// Copyright (c) 2000 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Geert-Jan Giezeman #ifndef CGAL_STRAIGHT_2_H #define CGAL_STRAIGHT_2_H #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { class Straight_2_base_ { public: enum states {EMPTY, POINT, SEGMENT, RAY, LINE}; enum bound_states {NO_UNBOUNDED=0, MIN_UNBOUNDED=1, MAX_UNBOUNDED=2, BOTH_UNBOUNDED = 3, LINE_EMPTY = 4}; protected: Straight_2_base_() ; int main_dir_; // support_ is x or y directed (0/1). int dir_sign_; // sign of main direction coord. unsigned int bound_state_; // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. public: unsigned int bound_state() const {return bound_state_;} }; template class Straight_2_: public Straight_2_base_ { public: Straight_2_() ; Straight_2_(typename K::Point_2 const &point) ; Straight_2_(typename K::Line_2 const &line) ; Straight_2_(typename K::Ray_2 const &ray) ; Straight_2_(typename K::Ray_2 const &ray,bool cooriented) ; Straight_2_(typename K::Segment_2 const &seg) ; void cut_right_off(typename K::Line_2 const & cutter) ; int collinear_order(typename K::Point_2 const & p1, typename K::Point_2 const &p2) const ; void current(typename K::Line_2 &line) const; void current(typename K::Ray_2 &ray) const; void current(typename K::Segment_2 &seg) const; void current(typename K::Point_2 &point) const; states current_state() const; bool operator==(const Straight_2_&) const; bool operator!=(const Straight_2_&other) const { return !(*this == other);} protected: typename K::Line_2 support_; // The supporting line. typename K::Point_2 min_; typename K::Point_2 max_; }; inline Straight_2_base_:: Straight_2_base_() { bound_state_ = LINE_EMPTY; } template Straight_2_base_::states Straight_2_:: current_state() const { switch (bound_state_) { case BOTH_UNBOUNDED: return LINE; case MIN_UNBOUNDED: case MAX_UNBOUNDED: return RAY; case NO_UNBOUNDED: return (collinear_order(min_, max_) == 0) ? POINT : SEGMENT; case LINE_EMPTY: default: return EMPTY; } } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_() { bound_state_ = LINE_EMPTY; } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_(typename K::Line_2 const &line) { support_ = line; typename K::Vector_2 const &dir = support_.direction().to_vector(); main_dir_ = (CGAL_NTS abs(dir.x()) > CGAL_NTS abs(dir.y()) ) ? 0 : 1; dir_sign_ = CGAL_NTS sign(support_.direction().to_vector().cartesian(main_dir_)); bound_state_ = BOTH_UNBOUNDED; } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_(typename K::Point_2 const &point) { typedef typename K::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename K::Line_2 Line_2; support_ = Line_2(point, Direction_2(K::RT(1), K::RT(0))); main_dir_ = 0; dir_sign_ = 1; bound_state_ = NO_UNBOUNDED; min_ = point; max_ = point; } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_(typename K::Ray_2 const &ray) { support_ = ray.supporting_line(); typename K::Vector_2 const &dir = ray.direction().to_vector(); main_dir_ = (CGAL_NTS abs(dir.x()) > CGAL_NTS abs(dir.y()) ) ? 0 : 1; dir_sign_ = CGAL_NTS sign(support_.direction().to_vector().cartesian(main_dir_)); bound_state_ = MAX_UNBOUNDED; min_ = ray.source(); } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_(typename K::Ray_2 const &ray_,bool cooriented) { typename K::Ray_2 const &ray = cooriented ? ray_ : ray_.opposite(); support_ = ray.supporting_line(); /* the supporting line is cooriented with the input ray iff cooriented is true */ typename K::Vector_2 const &dir = ray.direction().to_vector(); main_dir_ = (CGAL_NTS abs(dir.x()) > CGAL_NTS abs(dir.y()) ) ? 0 : 1; dir_sign_ = CGAL_NTS sign(support_.direction().to_vector().cartesian(main_dir_)); if (cooriented) { bound_state_ = MAX_UNBOUNDED; min_ = ray.source(); } else { bound_state_ = MIN_UNBOUNDED; max_ = ray.source(); } } template Straight_2_:: Straight_2_(typename K::Segment_2 const &seg) { support_ = seg.supporting_line(); typename K::Vector_2 const &dir = support_.direction().to_vector(); main_dir_ = (CGAL_NTS abs(dir.x()) > CGAL_NTS abs(dir.y()) ) ? 0 : 1; dir_sign_ = CGAL_NTS sign(support_.direction().to_vector().cartesian(main_dir_)); bound_state_ = NO_UNBOUNDED; min_ = seg.source(); max_ = seg.target(); } template void Straight_2_:: current(typename K::Line_2 &line) const { CGAL_kernel_assertion(bound_state_ == BOTH_UNBOUNDED); line = support_; } template void Straight_2_:: current(typename K::Ray_2 &ray) const { typedef typename K::Ray_2 Ray_2; CGAL_kernel_assertion(bound_state_ == MIN_UNBOUNDED || bound_state_ == MAX_UNBOUNDED); if (bound_state_ == MIN_UNBOUNDED) { ray = Ray_2(max_, -support_.direction()); } else { ray = Ray_2(min_, support_.direction()); } } template void Straight_2_:: current(typename K::Segment_2 &seg) const { typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2; CGAL_kernel_assertion(bound_state_ == NO_UNBOUNDED && collinear_order(min_, max_) != 0); seg = Segment_2(min_, max_); } template void Straight_2_:: current(typename K::Point_2 &pt) const { CGAL_kernel_assertion(bound_state_ == NO_UNBOUNDED && collinear_order(min_, max_) == 0); pt = min_; } template bool Straight_2_::operator==(const Straight_2_& s) const { typedef Straight_2_ Straight_2; // enum bound_states {NO_UNBOUNDED=0, MIN_UNBOUNDED=1, MAX_UNBOUNDED=2, // BOTH_UNBOUNDED = 3, LINE_EMPTY = 4}; if (bound_state_!=s.bound_state()) return false; if (bound_state_==Straight_2::LINE_EMPTY) return true; // empty if (support_!=s.support_) return false; // on different lines, even if both are points. switch (bound_state_) { case Straight_2::NO_UNBOUNDED: return min_==s.min_ && max_==s.max_; case Straight_2::MAX_UNBOUNDED: return min_==s.min_; case Straight_2::MIN_UNBOUNDED: return max_==s.max_; case Straight_2::BOTH_UNBOUNDED: return true; } return false; } template int sign_of_cross(typename K::Direction_2 const &dir1, typename K::Direction_2 const &dir2, const K&) { return static_cast(internal::orientation(dir1.to_vector(), dir2.to_vector(), K())); } template void Straight_2_:: cut_right_off(typename K::Line_2 const & cutter) // cut off any part of this straight that is to the right of the cutter. { if (bound_state_ == LINE_EMPTY) return; Line_2_Line_2_pair pair(&support_, &cutter); switch (pair.intersection_type()) { case Line_2_Line_2_pair::NO_INTERSECTION: if (cutter.has_on_negative_side(support_.point())) bound_state_ = LINE_EMPTY; break; case Line_2_Line_2_pair::LINE: break; case Line_2_Line_2_pair::POINT: typename K::Point_2 ispoint = pair.intersection_point(); bool new_point = false; switch (sign_of_cross(support_.direction(), cutter.direction(), K())) { case -1: // new minimum. if (bound_state_ & MIN_UNBOUNDED) { new_point = true; bound_state_ ^= MIN_UNBOUNDED; // exclusive or removes flag. } else { if (collinear_order(ispoint, min_) == -1) new_point = true; } if (new_point) { if (!(bound_state_ & MAX_UNBOUNDED) && collinear_order(ispoint, max_) == -1) bound_state_ = LINE_EMPTY; else min_ = ispoint; } break; case 0: // should not happen CGAL_kernel_warning_msg(false, "Internal CGAL error."); break; case 1: // new maximum if (bound_state_ & MAX_UNBOUNDED) { new_point = true; bound_state_ ^= MAX_UNBOUNDED; // exclusive or removes flag. } else { if (collinear_order(ispoint, max_) == 1) new_point = true; } if (new_point) { if (!(bound_state_ & MIN_UNBOUNDED) && collinear_order(ispoint, min_) == 1) bound_state_ = LINE_EMPTY; else max_ = ispoint; } break; } break; } } template int Straight_2_:: collinear_order(typename K::Point_2 const &pt1, typename K::Point_2 const & pt2) const // Compare two points on the support_ line. // If the second point lies in the direction of the direction vector from // the first point, the result is 1. // Other results are -1 (other side) and 0 (coincidence). { typename K::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_2 construct_cccit; typename K::Cartesian_const_iterator_2 ccit1 = construct_cccit(pt1) + main_dir_; typename K::Cartesian_const_iterator_2 ccit2 = construct_cccit(pt2) + main_dir_; int diffsign; diffsign = CGAL_NTS sign(*ccit2 - *ccit1); if (diffsign == 0) return 0; return (diffsign == dir_sign_) ? 1 : -1; } } // namespace internal } //namespace CGAL #endif