2C ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::SS_converter C2C ; public: typedef Filtered_predicate Compare_offset_against_event_time_2 ; typedef Filtered_predicate< typename Exact ::Compare_ss_event_times_2 , typename Filtering::Compare_ss_event_times_2 , C2E , C2F > Compare_ss_event_times_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Exceptionless_filtered_construction< typename Unfiltering::Construct_offset_point_2 , typename Exact ::Construct_offset_point_2 , typename Unfiltering::Construct_offset_point_2 , C2E , C2C , E2C , C2C > Construct_offset_point_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Exceptionless_filtered_construction< typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_trisegment_2 , typename Exact ::Construct_ss_trisegment_2 , typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_trisegment_2 , C2E , C2C , E2C , C2C > Construct_ss_trisegment_2 ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Exceptionless_filtered_construction< typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 , typename Exact ::Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 , typename Unfiltering::Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 , C2E , C2C , E2C , C2C > Construct_ss_event_time_and_point_2 ; } ; template class Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2 : public Polygon_offset_builder_traits_2_impl::type,K> { } ; CGAL_STRAIGHT_SKELETON_CREATE_FUNCTOR_ADAPTER(Compare_offset_against_event_time_2) CGAL_STRAIGHT_SKELETON_CREATE_FUNCTOR_ADAPTER(Construct_offset_point_2) } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_TRAITS_2_H // // EOF //