// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Stefan Schirra, Sylvain Pion, Michael Hemmer // The template class Quotient is based on the LEDA class // leda_rational written by Stefan Naeher and Christian Uhrig. // It is basically a templated version with restricted functionality // of the version of rational in LEDA release 3.3. // The modification was done by Stefan.Schirra@mpi-sb.mpg.de // The include is done before the protect macro on purpose, because // of a cyclic dependency. #include #ifndef CGAL_QUOTIENT_H #define CGAL_QUOTIENT_H #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { #define CGAL_int(T) typename First_if_different::Type #define CGAL_double(T) typename First_if_different::Type // Simplify the quotient numerator/denominator. // Currently the default template doesn't do anything. // This function is not documented as a number type requirement for now. template < typename NT > inline void simplify_quotient(NT &, NT &) {} // This one should be replaced by some functor or tag. // Meanwhile, the class is specialized for Gmpz, mpz_class, leda_integer. template < typename NT > struct Split_double { void operator()(double d, NT &num, NT &den) const { num = NT(d); den = 1; } }; template class Quotient : boost::ordered_field_operators1< Quotient , boost::ordered_field_operators2< Quotient, NT_ , boost::ordered_field_operators2< Quotient, CGAL_int(NT_) , boost::ordered_field_operators2< Quotient, CGAL_double(NT_) > > > > { public: typedef NT_ NT; Quotient() : num(0), den(1) {} Quotient(const NT& n) : num(n), den(1) {} Quotient(const CGAL_double(NT) & n) { Split_double()(n, num, den); } Quotient(const CGAL_int(NT) & n) : num(n), den(1) {} template explicit Quotient(const T& n) : num(n), den(1) {} template Quotient(const Quotient& n) : num(n.numerator()), den(n.denominator()) {} Quotient& operator=(const NT & n) { num = n; den = 1; return *this; } Quotient& operator=(const CGAL_double(NT) & n) { Split_double()(n, num, den); return *this; } Quotient& operator=(const CGAL_int(NT) & n) { num = n; den = 1; return *this; } #ifdef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_RVALUE_REFERENCE template Quotient(const T1& n, const T2& d) : num(n), den(d) { CGAL_precondition( d != 0 ); } #else template Quotient(T1 && n, T2 && d) : num(std::forward(n)), den(std::forward(d)) { CGAL_postcondition( den != 0 ); } Quotient(NT && n) : num(std::move(n)), den(1) {} Quotient& operator=(NT && n) { num = std::move(n); den = 1; return *this; } #endif Quotient& operator+= (const Quotient& r); Quotient& operator-= (const Quotient& r); Quotient& operator*= (const Quotient& r); Quotient& operator/= (const Quotient& r); Quotient& operator+= (const NT& r); Quotient& operator-= (const NT& r); Quotient& operator*= (const NT& r); Quotient& operator/= (const NT& r); Quotient& operator+= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r); Quotient& operator-= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r); Quotient& operator*= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r); Quotient& operator/= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r); Quotient& operator+= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r); Quotient& operator-= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r); Quotient& operator*= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r); Quotient& operator/= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r); Quotient& normalize(); const NT& numerator() const { return num; } const NT& denominator() const { return den; } void swap(Quotient &q) { using std::swap; swap(num, q.num); swap(den, q.den); } #ifdef CGAL_ROOT_OF_2_ENABLE_HISTOGRAM_OF_NUMBER_OF_DIGIT_ON_THE_COMPLEX_CONSTRUCTOR int tam() const { return std::max(num.tam(), den.tam()); } #endif public: NT num; NT den; }; template inline void swap(Quotient &p, Quotient &q) { p.swap(q); } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::normalize() { if (num == den) { num = den = 1; return *this; } if (-num == den) { num = -1; den = 1; return *this; } NT ggt = CGAL_NTS gcd(num, den); if (ggt != 1 ) { num = CGAL::integral_division(num, ggt); den = CGAL::integral_division(den, ggt); } return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator+= (const Quotient& r) { num = num * r.den + r.num * den; den *= r.den; simplify_quotient(num, den); return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator-= (const Quotient& r) { num = num * r.den - r.num * den; den *= r.den; simplify_quotient(num, den); return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator*= (const Quotient& r) { num *= r.num; den *= r.den; simplify_quotient(num, den); return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator/= (const Quotient& r) { CGAL_precondition( r.num != 0 ); num *= r.den; den *= r.num; simplify_quotient(num, den); return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator+= (const NT& r) { num += r * den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator-= (const NT& r) { num -= r * den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator*= (const NT& r) { num *= r; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator/= (const NT& r) { CGAL_precondition( r != 0 ); den *= r; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator+= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r) { num += r * den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator-= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r) { num -= r * den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator*= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r) { num *= r; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator/= (const CGAL_int(NT)& r) { CGAL_precondition( r != 0 ); den *= r; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator+= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r) { //num += r * den; NT r_num, r_den; Split_double()(r,r_num,r_den); num = num*r_den + r_num*den; den *=r_den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator-= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r) { //num -= r * den; NT r_num, r_den; Split_double()(r,r_num,r_den); num = num*r_den - r_num*den; den *= r_den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator*= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r) { // num *= r; NT r_num, r_den; Split_double()(r,r_num,r_den); num *= r_num; den *= r_den; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Quotient& Quotient::operator/= (const CGAL_double(NT)& r) { CGAL_precondition( r != 0 ); NT r_num, r_den; Split_double()(r,r_num,r_den); num *= r_den; den *= r_num; return *this; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE Comparison_result quotient_cmp(const Quotient& x, const Quotient& y) { // No assumptions on the sign of den are made // code assumes that SMALLER == - 1; CGAL_precondition( SMALLER == static_cast(-1) ); int xsign = CGAL_NTS sign(x.num) * CGAL_NTS sign(x.den) ; int ysign = CGAL_NTS sign(y.num) * CGAL_NTS sign(y.den) ; if (xsign == 0) return static_cast(-ysign); if (ysign == 0) return static_cast(xsign); // now (x != 0) && (y != 0) int diff = xsign - ysign; if (diff == 0) { int msign = CGAL_NTS sign(x.den) * CGAL_NTS sign(y.den); NT leftop = x.num * y.den * msign; NT rightop = y.num * x.den * msign; return CGAL_NTS compare(leftop, rightop); } else { return (xsign < ysign) ? SMALLER : LARGER; } } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Quotient& r) { return s << r.numerator() << '/' << r.denominator(); } template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Quotient& r) { /* format num/den or simply num */ NT num,den=1; in >> num; if(!in) return in; std::istream::sentry s(in); // skip whitespace if(in.peek()!='/'){ if(!in.good()){ in.clear(std::ios_base::eofbit); // unlikely to be some other reason? } } else { char c; in.get(c); // remove the '/' in >> den; if(!in) return in; } r=Quotient(num,den); return in; } template< class NT > inline Quotient operator+( const Quotient& x ) { return Quotient(x); } template inline Quotient operator-(const Quotient& x) { return Quotient(-x.num,x.den); } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE NT quotient_truncation(const Quotient& r) { return (r.num / r.den); } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator==(const Quotient& x, const Quotient& y) { return x.num * y.den == x.den * y.num; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator==(const Quotient& x, const NT& y) { return x.den * y == x.num; } template inline bool operator==(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_int(NT) & y) { return x.den * y == x.num; } template inline bool operator==(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_double(NT) & y) { return x.den * y == x.num; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator<(const Quotient& x, const Quotient& y) { return quotient_cmp(x,y) == SMALLER; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator<(const Quotient& x, const NT& y) { return quotient_cmp(x,Quotient(y)) == SMALLER; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator<(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_int(NT)& y) { return quotient_cmp(x,Quotient(y)) == SMALLER; } template CGAL_MEDIUM_INLINE bool operator<(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_double(NT)& y) { return quotient_cmp(x,Quotient(y)) == SMALLER; } template inline bool operator>(const Quotient& x, const NT& y) { return quotient_cmp(x,Quotient(y)) == LARGER; } template inline bool operator>(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_int(NT)& y) { return quotient_cmp(x, Quotient(y)) == LARGER; } template inline bool operator>(const Quotient& x, const CGAL_double(NT)& y) { return quotient_cmp(x, Quotient(y)) == LARGER; } template< class NT > class Is_valid< Quotient > : public std::unary_function< Quotient, bool > { public : bool operator()( const Quotient& x ) const { return is_valid(x.num) && is_valid(x.den); } }; template inline const NT& denominator(const Quotient& q) { return q.den ; } template inline const NT& numerator(const Quotient& q) { return q.num ; } // The min/max are functions are needed since LEDA defines template // min/max functions which clash with std::min/max with ADL. template inline const Quotient& min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (const Quotient& p, const Quotient& q) { return (std::min)(p, q); } template inline const Quotient& max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (const Quotient& p, const Quotient& q) { return (std::max)(p, q); } /* template NT gcd(const NT&, const NT&) { return NT(1); } */ #undef CGAL_double #undef CGAL_int // // Algebraic structure traits // namespace INTERN_QUOTIENT { template< class NT, class Sqrt_functor > class Sqrt_selector { public: class Sqrt : public std::unary_function< NT, NT > { public: NT operator()( const NT& x ) const { CGAL_precondition(x > 0); return NT(CGAL_NTS sqrt(x.numerator()*x.denominator()), x.denominator()); } }; }; template< class NT > class Sqrt_selector< NT, Null_functor > { public: typedef Null_functor Sqrt; }; // TODO: Algebraic_category could be Field_with_sqrt_tag, if NT // is INEXACT (because Sqrt can be inexact) and has a Sqrt-functor. template class Algebraic_structure_traits_quotient_base; template< class NT > class Algebraic_structure_traits_quotient_base< Quotient > : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< Quotient, Field_tag > { public: typedef Quotient Type; typedef typename Algebraic_structure_traits::Is_exact Is_exact; typedef Tag_false Is_numerical_sensitive; class Is_square : public std::binary_function< Quotient, Quotient&, bool > { public: bool operator()( Quotient x, Quotient& y ) const { NT x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den; x.normalize(); x_num = x.numerator(); x_den = x.denominator(); typename Algebraic_structure_traits::Is_square is_square; bool num_is_square = is_square(x_num,y_num); bool den_is_square = is_square(x_den,y_den); y= Quotient(y_num,y_den); return num_is_square && den_is_square; } bool operator()(Quotient x) const { x.normalize(); typename Algebraic_structure_traits::Is_square is_square; return is_square(x.numerator())&&is_square(x.denominator()); } }; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c< !boost::is_same< typename Algebraic_structure_traits::Sqrt, Null_functor >::value, typename INTERN_QUOTIENT::Sqrt_selector< Type, Is_exact >::Sqrt, Null_functor >::type Sqrt; class Simplify : public std::unary_function< Type&, void > { public: void operator()( Type& x) const { x.normalize(); } }; }; template class Real_embeddable_traits_quotient_base; // Real embeddable traits template < class NT > class Real_embeddable_traits_quotient_base< Quotient > : public INTERN_RET::Real_embeddable_traits_base< Quotient, typename Real_embeddable_traits< NT >::Is_real_embeddable > { public: typedef Quotient Type; class Compare : public std::binary_function< Type, Type, Comparison_result > { public: Comparison_result operator()( const Type& x, const Type& y ) const { return quotient_cmp(x, y); } }; class To_double : public std::unary_function< Type, double > { public: double operator()( const Type& x ) const { // Original global function was marked with an TODO!! if (x.num == 0 ) return 0; double nd = CGAL_NTS to_double( x.num ); if (x.den == 1 ) return nd; double dd = CGAL_NTS to_double( x.den ); if ( CGAL_NTS is_finite( x.den ) && CGAL_NTS is_finite( x.num ) ) return nd/dd; if ( CGAL_NTS abs(x.num) > CGAL_NTS abs(x.den) ) { NT nt_div = x.num / x.den; double divd = CGAL_NTS to_double(nt_div); if ( divd >= std::ldexp(1.0,53) ) { return divd; } } if ( CGAL_NTS abs(x.num) < CGAL_NTS abs(x.den) ) { return 1.0 / CGAL_NTS to_double( NT(1) / x ); } return nd/dd; } }; class To_interval : public std::unary_function< Type, std::pair< double, double > > { public: std::pair operator()( const Type& x ) const { Interval_nt<> quot = Interval_nt<>(CGAL_NTS to_interval(x.numerator())) / Interval_nt<>(CGAL_NTS to_interval(x.denominator())); return std::make_pair(quot.inf(), quot.sup()); } }; class Is_finite : public std::unary_function< Type, bool > { public: bool operator()( const Type& x ) const { return CGAL_NTS is_finite(x.num) && CGAL_NTS is_finite(x.den); } }; }; } // namespace INTERN_QUOTIENT template< class NT > class Algebraic_structure_traits< Quotient > : public INTERN_QUOTIENT::Algebraic_structure_traits_quotient_base< Quotient >{}; template< class NT > class Real_embeddable_traits< Quotient > : public INTERN_QUOTIENT::Real_embeddable_traits_quotient_base< Quotient >{}; // self coercion CGAL_DEFINE_COERCION_TRAITS_FOR_SELF_TEM( Quotient, class NT) // from int to Quotient template struct Coercion_traits::Type,Quotient > { typedef Tag_true Are_explicit_interoperable; typedef Tag_true Are_implicit_interoperable; typedef Quotient Type; struct Cast{ typedef Type result_type; Type operator()(const Quotient& x) const { return x;} Type operator()( const typename First_if_different::Type& x) const { return Type(x);} }; }; template struct Coercion_traits,typename First_if_different::Type> :public Coercion_traits::Type, Quotient >{}; // from double to Quotient template struct Coercion_traits::Type, Quotient >{ typedef Tag_true Are_explicit_interoperable; typedef Tag_true Are_implicit_interoperable; typedef Quotient Type; struct Cast{ typedef Type result_type; Type operator()(const Quotient& x) const { return x;} Type operator()( const typename First_if_different::Type& x) const { return Type(x);} }; }; template struct Coercion_traits, typename First_if_different::Type> :public Coercion_traits::Type, Quotient > {}; // from NT to Quotient CGAL_DEFINE_COERCION_TRAITS_FROM_TO_TEM ( NT, Quotient, class NT) /*! \ingroup NiX_Fraction_traits_spec * \brief Specialization of Fraction_traits for Quotient */ template class Fraction_traits< Quotient > { public: typedef Quotient Type; typedef ::CGAL::Tag_true Is_fraction; typedef NT Numerator_type; typedef Numerator_type Denominator_type; //TODO: check whether Numerator_type has a GCD. //will use Scalar_factor from Scalar_factor_traits (not implemented yet) //for more details see EXACUS:NumeriX/include/NiX/Scalar_factor_traits.h typedef typename Algebraic_structure_traits< Numerator_type >::Gcd Common_factor; class Decompose { public: typedef Type first_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type& second_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type& third_argument_type; void operator () ( const Type& rat, Numerator_type& num, Numerator_type& den) { num = rat.numerator(); den = rat.denominator(); } }; class Compose { public: typedef Numerator_type first_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type second_argument_type; typedef Type result_type; Type operator ()( const Numerator_type& num , const Numerator_type& den ) { Type result(num, den); return result; } }; }; } //namespace CGAL namespace Eigen { template struct NumTraits; template struct NumTraits > { typedef CGAL::Quotient Real; typedef CGAL::Quotient NonInteger; typedef CGAL::Quotient Nested; typedef CGAL::Quotient Literal; static inline Real epsilon() { return NumTraits::epsilon(); } static inline Real dummy_precision() { return NumTraits::dummy_precision(); } enum { IsInteger = 0, IsSigned = 1, IsComplex = 0, RequireInitialization = NumTraits::RequireInitialization, ReadCost = 2*NumTraits::ReadCost, AddCost = 150, MulCost = 100 }; }; } #endif // CGAL_QUOTIENT_H